Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Blood and Grog: It's like Game of Thrones but with the sex replaced with more yelling and stabbing

I have an idea for a Lord of The Rings RP with a twist. Playing Shadow of Mordor, I was inspired by the nemesis system, and how each individual Uruk has a personality and look that is unique to themselves. So, why not start an RP based on that idea?

That's right folks, a Shadow of Mordor RP where the players are all Uruks, trying to get by and climb the ladder. This RP is set up to be a mixture of Paranoia XP and Lord of The Rings, where PCs are encouraged not to shy away from stabbing their friends in the back if it means getting ahead. Eventually, the thread will end when either all of the PCs are dead (a situation that should never conceivably happen, since recruitment for this thread will be ongoing), or when one of the PCs becomes Warchief, essentially becoming the boss of all bosses.

The PCs will operate out of the fictional stronghold of Krom Peak, in the Udun Foothills, under the command of Warcheif Skerro The Pulverizer. The RP will be made in a sort of episodic format. Instead of being one continuous RP, events and the story in general will move in episodes, each of them centering around something like a raid (or even a visit from the Gravewalker himself), and each built upon by the events of the previous. PCs who distinguish themselves during a beast hunt (or through less legitimate, honorable ways) may find themselves with the ire of other orcs (PC or NPC), or even a new position in the next "episode".

Now, this is the important bit. These are the people needed:

-About six players to start, although the maximum will be about ten. A waiting list will be implemented, to make sure there’s always a steady supply of people to die. This RP is intended to be brutally unforgiving. The Uruks you thought were your valued supporters in your bid for Warchief might turn coats and decide to make you their new weapon testing dummy, or a rival may "accidentally" stab you in the back during a heated battle.

-Someone to run NPCs will be necessary as well. This person is in charge of running the Uruks in the background (who are also trying to get ahead), as well as any animals or enemies (which will usually be said background Uruks or animals). The NPC Master will also need to play Skerro The Pulverizer or any other important NPCs that come up, Whoever doing this needs to know what they’re doing, so if anyone’s interested in that position, they’ll need to PM me. This person is going to work closely with the person who’s running this thread, which brings me to the topic of...

-SOMEONE TO ACTUALLY RUN THIS. Yes, believe it or not, I’m not going to be running this, just approving character sheets, participating as a PC myself, and make sure the original idea is followed.

I’m going to be honest here, I’m absolutely rubbish at running these kinds of things (coordinator I ain’t), but would hate to see this idea go to waste simply because I don’t have the ability to run it. So, I’m looking for someone who CAN run it, someone who’s also played SoM and who knows the world it creates. Extra knowledge about Mordor in general is also highly valued.

The duties of the "GM" is where I was inspired by Paranoia. The GM's job is twofold. His/Her first responsibility is to collaborate with the person who's running NPCS and make sure the current "episode" is running smoothly. The second duty is the most important one. The GM's job is to judge the actions of player characters in a manner that is non-biased or objective. In short, the success of the PCs is mostly in the hands of the GM's ever so benevolent judgement. Characters who put more detail into their actions increase the chances of said actions succeeding, and characters who are interesting and entertaining might find their charming personalities to be the difference between death and a missing limb.

Whoever wants the opportunity to run this little endeavor should PM me. If I don’t find anyone suitable, I will attempt to run it myself. Even if I might not be up to the task, I’d rather pull my hair out than see this go to waste.

Without further ado, here’s the Character Sheet

-No more than two weapons, and these weapons can’t be anything too outrageous. Shields count as weapons.
-Nothing the other average Uruk wouldn’t have. Any particularly unique pieces of equipment needs to be approved by me.
-Things like poisons are allowed, but not in too high a quantity, and they may require approval.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dibs on the scummy gambling ring boss. Heh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Gothmog

Nickname: The Snake.

Eye Color: Pink

Skin Color: Brown.

Build: Lean and of average height, perfect for not being noticed, and sticking knives in people's ribs.

Appearance: Not very large, and not very big, Gothmog has avoided any serious attention from any other Uruk. Like most Uruks, he looks ugly and has teeth fit for ripped flesh from men, and when the occasion comes, other Uruks.

Personality: Gothmog likes to stay in the corner, out of people's sight, and only intervene when he must. If anyone he doesn't want to see him, sees him then he has no problem sticking 'em in the ribs and moving on. He prefers to use his bow to shoot arrows accurately at his targets but isn't a cowards, just has a different skill-set. Gothmog prefers to kill the targets he needs to kill quickly, unlike the other Uruks sadistic streaks. Gothmog uses different poisons to make sure his foe dies, even if it is in agony.

Equipment: Uruk bow. Crude dagger. A few different poisons, distilled from the plants.

Weapon: A poorly crafted bow with gnarled wood and an unwaxed string, the weapon is of poor material and poor design, but can still kill if used right. Also, a crudely made dagger.

Armor: Gothmog doesn't wear much of any armour, as it hampers his ability to move properly. And if he was going to get stabbed, a lot of other Uruks would as well.

Combat Style: Stick 'em in the eye with an arrow.

Unique Skill: Gothmog can distill a lot of different poisons from the wilderness, and apply them to his arrowheads, of which he fires accurately, for an Uruk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Rogruk

Nickname: The Knave

Eye Color: Orange

Skin Color: Sickley, mottled green.

Build: Thick in the torso and broad of the shoulder.

Appearance: Rogruk appears the typical brute, bulky and muscular, his body marked by several ugly scars. His face is as unpleasant as any Uruk's, with a stubby, flat nose, thin lips and large pointed ears.

Personality: Despite his large statue, this creature is a natural coward and cheat. A totally untrustworthy creature, he happily takes any opportunity to rook his fellow Uruks out of their spoils in the many gambling games he runs among the host. He isn't afraid of a fight, though he prefers to see his opponents at as much of a disadvantage as possible, and will flee as soon as defeat looks probable.

Equipment: Crude helmet and breastplate, Uruk Axe, poisons and a flask of grog.

Weapon: A crude, three foot long bearded axe of crude make that damages more from the crushing impact of Rogruk's muscles than the blade itself.

Armor: A crude breastplate that fits his broad chest poorly, forcing him to hammer it out himself and further negating its protection. The equally crude pig-faced helmet is only marginably more protective.

Combat Style: Intimidation, dirty tricks and poison are his staples.

Unique Skills: In addition to brute strength, Rogruk has a way with words with his fellow Uruks, using debt, greed and liquor to sway others his way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Both of you are accepted. We're waiting on a few more people, so hang in there!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Pug(pronounced Poog)

Nickname: The Assassin

Eye Color: Light Blue

Skin Color: White(Albino)

Build: Small and slim

Appearance: Pug

Personality: Being a smaller uruk Pug relies more on his brains than physical strength. He's one to avoid confrontations and if another uruk starts something with him he deals with it subtly. He avoids the hatred of his commanders by proving his value. He may offer to "deal with" one of their rivals. He does the things he does so that one day he might stab his superiors in the back and take their place.

Equipment: Crossbow, dagger, vial of liquid poison, poor quality leather armor.

Weapon: Pug's crossbow was hand crafted by him. The stock and body are made out of wood and the mechanical aspects are constructed from bone. The stock has marks on it representing each target (Human, uruk, or otherwise) that has been brought down by the weapon. Pug also posses a simple bone carved dagger.

Armor: Pug personally looted battlefields. One thing he took was whatever scraps of leather he could find. After a time he sewed together a protective vest of sorts. It's not very thick and doesn't offer much in terms of protection but it does help against prevent light cuts and other similar wounds one might get wandering the wilds in the nude.

Combat Style: Pug doesn't fight on the front lines. In battle he finds a good place to hide and shoot bolts from his crossbow at the enemy. He sneaks around and takes out his enemy when they least expect it. Against more important or difficult to eliminate threats he'll cover the tip of his bolts with some poison he harvested from the wilds.

Unique Skill:Pug spent some time studying the effects of various plants on living things. As such he knows what to look for when scavenging for poison. What's best to cover the tip of his crossbow bolt, or what to slip into a troublesome uruks meal, etc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

So, two Poison-based archers in the Uruk Army.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sorry my character is so similar to yours Kaben. It was unintentional. I had been planning to make my character this way long before the ooc went up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

If anything, I suspect this will lead to some interesting competiton.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Korigon

Korigon Gloomy

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: PITH.

Nickname: The undying

Eye Color: Orange.

Skin Color: Bright white.

Build: Pith is a massive Uruk, standing over six feet tall with a large frame and broad shoulders. Your typical berserker ( If you've seen the movies. )

Appearance: Very large, very heavy Uruk. Your typical brute.

Personality: Pith is not very smart. He is prone to anger and madness, which suits his particular role quite well. If anyone moves in his way, they'll find themselves in a ditch with half their body cleaved off. So far, he has avoided death by simply being stronger than any of his opponents.

Equipment: Pith is owner of a massive waraxe, which he picked up from a slain warrior. Other than that, he has some unrepentant leather that functions as armor.

Weapon: The waraxe is a beautiful weapon, if you have the strength to handle it. It is not double bladed, but if the opportunity arises, it can be used as a club ( Though that is extremely unsafe. ) It is Pith's only prize possession, and as such, he is extremely defensive of it.

Armor: The leather covers only his private parts and his chest, nothing more. A good sword stroke, or spear thrust, will easily pierce it. Sometimes it has proven resistant against arrows.

Combat Style: Front lines, amidst the bone crunching and screams, Pith flourishes. His massive frame makes him a target, yet no one has been able to defend themselves against the strength of his war axe. Without the axe, he is still a skilled fighter, good at cracking skulls and necks. TL;DR: CHARGE IN AND KILL.

Unique Skill: Pith's nickname is "The undying." and with good reasoning. Twice, he has endured supposed fatal wounds in battle, but he has still continued to fight. It seems damaging the Uruk only makes him angrier, and when Pith's blood is shed, he goes into a berserk frenzy. An extreme danger to his allies and enemies, if they're close enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I don't think it would make much sense for an uruk to use an axe that a giant was normally wielding. I imagine such an axe would be incredibly large. Like so large that even if your uruk could lift it, he certainly wouldn't be able to use it effectively as a weapon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Yeah. I'm sorry, Korigon, but that's not going to fly. You can still have a big freakin' axe, but a former giant's weapon just doesn't seem possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Korigon

Korigon Gloomy

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


I should add that when I said giant's axe, I didn't mean something like
But more something like this

I'll edit the post in a second.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Your app's all clear, korigon. I'll give other peeps who might want to join a good day or so. For sure, you guys can expect the IC to be up sometime this week.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Bones will be shattered, blood will be splattered, down in the bowels of Goblin Town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Whacko
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The Whacko

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yo go, my lad. Ho ho, my lad...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Atmosphere


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

If anyone needs a name: Bugguts. Or some other (mis)spelling.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm kinda surprised more people aren't signing up. It's a cool idea and also characters are supposedly going to be killed off pretty often so you don't need to commit yourself long term.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Daglobster
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Guys, I'm sorry about this, but I don't think I can get the first IC up this week. Things have become unexpectedly turbulent in my life, but I can assure you all with confidence that this will happen soon.

Also, spreading the word about this would help greatly, Razqua. Shameless promotion works wonders.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

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