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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Julian kept up his chase of the creature, now aware of that other tailed demon teleporting through the trees like a shadow. As much as he despised this blind chase, his experience as a soldier screamed at him to keep running from whatever unknown horror had evoked this sudden silence.

As he ran he smelled a fire and felt the ground rumble underneath. Hopefully, he would not cross paths with whatever was the cause of that, but the fire was a good sign. It meant that he was not the only human living trapt in this hell hole, that he wouldn't suffer alone. Julian planned to kill both of these demons as soon as they escaped the unknown threat, as it was best to make sure they never posed a danger to him again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Soon the follower seemed to fade away, and both men felt as the vamp pulled them into a kind of cave. It was dark, very dark, as it kept going, the cave system running deep. After a bit it slammed both of them against a wall and pressed itself against it with them. They could feel the pressure in the air changing, as slowly the sound of soft footsteps approached. The thing was inside the cave. The vampire held it's breath, even though it need not breathe. A pause, longer than any pause they had ever known... and the footsteps faded as whatever creature was making them left. The vampire let out a sigh of relief and dropped both of the humans, seemingly leaving them blind in the dark, having no footsteps of its own, as it stepped so lightly. It almost seemed to abandon them there, its presence disappearing entirely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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"Looks like it just you and me now, demon." Julian stated as he arose, his pilum pointed at Michael for a moment, but he soon lowered it.

If only slghtly.

"I would like to kill you, but I fear that if I do, I will lose a possible ally in escaping this cave. So I say we hold a truce untill we escape this cave."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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"Very well then, i suppose killing you would be pointless wouldn't it. Back the way we came or foward gladiator?" Michael asked, back the way they came they risked running into whatever was chasing them, foward they risked being attacked the vampire or something worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I'm right here." The vampire said dryly. His voice came from eerily close to Michael, a bit to his right. Dimitri, that was the vampire's name, stumbled around a bit. This far into the cave even he finds it hard to see. Everything is just faintly noticeable and near impossible for anyone but him to navigate. "Don't worry. The witch has better things to do. For now, we wait a bit then we leave the cave. Don't go wandering off... Just to let you know about how dangerous this place is, finding a colony of my kind would be the BEST scenario you could hope for. Caves are only second in danger to the forest itself, at least to you humans."

He turned and smirked at them, though he knew they wouldn't be able to see him. "If you venture into this forest, you bags of blood and meat, your chance of survival is almost nothing..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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"Would we truly be any safe with you, demon. I do not trust anything in this strange place, and you I trust least of all. At least tell us your name, so I can call you something other than demon. It grows tiresome after a time. Same goes for you, tailed one. What kind of demons are you two anyway, and where are we?" Julian was sick of not knowing, he wanted answers, he wanted at least some form of order. This place had so far been filled with nothing but monsters, demons, and chaos. Of it all, the Chaotic disorder got to him the most, he need something to make sense of it all, some reason to be here, some reason to live.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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"My name is Michael and I am not a Demon, this tail is merely a gift from one of the previously living inhabitants of this horrendous place. As for where we are given the sign in our original location we are apparently in hell. In any case vampire creature, tell us when to leave and I shall follow you." Michael replied, while he didn't trust the vampire he had little choice in the manner as it knew far more about this place then he did, something he hoped to rectify soon enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Well, think of it this way." The vampire said to Julian. "I could, if I decide to do so, bite quickly into your neck, piercing both one of, if not the largest artery in your body, and your windpipe, crushing it easily. You'd pass out within seconds and die in about the same time span, I could suck you dry in only ten. A quick death, and I get to feed. The best of both worlds. Some monsters in this realm are sadistic. They will make you suffer because you are, in their eyes, lower than food. Have you ever seen a kid torture an ant? Truly terrifying if you think of it. They chase it around, some with a stick or something, scare the living hell out of the poor creature, and then they grasp it by the head, where the pincers can't get at their fingers." He mimics the act a child would do, and they find momentarily the room illuminated, as the creature seems to glow as it describes and acts out the actions.

"They take great pleasure in watching the tiny beast squirm around before tearing off limb after limb, slowly killing the small insect without a second thought. No, not even pleasure, boredom. They don't even kill it for food, they merely destroy it for the pure simplicity of doing so. How can you call me a monster, a demon, when you humans do worse than I?!" Seemingly done with his speech, the vampire cuts off itself as a source of light, casting them once more into darkness. "...My name is Dimitri..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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"Hmmm, an interesting arguement. I guess I misjudged you De-, no, Dimitri. I thought you to meerly be motivated by hunger and instinct. I still don't trust you, but I do respect you enough to believe you won't kill us just yet." Julian then turned to Michael, a slight look of confusion on his face, "What do you mean 'a gift', do you mean we gain the powers of those we kill here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Michael replied, "You may have noticed the bodies of the creatures out there, one of the them had a tail, mine appears to be the same on a smaller scale. After killing it i felt a strange urge to touch it, then i grew this. I intend to kill enough creatures so the things here have to worry about me not the other around." Michael turned to where he thought the vampire was, "Alright then vampire you've made your point, i will follow where you lead."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Morric
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Morric Roleplay Enthusiast

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A low rumble escaped the ground as it ruptured beneath Azazel's feet, sending chunks of dirt and gravel flying as the worm like monstrosity exploded from below. He let out a befuddled grunt before his body disappeared down the massive creatures gullet as Maria came down on top of it with her weapon poised. However he action was too late as the beasts mouth closed around Azazel, drawing him into the ground. But before it could make off with him, a low grumble reverberated from it's insides as something shifted inside of it. The darkness within it's belly served as a great conduit through which to materialize a volley of saw like blades which buzzed loudly, slicing at the fleshy insides of the worm, violently slashing and hacking the stomach lining, organs, and bones within. Azazel let out a scream, his eyes emanating a dark vapor as he focused his energy on pushing the jagged shadows outward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

Member Seen 5 mos ago

The worm wailed in agony, as it's insides were torn to shreds, and as the worm was still just below ground the dark blades breached the surface, making a hole from which dirt, orange blood, flesh, etcetera exploded forth. The beast lay in the large hole, dead, exposing Azazel once more to the air of the night. As Azazel is exposed, he senses a force of which Maria had likely already sensed. It emanated power and demanded fear, and they felt like some kind of pressure was threatening to strangle them. Whatever now moved among the trees, it would not go down as easily as the beasts before it.
"Good that you two understand now. You aren't looking to live, you're looking for the quickest, least painful death at the end of whatever life you can scrape out here." The vampire then began walking, his fingertip illuminating once more, being like the lure of the angler fish, drawing the two humans to follow it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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"Hmm interesting, makes one wonder of the purpose of this realm, but either way, I agree with Michael. Show us the way to moderate safety, or at least away from whatever it was we were fleeing from." As he spoke, he reached into his pack, and took out his canteen, taking a drink to wet his throat, which had become parched due to all of the running. He put it back as soon as he was finished. "Hopefully I can find a creature that I may slay soon, else I fear I may not survive much longer in this world of death and despair. Dimitri how can you stand this place, so dark and dreary, with only other monsters to interact with, except when humans have been summoned."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Michael warily began to follow the vampire. He had no doubt that it intended to betray them but for now he had little choice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 1 day ago

Julian followed Dimitri deeper into the Cave, putting away his pilum, then taking out his gladius and shield. If anything came, he would be ready for it.

"You really know how to inspire faith, don't you Dimitri."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Die Kill Die

Die Kill Die

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Vision slowly returned to the unconscious Kraven as he regained his senses. He laid next to his bike and the wreckage of a car covered in flames and rubble. Around him was a strange forest filled with darkness and trees as far as the eye could see, which wasn't very far considering the deep shadows that lurked about the treeline. "Where the hell..." Started Kraven, rubbing away a bit of blood that leaked from a wound on his eye brow. But his thought was interrupted by the ominous howls and groans that echoed from around him. What remained of the car shifted as a door swung open and two men tumbled out guns in hand. "Oh goodie!" Said Kraven caustically. Regaining their composure, the men raised their guns and fired on Kraven, who dove behind a tree, pulling his two revolvers from their holsters on his chest. "Oh really?! You want some more, assholes!?" Just like that, the fire fight ensued in this strange, unknown and ominous forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

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The vampire laughed heartily, looking back at them. "I'm doing this so you fools don't get lost. Follow the light my pretties~" He laughed some more and kept walking, only talking to warn them of ledges they have to climb, pits that lead to plummeting to death, ect. The vampire was leading them away from one entrance and to another. As he approached this he heard the sound of gunfire and smelled smoke. The vampire sighed. "More foolish humans... Death looms closer for them..."
The firefight in the firelight (Eh? Eh? Anyone?) would not last long. Before a shot could hit either side of the conflict, a shadow flickered across the light that was cast by the fire. One of the nameless gunman was swallowed up in shadow, pulled to his death. A short cry gave way to a horrible snap, signifying the breaking of the neck. The humans would not get long to react. Soon, a figure fell upon the second gunman, from seemingly nowhere, a stone axe cleaving the man's skull in two, blood splattering onto the ground. The man standing before Kraven licked the blood from his axe momentarily, before looking at Kraven. He looked mostly human, but he stinked of death and evil, and his hands and feet had long, sharp claws. The man opened his mouth, far past it's usual breaking point, sharp teeth glistening in the light of the fire, and let out a bloodcurdling screech, human in nature but inhuman all the same.
Dimitri heard the screech, for it still rang fresh through the cave, echoing throughout it, and the vampire flinched from the sharp sound hitting his sensitive ears. "Damn... Wendigos are on the hunt now... You two won't live long if they catch you... Filthy cannibals..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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"Cannibals? Then these 'Wendigos' of which you speak were once human, or do they feast upon each other a freverently as they do anything else? Secondly, how easy are they to slay, what abilities do they have, and do they travel in packs?" Julian was eager to gain any ability that he thought would help him, but he wasn't stupid enough to lunge head long against an unknown foe. " Also what other beast are we likely to find in this world, and of what level of strength can they be catergorized?" Knowledge was power, and in this place he needed every scrap he could get his hands on."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akihisa Yoshii
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Akihisa Yoshii The Ultimate Epitome of Stupidity

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Dimitri smirks at Julian. "Full of questions aren't you? All I know is that they think you humans are tastier for more than your blood and they tend to not like fire much... So unless either of you happen to be able to breathe fire, I think that you would be better off steering clear. They don't seem to be able to be killed in any other manner, if you were to stab them or shoot at them it would just piss them off..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Michael watched the lone man facing against the Wendigo. "Think we should go help the poor guy or let him meet his fate?" Michael asked, although it was rather likely that the man would either die or kill his opponent before they got there. It was mostly a question to prompt Dimitri to reveal his plans for them.
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