Avatar of Shoryu Magami
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2857 (1.02 / day)
  • VMs: 7
  • Username history
    1. Shoryu Magami 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
The Internet: Where people with no balls can resort to trolling people anonymously so they don't get their asses kicked.
7 yrs ago
A friend of mine once told me that 'it's only ego if you can't back it up'. Too many people like to confuse confidence for arrogance -- there's a big difference.
7 yrs ago
Not to get all psychological, but some people are actually just 'wired' to take things people say literally. I'm like that to an extent, but I've learned that people here are usually just shitposting.
7 yrs ago
Happy Anniversary, Ailyn. Six years ago, you gave me a kindred soul, and brought light into a life which for all intents and purposes had been mostly nothing but darkness.
7 yrs ago
Valentine's Day's bittersweet when you've endured a long-distance relationship for over five years. Here's to celebrating the strength of a meaningful bond, instead of taking a shallow and easy path.


"Let us partake in a gathering -- the entertainment is a game of life and death..."
Lucifer Van Bonaparte

{IC} {OOC} {Characters}

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
IC Threads: {Dissidia Spin-Off} {Non-Ranked Arena Battle}
OOC Threads: {Character Sheets} {Hang-out Thread} {Game}
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

This bio will get reconstructed once I've left the site for good. I'll be collecting my data in the background for now, and sorting some loose ends. I'll be on and off to do it, so don't think I'm back if you see me around. Once I've dealt with everything, I'll log out properly and remove my 'ghost' status, and that'll be the last this site sees of me. This community is in serious need of growing up, and I'm not the least bit surprised that role-plays die here so frequently.

The 'Grim Reaper's Gambit' role-play is likely to reboot elsewhere eventually. The role-play will have some modifications, so contact me if you're curious since the original project won't accurately explain everything. There's no determined date for it to happen yet, since I've got other priorities and I'm not investing a lot of time in it until enough of the people interested have free time to properly commit (lack of dedication on the part of some players practically destroyed the previous version; it's very apparent it would've died even if I hadn't decided to leave). There's a group that're quite interested, but most of them are busy.

Anyway, come back later for an update later -- or don't; it's your life.

Contact Details

Tell me who you are or I possibly won't accept the request, since I assume most requests are bots.
Yes, people who I rarely/never spoke to - or who never met me - while I was still here are welcome.
No, those who disrespected me (and aren't sorry) while I was here or are trolls/immature in general aren't welcome.
Also, keep in mind that not all of these are currently being used actively, so friend request replies might be delayed on some of them.

Playstation Network (PSN): Shoryu_Magami
(I'm fairly easy to contact through here, though I'm not really gaming much due to my main project's workload.)

Discord: Shoryu Magami#4323
(Unlike Skype, I primarily text chat on this instead of voice chat. It's currently one of the easiest ways to find me. It causes my PC a lot of problems though.)

Skype: solitaryangel1983
(Usually running on my phone, mostly so I can talk to my fiancΓ©, so it's easy to find me here. I've currently got no access to it on PC. It might take a while to see requests.)

Facebook: James Koutsoukis - Shoryu Magami
(Barely ever on this, but it exists. Mostly exists so @Ailyn Evensen can list me as her fiancΓ©. You'll find me easily on messenger if you add me, but I don't do much else.)

Yahoo IM: shoryu_magami
(Does this even still exist anymore? It used to be my main method of text chat, but it's not on my current PC.)

"The souls that God has given us, our spirits.
Our spirits, which found a way to swim through the immense network and live in the infinity of space.
Is not the human body a mere shell, a form of existence all too small and weak for consciousness with such vast reach and potential?"
Dr. Londes (Cowboy Bebop)

"When you're in the darkness, you only sink deeper into it. Keep the light shining."
Kenzo Tenma (Naoki Urasawa's Monster)

"But you must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
Alucard (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)

"If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them.
Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever."
Sarah Mohr (The Crow)

"Is there an indelible line dividing sanity from insanity, or do they change, one into the other, at the slightest turn of events?
We'll find out, soon enough, that the world itself is insane."
Vincent Volaju (Cowboy Bebop: The Movie)

"It's not the result of one's life that's important.
It's the day-to-day concerns, the personal victories, and the celebration of life... and love.
It's enough if people are able to experience the joy that each day can bring."
Terra Branford (Final Fantasy VI)

Most Recent Posts


Heh, yeah, no problem. Cheers for letting me know. It sounds like your homework's getting to you right now, even if it's a joke.

Edit: I'll be more or less just trying to work stuff out on my end, despite the sickness.

No problem, and cheers for letting me know. Honestly, I'm the same as you in the sense that I usually do my posts in a single sitting.

There's no obligation for people to post really quickly either, given how I set it out in the rules more or less. Figured it was worth poking you two and finding out though, since things got a bit quieter in the OOC (not much PM responsiveness either) and I wanted to kick some life back into the place.

Been excessively overworked lately too, since I didn't sleep for well over (I think) forty hours yesterday, and there's a chance I won't get to sleep again tonight either.

Edit: Ugh, I didn't end up saying this (bad stomach pains at the moment have my thought process all over the place, though this happened yesterday too), but sorry to hear the insomnia is getting to you again, and it's shit that other people aren't doing their jobs.

Figured I should ask whether or not you two have any idea which of you is responding to that train wreck of a woman first. I'm not sure if you've talked it out or something.

This puts it back in your hands again, with another seven days available before another vote's needed.

I'll be unable to keep track of this like I normally would, since my workload is getting worse and I'm a GM on the site now, but if something else comes up then give me another notification. I'll remind people about the time limit if I happen to see it approaching.


It's completely understandable for it to feel a bit weird if you're new to it, so don't worry.

I'll step in for a moment, given the circumstances.

Currently, @Pudding has a single vote, and that's it (assuming @Kalleth wasn't actually making a vote).

@CherriesJubilee, @Kalleth, @Pudding, and @Bakamusume still need to vote; however, we've virtually hit the seven day deadline with no one voting. This normally means that the person with the highest vote count will be eliminated automatically (whereas the murderer automatically kills two people off if there are tied votes and no one places a vote in seven days). I'm making a minor exception to this, since the host didn't actively make people aware that the deadline was approaching.

Starting from the time I post this, @Pudding will be eliminated automatically if no one places a vote within twenty-four hours of now.

Since you're supposed to remind them roughly when it hits the halfway mark or so, I'd potentially allow it. This sort of depends on whether or not their decisions not to vote yet were made while having knowledge of the seven day rule. We have a few new players, so it's possible they weren't aware of it. If they were aware of it, then the usual seven day rule will apply.
It's mostly symphonic metal on my end, so stuff with orchestra or choir added in. I'm really not into conventional heavy metal or anything like that.

I finally got a night's rest after a couple of days without sleep more or less, and now it's been back to work for me since getting up.

He's had this character cooking since the interest check, so I've been really curious how you were all going to react when that Occupation/Synopsis came up.

Character's been accepted both with 'Public CS' and 'Private CS'. Copy/paste over your 'Public CS' into the character tab, making sure you put it in this same hider.

Welcome aboard, and it's good to finally have you with us.
>Hasn't slept for well over thirty hours at this point.


No need to stress out. I think you did a good job of portraying them and giving us a good 'feel' for who they are. Admittedly, you post was likely a bit trickier on you than it had to be because you decided to enter the cafΓ© before Paula arrived essentially, but that just adds more fun for @Aewin and @Snagglepuss89 to react to.

I think how nervous he is likely justifies a lot of how he isn't thinking about things like 'oh, wait, I can speak French' and whatnot. It shows he freaks out under pressure, which just adds to characterization. Unless the other two find some sort of concern (I'm a little uncertain of how visible Conrad's envelope would have been, but I'll let him talk to you about that), I think it's all good.

Welcome to the madness.
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