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Current Fuh... one of the worst days of my life
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Started at work today, expect my replies in 1x1s to slow down considerably. Normal RPs go as usual.
9 yrs ago
Coffee time every time. Be sleepless.


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Location: Framework simulation
Skills/Powers: Superhuman speed and reaction time, one ton lift strength, unarmored ground combat
Equipment: Link avatar

This was going poorly. Only Zelda seemed to have a modicum of success against the program, and as she noted previously, that seemed to be just delaying the inevitable. Victoria had no viable action that didn't simulate to unacceptable risk of merely hastening their demise.

So, in the absence of such action, the best was to delay for as long as possible, minimize the damage and hope that some staff would go check why the gym lights are on and why there is a framework level of power draw during night hours.

And as far as minimizing damage goes... My chassis might still be reactivated if they put another AI into it. Human body on the other hand... April was now on her last legs, so to speak. Victoria always knew this was how her last stand would play out, albeit she didn't expect to have to make it quite this early. True, her task was to fight for humans, but in the absence of those, it was her decision. And with the odds stacked against them, the decision was easy.

Turning her profile to hide almost all of her body behind the shield, sword at the ready to parry, she stood between Dark Link and April to defend, and take the hit if necessary.

Feeling better, had other issue in the family, but working 9n a post now.
@mattmanganonSorry, I don't think this is going to work for me. The whole character is based on being morally ambiguous, so if you're concerned about ethics, we'd only have problems down the line.

Removed all totem and spirit references while keeping the mechanics mostly the same.
@mattmanganon That actually works, just replacing "totem" with "egg" (Heck, canonically some even look similar).

I'll edit the sheet when I get off work, tho I have a long day today
heavy emphasis on the kids relationship with their Digimon

Is that a kid's or kids' relationship? If you mean the relationship betwee Yuki and her digimon, that is pretty much unaffected - The digimon sealed in the totem still have full personality which rides shotgun in Yuki's brain all the time. They just don't have their own physical body.

If you inted for the focus to be the relationship between the entire group of kids and the group of digimon, then yeah, the only way for others to talk to Yuki's spirits would be for Yuki to play the middle man, or alternatively maybe she could temporarily give control to the spirit, in a sort of Tok'Ra way.

As far as the digi egg goes, I'm not quite certain how you intend to use it, so i can't make many suggestions. If it is in some sort of a power limiter function (e.g. until your relationship reaches certain level of maturity, you can't digivolve to ultimate etc.), it could influence which level of spirits Yuki can bond with.
@mattmanganonIf you recall I mentioned in IntChk i'd be submitting Frontier type character. Yuki has partner digimon, but they are sealed inside totems as spirits and they communicate telepathically.

I want to play this as multiple personalities (Yuki and her two main spirits) kinda fighting for control of their shared form, with all of them having different ideologies and opinions on how to do things.

There's also the added bonus that Yuki will have to first Get Agunimon's and Megadramon's spirit totems, which should make for a fun character arc.

Hence I don't really have a place for armor digivolutions, unless we go with the 'kids can use the armor digivolution on themselves', then I'd replace Cutemon with Yuki's armored form.

If not, perhaps Yuki could chose to bestow that digivolution on other people, sort of lend the power to the other kids at the expense of not being able to fight herself? Would make for a good tactical option for the squad.
It's a replicator virus.
another question: should we limit ourselves to existing digimon, or can we create originals?@mattmanganon

Most of mine are original and they are approved, so that xD
<Snipped quote by Sep>

sounds like a good time to drop the shooting and get to looting. What's the biggest and most intact ship in the debris field?

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