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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Message to the AIF
We have traced the portal to its origins; gather a fleet if you wish to follow, as we can replicate the portal, though a smaller size. Respond with a message to tell us how big your fleet is, and whether or not you will chase them. We await.

Message to the "Romans"
Greetings, new acquaintances.
We are the Supremes and we have detected Dark Energy. What kind of empire are you?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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Fleet Mobilization

Sazkarjhia Assault fleets have been mobilized to Collective space to help defend against the new empire's threats for war. E-Class Cloak Shield Ships have been deployed to cover the fleet, and plans to deploy the Delta VIII have been considered. Ships loaded with Despicables are also ready to sabotage major ships.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Message to the "Supremes"
"Greetings as well "Supremes". To answer your question as well as I can, we are lead by the Emperor, and we believe it is every citizen's duty to serve Emperor and Empire. There is also the Upper and Lower Houses, along with the Emperor's Offices which help managed and control the rest of Government.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Message to the Romans

"Please explain how you came to that conclusion, we are intrigued to know when we became the same entity as the Goa'uld. I do not recall any Collective personnel ever flying massive pyramids or declaring themselves Gods, for a start. Secondly, who in the universe are you? Thirdly, I believe you are referring to the Goa'uld conflict with the Asari, yes? Unfortunately for you, there are two problems with your accusation. First of all, the Goa'uld invasion happened before you actually absorbed the Asari, and they had invaded and claimed the world and killed the citizens shortly before, therefore the world did not belong to the Asari Republic, who are obviously not a good republic, when they were absorbed and therefore not yours. Secondly, how did we kill them? The Jaffa are not Collective combatants. Obviously your optical buds must be flawed, because we haven't taken anything of yours. If you attack anything belonging to the Collective, we will return fire and then attack your worlds and claim compensation five times that of what was lost, if you attack our allies, we will attack your worlds and claim compensation for them of 10 times what they lost."

Public statement

A statement has been released refuting the New Roman claims and also thanking their allies the Sazkarjhit for continuing to provide support. An Umbrae Populus Comedian has made a joke at the expense of the New Romans, releasing a virtual leaflet saying 'The Difference Between Goa'uld and Collective for those of low intelligence'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sukui


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Public Announcement to Neighbor Cluster (translation matrix included)
"Behold, brethren of the same cosmos. We are the Ceteral Collective, and just like you of your galactic cluster, we strive for the advancement of our species as a whole, in technological, philosophical, moral and evolutionary aspects. If you ever feel a need to create a connection with our mightly Collective, send us a location of one of your worlds, whether it be weak or strong. We will test your worth, and we will assure...

we will be fair and equal in our fight. Act now for the opportunity, one of your advanced civilizations are already undergoing the process."

At this point in time the full-on attacks on Kepler F have begun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Return Annoucement to the 'Ceteral Collective'
Intrigued by the offer, the Supremes sent the location of the Galactic Center, to a spot just outside of the Lethal Radiation Zone, but inside the Radiation Zone itself. The coordinates are in sight of a very large Supreme station, with a unique biodome-like construct, with a roof as a stasis shield, allowing people to live mere feet from lethal radiation with no physical barrier or risk.

Come, test our worth, Ceterals.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Kepler F
With the enemy pressing the attack, the Federation has sent the 1st Defense Fleet in an attempt to pass the test. It is comprised of one million warships and enough troop transports for a continental invasion. A message has been transmitted from the arriving fleet to the enemy, just before the attack.
"This test is certainly harder than the previous ones, you're actually trying to give a good test instead of simply assuming that you'll trample all over us. Once we pass the test, we look forward to establishing relations with your people."

Planetary Disappearance
The Federation fleet sent a message to the Supremes as they had requested.
"This fleet contains approximately twenty million warships, most of which are Abh and Dolphin. As this new threat escaped unscathed, we will need to bring in the rest of the Operation Phantom Flame fleet for this. You have our cooperating with the plan."
As the message finished transmitting, more wormholes opened up and starships poured out of them. The blue glow surrounded the entire planetary system, and the arriving ships adjusted their warp drives so as to create an antigravity effect, preventing the disruption of planetary orbits. The original fleet was huge, but the one that now stood in the system was larger than simple logic would allow it to be given the released territory data of the Federation. There could be more personnel stationed on the ships of the fleet than there are stars in the Milky Way, more than were killed in the Common Sense War. The system was flooded with transmissions, the newly arriving ships reporting in. All the Admirals assigned to Equestrian space were there, Spoor, Emily, Fergus, and Yuuki. The numbers of the fleet were well into the billions, more powerful than anyone who had lived before First Contact could have ever imagined. The flagships opened up a channel with the Supreme fleet, grouping all of them together to form a kind of conference call. Surprisingly, there was another fleet in the area, led by a ship painted white in stark contrast to the black void of space. The commander of this vessel was the first to speak.
"1st Abh Imperial Fleet reporting in, Empress Ablïarsec Néïc Dubleuscr Bœrh Parhynr Lamhirh ((Empress Lafiel)) commanding."
The other fleets began to report in as well, falling in behind the 1st Fleet.
"Combined Federation War Fleet, reporting in. Admiral Fergus McClain commanding."
"2nd Abh Imperial Fleet reporting in, Admiral Spaurh Aronn Saicspath Nimh Laitpanr Painaich ((Spoor)) commanding."
"Cooperative Aid Fleet reporting in, Admiral Emily Smith commanding."
"Cooperative War Fleet reporting in, Admiral Yuuki Sora commanding."
"Now that we've got that out of the way, you're going to need help with that portal. This fleet is a bit too big to fit through a small one. " Said Admiral Spoor, for once in her life sounding exited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Supreme Portal-making
A message was sent to all the ships in the fleet, by way of a simple shockwave-broadcast:
Alright, folks. We'll start them up, you power them. Once they're big enough, we can keep them open, and allow you all through. We'll be sending our Corvettes in first: follow the blue light trails, and avoid the yellows. Don't worry about green trails. Blue trails are behind our electronic warfare Corvettes, so they'll be leading a safe path. Yellows are destroying any type of explosive or weapon, and greens are escorts. Connect to our public network, and we'll set up friend-or foe tags above all known friendlies, neutrals, and targets. We will designate high-priority targets and create zones for each fleet to stay in, to prevent crashing. Does everyone have the ability to add overlay to 3- or 4-D holographic maps?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

A simple task, Adam thought to himself. The rest of the Presidential Council should have never trusted him, ever.

He pulled the a small handgun from his belt, standard AIF military design. It would work perfect for what he was planning. He entered the apartments, easy to since he had access and he specifically gotten Dmitri's guards out of the way for this. He entered one of the apartments, and there he was. Dmitri seemed surprised, but backed down when he saw the weapon.

"No longer Dmitri, your the only one aware of the rebellion. But it is much more then Capitalism now, its about seeing that the terragens are recognized as superior. Robert and I shall build a Empire." said Adam coldly, popping two shots in to Dmitri's head. Adam left, knowing that he took care of a obstacle.

Rebellion on a AIF World
A rebellion has broken out on a AIF colony! They are doing so to remove the doctrine and force the government to recognize Terragens as superior to all other sentients.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Hearing gunshots, an Abh doctor living in a nearby apartment rushed to the scene, bringing a coilgun pistol she kept for self defense. She kicked down the door, only to find an open window and Dmitri's body lying on the floor with blood flowing from his head. There were two bullet holes, directly into the brain and straight through the neural transmitter. There was no hope of memory recovery. The Abh ran to the nearest videophone, and called the police. Minutes later, the office was crawling with secret service agents and CSI personnel. Whoever the assassin was, they were smart. The only evidence of who did it were the bullets, ancient designs for gunpower pistols. Such weapons were almost exclusively used for assassinations, as they left no energy signature or plasma residue. Furthermore, gunpowder was expensive, as nobody produced it anymore. Therefore, whoever fired the shots was well funded. Since a human weapon was used, it is believed that the assassin is involved with the Cooperative government. Aside from this, nobody knows who did it.

A Loroi security officer saw Adam Agata on the streets of Valles Marineris City, the capital of the Federation. She quickly ruched up to him, having heard news of the assassination on the neural net. Shoving him into an alleyway using the inherent psychic powers of her species, she raised her laser rifle and took up a defensive posture. Turning her head around to look at Adam, she spoke to him.
"Haven't you heard? The President was just killed in his own apartment! You should be in a military base, not walking around on the streets! We've got to get you to a secure location, you're almost certainly next on the assassin's hit list!"

Local troops have begun to put down the rebellion, massively outgunning the rebels with tanks and the support of Loroi psychics, which the rebels obviously don't have due to being Terragen supremacists. The government doesn't expect much to come of the movement, as the vast majority of the human population are practically brainwashed due to the strict laws regarding the teaching of the Common Sense Doctrine in all schools and in religious meetings.

Planetary Disappearance
"Every starship has a Dolphin/Boskop tactical team assigned to it, the Dolphins monitor a 3-D map while the Boskops monitor a 4-D one with predictions made by the fleetmind. Both are fully operational. They're not exactly holographic, but they look about the same. Our wormjump ships are standing by to assist in the creation of the portal."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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Senior Research Director Yarmuni Larkon'kum

We have begun development of a new outersystem engine that revolutionizes the old one. We have begun to work with different cosmic powers, including "dark energy", as unstable as it is, to either innovate the current TOE or make a new one. According to comparison results, our projections estimate a 63% boost in efficiency in this new engine over the old one. As a result, we've dubbed it the Translight Hyperjump Engine. We've been developing ways to jump between a dimension known colloquially as "slipspace" that can get to locations faster. However, based on projections, this engine emits a very severe amount of radiation. A sturdy containment unit will have to be developed. We will begin work as soon as we can to develop a working model.

Translight Hyperjump Engine: 5%
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Federation computer monitors and television screens all over the Local Group suddenly switched to an image of the AIF Seal, playing the drawn-out annoying beep used by the Federation Emergency Broadcast System as a message was sent directly from Mars. The signal was not encoded, so any nation could pick up the message. However, they made a point to avoid sending it to any active fleets.
"This message is being broadcast by the orders of the Allied Interstellar Federation Council and Human Cooperative Council. You are required to be attentive to this message."
The alert beep played again, and the face of Vice President Alexey Leonti appeared. It was not his usual happy-go-lucky expression though, he looked sad, an expression that was always bad news when on his face.
"It is regretfully that I deliver this message to you. Our President-my friend-Dmitri Saveli has been killed by an assassin. Recovered sound recordings from the room have revealed that this man is a human supremacist, and incredibly dangerous. The attack was carried out with a Rafiq&Yasser GW-25 projectile handgun, firing adaptive rounds. If you know anyone who owns such munitions then you are to report them to your local police forces immediately. We believe that he had an accomplice named Robert, no mention of a last name was made. If you know anyone named Robert who has been acting suspicious, report them to local police forces immediately. If you witness any human supremacist rallies or attacks, report them to the Federation Military and your Local Militia. If you are a non-human, report the event and await the arrival of commando teams."
The alert beep played for a final third time, but for once nobody was annoyed. Not that they were feeling any positive emotions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Rebellion on the AIF World is heating up. The Rebels somehow have access to military grade weapons, including designs never seen by the military or government before. The Ring Leaders also are wielding guns similiar to the one used in the Dmitri assassin leading to the belief that the rebellion is connected to whoever staged Dmitri's death. The Rebels also managed to seize several orbital platforms, and are using them to bombard AIF military bases and locations, as well as prevent AIF reinforcements from landing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

AIF- Mars
As a younger CSI agent finishes searching a wardrobe, closing the door, he found himself suddenly on the floor, as the doors burst open, and a Supreme-Draconian stood in front of him. With a wave of the Supreme's hand, the CSI agent fell into a sound sleep, and the Supreme found himself in a room of potential hostiles.
"Holster weapons, I come with good intentions. I will get straight to the point here, after I bow." He bows from the waist, and then continues. "I can bring back President Dmitri. We, as in the Supremes, had taken DNA samples, and an imprint of his mental state and type. We could bring him back, but he will have a few quirks, which can be helped by introducing himself to his past, so that he may remember it on his own. Good, yes?"

AIF- Rebellion
As such platforms were taken over and used against the AIF, they would quickly find themselves frozen, inside a bubble of cryo-stasis that covered the entire station, Corvette formations orbiting the stations to ensure that they remained in stasis. These Corvette formations would fold into the area of captured AIF stations [because the AIF has crappy firewalls, in the Supremes' opinion], finding them by way of checking for stations that aren't responding, or are firing without authorization.

After some time, a Corvette would break off, and dock with the station. Supreme-Spiders would board, and without being affected by cryostasis, they would systematically inject all rebels, or suspected rebels, with a paralyzation/controlled coma serum. They would be very thorough, taking each injected human back to the Corvette, placing them in their own cryostasis pods, and only once they were sure that it was completely empty, they would disembark, and leave the station, leaving it covered in ice and filled with frozen particles, too cold an environment for a human without an exosuit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The rebellion only seems to be heating up. The rebellion has spread across several planets and has managed to seize small sections of the AIF Fleet, and are using them to secure positions and attempt to fight off any Supreme Forces. Attacks by the rebels have been initiated on AIF Core worlds in attempts to seize them for a value. The New Roman Empire has also temporarily blocked trade and access to there space from the AIF, citing that they wish to wait for the rebellion to subside to prevent the violence from spreading into there space.

Suddenly most AIF internal transmissions were hijacked, instead displaying a new symbol.

The message was as follows.
"No longer should we have to follow the doctrine, and say we are inferior when we are superior. My fellow terragens, join Cerberus in forming the Empire that humanity truly deserves. Rebel against those who would impose there will upon you. Let us remove doctrine, and let us subject the inferior ones to our might!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago


Lady Sekhmets Forces

Above one of the smaller rebellious AIF worlds appeared a handful of Lady Sekhmets Ha'tak, descending on the planet while firing their weapons at any nearby ships and defences, proclaiming that the humans should "Surrender to Sekhment". The forces proceed towards the smaller world, wishing to subdue it and, unlike the Asari world, seem to wish to take it's residents alive if possible (Presumably for negative reasons, of course)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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Translight HyperJump Engine: 20%
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Keyguyperson Welcome to Cyberhell

Member Seen 3 days ago

The CSI agents looked over at the Supreme with a surprisingly calm expression, considering that they had just seen their friend get knocked out with a wave of a hand. An older CSI raised an eyebrow, and walked up to the Supreme Draconian.
"You have a way of replicating someone's mental state and type with just a few quirks? We can preserve memories, but nobody was ever capable of replicating a personality! This question doesn't even need to go to our superiors, you have our permission! If you want, we can give you the recorded memories, they go up to right in the middle of the hostage situation. I'll alert the Council immediately."

The transmission that so rudely interrupted the annoying alarm beep of the emergency broadcast was shut down, but not before the message has been delivered. Having seen the transmission, the Human Cooperative flag was displayed once more, and the voice of a human could be heard.

"This is Commander Tomek of the Cooperative Land Forces. All who assist these rebellious heretics in any way will be arrested and tried for heresy against doctrine. If found guilty, they will be imprisoned to await a trial under the Abh, if found guilty in that trial they will be given an experimental punishment."
An Abh voice took over the message, and continued on with similar statements.
"We can be extremely cruel when provoked, and this supremacist movement has provoked us. Nobody shall escape punishment, and all prisoners will be given the experimental punishment. Let one thing be known to all: there is a Hell in this universe."
The flag of the Human Cooperative was removed, and replaced with the Humankind Empire of Abh Banner

More military ships have been deployed to fight the rebels, mainly Abh ones. While the Humankind Empire of Abh does not openly support the doctrine, it appears that they actively oppose the alternative extreme. It should be noted that the Abh are attempting to take as many prisoners as possible, most likely so they can test the new punishment system. They have still given no clues as to what it is, but many suspect that it is a mind control device of some sort. The Abh have denied such claims, and have issued statements claiming that such punishment were inadequate for the situation. Almost all of these statement were issued with a somewhat disturbing grin.

Unknown Alien Invasion
The Human Cooperative has sent a defense fleet to the planet, expecting an easy victory against such small numbers. A message has been sent to the invading fleet, with the ship transmitting it having no idea of how strong the enemy forces could be.
"If anyone should surrender, it is you! We have twenty thousand ships heading to your location, surely overkill for such a puny force as yours. this your final warning: leave our space or we will destroy you!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 5 mos ago

Lady Sekhmets forces

"Shin tel?" Sekhmet inquired as she watched her First Prime through her communications device as he rushed around the bridge of the Ha'tak
"Tok'Sekhmet" He replied
Sekhmet nodded slowly and replied "Arik tree'ac te kek" She paused to turn but he protested and mentioned that his force was outgunned and requested reinforcements, to which she spun and her eyes flashed as she spoke again "Hol... Chel Hol Tau'ri... Kek tok'tau'ri?" The first prime merely nodded to her, then clicked a button and transmitted a message to the human fleet, spoken by Sekhmet herself "Leaa. Tok'tau'ri kek. I have pacified the rebellion on your planet for you. I will gladly return it to you... At a price. Kel chula a lazla? Sekhmet Lek tol."


A bright day in Videt, a celebration... music playing in the background, ships roaring overhead, holoscreens displaying their prize... The captured enemy leader, paraded through the streets as they fleet passed like she was some prize from a hunt. With this, they finally had the bargaining power to negotiate what they wanted all along. The Primicerii met again to discuss matters
"Abh Infernum posse promittit" One said, and the other titled his head
"Nescio, Debemus illud revelabis... Abh Apparent sadistic"
"Bello opus est? "
"Forte. Nos debemus uti non illud permittere"
"Possit esse gravius quam memoria?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by null123


Member Seen 3 mos ago

The Rebellion seems to be dying down a bit. The Rebels are rapidly loosing ground and morale.
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