Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shadow, awaiting acceptance/rejection on my character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I have a character in the works.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amy stands at 5’3” and has a very petite, delicate figure. Her face is covered in tiny freckles that dot her skin all the way down her neck and over her shoulders. Her hair appears white in the day, but is said to look more silvery under moonlight. Despite looking frail, her hands and feet are covered in rough calluses and she has many a scar or bruise dotting her arms and legs from various escapades through the woods. Her clothes always smell lavender from the absurd amount of times she has to wash the dirt from them.

Name: Amy Marshall
Race: Human
Color: Her Aura is Magenta
Gender: Female
Age: 16, second year in Beacon

Bloodthirster – A giant battle axe that has the words of an ancient language engraved onto its edge. The hilt is around a meter long, with a spear head on the bottom. The weapon is heavy and requires quite a bit of energy to use. The attacks are slow, but really pack a punch and are capable of cleaving multiple enemies in one swing. The weapon’s range is quite deceiving, as the blade of the axe is actually connected to a long, metal chain that coils itself around the hilt. The blade can be propelled via a switch on the hilt, sending it and the chain forward at a decent speed, effectively tripling the range of the weapon. The blade can also be retracted with the switch.
Semblance: Amy’s semblance is called Soul Eater, which gives her the required boost she needs to stay in combat longer with her physically demanding weapon. Every successful strike Amy makes against an enemy with Bloodthirster will restore stamina to her, making her incredibly strong in extended fights because of her ability to outlast her opponent, provided she is landing blows.

History: Growing up in Vale, Amy was always the adventurous type. She had her friends would often roam the streets of the city after school and play guns and robbers with plastic swords and fake guns. On weekends her parents even took them out into the forests near Vale for them to play and climb trees. Amy loved to climb, so weekends were always her favourite. It was this sense of adventure that sparked her desire to become a huntress. Fighting monsters, protecting the world, it all sounded great.

Amy and her best friend Lucas attended Signal academy together, but it was clear between the two of them that Lucas was more skilled in combat than Amy was. He graduated Signal a year earlier than normal and went to attend Beacon without her. For the first year, Lucas kept in contact with her, but as he made friends with more experienced warriors he started to lose touch with Amy. When Amy did graduate Signal, the top of her class, Lucas acted like he didn’t even recognise her when she approached him on her first day at Beacon.

Betrayed, Amy decided to forget Lucas and make new friends at Beacon; but she always felt saddened that she and her childhood friend would not get to live their dream together. Things never got better, and a few months into his second year at Beacon, Lucas was killed by a creature of Grimm that he wasn’t strong enough to face. It’s been a year since then, and now Amy just continues to study and work towards becoming a huntress.

Personality: Amy is a very adventurous young girl. She’s never afraid to take the first step and can always be depended on for any wild or wacky escapade you might have planned. She enjoys spending a lot of time outdoors and doesn’t particularly like studying, but she has the determination to pile through her homework (even if she doesn’t get all the answers right) because it will bring her one step closer to her dream of becoming a huntress; where every day will be an adventure. She’s great to have a laugh with and can make even the most reserved of people feel right at home with her. She’s very headstrong and can be quite stubborn, especially when it comes to combat.

Extra Information: She drinks more coffee than she probably should, so she tends to mellow out towards the afternoon after the caffeine has settled down.
Password: Red like Roses
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 5 days ago

Save me a spot~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Standing at a hefty 6'6, Angron dominates most others in height and not only that he is built like a brick house. His eyes are an amber color while his hair would be a light brown if he didn't shave it. Due to his life of battle, Angron is covered in scars, big and small. The most proud one would be the massive claw mark that goes down across his chest.

Name: Angron

Race: Human

Color: Sanguine

Gender: Male

Age: 25


Gorechild: This weapon has been remade several times throughout Angron's family history. Starting out as a humble axe, it is now an engine of destruction in its own right as it not only hacks and slashes through the hardest of materials but activating the teeth on the blade transforms the axe into a handheld chainsaw perfect for tearing flesh and splintering bone.

Hail Fire: An extremely large pistol. Switches between semi to full automatic fire with the flip of a switch and is capable of tearing concrete apart under its powerful bullets. When a situation calls for it, he will switch to "Warpfire" rounds. Incendiary rounds that function much like thermite when they connect with a solid surface.

Semblance: Rage.
Causes Angron to become a demon on the battlefield. Able to heavily dent armor with his fists, dominate others in fear, and shrug off mortal wounds at the cost of sane thought. Instead of the loud and collected warrior that he usually is, Angron is replaced by reckless battle. Fairly easy to manipulate.

History: A warrior from the far north, Angron doesn't have much history. Since he could hold a weapon he has been fighting. For life, for food, for respect, conflict is the center of his life and the life's of his tribesman. However they are now dead, Angron is the last of the World Eater tribe of warriors. This doesn't effect Angron as much as you would expect, they died honorably and as such are now joined with their god in the halls of Kharn, forever drinking and fighting in the Ash Pits.

Angron has come south to seek new experiences and possibly new companions.

Personality: The first into battle and the last to leave, Angron lives for conflict. However this doesn't rule his life. Outside of battle he is a wise, sagely warrior who can often lend his ear to those in need of one. While on the exterior he is a brutish man, he is bound by a code of honor that he lives strictly by and enforces heavily.

1. Do not harm innocents or noncombatants.
2. Only take the skulls of worthy kills.
3. Do not spill blood without reason.
4. Never desecrate the honor of a woman.
5. Abide by the laws of hospitality.

Those that are found to break or disregard them entirely are highly disliked and are exempt from rule number 1.

Extra Information:
Has no ill feelings towards Faunus, in fact he finds them extremely amusing to be around.
Has several human skulls as trophies, unnerving to most.

Password: Red Like Roses
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hope you guys like him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hm...all accepted.

Pathfinder, I'd like to know more about the North. Some background info on it would be nice if you're fine with that. Also, the North is, if you've already seen the official world map, a polar ice cap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 5 days ago

WIP but it's late.

Appearance(Picture and a small description):
Name: Salvadore Alhambra
Race(Faunus, Human, Robot, etc.): Faunus (Rabbit)
Color(This will determine your color in general, like your Aura.): Yellow
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Weapon(s)(Picture or description is fine.):
Face Breakers: A pair of gauntlets that slip over Salvadore's hands. They more or less mimic boxing gloves in design, only made of strong metal to make every punch count.
Armor: A second of light weight armor made of the same material as his gloves. Keeps him protected and conceals his body where clothing does not.
Semblance(Like Roses Speed or Pyrrha's Polarity.):
Kinetic Generation: Salvadore's semblance allows him to produce vast quantities of kinetic energy and turn his body into a conduit for it. Most commonly used to enhance his boxing skills to inhuman levels, he's immune to any recoil produced by such stunningly powerful blows. He can also 'charge' objects with this energy, hurling projectiles like they were fired from a gun and easily 'pushing' things away from his body. Finally, he's able to absorb kinetic energy and convert it to aura to replenish his reserves in battle.
History(TBH is fine.):
Extra Information(Anything about your character that you would like to note for others.):
Password: Red Like Roses
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ok, I was just going to go with generic north tribesman but here goes nothing. Keep in mind, all of this I am making up.
Located on the small patch of viable land in the north, there is little known of the Northern Tribes. For the most part they are very isolationist with little to no contact with the outside world. However that doesn't mean that they are all savage, primitive people. While that is true for the majority of the smaller tribes, the four biggest ones are on par with many cities.

The home of Angron, Khorne. The tribe is the farthest to the north, laying inside a great glacier. How the Bronze City came to be is a mystery lost to time as none within its halls care for such trivial matters. The people of Khorne are warriors, raiders, and soldiers renowned for their great strength and size. With the average male being 6'3. However living inside the ice does not bode well for agriculture and as such much of the food is taken from the tribes of the south.

Their god, Kharn, is a god of blood, skulls, and honorable combat. When a warriors dies in the fires of battle, than his soul is taken to the Halls of Kharn where he will feast, tell tales of battle, and fight in the Ash Pits with his fellow warriors. Holy symbols are Axes, blood, and bronze.

Many would assume that tribes of the north are stupid, wild beings that are not worth much attention. However, many are surprised to find that they are capable of making wonderous and often time deadly creations. Like the Maze of Tzeentch, the Plague Forests of Nurgle, the Palace of Pleasure dedicated to the pleasure god Fulgrim, or even the Bronze City. When the North men put their minds to something, there is very few beings that can stop them. Thankfully they seem content to fight each other in petty wars.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

That lore is really cool and interesting

but their gods name is Kharn. Not saying that's a bad thing, but now you've brought on this;

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Marc


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Angron and Amy for Axe-buddies
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Lorelei is a very pretty, big-eyed, slender girl. Her hair is usually tied into big, lopsided pigtails, with a long braid down the back. Her eyes a bright violet and her skin is very pale, almost white. Shaply and fit, but with an unimpressive bust and mediocre stature - 5'7".

Name: Lorelei Steinhartz, also goes by Lore

Race: Human

Colour: Hot Pink

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Katayi and Mamalo - Lorelei always wears these two claw-like gauntlets. Used like a cat's claws, they scratch and slash through flesh, muscle and bone with ease. These also protect her hands from disarming hits.

Hidden pistol - both gauntlets contain a pistol, useful for penetrating heavy armor and long range. Each pistol can fire three times before reloading

Pickpocket's hook - Both gauntlets also contain a hook that is used to steal money and notes from unsuspecting targets. It also doubles as a useful way to climb walls and get over or around people.

Semblance: "Fade Out" - Lorelei can vanish and reappear some distance away. However, she can only reappear about 15 meters away from where she started.

History: Pending

Personality: Ditzy, Curious and Sexy - the three words most used to describe Lorelei, in that order.
Lorelei is not the most attentive girl in the world, nor the most mature. On more than one occasion she has been known to abandon what she's doing in order to chase a passing butterfly. She means well, but she's in a world of her own. She's also incredibly trusting, and is almost renowned for her worrying habit of following strangers down dark alleyways.
But one should not mistake her for a fool. Far from it, she's actually very clever and creative, having devised her own fighting style and she has never lost a fight, even freindly spars. When you can get her to pay attention, she can talk about deep, meaningful things and can argue strong and informed points on controversial subjects. She's also incredibly honest and never tries to decive anyone. This can, of course, be a bad thing.
She's known for her playfulness and optimism, especially in combat. She isn't mean-spirited or cocky, but she giggles and messes about, not really taking the whole thing seriously. As one of her tutors once said "It's as though she's not really trying, but still gets good results."
Her bubble-headed obliviousness does lead to one... interesting trait. She has an almost total lack of modesty in her clothes, and her Dance of Death is often described as "raunchy". Because of her agile fighting techniques, she doesn't wear baggy or restrictive clothing, but instead she makes her own, rather revealing outfits. One of her more conservative outfits consists of two vertical pieces of fabric that go down her chest and over her shoulder, connecting at the back of the neck and at the hip to a very short skirt. She considers a mere corset to be "appropriate" and one of her attacks involve leaping on to the enemies face, gripping their legs between her thighs and twisting sharply in an effort to break their neck. The worst (or best) part is she doesn't even realise that she's doing it. It's just natural for her and she can cite multiple reasons why she does it, none of which involve seduction, distraction or sex.

Fighting Style: The Dance of Death. She relies on good timing and insane agilty to fend off foes. It has been described as "the raciest fighting style around... It's more like she's trying to seduce her foes rather than kill them". Most of the Dance of Death involves counter attacks and combos, and it is comprised mainly of high kicks and somersaults. Not recommended for the inagile or shy.

Password: Red like Roses
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Accepted. And I prefer to keep it at one. One more person will possibly be joining us, I reserved a spot for them. If they don't join, then it'll be open for one more person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 5 days ago

That person wouldn't happen to be me, would it?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

CorruptedShadow said
Accepted. And I prefer to keep it at one. One more person will possibly be joining us, I reserved a spot for them. If they don't join, then it'll be open for one more person.

Actually, I had a friend who was interested in joining ._.

Is it too late?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undyingregret
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I would like to join too, if you wouldn't mind too much.(LaXnyd's friend)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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CorruptedShadow The Warrior of Sunlight

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alright, I guess you can join! Just give me your CS.

And Asura, you're fine. The person I reserved is someone else, someone I know personally. They're more of a fan of RoosterTeeth than I am.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undyingregret
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm a bit busy at the moment, but I'll see it posted here before the night is out if you don't mind. Sorry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Undyingregret
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Appearance(Picture and a small description):

She is flat-chested and likes the keep her hair short. She can easily pass for human because the only sign of her faunus race, is a collection of scales that have grown on her chest and inner arms. She also has green snake-like eyes, but she hides them with contacts. She has a diagonal scar across the bridge of her nose, and a long scar from a gash to the side of her face.

Without the hood and dog tags

Name: Black Adder(she doesn't have a birth name, so if you don't want to call her that, make something up and hope she doesn't punch you for it)
Race: Faunus, Reptilian, Snake
Color: Jade
Gender: Female
Age: 19

-Knuckle Dusters, They have a built in chamber to contain dust crystals, meant specifically to channel it in an electric form,it can generate electricity to shock her foes. The electricity is controlled by a dial that she controls with her thumbs.

-Stun Rifle, It fires sticky darts contain an electric charge, primed by the firing mechanism. Upon impact it discharges an immense shock intended to incapacitate the enemy, however, in highly conductive environments, it could prove lethal. It was original silver in color, however, she repainted it with a non-reflective black paint.

-Cryo grenades, A grenade canister that contains an ejection system wired to the primer and blue dust. Upon detonation, instead of an explosion like a normal grenade, it creates a flash freeze, intended to immobilize all within a radius of 5 meters. She carries varying amounts but starts with 4, and may carry more or less based on preference and job details. It is canister shaped and gray.

Semblance: The ability to become completely invisible...except for her clothing. Cool in theory, totally useless in action. This fact doesn't change the fact that it's her semblance.

History: Born in Vacuo, she never really got to know her parents. By the time she could walk, she was on the streets, an orphan that no one cared for. No one except the other "trash" that looked out for her. That was where she learned most of her skills. How to snatch some drone's wallet when he wasn't looking. How to make puppy eyes and get free food(that one hasn't been working since she's grown up, but whatever), and her favorite, how to sneak into the back of a restaurant and snatch food from the kitchen.

When she was 11, she was caught trying to pick the pocket of one of the(unbeknownst to her) lieutenants in a local gang. That landed her in the deep end. Dragged back to the hide out, they decided to kick her around a bit and then sell her off to someone else. She ended up sold to an underground fighting ring in Mistral. Everything was new. She recognized nothing. She was nothing more than a servant for a year, doing whatever the fighters told her to do. Of course, before long, she ended up in the ring herself, fighting other children, it seemed that they were fighters though. She was no fighter at the time. She could barely hit the other fighters, let alone beat them. Pain is the fastest teacher though. Before long, and with enough observation, she was able to win the odd fight. With practice comes perfection. She was able to stand her own against her oponents. She even managed to earn her freedom by the time she was seventeen.

She had grown sick of her life in Mistral, and not wishing to return to Vacuo, she stowed away on a ship bound for Vale. Once in Vale, she quickly returned to her pickpocket ways, and spent her time looking for a way to have a good fight on a regular basis that didn't involve the cops arresting her afterwards. It didn't take long for her to wander into Juniors club and fall in with him and his goons. It was a job, at least. Of course, the pistol and club didn't work for her for long. She quickly forced one of the local weapon dealers to "obtain" a special pair of brass knuckles for her.

Her spirits were up. She was doing her job better than ever, especially since she had become aware of her semblance. It didn't help, but she liked it regardless. By the end of the year, she had grown sick of the pistol. It did its job, but that wasn't what she wanted. With a little research and some help from some underground contacts she'd managed to get out of Junior, she discovered a prototype gun, intended for police use, it was meant to be a stun rifle. Sneaking into facility was easy. Getting out was hard. She tripped an alarm when she wiped the experimental data from the computer(to own the only one) and ended up getting ambushed by security. She escaped, but not without proof of the encounter, a large gash running down the side of her face, and another diagonally across the bridge of her nose.

She began to look for one more weapon. Something indirect that could help her when she couldn't see the enemy. Out of this wish, the cryo grenade began. One day she picked up a grenade and realized the answer was in her hand. This was a lethal weapon though. That wasn't what she wanted. Something a bit more style. The cryo grenade was born from a gas grenade.During this time, she met Gerald while hanging around Junior's bar one night. They hit it off and swapped stories. Thus their friendship and partnership began.

Personality: She likes dealing out pain, maybe a bit too much. That's not to say she can't take any herself, actually, getting smacked around a bit is alright every now and then. Such is the life of an underground fighter. She's a bit of a sadist, pain is her game. She excels at interogations. She also has a thing for all things shiny and has a tendency to end up with wallets that don't belong to her. Its a quirk but she doesn't dislike it. This doesn't mean she isn't a professional though. The job comes before play after all.

Extra Information: Her fighting style can only be described as street fighting. Nothing is off limits.

Password: Red Like Roses
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