Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


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Some time passed, but Ashil wasn't very sure of just how much. He had been tempted to sleep, but he was too excited for that. The idea of finally being able to learn how to do things right kept him awake and alert. The cycle of defeats could end at last, and after that perhaps he'd be able to warm up to his inheritance. Would it be easy? No. Would it come quickly? More than likely not. He had no doubts that he'd suffer a few crushing defeats before getting his hold, and claiming his first real victory. A real villain.

His excitement drove him to movement, and he found himself sliding out of his seat to stand in the isle again. His eyes glazed over the other passengers, his classmates, and his smirk returned. Confidence was key, and if it was worth doing it was worth over-doing. He sauntered down the lane between seats, a bump sending a stutter into his steps and a look of surprise onto his face for a brief moment before he realigned himself and continued on. Damn rickety old piece of trash bus.

He focused on the boy in the back first, seeing as he'd been the only one so far Ashil had not interacted with, or commented about, in some fashion. As he passed Phobetor's seat, he scoffed out a quiet. "Cute," and merely rolled his eyes at Taiyo and Evera. Damn goody-goody brought a knot into his stomach just looking at him, and the girl, well, perhaps too early to tell. She was getting chummy with the meddling one, though, and that was enough for him to roll his eyes at. When at last he reached the back, he leaned against the seat, shooting a harsh glare at Mai. Un-deified scum, she wouldn't last long, he figured. But, she wasn't what he was after at the moment, and instead his focus fell onto the other boy, who was surprisingly well-dressed. If Ashil hadn't already hated him, he might have admired his tastes.

"And here I thought the maid was the most pitiful person here," he jeered, leaning in a bit closer to Andy. "Look at you, you look petrified."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

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"Uh-oh, incoming trouble Andy-boy. Brace yourself."

Blinking, Andrew looked up from his book just in time to see Ashil approaching. He couldn't believe it. Was he coming straight at him? Why was he coming back here? He had a perfectly good seat all to himself already! As Ashil came closer and closer, Andrew's mouth hung agape from his astonishment, eyes wide. His glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose as he stared, his face grew more and more red from his anxiety and nervousness. A deep sense of dread growing from the pit of his stomach as Ashil then sat down right next to him, coming between him and Mai after shooting her an ugly look.

Sweating bullets, Andrew focused on his book and refused to look at Ashil. He was way too close for Andrew's comfort. Within his 'personal bubble' if you would. His 'bubble' extended outward to anyone within a few meters of him, considering. He nearly yelped when Ashil opened his mouth to speak to him, almost jumping in his seat.

"And here I thought the maid was the most pitiable person here," Ashil jeered.
"Excuse me? Who are you to talk, Fruit Cake?" Asmodeus quickly grew annoyed.
"Look at you, you look petrified." Ashil finished.
"Andy-boy, are you going to let him speak to you like that?.." Asmodeus seethed.

As Ashil had leaned even closer to Andrew as he spoke, invading his 'bubble' even more, he couldn't bring himself to summon an ounce of courage to speak back to him. Instead, he sat in manic silence, trembling and shaking. Still staring at the words in his book.

"Andrew! By the fires of Hell, I refuse to let him speak to you like that! Say something!"
"I-I-I-I c-c-c-an't..."
"Then let me handle this."
"N-no, d-don't!" Andrew pleaded, weakly.
"Too late, it's my turn kiddo."

Asmodeus took advantage of his growing anger and Andrew's feeble state to assume control over his body. Andrew suddenly growing still, a ring of black diamonds encircled his left eye. With an audible sigh, Asmodeus as Andrew slowly closed his book and placed it neatly on his lap. Turning to face Ashil, he gave him a sly smile. Leaning in close enough to Ashil that their noses practically touched, Asmodeus voice came as frighteningly deep yet smooth, strong and masculine in its timbre.

"The good Maiden aside..." pausing, he leaned ever so slightly to the side to cast Mai a wink and flashed her a fox-like smile.
Turning back to Ashil and looking him in the eyes he continued, "I wouldn't be going 'round saying who you think is the most pitiable person on this bus is..."
His white smile grew wider, "Because honestly I find those who are failures at their jobs to be most pitiable, wouldn't you?"
Chuckling, he reached up and stroked a length of Ashil's hair with two fingers. "Keeping up appearances is all fine and dandy, but come talk to me when you can walk the walk too.."
Lowering his hands so that they both rested on the book in his lap, he gently patted its cover, "Now, if you don't mind. I'd appreciate it if you would allow me to continue reading my book. Hm?" he tilted his head slightly and raised a curious eyebrow at Ashil as he continued to smile ever so sweetly in his face.

A warm, yet sickeningly sweet Aura began to ooze forth from Asmodeus' body. Tickling Ashil's nose and reaching into him, daring him to be pulled in closer by Asmodeus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

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"Indeed!" He agreed, and relaxed, listening to her explanation. "I see. Well, I don't know the life cycle of gods, but, I'm sure being a god is tiresome at times... Especially the guidance of an increasing number of lost souls." He said, and shrugged. "My death? Err... that's hardly a cheery question. Would it be fair to say I don't really wish to say anything of it? Ah, well, I guess you'll all figure out eventually. No sense in holding it in and being all sad." He resolved. "You should get used to death anyway." He frowned, and took in a deep breath. "You are the guide of spirits, so, I can keep this between us." He put his hand on hers, channeling his thoughts to her. "Well, I came home, and my family was dead. I'd really like to hold on the gory details, but it was definitely not pleasant. It was like seeing the deepest level of hell all at once. Of course, I freaked out. I was killed too, and that wasn't particularly pleasant either. I didn't know people could stay alive for such a long time through the things I experienced. The demons pretty well killed us all. At the time, I didn't know of my godly heritage, or even believe in the supernatural, but I guess such an experience was a pretty big wake-up call." He sighed, and shrugged. "They knew I was heir to the sun and thought that could stop me. I don't want to spoil anything for any of you on the bus, but... Death only furthers your ascent to godhood. The details about the death are pretty hard to explain, and, just killing yourself won't do anything. It turns out that my death was the key. I had latent powers like you all, but, I couldn't believe in them, and was never able to use them. But, now I'm a step ahead... I don't know how to feel about that." He sighed. "Anyway, not to be rude, but I think it's time to prevent disorder... I can sense the intents around here. Can you watch out for Mai?" He let go of his link with her, and drifted back to Mai's seat. "sorry for putting you on the spot there...", he said to the maiden. "Can you forgive me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


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Ashil felt a chill crawl up his spine once again when Andrew actually met his gaze. There was power just in the other boy's eyes, never mind the tattoo marks. Ashil felt a regret lock up his stomach, then his throat, and cut off every single response he had brewing in his mind. Andrew's shift alarmed him, the sudden suavity, the confidence -no, superiority- in his voice was in its own way, frightening.

He visibly flinched when Andrew touched his hair, sucking in a sharp breath. But that was all, he didn't react, he didn't hiss, or spit, he did nothing. For a few moments after Andrew had stopped speaking, Ashil just stood there, tilted like a statue about to fall, a few blinks the only thing to signify he was still in his own head. Then all at once he recoiled, and his expression caught up with his mind; first shocked, incredulous, and then firmly hateful. His teeth clamped together as if he had any words to say, any clever comeback.

"I'll make you regret that, you worm," he might have yelled the words, but embarrassment had constricted his throat, and flooded his cheeks. Instead, he adjusted the tie beneath his vest, stood up straight, and, giving Mai another foul look, whirled around on a heel and stormed back to his seat at the front.

Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. He could practically hear Apep screaming at him, and was sure he'd pay for it later. The encounter had not at all gone as he'd expected, and where he expected to have a step forward, he instead had a plummet down past where he'd started. Damned pretty-boy, Ashil had underestimated him out of sheer habit. That's how it went, usually, an underestimation was the first step in his defeats. He'd forgotten this time he'd been playing to win. Though he couldn't help wondering if that would have really mattered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

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"I'll make you regret that, you worm," Ashil said as he turned on his heel and stormed back to his seat.
With a smirk, Asmodeus replied just loud enough so that Ashil could hear from from behind as he walked away, "I'll be waiting..."

Just giddy from their social interaction, Asmodeus interlaced his fingers and sighed contentedly. Though he didn't appreciate the 'worm' comment and thought it rude, he still deeply enjoyed having spoken with Ashil. Crossing his legs, he adjusted the glasses that sat on his face and glanced to the side at Mai. The Taiyo ghost-boy had floated over and was speaking with Mai, the shrine maiden. Making sure Taiyo wouldn't see him, Asmodeus flashed Mai a sweet smile and gave her a small wave with his fingers. Turning back to the book on his lap, he picked it up and examined the cover's art. Birds. He detested birds. Turning his nose up at the book, he flipped it over so that he wouldn't see the cover and returned it to his lap.

"D-don't you think you were a b-bit...mean?" Andrew's small voice echoed to him
"Not at all. I think I was rather polite to him, when he was rather rude to us. Besides, I got him to leave us alone. Isn't that what you wanted, Andy-boy?"
"Uh...I...th-that's n-not..."
"Oh, hush. I'll be keeping in your body a bit longer, I don't think I've had my fill of fun yet."
"D-don't be m-mean to anyone else..."
"Oh, don't worry. I won't."

Closing his eyes, smiling still, Asmodeus leaned his head against the window of the bus. Keeping one eye and one ear aware of Taiyo and Mai across from him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Evera nodded a bit sadly when Taiyo said she’d have to get used to death. It was quite true. She wasn’t sure exactly how to feel about that either. She didn’t have too much time to think about it in the moment, as he touched her hand. Instantly, several words and sentences began flooding her mind. She quickly got accustomed to it and listened intently, looking at Taiyo’s face as his thoughts became real in her mind. She waited until he was done before nodding, agreeing to watch out for her fellow female amongst them. She assumed Taiyo was concerned because of their gender, not any other particular reason.

Evera watched her new friend get up and go check on the shrine maiden, leaving Evera to take in the others around her. One had little black shapes in front of him that seemed to be attacking each other. How odd. Possibly entertaining though she supposed. She glanced towards the back of the bus and the slightly rude boy had approached the boy reading a book. It seemed perhaps he had said something unfitting again and was getting a rather large dose of his own medicine. Evera’s face blushed at the interaction, finding the whole thing rather immature and embarrassing for them both, before the rude boy called the book one a worm and stormed to the front of the bus. His feelings must have been hurt. Perhaps he had a goal to be the rudest and this other had vested him? They were all a little peculiar, but then again, gods were too weren’t they?

She shrugged to herself, wondering who she should talk to. She could ask the man what his little figures exactly were. Or if the rude boy was alright. Or what book the boy in the back was reading. It seemed the boy in the back was trying to sleep now, and she was afraid the boy in the front was wanting to be alone, so she glanced to the one with the bandana. ”What are you doing exactly?” she asked curiously, tilting her head slightly to the right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Though the brief exchange between Asmodeus and Ashil was spoken in the low turns of intimacy and embarrassment respectively, its intensity allowed Phobetor to hear. The God of Nightmares, forgetting his current shadow puppets -gorgon and a scorpion, the latter of which had been losing badly- listened in. To hear the bashful-sounding blonde speak so differently practically screamed something unusual. Maybe the kid was a schizophrenic? Phobetor always enjoyed the dreams of the mentally ill the most, since he didn't need to do much to make them a wild tumult of chaos and madness. It was like being a director and sitting down to enjoy a movie made by someone else, though understandably more horrifying.

Phobetor turned away from the conversation, making sure not to look at Ashil's. He was pleased to see the brute finally get a little of what was coming to him, but in the wake of such a humiliation he would probably be even more of a pissant than usual—this sentiment had settled in his mind even though he'd only known Ashil for a few minutes. Phobetor's hand had already returned to their original positions before he realized how incredibly bored he was with shadowplay. A lone, brilliantly pink cherry tree on the side of the road caught his attention, and he watched it until the bus left the pretty plant behind.

Just then a girl's voice reached him from a few seats over. He practically whirled to face her, and was met with the same plain face and brown hair that belonged to Evera; he had marked her name when the shrine-maiden had called it out. Instantly he felt that his privacy had been intruded on, like a child trying to play his game away from the prying eyes of his fellows. Why would someone else be interested in what he was doing? Why would she be watching in the first place? He decided that she must have some sort of angle. With a flick of his wrist, the shadows vanished. "Killing time," he finally drawled, purposefully filling his tone with the idea that he didn't want to be disturbed. Unfortunately, he was sure that such an answer wouldn't satisfying this girl's curiosity, and he had better fill her in. "I bring darkness to life," he added cryptically, holding up a open hand and making sure his disfigured, clawlike fingernails were visible. Perhaps that would put her off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shiinen
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Shiinen The Grand Imagineer

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...So many strange things going on. A tilt of the head followed the token mortal dancing the tips of her fingers along her parasol in an absent-minded fashion as people went their own fashion and own way. With her eyes meeting a certain individual -- the scary god, Phobeter -- for all of a moment, a soft shiver along the spine had her close her eyes as the gentle whispers from her own God spoke of soothing things to ensure no poor choices placed against her. With her hands lifting up after a moment, she grabbed at thin air to whisk away a small piece of the moon's thoughts to bring into physical actualization -- a Moon Wisp. Just a small companion for the time being, she'd let go and smile as she watched it dance to and fro upon her lap up until her thoughts were broken by their instructor taking the time to come to her and actually apologize.

"Ah. Do not worry, sir. I am alright with it. If you should ever need help or a time to rest, Lord Tsukuyomi does not deny my attentiveness to kindness of others, despite your origin. In fa-"

And then a fight of sorts? Her eyes traced over to the god that had seem to take a hating towards everything -- and oh, lord forbid. She couldn't keep her mouth from speaking out its words once the little confrontation was settled.
"I thought beings that associate with the same rank of my God to be above such trivial natures. Instead, I'm seeing one acting rather childish for no reason at all. It's slightly...saddening."

A surprised look fell upon her eyes before she covered her mouth and cleared her throat. Glancing from Taiyo to Andrew -- whose attempts to fluster her had gone right over her head -- she could only bite her lip before lowering her head.
"Ah...Upbringing has me poor at keeping my tongue at bay with what I think. I hope it doesn't create anything poor of me in introduction. Anyways...It's nice to meet you all. I didn't think that deities were quite like...uhm...me, so to speak. I'm surprised -- pleasantly so -- to see a sort of relatable form. It gives me a bit of peace to know I might be able to talk with you and learn of hardships that you have as those above...well...my level, mostly. I hope it won't be minded if I ask a few questions now and then?"

Sharp, uncontrollable, honest tongue on a girl of her calibur.

She'd need an army to keep her safe. Maybe it was a good thing Tsukuyomi spoiled her so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Evera watched as Phobetor flicked his wrist and his shadow puppets disappeared. She just smiled and nodded when he said killing time, about to look away as that seemed to be a rather boring answer, until he said he brought darkness to life. Her eyes lit up and she tilted her head at the appearance of his claws. Or at least, that’s what she would compare them to. ”That must come in handy for a lot of things,” she smiled again. Her abilities really weren’t that applicable to everyday life. Everything she could do revolved around the spirit world and realm. That’s why she’d never suspected she was anything special. Then again, she could probably develop some sort of witchcraft abilities, per her birth mother, but it would clash with the ambiguity she was to have as the bearer of Mephistopheles’ burden. Considering her job required working for both heaven and hell.

Her eyes kept glancing to the rude boy up front and she got up and moved to a seat between Phobetor and Ashil, where she could talk to them both. She tilted her head a bit and addressed the pouting boy. ”Are you alright, by the way? Perhaps you could use a nap along our bus ride?” she asked, knowing she tended to get grumpy sometimes when she was tired. Perhaps he was too?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


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The world outside was passing fast, and he was content for a while just to sit and watch the blurry changes in the environment. Japan wasn't as boring as he'd thought it was -had he thought it was? He couldn't remember having had an opinion on it beforehand. It was actually rather pretty, all the bright colors and blue sky. Apep more than likely wouldn't stand for it, but for now the little hissing in the back of his mind wouldn't detract from his break.

He'd heard the first girl -Evera, was it?- and the creep conversing, but wasn't paying any real attention to it. He was too drawn up in the world outside the window. His eyes caught the sight of a dog, a small one, tottering along with a leash dragging behind it. Gone before he could see much else, what breed -not that he knew many- or if anyone was coming for it. It was enough to make him grin for a few moments after it was gone. Mistake.

When Evera began speaking to him, he was taken by surprise. Not afraid, not enough to panic, but enough that he turned without running through any of the checklists he usually had for facing people. No narrowed eyes, no pursed lips, no aloof posture. He smiled back at her for a moment, and the hissing in the back of his mind turned into a maddened rage. He visibly shuddered, ducking a bit, before coming back as he was meant to. He scowled, and leaned away.

"Excuse me?" he snapped, though it may have come off as an answer to her question, he had no real idea what she'd said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

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As Asmodeus attempted to listen in on Taiyo's and Mai's conversation, he decided that he no longer cared to spy on them. As Andrew's body grew too tired and drained unable to accommodate him, he sighed and closed both of his eyes shut. Grabbing the book from his lap, he removed it and set it next to him with its cover still face down. Removing Andrew's glasses, he returned it to his vest's inner pocket and put it away. He reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose, growing weary.

"I guess I've had my fill of fun for today, Andy-boy," he said to Andrew as he opened his eyes slightly to look out of the bus window.
Running a hand through his red hair, he placed his hands neatly in his lap.
"This body of ours is too weak. It can't seem to sustain me for very long when I take over," eyes growing heavy, he yawned. Covering his mouth as he did.
"Well, in any case I return control to you. Sleep well, Andy." Asmodeus said, his voice fading and growing quiet.

As Asmodeus' hold over Andrew slackened and relaxed, the ring of black diamonds encircling his eyes faded and vanished. Back in control of his own body, Andrew could barely hold on to his consciousness, struggling to stay awake. His body growing comfortable in his current position and with the sun's warmth beating down on him, he sighed as he finally conceded to sleep. Closing his eyes and keeping them shut, it didn't take him long at all before he faded into the darkness of sleep. His breath coming lightly and gently as he softly snored.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Evera smiled momentarily when Ashil smiled and turned around. He seemed to suddenly turn back though, and a look of concern flashed across her face. He looked back her way again, but this time scowling and snapping at her. She frowned slightly, tilting her head. Well that was a bit strange. Almost like, split personalities or something. Or perhaps he’d though he’d heard one of the others he liked better speaking to him, and when he realized it was her, got angry. She was a little sad at the thought that perhaps people didn’t like her already.

”Um, I asked if perhaps you’d feel better if you took a nap? You seem grumpy,” she said slowly, unsure if it was wise to have spoken to him now. Especially with such a mothering thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Esayo


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Ashil held his scowl, for a moment inwardly proud he'd made her frown so quickly. That was a particularly villainous feat. Right? Ugh, no, of course it wasn't. He was reaching for anything by then, after his blundering failure, and when she actually repeated her question he lost every ounce of devious intent. Slouching a bit, he put his hands up in a mock defense and shook his head. Future god of chaos and the unmaking of reality, and he was being asked to take a nap. It was a rough day.

"Yeah, no I...the thing with- look just..." he stumbled for words for a few moments, more irritated with himself than embarrassed. At length, he gave up, lowering his head and his voice again to keep the conversation strictly between them. He'd suffered enough losses to his dignity thus far. "Sorry. Just...concerned, I get it, but wrong person. Thanks, though, anyway."

That was it, he was just too worn out to put the effort into being rude to her. One instance of humanity wouldn't destroy his future villainy, and it was too early to be punishing ignorance. He hadn't built up his reputation enough, he'd get to work on that, then he wouldn't have to worry about these sorts of things anymore.

He turned back around, a tad awkward in his actions. Was that how people broke off conversations? It didn't really matter, it's what he'd done, and it would do the job just fine. To sell it, he leaned his head against the window, as if he would be going to sleep, though he had no real intention of doing so. Instead, he'd wait out the rest of the trip, and think.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

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Roxanne hummed a song softly under her breath, swinging her feet lightly, smiling as her shoes scuffed the dirt road. She had been told to wait here by... someone. She wasn't sure who, she just knew that they hadn't been in the least bit human, and they worked with the school.
I just had to get my invitation late. She thought to herself, peering up the road to look for the bus, that should be approaching rather soon. For some ''clerical issue'', as it had been called - which she didn't believe in the slightest; for Heaven's sakes, they were supernatural creatures - her notification of entering the school had arrived far too late for her to purchase a ticket to the correct Japanese airport. So, she'd gotten one for a smaller airport closer to the mountains, and here she was now; waiting for the bus.
It hadn't been that long a walk from the airport, and she'd found a little old stone wall by the side of the road for her to sit on. It was rather a pleasant spot, and if she hadn't been bursting with curiosity of seeing this new school - and her classmates, whom she was certain would be far more interesting than herself - she could have happily stayed there all day, listening to the strange birdcalls she was unfamiliar with, shaded by the lush green mountains and seeing the twinkle of the ocean in the distance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

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Evera looked a bit surprised when he put his hands up and began tripping over his words. She was simply confused. He’d seemed so confident when talking earlier, and rather rude. Now here he was seeming like she’d confused him by simply asking if he was tired. Perhaps she had embarrassed him? Of course she had. She felt pretty badly about it when he lowered his head and then lowered his voice so only she could hear. She leaned forward a bit to hear him, and nodded at his words. She smiled friendly like and sat back, still hoping he was alright. It seemed they had quite a collection aboard this bus… their ghostly guide, a shrine maiden who seemed nice, the shadow man with claws, this split personality boy, and then the man in the back who seemed a bit split as well, reading one minute and winking and getting sarcastic with Ashil the next. Well, what could she really expect? Gods were rather eccentric right? Only makes sense they would be too. Still, she hoped they could get along. It seemed most wouldn’t mind. Except maybe Andrew. She glanced back at him and he was asleep. Hmmm. Seemed he preferred to be left alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

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After watching the Evera girl depart -to talk to Ashil of all things- Phobetor was pretty dead set on leaving. The fleeting memory of the lovely cherry blossom tree outside alerted him to the fact that the countryside the bus sped through would be very nice to behold; it was more inviting than those in here, regardless. He quickly ran over how it would work in his head: after discretely pulling down his window, he'd become a gecko and scale his way to the roof of the bus, where he would reform into a wolverine so as to keep a good grip on the roof against the onrushing air. From there, he would be fully able to appreciate the landscape.

The window was already down when Phobetor felt something tugging at his mind. Such a sensation was not unknown to him, and even bestowed upon him a rush of excitement, for it was the feeling of someone's dream. Like a hot-out-of-the oven apple pie or a shiny ring perched on a storefront shelf, it cried out to him--"Come and get me. Phobetor placed a hand on the back of his seat and stood halfway up, looking around. Evera was just finishing up with the moron, the shrine maiden murmured inaudibly to Taiyo...ah, there! The gaudy-haired boy, the one who had made a fool out of the bully. His lids lay closed in obliviousness and his thin chest heaved up and down rhythmically, but it wasn't the kid's sleeping form that interested the God of Nightmares. It was just his head, a box full of treasures screaming to be cracked open. Grinning toothily, Phobetor sat back down in his seat and reclined, shutting his own eyes. When he opened them again, they were solid black with radiant purple pupils, unmoving and unblinking.

Phobetor entered Andrew's dream.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Overwatch
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Overwatch The Lord of Black Flames

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"Well, long as I didn't scare you or anything, I'm happy." He replied. He listened to her comment on the deities rabbling. "Heh, you must not know a lot about the gods... Before I became one, my understanding was that the gods were all big kids who wanted to show how tough they were. I think that's still my view on things. I'm glad I was chosen to be an altruistic god. I don't think I could handle being something like the god of lust, or eater of light... My nature's too good for that." He shrugged. "Now the thing you have to keep in mind is that they aren't above you yet. By natural law, they are still only humans with divine powers, just like you. And with the moon on your side, and, well, the sun too, I think you won't be much bothered. I'm more than willing to help anybody here. Don't be afraid to ask for my aid, despite my embodiment. I hold no grudges against anybody here, and you have as many rights, if not more than the others here." He folded his arms seriously, and talked in a more serious tone, before relaxing. "Your frankness and sincerity is refreshing, Mia. Don't be afraid to assert yourself."

He remained quiet, looking around outside. They were getting closer to the mountains, and he could sense something. A divine presence close by. He stood up, filled with light. "EEY, STOP THE BUS!" The bus slowed, and stopped nearby a stone wall on the roadside. He made his way to the front, and walked out. A girl was sitting on the wall. "Are you Roxane?" He folded his arms. "Hurry up and get on the bus, oracle. I wish you had forseen a better place to catch our bus, but I'm glad we managed to find you. Sign yourself in on the clipboard in the front seat, and find a place to sit. We'll arrive at the shrine gate in about an hour." With that, he returned inside, and waved for the driver to continue before sitting in the back again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MiddleEarthRoze
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MiddleEarthRoze The Ultimate Pupper

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Roxy's content smile was replaced with a frown for a moment at the boy's bluntness, but it swiftly returned as she boarded the bus, a backpack slung over one shoulder while she juggled her small suitcase in her other hand. She hadn't brought all that many things with her - she didn't have that much to bring, to be honest. Most of it was books, with a few clothes. the only garment worth anything to her was the old hoody tied around her waist; previously white, it had become grey and tired through years of wear. But she loved it all the same.
Writing her name on the clipboard, she was slightly disappointed as she looked around the bus. There were only a handful of students on there. She had been looking forward to a bit more than that, but oh well. One couldn't have everything.
"By the way," Roxy called out to the boy who had pulled the bus over, stopping at a seat opposite him. "You can call me Roxy if you want." She said with a quick grin, having to stand on her tiptoes to put her suitcase in the overhead compartment. Finally managing it, she collapsed into the seat and gave him another bright grin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by harinezumikouken
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harinezumikouken Bloodstarved Beast

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"Well, well, well..." Asmodeus said, his lips curling at the corners to reveal a sinister white grin.
"It looks like we have a uninvited guest.."

In the center of what was a large and luxurious study sat Asmodeus in a plush, velvety chair. A fireplace burning behind him casting a dramatic light and shadow effect on him and the room. Though Asmodeus seemed slightly different than when he assumed control over Andrew's body. The same ring of black tattoo-like diamonds still encircled his left eye, but there were a few additions to the rest of him. Namely, he had two black stubby horns visible on the top of his head. A pair of bat-like wings were folded up behind him as he sat, along with a forked tail swaying behind him as mesmerizing as a snake. He sat with his legs crossed, leaning his head onto a fist as he stared at Phobetor and grinned darkly.

"Welcome, guest!" he motioned with his hands at Phobetor as a chair would appear behind him.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance." He nodded his head at Phobetor politely.
"I am Asmodeus. One of the Seven Kings of Hell and ranked 32nd as per the Ars Goetia" he placed a gloved hand on his chest as he introduced himself.
"I believe you intended to conduct business with my Andrew? Sadly, I regret to inform you that he is currently sleeping and will not be able to come out and play."
"Instead, how may I be of assistance? While my Andrew sleeps, I shall try my very best to accommodate you and answer any questions you may have."
"So if you would please introduce yourself and state your business. I would very much like to know the reason as to why you are intruding on my Andrew's dreams and what you had intended to do to him as he rested."
Asmodeus' grin slowly vanished, replaced by a stern glare. The lighting from the burning fireplace behind him giving his emerald-green eyes an odd intensity.

Looking around the study, all the walls were lined with shelves upon shelves of books. Volumes of them from the ground extending all the way upwards to reach the ceiling. The ground itself was covered in a fine rug. Within the back of the study behind Phobetor stood a tall Grandfather clock. Its pendulum quietly swinging side to side as the clock hands ticked away. Aside from the dark ceiling that held an unlit crystal chandelier, a few desks, tables, chairs and lamps scattered about, apparently Asmodeus made this space his home. His seat at the opposite end of the room, in front of the burning fireplace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Of all the scenes Phobetor had been envisioning he might appear in, this was not one of them. He had only a brief moment to look around, feeling the danger in the air just as heat on his face, before Asmodeus spoke. Though the room appeared to be a study and the demon's seat a cushy rocker, Phobetor had only to consider his words to realize that this place was a throne room. Though not quite as obvious as a normal great hall, the parts were all there: the luxury, the grandeur, the excellent posterior accommodations—a show was being made, and not just in Asmodeus's speech. Were he facing such a being in reality, Phobetor might have quaked and backed down, but in the realm of dreams he wasn't so easily cowed.

Phobetor took the seat. Unbound by of the restrictions he faced in the real world, he let his power seep freely from him, quickly coating the chair and staining the surrounding carpet with murky black. Despite having a distinct advantage in his eyes, the God of Nightmares was wary with his reply. “Hi there,” he waved sarcastically. “Good fortune meetin' someone else from the underworld. Practically makes us family. Though, since you're thirty-second demon and I'm number-one Nightmare God, there might be some...difficulties. No hard feelings, though.” Two gleaming purple irises never faltered from Asmodeus's flaring viridian eyes.

“I had intended to fill...Andrew, was it? ..his dreams with terror, to make him tremble and scream, to make him awake with a start and a cold sweat and to savor it all. If he's not available, though, there's no point in stickin' around. If this is gonna happen every time, I might not even come back.” Phobetor didn't reveal his name, though if Asmodeus had been paying attention to the roll call back in the waking world, he'd know it anyway. Not that it was his true name, at any rate.
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