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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Naina was going towards the citadel since Donna and instructor W agreed it was a good idea to check it out. She did pull out her beam saber in case things got rough, but didn't activate it yet. She merely followed after the Sandrock, letting them lead the way while she kept an eye out for any possible attacks or odd things. When they got close to the citadel Naina saw that the other two had stopped behind a building and then heard instructor W ask her if she could make out anything. She was behind a building herself, but it was quite a bit smaller so she could easily look around it. When she did look around the corner she was completely flabbergasted. In the distance she could see mobile suits of an unknown design, but the thing that was the weirdest to her were the 2 strange looking gundams walking in their general direction. "I don't think you would believe what I would say so I'll show it instead." She sent a video link over and showed them what she had seen on her main camera. "If you have any information about those 2 strange gundams I would be very happy to hear it." When she looked around the corner again she saw that the 2 gundams were a lot closer to their location and they would probably notice them very quickly. "Ok never mind that, they're getting very close. I'm going to announce my presence. You can decide whether to reveal yourselves or not." With that Naina grasped her dober gun and moved around the corner aiming the gun at them. She fired up her speakers and said:"This is Naina Wind speaking. Unknown gundam pilots identify yourselves." Seeing as this approach worked the last time it hopefully would produce positive results again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Before the Gabriel could respond to his comments it seemed Paul's luck really was that good as another pilot appeared on his radar finally and sent him a signal. "Beta Leaders hold the line and wait for my signal. If they attack hail them with a storm of bullets and maybe we can pick their bodies out of that cold machine of the-....what the hell is that thing...That ain't ZAFT design I'm positive. Hey Gabriel! It looks like I found who brought us here! If that ain't them then I suppose there's all kinds of fucking people around here. For the record I don't trust you still but your less suspicious than this suit over here. Switching to main speakers now." Paul said as he pulled his beam saber away and pulled out his beam rifle. "Naina Wind eh? Never seen that suit before anywhere on Earth. Nor does it look like ZAFT you some kinda of weird independent or something? Are you loopy like my friend over there talking about seven wars in space? Regardless my name is unimportant to you lady but call me Black Star if you must. So tell me did you bring me down from space and more importantly where the fuck are we?" Paul continued as Beta Leader moved to set up a bit farther back from them. They still had their space gear set up but from what they were reading there was a strange lack of gravity around them but enough to keep them moving like they were down on Earth. That just raised more questions than it answered....if it answered any at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Instructor W thought for a moment. He was supposed to rendevouz with two Gundams for Operation Rising Himalayas. However they looked different to the description provided by the Earth-Sphere. He returned to Naina. "I'm sorry, I don't know anything about those Gundam units." He found that the Tallgeese already left to show itself to the unknown Gundams.
Donna moved Sandrock to where the Tallgeese was to take a peek at who Naina's interacting with. By her initiative she increased the Gundam's hearing range to hear what they were speaking about. From what she heard there was non-sense of something called ZAFT and the pilot's name is Black Star. "What is ZAFT, Instructor?" She asked but realised that even he is struggling to understand where and what is going on.
The Instructor struggled to think of what to do next but they're not shooting the Tallgeese then it's better to speak than shoot. "We'll speak with them." He ordered. "Have a shotel prepared though in case they think we're unarmed."
The pilot complied with the order. She got the Gundam out of cover and boosted to the open next to the Tallgeese. "Raising the speakers sir." She added as she touched the controls to enable speakers.
Instructor W grabbed the detachable microhone to speak. "This Major Instructor W with Second Lieutenant Donna Nada Lindemann of the Earth Sphere United Nation Military." He declared. "We can vouch that Naina Wind is not responsible for sending you here. We also have no idea on where we are." While speaking he got a closer look at the two Gundams. They don't seem to resemble any of the Gundams from Operation Meteor at all. If they're not known by Naina then he has no clue on who he's speaking to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

If she had not been weirded out before now she was completely weirded out. Naina had no idea what this guy was talking about. ZAFT, seven space wars? She could guess the first was an organization, but as far as she knew there hadn't really been any wars in space after the fight with her father. It would be pretty wise not to mention that as well. One thing she found out was that these people had just like them been transported here. She then saw Sandrock moving next to her and heard instructor W vouching for her. Not that it would do a lot of good in this situation since he was probably as a big a stranger to them as she was. Deciding it would be good to get some information from them she answered back. "Well 'Blackstar' I have no idea what this ZAFT you speak of is, but I myself am from the Mars federation. Also to answer your questions, no we ended up here the same way as you probably and we are in a Japanese region on Earth I think. Now I suggest we work together on finding out who sent us here and why. As they say two heads are better than one." She had to admit that last part was pretty lame, but the guy sounded like someone who would understand her proposition better if she said it. To prove she wasn't hostile she lowered her dober gun, but still stayed ready to ignite her boosters. It couldn't hurt to be careful, but a fight would be a bad idea looking at the number of mobile suits in the distance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Yep! More crazies lieutenant are you sure why don't want to leave them here?" asked one of the Betas as SIGMA Leader called in that the ship was preparing to move to them. Paul growled to himself but made sure to press the mute button for his speakers before going to SIGMA's response, "Yes well I suppose Captain Jason couldn't have waited a bit before doing something huh? Fine so be it just make sure that you don't frighten these people. I don't know what the hell these two are but one looks like an Arabic Gundam design and the other is gods know what." Paul said to SIGMA Leader who told him he'd get to Jason's com link immediately. Of course being ordered around by some twenty year old wasn't something SIGMA enjoyed but the boy was something because no ordinary person could pilot Raigo like him. Besides SIGMA hated being leader of an entire group outside of his unit. He took orders he didn't give them out in mass. A singular controlled group was something the man prided himself in raising. "Yes well then back to business..." Paul said as a he turned back his speakers on. "Yeah well you're not with Gabriel over there then that's for sure if neither of you have been in at least several space wars that's reassuring and raises questions at the same time. As for Mars I didn't think any terraforming projects were underway. I'll consider that a code name for whatever group you work for. I assuming though we have one thing in common. We're all from Earth. Or one or more of us are lying pig(s). Regardless I have no qualms about working together if you throw down your weapons OR sheathe them. You do it first and I'll put my rifle away. I don't know what you plan to do with those I'll have you shot down before your weapons can penetrate phase shift." Paul said confidently but calmly trying not to show malice in his voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donna was hesistant to withdraw her weapon to a potential enemy. She muted the speaker before turning to Instructopr W. "Shouldn't he be withdrawing his weapon first?" She asked her mentor.
The Instructor thought for a minute. He can understand how she doesn't like the situation but she needs to be level-headed. "Comply with the Gundam pilot." He ordered. "Sheathe the shotel and there shouldn't be a problem."
The frustration was visible with Donna but she has to swallow the order by the end of day. "Yes sir." She replied with her voice showing signs of frustration. The Sandrock deactivated the shotel it was holding and sheathed it back on the backpack. She brought the speaker back on. "I withdrew my weapon." She announced when it was already visible. "Now are we on the same side?" She whispered her frustration. She would only hope that Naina would do the same and prevent trouble. while she waited she examined the Gundams in front of her. One had a large gun-thing on the back similar to a buster rifle while the Gundam that seemed to command the squadron was something she found hard to compare with the Gundams from her history.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Good to know that I'm dealing with some rational people I see. I'm not dropping my weapon however but I'll put it away. You there in that odd white suit I'll consider that you have no option to put away that weapon It's attached to the arm and it'd be a waste to drop such a weapon." Paul said putting away his beam rifle but still completely calm. What his companions and himself knew was that his beam sabers and shield would be more than enough to block most shots if it came to it. And unless that was a beam cannon that thing was mostly useless against his phase shift. Paul didn't move his suit anywhere and kept it at the same distance away from the new comers. But there was still Gabriel whom was still an unknown himself. It is strange that ALL of these people here identified themselves as Earth but not a part of OMNI. Nor did they show nay signs of being from them. Hell that didn't look like any mobile suit designs he'd ever seen and he knew how mobile suits looked...especially top type prototypes. "I don't know you tell me pilot are we on the same side? I certainly didn't bring us here I'll tell you that much." Paul commented as he turned off his radio quickly and switched to the other channel to the Sundown. "Lieutenant! Oh thank god you're ok! I heard you were but I'm not sure since there are unknowns in your vicinity? What's going on?" Communications Officer Williams asked as Paul breathed in deeply, "If I could tell you Williams I would but now is one of the few times in my life I've ever been officially lost." Paul said as Williams grabbed her shiny red hair and tugged on it but gave up almost immediately. "Alright well what should we do now?" She asked as Paul looked over her shoulder to see Jason was back in the bridge. "Simple we bring those three in Lieutenant and we interrogate them. Pool our knowledge and put them in the brig if we have to. I don't want it to come to that but we're military officers and we don't simply just mass faint all at once. Bring them here and let's see what happens." Jason told Paul as Williams looked at him unsure what to say at this point as Paul nodded. He turned back on his speakers as he looked through his main monitor again. "I have a ship nearby. If you're willing to come then you should wait here. I'm not going to force you but next time we meet might not be as pleasing diplomatically as we are currently. Besides my radar isn't picking up anything in the nearby radius....in fact it's a bit of a pain even keeping that gundam on screen. You with the black armor do you have some sort of stealth system or something?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

"The nerve of this pilot. Ordering me around as if I were one of his little soldiers who fear his power as a Newtype..." Gabriel thought to himself growing more annoyed by this pilots cocky attitude. But he held his tongue for the moment. Gabriel still had no idea what was going on in this place and well if anything this man was a means to resources which could help in finding out just where this place was and how to get home. So for the moment Gabriel decided to follow along and at the very least observe the situation and watch how this young pilot lead his men.

And it wasn't long before they came across another group, two more suits Gabriel had never seen and another story that made no sense. As if this place wasn't strange enough already And Gabriel listened as again the young Newtype and this men slung insults and jokes at the newcomers, the more he watched and listened the less he liked this young Newtype. But this Black Star was the only real hope to find out anything about where this place was. And when the Idea of moving to the ship Gabriel's only hope was that It's Captain was a more reasonable and less arrogant then the Pilot.

"Although a threat isn't exactly my way of "inviting" others to my home I think pooling any knowledge we might have would be a good idea, And as you so quaintly pointed out earlier I would rather not sleep in this suit any more than I already have. So I'll take you up on that offer." Gabriel said masking his discontent for the young pilot, hoping that he would have some redeeming qualities along the road.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donna only saw the Gundam pilot's offer as more of a 'would you rather come with us and be a prisoner or become an enemy the next time we meet'. She was ready to voice her discontent but the Instructor stepped in. "We will accept the offer as well." He replied.
Donna muted the speaker to voice her frustration. "But Instructor, he is being right arrogant." She protested.
Instructor W was quick to reply. "Whether we like this pilot or not, we will have to cooperate." He reminded her. "We should prioritise on staying alive."
Donna sighed with frustration on the limited options and how the Instructor seemed to be corrent most of the time. She hoped there would be a decent meal at least. The arrogant Gundam pilot's voice got her attention again and got her speaker on again to reply. "We don't have any stealth system as I'm aware of." She responded. "Unless there is one installed and someone forgot to tell me about it." She saw Instructor W shrug as it's the Deathscythe that's meant to have stealth.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Naina was really starting to think the soldier named Blackstar was dense, he was immediately assuming whatever he wanted whenever she said something. "Just to be clear the Mars Federation isn't a codename it is the actual federation of the people living on Mars. We have been living there for many years now." It seemed clear to her that he had some stuff to learn about how to talk to other people, for instance openly insinuating people could be lying pigs. Not a good way to garner a lot of allies, but of course having no other choice she just stayed quiet about that. After she saw Donna had sheathed her heat shotel she also let go of her dobergun, content to let it hang on the shoulder of the Tallgeese. She was a bit relieved when she saw Blackstar also put away his gun though his statement about her dober gun not being able to penetrate his armor made it sound like he was very confident. Was phase shift some new type of gundanium alloy or something? She would have to ask about this later.
His next offer to her sounded just like 'come with us or get shot at later' and she didn't like it at all. Though she didn't have much of a choice being god knows where and having no way to contact anyone she knows. Seeing Donna accept she decided to accept as well. "I don't really like the way you threaten us with that offer, but I will agree to join you." The way he said he had problems getting the Sandrock on radar seemed strange to her though, she didn't have any problems like that at all. His radar must probably be broken or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Let's just leave it at this then. You aren't familiar with my organization, and vice versa on your end. I have no interest in keeping people against their will unless they're enemies of the state. My job is to protect the people not destroy them. I've known plenty of individuals who'd rather wipe each other out than shake hands and play nice. I don't intend on following that path. Regardless of what's going on here we're all affiliated in someway to Earth which is the reason I'm actually letting you near the Sundown. Space fairing people haven't been exactly kind to people like us naturals from Earth." Paul said wanting to gag at his own comments but it was what he was taught to say to people in this situation. The overwhelming pro-natural factions are Earth's majority and thus were elected. He followed their orders but only because his father had told him to do so. And because of his comrades. "You can come out now Beta, and SIGMA watch them if they do something funny you have my orders to do as you wish. We're not going to come to that though because only brutes bring violence upon themselves and only cowardly tyrants restrict unknowns." Paul stated as Beta Leader grumbled. He wasn't sure why the kid leader was putting on a show for these people. Maybe he was trying to make himself less...militaristic and more aristocratic because he was certainly acting like a dumbass not a soldier. "Think about it this way: If I wanted you dead I wouldn't have made contact with my weapon not smoking from the barrel. Code for hostile patrols is not walk out in the open like an idiot. I'm the one taking the risk here. The worst place for you to bring an enemy suit is in the bay of your mobile suit hanger. If you go berserk in there it will cripple us indefinitely. So don't think of me as some savage I'm more cautious than anything....incoming signal...patching it through." Paul stated as he sent the signal to the nearby friendly forces, if you could call them that, as the Comms Officer Williams appeared once again on the com, "This is Williams Lieutenant! The captain has given good to go on docking forces. First to come in is to be Beta Leader's team then it will be the white suit's, then it will be Mr. Gabriel, also it's nice to meet another gundam pilot from Earth sir! I don't recognize the model but you pilots have made the lives of us soldiers-" Williams started before a blue haired soldier next to her nudged her and she blushed then chuckled. "Anyways then it will be the gundam with Arabic weapons and finally Lieutenant Blackstar will dock. SIGMA Squad's orders are to continue the patrols around here." Williams stated professionally as Paul nodded in looked back at the large citadel prodding from the hill. "That's no doubt man made...Chinese design...." Paul said to himself silently as the Sundown's figure was finally in sight he breathed in easily knowing home was close by even if they were far away. "You heard the lady rack'em and pack'em we're decking with the Sundown!" Paul said as his fellow soldiers grunted while the more blunt members of SIGMA complained about being put on guard duty to themselves. If they knew one thing about this kid he held a tight ass shift not unlike their usual commander at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sandrock followed the Beta Leader to the location of the Sundown. Both Donna and the Instructor were surprised to find a battleship that massive and there clearly weren't reports on it as an ally or enemy that they know of. "It has... Legs?" Was the only thing Instructor W can say. they saw the Tallgeese boarding after the team of Mobile Suits, followed by the one with the folded cannon on the back. "We'll be next to jump in, be sure to jump with enough altitude." He reminded the Gundam pilot althought he didn't know how to board one of those ships in the first place.
Donna got the Sandrock to jump briefly from the verniers in the backpack. She was careful not to use too much fuel in one time when jumping in. The Gundam was able to get in the hangar safely and found the others except for Blackstart already docked. There was a mechanic in orange uniform beckoning the Mobile Suit to be moved to an empty space next to the Tallgeese. Donna immediately complied, moving the Gundam slowly to the designated place. Once the docking was completed successfully, the OS was turned off and the hatch of the cockpit opened. Instructor W got out first to the ground and his apprentice was soon to follow. Touching the floor of the hangar was one way to convince them that they haven't been dreaming all the time. Seeing that the Blackstar pilot is still not in the hangar yet, they decided to stand and wait for him to arrive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

Gabriel almost laughed listening to the "Lets all be friends" speech Blackstar gave as it completely contradicted his "I just shoot people" speech that he had given earlier but at the same time it made Gabriel respect the young pilot a bit, the ability to read a situation and adapt to make a peaceful outcome showed a bit of potential at the very least. He followed the group to the ship and was quite impressed, although it wasn't the biggest ship ever, it was still quite a site and much larger than anything Gabriel had seen in years. As the order was read off it seemed that he was to be the third to dock. "Well it is nice to have a warm place to stay, the Gundams were built to serve, I just hope I live up to your expectations." He answered to Williams "Ohh and just Gabriel please, Mr. just makes me sound old." He added as he moved his Gundam into the hanger. It didn't take Gabriel long to dock and exit his Gundam, He gave the mechanic that came to inspect the unit a few tips before proceeding away from his unit and to look around and maybe get a better look at the strange suits that also came into the hanger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Paul waited for his orders to come aboard and did so when told so by Ensign Communications Officer James 'Axer' Carmine told him it was his turn. He didn't like turning off the Phase Shift Armor near such probable enemies but he didn't like it either. Thank god he was malleable otherwise he would have just caused a big fight and probably caused the death of his comrades which would have been a major fault on his pride and his mental state. You don't let allies die for petty reasons that's what he learned since his conscription as a pilot. Hell he wondered why not one questioned the fact that this barely of drinking age boy was ordering them around...maybe they were fine with it or maybe they were afraid of his abilities to pilot Raigo his old friend...his old companion had done more than it's fair share of killing and slaughter. It was meant to be a peacekeeping tool now it was a glorified butcher's knife...and he didn't care that it was he'd wield it if it meant protect his wife....and his family. Plus he'd had yet to settle his score with that lying cur....Paul made Raigo dock quickly and pulled down the zipper on his flight suit..it was starting to heat up in there. He looked at his pistol which was snug securely in his cockpit. No this wasn't the time for fire arms....if he gave these bastards any reason to shoot him they would do so. And Jason is on the ball as usual...Paul noted as he looked down below and saw a RPG soldier and a group of riflemen snugged into inconspicuous corners of the room. Jason meant to keep his crew safe even if he himself was out of it.

Paul left his gun there however, "Lieutenant! Sir what about your gun sir?" asked Beta Leader as the older more scarred soldier looked at his younger smaller comrade. Beta Leader was an imposing man at nearly seven feet tall with enough strength to wrestle with a black bear and win. And his loyalty was beyond anything to Earth and his people. "No just act calm and be at ease soldier. I will meet them per-" Paul started before his earpiece started to vibrate quickly before he could get it on.

Paul put it in quickly and answered it by placing his finger on the button he didn't have his cell on him so he couldn't know who it was but he already figured who it was anyways, "Hello Paul I want you to escort the men to the meeting room on the officer's deck. I want to talk to these people as soon as possible." Jason stated to him as himself was moving towards the room briefing officers with quick gestures and telling to them get moving. He intended on dispatching a rifle team to the citadel and send SIGMA squad to the corners of this ancient looking Chinese area. He needed the cooperation of his crew now more than anything and the one man he trusted instinctively was Paul. He'd get things done he always did. "Understood captain but they're dangerous aren't they?" Paul asked as Jason told him they could be but if they were possible friends that was a better alternative. He told his comrade not to think to much he had this under control. Paul turned off the link and walked over to the nearest machine which was the girl in that strange suit that he couldn't pick up on the radar (Sandrock). There were...two people in there like he figured. "I see that you true enough not to wreck the hanger bay so I'll 'trust' you know that any strange movements could lead to fatal ramifications until you can be trusted. As long as you don't do something stupid you should be fine. But don't mistake trust for foolishness I have my eyes on all of you. You claim to be from Earth but no mention of these suits....any of these suits for that matter has crossed my ears. Don't worry we won't do anything to your suits aside from a quick inspection. Nothing unusual from what we do to any suits new to this hanger. Now that I'm done with my long speech is there any questions before I take you to see the captain?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Instructor W observed the last Gundam making entry to the hangar and to his curiosity the colour of the armour faded, leaving only dull grey behind. He saw the pilot of the Gundam that just docked make his descent and noticed how the pilot is a young adult that looked around the same age as Donna. He adjusted his goggles and listened to what the pilot said on how they kept their word but in the threatening tone he heard in the comms, the inspection of Sandrock and how they will be taken to see their captain before giving his reply. "A quick inspection should be fine with us." The Instructor noted. "And we haven't received any information on your forces from our side either." He looked at the Mobile Suits that are presumably the backbone of the carrier's forces, nothing he knows about either along with the carrier they're right now in. "Can we ask who exactly are you and your organisation or will it be explained later? Otherwise we are ready to meet your captain."
There was some temptation to punch that jerk called the "Blackstar" in Donna but knew that she had to refrain with an RPG and riflemen on guard. Any dumb move can jeopardise their safety. If he is being polite then it only sounds like he's trying. She hated how she needed to swallow her pride and allow an inspection of her Gundam to be trusted. "I have no questions." She responded with an emotionless tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Naina went towards the ship with the others when she heard they were going to board. When she got close enough to the ship she was once again shown how weird everything was right now. This ship didn't look like anything she had ever seen before. Looking over she spotted an opening that could only be the hangar entrance. Proceeding to enter in the order they were instructed she moved her Tallgeese in the spot she saw a mechanic directing her. Seeing the others enter after her and taking their spots too she noticed the last gundam suddenly losing color. Was this the phase shift thing the pilot was talking about? She decided to play it safe though and take her gun, putting it in the holster underneath her coat. This should at least provide her some protection if things went south. After opening and leaving her cockpit she went over to Donna and the others. Right as she neared them she heard blackstar mentioning that he didn't trust them at all, the feeling was likewise. He then asked if they had any questions before they were going to meet the captain of the ship. She had some questions, but decided the captain would be better suited to answer them for her. "I am fine with a quick inspection of my suit. Also I shall let the captain answer any questions I have if it is alright with you." Having to talk longer than she would have to with this blackstar would be unpleasant for her. She got that he didn't trust them, but he didn't have to repeat it this much. Most questions she asked him would probably be answered with classified or something along those lines she figured. Looking at Donna she noticed that she was annoyed with this blackstar too. Maybe they would get along just fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Arthanus
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Arthanus Grey Jedi

Member Seen 27 days ago

Gabriel watched as the pilots gathered, as expected each of them was young, just barely an adult, but still it disgusted him that in all the time that had passed, it was still seen fit to give what is basically children a weapon of mass destruction and send them off to battle. It was that way when he was first selected as a pilot, and it didn’t seem as many things had changed since then. He shook himself out of thought and took a look around the hanger noticing the multiple units of armed guards ready to shoot at the slightest sign of trouble. “Looks like they really don’t like unexpected company.” He thought to himself as he walked over to the group and listened in to the conversation. Another warning and another mention of how little they trusted the new pilots, nothing unexpected coming from military personal dealing with an unknown force. Then it was time for questions and Gabriel listened to the others not really having any questions of his own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Paul thought for a second and tapped his foot on the ground as he looked at the two of them. He supposed he may as well just give them the official version of it after all he already let them into th-well to be exact Jason let them into the hanger not him. If it were up to him he would have avoided this all together and sent them on their way just to make sure he wasn't committing treason against the Earth Alliance by killing any of them. "Very well if you insist on playing this game further I will give the brief version. I am a Lieutenant Ranked soldier code named Blackstar with the Earth Alliance which makes up most of the former Soviet Union, Northern and Central Americas, and the European Union. I and my companions here are members unified forces that don't answer to any singular state. We serve to destroy those who invade us from space and enforce our allied PLANTS. We are named Oppose Militancy and Neutralize Invasion, or O.M.N.I. Enforcer for short. Our sworn enemies are Z.A.F.T. or Zodiac Alliance of Freedom Treaty, and their goal is to pacify, wipe out, or conquer Earth and it's population of natural born humans and they for the most part are coordinated humans. They have killed hundreds of thousands of people for nothing more than discrimination against people who have less specialized genes and whom simply hate those who love the Earth's gentle grasp. I am one of the specialized ace pilots hence why I pilot a gundam. Now then I supposed the captain does indeed wish to speak with you but we must round up our 'friends' over there first." Paul said in exasperation after his long speech and he wondered why he needed to even give that speech did these people really hit their heads hard? Regardless he looked over to Gabe and whistled. "Hey big guy why don't you come with me we're going to meet the captain." Paul said and then waited for him to come along before he led them through the ship. He was accompanied by two soldiers while he himself remained unarmed and kept his arms behind him to show the people that he had no intention of shooting them unless they did something stupid. "Those men behind us are only here to make sure none of you get some smart idea about doing something to the innards of our ship. We're not going to check you for weapons our of the fact that you don't need any more reason to hate us but on the other hand you will be watched by my orders for the remainder of your time on this vessel in order to keep crew safe. For all I know one of you is a villain and the others are on my side. On the other hand it could be vice versa. And once again before you see the captain remember he is the veteran of multiple conflicts and just because he's fairly old now doesn't mean he hasn't got any fighting skills." Paul said with cold plainness in his voice showing no hint of anger, malice, kindness, distrust, or annoyance in his voice. He was being a role model officer or at least he thought so because his comrades cringed when he passed them in the hall but quickly saluted him none the less. Paul eventually led them up some stairs, standard fair in this ship because if the elevator broke or was in use in mass they couldn't get anywhere on the blasted ship otherwise. It was a bit tight but it was not to tight going up the staircase. When Paul finally got them to the door he was met by two guards with bright blue shirts and held shotguns in their hands before Paul saluted them and vice versa and they opened the door. Inside of the room was a singular man sitting down at the table. Paul saluted the man with a passion and the man just sat there waiting for them all to enter. "ATTENTION! Captain! I have brought you the independents you requested and 'former Earth soldier Ranked Major Gabriel' sir!" Paul told him as the man nodded and he looked at the group entering the room. "Enter and be seated if you would...I don't bite....I shoot. Believe it or not it is much more effective when it comes down to it. But I wouldn't worry I would be a fool to look away from potential pools of knowledge especially given our current situation. You may call me Jason or Captain or a combination of therefore. Just don't call me Shirley." Jason said first appearing cold but then smiling and chuckling as he pulled a dark curl away from his eyes and to the corner of his bony face. He looked like a living skeleton with skin and his skin color was pale for a military officer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

All the information from Blackstar seemed like they came out of nowhere for both Instructor W and Donna. By his serious look, it’s doubtful to be lying with everything elaborately set up. They followed to meet the Captain, who did have the appearance of an authority figure as expected. They found vacant seats to sit on during the talk.
“Nice to meet you Captain.” Instructor W replied after the Captain spoke. “I am Instructor W, Major and creator of the Gundam Sandrock and I am with Ensign Donna Lindemann, the pilot of the Gundam.” He pointed out at Donna next to him. “We are both from the Earth Sphere United Nations military but what I heard from Blackstar indicates that you haven’t heard of us before for some reason. He also talked about PLANTs and ZAFT that we haven’t heard of and some kind of people called Coordinators. I assume that the existence of a rebel movement in the Colonies called the Falson Coalition and the fact that they captured much of Asia and Oceania is alien to you as well.”
Donna heard the conversation. She felt best for the Instructor to discuss with the Captain on introduction and politics. She had a closer look at Naina in the meantime but can’t say much at this time other than that she's much younger than herself and piloting a Mobile Suit (also the only Mobile Suit she's heard of out of the bunch). Then there’s the rugged looking man piloting the Gundam with the cannon, also nothing much to say about him either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ionion
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Naina was really wondering whether this blackstar was a great liar or being serious. The entire explanation he gave about this ZAFT and OMNI sounded like the wild fantasies of some novel writer. If he was lying then that was that, but what if he actually told the truth. She could not even fathom what that would imply happened to her. Did she end up on another earth or something, it just sounds too crazy. It would explain how she suddenly ended up in a Japanese region without any communication possibilities when she was around Mars before though. Deciding that her crazy thoughts have gone on long enough she just followed blackstar to the captain's room.
After entering she listened to the captain introducing himself while taking a seat, she didn't get the shirley part as she figured it was probably a joke on the ship. After listening to instructor W introduce himself and Donna she decided to introduce herself as well. "A pleasure to meet you captain Jason. I am Naina Wind, the pilot of the Tallgeese and a citizen of the Mars federation. Like I explained to blackstar it is an actual nation on the surface of Mars just to clear any misunderstandings. Just like instructor W and Donna I too have not heard of these ZAFT and OMNI before." She figured that was enough information to give them about herself. "I would like to ask if you have any information about the location we are in right now." A ship like this should have good enough scanners to determine the location she figured.
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