Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

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Godhood A Tale of Deities
Any takers, tovarische? Edit: The OOC is here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

*Raises hand* I'm in. If this character works, at least. I've nothing to go off of on what you want in characters, so. XD Tried my best. Let me know if it works or if I've got the totally wrong idea. Like I said, nothing to go off of before me. Name: Danives Age: Ancient Appearance: Ever a god for dramatic appearances, Danives tends to show as... Well, whatever the hell that thing is, when materializing to mortal eyes. Or divine eyes, frankly. Otherwise, he -is- a shadow. Because, well. God of shadows. Allegiance: God Personality: Outside of his overly dramatic appearance, Danives is pretty casual as far as the whole 'powerful ancient spirit' thing goes. He likes games and puzzles of the mind, taunting and goading other spirits and mortals into playing his games, be they violent and bloody or simple riddles. As far as 'conversation' goes, he tends to be... Sarcastic and dry in humor. Skills and Abilities: As the God of Shadows and Patron of Assassins, it's only natural that Danives would hold capabilities suited to each roll. Shadows themselves bend to his whim, creating- if briefly- grand beasts of pure shadow. When materialized in the perception of mortals, he can cloak himself in those same shadows, becoming invisible to the eye. Should his name be invoked, he can go to and assist a worshipper with these capabilities. And of course, he can turn to shadow himself. Should combat against mortals or other spirits arise, he relies on long-standing skill with blades and the general nuisance of an ability to suddenly turn into shadow to survive and dish out the pain. Backstory: He bears the same general story as most God-Spirits might. He was neutral in the whole war against daddy gold, and once the dust settled, he took to taking worshippers under his wing. Though considering his shadowy nature and tendencies, his worshippers were... Not the most sunshine and daisies types. And so he became the patron to assassins everywhere. Not the largest group of followers, perhaps, but he's never been one to complain about numbers, and is quite -fond- of his mortal followers, often intervening in their affairs, both to assist them and get his own kicks and giggles. Religion: To his Worshippers, Danives requires no offerings, no daily prayer. He asks not that his followers abide to any strict code of conduct. They may live their lives as they choose, so long as they recognize his presence in their lives. But, should his name be invoked for help, for his ability, he required blood- Not of the servant, but of their quarry. Deaths made with Danives' power, are claimed by Danives himself. Like the Grim, he steals away the souls of the departed... Though rather than usher them to new life, Danives keeps them for his own uses, his own power. Despite not requesting prayer or offerings, the number of Danives' followers remains in the low hundreds, causing the occult to take root in his worship. Prayers, minor sacrifices, things of that nature- All offered to him from his small group of mortals rather regularly. Nation: Due to the small number of his followers, no true nation lives under Danives. However, his followers are scattered throughout the world, and easily recognizable among the other mortal races. For while they physically do not change, their shadows are ever present- In the noon day sun, of the darkest of rooms, their shadows always loom. Should a man or woman turn their heart to Danives, they will find that their shadow takes on a life of its own, often reaching out to touch those around it, taking on a menacing, bestial appearance. And, with this shadow, comes the knowledge of assassins. All men under his gaze are capable assassins in their own right.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Danives works all right. And if you find holes in the lore, feel free to patch them up, or even add to it. I now realize that, aside from the vague desire to go back to the glories from before the War in Heaven, player characters have got nothing else to squabble or form alliances over. But that's okay, I'm sure you will make your own reasons to interact. I want the plot to be partly driven by the players. Maybe we could have a Helen of Troy kind of thing going on, with all-out war between two great civilizations and their leading gods as the culmination of an epic love triangle. All driven by the players -- which is why I put in the Connections field for the character sheet. This is all still in planning stage. Feedback is requested and appreciated; little is final.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Wait, so, yay or nay on the character? XD I get the general feel you were after correct?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Danives gets a thumbs up from me, and he got the feel I was looking for, although I would like you to further flesh him out and decorate his CS some more. I'm mainly concerned with how it's going to play out; I'm counting on the players to develop plots of their own, create their own races and nations and squabble amongst each other. This is why I made the Connections field in the CS.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

*Nod* Right. Didn't use connections because, well, nobody else has made a CS. XD But I'll get to work on fleshing him out some more. Give some detail on his followers perhaps. And his actual capabilities. XD I'm sure once there are more people we can all flesh out a plot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I made a few edits to the CS form, adding the Religion and Nation fields.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

There we are. Edited it up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JurassicHole
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JurassicHole Definitely NOT the Mama.

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I'm interested and I'll try to get a CS up tonight or tomorrow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wordweaver


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This seems interesting, although I'd imagine some factions will end up being empty, especially upstarts. Right now, they're basically just weaker than everyone else with no real advantages. Anyway, I'll have my character form up sometime today.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dud
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Name: Dust, Minor God of the Desolace Age: Upstart Appearance: He takes the form of a goblin. He is thin to the point of malnourishment, tiny by human standards, with unkempt black hair and a large nose and slightly perky pointed ears. He has large, watery, dark brown eyes. He's probably green-skinned beneath the dust and grime. He wears a very worn, dull brown hooded robe that is several sizes too large and held by a simple hemp cord at the waist. He would be easily mistaken for a mound of rags if it weren't for the small wooden sword at his hip. The sword itself is simple, a training device or possibly a child's toy, but burned to the point of charcoal, with cracks along its surface that glow amber when he summons his power. Nature: Independent Personality: He has spent countless ages alone and normally does not seek out humanity. When he speaks, it's with a small, raspy, nasally voice that seems to apologize for intruding upon the world. He has knowledge of life beyond the nothing of his land, and of the war that raged between the gods long ago, but no desire to become explicitly involved in either. Skills and Abilities: As a minor deity born of barren wastes and long-dead ancient ruins, he has some control over fire and ash. His wooden sword can spout light and flames at will, and he can summon (or even transform into) whirling clouds of ash and dust to shield himself and confound opponents. He can't be harmed by fire, whether natural or magical, and will simply burn to ash and reform himself. Backstory: Black winds howled and ashes roared throughout the desolate land. A war, or possibly a blistering drought, or maybe unfathomable and unholy magics, had torn all life from it countless ages ago. The intelligent races avoided it believing it cursed with the hungry souls of the dead, and all other life refused to enter its borders. In the very center of the wasteland, witnessed by no mortal or immortal spirit, a golden light flickered briefly through the ebon storm. The everlasting clouds parted, a single ray of sunlight breaking through for the first time in thousands of years. Dust breathed in, the cinders filling his lungs and opening his eyes. He looked up just as the light faded and the clouds churned across the sky once more. He looked before him, mountains barely visible at the limit of his vision. He walked. Connections: None so far. Religion: He was likely born from mortals' idle thoughts of a lonely god haunting the desolace, but has no followers of his own. He leaves the higher gods to their petty disputes and wanders the land alone. Nation: His land has been dead and its history lost for centuries, and has no name beyond "the desolace" or "the wastelands."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilhelm
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Vilhelm Batshit Insane

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

*Pokes Dud* Danives and Dust might get along.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dud
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Maybe so. There could be enough in common there to form a connection. And Danives is pretty awesome too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Name: Samhain(Hollywoodized version) Age: Ancient Appearance: Nature: Demon Personality: You may write within here the quirks of your character and their goals. Skills and Abilities: Necromancy, Vampirism, Lycanthropy, Witchcraft, the strength and speed of werewolves and vampires, the supernatural powers of all things considered "Halloween", from ghosts, werewolves, vampires, and witches. He is also extremely durable due to his regenerative blood, and his powers as a spirit over the dead are phenomenal, and he can command evil spirits, skeletons and the walking dead like few spirits can. Religion: Celtic, various Cults Nation: The British Isles and the United States Other:
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wordweaver


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Agimar Age: Ancient Appearance: Agimar generally prefers the “disembodied voice approach”, but if he does need to show himself with a bit of spectacle for one reason or another, he likes taking the appearance of a towering, metallic humanoid with the head and tail of a snake, scythe-like claws, and the wings of a bat. His eyes appear to be a dull red, and they somehow give the impression of a void sucking in light. On the other hand, if he simply needs a way to interact with the mortal world, without any real need to put on a show, he can and will take the appearance of a normal human. Nature: Demon Personality: Agimar, at first glance, doesn’t seem like the demonic type. He’s not quite sadistic, and he doesn’t even like Hades all that much. (It’s much too hot.) He is ruthless, of course, but that’s really just based in logic. You really can’t starve that hydra you worked so hard to make, and those mortals have such short lives anyway…. After you get to know him, however, it’s pretty obvious that he has a power complex. While Agimar isn’t exactly evil, he’s not really what you would call moral, either. He is driven primarily by a lust for power, and secondly by logic. He thinks of mortals and other spirits as pieces on a board, and while he would prefer to leave the board intact, he has no qualms about sacrificing a few pawns to achieve his own ends. Skills and Abilities: Agimar fancies himself to be a creator. While he can’t make something living, he will channel the prayers and emotions of his worshipers to forge fearsome monsters in the fires of Hades. While these creations are powerful and destructive, there always seems to be something missing inside their metallic bodies, and he obsessively seeks a way to make them truly live. Backstory: Agimar sided against the golden orb in the war, though he generally just hid on the sidelines and let everyone else do the work. He’s never really been in the spotlight, but he has patiently waited for opportunities to make his move. Connections: None yet, mainly because I have a feeling he wouldn’t get along very well with the characters that have been made thus far. If anyone makes an evil-ish schemer, though, he'd be happy to form an alliance. Religion: Agimar’s following is relatively small, but it could easily be called a cult. He is worshipped as a kind of supreme source of power and authority, which pleases him to no end. He demands prayer, offerings, and sacrifices from his worshippers, all of which give him the power he needs to forge his creations. In return, he gives the most devoted of his followers control of monsters, armies, and the occasional artifact. Nation: While Agimar doesn’t have a full nation of worshippers, his devotees are often found in high places due to his gifts. As a result, he can often manage to manipulate smaller nations from behind the scenes in order to achieve his ends.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Forsythe
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Forsythe Graf von Kaffeetrinken

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Looks fun, can i play? 8D I might be a little bit too ambitious with this one, but I tried to blend her into the story form the OP.
Name: Hiraga Age: Ancient - The First One Appearance: Hiraga is a shapeshifter, however her representing form is that of a blue tiger.
Nature:God Personality: The guardian goddess is connected to Ceyr, it’s state directly affecting her mood. In general, she is nonconflicting and among the Gods can be considered neither good nor evil. She has no mercy however, and her judgement is always an eye for an eye. Should a mrotal decide to stripmine a mountain range and fall large forests to build machines of war, they will find their shipyards claimed for the seas by a tsunami and their factories swallowed by fissures caused by an earthquake. As such, she is the element of chaos in any god’s plans. Skills and Abilities: Hiraga is the Nature’s guardian: If everything is well in Ceyr, her own powers are weakening, to the point of falling into slumber in what could be called a ‘golden age’. However if the Land suffers, the goddess’ wrath will rain upon those responsible in force unmatched. If the world would be nearing it’s end, she gains the power to to bring judgement day, purge the original world of all life and cause the souls to move either to Aett or Hades. Nobody dares to think what would happen to the World if she was slain, and no one is certain she can be. To her followers, she offers the gift of reincarnation, having the power to anchor their soul in the world in a new body. Those who choose to remain are brought back as Dryads, Treants and similar creatures that aid her watch the land. While she is not omniscient, she has the ability to glimpse the life of any given soul to pass judgement on it. As a spirit, Hiraga can appear in any form. Aside from her representative tiger, she has been seen posing as creatures of myths, from fairies to dragons. Backstory: The first of the Ancient spirits, Hiraga looked upon the planet and her heart was filled with joy at the sight of the beautiful creation. She declared to forever guard it from destruction and her power was made one with the World. When her younger siblings started to war over the world, she struck against any and all who desecrated the world. As her anger grown, she struck the world and torn the continents apart, hoping the sea separating the warring factions would end the Nature’s torment, and for some time it worked. However the annoying mortals built ships and created traversing magics, making her effort a mere delay and inconvenience. As she tried to repair the damage the war was doing, she, unknown to her, contributed the most to the final cataclysm. As their creator died and two new planes appeared in existence while great damage was brought to Ceyr, so died a part of the Guardian. With the demise of their creator, Hiraga’s powers also decreased. Now unable to affect the world at large, she instead brought to light the druids, who aid the world in small doses, but in large number. Connections: Ancients When not actively interfering with the World, hiraga occasionaly seeks out the company of some of her brothers and sisters. She is only openly hostile to those who would instruct their followers to do something that would hurt Nature. Danives: She rather enjoys having her mind challenged by his riddles and approves of his lack of demands of the mortals, horrible people as they are. However, due to the assassins hardly taking more than one life at a time, she doesn’t consider Danives’ followers a real danger to Nature and leaves them be. Agimar: As a god, Hiraga doesn't interfere with the matters of Hades, but she sees that Agimar uses hsi power to create and destroy more or less equally, and thus doesn't have too bad of an opinion of him. Upstarts The younger spirits are as unnoticeable to her as the mortals until they harm the world. She is familiar with them, but unlike her ancient siblings, Hiraga doesn’t actively seek their company, although she will not shy from them if they seek her. Dust: As this one was born of and lives in the areas of the world that she failed to protect, Hiraga feels slightly sorry for the spirit, and yet grateful for warding the areas others gave up on. Religion: Druidism: A mix of religion and magic school, druids - people using the nature commanding magic - are the recipients of her power. As such, she has some followers in the faction of every other God, being her eyes and ears. Nation: No nation is explicitly devoted to Hiraga, however she commands the creatures that bear the souls of reincarnated druids. While scattered all over the world and few in numbers, they are more powerful than the average mortal. Other: Hiraga’s symbol is the last letter of any alphabet, a silent reminder that noone should upset her, or the world will be in peril.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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I'm interested too if there's still room!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EsmetheGreat
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EsmetheGreat a swarm of bees

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Interested, I've always loved creating aspects and figures of mythology, shall post a cs soon as pos... question, roughly what time period in history will Ceyr resemble when the rp starts? You mentioned the possibility of a 'helen of troy' situation, would it be safe to assume that the mortal world will be based on Ancient Greece? Also, are we limited to one character, I have an inkling for two characters at this point...maybe 3
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm interested too if there's still room!
Worry not, there is room till I say otherwise.
Interested, I've always loved creating aspects and figures of mythology, shall post a cs soon as pos... Question, roughly what time period in history will Ceyr resemble when the rp starts? You mentioned the possibility of a 'helen of troy' situation, would it be safe to assume that the mortal world will be based on Ancient Greece? Also, are we limited to one character, I have an inkling for two characters at this point...maybe 3
Glad to see your interest. I will allow tech levels not surpassing early medieval era; therefore: no full plate armor for mortals. You are limited to one character only. So, make one that you resonate with.
Name: Dust, Minor God of the Desolace
Impressive CS. Accepted, and you can move him to the character tab immediately when I make the OOC later this day.
Name: Samhain(Hollywoodized version)
I have issue with the broad range of his powers, as well as his dominion over the "British Isles" and the "United States." I must remind you that this is a fantasy setting. Furthermore, full-fledged nations like kingdoms and republics are in the domain of gods only.
Name: Hiraga
Also an impressive CS. Accepted, and can be moved immediately to the character tab when I make the OOC later this day.
Name: Agimar
Good CS and accepted, but take note that the Connections field is not limited to friendships, but also rivalries and hatred. If no-one's taking up angels, I guess they're going to be the main villains for the RP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GingerBoi123
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I was gonna make an angel XD
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