Avatar of Vor
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 231 (0.08 / day)
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    1. Vor 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
I'm a firm believer that all the weird stuff that has gone down in 2016 so far is a direct result of Leo winning the Oscar. Timeline's fucked yo.
8 yrs ago
Fuck Skyrim, just get Enderal
8 yrs ago
If fantasy was reality, our minds would probably come up with some new weird shit, because it would be too boring. That's how we humans are.
8 yrs ago
In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means I have 1,440 daily opportunities to procrastinate like the lazy bastard that I am.
8 yrs ago
TAMW you're the only one in the office not on vacation, have no work to do or RP's to write for and you're just standing there thinking WTF to do with your life
1 like


STATUS: Taking a break from RP'ng and sorting out my life. May be back some day, who knows?

24 year old dude living in Sofia, Bulgaria. I'm a studying for a bachelor's degree in informatics and I work as a programmer. I'm not much of a sports person, but I enjoy swimming and biking, although I have less and less time for them these days it seems. I also love travelling and generally discovering new peoples and cultures. I have a weak spot for video games and even though I don't have much free time, I usually manage to sneak in an hour or two when the opportunity presents itself :P

Naturally, I love reading and writing. My favourite genres of books are sci-fi (especially the New Wave era) and fantasy, although I don't like limiting myself, so I pretty much read anything. Same goes for music, I love classic rock and metal, but I listen to a lot of techno, minimal, trance, hip-hop...whatever really, as long as it "sounds right" to me.

I don't consider myself a very good writer to be honest and I'm always eager to learn new writing techniques and styles. That's why I love RP boards, in the past they've helped me improve tremendously, not only specifically for writing, but for everyday English as well. Hence why I tend to view RP's as a challenge and I enjoy getting into the deep end. The RP's themselves have to be character-driven to get me going, I view the setting (fantasy/sci-fi/modern/whatever) as just a backdrop for the real important thing - character development. Everything else is just fluff.

I'm always eager to hear out ideas for RP's or just talk about writing, literature and other assorted bullshit. Just hit me up!

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I'm willing to bet that the OP is a bot.

It's a good topic for discussion though
Wohoo, glad to hear it!

Gonna tidy up my CS and add my two NPC followers sometime today, just realised I'd forgotten to write anything on them.
My list of skills:

Balance(2) - 4 points (non-class)
Concentration(4) - 4 points
Diplomacy(2) - 2 points
Ride(4) - 4 points
Geographical Knowledge(1) - 2 points (non-class)
Knowledge of Nobility and Royalty (2) - 2 points
Knowledge of the Karaethon Cycle (2) - 2 points

@Eklispe The way I read it is that you cannot spend 4 points on any one skill (or 2 if it's a non-class skill), not that you can only spend points on 4 skills.

So, for example you can put 4 points in Diplomacy, placing you at rank 4. Since it's a class skill for Warders, that's OK. However, Balance isn't a class skill for Warders, so you can only increase it to rank 2 at level 1.
Lost in his thoughts, Cole failed to notice the newcomer until he was right next to their table, flanked by a pair of glum guards that looked about as talkative as the ones that had accompanied Cole earlier. On second thought, had the man arrived just now or had he been somewhere in the inn all along? The rain was still going strong outside, but the dark-skinned man was relatively dry, which either meant that he had been inside for a while or that his clothing remained dry thanks to some wizard’s trick. Despite the strange things he had seen today, Cole decided that the simpler explanation was the most likely one.

The strange man had picked an interesting time to announce himself, right after Baranor had left the table. A coincidence? Not likely, Cole thought. There had been an obvious enmity between Eorl’s folk and their prisoner back in the King’s hall, so it was to be expected that such feelings would extended to their Gondorian allies as well. After all, they had fought side by side in their war against these Men of the East, he could see why they would not want to share a table with one of them.

As if to confirm his thoughts, Éolan rose from her place after muttering a few slurred words and headed upstairs toward the sleeping rooms, though it occurred to him that she had neither paid nor spoken with the innkeeper. Whatever her intention, it seemed to Cole that she too did not wish to break bread with the swarthy man, having left so soon after he joined them. Across the table, Cole could feel the moods shifting, as both Branack and Eōrwīga turned to regard the stranger. The easy smile which the smith wore was noticeably absent from his face.

For his part, Cole did not share in these feelings. He was mistrustful, as he was of all these strange southern Men, but apart from that general sense of wariness, he did not have anything against this man in particular. On the contrary, Cole was intrigued by his strange appearance; the dark skin and strange-looking arms and armor spoke of a people that were much different than the ones the Bree-lander had so far encountered. What distant wonders had those dark eyes seen? he wondered.

Thus, when he spoke there was no fear or resentment in his voice, merely a jovial curiosity.

“Well met, friend. I am glad that another fierce warrior joins us. Gweluon was vague, but it seems that your strength with be sorely needed on this journey.“ Cole extended his hand after a moment, unaware if that was a proper greeting in eastern lands. “Coleman Cutleaf, at your service. Would share your name so that we may know who we travel with?”

I will also post something during the weekend, wanted to get 'round to it sooner, but I'm a slow bastard, what can I say?
@JoosCan we start adding the skills now or are we waiting until all CS's are accepted?

I'll add the two NPC's accompanying my character to the CS, will provide a short summary on each one to serve as a reference. The bodyguard will either have +1 to Con or Str, not decided yet. Needless to say, I expect one or both of these guys to die or otherwise be removed from the group at some point.

Ok, here's what I've got right now. Might do some minor tweaks, but that's about it.

A question, can my guy have a small retinue, two NPC's, to be precise? Something like a valet and a bodyguard, that sort of stuff, a gentleman can't be expected to bother himself with mundane stuff after all! I don't know how that will be treated in terms of gameplay mechanics though, might unbalance fights.
And done!
Orun trudged up the path leading to Griffonwatch Keep, each step of his accompanied by the rhythmic clinking of armour. He shifted his considerable weight to the morningstar in his right hand so that each clink was accompanied by a heavy thud as well. The sun was shining and the sky was clear, but he kept the hood of his grey robes up, not wishing to attract any unnecessary attention. Up ahead, he could see the gates of the keep, as well as the defenders in their polished armour questioning a man, a traveller by the looks of him.

Behind the man, a colourful wagon was pulling up with a squeak; another traveller, perhaps? Nay, not travellers, they had to be adventurers. Why else would they come at such a time? The Harmach, the title the local ruler fancied, had been clear – on the seventh day after his summons, he would await adventurers at noon within his castle. That is what had brought Orun to this town and by the looks of it, he wasn't the only one. Whatever the case, he would find out soon enough.

A few minutes later, Orun found himself before the gates and the contingent of guards set to watch over them. He strode up to them with confidence and pulled back his hood, revealing his orcish features. What followed next was expected, but there was no way to avoid it, especially not in these towns that were constantly under threat from his bestial cousins.

As if by an unheard command, all the guards reached for their swords, narrowing their eyes at him. On the walls, he could see the crossbowmen taking aim. Whatever else their leader had been preoccupied with before his arrival was quickly brushed aside. With his hand still on the hilt of his sword, he approached Orun.

“What fell business brought you here, beast? Speak quickly, before I order my men to cut you down!”

Orun looked down at the small human, who held his ground with the confidence of someone who had seen many a battle. His reaction mirrored the ones of the locals back in Hulburg. Orcs were deeply hated here and for good reason, Orun couldn’t fault these people. Of course, that meant that despite his generous offering to the innkeeper he had only managed to secure a dirty stall in the stables for himself. Still, better that than a cell in the dungeons or worse…

The orc tapped his breastplate, where Kelemvor’s scales were engraved for all to see. When he spoke there was no hesitation or fear in his voice. If he was to die here, then so be it, but he knew that his God would not let it come to pass.

“I have come to answer your lord’s summons.” He declared in a deep, gruff voice. “Do not seek to bar my way, for I come here on The Great Guide’s behalf.”
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