Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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Jilkrid: A race incredibly similar to humans with the exception of their extremely lilthe body compositions and feline features, having feline ears rather than human ones, and cat-like irises. Having no true homeland, anywhere there are Humans one can expect to find the Jilkrid, they have been known to be very agile, giving them the stereotypes of “pickpockets” and “street-cats”.

Humans: Humanity fled the Shatter, and thus they were forced to adopt new homes. They settled upon three continents, Atrea, the bountiful homestead Agrarean society, Teieya, the Land-Locked Coastal region, and Isilum, the land of the Commonwealth. There are many smaller countries floating about, though they are for the most part similar in nature. Typically trade hubs for passing airships and their crews.

Setra: Race of large, intelligent humanoid insects who hail from the Eastern Continent of Litem. They are a peculiar race, with a religion focused around the worship of a great and mighty Crustacean God, the significance of the Crab is unknown, though Patriarchal Setra seem to inexplicably develop almost crab-like pincers on their pedipalps. They traditionally wear vibrant colors such as Red and Orange for religious practice. They have a peculiar form of governing wherein the Patriarchs will leave position for a week in favor for a Matriarchal council, every week the council changes, supposedly to have an equal viewpoint on all things. They are intelligent and curious by nature, most on average are more intelligent than humans. Their hard carapaces and strong limbs and pedipalps make them extremely durable and strong.

Fäldkrests: A proud race of Scaled and Winged men who believe themselves to be descendants of the mighty Dragons of Old. While they are unable to fly, they are able to glide short distances, given proper wind and height.Hailing from the mountainous region extremely close to the Outer Shatterzone, they are naturally hardy.They are extremely strong-willed and charismatic because of their prideful nature, and as such make excellent leaders.

Saurens:Hailing from the rainforest, Saurans are bipedal reptilians. The average male stands at seven and a half feet and is heavy-set; females are shorter, averaging seven feet, and are more slender and agile. Both sexes are stronger, tougher and faster than the humans, but lack their intelligence, though they have no small measure of cunning. They are covered in scales that can be almost any colour; however, the colour of one's scales tends to run in families. These scales are thick and tough, and are capable of withstanding nearly any bludgeoning attacks, although they do less well against slashing weapons and provide nearly no protection against piercing ones such as arrows and daggers.

Saurans are cold-blooded. This is why nearly all Saurans are taught a simple warming spell that can get them up to temperature in five minutes or so rather than having to bask all morning. However, this means that they are vulnerable to ambush if sleeping outdoors, because they will be sluggish and inept until they've warmed up, although even a cold Sauran is a match for most human warriors.
If a Sauran has a quarrel with another, or takes offence at something that has been said, they resolve it through a ritual duel presided over by a Priest of the Oldbloods (the Sauran gods). Depending on the severity of the infraction, the duel can be to submission, first blood or to the death. All Saurans are fierce and proud, and no challenge ever issued has been declined (some have been vetoed because they were issued to the sick or young, but that is a different manner). They have a strict sense of honour, and reputation is everything in the Sauran community.

Halflings: Half-Bloods created from the conception of a child from a Jilkrid and a Human. They lose their animalistic features, and their ears become much more flaccid, because of their odd nature, they are often prejudiced against. However, the mixture of blood gives them great magical potential, as some of history’s greatest Archmages have been Halflings.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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muh wip

Name: Adept Sicarus Sonne

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Race: Human of The Order


Sonne was born in one of the poorer towns in the countryside, where his parents sold him at birth to get another meal on the table. As Sonne grew, he proved to be an intelligent boy, his owner failed to realize this and kept him as a slave, eventually, Sonne escaped. He became a homeless street urchin, gathering a band of others like him, using his intellect and quick wit to get them food, cash, and shelter, urging them to Port Titanicus. However, they were very far away. They began their slow journey to Port Titanicus, when an opportunity presented itself, a ship was leaving port to head to their destination, one of the kids took that opportunity, but the rest were too slow.
Days later, a Techmagus came to the town, and found the crew that Sonne was leading. Impressed by their teamwork, the Techmagus picked them up and gave them a free ride to Port Titanicus, where the crew went their separate ways.
Sonne was adopted and inducted into the Order by the Techmagus, and now here he is. Having already been on some adventures.

-FNC Mark V "Door Knocker" .50 Caliber Heavy Pistol.
-Order Robes, Adept. Modified by Sonne.
-Armor of Sonne, a custom armor set made up of an upper breastplate, rerebraces, couters, vambraces and gauntlets.
-Order Toolbelt
-Robotic Extra Limb
-Order Halfmask, and Advanced Respirator

-Knowledge of the Ancients. Sonne is trained to identify ancient artifacts, and determine what they do.
-Engineering Skills
-Weaponsmith and Armorsmith Skills
-Various other Sciency-related skills
-A competent shot, by no means an expert.
-Real good hand-to-hand fighter

-Likes Oranges.
-Will usually bring an SMG from the armory when on away missions
-Has a robotic left leg, and left eye. The eye is usually covered by the mask.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GrandDM2


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Now that that's out of the way:

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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History:(If you have problems, ask and I'll see what I can point out to help.)
Equipment:(Make sure that your weapon/armor is at least feasible, no 7ft. buster swords or guns that shoot other guns please.)
Magical Knowledge:(Only really applies if you mention magic training in your backstory, but remember that magic takes years to learn, and at least a decade to be combat usable.)
Skills:(In general, noteworthy qualities of your character that'd benefit the crew as a whole.)
Optional: (Personality, Anything not obvious in Backstory or Appearance, or ORANGES!)[/hider]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RedRising


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Name: Cotinis scara ( 'Cot' for those who frequently forget it/ mispronounce it)
Age: 38
Gender: male
Race: Setra
Appearance: (same as the picture Tree used as a reference, just an altered color scheme of deep black and a shiny emerald green).

History: Cotinis had been raised with many siblings and step siblings (his mother had mated again a while after her first husbands' demise), and this position let him see many of his kind grow up and go down different paths. Two brothers had grown up to be the sculpting artsy type and make business- but both were so stubborn that rather then joining together they made rival shops. One sister immersed herself in medicine and the healing arts; and another brother sought to undo all that work by fighting anyone he could. One sibling was even married and expecting her own young soon.
Cotinis had choices when he was young; but rather then choose something easy he insisted on following his eldest brother on his scholarly pursuits. Sometimes they discovered things, sometimes they made things completely from scratch. Sometimes they had to heal themselves or others, other times they had to fight. It was the best of all his siblings careers as far as Cot was concerned. At least until his brother finally met someone on their travels, and agreed to settle down. Cotinis continued, and eventually his pursuit of knowledge and exploration led him here, as an explorer to the Shatter zone.

Equipment: With his natural abilities in strength and armor, the only thing left really was something sharp and pointy. Cot learned to wield a short blade in his non-dominant left hand; the reasoning being that he needed his stronger right hand to punch things. Other then that he will occasionally wear simple black robes to cover up when there is a bit of a chill in the air. If it's colder then he has a bright red scarf as well. The robe has secret pockets on the inside of it that he sometimes uses to store random samplings of things he wants to study or research later.
These secret pockets are very secret.
You may not ask what is in the secret pockets.
you may not ask about the secret pockets in general.
They are secret.

Magical Knowledge: knows of magic, is learned in some of it's basic concepts from an educational basis, never actually used it, never plans to use it, probably doesn't even have it so it's not important.
Skills: His strength and durability due to his species. Intellect, and fast decision making skills. Decent first aid knowledge.
Optional: curious and intelligent like the rest of his species; Cot is also extremely watchful and calculating. Not quick to fight anyone who isn't a major threat or enemy, Cotinis has more of a slow-burn hatred system. While he understands that reason and feelings don't always go hand and hand, actions that are wild and crazy and most importantly stupid drive him insane, he doesn't understand the reasoning behind them. Hates prejudice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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GrandDM2 said
Now that that's out of the way:

Hmm...Not too sure about the Sauren race considering how similar the Fäldkrests are...I'll wait for Skryte's input on this.
Also oh mang, so many WIPs
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

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will apply soon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Let's post some oranges CS's.


Baka Tensai (he prefers the title of "chef")

Age: 20-30, he doesn't really tell anyone

Gender: Male

Race: Setra

Chef is a fairly slim looking Setra, with shorter than usual antennae and four arms, Chef has a yellow and green carapace, with dark green eyes.

A stove, a spatula, a pan, kitchen knives, and a lot of mystery meat.

Cooking, as far as the crew knows.

Chef has been on the Tychon since it's first founding as it's best (and only) chef, Chef speaks the usual run of the mill bastardization of the English language that the Setra speak (i.e) "This wet fish is of the rarest in kitchen, use it with much wiseness". Not much is known about Chef, set aside the fact he can make almost anything taste alright oddly enough, Chef likes humans due to their squishy composure, and Jilkrid due to their soft ears, and squishy composure, and the fact that they're quite warm.


Lena Blumenkrantz

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race: Human


Four small throwing knives, a pistol, a robotic arm (obviously), and a robotic eye.

A very hand inventor and engineer, Lena is very proficient with not only a gun, but robotics as well.

Lena had been assigned to chief engineer of the Tychon at nearly the same time that Chef had been recruited as chief chef, her skills with robotics being as uncanny as they were managed to garner attention from the Order, and land her a position that allowed her to further prove herself as engineering material. She doesn't necessarily have a cabin of any sorts, preferring to sleep in her own quarters by the engineering bay. She's been known to be a very reserved and professional member of the crew, valuing her position of authority quite a bit among other things, and because of this she (usually) only intermingles with higher ranking members of the Tychon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

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Name: Fish and Ping
Age: unknown for both
Gender: Male, ambiguous female voice-
Race: Unknown fishman, sentient robot
Appearance: Fish, Ping
History: Fish was born on planet fr out of our solar system where normal babies were experimented on for a solar war. Ping was the first of a race of sentient robots made for war. She was defective but kept at a testing facility for the winner of a 'tournament' being held in 9 years time. Fish was one of the babies being experimented on. He was ripped from his mothers teat and shoved into a cold container to be injected with sharp syringes and subjected to cruel experiments. The experiments turned him green and fishlike, while the injections granted him the ability of gills and fishlike abilities. He was trained constantly under harsh conditions. To be the best with weaponry and his section of magic. It was all for cruel game. He never knew what fun was, he had never experienced it. Soon enough the tournament had started, each participant was assigned a service robot. There was a mixup though and Fish was assigned a defective, Ping. At first the tournament was difficult and it seemed like victory was just a hallucination but somehow Fish and Ping pulled through. It may have been the adrenalin of the pain and woods or it may have been the roar of the crowd. Neither of them thought about it too much they were more focused on the killing. In between matches they got to know each other more and more forming a bond that couldn't be broken. Soon enough though, things got bad. Ping had overhead that the head of testing was preparing an off shuttle transport because of the planets impending implosion.

Ping told Fish and they devised a strategy. They blasted their way through the walls of the arena and escaped through the facility, killing numerous workers and the head of testing on the way. As the rocket took off the planet prematurely began to explode. They were lucky that they had took off early, the other evacuation ships weren't so lucky. The knock from the implosion knocked Fish out and gave him severe memory loss. He forgot most of what had happened to him in his life, with fragments returning over the years. Ping explained what had happened to them both and over time they formed the same bond as before. It was 17 years before they reached the shatterzone and opted places on a human ship.
Two semi-automtic pistols, a shotgun, a guitar.

Various rifles lthough not all are always with her
Magical Knowledge:
Fish knows a great deal of water spells. Most of them either involve ice or water itself but the odd one involves snow.

Fish: Fish is essentially a fish and can breathe and swim underwater as well as any fish can. He is also trained in the use of most bullet based wepaonry and knives. Along with this he can play the guitar.

Ping: Ping can communicate with other robots even if it is just a toaster. She is also trained in the use of weapons more so than Fish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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The Irish Tree said
Hmm...Not too sure about the Sauren race considering how similar the Fäldkrests are...I'll wait for Skryte's input on this.Also oh mang, so many WIPs

I'd say that the Saurens can be a close relative of the Fäldkrests. Since the guy already made a character sheet on it, might as well take it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skyrte
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Skyrte ゴゴゴゴ

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RedRising said
Oranges!!!!I feel accomplished now. Anyway, as a quick question, can players make two characters? I didn't see this anywhere in the rules or in the interest check (unless I'm more blind then I thought O_O) If it's a yes I'll just edit this and add my second character later.

Yeah, you can have multiple characters, as long as it doesn't get ridiculous. Ya' can't go as the entire crew as the Tychon, for example. But two or three is fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Skyrte said
I'd say that the Saurens can be a close relative of the Fäldkrests. Since the guy already made a character sheet on it, might as well take it.

Alrighty then, looks like the Saurens are now a thing! Also Longtooth is accepted!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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poog the pig said
Alright.Let's post some CS's.

Accepted ye poogie bastard!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The Irish Tree said
Accepted ye poogie bastard!

Thanks, you barky shit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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poog the pig said
Thanks, you barky shit.

I missed you too buddy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Name: Vulfgang Noventius

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Race: Human


History: Unlike the previous Captains of the Armada class, Captain Noventius rose form absolute obscurity. Born the son of a drunk of a father and a whore of a mother, Noventius ran away from home the minute he could run, and stowed away on an travel vessel bound for the Port Citystate Titanicus. He survived for several years off of pocket change and resourcefulness, though his life changed when he tried picking the pocket of Archmagus Gardet himself. Rather than have the young man be executed for thievery, he opted instead to induct him into the order. Upon reaching the age of 17, they brought him aboard the Tychon after it was refurbished, and for reasons unknown he seemed to have a high degree of compatibility to the ship. Much to Noventius' surprise as well as a majority of the Order's council, he was entrusted with the vessel. Unable to refuse, Vulfgang has lead the Tychon on numerous expedites over the years, though now they have been given permission to push farther in...

Equipment: Captain always has his Revolver, as well as a medium length Falchion. He is almost never seen not wearing his armor, some crew members even whisper that he's just a head stuck to a suit of armor.

Magical Knowledge: He don't know jack about yo magics. He wishes he could conjure Oranges.

Skills:Extremely dexterious from a life of picking pockets. Competent with his blade as well as his revolver. Can drink 70% of the crew under the table. Talented negotiator, navigator, and leader. Isn't afraid to fight dirty, and will often carry sand in his pockets. While certainly not the strongest member of the Tychon, he can hold his own with what strength he has.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Name: Leonardo Barlow
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Race: Half-ling

History: Not much of interest has happened in Leonard's life, save the death of his Guardian and only family, Archmage Barlow of Terentius. He passed when Leo was only 9, though for some reason Archmage Barlow entrusted him to Captain Noventius, believing that his boy needed to see the world beyond a library. He has been on the Tychon for 3 years, though he largely serves unimportant roles, often bringing food to the Chief Engineer, relaying messages, and researching.

Equipment: None, he's too young to wield a sword, and is a mediocre shot, but Lindow says he might have some potential. He often carries around books that he plans to pour over for research.

Magical Knowledge: His half-ling blood and training from an Archmage grants him a great deal of talent in the Arcane, but he is largely inexperienced due to his young age. On a good day he could shoot a fireball, albeit it would most likely not go the way intended.

Skills: He's got the gift of Magic in him, though he is very inexperienced. He is very intelligent for his age however, and sometimes helps with engineer related matters. He can also hide in small places due to how short he is.

Optional: He's rather proud of his heritage, and as such will not tolerate being called a "mutt" or a "knife-ear" from anybody. He's had to light a few crewmen's pants on fire...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GrandDM2


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The Irish Tree said
Hmm...Not too sure about the Sauren race considering how similar the Fäldkrests are...I'll wait for Skryte's input on this.Also oh mang, so many WIPs

I'll admit they're close, but there are some key differences. Fäldkrests are of draconic descent, from giant magical lizards. The Saurans' ancestors are perfectly ordinary reptiles that happened to evolve. As far as I'm aware, Fäldkrests are warm-blooded, since it's not mentioned that they aren't, so that's a big physiological difference.

You could say that they're cousins, perhaps...

Skyrte said
I'd say that the Saurens can be a close relative of the Fäldkrests. Since the guy already made a character sheet on it, might as well take it.

And then, this. Didn't notice that at first. But yes, exactly what I was saying.

The Irish Tree said
Alrighty then, looks like the Saurens are now a thing! Also Longtooth is accepted!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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RedRising said
Oranges!!!!IT IS DONEName: Cotinis scara ( 'Cot' for those who frequently forget it/ mispronounce it)Age: 38Gender: maleRace: SetraAppearance: (same as the picture Tree used as a reference, just an altered color scheme of deep black and a shiny emerald green).History: Cotinis had been raised with many siblings and step siblings (his mother had mated again a while after her first husbands' demise), and this position let him see many of his kind grow up and go down different paths. Two brothers had grown up to be the sculpting artsy type and make business- but both were so stubborn that rather then joining together they made rival shops. One sister immersed herself in medicine and the healing arts; and another brother sought to undo all that work by fighting anyone he could. One sibling was even married and expecting her own young soon. Cotinis had choices when he was young; but rather then choose something easy he insisted on following his eldest brother on his scholarly pursuits. Sometimes they discovered things, sometimes they made things completely from scratch. Sometimes they had to heal themselves or others, other times they had to fight. It was the best of all his siblings careers as far as Cot was concerned. At least until his brother finally met someone on their travels, and agreed to settle down. Cotinis continued, and eventually his pursuit of knowledge and exploration led him here, as an explorer to the Shatter zone.Equipment: With his natural abilities in strength and armor, the only thing left really was something sharp and pointy. Cot learned to wield a short blade in his non-dominant left hand; the reasoning being that he needed his stronger right hand to punch things. Other then that he will occasionally wear simple black robes to cover up when there is a bit of a chill in the air. If it's colder then he has a bright red scarf as well. The robe has secret pockets on the inside of it that he sometimes uses to store random samplings of things he wants to study or research later. These secret pockets are very secret.You may not ask what is in the secret pockets.you may not ask about the secret pockets in general. They are secret.Magical Knowledge: knows of magic, is learned in some of it's basic concepts from an educational basis, never actually used it, never plans to use it, probably doesn't even have it so it's not important.Skills: His strength and durability due to his species. Intellect, and fast decision making skills. Decent first aid knowledge. Optional: curious and intelligent like the rest of his species; Cot is also extremely watchful and calculating. Not quick to fight anyone who isn't a major threat or enemy, Cotinis has more of a slow-burn hatred system. While he understands that reason and feelings don't always go hand and hand, actions that are wild and crazy and most importantly stupid drive him insane, he doesn't understand the reasoning behind them. Hates prejudice.

Skyrte said
muh wipName: Adept Sicarus SonneAge: 23Gender: MaleRace: Human of The OrderHistory:Sonne was born in one of the poorer towns in the countryside, where his parents sold him at birth to get another meal on the table. As Sonne grew, he proved to be an intelligent boy, his owner failed to realize this and kept him as a slave, eventually, Sonne escaped. He became a homeless street urchin, gathering a band of others like him, using his intellect and quick wit to get them food, cash, and shelter, urging them to Port Titanicus. However, they were very far away. They began their slow journey to Port Titanicus, when an opportunity presented itself, a ship was leaving port to head to their destination, one of the kids took that opportunity, but the rest were too slow.Days later, a Techmagus came to the town, and found the crew that Sonne was leading. Impressed by their teamwork, the Techmagus picked them up and gave them a free ride to Port Titanicus, where the crew went their separate ways.Sonne was adopted and inducted into the Order by the Techmagus, and now here he is. Having already been on some adventures.Equipment:-FNC Mark V "Door Knocker" .50 Caliber Heavy Pistol.-Order Robes, Adept. Modified by Sonne.-Armor of Sonne, a custom armor set made up of an upper breastplate, rerebraces, couters, vambraces and gauntlets.-Order Toolbelt-Robotic Extra Limb-Order Halfmask, and Advanced RespiratorSkills:-Knowledge of the Ancients. Sonne is trained to identify ancient artifacts, and determine what they do.-Engineering Skills-Weaponsmith and Armorsmith Skills-Various other Sciency-related skills-A competent shot, by no means an expert.-Real good hand-to-hand fighterOptional:-Likes Oranges.-Will usually bring an SMG from the armory when on away missions-Has a robotic left leg, and left eye. The eye is usually covered by the mask.

And Accepted! If anybody is having trouble with History for their character sheets, let me or Skryte know.
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