Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wilson Wilson

Wilson Wilson

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Slowly, drawing a quiet breath, Green Skull peered through the sights of his paintball gun. The target was moving again, but he already knew this warehouse was the man's final destination. He'd been tracking this guy for days now, trying to discover where the Clowns had been taking the young men and women they'd been kidnapping. Now he'd found them.

There were three of them, guarding close to a dozen small cages. Cages that contained a small fortune in victims of human trafficking. They were obviously Clowns, their garish masks making them look like second rate henchmen from a Batman comic. The victims cowered away from their captors, pressing themselves back against the bars in an attempt to avoid the attention of the mask wearing crooks.

The gun barely made a sound, just three quiet pffts as Green Skull sent a trio of paintballs hurtling towards the man he'd been tracking. The first and second detonated against the guy's jacket, smearing the black leather with neon green paint and causing him to cry out in shock and pain as he whirled round, looking for the source of the attack. That's when the third ball struck, slamming into the comically large red nose, before bursting and spraying the green paint directly into the guy's eyes. The paint was Green Skull's own formula, a kind of pepper spray in bright green form.

As the first guy collapsed to his knees, howling in agony as he clutched at his burning eyes, Green Skull broke cover and charged his companions, snatching a set of handcuffs from his pocket as he ran. Holding the cuffs around his hand, he used them as an improvised set of brass knuckles, dropping the first Clown he reached with a swift flurry of punches before clapping one of the cuffs around his wrist. He stood upright and caught the leg of the third Clown as a kick was aimed at his head. He wrapped his other arm around the guys leg, trapping him in an ankle lock before violently twisting and separating the joint with a satisfying snap.

Keeping a firm grip of the guy's foot, Green Skull dragged him to his companion and snapped the other end of the cuffs closed around his damaged ankle, before turning his attention back towards his original target. He was still on his knees, rubbing at his eyes as Green Skull's steel toe capped boot slammed into his forhead, pitching his unconscious form onto his back.

A quick search of the three men unearthed two cell phones and the keys to the cages. Green Skull turned away from the men and hurled one of the phones against the warehouse wall, shattering it, before removing the back of the second one and removing the sim card. He pocketed the sim for later study, before dropping the phone beside the Clown with the cuffed wrist. "The only number this phone will call now is 911." He said, the moutless mask muffling his voice. "You're going to call it, right now, and confess your sins." He began heading for the warehouse door once more, before casually tossing the keys into one of the cages. "Oh, and once you do, you should pray the cops arrive before they find the right key and let themselves out. Either way, justice will be served tonight."

He left the warehouse, ignoring the cries of terror from behind him. Once he was clear of the building Green Skull paused to check his watch. "Shit." He breathed, he was late, late for the meeting he'd arranged. Lowering his head, he broke into a run, not stopping until he reached the abandoned factory he'd chosen.

Within he was confronted with an awesome sight, some of the best Champion City had to offer were standing, or sitting within. Many of them better, more proficient crimefighters than he himself could ever hope to be, but they'd all answered his call.

"The others?" He asked Ninja, feeling a swell of disappointment as the Japanese man gave an almost imperceptable shake of his head. "Never mind, let's just hope they're running late too."

"Sorry to keep you all waiting." He said, turning to address the room at large. "I am sure you can all appreciate that sometimes our work needs to be put first. Can I assume Ninja has already brought you up to speed as to the purpose of this gathering?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BrownBear


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Charlie watched the crowd of assembled masked folks. Quite the group, and although some seemed quite uptight, that didn't change the useful favors that he could get out of the group. A voice began to address the entire crowd, mentioning chairs and about there supposedly being more that haven't shown up. He grabbed a chair and sat back to listen to the introductions of the new figure. The man called himself ninja, and although seemed to be working with Green skull, simply talked about how he targets rapist and murders, and will kill. Although killing isn't really my style, can't complain about knowing a guy as sneaky as he is, maybe i can get him tog ather some info for me next time I need it. He thought to himself.

Next was the one who didn't seem too pleased with the nickname he had called Green Skull when he first arrived at the factory. Showing off his spear and talking about how he has been at it the crime fighting for a while, along with his calling card of sorts with the spray paint. Calls himself the friend while showing off the spear, not too mention seems tight laced. Probably in this for the glory of justice or something, maybe if I say it is for the greater good I can get things out of him. Charlie thought.

Next guy seemed pretty nervous about being amongst the crowd. Called himself Leet, and nearly spilled his home and name in the process of his introduction. Nervous, probably young, and does things with surveillance and programming. This is the kinda guy who knows how to support my style, and it shouldn't be too hard to have him support me either. Finally someone that brought something of a smile to Charlies face.

Then, entered the main attraction. Green Skull himself. Asking something of ninja, he then turned to the crowd to apologize for being late and mention that ninja most likely brought us up to speed. "I am not sure you can call what he did bringing us up to speed. He said you gathered us, which most of us already knew, and then introduced himself and told us to do the same." Charlie said standing up from his sitting point. "By the way, since I have the floor, i guess I can continue the meet and greet. I go by The Con, and i specialize in things a con man would, disguise, lying, gaining trust. I target who I like so i don't target a type of criminal persay, although i do resemble the type of criminal it sounds like most of you leave alone, so I've got that going for me." He said before turning back to Green Skull. "But to reiterate, please clarify as to why you called us, your friend didn't do the best job of that." He said before sitting back down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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Alex sat slouched down in his fold up chair relaxing a little. As he was sitting The Green Skull himself rushed in explaining how he was late. He then started to go on about the Ninja explaining why were were summoned. Alex stared blankly at the Green Skull. Him being a huge fan of superheroes he was shocked that he was even in presence of such big names. Recollecting himself he kept calm and waited for the other masked man who was introducing himself to finish. He went by Con and he informed the Green Skull on how we still did not know why we were here.

Alex then stood up and interrupted the Con. "I haven't introduced my self yet!" He said, "I'm Bo, you might know me for being a very young superhero." He then slid his hands in the pocket of his jacket. "I've tooken alot of martial arts classes and know how to defend myself pretty well to say the least" He continued, "I don't really target a specific criminal I just stop crime and bring justice." He then sat back down into his chair as signaling everyone he was done.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jules_Watts
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Ken gets a good spot against a wall as the room began to fill. He keeps a watchful eye over the masks as they engage in conversation remaining composed until Green Skull would make his appearance. He scans the ceiling and walls for possible bombs or snipers. With all these so-called heroes in one room there was bound to be trouble in the midst. A white-masked vigilante calling himself Con is first in responding to a Ninja hero who welcomed the room. Ken readies to introduce himself but isn't quite sure if putting his abilities out in the open would be the wisest move. He moves off the wall towards a chair as the welcoming ceremony commenced- "should be interesting..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bweoti


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"The Con is correct, I just started with introductions. Which we were in the middle of when you came in. I can't tell them the purpose of our meeting, mostly because you have yet to tell me." Ninja stood up after speaking, then looked around the room. "Everyone needs to keep one thing in mind. We are all criminals here. Each one of us has their own motivations, whether we share them or not. I expect to eventually be taken out by a fellow vigilante or the police. No criminal will get the better of me again. Now, I'm going to check the perimeter." With that, he padded silently to a support beam, wrapped his arms around it and shimmied up the beam. Once he reached the rafters, he padded across them to a window, propped it open, and slithered outside, closing the window in the process.

The Ninja then climbed higher, up to the roof level. Taking his time, he walked the perimeter of the roof, slightly back from the edge to hide himself from ground view easier. He was looking for the missing vigilantes. Perhaps one of them was lagging behind due to other criminals not being polite enough to allow a vigilante the means of their own schedules. This night may have started as a peaceful night for the criminals of Champion City, but after this meeting, it will be a field day for the vigilantes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wilson Wilson

Wilson Wilson

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"He's an... Interesting fellow." Green Skull muttered to himself as he watched Ninja disappear, he quickly turned his attention back to his fellow vigilantes. "He's right. By the wording of the law, we are all criminals. We all have that in common. But when the criminals are using the word of the law to subvert the spirit of the law, what choice do we have?" He paused for a moment, slowly turning his head to peer at each of them in turn.

"Now, we all have our own methods. Can't say I agree with them all, but we are all working towards the same goal. And what have we achieved in the couple of years I've been at this? Two things... Jack and shit. Crime is still rife. Most of the criminal scum regard us as a joke." He was getting louder, more impassioned as he spoke. "I propose we change that. A combining of resources as it were. A team of masks, working together to take Champion City back for the everyday folk. So, what say you all?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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The Ghost was standing in a dark space. His white face and the deep, threatening black eye sockets that seemed to stare into your soul were simply fixed on whoever was speaking. It was funny, he didnt have to say a word, he just had to sit there and look nice. The Ghost did not fear any of the people here. He heard about them all. But he was quickly having trust issues with most of these people. He was still cautious on the idea of a team. He wouldnt speak up. The Ghost had yet to introduce himself, but something like that probably had a very low chance of happening. Some people knew who he was, they knew his work.

Thats all that mattered, the fear in the streets lurking in the night. This team, this meeting, it had potential but was it truly possible? The Ghost liked traveling alone. Being held back is not an option. The Ghost stepped from the shadows and walked straight up to Green Skull. He looked him in the eyes. The silence was great. He scanned the room, soaking in every masked human that was here. When his head was facing Green Skull again, he tilted his head, almost as if to say "How can I trust you?" Many questions needed to be answered before The Ghost decided he would join. The worst possible thing that could happen is him speaking. Which could be something he would quickly regret
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wilson Wilson

Wilson Wilson

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This was not how Green Skull had seen things going. Instead of the roar of approval he had expected, he now had The Ghost eyeballing him. This could get ugly if he didn't diffuse the situation. He carefully reached out and placed a hand on The Ghost's shoulder before speaking quietly, his mask muffling his quiet voice so that only the Russian could hear him.

"Relax Mikhial." He took care to pronounce it properly. "We're all on the same side here. We can help each other. And don't worry, your identity is safe with me, I'll take it to the grave if you don't wish the others to know. Same as I'll do for all the others."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dwarfdude194
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Edward listened to the proceedings with passive curiosity, wondering why he had bothered to show up at all... until the Green Skull had finally appeared. He had honestly never thought of working with the other masks in the room: In fact, despite his own forays in his neighborhood, he had half-suspected that the others didn't exist, or were simply other brigands working for themselves. The idea of working with them had been so remote as to be impossible. But here they were, and here was the offer.

He could sense the hesitation in the rest of the room, and was nervous: Surely, if we all hated this town's lawlessness as much as I do, he thought, then we would have no qualms about banding together. But the silence lingered and even the Green Skull seemed to get antsy. Finally, the Salamander stirred from the back wall, taking a few bold steps forward. Despite his resolution, nerves got the better of him, and he stumbled over his words. "I'm...uh... " He coughed and tried again, "I can't speak for the rest of you, but I'm willing. I need help, and I can admit that. I can't even manage to keep a few blocks around my place safe. So, if you get no one else, Mr. Skull," Edward wondered if that sounded awkward, or what he should have said instead, "You've got me." A few seconds of silence passed before it occurred to him that he should shuffle back to his place, which he did.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OscarioTheGuy
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OscarioTheGuy Silly Dumpass

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Still sitting in his folding chair, Francis looked at the Salamander as he declared his allegiance to the Green Skull. Watching him move back to his corner, he slowly began to raise his hand up.
"You're not alone in joining the Green Skull, Mr. Salamander. I also want in. "
His voice sounded serious for once, despite himself playfully referring to this guy as 'Mr.' He was familiar with quite a few of these heroes' work, realising this as he looked around the room once more.
"Somebody needs to rid the city of these fucking assholes ruining it, and who better than us? Working together?"
He held his chin in solemn thought, contemplating whether or not he should say these next words, but eventually he decided that they were all probably in the same boat as him. Something caused these guys to take up the mantle and bring the fight back to the city that liked to destroy it's citizens.
"I don't know about you guys, but this fucking town turned my mom into an alcoholic wreck, and scarred me mentally. I mean, who else is crazy enough to go out at night in this kind of getup and fuck assholes up? Me, that's who. Probably you guys too."
As he spoke, his voice began to sound more pumped up and emotional, he truly believed teaming up would help clean up this godforsaken town once and for all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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As people started to give into partnership with The Green Skull Alex felt obligated to. "Count me in, Mr. Skull" He said gripping onto his staff as it he had it around the back of his neck, "We'd should be like called, The Masks! Or...or The Hidden Identities or how about Green Skull and Friends. " He laughed at the last suggestion. Regaining his composure his smile grew underneath his black tinted helmet. Series of comic books flashed into his head showing their group of masked heroes.

He then launched up from his seat excitedly. "We should like do something big!" Alex said pacing around the room squirrel-like, "Like something omega big like takeout a gang hideout or something!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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It took Greg a bit before wanting to say something about joining. He already decided on joining but he was a little hesitant about speaking up but finally he stood up and said "I'm defiantly in. I've been waiting for something like this my entire life. You'd have to kill me before I'd say no to this" he said with a huge smile. "Oh! I almost forgot!" He said as he took his back pack off of his back "I made something so we can all talk to each other and they have a few other uses" he said as he took out the watches he had been working on and began to hand them out hoping people would like them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BrownBear


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Charlie looked around the room of heros who began to voice agreement with Green Skull, and the group that seemed on edge. This team probably isn't going to do much for me, or vice versa.These guys seem a bit brute for my style of doing things, but then again, nothing wrong with having more people to add into my list of contacts. He thought to himself, and he was glad these people did view themselves as criminals and not some upstanding heros. "I can't say the way guys do things will allow me to help you much in any way, but hey, I cam sure the being a part of a team like this isn't too terrible an idea." He said taking a watch that was handed to him. He took a look at it for a bit, and then pulled out his smartphone and then back at the watch. Guess these hero types aren't crazy about using a bloody phone. No, needs to be a watch, can't be like everyone else He thought, letting out a small chuckle. "So, what now mean and green?" He asked as the voices of agreement began to die down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


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Tyler stood calm and quiet, leaning next to a wall as he watched more and more vigilante's show up. Some of them started talking to each other but he ignored everyone and didn't say a word. He just wanted to get this over with so he can go back to scum killing. This Green Skull wherever he was he was sure taking his sweet time in getting here. Then the Green Skull finally decided to show up as Tyler leaned down, with his right hand underneath his chin and watched him speak with the rest to the rest of the vigilante's in the factory as his speech got more and more heated. Tyler was left stunned after hearing that the Green Skull wants to create some kind of crime fighting team. After he watched Green Skull talk to The Ghost and calming him down Tyler rised up and with slow steps began heading towards G.S. "Hey, no offense but are you insane? Look around you, man! There aren't two people here that are alike. We are all different in both the way we act and think. What you are trying to build here is a foundation for disaster that one day will crumble down on all of us. I mean... in case you haven't noticed, this is not some action movie or some cheap ass comic book, where the good guys always win and the bad guys get their asses kicked. This is real life and things are hard enough for us as it is." Said Tyler, extremely critical about this whole situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Bweoti


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

On the north corner of the building, Ninja began to hear light, but sharp, tapping noises, like popcorn or something. Then, three streets over a car with a pegged out engine and some blue and white flashing lights zoomed by towards the sounds of the tapping noises. Ninja closed his eyes, focused his senses into one sense, his hearing. Within a few seconds, he was able to discern the repetitiveness of not popcorn, but firearms. His eyes popped open, Job interview time.

Ninja ran to the east side of the building. Not slowing a bit, he leaped off of the building's roof, tumbled in mid-air, hit a solid object and rolled to his feet on the roof of the next building over. He did that once more, then slid down the fire escape. He rushed over to the dumpster that hid his bike, tossed off the boxes that covered his seat, hopped on and started his engine. The midnight blue Samurai purred as he revved the bike. His tires squealed for a few seconds as he screached his way out of the alleyway. He headed back to the warehouse where the vigilantes were. As he neared the entrance that everyone had been using, he popped a wheelie and slammed the door open with the front tire. The floor of the warehouse squeaked as the Samurai's tires went across its surface, and the bike and rider rode over to the group, turning around to face the door.

"Hope you have recruits. Time to show our mettle. North, about a mile from the sounds of it. Sounds like a war zone. Gotta get moving. The cops have stirred and they're involved. What could bring them out at this time of night?" Ninja reached back to the seat frame and grabbed the midnight blue helmet (he doesn't wear one, himself). He then tossed it to Green Skull. Once GS had caught it and looked at it, everyone will notice the front of the helmet had been airbrushed into a lifelike skull, painted in varying shades of green. "Thought you might like that helmet. Wear that if you're going to ride with me." Ninja looked around the room, "This is your job interview. You want in, come on. You want out, get out. Either way," he nods to Green Skull, "he'll figure out if you're good enough to join us."

Once Green Skull had put on the helmet and tossed his leg over the back of the Samurai, Ninja revved the bike a few times, and (not waiting for GS to grab on) the floor squeaked shrilly as the bike and riders flew out the door. They turned north, and headed towards the war zone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by OscarioTheGuy
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The Friend turned his unchanging, smiling gaze quickly towards Bo. "I noticed you and I both travel the same sort of way. Wanna go together? It'll be faster, since we can boost each other up more difficult to reach places."

Time was of the essence though. He could've asked L33T to give him a ride or something, but he saw much of himself in Bo, and figured they'd make a good team together. If not this league of masks the Green Skull was making, at least Bo and The Friend could perhaps work together to clean up the streets? They both used long stick based weapons as their tools of choice, and so The Friend could be friendly and teach him what he knew.

He adjusted his new watch on his left wrist and figured he'd learned how it would work soon enough. He gestured a thumbs up towards L33T and said "Thanks man, this is really cool.", and didn't even wait for a response before beginning to climb up the pillar that Ninja had done earlier and move up towards an upper window to the roof. He expected that Bo would follow right behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SayZun
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As The Friend turned towards Bo and asked him to come along he filled up with joy. "Hell yeah" He agreed. Alex was able to see the connection with him and The Friend. Their style of weaponry was very much alike and he always did wish he had partner to fight crime along side.

He then stopped turning his attention back to the other masked mans contradicting statement. "Come on man, If a group of criminals can make a gang and terrorize a city then a group heroes can save one." He said as he followed The Friends, "Oh yeah and thanks, L33t" He then sheathed his staff back into its back holster and climbed up the pillar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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L33T smiled when he go the positive feed back on his watches but then he was filled with a little dread at what was doing up next. Soon he would be facing off against who knows with nothing but he fists and his watches which had limited offensive capabilities but he had all of the other masks backing him up which gave him a bit of comfort. He quickly ran over to his bike, put his helmet on and began driving towards the gun fire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GodOfChaos
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The Ghost turned his back to the Green Skull after he put a hand on his shoulder. "Relax Mikhail. We're all on the same side here. We can help each other. And don't worry, your identity is safe with me, I'll take it to the grave if you don't wish the others to know. Same as I'll do for all the others." The Ghost didn't hesitate a slight millisecond. A knife was at Green Skull's throat with the blink of an eye. Green Skull knew his address, his name, what was next? His background? His nationality? It was at the moment where a few others were speaking up and a bike slammed through the entrance of the door. His eyes drew over to the man on the motorcycle.

He quickly whispered, in his thick Russian accent, "I would be careful if I were you Green Skull, you already know too much as it is." He was loud enough for only Green Skull to hear. His knife was sheathed just as fast as it was whipped out to Green Skull's neck. The man on the motorcycle was telling them a situation that was going on just a mile North of there position. He was in it to help the cops. Whether he made the team or not didn't matter. He snatched one of those watches and put it on quickly. He just nodded towards L33t as a thank you and with that he was gone. He would be on the scene fairly quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
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Lucian Threadslayer

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Downtown Champion City, Three nights ago, 1:15 A.M.

Johnny was waiting with his boys in a dark alley overlooking the docks. Johnny worked for the Marzetti family, a branch of Champion City's Italian mafia, as their number one enforcer, or so he liked to think. The shipment of cocaine that he and his boys were waiting for was to arrive via a boat that would come in discreetly to the docks. Something was wrong though. The boat was late, and Johnny was getting uncomfortable.

"The hell's taking them so long?" Johnny mumbled. Then, speaking louder, and more directly to one of his henchmen he said, "Hey, go get a better look, wouldja'?"

The henchmen complied silently, stepping out of the alleyway to go and get a better look at the docks. As soon as he stepped out of the alleyway, he saw the boat off in the distance, just outside the view of the others in the alleyway. It was burning.

"Yo, Johnny. You may wanna' come get a look at this. I found the boat." Johnny's lackey called back.

As Johnny saw the wreckage of the burning boat, he released a string of curses under his breath. The curses didn't stop, instead mixing with his speech as he began barking orders to his men to gather and investigate. The group of four mafiosos ran down the docks to get a better look at the burning boat. When they were all down on the docks, Johnny made the call to his superior, filling him in on the news. As he stammered apologetically into the phone, he was interrupted by an explosion back near the alley.

"The getaway car..." He whispered, unthinkingly hanging up on his boss and drawing his pistol. His cronies, looking at each other for moral support, did the same, and the whole group walked carefully back to the alleyway to investigate, guns drawn. When they got there, the car, as Johnny had feared, was on fire. a trail of gasoline lead to the wall nearby. On the wall, in flaming Latin, were written the words: Hannibal ante portas. Johnny knew what that meant.
Hannibal stood on the roof of a low building overlooking his handiwork. The H in Hannibal was crooked, but calligraphy wasn't his specialty when he was writing with a pen, let alone gasoline. Still, a wide smile cut his face as he saw the faces of the thugs. Malformed H or not, the looks on their faces told him that it had had the desired effect. Hannibal had been harassing the Marzetti family's street thugs for weeks, interrupting operation after operation. By now, he figured, they should know hi by his catchphrase. After giving the thugs a moment to let it sink in, Hannibal struck.
"The hell does that mean?" One of the newer guys asked, pointing to the flaming words on the wall.

Johnny looked around the alleyway, not even glancing at the man as he responded, "It means Hannibal is at the gates. It means we're in big trouble..." He looked the the man to emphasize his point with a glare.

Just as Johnny caught the man's eyes with his own, an ebony-shafted spear came down with excessive force into the man's neck, crumpling him to the side. Johnny's eyes went wide as the man fell gurgling, and he aimed his pistol up in the direction the spear had come from, at the roof of a short building overlooking the alley. He was too late, though. As he turned his aim up, he saw a large black shield coming down at him. He was almost sure he could see th man behind it, but he lost consciousness before he could be positive, crushed beneath the weight of Hannibal's leap.
Two down Hannibal's mental tally came on even as he rolled over the unconscious body of a downed Johnny. He somersaulted behind the burning car as Johnny's remaining three lackeys opened fire, drawing his 9mm pistol from it's holster behind his shield. after one deep breath, he came out of cover, crouched behind his shield. The men began firing again, but were interrupted as the high-powered LED flashlight on the shield powered on, momentarily throwing off their aim, giving Hannibal just enough time to pop his head out from behind the shield, and send four bullets at the men's kneecaps. The two fell, screaming, and Hannibal rushed in. He kicked the gun out of the hand of one, and smashed the other's wrist between the rim of his shield and the concrete. One final blow to each of their heads sent them spiraling into unconsciousness.

With all of his enemies downed, Hannibal strolled to Johnny, pilfering the man's phone. With it, he would be able to send the Marzetti an even more powerful message. His work completed, Hannibal left the flaming carnage behind, heading back to his secret place.

As he arrived, he instantly noticed that somebody had been in the Museum besides the night shift guard. On the trap door to his secret place was a message. A message from the Green Skull.

"Interesting." Hannibal whispered, and began to read the letter.
Champion City, A dark place overlooking the vigilante's meeting spot

Hannibal had watched the entire meeting, silent as the grave. He wanted to take the measure of his new potential allies. Eventually, they began to leave, in response to trouble. Hannibal decided to follow, intending to make grand appearance. That thought in mind, he followed the group quietly.
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