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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sutternalt


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Whoops, doublepost. Sorry!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Right gotcha Slicker." Rattlesnake Jack said with a nod as he glanced towards Rawk. He then listened on as Link and Omega told their events. "Giiwenh." Turning his head to Omega, "Pardner ya ain't truly lived til ya..." Pausing for a moment Rattlesnake Jack gave a boisterous chuckle, as he flung his head back and wrapped his arms around his shoulders as he rocked back and forth. After a few motions of leaning forwards and backwards from laughing, he released his arms from the shoulders.

Rubbing his left eye with his hand, "...Ah that time was entertaining. Ain't gonna share it." Chuckling a bit more, "Wawiyazh yvwigisgis..." Rattlesnake Jack tapped on his twin guns, as he glanced back to Omega. "So if'n ya didn't make it who did slicker?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rawkhawk64
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rawkhawk64 Master Gamer

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Rawk said nothing at Jack's outburst of laughter. "Laughter. The medicine that heals emotional wounds. As for me, I'm gonna go investigate the rocket." Rawk said, willing himself to float up. "Levitation. Interesting." Rawk muttered. Link decided to follow, and as Rawk entered the hatch, Link opted to use his Pegasus Boots with his Roc's Feather to leap into the ship from the 'ground' that he was on. The two found the elf and cat-thing inside. "Old, but technological all the same." Rawk said. He felt the machinery calling to him, and subconsciously aimed the system's camera's around as if the rocket itself had ordered it. Link, meanwhile, was observing the machinery, his mind unable to process it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by grandsword


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Well, the locals. Quite a time ago, mind you. Of course, we were fighting invasion, and they'd already killed the living descendants of the original owners of the estate." Omega stated. "We held position for quite a time. Though eventually the enemy forced us to regroup.
But, I kept a bottle or two to remember the fact that in that cramped, waterless wine cellar, with nothing but human ingenuity,
my unit of six men managed to hold off waves of trained killers and monsters beyond their pay grade.
We held that line long enough for our main force to liberate the surrounding areas and kick their pasty asses back to orbit."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

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A female voice, slightly deeper than average for a female, yet with a hardness behind it that some of the present party would recognize as a battle-hardened warrior's, sounded out with a filtered quality to it, "Since our other second-comers were unwilling to actually answer the question that is, no doubt, burning in your minds, this place you're in is called the Cyber Realm. It's the world between worlds within what you know as the internet, and what we have come to call the digital Multiverse." Should they look in the voice's direction, they would see a woman in a full suit of powered combat armor, covered completely head to toe and sealed to the outside world, judging by the filtered sound her voice had. Her eyes were faintly visible through the three-point visor. The suit was moderately bulky, but not to the degree that most power armor is, with and orange, red, and gray color scheme. As she hovered closer to the group, she narrowly avoided a stream of binary code, and put a hand to the base of her helmet. The helmet dematerialized in a flash of light, revealing her battle-hardened face. Her straw-colored hair was kept in a loose ponytail, and her almost Nordic features seemed permanently locked in a hard stare. She was a very pretty woman, but still looked like someone you didn't want to anger. "And for goodness sake, be careful of the code streams. You'll pass through them for now, but don't get used to that. After your first piece you'll no longer pass through them, and we've had too many incidents where careless idiots fucked up entire worlds by messing with those streams."

Another voice, much deeper and most definitely male, rang out then, "Relax, Samus. They'll learn in due time." That earned the source a harsh glare from Samus, seemingly harsher even than her usual expression, but she said nothing. In the direction of that voice was a massive red dragon, easily at least the size of Smaug from The Hobbit. Unlike Smaug, however, this one lacked wings, having four limbs instead of the usual six a dragon had. It seemed it had wings at some point in its life, though, because ragged bone spikes grew from its back and twitched every now and then, as if the dragon were instinctively attempting to move a wing to a better position. Knowing that voice came from a dragon made it more difficult to figure out which gender that voice signified, but it was likely they would find out after not too long. "Forgive our resident Hunter. She's had a bad history, lost two families; one her birth family, the other the species that raised her. The name's Kalamadea, but you can call me Kal if you want something shorter. Now, I'm sure you're wanting more time to get to know each other, but time is short. There is something I need you to get in the place I'm about to send you. I will give a full explanation when you get back. Just know you're looking for a porous gray stone that looks like a piece of something." Then, before they knew what was happening, they were suddenly yanked into a portal and everything went black.

When they woke up, the dragon was no longer there, but Samus was still among them. They were in a grassy field with a waist-high wall stuck in the strangest of places and didn't seem to be for much of anything off to the side of them. It was early morning, the sun was just rising over the horizon. Things did not look all too real, though. It was as if they were inside of an old game from the earliest years of 3D gaming. Textures were fuzzy, they could see sharp angles in the terrain if they looked in just the right place, and the sounds had an obvious MIDI quality to them. What really made it feel unreal, however, was the fact that everything looked quite cartoony, and their appearance had not changed at all except for Ajax, but he still did not fit in with the general look of this place. In the background, a tune that some would recognize would fade to a noticeable volume and play on a loop, seeming to come from everywhere at once. In the distance to the north, a castle was visible. There was a forest to the east, a lake to the south, and a dry canyon to the west. To the northeast was a river leading into another valley, and just east of the castle were stairs leading up through mountainous terrain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sutternalt


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After the random guy ...floated... up to the interior with Link, the N1-L3 caught something out of the corner of its camera's vision. It turned the camera, looking for the phenomenon. Nothing. "That was odd, I could have sworn- wait a minute, what? Nothing's there. Why did I even do that?" it thought.

The avionics slammed back to useful information.
Altitude: 0m
Ground Speed: 0m/s
Air Speed: 0m/s
Vertical Speed: 0m/s
Attitude - Pitch: 90; Yaw: 0; Roll: 0
[Block A ready to fire]
Apparently portaling to a different universe reset the staging sequence, because the N1-L3 was whole again, comfortably upright and caught in gravity's clutches. Whatever the ground was made of, it apparently could stand up to the weight of a rocket without caving in. Which was good, on the whole. Strangely, the interiors of the LOK and LK modules were still gravity-free. That would have bothered the N1-L3 more if those pumps and tanks weren't designed to be operated in zero-g anyway. But mostly it was happy to have a horizon again, even if it was a grainy, low-res horizon.

Annoying, chirpy piccolo music played from everywhere. It segued into a generic adventure-like theme for a bit, and then - oh, God, no - looped back to the high-pitched chirpy piccolo intro.

"Well, then. I may have to murder those piccolos at some point. And, uh, maybe you guys should look out a porthole or something, 'cause welcome to 8-bit land," the N1-L3 transmitted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by grandsword


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Upon hearing samus, chaos gave a laugh “oh! Yes! Yes! we’re back in this mess! Oh..how I’ve missed fucking with reality, if only a virtual one! Though, have to say, you all bore me in comparison to..oh hell. Hell no! I ain’t being no dragon’s stone hunting stooge. Not without my killing target! Hey, dragon of plot exposition!! Where the fuck’s Ordias?!” chaos demanded to know, mood shifting as he realized what his head count was missing. His favorite target of course!

“oh, shut up. If trends hold, we’ll find him somewhere. begs the question however. Why isn't truth here either. After all, the four of us were in the same area when the portal opened.” Alpha quipped, rubbing his chin.

“likely, if they did get drawn in, they got spat out somewhere else, if not here. Though I felt more of..a summoning call here than a mere portal. But, given my usual circumstances I understand the reason behind that.” Omega stated, adding his piece in.
It was only when the group got to hyrule that sorel spoke up.

“so, Kalamadea seeks something hidden here? Could it be..no. that dragon has no need for the construct of worldly bound gods. And he has no interest in swords, last I knew...Hmm…so, it must be something misplaced here from elsewhere.” He postulated aloud, going through the goals he could think of in his mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Due to N1-L1 being upright again Charlie began to fall, he was lucky enough to grab on to a ladder ring before hitting the ground, a feat that would normally rip a person arm off, but he knew where he was the moment the familiar song hit his ears. He begins to hum along with the tune, he puts out his arms and catches Oreo. "We are in the Legend of Zelda." Charlie sets Oreo down, and stretches. 'So, Samus seems to be the most experienced person here.' Ryan says, "Yeah. We should probably follow her." Charlie replies. He begins looking around for her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"What the fuck." Bee said.

"What the fuck is this. No, what the fuck is this." he said, He stomped the ground, testing it. For a second he was under the impression they were in a different universe, not a crappy simulation.
"....I'm gonna go visit Castle Town. With luck, we're in the past, and that means Bomchu Bowling." he said, walking north. He'd played this game with his brother as a kid. Sending in a veritable army here seemed like a waste; there wasn't much in Hyrule that couldn't be defeated by a lone ten year old with a knife.
Or that dude in the green tunic right there, for that matter. Barring a really shitty player.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rattlesnake Jack shook his head, as he pondered on what to do. He decided to follow Bee, man had a good eye, better than the rest of the slickers. "Say this Bombchu Bowlin', it a good saloon game or somethin?" He asked as he slowly strode behind Bee, who seemed to know his way around the place. Rattlesnake Jack knew that, this place didn't look like any true place. Besides, this 'Castle Town' sounded like a place that'd probably have a saloon, or maybe some cattle or something interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cheshire


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...Falling... Falling... Falling? Falling?

Cheshire's eyes snapped open as the realisation suddenly sunk in. Oh crap. Oh crap. Ohcrapohcrapohcrap. What was going on? And what was wrong with her eyes? Her own body looked okay, if somewhat... U feminine, but everything else... If she didn't know any better, she'd have thought that she'd fallen into a video game.

But nah. That was stupid.

She shut her eyes, in anticipation of striking the ground. It wasn't as painful as she had been expecting: sure, it was a hard impact, and the collision knocked the wind out of her, but the pain wasn't quite as bad as she was expecting. And as she lay, crumpled on the ground, it ebbed away quite quickly.

Well then... Some kind of plan was necessary... Perhaps try to find some people? Maybe they knew what was going on? Maybe they wouldn't, but it was better than nothing. Besides, aesthetics aside, she didn't appear to have any weapons, and there was safety in numbers, right?

She walked for a while, examining the clothes that had appeared around her body - they were familiar, certainly. A jumpsuit that was a little tight for her liking, a cloaky, capey thing that was much better, and if the low-res shadow was anything to go by, there was some pretty impressive headgear going on.

"Hello?" She called out, and then immediately caught herself by the throat. What was wrong with her voice? Ugh... This was turning out to be a real drag... "Anybody out here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"Oh. A bombchu is an explosive device with a wind up motor. You place them down and they roll forward, even over walls." Bee explained, tapping a finger on his head.

"They're pretty useful for clearing debris and fighting enemies. Bombchu bowling is where you launch them at various targets. If you score high enough, you win a prize." he said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rattlesnake Jack gave a quick clap. "Yeah, sounds like fun ol'time." Tapping on his twin guns, he continued to follow Bee. "So Bee." Rattlesnake Jack asked, "Anything else you know about this place? Anything fun? Train station perhaps? Cattle? And more importantly, does this Castle Town have a decent saloon?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

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Willa listened with barely concealed surprise as a tough-looking woman with eyes of steel introduced herself as Samus, and a dragon of all things, popped up right next to her. However, what they were saying could've been Arabic to her, and Willa could not make heads or tails of anything. What she was most unprepared for was the sudden transition to a video game-esque world, complete with pixelated grass and its own little jingle repeating itself in the background. Willa could feel a slight migraine rising up just from listening to the tune. "Where the hell are we?" she wondered aloud, then frowned after she heard Bee's exclamations. "Castle Town?" she echoed in confusion, watching him stride away with Rattlesnake Jack ambling along. Willa shook her head, trying to wrap her mind around it.

Sucked into the internet? How the fuck was that even possible?! This went against every single goddamn thing she'd learned in AP Physics (which, admittedly, was not too much since Willa was absolute shit at math). Deciding that it would be best to remain in the present moment for now, she looked around, noticing that everyone had been teleported to this place with her. The rocket was speaking again-the very thought of it made Willa want to snort with derision. My god, she thought to herself, somewhat hysterically, saying that 'the rocket is talking' is getting less and less absurd, the longer I'm here. She supposed that since she had nothing better to call, well, the rocket, it would stick for now.

A snippet of conversation that Willa had previously ignored suddenly struck her full force. "We are in Legend of Zelda" was what the king guy or whatever had said. So Willa's initial suspicions were correct, if Crown Guy could be trusted. They were in a video game. Oh, lord. Did that mean all the bullshit that came with video games, like the absolutely pointless 'battles' and the HP levels and such? Clearly, Willa did not know much about video games, nor did she really care about them.

"What the hell is Bombchu Bowling?" she called after Bee, who was making his way to.....somewhere in this Zelda world.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"Let's see.... Castle Town has bombchu bowling, and if I'm remembering right, a spot to collect a bit of cash. If I'm remembering right, it also has a store, but I don't think it sells anything we'd be interested in." Bee scratched his head in thought.
"There's the Kokiri Forest to the South, and Death Mountain and the Zora place to the east and west." he added.
"In the field, there's also a ranch, but getting the only really good horse from there would take a lot longer than I plan on staying. And as for saloons.... Lon Lon Ranch sells milk, but that's about it. It's good milk, though."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Tipping his cowboy hat, he gave a nod. "Thanks for the info Pardner... Anyway, let's get onto that Bombchu Bowling then. If'n there's no saloon, it better be good for entertainan I'd reckon." He continued following onwards. "Forest and Mountain don't really matter. Though ranch, may check it out if'n the bowling ain't too entertainan." Rattlesnake Jack gave another tap to his twin guns.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Taokafka was about the try and calm Rocket Man down before Mean-Looking Armored Lady and Dragon Boy appeared and explained the situation to them. "So, we're in the internet, huh? Not as much porn as I expected." He mumbled out loud as the two made their speech. Soon afterwords he felt his conscience fade away and be replaced with an inky creeping blackness.

When he had awoken, the first thing Tao noticed was the storage cabinets above him. He had almost completely forgotten that he followed Cute Elf Gal for food! He quickly sprung up and opened up a cabinet, and ripped open one of the packages. "Food!" He shouted before chowing down on something, He honestly didn't even look. Rocket Man then told him to peer out of the windows, and he did as advised. Wow, this place looks weird, meow. Taokaka interjected, investigating the polygonal planes of Hyrule. And this music is annoying as hell, Rocket Man is right.

Being familiar with the Zelda universe, Taokafka knew a few spots of interest that may have held the rocky thing they needed. "Well, I have a few ideas of where to go if we want to complete the objective immediately. Or, we could get some real hot meals instead of the rations Rocket Man has stored, which I am definitely for too. Then again, there's the possibility that the food here is blocky too. We also don't have the currency for this place. Maybe we could trade for something unimportant? Whatever, like I said, you guys' choice."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cheshire


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Oh! People! They hadn't heard her, but they were quite far away, and did seem to be busy with whatever it was that they were doing. Still, Cheshire hadn't seen anybody else, so they were certainly the best bet for the moment.

Thus began the rather awkward space of time in which she was running, hitching her... Cape up like a dress so she could run, and yelling, albeit somewhat quieter than she would have liked, at the people up ahead.

Did they want company? She had no idea. But it was worth a try. If not... Well, if not there might be some value in tagging along quietly, anyway.

"Hey, wait up, would'ya?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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Ajax had been oddly quiet while everyone else got acquainted with eachother. While he was naturally predisposed towards silences, this was rather different. Something was off and the man didn't seem to be quite alright, completely ignoring the dragon and the bounty hunter and everything else that was going on. Only when he awoke in Hyrule did he react once again. He was, however, quite different. He was still quite muscular and had his hands wrapped, but the similarities more or less ended there. Whereas before Ajax had been an older looking man dressed in clothes from Ancient Greece, the one that popped up in the pixelated world could not have been older than 20 and was clad in typical biker or heavy metal clothes, cept they were mostly white.

The transition had been rough for him, or so it would seem. Ajax was lying face down a ways off the rest of the group, groaning with his eyes closed. "Death Mountain sounds fun, what's in there?" he asked, still lying face first on the rock hard, smooth 64 bit floor as he heard someone mention the place. Slowly, he got up and dusted himself off as a habit, even though there were no such things as dust or dirtying effects in that era. Ajax took a good look around, taking in the pixelated landscape. He'd never been big on Zelda truth be told, but he could at least recognize he was in one of the games. "Well. This is kinda shitty. Anyone know what the fuck is going on? The name's Ajax and all I can remember is a dragon telling me to look for debris".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rawkhawk64
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rawkhawk64 Master Gamer

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Rawk didn't even land as he fell, instead activating his levitation at the last minute and landed softly. "Hmm... Ocarina of Time. Interesting first choice." Link nodded, having rolled once he hit the ground out of pure instinct. "I'd say Death Mountain would be the best bet for rocks." Link said, sifting through the memories of his ancestor, the Hero of Time. "Wonder if my Master Sword being here will have some sort of time repercussions?" he absently thought. Meanwhile, Rawk was having a bit of issues with people's thoughts popping into his head. "Okay, can everyone stop thinking, please? Or at least keep them to yourselves. I can hear everything you're thinking. Oh, man. This is gonna suck..." Rawk said. Then, he heard Jack and Bee heading off toward Castle Town. "I think we should also go to Death Mountain." Rawk said. He and Link headed that way. "If anyone wants to follow, Kakariko Village is this way. Past that, we should find the entrance to Death Mountain. I just hope we don't need the King's permission to pass... that could get messy." Rawk said. Link merely nodded as the two began walking to the east of Castle Town, where Jack and Bee were headed.
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