Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Aislin woke to darkness. The window outside showed a canopy of stars; dawn had yet to rise. Grogginess left her body faster than she would have liked. It was always the same story in an unfamiliar place. Once she was up, she was up even if it was an ungodly hour of night. Maybe she could catch some extra Z's at lunch. Or be the first kid to fall asleep in class.

Her phone showed the time, and she cocked an eyebrow at the 5am glowing back. Early, but not too early. Aislin looked over at her roommate, who was surprisingly still bathing in moonlight. She'll have to tell me more about this fascinating power of hers later. Her pale luminescence almost reminded Aislin of a natural flashlight, it made it much easier to navigate from her bed to the bathroom. 

"Good morning, Alex."She grinned as she stepped in the bathroom, rinsing the sleep from her eyes. It was the first day of classes at the Academy, and she still wasn't sure of her schedule. Not that she was worried, the teachers were getting paid to help students get to their classes today. 

Exiting the bathroom, Aislin passed by the metal clock sitting in her half-unpacked luggage. It hit her like an itch, and she almost unknowingly started searching around for a lighter. She rationalized that waking up early was not an excuse or invitation, it was a temptation she simply could not resist. One small wake and bake before the world stopped snoring sounded too good, and Aislin found herself popping open the dorm window. Curiously, Aislin looked over at the entranced Alex, figuring she wouldn't mind. She took out something that looked like a cigarette, filled it, and toked a single hoot. Just one. It was just the right amount to get her in a good place before she had to face the day.

Every sweet tooth needs just a little hit.~ Aislin sung in her head, quoting her favourite singer as she closed the window. After spraying herself down with perfume, Aislin sat idly on the couch, spacing out at a blank TV screen. The darkness of the room started to shimmer, casting strange little patterns in the shadows. She amused herself with this until light started filling the room. The first rays of dawn broke out into the sky, and Aislin moved to sit by the window to watch the sunrise. The bands of yellow-orange and pink-bellied cotton clouds always seemed hand-painted to Aislin, every morning it was a different kind of picturesque. 

Under the light shining through the window Aislin leaned up against the wall and assumed the half-lotus, resting her hands in her lap. Drawing in a slow breath, she closed her eyes and emptied herself as best she could. She meditated for what felt like thirty minutes, very satisfied with how consistently silent her mind could be. It was the key in finding harmony with her power, and something she strived at continuously.

The 7am police alarm for the Dorms found Aislin naked in the shower. The sudden noise made her slip, landing on her ass. It scared the shit out of her, almost literally. It didn't sound like a wake-up call at all, more like a warning for nuclear bombs or something. She stood again, feeling the bruise forming already. Boy, she could be retarded. So could this school. 

"Alex, you up yet?" Aislin asked as she stepped out the bathroom, hair freshly blow-dried. Having thought ahead and brought fresh clothes in with her, she decided to dress a little less for the warm weather. Her tee was loose fitting and wide-necked, decorated in graphical patterns and splashes of gold ink. A flowy white skirt ended at the middle of her thigh (short shorts were worn underneath as a precaution), and she planned on wearing simple flipflops later. 

She grabbed herself a glass of water, watching Alex. "I'm almost ready to go. I could get us an early table at the cafeteria, if you'd like. I wonder what they'll have for breakfast. If we're lucky, maybe hash browns and egg McMuffin things. They're my favorite, I can't resist 'em."

Downing the rest of the water, Aislin rinsed out the cup and placed it on the side to dry. After eating at the cafeteria she would come back for her school stuff. For now, the priority was food. Hand on the door, she slipped on her flip flops. "It's up to you, Alex. See ya down there."

It didn't take long to reach the cafeteria doors. The moment she entered all the sights and smells filled her sensory. Fresh pancakes, poured syrup, waffles and sausages and bacon! it was all so enticing. I think my mouth went into over-drool. The tables were fuller than she expected, but that one ass thankfully wasn't present yet. She hadn't seen him since the mischief of tying his shoes last night, her curiosity tried to guess how hard the fall was. 

She tried her luck at a custom order, and walked away with a beautiful plate full of hash browns, crispy bacon and hot eggy McMuffins. Remembering to find a seat for Alex too, Aislin scanned the cafeteria for the most ideal table to sit at. Deborah sat near a certain table, eyes tearing apart their two occupants who coincidentally were both missing the same arm. She would talk to her later. There was another table she was drawn to, one with the huge lizard-man and two others. Yesterday she wanted nothing more than to prank him, but today... Today she was curious. 

"May I?" She said, sitting diagonally from the lizard-man. The two other students here were of interest to note too. One was a child with wings and sharp teeth, the remains of a fish on his plate. The other was a young lady with glasses, sitting in a wheelchair. 

She put down two glasses of juice, one for her and one for Alex (if she wished to join them.) "My name's Aislin, one of the new students. Did anyone see the sunrise this morning? It looks superb with a jungle foreground, and that's coming from someone who lives in winter for eight months of the year." She chuckled, dipping a bit of hash brown in ketchup. 
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Red Winston

Red brought Amanda waffles as she asked. There was another person sitting at the table now, someone Red has seen before. He decided not to search in his memories to remember, since he would probably store his face in the "trash can" room, which was rather messy to look for information. Instead, he took an entirely different route.

"Oh, I see you have company, Mistress! Judging from the little facial hair, the smoothness of the skin and the overall appearance, I dare say that he is not older than me! And here I thought you weren't hitting on guys my age!" Red sarcastically said.

The deal between him and Amanda didn't forbid him of mocking her when he had the chance, so why wouldn't he enjoy it? After all, he had to tolerate her intolerable behavior for many hours per day. He sat next to Felix and said:

"My mistress over there is kinda the sex symbol of the Academy! You should consider yourself lucky if you are going to be one of the guys that can actually charm her. She can't spend her time with every single man who wants her for himself, but she can surely handle half a dozen. So, wait in the line and, who knows, you might actually get a chance to spend a night with Amanda!"

He was extremely pleased with his monologue and would be even more if Amanda took the bait and got agitated. Amanda was quite bragging about her sexual preferences before, so it wasn't hard to deduce that she was also one to brag about her sexual life, too, whether it was true or not. Of course, Red would never understand why a person might want to have sex with her, but, on the other hand, the world is vast and he was the worst judge for that kind of stuff. At least, he hoped that it would be quite convenient if he actually managed to use Amanda's own personality against her, although he knew that, if that was the case, she would probably take revenge by asking him something humiliating. He was her pet, after all. That was an undeniable fact and he wouldn't go back on his word.

"My name is Red, Red Winston. I am lady Amanda's personal slave!" he said with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Swamp Fox

Swamp Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Jerry Thompson & Riley Rhode - The Cafeteria

A heaping stack of five pancakes, three waffles, a slice of melted butter, almost a cup of maple syrup, several other streams of flavoring, and a sliced banana for good measure was surely enough to satisfy Riley's appetite. She stepped out into the cafeteria and looked around. She hadn't really met anyone yet, besides Nikki when they met up in their room. At an otherwise empty table, a boy in a labcoat sat with a similar plate, except much more elaborately decorated.

Riley walked up beside him, tapping him on the shoulder. "Is this seat taken, by chance?"

Looking up from his pancakes, with his fork still in his mouth, Jerry took in an eyeful of the Irish girl, admiring the red streaks in her hair. "Of course not," he answered with a sly smile creeping between his cheeks. "Help yourself."

"Thank you," she said before offering a playful curtsy. She set her tray right next to his and asked, "So, what do they call you?"

Jerry swallowed, almost choking as he narrowly avoided breathing in the maple syrup. "My friends call me Labcoat," he lied, inventing a 'cool' name for himself. "But my name's Jerry."

"Nice to meet you Jerry, I'm Riley."

"Cool. So, Riley..." he waved his fork in circles as he looked for something to talk about. "This your first year here?"

"Yeah. How about yourself?"

"Yessiree-Bob-Dylan. I never been here before yesterday, but I heard about it from my cousin. It looks like it could be cool. You got any family here?"

"Not a soul," Riley said. "It's just me here. Who's your cousin?" She asked, groping for information.

Jerry dropped his head and muttered with an insidious disgust, "Todd Thompson."

Breathing in sharply, Riley covered her mouth with her fingers and whispered, "Oh my god."

"What?" He asked. "Does everyone hate Todd?"

"Actually," she said, dropping her hand into her lap and smiling hard, "I have no idea who that is." Then she tacked on, "But I can hate him, too."

"What's your last name Riley?"

"Rhode," she answered with a strong rolling of the letter R.

"Well, Ms. Rhode, it's been a pleasure to meet you. Would you care for some Root Beer?"

"I didn't see any root beer in the line. This isn't a trick to get me in your room is it?"

"No," Jerry stretched the word, quiet and long. "Just an offer."

Grabbing an empty glass, Jerry aimed his wrist into it before spraying full force. A brown mist gathered on the edges of the cup before beads gathered. Roughly thirty seconds later of the highest pressure that Jerry could manifest, the cup had about three centimeters of root beer tall. "Would you care for some, Ms. Rhode?"

"Umm," she drew a blank staring at the cup. But, with a daring swing, she swiped up the cup and took a gulp, downing the entire thing in one motion. "That was wonderful, Jerry."

"Wanna meet some more people?" Jerry asked, standing up and dragging his tray off the table.

"I haven't got a single thing I'd rather do." With that, Jerry and Riley walked over to a small cluster of students. A girl with an eyepatch (Gabe) and a boy beside her (Jake), presumably her brother.

"Heya, who might you fine people be? Jerry asked before taking another bite of his pancakes, still standing up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Shannon Jacqueline Balore.

Shannon was starting to get bored, walking, all by herself. Looking for a place to sit and finding no where. There were so many people here, she even spotted Deborah talking to Vera, and decided not to approach (Shannon and Vera weren't on the best of all terms). She just spotted someone else sitting down, yes, another returning student. She swore that she had seen him before... The big Cajun guy, she thinks his name is Morrison. Well, only one way to find out, yes? Shannon sat down on the chair, right across from him. "Hello, your name is Morrison, correct? We might have been in a few classes together if you remember the name Shannon Balore."

Jake & Gabe Valos.

Someone just sat down on the table. Just when they wanted a nice breakfast of being ignored. Then again, they can just never have nice things.

"... Free country, lad." Gabe merely said in response to Sam sitting down. Hmph, this kid looked fake as all hell. Like a lame Greaser. It'd be interesting to see where this goes... If this brat doesn't annoy her, that is. If so, they'll just immediately leave the table. She doesn't want a repeat of yesterday.

"Yeah, go ahead." Jake said, he had the same sentiments about Sam that Gabe did, but he was going to be open minded, and do the same thing he does regarding Lynn, give him the benefit of the doubt. He continued eating, before pausing. "I think we forgot something, sister."

"What?" Gabe says

"... In-tro-ductions." Jake says with a smirk, "I'm Jake Valos, and this is my twin, Gabe Valos. We have a little brother running around...." Jake's eyes went in the direction of Henry's table, apparently another girl just walked up, "... But, he's doing his own thing. But, yeah, we're all new here. Your name?"

Another pair of people walked up. One looked like a total nerd (Asian too, like, isn't there a stereotype about that), and the other looked Irish (Gabe was totally going to make a potato joke later). The kind of people that annoyed them. The nerdo asked who they are. Gabe snorted loudly. "... Mass murders, Psychopaths, Corporate Lawyers - You know, everything nice and fun about the world!" Gabe sarcastically replied to them.

Rolling his eyes, Jake leaned in in front of Gabe, properly introducing themselves, "... Jake and Gabe Valos. Nice to meet you two, too.

Amanda Daisy Blackmore.

"You're not my personal slave, you're my personal Butt-slave. Get it right." Amanda took her feet down from the table, and groaned at Red. Amanda pushed the waffles aside, Red has passed her test with flying colors. She knew that she had him wrapped around her finger. The monologue about her only got her to roll her eyes out of annoyance. So Red still tries to be clever? I'll have to quash that. "Look, Red, I don't like boys, I like men. This kid looks scrawny as all fuck. Grow a few inches, age a few years, and let that donger drop, and maybe I'll give you a try." Amanda said to both her little boys. "And Butt-slave, I would recommend that you don't get snippy with your Mistress. I might have to take you to my room and punish you."

Dana Lucille Alcott, & Jaska Din Valos.

Aislin sat down and Jaska was the first to notice her. Well, for her scent and other features. He looked at her for a moment. He came to one conclusion: she was a pretty lady. "Oh, hiiii, pretty lady." He said to her, with a cheery smile. "I'm Jaska." He introduced himself, bowing his head, and sweeping a wing out like it was a cape. He reverted to a neutral stance "I didn't see the sunrise, yet, but, I want to go explore the jungle. Now that looks pretty." He sat down, and rested his tail on the table, and wrapped it around his body.

Dana smiled and said, "Sure, this table's open to everyone." She looked at Aislin and took in her appearance. Preppy, short hair, smooth skin, good looking, yes. She seems kind, and that was all Dana sees in a person.  "I'm Dana, nice to meet you." She introduced herself. "You're new here? Oh, that's good. I'm one of the few Full students here, and I have seen so many great things here. More than just the sunset." Dana took a sip out of her drink, "You should go see the jungle at some point." She smiled, "It's truly beautiful."

Sylvia Lana Bertoose, & Valjean Vaseal.

Yawn, yet another day. Valjean was long gone his room by the time Chris (And by extension, everyone else) had awoken. He went straight to the gym. He didn't have such a great body for nothing! He needed to be above these weaklings that inhabit the school. He was lifting weights, he can bench a lot. It's expected for a man his size. He was wearing his workout clothes a tank top, black gym shorts, and white sneakers with headphones in his ears connected to an iPod. It hugged his frame and showed a lot of his body. He was finished, and put his weights away. He sat on the side of the bench and grabbed a towel, and brushed his face off. Well, better go grab something to eat, then get dressed. By the time he's done, class should be better.

All sound in the room went dead. Absolute silence. Jean couldn't even hear himself think.

That means...

A loud humming filled the room, there was no other sounds than the humming. Which masked Sylvia's approach into the room. "Jean Valjean... I thought I smelled testosterone and excessive pride." She taunted with a toothy smile. She was wearing a paper-white dress, tight jeans, cowboy boots, and a black beret. She had her guitar strapped behind her back.

"You..." Valjean narrowed his eyes and stared directly at Sylvia. This girl was one of the few people that beat him in the arena. That was reprehensible. "... What do you want?" Valjean dryly spat out.

"Oh, I thought we were chill?" Sylvia said, with a sarcastic smile, shrugging. "I heard you were causin' trouble. Picking on the new kids. Tsk, tsk, tsk..." She wagged her finger back and forth, "Stop picking on the worms, and fight someone you know who actually can fight. Unless you're such a bitch about win-streak of yours that you're scared to..."

Valjean groaned, "Look here, bitch." He spat out, he had already began his transformation into a scorpion. His body was being covered in a tough tan exoskeleton, and a massive scorpion stinger sprung from his lower-back, and his hands turned into pinchers. "I'm not afraid of nothing! And I won't lose! You came here to talk, but now, you came here to get your ass kicked." He pounded his pincers together.

"Chiiiilll macho-man." Sylvia was unphased - in fact, she was downright amused, "You always do this routine where you try to fight to look like a badass, but then you back off like the obedient little doggy you are the second a teacher steps in." Sylvia shrugged again, "Either way, you know that shell is worthless against my power."

"Ugh, whatever. What's your point, bitch?" Valjean immediately began to shed his exoskeleton. It simply peeled off his body and dropped onto the floor.

"What I'm saying is that you should drop the macho man routine, Jean. It's starting to get... annoying." Sylvia shrugged, "You're going to cross the line and when that happens... bets are off, and someone will gladly take the first chance return the favor." Sylvia shrugged again, turning away from Jean, and tipped her hat. "Whether it's me, Henry... And so on. Bye!" Sylvia immediately dashed off. Using her power to enhance her movement speed.

Oh really? Who would be ballsy enough to step to Valjean after he 'crosses the line'? A fool, that's who. Valjean blew a puff of air out of his mouth. He left his exoskeleton on the ground, someone was going to pick it up. He was finished here, so he walked straight out the door of the gym, with his towel over his shoulder. Valjean went into the cafeteria, and spotted all sorts of people, he would assess them later, he went to the line, and grabbed a tray of food. He ate eggs, some fruits, and brought his protein shake. As he tried to find a table, he saw Sam... Fresh meat, and whom he'll be dueling, talking to two kids he didn't care about. He smirked, he decided to give Sam a little reminder as he walked by his talk, grinning ear to ear at him. When Valjean was past him, he couldn't help but chuckle. This kid's going to get so wrecked when they fight in the arena tonight. Other than that, he couldn't find anyone else to really talk to.

Sylvia skipped into the cafeteria after Jean did. She felt like screwing with him some more, but honestly held off on it. There's people watching after all. So she just merrily skipped into the line, got some real food (Omlets, french toast, bacon) and headed to a table. The second she arrived at a table, she put her guitar on the table, before digging in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxx
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Maxx Jamming

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Name's Sam." Sam said in response to Jake and Gabe "Nice to meet you. I'm also new around here." The Jake kid seemed nicer than the pirate chick. He mostly ignored the two other people as they sat down, and cracked a smile at Gabe's joke. Her sarcasm amused him greatly. He looked down at his food and took a bite of the scrapple, amusing himself for a moment by thinking about all of the awful shit that was in the scrapple. Sam wasn't one to be grossed out by food, and so whenever he ate something weird he enjoyed thinking about what was in it. Scrapple was pig organs, he believed, but he couldn't remember which organs were in it.

"So where are you guys from?" he asked them after swallowing the piece of scrapple.

Jack Corvo

Jack's breakfast consisted of a bowl of oatmeal with raisins, a hard-boiled egg, and a black coffee. This was always his breakfast, and he never changed it, not once. Since arriving at the school, Jack Corvo ate the same breakfast every single day of his life. The school's cook at one time began to play games with him by changing the oatmeal to grits (Jack could not stand oatmeal) and the raisins to dried cranberries. He responded by launching his bowl at Valjean's head. Jack claimed that every part of the breakfast had a very specific function that gave him the energy to go through the day; the egg supported his brain health, the oatmeal gave him ample long-term energy, and the coffee supplied the caffeine that his mind craved at 8 AM.

Jack exited the lunch line with his everyday morning meal and immediately began to scan the room for people to sit with. His eyes fell on Shannon, and he was gone. Despite her extreme negativity, Shannon was one of Jack's best friends. He made his way across the room, greeting a few nameless familiar faces politely and not looking at Jean, who he could hear was being a prick again. Someone REALLY needs to slip some arsenic in that bastard's coffee one of these days Jack mused to himself. He arrived at Shannon's table and sat down next to her. The kid she was sitting across from looked vaguely familiar, but Jack couldn't put a name to the face.

"What's up, sunshine?" he said happily, poking fun at Shannon's usual stormy disposition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Beebee2121


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


Ethan was always an early riser. It may have had something to do with his ability, since he did rise earlier during the summer and sleep later in the winter. When he got up, he quietly made his way to the bathroom for a shower and spent some time in there preening himself. He kept an array of potions, lotions and ointments to keep his skin healthy and smooth. Hopefully, it wouldn't be a problem for Felix if he kept his things out on the sink. Even though his roommate was sleeping, he quickly scurried in and out of the bathroom to grab his clothes with a towel held tightly around his waist.

For today, he decided on a mustard yellow sweater vest and a short-sleeved light blue button-up. Then khaki shorts. He didn't like showing his legs, but in the spirit of the first day at the school, he thought to dress in more mobile clothes. The buzz of his phone on the nightstand brought him out of the bathroom to read the text. Vera. Oh. Of course. He replied with a brief "Good morning" message as well and went about the rest of his morning routine.

He was standing in front of his drawer debating over what tie, if any tie, to wear when the siren went off. Ethan nearly leapt out of his skin. God, he hated that blasted thing. Who would want to wake up to such awful noise? But his roommate was up now.

"Good morning," He chimed, turning to offer Felix a smile. But then his sour comment quickly wiped away the expression. Ethan swallowed thickly. He must not be a morning person. No matter. Maybe a shower would wake him up.

Ethan sat on his bed and quietly waited for Felix to return. He decided against wearing a tie. It might give off the wrong impression about him and it was all about first impressions today. He straightened up when Felix came out of the bathroom and forced a smile onto his face.

"Hey, Felix. Did you want to-" The door shut and Felix was gone. Ethan frowned deeply. He really must not be a morning person. That was unfortunate.

On his own now, Ethan left for the cafeteria and got in the buffet line. By the end, a well-balanced meal of tea, eggs, toast and Canadian bacon, but, much to his dismay, nowhere to sit. There was the intimidating Latinos speaking an equally intimidating new kid. Then some folks he recognized, like Dana, but she was sitting with some- um. Somebody. But to his relief, he finally spotted Tess having breakfast with someone he didn't recognized. She seemed amiable enough, so he made his way to their table. Initiating conversation was never a strong skill of his, so he hovered a few feet from the table, debating his entrance, before taking a few steps closer to appropriate conversational space.

"Um, hi. Sorry to interrupt. Also, good morning," He began just over the din of the cafeteria, "M-May I sit with you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


"Fuckgoddamnshitfuck!" Matthew said, clawing his hands to his ears when the alarm went off. He looked to the source of the sound and snarled, grabbing the baseball bat by his bed and getting out of bed. He drug it with him, before essentially throwing it against the alarm in his room. When it bounced off harmlessly, it simultaneously shut off. Forcing the enraged young man's rage to subside. "Assholes... Every single day..." he hissed to himself, dropping the baseball bat there on the floor and rubbing his eyes. He was going to get someone for that, and he would make them regret it. He seethed, opting to take a cold shower before he went on a murderous rampage around the dorms. After a cold shower, brushing his teeth, and dawning his clothing, he felt less of an urge to kill something. His attire comprised of running shoes, a white shirt with vertical black stripes going across it, a leather jacket, and his signature red beanie. He felt like he looked good. And that was all the mattered to him. Screw everyone else, and the heat. He knew it was hot, but this was his jacket!. If only he had his motorcycle. Not that he would really be able to ride it around on an island like this.

He took his things, his watch, his phone, ear buds. Nothing super special. Matthew was a summer student on the island, having come here a few months earlier in the year, and staying for the duration of the school year. In a way, he was a full student, but he didn't know if he would stay or not. Depends on how things played out. He wanted to see if he could expand his powers father than he already had, as his diagnostic had put his potential as stupid high, and no one had done much about it as of yet besides himself. Maybe Adam would do something about it for the first time in ever. He hoped so, just so that way he could more effectively kick a few asses in the arena. Not that he couldn't do that already, but he wanted to make it a bit easier on himself. After all, winning was a tough job. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and things blurred as he walked to exit his room and then right to the cafeteria. He had his table and everything. Not one messed with his there, just ate in silence, which he liked.

When he got there with his food, however, alone was not something he was was given the option of being. There was some idiot who was talking about being someone's Ass slave or some shit, and some other equally stupid person sitting there and doing nothing. There was also willy-one-arm in his spot and an actually pretty attractive girl who was proclaiming herself owner of said ass slave. "Hey, asshole who fapped his whole arm off, move." He said, pushing the other man to the side and taking off his jacket before he sat down. This exposed his tattoo sleeve, but hey, the girl seemed like she liked those things. His plate was piled high with food, he would need it. Instead of eating it, he simply stuck his hand into the mountain, and within a few seconds it became black and red goop of biomass, which he promptly absorbed. He knew the others were watching him by this point, so, without looking up, he spoke. "Snap a picture, it'll last longer."


"Well, welcome to school then. It's not exactly orthodox, but hey, school is school." Henry said, giving the child a grin. He looked over to this new person, Aislin, as she called herself. "Oh, welcome!" He said, giving her a smile when she proclaimed herself to be a new student. "My name is Henry Olin. I'm a new science teacher at the academy. I've been a student here for over a decade, and graduated last year." He proclaimed proudly. He earned it, he would flaunt it. "Yes, it's a beautiful. I was out running this morning when I saw it. But you should see it just after a tropical storm. It's always lovely, before and after." Henry said, thinking back to some of his many memories here on the academy. He had been able to see many sunsets like the one this morning.

"I can second the jungle, it's truly an incredible experience." Henry said, falling back to his memories once again. "One of the great wonders of the world how this incredible place is man made." Henry said, scratching his chin. "Oh, speaking of the jungle," the reptilian man began. "If you all are feeling up to it, I'm organizing a little expedition today after class if any of you are interested. Just to get the new people's feet wet." Henry said, winking to Dana. "Spread the word too. The bigger the turnout the better. Oh, and I'll be around campus all day today, other chemistry teacher is teaching. If you have any questions I'll be around to help or direct you wherever you need to go." Henry said. He always tried to make a good impression on new people, to show them he really wasnt a scary guy, not like what people thought he was. "What do you think of a little exploration trip, Jaska? We have a cave system on the island I think you'll like."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
Avatar of InfernoBlaze

InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Red Winston

Amanda was pretty much amused with her total dominance over Red and apparently wasn't planning on hiding it. She made herself clear about that by stating on punishing Red for giving her lip. It was pretty annoying, because Red wouldn't be a able to say a word. The picture of Amanda torturing him with a belt or a whip came to mind and it was gross. Red quickly locked the thought as far away in his brain as possible, along with the thought of him having sex with Amanda, which left an equally bad taste in his mouth. Hopefully, Amanda wouldn't ask him something so extreme in the future and felt safe that he wasn't old enough for her tastes. Worst of all, Amanda ordered him to stop arguing with him in anyway and, unfortunately, he had to obey. With that, he said:

"Very well...From now on, I am not going to say anything against you in any way, Mistress. Sorry for my mistake, by the way.", he turned to Felix, "I am not lady Amanda's slave, but, just as she said, her butt-slave..."

The last sentence left such a bad taste to Red, that he had to clench his fist not to burst. It wasn't because of the humiliation, Red was going to go to any means to get what he wants, but the single thought of declaring that Amanda had complete control over him was so angering that it was a miracle that he didn't snap. Fortunately, they would eventually go to their classes and he would be free for some time.

A man sitting nearby drew his attention, who, in order to sit in a table, pushed a one-armed man away, indifferently. It seemed like he was another bully in the school, but he couldn't make out if he was a senior student or not. He thought of asking Amanda, but dropped the idea, instead waiting to see what was going to happen next.

Christopher Fox

Chris' conversation with Peter was interrupted by a guy who just pushed him to the side without a reason. He dropped some plates in the attempt to hang from the table as to not fall on the ground, resulting in his shirt getting stained, cutting his palm slightly and not succeeding in staying on his feet, thus laying on the ground. If the stranger was looking for trouble, he got it. Chris got up from the floor and checked his shirt. It had a big, red stain on it, probably from the ketchup he got from the buffet. He didn't like his clothes getting dirty, especially when they were not his own. If these clothes were indeed a gift from Henry, then he had all the more reason to beat the guy to a pulp. Short-tempered, Chris didn't think that, if he provoked the stranger, it could cause trouble to his friend, given the latter's status as a teacher and took the initiative.

After witnessing the man absorbing his food, he filled a glass of juice, had a sip or two and poured the rest on the guy's head. With his single hand in his pocket, he said:

"Oops, excuse me...Seems like, by fapping my hand off, I actually came all over you. Hope you won't get pregnant if you can absorb this, little bitch!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Matt didn't physically react to the juice being poured on his head.

His mind raced, and his hand almost turned into a biological claw where each of his fingers with razor sharp blades keen on cutting this person's other arm off. But instead he would take a more effective route. One that put him in the right, and showed this tool that he couldn't do anything to him. He turned to the one armed man and stared him straight in the eyes as his body converted the juice into biomass and absorbed that off of his skin and clothes, leaving him completely dry. His hard glare spoke to every language an dialect there was out there. 'Go ahead and do it again, make my day.'

He turned back away from the man, having not raised another finger, or have spoken a word, proving that he wasn't a bully of sorts, he just didn't give a damn. He then proceeded to pull out his phone and play flappy bird. And not a single fuck was given through the whole situation, at least from his side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Morrison had made fair headway into the large platter in front of him during the short amount of time he had been eating. Though if there was one thing he would always notice is when there was someone walking around nearby him or at least the table he was sitting at. He listened to Shannon give her introduction while he finished chewing on what food he was working on and trying to think where he had met her before or in what class. It took a couple of seconds to remember, usually did for him, but he recalled a few quirks but never had any problems from what he could remember with the girl.

"Yeah that's me. I don't remember the class but its good to see you again Shannon, was your summer good?" The Cajun said casually covering up his less than stellar mood for the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Swamp Fox

Swamp Fox

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Felix Karrde - The Cafeteria

Hearing them talk, Felix groaned under his breath. Talking about him behind closed doors is one things, but insulting him for his youth to his face was crossing a whole 'nother boundary. He looked over at Red and then Amanda, not saying a word before he made his statement.

"Firstly, I don't know what kind of deal you made, but you are in for it, servant-dude. Secondly, I'll show what you exactly what my 'donger' can do. And thirdly, I may be younger than you, but I'm more of a man than most of these pricks around here will ever be." Standing back up and taking in a victorious bite of pancakes, he mumbled, "Fuck off," swallowed, "and die."

With that, he bumped elbows with Red and whispered, "What a bitch," before turning his back and heading for another table, he hadn't decided yet. But anywhere but there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Cordelia Lynn Holmes

"Over here, Mary Poppins," Lynn drawled, seeing Alex wander relatively close to the entrance of the cafeteria. Lynn was seated off to the side of the steps, comfortably propped against a pillar (there'd be space for the Nightlight to sit across from her if she so chose, which Lynn was kinda hoping she would-she hadn't even meant "Mary Poppins" all that derogatorily). Her shadow splashed against the stone behind her, mirroring her every moment as a shadow should. But occasionally, once every few minutes, it would twitch, or Lynn's shadow would glance to one side, check its surroundings. All the while, Lynn steadily continued eating (she'd hardly made a dent in the gargantuan quantity of food her plate was somehow able to hold), not bothering too much with manners and whatnot since she was, ya know, eating alone. Not that Lynn had a qualm with eating alone-she was used to it, and most of the kids in there seemed like dumbasses. She figured the whole day would be spent with these meatsacks, having to go math or science or reading that Lynn was hopelessly incapable of performing, so she might as well avoid them while she could. Whilst lessons were going on? Lynn's strategy was to lay low and avoid drawing attention to herself. She'd rather keep the whole "I'm about two steps above illiterate" thing to herself for as long as possible. If anyone felt like giving her shit for it, well, Lynn would beat their face in until they were dyslexic. Who can't read now, bitch!

"Sleep well?" Lynn asked casually, a genuine note of interest and ease in her voice. She felt...not happy, but relaxed. In a little while she'd be back to being pissed, but the weather was okay outside, there was warm food to eat, and someone who didn't make Lynn consider suicide just by talking approaching her. So the morning was...okay? "Also, you have any idea what we're doing today? I'm hoping it's more..." Lynn swallowed a huge mouthful of omelette-some dentists and orthodontists would perhaps question if her jaw had unhinged to accomplish this feat-"superhero-ey stuff. Obstacle courses or sparring or whatever. Not...school-school." Lynn's voice trailed off, and she looked out over the jungle. Lynn rolled up her sleeves (they were prone to falling back down on her thin arms), runnning a hand through her unkempt hair and pulling it back into a ponytail. To say Lynn didn't care about her hair would be an understatement. She propped her beat-up sneakers on the ledge and laid her empty plate down on the ground next to her, perhaps planning on taking it back into the cafeteria later, but more probably planning on leaving it there for someone else to pick it up. Or maybe that lizard fucker would just eat it. Who really cared?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Christopher Fox

Taking no action was something that Chris didn't expect from the stranger. It totally contradicted what he did before. He even thought if the stranger's earlier action had a specific purpose, but he could swear he hadn't seen him before in his life, which made things even more puzzling. Why would he be so provocative, when he wouldn't react to a response? Was he just a wanna-look-tough kind of student, who just wanted to look tough? No. From the look that he gave to Chris, that was definately not the case. Living in seclusion for so long, Chris could tell by instinct that this guy was strong and definitely not scared. Chris wasn't the type to continue an quarrel when the other party wouldn't, so he also decided to leave it at that.

"Since you don't seem to look for a fight, I guess we could leave things as they are...I am Chris, by the way!" he said, trying to make things up from his own perspective.

Chris didn't want to be jaundiced by what happened, so he might as well be friendly with the guy. However, standing up and now having a better look at his surroundings, he noticed someone sitting at another table, who, despite the hair color, was sure he knew. It was unbelievable enough that he met Vespera, but now another person from his past was still in the Academy. He was sure of it.

"Excuse me for having to leave after just introducing myself, but I have to go somewhere. Maybe we can talk another time!", he turned to Peter too, "I was glad to make your acquaitance, Peter! If I can help with the mix-up, be assured that I will!" he said and left the table.

He headed to the nearby table, where the girl who was glancing at them was sitting. It wasn't her that Chris recognised, but the girl who sat with her later. When close enough, he was now sure it was her, despite having seen her for years and that her hair was now a light blue color. The last one didn't puzzle him at all. He knew that this person was crazy enough to do something like that. He touched her shoulder and said:

"Vee? It's you, isn't it? I am Chris, remember?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mary Poppins

Alex had considered eating lunch with her roommate, of whom she was almost one hundred percent sure was high. Alex, even during her little moon trance, had seen Aislin dig through her backpack, go into the bathroom, lock the door and then come out coated in perfume and wearing sunglasses. It wasn't that Alex minded, but she found it rather funny. Once she arrived in the cafeteria, her plate loaded with whatever hash brows she could get her hands on, as well as bacon and eggs, she went to find Lynn. Alex had passed Aislin sitting with some other students, and Alex didn't want to intrude. She also wanted to see how Lynn was doing. Alex balance her food in an almost dangerous way as she made her way through the cafeteria, finally finding Lynn when her voice called out to her.

She couldn't help but laugh when Lynn referred to her as Mary Poppins, almost spilling her plate of food while doing so. She walked over to her friend setting down her plate and the two cups of coffee she had balanced on top of each other. She gave Lynn a chipper “Good Morning!” before chowing down, her food barely being chewed before another forkful entering her mouth.

“Yeah I slept great!” She said, taking a break in her eating. “I got a whole three hours! The moon is so bright here!” She took three large gulps of her coffee, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “How about you? Did you sleep okay?” She was about to start eating again, when she remembered another thing she meant to ask her. “How is your roommate? Do you guys get along okay?”

She continued eating as Lynn spoke to her. “Yeah I agree...I want to do stuff with my powers. If I have to sit through a math class today I might just explode.” On the word explode her glow seemed to intensify a bit. “I hope we all get cool gym uniforms, like in the movies!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Amanda Daisy Blackmore.

"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn straight, Butt-slave." Amanda nodded at Red as she grinned wildly. She was going to make sure he respected her. "Maybe you deserve a treat later." She leaned back into her chair. There wasn't much to talk about now. Felix started talking, obviously offended. It didn't matter to her, because if someone can't take a joke, then . "Yeah, I see you talking, but I don't see you provin' it." Amanda looked for a good opportunity to show off her Butt-Slave to other people - Because Felix just ain't that. She'll have to leave him here to rot. A little instance, not too far away, caught Amanda's attention. Some one armed guy thought it'd be cool to pour water on this guy that had to be the same age as her. Normally, this would warrant an ass kicking, but the kid didn't even. "You go guy! Show that one armed weirdo you don't give a fuck!" Amanda cheered at Matt as he did it. Matt walked off, and went right to a table and played on his phone. Well, she just found the perfect opportunity to show off her butt slave. Felix had already walked off, but honestly Amanda couldn't care less. Amanda grabbed onto Red's arm and started dragging him over to Matt. With the most evil grin on her face. "Hiiiiiii, I saw how you handled that one armed weirdo and thought I'd introduce myself! I'm Amanda D. Blackmore..." Amanda put the tips of her fingers on her chest. "... Really interested in your D.'" She slapped Red's behind, "Butt-slave! Introduce yourself." She quickly clapped her hands twice.

Gabriela and Jake Valos.

Where they're from? A simple question that has a simple answer. Jake took a sip of his coffee. "Black Fall, city of Freaks." He placed the mug down on the table. "We spent a majority of our lives there, and we've certainly had some adventures there..."

"Like that one time we got into a fight with eight guys." Gabe dryly says as she eats.

"And my ass is still healing from those bruises." Jake said, equally dryly. They were merely playing around with each other. The other two kids were strangely silent. Maybe they're so scaaaaaaared of the mass-murders/psychopaths/corporate lawyers that they can't even move. Jake smirked. "We also spent a bit of our time in Brazil - But don't get any ideas we're as American as everyone else!" Jake said.

"So, Sam," Gabe started off, deciding to stop eating. "I bet ya' met waaaay better people than we have so far. We ran into emo-bitches, girls that are all, and losers." Gabe shrugged, "Really makes me excited to see the rest of this school."

Shannon Jacqueline Balore.

Before Shannon had a chance to respond to Morrison, another guy walked up. Shannon was just about to sneer but when she saw it was Jack - She smirked. "Hmph, you know sunshine's overrated, Jack." She said with sarcasm in her voice, obviously joking. She spoke to both of them, "Isn't this yet another lovely morning? I think they managed to find a way to make that siren even more annoying this year!" She was still sarcastic as always. She took a sip out of her drink. That damn siren was one reason why she hated this school. "And to answer your question, Morrison; it was better than the most of the time I spend here... My home life has 999.9 percent less Valjean." Shannon shuddered. She spotted Valjean walking around, and the man had the gall to throw her a dirty look. "Hm... Speak of the devil, how about we ruin Valjean's morning?"

Matthias Landon Oxenford, & Sylvia Lana Bertoose.

Yet another place. Matthias didn't think of the school as a new special. This school was... Like prison. Except with less ass rape.... and probably more super heroes. He sighed. The second he was awoken by that hellish alarm, he was walking the school grounds. Hands in his pockets, and a slouch in his steps. He was wearing a pink Hawaiian shirt with white flowers on it, and jeans. Actually, he should try to look at the bright side of things. He's in a new place, he can start anew, and be the person he should be! He'll go into the cafeteria and talk to the first pretty girl he sees! Matthias walked straight into the cafeteria, and looked around... Okay, maybe not the first pretty girl he sees. Some of the girls here look taken, and he isn't going to get his ass handed to him on the first day. He spotted a cute girl with silver hair sitting all alone. "Can I sit here." Matthias said the second he sat down.

Sylvia's eyes peered towards him and she giggled, "You look like a piece of bubblegum with that shirt on." She taunted him.

"Uh, okay." Matthias expected to be insulted, so it didn't really hurt him. "Your name? I am Matthias."

"Oh, good for you." Sylvia started looking at her nails, bored, "My asshole brother said a cheesy one liner once... What was it...?" She tilted her head upwards and started tapping her chin. "Oh yeah! 'I won't give you my name, you'll get it dirty'!" She didn't care too much for this kid.

Okay this girl was starting to get on his nerves, but he won't give up! Matthias asked, "Uhh... You new?"

"What!? I'm no newfag." Sylvia said, feigning being offended. For fun. "Just who do you think you are!?"

"Hey, what?! I'm trying to make conversation!" Matthias threw his hands up in a surrendering way.

"Well, enough conversation out of you!" Sylvia snapped her fingers and used her powers to silence Matthias. He wouldn't be able to make a sound. Sylvia contently ate her food, smirking at him fiendishly.

Hey! What are you doing!? Matthias moved his mouth, but nothing came out. He slammed his palm against the table, but he didn't do anything other than hurt his hands. He hung his head in defeat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Stephen Avarian

Stephen shot up in bed his eyes wide open, not that he could see with them anyway, and breathing heavily. It had been what now? Two months since the incident? Why wouldn't these nightmares just go away, he hated reliving the moment several times a week. He slid out of bed and went into the shower about thirty minutes before the siren went off and let the warm water relax him and also hid the tears he had running down his face. He suddenly punched the wall in frustration, luckily not breaking it because he knew better than to allow himself to do that, plus he didn't want to damage his hand before the arena tonight.

Once he got out of the shower the Siren was going off right as he put on his last second glove. "Well...Guess I can't hide from everyone else forever..." He mused to himself. He wasn't quite ready though, instead he opened his window to feel the fresh air and watched as the temperature fluctuated and changed from the difference and smiled. Once he'd taken that in he pulled out his violin and just played for a little bit. Finally though he decided he should get food into his system before waiting too long. He grabbed a couple of pop tarts to eat on the way down to the cafeteria and off he went.

Once in the cafeteria he could see all the different signatures, a few of which were getting slightly heated every now and then which always amused him. He grabbed what he needed to make three big breakfast burritos. On top of this he grabbed three bottles of water putting the two extras in his cargo pants and decided who he'd go interact with for once. The problem with his sight was he couldn't tell who was who. It was all just heat signatures. He could tell figure and know if they were male or female based on shape but that's about it. Then he heard it. The familiar and loving voice of Sylvia. Stephen just smirked as he walked up as the guy slammed the table. "Easy there. Don't want to get yourself hurt now, that would be just a true shame." He mused at the new guy. He sat his plate down next to Sylvia but remained standing and took a bite of his food before continuing. "She might look harmless to you all, but there's a reason she can act so arrogant kid.: He turned and looked at Sylia, not literally but he liked to give some people the respect of at least looking at them even if he couldn't see how they look. "You could ease up a bit though. He can't help it that he's beneath you're ability." Stephen knew that most of the returning students didn't care for him. They viewed him as sadistic and cruel. So he didn't care for too many people and last year got caught up with the less than stellar activities so he didn't socialize that much last year, but things were different now, and as far as Sylvia went she was definitely someone who deserved his respect with her skill in the arena. The question was would she e as good in non arena fights where no one had to hold back? He believed she'd do fine but hadn't seen it as of yet. Stephen just smirked his hair barely parting for Sylvia to see part of his left eye.
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