Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Okay! Thanks for being clear on that! ^_^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Water Akira
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Water Akira

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Anytime! Everyone, feel free to ask any questions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Animal
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Amelia Rose, Nicknamed 'Sunshine' Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8REs80nFqJo Gender: Female Age: 19 Appearance:
She is about 5'8”, 172cm Personality: Amelia has a great impulse for survival ever since she was a little girl. Not only that, but she also has a large craving for food which often leads into comical interactions. Her table manners are not really that great, she will belch, eat with her hands and even talk with her mouth full. She will challenge people to a food eating contest and always win, there has not been a single person to beat her in this sport. A very energetic girl she is, rather impatient too which makes her tasks pretty difficult to accomplish. She is very cheerful towards others and considers them a friend right off the bat, when she gives you a hug you better check your pockets. Although she has a habit of being a sneaky little thief, she does not mean anything by it as she always has a 'reason' for her actions, sometimes true, sometimes false. The innocent smile on her face will convince you otherwise. In the daytime, if she becomes really happy then her body will glow, why this happens is beyond her control. Favourite Colour(s): Teal and Pink Favourite Food(s): Everything on the menu, there is no food that she dislikes. Hobbies: Eating food, drinking, stealing, and lock picking. She also has the skills for proper outdoor survival, with the exception of navigation, she often gets lost. Weapons: A small dagger that she received from her guild and smoke bombs she keeps in her pouch. Powers/Abilities: Aside from using small daggers, the agility and ability to stealth her way into a vault room, Amelia has the power of solar manipulation. Which pretty much turns her into a daytime thief because of the fact her powers do not work at night or any absence of the sun's rays for that matter. The majority of her powers come from the sun itself, which she can use its energy to light herself into flames, create powerful solar beams depending on how much time she charges the energy for it, or even make herself into a flash bomb that would blind her opponents temporarily. It is possible for her to fly by using the flames as thrusters, but if the sun is blocked for whatever reason then it is most likely she will fall to her death or at least receive critical injuries. There is a technique she uses to protect herself from her own flames, and that is by covering parts of her body in a thin sheet of solar energy that absorbs the heat from the flames thus protecting her own body, the same cannot be said for her opponent though. When she covers her entire body in this thin sheet of energy, it acts like her shield to protect her from incoming attacks, but it's not impenetrable. In fact, you can still physically hit her, but you would receive burns as if you were touching a frying pan that just came off the stove. The problem is getting close, as her body will emit a bright light shining like the sun itself. On a unrelated note, she has a bottomless pit of a stomach with the ability to keep her figure intact. Used for comical purposes. Biography: Amelia was born into the lowest part of the social pyramid where she was often told there was no hope by everyone around her. The only one who ever gave Amelia hope, was her mother, who took care of little Amelia alone. Even though she barely had any clothes, food, or even a proper place to live, she continued to smile and looked at the bright side of things. She spent her childhood befriending with other kids like her and playing games. Around age eleven, her mother fell ill and died which crushed little Amelia's heart. The group of kids she played made a pact to ensure their own survival, this somewhat filled the void inside Amelia's heart. However, on one of their scavenging days, she was accidentally taken away on a carriage that she was stealing on her own. To avoid detection, she hid inside a crate until the carriage stopped at the next destination which would mark the beginning of her new life. It turned out that she arrived at a thieves guild where she was eventually caught trying to sneak around the base. The thieves were so impressed by her skills at such a young age that they allowed her to join the guild at age thirteen. Amelia did not expect the thieves to treat her with such hospitality that it made her feel like for the first time in her life that she had a family again. Her time with the guild was probably the happiest time in her life, but she always kept her friends in mind wondering what has become of them ever since her disappearance. She was unable to go alone without permission from a superior, plus she was moved around a lot to strengthen the other branches. By age seventeen, she had a high enough rank to go on her own and establish a branch of her own. She took advantage of this benefit to go back home and check out what happened to it. It's a real shame really, she would have made it back home in less than a year with proper navigation skills...and if she knew the name of her own city.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bastion


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rin your character is absolutely perfect! Very well written also. For the artifacts, basically they will be used to defeat the bad guy. Our characters have their own unique abilities and powers, even from the beginning of the RP. It's just that the main bad guy is so powerful that we wouldn't be able to beat him on our own. So our characters will have their own abilities and powers from the beginning of the RP. And we will only find the Artifacts later on.
Good to know! I'll start writing up a character, then!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bastion


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Brugo "The Brute" Vascor Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtbRJ-Q58H8 Gender: Male Age: Twenty-eight Appearance:
Brugo's veins run thick with the mixed blood of his giant ancestry, his powerful, muscular frame standing at 10'6" tall, weighing 623lbs. His skin is dark and tough, his hair ashen-white. His eyes have black sclera and glowing gold irises. He often adorns himself with several pieces of simple jewelry. Personality: Brugo is a bit of a wallflower, preferring to hang back and watch quietly due to a worry that people will judge or ignore him. Naturally calm, he is slow to anger, and even slower to rise to violence, out a concern that he may seriously injure somebody due to his size and strength. Something of a gentle giant, Brugo can still become incredibly dangerous when he is finally provoked enough to do somebody harm. He is very protective of those weaker than him, his allies, and those who he looks up to. He is sensitive about his appearance, but hides it as best as he can. He is extremely loyal and understanding, and will always try to reason things out and calm others frustrations. He is very adaptable to harsh environments, and can take a lot of punishment before getting upset. He never gives up, no matter what, and would do anything to protect those he cares about. Favourite Colour(s): Sky blue. Hobbies: He is very good at wood carving, and frequently whiles away his unoccupied hours whittling away at a block of wood. Weapons: He fights with empty hands and improvised weapons, relying on his natural physical gifts on the rare occasion that he does enter a fight, since few weapons can stand up to the rigors of his usage. He wears simple metal gauntlets and bracers to protect his hands from harm while fighting. As a soldier, he is martially trained, and has very well-developed technique. Powers/Abilities: Brugo's great size and physical strength give him an advantage at performing physical tasks. His thick skin and dense muscles make him very durable, and hard to tire. He can see perfectly, even in the dark, and has above average senses of hearing and smell. Biography: Brugo had an extremely difficult childhood. As a half-giant, he was constantly teased and bullied for his appearance, Brugo could never retaliate or fight back without hurting the other children. He was ostracized by everybody but his immediate family. His father, a warrior, was constantly pushing Brugo to follow in his footsteps, frequently taking him away on long trips for combat training and practice. A gentle soul, Brugo hated every minute of it, and could tell that he was a constant source of disappointment to his father. His adoptive mother seemed to understand Brugo’s difficulties, and was always kind to him, and so the two of them were very close. His full-human brother, Scotius often seemed to resent the attention that Brugo got from their parents, despite the fact that he didn’t really want it, and would often feel jealous of his brother, who was able to fit in much more easily. The two were often at odds with one another, but Brugo secretly thought of his brother as a role model, wishing that he could be more like him, calm, capable, talented. Because of this, Brugo would often retaliate in kind when his brother would pull age on him, being equally difficult to deal with. When their father died, Brugo was deeply upset. He knew that his father still considered him a failure for wasting his strength and not joining the army. His brother, he knew, was deeply grieved too, locking himself in his room for days on end, after which he ran away from home. Sometime later, an emissary from the king arrived, asking Brugo to join the army. At first, he refused, but when he heard that his brother had joined, he immediately changed his answer. He would prove to his father that he was not a failure. He would protect his older brother, and the whole Kingdom at the same time. He never shared his reasons for joining and when he did, acted surprised to find his brother there. When Scotius complained to try and have him removed, Brugo resisted stubbornly, determined to follow through. Though the two rarely speak, and are often cold to each other, deep down he loves his brother very much.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MonkeyBusiness
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Marcus Frost Theme Song: (Optional) Gender: Male Age: 21 Appearance:
Personality: Favourite Colour(s): Aqua Blue Favourite Food(s): (Optional) Hobbies: Meditation, hitting on girls, having a good drink. Weapons: A spool of wire that is held in a holster on the small of his back with connections to two gloves which house wheels that control the speed at which the wire can be spooled out. The wire is constantly being kept in a damp state so that Marcus could use his ice powers on the wires. Powers/Abilities: Marcus has powers over water in his immediate area having the ability to solidify the liquid into ice that he is than able to use freely. He can bend the ice to his will allowing the ice to become his protection or it can be used as an offensive tool as well. He is skilled with the use of thin wire that can be released from his gloves and can be spread out to create webs for defense. Biography: (Tell us a little about your character. Doesn't have to be much. Maybe their goals and aspirations.) (The weapon is similar to the one of Akame Ga Kill called Cross Tail.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aura Lodestone

Aura Lodestone

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Aura Lodestone Theme Song: I need to get one, theme songs are awesome Gender: Male Age: 100 Appearance:
He is somewhere around 4ft and maybe shorter or slightly taller, he generally has blue hair which is strange and grey to blue eyes which seem to look right through people. He wears a strange piece of headwear to protect his ears. Personality: He is detached and other than his failed attempts at hiding emotion, he is a normal child who just happened to be related to the great evil in this world. With only Crusaders or so called Holy people able to tell his lineage this boy always expects that people hate him and will assume his done wrong under nearly all circumstances even when he is in the right. He occasionally loses interest in things and falls asleep as well as not seeming to pay attention under most circumstances. He is somewhat afraid of bugs, but mostly more annoyed then scared of them even though he finds him interesting, with this line it describes how he sees most things. He fears everything, finds everything to be a bother but in the end he still loves it all. His personality however will turn dark when he gets too scared or too annoyed with him turning into a selfish brat easily. He also does not like things crawling into his ears so wears some headwear sometimes when his sleeping to stop this Favourite Colour(s): Blue and Green Favourite Food(s): Plain Sandwich Hobbies: Taking naps and wandering around just looking at the scenery Weapons: He currently only has a small short sword his father gave him with the Cleave Ability, he can craft his own weapons but it takes a few minutes to do so and he can not carry too many weapons either. At most he will either have 1 heavy weapon or 2 light weapons on him at any given time. Currently wears a hidden chest plate covering his heart area in general in order to protect him from stabs to the chest, he can still be hurt since it merely directs it away from the heart and does not prevent it from stabbing right through him. Powers/Abilities: Longevity (It may be a miracle or the blood of Levado, but this child does not age) Lodestone Crafting (Passed down from his adopted family he has the ability to craft unique weapons which have one of three enhanced abilities) Crafted Weapon Abilities ( Cleave, the weapon may attack further than its appeared range, Rend, the weapon does more damage that its supposed to, Shatter, the ability to break most solid objects besides good quality weapons or strong metal structures ) He is skilled in using a Halberd (Hammer Pike Spear type weapon) Hammers in general, swords and bows. He is not exceptional in either but is good with all of them. Can also craft other weapons if taught as well as basic armor as well, however he still needs to spend time gathering the materials unless he uses the Lodestone Craft which he can not use to often as it makes him fall asleep after and basically lets him craft by just having basic materials and converting them through a somewhat magical process which uses will power and imagination to create the weapon in the absence of the correct materials He has very keen eyesight with exceptional hearing, but his body is actually frail and rather weak in general. Biography:The young boy who was born close to a hundred years ago under the light of a Broken Moon (in essence a bunch of trees blocked the moon so it looked broken) this child was born. He did not do much and he just so happened to have been born the day the evil knight had been defeated. However soon people had begun to find out that this was a child of the evil knight and sent out crusaders to slay the spawn of Levado. His parents at the time members of the Lodestone Smithing family had often worked hard at their craft and were told if they handed over the child they would be handsomely rewarded. The Crusaders were still close to a day away from arriving in the town as the villagers kept away from the blacksmiths calling their weapons the Blades of Ruin and the Swords of Destruction having forgotten that the village lived off of the exploits of the smiths. As the little boys adoptive parents looked to the little boy who at the time was no more than ten years of age, they could not bare the thought of giving the child up to suffer for the sins of his assumed parent. They felt an innocent child should not be given up as they prepared for him to leave packing in a backpack full of sandwiches, a small pouch filled with money and two bottles of water which he could barely carry. They told him they loved him and he did not show too much affection but he looked down sadly and said he loved them too which they thought was cute. As they were running out of time with the villagers having already barricaded the family in for the time when the crusaders would arrive. It was then that an assassin appeared, the boy did not look scared at all and the child's adoptive father drew his sword stopping the assassin at the last second holding him back. The villagers trapped them on the outside and an assassin kept his father from helping him to travel. The mother knew that it would be up to her, she took her best weapon she had ever crafted known as the Scythe of Revenance, each weapon had a name at the end and a secret name to draw out its potential. Using this she went outside and began breaking through the barricades as her child followed her not really understanding the situation itself. The Crusaders began to hurry on horseback as the woman found two horses just before they could leave her husband was sent flying out of the house with cuts all over his body, the boy did not cry but his eyes were watering as she felt him try to go to the aid of the man who raised him, she held his shoulder firm. He was resisting crying by instinct so to speak as he would tear up but would never let the tears flow, at least not in front of people who were strangers. It was then that the crusaders arrived in her moment of hesitation, her husband was defeated and the assassin though strong was injured having only his right arm left and having lost his left ear as well. The woman did not know what to do the assassin blocked the path to the barricade and the crusaders now blocked the escape path she had just broken through. The man known as the boy's father began to stand up laughing and then said, "A sword is life, made from the heat of passion found in the heart of a furnace". The man grabbed his sword and stabbed it into the ground as the area around the house and random locations around the village began exploding the villagers fled but the crusaders numbering close to over fifty had their target in their sights, but were in no hurry as they knew the child could be a fake so they did not want to waste too much effort as they slowly began to surround her. The man knew this display meant nothing to the trained knights who had been fighting against Levado all these years. The leader of the Crusaders finally spoke up and it was unclear what he said, but that day the woman and man fought bravely and the leader himself stabbed the boy in the chest. He left the sword there as the child was pinned to the ground, they were done with their mission but before they could retrieve the body the village began collapsing having taken too much damage in this battle, the crusaders retreated and the entire village vanished off the face of the earth After close to ninety years with the child having been forgotten an archaeologist dug up and found the body of a child with a sword in his chest, taking out the sword the child was still alive. As he got to the hospital they found the child had luckily survived as the sword had been bent to stab short of his heart but how did a child survive being buried in the ground and as they were about to ask questions the child woke up not sure of where he was or what was going on as the people were confused and simply did not know what to do with their findings. With the child's future unclear and not much known, what could they hope to discover from this lucky child. Okay I know its been done before in Blue Exorcist but hey what is wrong with having a child be the son of the bad guy, you never said Levado had no children though question is this child a good kid or deep down is he really evil... If everyone becomes the hero then someone must become the maybe villain hero... oh and while he can live long his not immortal so do not think that is too OP, he does have the ability to make strong weapons though but sadly can not carry many of them since he is actually weak strength wise, but anyways hope you like my idea
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 45 min ago

Okay I know its been done before in Blue Exorcist but hey what is wrong with having a child be the son of the bad guy, you never said Levado had no children though question is this child a good kid or deep down is he really evil... If everyone becomes the hero then someone must become the maybe villain hero... oh and while he can live long his not immortal so do not think that is too OP, he does have the ability to make strong weapons though but sadly can not carry many of them since he is actually weak strength wise, but anyways hope you like my idea
I think the main reason why that might be frowned upon is that some people might see making a character like that as a plot hijack. ^^; That and you probably should've asked the GM first before writing that up in case they didn't want something like that in the RP, since if they didn't then it would've just been a waste of time. ^^; No offence intended, but I've seen too many RPs get hijacked by player-made villains and end up kind of... Yeah. ^^; Just kind of overly wary, sorry. Besides, seeing the group of oddballs and misfits he'd be travelling with I highly doubt he'd be able to turn villainous. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aura Lodestone

Aura Lodestone

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

that why I think I wrote to ask if its okay and more than likely he would not turn villain lols, just good to always have it hanging there and not like I am going to hijack the plot. He needs someone to turn him over to the dark side so without the GM making npc's or people to go that route he should be a well normal boy who is most likely only good for supporting others or helping out here and there... Either way lets wait until the GM gives the word on it, since that what I am sort of waiting for... then again I do remember once this rp had this guy join and then all of a sudden he stabbed everyone in the back killing of 3 out of 4 of them and then eventually the main villain just went all OP and killed that guy off
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 45 min ago

Eheh, it's good you know where I'm coming from then. ^^; But yeah, don't think it would be that big of a problem. I just worry too much. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aura Lodestone

Aura Lodestone

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

oh yeah I forgot his over 100 years old but anyways can not wait for our GM to get us started though seems like I might be supporting you since you like use swords and I have ability to craft items lols, though for the most part other than items with the ability to REND, SHATTER or CLEAVE I got nothing else lols oh and the ability to never age but still he can die if things go bad or if he gets stabbed and so on not to mention he can survive long periods without food but think that mainly due to the longevity, he does not age so his body does not really need any extra energy for growing lol... then again if the sword had been pulled out over 90 years ago he would have bled out
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Water Akira
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Water Akira

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hey everyone! The OOC is up now http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/76111-heroic-saga/ooc Animal and Bastion, your characters are amazing! Really great Rin, Animal and Bastion your characters are all approved and ready. MonkeyBusiness your character looks great so far! Aura Lodestone, I'll message you so I can ask some questions about your character. And the powers and abilities you put sound cool.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Animal
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