Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

-Quick note this will NOT be a low casual role play for those who are unfamiliar with the term low casual means it's just above the average high free level-
Also please note that this Interest check is small due to the loss of the previous one. The OOC and interest check used to be a lot large than this small tidbit.

The (un)expected message came in the mail to all those whom that had applied or been selected at random by the headmaster of the school. From all over the world the message was sent out to the newly prospected students.It was a simple note with a green border on it with well hand written welcome and greeting from the head master of the school. The letters all had this one thing in common
"Welcome to Yokai Academy ____ You've been accepted into a prestigious school...."

There were small changes from person to person or rather monster to monster. The school was located in Japan and it welcomed almost any sort of monster. How the person got there was up to said person and the school had one simple purpose: To turn these literal monsters into people who can live among humans and not fear them to give monsters a chance at a normal life. While some monsters have integrated somewhat well into the lives of humanity others have not. Some come for the education others come to make new friends and or simply enjoy life. Humans and undead however were not welcome at the academy unless it was a special occasion. The former due to fear of the secret lives of the children being sent there leaking out and the latter due to the headmaster's disdain for all things undead. Regardless of how it happened you are being brought to this academy on this fateful day on which you're life will change....be it good or bad.


1. S Rank monsters are allowed for those who are unsure of the rankings of some monsters see the Rosario X Vampire wiki. However since my character will be in the S Rank Werewolf slot (I will allow one more if required) please keep in mind that not everyone will be allowed an S Rank due to their extensive power.
2. Our characters will be in their teen years unless your monster ages differently.
3. You can remove some traits from your monster if desired in order to allow your character to roleplay as them without trying to murder everyone in the room
4. You can't be a human (and by extension a ghoul) the closest thing to a human is a mage. The undead are un-allowed as well due to the head master's personal preferences in story AND because with all due respect while undead aren't exceeding powerful they are well undead and can pretty much survive almost anything short of being ripped literally limb from limp. They are low in power but just complicate any small amount of battles we will be having
5. While we do have monster powers and forms we will be mostly staying in human form for the roleplay for those unaware most monsters in this universe can morph into a humanoid form or are a humanoid for most of the time like Werewolves, vampires, and succubi/Inccubi.
6. This will not have a lot of combat and will be mostly a slice of life type of roleplay but we will get to use our powers but that doesn't mean that I won't be judging monster abilities any different than if this were a combat oriented roleplay.
7. Your character can be from anywhere but at the end of the day they all will be meeting in a small town outside somewhere in the suburbs of Japan meaning your character should have a means of going there meaning poor character probably won't be able to attend.
8: The most important thing I can say is this: some monsters already have canon versions of themselves in which canon takes precedent over real life versions until said so otherwise for example water is a vampire's kryptonite unless treated with certain herbs first.

Character Sheet and Example:



Race of Monster:





Habits and Quirks:



Other: Anything I missed goes here

Note this is a work in progress and is not fully done this does not reflect the bare minimal. This is an older version of the CS that survived guild fall.

Name: Joshua Jackson

Age: 17

Race of Monster: Werewolf

Gender: Male


History: Born as a werewolf in the human world like many other creatures he was taken care of and raised by his own kind. His parents taught him how to fight with his hands and feet ever since he was a little cub. His early childhood was good and he had many friends. Wanting to be accepted however was difficult since his parents forbid him from making to many friends and none of them slept over his house nor was he allowed to go over theirs. As he got older he became more and more of an outcast due to his constant denials of girlfriends and to go out at night with his friends. However he still was a nice person and many people liked his confidence and kindness. He always loved to run and hunt for things as a werewolf but understood how rare those events were. He exceeded well in the gym, and history however he hated science and math and still does now. He received a note of recognition as a student of Yokai Academy and his parents approved of him leaving the pack for the time being. He left America and went to Japan despite feeling homesick he is excited to start his new life.

Personality: Joshua is kind and caring to other people and is respecting of others privacy. He enjoys reading about history and loves to work out in gym. His main goals in life is to become a strong werewolf and to become a pack leader of his own wolf pack. He likes a good fight but does not proactively seek out trouble and danger. He hates lizardmen because when his family was always fighting with a family of them next door. He is defensive around his friends and likes hanging out with them. He likes meeting new people but does not shy away from pointing out flaws he seeing in their character unless it's a sensitive time for them.

Habits and quirks: He enjoys fighting greatly and when he does get into a fight he hits his hands together. He often eats beef jerky which was his favorite snack food when he was a kid.

Very strong physically and as well as being very fast and agile due to being a werewolf
Sharp Claws and nails
Very good hearing
Quick healing
Powers strengthed during a full moon.


Silver and Wolfsbane.

Injuries caused by Silver weapons take longer to heal on a werewolf than that would on a human. Please keep this in mind if you are playing a werewolf.

Wolfsbane is a terrible plant that is advised all Werewolves must stay away from.

If near it he will be like superman standing infront of kryptinite.

Ingestion is fatal within minutes. There is no treatment.

Other: Anything I missed goes here

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMasterNarrator


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm in.

~Demon idea rejected~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That's really to much of a general term because there are variants of demons such as snow women and Succubi in the anime. It'd have to be a specific species and even then S Rank are VAUNTED I mean they are badass once Joshua hits a full moon for example only really strong A Class with a lot of luck OR a S Rank with skill would be able to take him likewise he is still extremely formidable without the moon. To give you an example in the anime Dean nearly kills Moka, the main protagonist's girlfriend and High level S rank, with ease when at full power but plot said so so she was able to beat him due to Vampires being OP as long as you don't just splash water in their face.

If you want a demon may I suggest perhaps a http://rosariovampire.wikia.com/wiki/Graffiti_Demon who appears to be a B class or A Class? It doesn't have an official name so I hope that helps.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMasterNarrator


Member Offline since relaunch

By demon, I meant "primal being of fire and evil from the depths of Hell" not Yuki-Onna or Succubus. With a world full of monsters, I thought that one should be able to get some leeway, but if you want to stick rigidly to canon, I'll go with a Yoko.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Termott

Lady Termott

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm also interested!

I was thinking a Valkyrie character who would just have wings and sense death or something of the like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'm allowing other monsters but the thing is our head master is a mage....a very bigoted mage. Meaning he hates all things evil if he won't let undead in a being of evil or what he sees as unnatural such as undead and in all likely possibility a demon or being of said nature won't be on his list either he'd sooner gut a creature like that. But i will allow a Yoko however keep in mind not to power play. Not that it matters there is one character who I have in mind who your character will be completely useless against in terms of a fight if he stuck to his main powerst. A fire elemental whom will be a reoccurring character.so that will be enough to keep it in check somewhat.

Regardless and moving on that makes two people not including myself if a friend of mine joins this like she wants to.

Edit: I suppose a Valkyrie would be easy to put in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMasterNarrator


Member Offline since relaunch

While the Guild was down, I actually got thinking and decided I'd prefer an angel to a demon (not trying to be difficult, I swear...) - would that work with the headmaster's morals?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

There will already be an angel in the roleplay so I'd have to say no since the angel will more or less also be a major factor end game in the roleplay and having someone similar to him will end up rather confusing to deal with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheMasterNarrator


Member Offline since relaunch

Damn. Alright, Yoko it is. Character sheet will be up tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

While not important I'm going to be completely honest I was hoping to avoid S Ranks entirely with Joshua only being one so that he can be a needed defacto fighter if need be as I tend to downplay my own characters such as Paul Lyons in my gundam roleplay. Why am I saying this? Because I'm going to trust you not to use your character's powers as a trump card.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Got my character all ready then Vance :P

Name: Yumi Fuwa

Age: 114 (Technically) 14 (Sentient)

Race of Monster: Tsukumogami - Biwa

Gender: Female


True Form:

Her appearance has not changed in the fourteen years she has been “alive”.


Many years ago, Yumi was made by a skilled instrument maker. She was given to those who inhabited a shrine dedicated to Benzaiten in the mountains. Over the years she was used less and less until eventually she was put on a display in the quickly dying temple not to be touched for many years to come through many differing factors. Fast forward to thirteen years ago, the last of the monks of the temple dies leaving the place deserted. A year later, the spirit of the Biwa awakens and roams the temple, saddened at the lack of use she had in the last number of decades. Ghost stories happened to start up at the sighting of a girl playing depressing music this being Yumi, the Tsukumogami. Eventually, a group of differing Tsukumogami came and took her away, this was about 3 years after she became sentient.

For the next few years she was still angry and maybe even sad about being forgotten by humans, however the others helped her subdue the feelings of anger and sorrow and replaced the feelings with joy and happiness. They then decided it best to send her out to the world to learn. . . Well, at a school at least after teaching her all they could.


Yumi is now an outwardly pleasant girl. While typically she wears traditional clothing, she sees the necessity in the school uniform though it doesn’t mean she likes it. She doesn’t consider many as friends but as an acquaintance. She will speak to others in friendly enough, yet formal terms. The outside personality may seem like the real deal as a nice, calm girl but in reality, she hasn't changed much since she had originally born. She is still a depressed being with anger in her heart but the only real difference is she can hide that now. The other Tsukumogami know this and hopes this can be fixed if she goes to school.

Habits and Quirks: When she feels greatly depressed she habitually wants to play music (on herself of course). Music has a tendency to calm her, even if it’s not another Biwa.


-Projecting a “body”

-Summoning her original Biwa “body” to her projected “body”, though it is draining.

-Sonic Noise from either body.


-Direct contact with an electrical current can cause her projected body to dissipate or fuzz like a TV on the special fuzz channel.

-Her main body, the Biwa, is what decides whether she lives or dies, it is also her main source of power. The further the projection is from the main body, the less powerful it is.

-Dissonant sounds typically leave her attempting to drown out the sound in some shape or fashion.

Other: Her Projected body can do what humans do as it’s basis is on them. It however, cannot be too far from her original body with far being relative (about as far as across campus).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The character is fine as far as I'm aware the age may be a bit of an iffy spot but since you're a consistently good roleplayer I'll overlook it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

I can up the age a bit, but it should have very little impact as the character herself would behave and look the correct age IMHO. (Yokai standards pfft.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

vancexentan said
While not important I'm going to be completely honest I was hoping to avoid S Ranks entirely with Joshua only being one so that he can be a needed defacto fighter. Be as I tend to downplay my own characters such as Paul Lyons in my gundam roleplay. Why am I saying this? Because I'm going to trust you not to use your character's powers as a trump card.

I just want to make sure everyone sees this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Termott

Lady Termott

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Solan Freya

Age: 15

Race of Monster: Valkyrie

Gender: Female


She is an average height of about five foot four, and is on the rather scrawny side. Solan has little feminine curve much to her discomfort. Her lovely snow white hair is cut in a short bob that reaches a little past her neck. Given so, her face still has a youthful roundness to it, and her maroon eyes still have a naïve curious look to them. When extended, her wingspan is a simple ten feet, that being each wing is only about five feet in length. She isn’t strong enough to carry a person just yet, as she needs to strengthen her wings until then.

She has a headband accessory that is metallic silver and on either side of her head of her ears it has small silver wings. This is worn as the mark of a Valkyrie that she always wears. Outside of uniforms, Solan usually wears clothes that are both neutral in color and gender. This would consist of simple button up clothes and pants and walking shoes. However, due to the possibility of using her wings, her shirts lack the back portion of fabric as when she summons her wings, they are attached to her.

History: She’s from a small hidden village in Norway, home to plenty of Valkyrie much like herself. Her home wasn’t always hidden from those who weren’t Valkyrie, but until recently, so few leave their tribes, in fear of the outside world, and the known discrimination against the Valkyrie. The myth that they brought death to anyone they met had spread, and with fear others held against them came violence. As a result, Solan had lived a sheltered life.

Ever since she was young, she lived in the shadow of her mother and older sisters. All of them were well known Valkyries who took on the noble job of guiding souls to Valhalla. Compared to them, she was pathetic in means of skill, including flight, one of the key aspects of being a guide for the dead. Not to mention her lack of backbone. When she received the unexpected letter as an invitation to Yokai Academy, she believed this was her chance to prove her family that she wasn’t useless. Her parents wished her luck, and her sisters rudely doubted their sibling to even last a day without messing things up, getting lost, or even eaten.

Personality: She enjoys the company of others, and is very kind, practically to the point and could be very easily taken advantages of, which would be her downfall, as she is too trusting .She is a good listener, and doesn't mind helping others. Solan's rather proper and treats everyone nicely despite how they treat her. She is very inquisitive, and after hiding from the world, she wants to learn everything about it. She doesn't understand customs that take place outside of her home very well, and can be a bit awkward at times due to her misunderstandings of situations. She is also very kind and happy to each and every one, which is the opposite most expect for being an “angel of death”. Having little experience in the world previous to her sheltered life, she has little fear as to the possible dangers the world hides. Given so, she can seem rather reckless in risky situations.

Habits and Quirks:
- Much like a bird, when she’s stressed, she sheds feathers.

- Her wings also sometimes portray her emotions, such as when she’s excited, her wings may flap wildly.

-Can be seen talking to birds.

-Apologizes constantly

-Speaks rather formal but tries to speak with slang, often getting terms wrong

-Flight with the help of wings that can be summoned and dismissed with a rather magical poof.

-Can sense death

-Can shapeshift into a small white bird for easily blending in the human world in addition to her human form.

-Can become melancholy if she senses a death even if she never knew them.

-Had trouble understanding some slang, technology, and modern customs.

-Can't fly very long or very high

-Has a slight fear of heights
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I would really prefer if she were around high school/college age instead of her forties. Keep in mind Moka is a vampire but that doesn't make her some hundreds of years old she is a teenager. I'm allowing pyro to have that because her species ages differently I'm assuming.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lady Termott

Lady Termott

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

vancexentan said
I would really prefer if she were around high school/college age instead of her forties. Keep in mind Moka is a vampire but that doesn't make her some hundreds of years old she is a teenager. I'm allowing pyro to have that because her species ages differently I'm assuming.

Of course! Changed it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago


vancexentan said
While not important I'm going to be completely honest I was hoping to avoid S Ranks entirely with Joshua only being one so that he can be a needed defacto fighter if need be as I tend to downplay my own characters such as Paul Lyons in my gundam roleplay. Why am I saying this? Because I'm going to trust you not to use your character's powers as a trump card.

It looks good to me otherwise a decent leveled C class I'll accept it and also bumping the above again. I'm still wondering if I should just change Joshua into a kitsune and outright ban S class.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

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