Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reimu Hakurei

Reimu Hakurei

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But what exactly is it?

Preparations have started for some kind of tournament to be held in the newly constructed Vespasian Dome. It’s primarily modeled after the Great Roman Coliseum, probably because of its classical architecture.

Though there won’t be any bloody battles going on inside of it. Instead there will be wholesome competition to see which Espers are the best and to see which of them are… not. There’s really no discretion on who can enter and who can’t. As long as you’re registered in Academy City as an Esper, you can enter easily.

Though while all of this is going on, something ‘dark’ has entered the confines of Academy City. It probably got in because of all the attention the city has gotten since its construction. Now that a new ‘festival’ has started up, that means Academy City’s ‘security’ measures have become lax to let the tourists in.

Does this have a connection to the construction of the Vespasian Dome? No one can really say for sure.

Something strange though are… nightmares that have been plaguing certain people. No one’s sure of the cause of those either. It’s just that most of the people plagued are Espers. There are theories going around that it has something to do with AIM fields but who knows?

Now that the games are about to start and people are flooding in, Academy City is going to be in all kinds of CHAOS!
  • No Ghosting.

  • No Godmodding.

  • No taking control of other peoples characters.

  • Basically don't do things you wouldn't do in an RP with other people. Just don't.

    Basically you’re allowed to sign up as both Canon and Original characters in this RP. To avoid most ‘limitations’ imposed on by Canon, if you want to sign up as a new Leven 5, you can. The canon of the RP will be molded to accommodate you. This is primarily an AU RP to begin with so it’s all good.

    Now onto the sign up sheet!

  • Name: (What is your characters name?)

  • Age: (How old are they?)

  • Sex: (Male? Female? Unknown?)

  • Height/Weight: (Very self-explanatory)

  • Appearance: (What does your character look like? Reference pictures are accepted.

  • Classification: (Esper/Ability user? Magic User? Etc.)

  • (ESPER ONLY) Ability: (Name of their ability and its affects)

  • (ESPER ONLY) Power Level: (0 through 5)

  • (MAGICIAN ONLY) Spells and Magic:

  • (If both do not apply) Power:

  • Notable Talents or Skills: (They're good at on the fly thinking, your character is a good speaker... basically something that they're good at that doesn't necessarily have to be a power. Though it can be something related to that.)

  • Affiliation: (What organization is your character a part of if they're a part of one?)

  • Occupation: (Is your character a student? Do they have a job? What do they do for a living?)

  • Personality: (How does your character act when alone? When they're with people? What drives them as a person?

  • Biography: (What have they been doing all their lives? Why are they who they are?)

  • Going to be claiming Kamijou Touma before hand because of PLOT reasons. Any other characters are free to be claimed or you can make your own.
    Hopefully this takes off! Good luck to you all.
    Touma Kamijou, An Ordinary High School Student
    Accelerator, Academy City's Top Level 5
    Dekomori Mashiro, The Masterful Molecular Baker
    Alice Westrice, The Attentive Masochistic Fencer
    Yamada Hikaru, That Crazy Sewing Girl (?) with a Photographic Memory!
    Beatrix Alexandria Katherine Avalon, The Level ⑨ Baka
    Timothy=Muriel, Judicium108, Judge of the Unworthy
    Akagawa Jin, The Ionic Level 5 Esper
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reimu Hakurei

    Reimu Hakurei

    Member Offline since relaunch

  • Name:Touma Kamijou

  • Age: 16

  • Sex: Male

  • Height/Weight:168cm/63-7kg

  • Appearance: "I'll break that illusion of yours!"

  • Classification: Esper

  • Ability:
  • Imagine Breaker - A power also known as the "Illusion Killer". It's a mysterious power only maintained in Touma's right hand. It's capable of dispersing both Esper abilities and magic with a simple touch. Unfortunately it also has the effect of negating 'God's miracles' which means that Touma has the worst luck possible (say if he's walking while carrying bags, he can trip, the bag rips, etc.) This is also speculated to be one of the reasons why so many girls flock to him (he's not bound by the red string of fate, meaning he has no soul mate). Could be a reason as to why he's so dense too. A few things notable with Imagine Breaker are that it has a permanent canceling effect on some supernatural objects, as seen with Touma touching Index's walking church.

    Area of Effect attacks are not immediately 'dispersed'. Instead the point of the attack that came into contact with Touma's Imagine Breaker will veer off from hurting anyone from behind him (as shown with Kaitabi Hatsuya's Graviton blast in Railgun). The entire space behind him was entirely unharmed by the attack. Imagine Breaker also seems to ignore the weight/force behind a supernatural object if Touma were to come into contact with it. (If it were to be thrown at him, he could block it with his right hand and not be affected by the supposed force of which it was thrown with). However 'some' force with physical contact will cause damage, it'll just be mitigated.

    Some notable weaknesses with Imagine Breaker are that Touma is incapable of negating the "Power of the World and leylines". If a magical apparition were to appear (like Stiyl's Innocentius), he would only be able to disperse the monstrosity temporarily as it would reform itself. For beings like this, Touma has to make contact with the 'core' to actually be able to destroy it.
  • Power Level: 0

  • Notable Talents or Skills:

  • Culinary Skills: Since Touma lives on his own, he’s had to learn how to cook for himself. He’s grown to be a fairly competent cook.

  • Precognition: Since he’s had experience fighting against so many powerful opponents, Touma has developed a ‘sense of foreboding’ when someone is about to attack. This can cause him to raise his ‘right hand’ to negate an attack as soon as someone fires it (as Mikoto Misaka can attest to). This works in tandem with Touma’s ability to discern an opening or weaknesses in the opponent and act accordingly. Touma isn’t aware of the skill himself, though, it’s more of a subconscious thing.

  • Occupation: A Certain Highschool Student

  • Personality: Touma is the type of person to help a complete stranger and without reason to. He's shown time-and-again that he'll risk his life for anyone. Absolutely anyone that needs it. He's the type of person who won't ask anything in return for jumping out in the middle of a busy street to save your from being ran over. The only thing he'll say is "Good, you're alright." Common sense goes out the window in situations like that. For mundane situations though, Touma's got it down pretty well. Touma's big dream is that everyone can live in a world and keep on smiling without the need to suffer. No one can stop him once he gets rolling so that lends to his stubbornness and his want to help everyone around him smile.

  • Biography:Touma has a father and mother named both Touya Kamijou and Shiina Kamijou who live outside of Academy City. When he was a kid, he was seen as a jinx because of the effects of Imagine Breaker negating his luck. A lot of crap happened when the poor boy was around. When Touma graduated kindergarten, he was sent to Academy City where they would probably know how to deal with his terrible luck. After Touma left for Academy City, he still wrote letters back to his father saying that 'even here they still treat me the same'. As the years passed, Touma eventually came into contact with a glutton named Index. An incident revolving around the Nececarrius and Index caused him to lose his memories. From there on, the old 'Touma' was killed and a new one was born.
  • Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Side Character G
    Avatar of Side Character G

    Side Character G Voiced by a mute person

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    As far as I know of the original universe, magic users don't appear in the city unless there's a magic-user related event, spying/recon or hybrids/uniques. Does that mean magic user characters have to be affiliated to the "something 'dark'" and/or spying and recon [assuming they're not hybrids or unique], or does this alternate universe allow a mix between magic users and ability users?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reimu Hakurei

    Reimu Hakurei

    Member Offline since relaunch

    I was thinking that they were coming for the 'something' dark hence is why I mentioned it to begin with. Or they could just be drifting through the city since the security is down. Not too sure. What would you like to do with a character?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Side Character G
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    Side Character G Voiced by a mute person

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    I was trying to think of ways the magic users, if we do get any, can interact in the city that's all. That line about tourists went right over my head actually, so I guess that could be one way they can infiltrate, huh. Personally would rather wait for more CS to come by before putting one up myself in case there's too many one gender or affiliation or something and I'm flexible. Either way I'll try to have my CS up by saturday latest.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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    Masaki Haruna OLD TESTAMENT

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Perfect timing GM-sama. Any case, I'll be taking Accelerator and if I'm not mistaken he was mistaken as Suzushina Yuriko during the festival event. What timeline are we playing? When Accel was a baddie or an Anti-Hero?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reimu Hakurei

    Reimu Hakurei

    Member Offline since relaunch

    Anti-Hero could be cool, but that's just me. You can take any iteration you wish since this is an AU.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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    Masaki Haruna OLD TESTAMENT

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Name: Accelerator

    Age: 16

    Sex: Male

    Height/Weight: 168 cm/63-7Kg


    Classification: Esper

    Ability: Vector Change/Accelerator
    Accelerator is named after his ability. It creates a thin field of AIM around him, which allows him to modify the vector values of anything he touches. After the events of Volume 5, his brain has been damaged, and he has to rely on a choker-style electrode that connects him to the Misaka network. The brainwave network allows him to use language, as well as making up for his lost ability to make calculations, although it is stated that it's less than half of what he once had. Furthermore the network enables Accelerator to reflect ultraviolet rays even when he isn't in esper mode.When using the network in esper mode, the battery of the electrode initially only lasts fifteen minutes. That changes in when he joins GROUP and its technical team cranks his time up to thirty minutes. He does not need the Misaka Network to use his abilities when in an awakened state.

    He can change the vector values of anything by touch; for example, he kills a Sister clone by reversing the flow of blood inside her body after putting his finger inside her wound. Furthermore, this ability is automatic, so projectiles like bullets or explosives have no effect on him, as they will be redirected, even if he is unaware of their presence. He must consciously allow things like gravity and light to affect him. It is because of his ability that he has an albino appearance, as his "reflection" blocks all unnecessary ultraviolet radiation, thereby preventing the skin from manufacturing melanin. However, if one can find their way "around" his redirection ability (as demonstrated by Touma and Kihara Amata), it is shown to be rather useless, marking Accelerator as a Glass Cannon due to having a strong ability but a somewhat weak body (Touma/Kihara managed to bring him down to his feet in only around 7-10 blows).

    Power Level: 5

    Notable Talents or Skills:
    Keen Intellect: Accelerator has shown frequently to possess a very high intellect. For starters, his esper ability is shown to require complex calculations to function, with him being skilled enough in this field to come up with a new application on the fly during his battle against Touma. He also appears to have a very good memory, as he memorized the codes for Last Order's default mind state and was able to remotely return her to that condition, thus erasing the virus planted into her by Amai Ao. Later, he also starts to display good strategies in battle, like when he was able to take out the Hound Dogs using guns, which he utilized for the first time against them, along with exploiting his immediate environment and psychological tactics to his advantage, without using his esper ability.

    Machine Ingenuity: Accelerator is also quite competent with machinery and technology, evident in when he modified his cane with various gravity sensors, and small motors to help better support himself. He also inplated in it a mechanism to overcome the Board of Directors' and their subordinates' means to shut off his choker-style electrode which works by memorizing the wavelength they used and blocking that wavelength afterwards.

    Marksmanship: After his fight with Kihara Amata, Accelerator realizes that he can no longer depend on his ability all the time. As such, he gets training with firearms and is shown to be extremely proficient in their use. Using his left, weaker hand, he was able to finish off a round of practice in 70 seconds. He has commented that reloading a pistol in two seconds with just one hand and his teeth is too slow, even though he was just testing the guns.

    Driving skill: Accelerator displayed enough skill to drive a motorbike, seemingly without issues.

    Affiliation: GROUP, Yomikawa Aiho, Yoshikawa Kikyou and Last Order.

    Occupation: Errand Man

    Due to the potential of his ability, Accelerator has been targeted by assassins and researchers throughout his life. As a result, he believes only in power and trusts no one. While fighting, he invokes fear and has a sadistic tone. He willingly joins the SISTER experiment to gain a reputation as the most powerful and feared psychic so that no one would dare be foolish enough to challenge him and won't hesitate to kill any who get in his way. The Sisters' memories of his behavior during the experiment may suggest that he is, in a way, a pacifist; because his power won't disappear, the only way he sees an end to the fighting is to be so strong and sadistic that no one would dare to raise a finger against him. He even seems to attempt to frighten the Sisters out of fighting or otherwise encourage them to refuse their battles.

    After meeting Last Order, he strives to protect her. He saved her from Amai Ao's plot and from being pursued by the Hound Dogs. He treats Index in a similar fashion, such as when he buys her lunch while searching for Last Order and by protecting her from the Hound Dogs, unfortunately he received brain damage during this incident when Amai Ao shots him through the head. Later, Accelerator slowly mellowed down to the point where he lectures Last Order and takes situations less violently as well as actually think before considering on killing someone, especially on his future opponents and the likes of Musujime Awaki, Hound Dog Soldiers etc.

    He also learns from his mistakes from battle to battle, especially his fight with Kihara Amata and Komaba Ritoku, people who knew of his abilities and uses his weakness against them, this results Accelerator into joining group and not only develop his skills but develop as a person. A drastic change indeed, even though he still maintains his violent side, he is more or less lenient and shows a bit of kindness. This somehow makes Accelerator a Tsundere type A, which acts as his default mood from violent to a person who has a heart in spite of all this violence.

    Much of his past is unknown, but Accelerator mentions that he once had a "normal name" which has yet to be revealed, and most likely never will, as Accelerator himself forgot it. The novels state that his last name consists of two kanji and his first name three.Ever since taking the Power Curriculum Program, and realizing his powers, Accelerator was sent to a "special class", most likely, the Special Ability Institute,and spent much of his childhood there until age nine, before being moved into another special class. Both of these had him as the only student. It can be presumed that this occurred before the incident involving the military.

    Accelerator as a child couldn't fit in with the other children due to his powers, harming those that tried to get close to him. Around age ten, a particular incident with children escalated with Academy City being deployed against him, and he later "gave up", and was sent to a special class. This has made him something of a loner and distrustful towards other people. After some time, Accelerator was discovered by Kihara Amata, who trained him in how to control his powers and influenced him enough for Accelerator to adopt his personality. It can be assumed that the Dark May Project started after Accelerator acquired the cool personality he now has from Amata.

    Accelerator's ability made him the subject of an experiment attempting to create the first Level 6 psychic; according to the city's best supercomputer, Tree Diagram, this feat could only be achieved by killing Misaka Mikoto, the 'Railgun', 128 times. However, because it was impossible to create 128 of these 'railguns', due to the 'Level 5 Mass Production Plan' only being capable of producing a sub-standard clone of Mikoto at a power of Level 2-3, a substitute plan was arranged where Accelerator would have to kill 20,000 Misaka clones in a variety of methods. He willingly joins the experiment to gain a reputation as the most powerful and feared psychic so that no one would be foolish enough to challenge him ever again. By the beginning of the Sisters Arc (index), Accelerator has already killed the first 10030 Misaka Clones and during the course of the arc, kills clone 10031 before the experiment is ultimately stopped.

    It is revealed he originally wanted this reputation simply so that no one would ever get hurt trying to attack him, resulting in their own destruction, though as he went deeper into Academy City's dark side his goals slowly became more and more twisted.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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    Masaki Haruna OLD TESTAMENT

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Reimu Hakurei said
    Anti-Hero could be cool, but that's just me. You can take any iteration you wish since this is an AU.

    Double Post. Sorry, I sticked with Anti-Hero and I nerfed down his abilities the way I'm gonna use him, I didn't include magic and Angel Mode on his arsenal assuming of the timeline and it's best for everyone. I'm fit of playing sadistic characters, I was going to pick Mugino but Accelerator fits my RP persona absolutely.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reimu Hakurei

    Reimu Hakurei

    Member Offline since relaunch

    Alright, Accelerator is accepted. Editing main post for character list.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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    Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

    Member Seen 2 mos ago

    Count me in. I'll hopefully get around to posting an OC signup sometime today, once I settle on what I want to do.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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    RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

    Member Seen 13 hrs ago

    Oh, I'm quite interested in this.

    I haven't watched Index/Railgun in a while though, and have yet to see the second seasons, so my memory's fuzzy on some stuff. Though my main concern is, is it possible to have the ability to erase memories?

    Not that I would ever use it on another player, mind you, it's just that my character's essentially comic relief, and tends to wipe her own memory to forget stuff she does not want to think about.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reimu Hakurei

    Reimu Hakurei

    Member Offline since relaunch

    It's definitely possible to have the ability to erase memories. If you want to play that up with a character, go ahead.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noel
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    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Alrighty, so question. What would your stance be on androids/clones/cyborgs/that sort of thing? Think its within the bounds of academy cities crazy tech as we've seen robots and mechs and whatnot, and theres also the sisters, but wanted to ask before settling on any concept.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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    Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

    Member Seen 2 mos ago

    I'd imagine those would be within reason, considering that Academy City has crazy shit like hypersonic bombers, orbital laser satellites and debris field manipulators. This is just me though, so you should probably wait for the GM.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noel
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    Member Seen 8 yrs ago

    Thats what she'd think as well since academy city has the market cornered on crazy sci-fi tech, but just always wanna make sure the GM would be cool with somthing a little more 'out there'
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Reimu Hakurei

    Reimu Hakurei

    Member Offline since relaunch

    OH! I'm perfectly fine with the idea.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

    Makatsume Haru

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Here is my character. Tell me if there's any need to edit something.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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    Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

    Member Seen 2 mos ago

    Hmmmm... not sure that'd qualify for a Level 5 ability. Level 4 sure, but Level 5 is a bit out there compared to this.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Makatsume Haru

    Makatsume Haru

    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Was a little on the fence about that, to be honest. Changed it! ^.^
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