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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kalamadea
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Kalamadea ...Wut

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Suddenly, Castle Town went dead quiet, with the only sound being the cuccoo clucking as it ran from the child that was previously chasing it. Within a blink of an eye, the detail of the town had become far greater, for no apparent reason. It still appeared cartoony, but was at least more pleasant to look at with higher quality sounds. Guards rushed to Ajax's location, pikes pointed in his direction. One approached him and said, "Care to explain why you kicked that bush over?" In the side room with all the pots, the guard in the corner suddenly seemed to snap out of his stupor and stride over to the three that were carelessly smashing the pots. "Stop! Those aren't yours to just smash like that!" The guard lowered his pike, obviously meaning full well to use it if he had to. Bee, Jack, and Bass would also likely notice the sudden change in detail.

Samus stopped momentarily in Kakariko, and held two fingers to the side of her helmet. "I detected an energy spike. It's definitely crucible energy. I can't seem to pinpoint its source, though." The town couldn't get any quieter, so the only change they noticed was in the detail. Samus stared a moment, then said, "There must be an extremely large fragment here if it can do that. I have a hunch about that Fire Temple. I say we check it out. I have the Varia Suit, so the heat will be no problem at all. Which way is it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Key looked around and the group of people that stayed behind. Observing the kitten worries for the safety of the rocket. There must be things to get done. There were others some looking lost on what to do some being busy with them self. She walked to a patch of grass, moving the earth into her hand, into a sword alike shape and cut it. Several gems appearing.

''On the way to the market we should cut the grass, maybe see if any NPC have some delivery quest for us. Any game has those.'' She commented, swinging some more around in the nearby grass. Some dropping gems some not. It was a like a wave when the earth started feeling more real under her feet. The graphics changing a bit...were they more detailed she wondered.

''...hm...We should get going, Something changed.....Anyone knowing the right direction or should we just go in one random? '' She really wished she had a map of the place for some orientation. Looking over to the Taofka, maybe he played this game in opposite to her, who was only familiar to wind maker and the link that dropped from the skies....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cheshire


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Cheshire resisted an 'I told you so', mainly because it was smarmy and obnoxious, and somewhat because she was as much to blame as the other two. But what to do..? It did occur to her that it might be good to fight. But that thought was quickly dismissed - violence only begot more violence, and it was violent acts that had gotten them into this situation in the first place.

"We're sorry to have broken the urns; we could pay some reparations, perhaps?"

It was a little presumptuous, perhaps, but if it got the spear pointed away from them, then she, at least, would be happy. She wrapped her arms about herself, and glanced about awkwardly. She felt somewhat embarrassed, if she was honest. And as she did so, she noticed that things looked and sounded better - or was it her eyes that were better now? Did this change have some bearing on the actions of the people here..? That would explain their non-action before now, even if it didn't make a lot of sense.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rawkhawk64
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rawkhawk64 Master Gamer

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Rawk perked up. The look of the place had changed, but he looked toward Death Mountain when Samus asked where the Fire Temple was. "We gotta climb Death Mountain. We can risk entering from Goron City, but it'd probably be quicker to climb straight up to the entrance." Rawk said to Samus. Link nodded. "Just so long as we don't get crushed by the rocks." Link added. The two made their way over to the gate leading up to Death Mountain trail. Hopefully the gate would be open so they could pass. Otherwise, it might get tricky.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 21 days ago

Willa recoiled slightly as the scenery changed right before her eyes. It went from grainy and pixelated to....sharper and more detailed, although it was still cartoonish, suggesting that something was off about this video game. She wondered where the others went off to, seeing as only the rocket, the little cat creature, and the elf seemed to be remaining where they'd poofed into the world."Yes, we really should go somewhere, better than just standing around idly...." Willa trailed off, contemplating the situation at hand. She followed Talijakey, glancing back uncertainly at the rocket. She frowned as gems began flying out of the grass, and picked one up. "What are these things?"she asked Talijakey, who seemed to have a better grasp of the present world than she did. If it was true, if she was really in a video game-well, to put it bluntly, Willa was screwed over. She never had much interest in video games besides things like Mario Kart on the Wii. And MMORPGS really weren't her thing-she preferred MUDs and forum roleplay.

"Where do you think we should go, though?" she wondered aloud. Reminded of all the stuff she had in her pack, Willa paused for a moment and rifled through it before pulling out the clubs. If it hurt to be hit in the nose after a shine forward roll toss with one of them, Willa could imagine that it would hurt if she purposefully attacked someone with them. Better than nothing, anyway, since she didn't seem to have any actual weapons on her person, unlike the others such as Rattlesnake Jack, Bee, and Rawk. Speaking of which, where were they? Probably going Bombchu Bowling, as Bee had suggested, although Willa had yet to figure out what the flying fuck that was. She absentmindedly twirled the clubs at their bases while following Talijakey, not sure of where they were going but not really caring at the same time. Willa would've liked to explore the place more, and now that everything looked more realistic, it would be easier to make their way through this strange place.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rattlesnake Jack's eyes glowed with joy as he tipped his cowboy hat. "Glad ya see ya Deputies." Pulling out his twin colt guns he took a shot with the two at one of them.

Now, this wasn't a lethal shot. Oh no, Rattlesnake Jack watched and percieved the shot in slow-motion, as the bullet casings flew off as a Wine Cork emerged in place of the lethal bullets, and flying over to hit the guard in the head. At the worse it'd be a bruise or two. Being the Fastest in the West gave much room for fun.
And fun is what Rattlesnake Jack intended for.

"I was quite bored until y'all finally moseyed on over here. And I'm glad y'all finally showed up." Rattlesnake Jack said in earnest. "Now then slicks, I'm trusting that you have an interestin' local prison? Or anything."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zero Hex
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Zero Hex

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Ajax rubbed his eyes as the scenery change took place. Huh. Well that was something else. The guards suddenly reacting and poking their pikes at him was too. What the crap kind of guards used pikes anyway, those were unwieldy and meant to be used en-masse, whatever range advantage they gave the wielder was completely useless in a small numbers situation if the dude looking at the sharp end could fight worth a damn or was carrying a shield. And why did he know these things? Well, whatever, more pressing matters to attend to. "Aren't y'all over-reacting? I'm unarmed, you know. Y'all didn't seem to give a crap about the plants five seconds ago". He slowly raised his arms, not high and wide but to the sides of his head, fingers relaxed and semi-closed. And then shots were fired. "Hey, cowboy, if they try to kill us I can fight back right? You did call dibs n all".
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Yeah, you can." Rattlesnake Jack said with a nod, "But I call any..." He kept a good hold of his Colts as he paused for a moment, "Coo di ta? Nah, that ain't it." He shook his head, "But I get the last blow on the head of this'ere pack of deputies. Ya got it pardner?" Rattlesnake Jack inquired of Ajax. "Because I did call. And pardner, glad ya ain't appearin' ta be one of the types who disregards the call system." He grumbled out, "Had dealin's with a feller who didn't respect the system. Needless ta say... well... I ain't gonna say it. I'm giddy like a jackrabbit on a fryin' pan! I expected NO RESISTANCE! That's what ya'll told me! But looky here! Deputies doin' there duty!" Rattlesnake Jack said his voice dripping with a palpable joy at the situation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

While hugging Rocket Man, Taokafka suddenly felt a shift. The ground beneath his feet felt different, less flat, and there was a sort of... energy in the air. Wow! There's a lot of seithr here! No one has used any of it! I bet I could use if for years and still have some, meow! Taokaka suddenly interjected. What's seithr? Kafka asked while investigating the new surroundings. Instead of crappy blockland, sweeping fields, and actual real grass greeted him. It's magic stuff, since we're from the Kaka clan, we just kinda know how to use it, meow.

Kafka closed his eyes and felt the seithr around him. Yes, there was so much here. Powerful techniques were now within his grasp. He reopened his eyes, and saw CEG staring expecting-ly at him. "Oh, right, I'm the only one who's played this game." Taokafka said, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, I'm a little rusty, but I think we should go to Castle
Town to gather supplies. They should definitely have real food meow. To Castle Town!"

As Taokafka was walking through to the town, he decided to test something out. Hey, Tao, I wanna try something. Okay, what is it, meow? I'm going to try our Overdrive, so get ready! Suddenly, Taokafka held his left hand out, to signal a stop. "Guys, stand back for a sec, alright? I'm gonna try something." He cleared his throat, and stretched out. "Overdrive: Almost becoming two!" He shouted, and a cat-girl very similar in appearance to Taokafka showed up. She was blue, and slightly transparent though. She emanated a strange energy, which they both recognized as seithr. "Wow, Tao is outside of Weird Boy's head, meow!" She said, testing out her new energy body. "Anyways, I'm going back in your head, meow." Taokaka said as she disappeared in a flash of light.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Psyga315
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Psyga315 From Shadows

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"Ah, so you got Adam's approval then." Psyga said before giving a slight chuckle. He began to look around for the Bombchu Bowling Alley.

"Don't bother. Unless we have thirty rupees, like that-" She points to the gems appearing from the cut grass. "Then you can forget about bowling. In the meantime, I'll help out elf-boy over here." Tear said following Link. Before she left though, she punched Psyga in the gut. "That's for reminding me of Other M, by the way." With that, she left with Link.

"Sssshit..." Psyga said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sutternalt


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

[>Commence Fairing Separation]
[>Atmospheric Pressure Above Expected Values. Continue? Y/N]

With a clunk, the aerodynamic fairings shielding the LK lander fell to the ground.

[>Initiate Undocking Procedure]

Mechanical whirs traveled up the N1-L3 as the docking clamps holding the LK lander disengaged, a wheel turning inside the LOK orbiter module. The N1-L3 suddenly had a split consciousness - despite being separated from the main rocket body and the LOK orbiter, it could still control both the LK lander and the main rocket's systems. For whatever reason, the LK module wasn't experiencing gravity. The N1-L3 fired attitude control jets, spun over, and gently glided the lander along to follow the others.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cheshire


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Apparently she'd followed a pair of crazy people. Crap. And they were picking a fight with the spear-carrying people. Hooray. Well, actually, she was somewhat pleased - she'd have been somewhat disappointed if she'd come to a video game-like place, dressed as she was, with absolutely nothing to brawl with.

But... Hmm... What do do..? These were real people, weren't they? Probably. Could she bring herself to hurt them? Well, they had been rather aggressive towards them just for breaking some stuff. Provided they didn't die, then it was probably okay.

The energy from before was rather easier to produce than before, and soon, she had a little white ball of it, roughly tennis ball sized, in her hand. This, she threw at the guard nearest to her. The effect was certainly... Well, not what she had been expecting; the little ball stretched just before it left her hand, and became a jagged beam, which bore down fast on the guard's position.

Cheshire bit her lip. Oops. a little heavy handed there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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"What are these things?" And key gave one of the gems to Willa. ''Money. Green is the lowest and purple is the highest as far as I remember...may be wrong on that.'' She tapped his chin as she happily watched the detachment of the lander, key assumed that floated over them.
''Lets follow Kitty! Lead us away!. Good thing we dont have to just randomly walk around. ''She answered to Willa pointing to Kafka who started leading. She happily followed, occasionally walking away left and right, kinda cheated as she felt and heard the grass protest on being cut. Giving away position to any gems around. There still was little bit of them, but at lest it was a start.

Soon enough the group was on the way to the castle town, Kafka went to test some of his powers while they were on the way. Summoning a ghost female kitty... She is adorbs Sadly soon it was gone.

''Was that the second voice you mentioned hearing?'' She asked, looking around seeing Castle town gates close to them. ''Hm...we are still low at money but we have some....''
''And if asked, maybe we should say we are a circus? We can pass as one. Willa do you have weird thing too?'' Key asked as she made her way pass the gates and looking around the NPC and guards. Debating if walking in ever house should be done as a group or separated. Some of the NPC looked at them weirdly, in response Talija just waved at them with a wide smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by IncredibleBee
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"This wasn't in the game!" Bee exclaimed.
"Look, everything's all.... high definition, now. Something's changed." he placed a hand on his sword.
"We might have to wait a bit for bombchu bowling. Oh who am I kidding, I'm not gonna let these guys stop my fun before it's even started!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 21 days ago

"Oh, alright. Guess here, money really does grow on trees...er, in grass," Willa replied with a small chuckle. She pocketed the gems Talijakey handed to her. Willa walked behind Talijakey and the kitty pokemon creature, startled by the appearance of what kind of looked like a holographic version of Taokafka, just girl-ified. She followed the two as they made their way to what Taokafka called Castle Town, observing the strange world that they had all been teleported to. Willa was a bit confused-would the NPCs of the game still be here, or were they out of the picture? And surely there were some kinds of creatures there solely for the purpose of hindering progress, like the goompas in the Mario games. If there were, Willa hoped that they decided to stay away, or that they were at least avoidable. In contrast to the other people sucked into the internet, Willa did not have some impressive supply of weaponry; instead she got stuck with the most useless things possible in a fight (like c'mon, what good is a ribbon going to do against anyone? ).

"Yeah, I have some random stuff that I had before getting sucked into the internet," she said in response to Talijakey's question. "That's a good idea, actually-we're definitely strange enough to pass for a circus," she continued with a genuine laugh. She paused for a moment and took the hoop, which had downsized itself again, out of her bag and found the discreet button that allowed her to bring it up to a normal size. She pushed down on it, and the hoop enlarged itself. Willa twirled it between her thumb and index finger. "I have more things like that with me, just in case someone does take notice," she said.

"So, how much longer till we get to Castle Town, and what's in it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Slick, didn't ya hear? I called the deputies and sheriffs. It's the call system." Rattlesnake Jack said annoyed to Cheshire. "If'n ya killed any of these'ere outstandin' lawfolk..." Quickly glancing at the guards, "Y'all are doin' a fine job, giving me more amusement than I was expecting from you. Still need much practice but if y'all are greenhorns you're doing a good job." He said trying to give some encouraging words to the guardsmen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cheshire


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"Hey, I didn't do that on purpose!" Cheshire was annoyed at his assumption that she was in control of... Her. A natural assumption, perhaps, but one that was completely wrong, "Besides, I was only trying to help."

He wasn't going to get that far with fake bullets, was he? When faced with spears? He had a good point, though - what if she had killed one of them? What was she going to do if she had?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Pardner I can get that. I really do. But the goal ain't killin'. It's screwing with them. Why I haven't shot with a 'job' insteada 'play' bullet." Rattlesnake Jack said, showing the true purpose of this venture. "I can't mess with a dead deputy. And I thought I wouldn't get any resistance here, so I'll keep'em alive for as long as possible, solely so I can mess with them. Understand slick? We ain't gonna kill, that'd be boring. 'Sides I haven't even found the Sheriff of these 'ere deputies. But yeah, no killing, keep them alive so we can mess with'em."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cheshire


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She threw up her hands in defeat, "Yeah, yeah, I get you." Close enough. Well, she said that, but what was she going to do about it? Get in a fist fight with them? Actually... Yeah, that was exactly what she was going to have to do - clearly whatever abilities she'd been granted weren't ready to let her use them to incapacitate, so that was really her only option.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Yeah, And hey, if we need more money, we can do tricks and stuff." Taokafka said, responding to CEG's question and throwing in a suggestion of his own. As the group made its way to the gates of castle town, some people looked at them oddly. Part of Taokafka wanted to growl at them, but he withheld the baser urge and decided to fake a smile and wave at the, like CEG. Once the group made it's way past the gate, Tao said. "We're here, gym lady. We've got Bombchu bowling, a shop, the Temple of Time, and some other stuff I can't quite remember. It's been a while. I think it's best if we explore."
He then noticed some other familiar looking universe-hoppers pestering some guards. "Guys," Tao whispered to his 'crew' "There are the other guys, I think we should stop them being mean to the guards. There being jerks! But, then again, we could dodge some trouble by just avoiding them... It's up to you guys' collective votes. I vote that we kick their butts." He said, allowing the claws to pop out of their openings and growling.
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