Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zombiedude101
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

I've got one I'm considering working on at the moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Lookin' forward to it. I'm working on the sheets people have submitted thus far and may put up an OOC later. T

Don't know if the attributes are confusing anybody, but Maxx cooked up this system for helping if anyone needs it.

a 1 in an attribute is barely competent. Someone with a Constitution of 1 would be horribly out of shape (maybe not necessarily fat, just out of shape), an Intelligence of 1 would be a more-or-less dumb individual (not necessarily at a Forrest Gump level, just not bright).

a 2 is below-average. If you work out occasionally, but not often enough to justify a real physical job, you'd be here for Constitution. 2 for Strength might be someone with a little force behind them but not a whole lot-for instance, an elderly grandmother might be a 1 Strength while a spry 9 year old might be 2.

a 3 is average. Nothing exemplary but nothing damning. Just middle of the road.

A 4 is above average, proportional to how below average 2 is. So someone with a 4 Intelligence might be valedictorian of their high school but nowhere near the top of their university. Or perhaps a 4 Charisma is a very charming individual but not able to skate by purely on Charisma (we all know that one asshole that does that).

A 5 is superior-at the level they could find a career based solely off that one stat. A 5 in Charisma could do well in politics, a 5 in Constitution or Strength could probably do a professional sport (maybe not on the NBA/NFL/NHL level, but a step down from that-and do well), so on and so forth.

A 6 is extraordinary. Olympian. Someone with a 6 in Dexterity would be Annie Oakley, or a 6 in Intelligence probably a few IQ points shy of Stephen Hawking. I'm going to put "7" as the "Legendary" status, so any famous historical figures you can think of would fall there for their relevant stat (Marilyn Monroe and Bill Clinton would be 7's in Charisma-hey, regardless of your political views on the guy, he's a suave suave mofo; Usain Bolt would be a 7 in Constitution; Einstein would be a 7 or maybe an 8 in Intelligence, so on and so forth).

Hope that helps give you a frame of reference. Remember you don't need to be good at everything, and it's okay for you to have a character with crippling Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma if you're going for a physical powerhouse-and vice versa. The Dreadnaughts only take the best, so if you're signing on as an analyst and still trying to keep all your stats good, I may start asking questions. Optimize towards what you're gunning for, and then decide if you want to go all the way or leave just a bit of a buffer on your weak zones. I can help give suggestions if anyone needs them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Well, they say the best way to get a person interested is through their funny bone and that you did. I chuckled quite a bit reading through all of the stuff, and I gotta say it's all really nice and well thought out. I'm definitely interested.

But first, got a quick question about technology. Now, I know this is only a year from now, and since I highly doubt there are any super major technological breakthroughs like space travel and curing cancer, but there's gotta be some new stuff available. If I were to play a person who lost their leg, would it be possible to get a mechanical one that acts as a normal leg would? And what about drones? You said in the intro that we would be able to get our hands on things that don't even exist. Any new fangled weaponry we might get to know about?

Not that I'm asking for those things. Just curious mostly. (Oh, and I can get started on my character and stuff in the morning. Typing this at 2:30 AM isn't the healthiest in terms of sleep schedule.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Synthorian
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I am quite interested in this one. Gonna think it over and see what kind of character I can create here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Glad to hear, Beowulf and Synthorian! As far as technology, it's more or less on-par with what we have today-I set it a year in the future mainly for the purpose of nothing coming up and contradicting what we have/allowing for a little wiggle room in terms of realism. However, I don't think a very functional prosthetic leg would be out of the question, particularly if he lost it while working for the Dreadnaughts. I'm not intelligent enough about prosthetics to know for sure, but I imagine (for someone with our characters' budget) it's not unreasonable at all. Dreadnaughts have a handful of drones, along with a limited air fleet (a couple of helicopters, a jet or two). A drone operator would actually be a fun character for someone to have, now that I think about it. As far as fun new toys in the realm of small arms, I'd say anything that's on the market today, or any prototype you know of that's being tossed around at the moment (which could be developed by a year in the future or simply acquired by Belroth and friends).

I'll probably put up the OOC later tonight. Take your time on character sheets-there's no rush.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SirBeowulf
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SirBeowulf What a load of Donk.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Okay, I've got a few ideas for characters that I might pull off. First is an idea of a heavy weapons/demolitionist who has lost an eye (he's not a black scottish man), and the other is a combat drone operator I'll probably recycle from an old character and who has his own little robot pal.

Hopefully it doesn't look too futuristic, and might actually work in this setting. His name is Howard by the way. The drone. Not the person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheChancellor


Member Seen 9 mos ago

If you've got room for one more, I too am interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxx
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Maxx Jamming

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I think by "drone" he mean, like, air drones. UAV ground troops are still (for some reason) a little out of the picture in modern combat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leonerdo
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Leonerdo Spoopy Scary

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It's because that terrain is too dynamic to reliably use ground drones. Elsewise, land drones would be very situational and very expensive to produce. Much more than air drones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Synthorian
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alright, here's my CS. Give it a looksie.

I also added a dice based random roll for her Painkiller Addition. So be sure to check that out too. It's quite a big debuff if she fails the roll.

I am kinda hating her bio right now though.
NAME: “Catherine” or “Katarina”. (Catherine Voss)
AGE: 28
SEX: “I don’t see a cock between my legs… Do you?”
NICKNAME: “Baba Yaga” or Bogeywoman/Witch in English.

(Images of her younger days as a hitwoman, when she actually gave a damn about looking good while kicking ass, and before all the scars.)

Catherine is young brunette lady with enough scars on both her face and body to make a Russian Hardman throw some warrior’s respect her way. And there are too many of them to count. Though if you ask her about each one, be prepared for one hell of story. If she’s in the mood to tell it anyway.

The most prominent scar is the one that runs from her left eyebrow and down to her chin, where a certain mobster ran her face through with a bowie knife, which is now hers, taking claim to it after she blew his brains out.

She is about 5 foot 10 with relatively healthy looking hourglass physique. A nice mix between healthy body fat and musculature. Her long black hair (and most of the time stringy and greasy) accentuates her blue eyes, and the heavy bags below them. She constantly looks like she has been on a massive drinking binge due to her painkiller addiction (watered down with a massive dose of Jack Daniels). So for a 28 year old, she looks a bit of a train wreck.

Her experiences have weathered her far beyond her age in such a way that her voice became a sort of raspy growl, and her movements seem more masculine than feminine.

Not really attractive, is it?

PERSONALITY: Catherine isn’t exactly a happy lady, but not an unhappy one either. Just cynical, with a sprinkle of smartass for seasoning, sass as filling, and a mostly bored expression as the cherry on top of the shit tasting cake that is her sarcastic personality that tends to wind people up. It pisses off the socialites the most, as if she was pissing on their shoes.

Though don’t mistake her for being quiet. She will spew some words that will make your face look like you just tasted fresh cow pack, only if you wind her up or give her some sass. She loves changing people’s moods from happy to sudden red hot rage in seconds. Working among mobsters and Godfathers who think they own it all has made pissing such people off a form of entertainment for her.

As far as being on her good side, it’s actually quite easy. Battle her sass with more sass, blindside her with a clever insult or two. That’s all it takes, a simple verbal challenge. Who knows what might happen? You might become sass buddies.

Now when it comes to business, she is a different person. Her personality changes, as if someone flicked a switch. She is focused in a firefight, to the point where her perception, despite her physical state, escalates drastically. And when dealing with people, she double thinks everything before opening her mouth. Sass during business deals and ventures is not necessary. Even less necessary when on the job with other co-workers.

She also follows a single criminal code of honor. Never conduct business on neutral ground.

When it comes to actual combat, upon observing her in action, a trained soldier will notice her unique style. She holds her handguns and rifles sideways, and uses her handguns as close quarters finishers rather than as ranged weapons, executing enemies with point black shots with swift efficiency. Her style is completely tailored towards cramped areas where she is surrounded by multiple individuals where there is barely any room to move. Making her perfect for urban combat, especially in buildings.

Her style is very crude however, and has more of a criminal discipline, than a military one, and it’s very noticeable.

ATTIRE: She sticks to a black BDU Shirt as well as black BDU Cargo Pants. Keeping her attire simple and loose to not restrain her movement. Couple that with a light tactical belt for holding ammunition and her Kriss Vector just above her hip, and shoulder holsters for her custom built handguns. Also let’s not forget the other belt holster for her massive bowie knife.


If she had to pick a weapon when off duty, it would be the Colt M2011A1.

MUGGING: Catherine would stare the man down and ask: “Are you sure you want to do this…?” Before pulling out her Colt and knee capping him.

BIOGRAPHY: Before joining the Dreadnaughts, she was a hitwoman. A well-known one that people feared and respected. No! Not the kind that did that pussy ninja shite. One that fought with vicious brutality when close, and fancy foot work and gunplay when she had a pistol in hand. And getting close to her in a fight was always a bad idea. She’s also one hell of cheater. Expect low blows.

How did she get so well-known on the east coast you ask? She killed people, very important people, for other cold-hearted and calculated individuals with money to spend, and boy did they need money. She was expensive, but well worth the price, despite the mess she made in the end.

Her life was simple. A city girl who lived a boring and dull city life among other people, until October the 28th, 2005. Chicago. 18 year old Catherine Voss goes on a walk alone after the news of the death of her parents was passed down to her over the phone 32 minutes earlier, to help her grieve in silence, where a group of men approach her in a dark street. Their intentions are pretty clear here, I’m sure. But you would be surprised to hear the outcome.

They died, all three.

How? She stabbed them. During the attempted act of mugging, as she struggled on the ground she swiped a knife from the one of the guy’s ankle bracelets, and stabed the guy on top in the temple of his skull, killing him instantly. She then stabbed another in the foot, and as he knelt down, slammed the knife in his neck. Then struggled with the last man before stabbing him 47 times in a fit of panic and shock. She got off lucky. The blood stains on the clothes would wash off, but the mental stains of killing a living being would stay there for a good long while.

But someone bore witness to it all. A man named Sergey Basonov, a “Cleaner” in the Russian Syndicate that operated in Chicago. Seeing potential in the young thing, during her desperate time of need, he conveniently arrived to provide her with a way out. That’s when her life speed towards the empty void of assassination. This is where she made her name as the best cleaner around, as well as pushed her down the path of painkiller addiction. You can only get shot and stabbed so many times before painkillers not only make your wounds numb, but also your emotional issues. Eventually, she was capable enough where she was hired to clean out the cleaners.

However, she pissed off someone very influential. She killed someone she wasn’t supposed to. One thing led to another, and it all became incredibly complicated. Involving a lot of assassins from all parts of the world, looking for her head and a hefty paycheck of 5 million greens. Nowhere was safe, and she had to make herself disappear.

By pulling a few strings and speaking with a few old contacts, she vanished off the east coast and the radar of other bounty hunters.

TALENTS: As a younger teen, she played an electric guitar in a band. Now-a-days, she plays to calm down when the painkillers don’t do the job.

ROLE: Fast Surprise Strikes, Assassination.

OTHER: Severe addiction to painkillers. She gets the shakes when she hasn’t popped some pills, throwing off her aim and concentration. Can only happen once during a combat situation at a random time. (Roll constitution + d20 check every turn until the debuff is achieved. Base success value to avoid debuff: 17. Debuff: Character loses -2 to Dexterity, Strength and Intelligence and -2 for Check Rolls until Painkillers or Morphine have been administered. Time to administer drugs: 1 full turn. Next turn character suffers only a -1 loss in associated attributes and Check Rolls. The turn after character recovers fully.)




Strength 3
Dexterity 6
Constitution 3
Wisdom 2
Intelligence 3
Charisma 2


CQB Handgun Combat: “Gunplay”. Catherine can turn any handgun into close quarters weapon of point blank execution. Making her very deadly in close quarters with a pistol in hand. Best way to explain it is to show an example.

Without a handgun in hand, her hand-to-hand capabilities are significantly lowered, lacking in finesse and she fights more akin to a brutish and slow boxer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm not mod here, Synthorian, but I'd recommend working with HWWB on the sheet as a whole. Just my advice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Always room for more, TheChancellor. Actually that's a straight up lie, we'll eventually get too many people, but for now there's always room.

And as for the drone, Beowulf, I must say I like the idea although I can make no promises as to how usable the drone will be in some regions we'll go to. My advice would be to make an EOD specialist who uses the drone whenever the terrain/nature of the mission allows. Obviously for a sneaking mission Howard's not gonna be the most helpful. I tried to find the article about drones but I couldn't-essentially, they were starting to find a large number of soldiers growing strangely attached to their specific robot. They'd risk their lives to go and retrieve it, take it out drinking, etc. Interesting stuff. I know they use them for checking out IEDs and defusing bombs-there could definitely be a place for him, although again, not making any promises. He may not get a ton of action, but we haven't had a drone used in any of this RP's incarnations. I believe Maxx had an attack dog once, that was cool.

Synthorian, this is a cool idea for a character but it needs some tweaking. Given how many scars she has, I feel like being "quite a looker" may be unattainable at a certain point. I'd commit fully one way or another. While Belroth's willing to take people of criminal background, he may not feel the risk of harboring a well-known hitwoman to be worth her asset-especially if people were currently looking after her. Running a PMC/attempting to establish his own nation-state, Belroth wouldn't want to risk entangling with the mob or national law enforcement agencies. If she dropped off the grid entirely/faked her death and constructed a new identity, then he may be willing to consider it. Or perhaps if she did some job for the government in exchange for amnesty. He might make use of her services through proxy but probably not directly. And to be in the Dreadnaughts, she'd need formal training (they conduct their own, and you're usually not considered for a frontline position/in the field position if you haven't already had a considerable amount), meaning she couldn't really do the gun kata thing. It's too reckless and risky. Her weapons are okay, although I'll warn you even with a suppressor the Vector's going to make noise unless you use subsonic ammunition, which is significantly less powerful and slower. Usable, but only from very close, and with little stopping power/penetration .You'll have to decide if that tradeoff is worth it. The bowie's also a little big for a infiltrator-something smaller might be a little better suited. It's close to a foot long, which might make drawing and using it quickly tough. Overall it's an interesting concept but a few things will need to get ironed out before she could fit in the Dreadnaughts.

Anywho, I'll be making the OOC shortly, so we can move our enlightened, scholarly discussions from here to there. I'll also make a character vault, where sheets can be submitted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Synthorian
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

He Who Walks Behind said
Synthorian, this is a cool idea for a character but it needs some tweaking. Given how many scars she has, I feel like being "quite a looker" may be unattainable at a certain point. I'd commit fully one way or another. While Belroth's willing to take people of criminal background, he may not feel the risk of harboring a well-known hitwoman to be worth her asset-especially if people were currently looking after her. Running a PMC/attempting to establish his own nation-state, Belroth wouldn't want to risk entangling with the mob or national law enforcement agencies. If she dropped off the grid entirely/faked her death and constructed a new identity, then he may be willing to consider it. Or perhaps if she did some job for the government in exchange for amnesty. He might make use of her services through proxy but probably not directly. And to be in the Dreadnaughts, she'd need formal training (they conduct their own, and you're usually not considered for a frontline position/in the field position if you haven't already had a considerable amount), meaning she couldn't really do the gun kata thing. It's too reckless and risky. Her weapons are okay, although I'll warn you even with a suppressor the Vector's going to make noise unless you use subsonic ammunition, which is significantly less powerful and slower. Usable, but only from very close, and with little stopping power/penetration .You'll have to decide if that tradeoff is worth it. The bowie's also a little big for a infiltrator-something smaller might be a little better suited. It's close to a foot long, which might make drawing and using it quickly tough. Overall it's an interesting concept but a few things will need to get ironed out before she could fit in the Dreadnaughts. Anywho, I'll be making the OOC shortly, so we can move our enlightened, scholarly discussions from here to there. I'll also make a character vault, where sheets can be submitted.

Well I did say I wasn't liking her bio. I wrote it all at 4 am in a rush. xD

Anyway. Now that I just got home from work with a fresh head, I'll look over this now.

1. Hey, She's a looker if you're into scars. :P

Just kidding. Looking back at it now I realize that it actually contradicts the fact that she isn't as decent looking as she used to be. I wonder why I even added the "looker" part.

2. Her falling off the grid makes more sense than faking her death. Her intelligence is average at best and won't be able to come up with anything clever enough to fool everyone that she died. It's better to disappear. So that's what I will add.

3. Formal training is fine by me. Remember, she fought thugs her whole life, not Spec Ops soldiers. Some decent training will do her good before she even tries to go out into the field.

4. The "kata" thing is actually a real thing called MCMAP, used by US Marines. But it's only used against one opponent at a time, which is my intention with this character. I just used the John Wick videos because they looked cooler than bulky dudes practicing in boot camp, it was also a very close example, but "hollywoody".

5. Subsonic ammunition blows in a lot of ways, hence why I never mentioned it. The drawbacks outweight the pros. The dull "Pffts" of a silencer are a better con than ammo that can't even penetrate kevlar.

6. As far as the bowie goes, I agree. I took that into account that it would be quite awkward to use. So I decided to add it as a personal memento for her. She claimed that weapon. not purchased it. So she keeps and uses it for personal reasons rather than practical ones. Plus it's menacing as hell. However it would make sense for her to use something smaller, like a regular KA-BAR when she needs to be quick. But that Bowie could definitely be useful.

EDIT: Edited the things I said I would. Though I feel I could change a few more things.

Also, what do you think of the debuff?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Synth I'll reply in the OOC just so we can finish seguing over there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jetipster
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jetipster Not all those that wander are lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

HWWB, do you still have my man from last time anywhere? Even if you're full here I loved your concept and would like to keep him for memories sake. I was gutted it petered out last time...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Oh, thanks! I'm afraid not, if you're referring to its last incarnation here on RPG. However if you mean the one in Roleplex it may still be up (assuming somebody hasn't gone and shut that site down yet). Plenty of room if you're still interested.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jetipster
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jetipster Not all those that wander are lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Will have a think about a character tomorrow. I've amassed the other CS's so I make sure I'm not duplicating too much but I want to spend some time on it so can't promise anything until the weekend. I'm a teacher now so no longer recognise the words 'free time' unless they're accompanied by a negative prefix or a sarcastic sad face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Luminous Beings
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Luminous Beings Not Greg.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

A teacher? Many kudos to you my friend, that's a job I'd love to do. Take your time-we're in no rush.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leonerdo
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Leonerdo Spoopy Scary

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We'll all be waiting on you. No pressure
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