Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 7 days ago

Unknown Location

Storm clouds rage in the sky blocking out the sunlight as rain pours down while thunder echo's after each flash of lightning.

In a sleek grey metal building surrounded by forest tree's, a faint light can be seen glimmering through a window to the inside of a dark office which is dimly lit by a light blue holographic projection of a city over a table, the quiet whooshing of an automatic door opening is heard as the soft sound of footsteps follow shortly after, as the door closes a figure passes by the projection table, the figure reaches into it's right pant pocket and pulls out a lighter while the other holds a cigarette to it's lips while the figure walks up to a shaded window that has a perfect view of the countryside from the buildings position on the mountain.

"it's just a matter of time now..."

The figure say's as it peer's out the window while it's pelted with rain, the figure ignites the lighter in it's right hand before holding it up to the end of the cigarette, the figure inhales, lighting up the end of the cigarette before it puts on a malicious grin as it pockets the lighter, the figure exhales slowly through it's mouth releasing a small cloud of white that disperses into the air as it turns and walks up to the holographic projection over the table it passed moments ago, the figure looks at the projection of the city with the same grin of malice as it sits in a comfortable chair as it inhales from the cigarette once more, causing the embers on the end to glow.

"and when that time finally comes..."

White smoke flows from the figures lips as it speaks.

"I will take control..."

The figure begins to chuckle slowly to itself, the tone of which begins to increase steadily until it turns into full out maniacal laughter as the thunderous boom of lightning rings out from the sky above, after a few minutes the figure calms down and inhales from it's cigarette once more as it looks to a dark corner of the room with a smile.

"I know you're there Storm, so, is everything going to plan?"

The figure asked as it leaned back in it's chair before it snuffed out it's cigarette in an ashtray on the arm of the chair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

~Unknown location~

In the same metal building standing in a dark corner of the same office room stood a woman figure, only able to be noticed as the lightning the lit the sky. She had already taken her time to check the room for any little traps or surprises, not willing trusting the figure who had hired her to do his dirty work for it.

Now staying in the dark corner she had lowered her and closed her eyes, thinking deeply as she stayed leaning against the wall silently waiting. it wasn't until she heard the automatic doors open and light footsteps of a person who entered the room that she moved, though she only lifted her head jut enough to watch the figure who entered the room.
She watched as it started to talk to itself and as it pulled out a cigarette and lit it as it was placed to its lips, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly, she never liked cigarette smoke, though she remained hiding in the dark corner and made no attempts to speak or to attract the attention of the figure, it would call for her when ready.

when the figure sat in its chair and started to laugh she only watched, for a normal being this laugh would have frozen people in place, sent shivers down their spine yet it didn't faze her.
It wasn't to long after than the figure called her out of her hiding place, this was when Storm moved from her position on the wall, entering the dim blue light as it reflected off the helmet that obscured her face completely. She knelt to the ground as if to show respect to this figure, her head lowered as she replied to the figure.

"Yes" Storm said as she got back to her feet "Everything is going as planned"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

- Some where in Greymont -

The Greymont area was nothing but a desert really, The town in Greymont that Cole was staying at for the moment had several tall structures near the edge of town and even more small markets in the center of the town with some averaged sized buildings in between, the sun was high in the sky and beamed down on the city, Cole stood a top one of the several average sized buildings when a fire fight broke out in the street in front of the building.

Cole looked down from the top of the building to see two sides fighting one another." God, this land has more bullets flying, than the guns of the Navarone and WWI combined. I just hope that the meeting spot is safer than this place." Cole said to himself as he jumped to another building." I guess the roof tops will be the safest of all places at the moment, best to keep up high." Right when Cole said that a rocket blew up half the building that he was about to land on and caused him to fall to the ground into the makeshift war zone. Bodies piled up in the peaceful city streets of Greymont, bodies from both sides.

Cole landed in a back alley on a pile of bodies that grave robbers were stealing from, he looked down to the bodies to see both the bodies of the soldiers from both sides," Huh, nice job putting a hurt on the other guy's side, not like they didn't get you guys back or anything." Cole commented while the grave robbers began to flee from him. Cole aimed his right arm to the ledge of another building but his grapnel jammed up on him, he slammed a fist into it and groaned." Great, my stuff is broken, I'm hanging out with dead guys and now I'm late to be early and look all cool and mysterious to everyone." Cole said as he got up and smacked the bottom sides of his trench coat to get rid of any dust or blood that may have gotten on him.

He put his hands into his pockets and walked out the back alley and stood in the middle of the alley way leading out to the dusty sand covered streets, the fighting was still going on like he thought, Cole looked out from the safety of the alley way to see a group of well armed soldiers killing lesser soldiers with horrible weapons." Man I'd make a killing out here if I didn't have something bigger to do." Cole said to himself. The white haired man crouched and tried to stay low as he walked out into the fire fight.

The moment when he got out on the street and began to sneak through the fire fight to the rendezvous point, a large A.P.C broke through a building behind Cole further down the street, on top of it was a large cannon from a tank, the cannon aimed at one of the side of troops and blew them away in a single shot, when it turned on Cole, he decided to turn tail and run from the A.P.C on foot, the A.P.C began to chase after Cole down the street as the faction siding with the tank began to fire on Cole from across the street, but luckily none of them were lucky enough to hit him while he was moving.

The white haired guy ducked down another commodious alley way and the giant A.P.C managed to squeeze it's self down the alley following him, it blocked off the end it was coming from as it followed him, Cole kept running as a soldier from inside the A.P.C popped up from a hatch like a gopher, he shot at Cole while he ran hitting the white haired man in the back several times before having to reload. Cole looked back as the guy returned with a larger gun, then he spotted something that could end the chase, the soldier had a grenade attached to his vest, Cole unholstered his magnum and fired under his shoulder and hit the grenade's pin on his first shot, the grenade landed inside of the A.P.C and exploded in three seconds.

When the A.P.C was in flaming ruins, Cole noticed that the way back was blocked by the A.P.C and the only way he could go was forward, he followed the only way he could go till he met a large set of wooden doors, Cole had no other choice but to open them and on the other side was oddly enough the rendezvous point for everyone, sadly he was the only one here. The area was filled with civilians wearing off white and black garbs, the point where they were all to meet at was a cease fire zone, all of them were suppose to meet up at the fountain in the cease fire zone, but only Cole was here first.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greymont cease fire zone

Of the many people flocked towards the safety of the cease fire zone, a few carried some supplies with them with the intent to sell and trade goods there rather than compete with other merchants in the market places. One of these would be merchants was Sebastion lockleer, who had taken the opportunity provided by the chaos to set up a little trading station on a large tarp. The tarp itself was covered in all sorts of meats, skins, furs, and tools made from bone, "Get your goods here! Half off for the next hour only! I've got pelts from all corners of the globe! Get 'em here folks!" Sebastian called out as he held up a bright red pelt. A few people looked his way every now and then, and one or two even stopped to purchase something, but on a whole Sebastian was largely ignored. "Give it up Seb, no one's gonna buy your pelts right now, too much shit's going down." A coarse voice called out from behind Sebastion. The Aqueous native sighed and turned to face the sneering visage of his older brother, "Perhaps they would be more willing to come for a closer look if you didn't skulk about like some sort of criminal, Jacque.".

Jacque rolled his eyes and spat on the ground, "It ain't my fault that everyone here's fuckin' spinless!" the elder brother snarled, being sure to buck at a passerby to emphasize his point, "I keep telling you, you'll find a hell of a lot more cash in the fighting rings with me. We could split the profits right down the middle.. Sebastian sighed and shook his head, "We've been through this before. You know I don't like fighting, especially not for profit.". "You'll come around in time, trust me. Eventually you'll come to find hunting beasts boring and realize there's a lot more sport in fighting somethin' as smart as you are." "I don't hunt for sport brother, you know that...", "Oh please, don't you sit here and bullshit me. We both know that some part of you enjoys the thrill. Otherwise you would've been an egghead like pa wanted. Just you wait and see, sooner or later you'll be joining me in the ring and making real money.".

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Greymont: edge of the cease fire zone
Tovo was paceing on the street, it was nearly deserted most of the people were closer to the center of the zone, he was there because some of the people had pooled together their money and asked him to guard the area and keep the fighting from spilling into the cease fire zone. He heard combat getting closer and turned readying his rifle and looking down the street to see if the fighting would move away when suddenly a white haired guy being chased by an A.P.C and a unit of soldiers appeared around the corner, as the guy ran into an alley the A.P.C followed but the soldiers had begun moving on Tovo, some of them went for cover as a few started shooting at him the bullets hit his armor and he returned fire killing three that were in the open, then the ones in cover began shooting, he turned using the armor on his left as a shield as he switched the mode on his rifle and returned fire again, this time plasma rounds detroyed the cover the two soldiers were hiding behind, blasting through it and killing them, he switched modes back and took a few steps right as he continued fireing at the soldiers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Greymont:Near Cease Fire Zone
Aki stood on a building looking around. He knew he was close to the cease fire zone. He was unfamilar with this area and was still working out where everything was. He then heard a building get blown up. He looked at it in time to see that the building was pretty much destroyed. He put his helmet back on and jumped of the building he was on so he wouldnt be on it idif it was targetted next. He walked down the alley he was in until he got to the end. Be looked up and down the street to see if it was safe. It wwasn't and he didn't plan on turning back. He drew his .45 and checked the bullets. He took aim at the closest soldier and shot. It was a clean shot through the eye and the man was down. He used the confusion as a chance to run. He only had a brief moment and he finally saw the cease fire zone and the soildiers were attacking it. So he stopped running and started fighting the soilders. The cease fire zone couldnt be breached it was helping many people out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The african savanna was silent and black, night had fallen upon the rolling grasslands, the void of black prompted cover for any predator to strike. Low boot-steps of a bipedal humanoid male could be heard off in the distance,heavy breaths for oxygen carrying a slight echo through the plains. The male seemed to have been in some sort of distress, something must have been chasing him. His searching eyes passed over the tall grass at a constant pace, as if something was in fact there but what?

Traces of moonlight illuminated a grey scaled creature that looked to be just 4 feet meters in height, speeding through the brush. The male gasped in fear, turning suit to run as a means to escape whatever it was facing, not taking the chance to stand his ground against it. The grey toned beast began to take shape as it exploded from the clearing, emerging from the blackness was a very large dog-like beast, its skin looked plated and heavily armored to the tail's tip. His eyes focused on the muzzle of the hound as he glanced behind himself, its teeth were pointed like small daggers, accompanied with a pair of upper and lower saber-like teeth. He looked at the clawed paws it displayed, hooked like a big cats and probably just as sharp, he also noticed back claws that he wasn't sure he wanted to know were for. He was intimidated and gripped by fear, this thing was massive, he had never encountered anything like this before it took slow steps toward him as he slowed his movement and backpedal, snarling and baring its teeth within the mix. As it got closer, he noticed its eyes, a light blue, a color that prompted blindness, but he knew better than to think it couldn't see. Claws extended from its large paws like individual switchblades, the beast let out a threatening hiss. The whip-like tail of the creature swished from side to side, the man had locked eyes with a dangerous predator.

In what seemed like an instant, the beast's jaws were around his ankle, slowly crushing the bones with a powerful bite force. The male's struggle proved fruitless as his ankle was effortlessly snapped, suggesting that the predator was only prolonging the suffering, his screaming. As the man hit the ground, he attempted to draw the pistol at his side, shakily aiming it at the dog-like creature. Before he could get the chance to squeeze the trigger, an gloved hand gripped the barrel of the sidearm, another at his wrist, twisting his hand in an uncomfortable position, dislocating it in the worst way, his screams continuing as he groan. His frantic eyes locking on the one who disarmed him, a man who had donned a white suit knelt above him, a firm grip on his wrist still, the true hunter made himself known to his prey. "Harris Cain, charged with smuggling weapons to the insurgent force terrorizing Greymont." The suited male spoke in an altered metallic voice, aiming his prey's handgun at him, squeezing the trigger and ending his hunt in one loud shot of the pistol, holstering it to his calf. A low pitch range in his ear as someone chimed in, a woman with a tone of authority. 'Agent....you're needed again...' There had been something beginning to light up the area where the two were present, something unnatural. A swirling purplish black mass, it looked like a rip leading to the Greymont ground zero. Without hesitation, both man and best strode through, his feet skidding on the ground as he came to a stop, his blade immediately being drawn with his right hand, his handgun in his left. His attention locked on an armored vehicle, dropping its ramp and unloading troops armed to the teeth by the looks of it. Another chime range within his ear. 'You have your orders agent, execute.." The mystery female spoke, a hand gesture signaled his hound to attack, with a low snarl the large beast charged forward, rounds bouncing and sparking off of its armor plated skin, only making it angrier. The hunter rushed the fire team, his blade carving through their weapons within swift motions, leaving them disarmed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 7 days ago

Greymont: outside the ceasefire zone

The wind blows through the tree's calmly, it's quite.

A small bird flaps it wings gracefully as it lands on a small branch of a tree, it looks around, it's head jerking slightly to see around it. The bird flaps it's wings once as it quickly hops to a branch higher up and pecks an insect it spotted, devouring it in seconds. The bird lets out a chirp as it looks around, without warning it quickly looks to it's right before it spastically flaps it wings in a panic as it flies away as fast as it can, just a second later the tree becomes enveloped in a plume of flames from a ground shaking explosion.

The sounds of gunfire begin to come to life as battle cries echo through the forest, bullets go whizzing by, hitting tree's causing them to splinter or fall from being cut down by the hail of bullets being back and forth. A loud BANG rings out over the battle field as a large heavily armored vehicle fire's it's main cannon while plowing down tree's as it advances, the shot fired goes off into the tree's exploding seconds later only to be followed by the cries of agony from survivors of the blast. As the battle rages on an armored figure watches from a good distance away from behind the cover of a fairly large tree.

"...fighting this close to the ceasefire zone, what are they thinking? don't any of them care above the innocent civilians..."

The figure asks with irritation in it's tone as it continues on it's way, trying to avoid the battle. As the figure continues onward the sound of battle slowly fades from it's ear's, only the soft crunching of twigs and leaves under it's armored feet as it continues towards the ceasefire zone. The walk becomes peaceful in a sense, the faint sound of gunfire can be barely heard, but easily ignored, as the armored figure continues forward a slight shuffle of movement happens a few dozen yards away, a faint twinkle of light is all the armored being needs as warning. A shot rings out the barrel end of a sniper rifle and in seconds it's quickly approaching it's target, narrowly missing branches and tree's as the round sails through the air, as it closes the distance, in what seems like slow motion the armored being goes into a crouching position just ducking under the sniper round while reaching behind itself and pulling out a sniper rifle of it's own, in what seemed like a second the armored being had ducked under the snipers shot, got into a crouching position and pulled out a sniper rifle, quickly leveling it to the aggressor while looking down the scope.

The aggressor looks through his scope in disbelief as his shot that was right on target misses by literally inches, but in the time he had came back from disbelief to take aim once more, a loud bang rang out before a spray of red painted the tree behind the sniper as his body goes limp. The armored being stares for a few seconds before standing up strait while putting it's sniper rifle on it's back, the weapon collapsing in on itself to take up less space with the other compact weapons, the armored being continues onwards towards the ceasefire zone.

"something tells me I'm in for a surprise if snipers have dug themselves in this close to the ceasefire zone..."

The armored being states as it walks further into the forest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aki drew his sword as he ran towards the incoming soldiers. He may be fighting alone but he can fight well. His armor could protect him from a good amount of the attacks. He took aim with his revolver and fired his remaining 5 shots into 5 soldiers. Once his gun was empty he slide it back into its holster. The other soldiers started firing at him before he fired all 5 shots. He used his katana to deflect some and his armor protected against the others. He reached the soldier line and started slicing into as many soldiers as he could. Aki knew he wouldnt be able to fight them all off. However he could hold them off long enough for reinforcements could come to help him out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lexzah
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Lexzah The lazy Assassin

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The fighting in Greymont had been going on for nearly a week with no signs of stopping, the rebels pushing hard against the military force it almost seemed that they were winning, the battle has decimated nearly half the small town and was drawing dangerously close to the ceasefire zone. For every bomb that went off debris could be seen landing on the outer edge of the ceasefire zone, the gun shots and shouting sounded closer and closer as each day past.
However, recently the Military had gained reinforcements while the rebels were losing supplies and soldiers fast, they were being pushed back out of the city, and on this day they forced to retreat. The rebels had lost this battle and lost any advantages they had by losing their ground in Greymont, all to quickly the gunshots died down and the debris stopped flying, leaving nothing but smoke and rubble, bodies from both sides littered the battle field. Silence suddenly fell over the city leaving all those fighting on either side or their own side, standing in a deathly silent broken city.

Sitting above the cliff that towered over Greymont sat a dark haired girl, her legs swinging over the cliffside as she gazed down to the town with large purple eyes, she seemed so sweet and innocent she seemed as she hummed to herself quietly, her eyes lighting up when she noticed that the fighting had stopped.
"Oh it seems that they stopped, finally! This means that I can go down there" She exclaimed loudly to herself as she leaped up, but she then stopped "How do I get down there from up here?" The girl placed her finger to her lips, a look of wonder upon her face, her one angels wing that was tucked up close to her back wasn't able to carry her weight, so walking along the cliff it would have to be, until she found a way down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The bombings stopped and the rebels were retreating. Aki sheathed his sword and reloaded his gun. Then he headed toward the cease-fire zone. He knew he would be late for the meeting if he didn't hurry. So he rushed to the meeting point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 13 days ago

The sounds of combat faded as the rebels withdrew from the city. when the combat finally died down Tovo put his rifle on his back, checked his armor systems, and turned to head into the cease-fire zone toward the meeting point by the fountain when another armored figure rushed into the zone, one he hadn't noticed during the combat. he silently wondered if they were headed to the meeting as well.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aki continued to run toward the meeting point. He didn't stop until he arrived there. Once he did he looked around to see if he saw the group but he only saw one person from the group there. So he walked over to him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As the waiting began to get longer and longer, Cole almost fell a sleep waiting for the others, it felt like the others weren't coming at all." Maybe this time around I get to save the day on my own, or they could have been killed in the warzones." Cole sighed and stood up putting his hands into his coat pockets. But then his hope for the team arriving was restored when someone showed up, the white haired man noticed Aki as he drew closer to him.

Cole turned to the well dressed person that approached him." Well I'm glad that someone came, but I just hope that it's not just us, taking down this big threat, I hope you don't mind, but I won't really get into what this is about till everyone else shows up, so I won't have to explain everything twice." Cole explained to Aki." My Name's Cole by the way." He added.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 7 days ago

Heavy footsteps could be heard coming from the ceiling, they seemed to be heading towards the way Aki had entered, then a blur of movement could be seen as an armored being dropped down from the roof of the building and landed with a heavy thud. As the armored being stood up it turned around and looked to Aki and Cole while holding an assault rifle, as the armored being began to walk towards them it holstered the rifle on it's back.

"sorry I'm late..."

The armored being said to them as he stopped walking and stood near them.

"I hope we're not the only ones who made it through the warzone, whatever we're going to do might take more than three people"

It said as it crossed it's arms.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The masked agent ripped his claws from the throat of a soldier, his pearled white suit had been covered in blood at the upper body as if a red mist came against him, blackened blood and lighter shades dotting his torso, his hands drenched and dripping the liquid. Panning behind him, his Phage-Hound viciously snarled as it tore into the mutilated body of a soldier, its hide was layered in a fresh coat of crimson red, its muzzle caked with bits of flesh and dried blood. Shredded and dismembered bodies formed a trail of destruction forged by this mysterious agent and his pet. The asphalt around the male was littered with bodies and painted in blood. "Good work, agent...conducting wire transfer, now.." The monotone female voice spoke, sounding to be a woman to be in her early or mid 30s judging by the voice. This stranger seemed to have a great connection on her side, who she was or what her motives were had yet to be seen or heard. But so long as she payed him as she did, he'd follow promptly.

The audible tearing of flesh was all but subtle in the section they had been in, that was when he noticed, things were finally quiet, thankfully the fighting had ceased, which meant he could go and reconstitute. "Agent, there is a small congregation of unknown persons in the area. Deal with it.." The stranger spoke, her voice was authoritative, like she owned him and all he could do was simply obey her, a silent nod was the only action of acknowledgement from him as he strode off, using the still standing buildings to get to his targets faster. His trusted hound followed street level, his eyes locked onto four humanoid shapes. You have your orders, agent...terminate. The stranger ordered the agent, who obeyed without question, silently dropping to the asphalt with a silent thud. He and his hound began to approach the group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aki nodded to what Cole said. Then a thud came from beside Aki and the man who made the thud walked over toward him and Cole. He looked at the man in the armor and said "I agree there should be more people coming. I am Aki btw nice to meet you both." He looked at Cole and said "I'm also sorry for being late."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

When the heavy guy dropped the sound of him concealed the stranger's presence, but it didn't cover the smell of blood that lingered on him and his hound, Cole acted nonchalant and kept his cool." Nice to meet you two, Name's Cole big guy, and I agree, I hope it's not just us. But if it is then we'll need to end this quickly." Cole told the two.

The second the stranger and his hound began to get closer to them, Cole spun around to them and aimed his grapnel launcher at the hound and launched the titanium hook at the hound not intending to hurt the creature, but to ensnare it with the grapnel's wire, he quickly drew his magnum and aimed the gun at the stranger's forehead with the laser making a red dot on his head, Cole didn't have his finger in the trigger guard he stared down the stranger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stryder


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The Phage-Hound quickly reacted to the oncoming attack, jumping out of the way, roaring in defiance as he armored plates flared up like spikes, making her look bigger than she already was. The agent drew his blade, bullets weren't an issue to him, not even the slightest. Quickly the agent dashed forward, engaging the plasma function on the blade and striking in an upward diagonal motion from his opponent's hip to their shoulder, aiming to sear a deep wound into the male's chest. Meanwhile, the Phage-Hound began barking aggressively at the others, her claws extending and digging into the asphalt like knives to butter as her tail whipped around dangerously
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 7 days ago

The armored being listened to the introductions, nodding to them in response, but as Cole began to talk about the lack of people showing up, he seemed distracted, looking away from the two there slightly. Unknown to Cole and Aki, under the beings helmet was a motion sensor, and the armored being was picking up two signatures heading towards them, but he didn't think it a threat, he believed it might have been one of the others who was meant to meet them here. The armored being almost reached for one of his weapons when Cole spun around and fired a grappling hook at one of the two beings that he had picked up on his motion sensor, then Cole had a magnum aimed at the stranger who was with the hound.

The armored being didn't know what to do, he thought this could be another team member, but something about his got Cole riled up, it was then he noticed the blood stains on the stranger.

'all that blood... there's no way he got covered in it in self defence... that man is a killer...'

He thought to him self as he slowly grabbed hold of a weapon from his back, pulling out his E.F.G.L and turned the safety off as he held the weapon at ease. Then it happened, the blood covered stranger charged at Cole to attack him, he would have intervened but the Phage-Hound needed to be dealt with first since it was likely that it would attempt to stop him from helping Cole. As the strange charged at Cole, The armored being raised his E.F.G.L and aimed at the Phage-Hound, and fired a shot from it while holding down the trigger, the grenade like shot flew threw the air and bounced off the ground a few times before it rolled towards the animal.

When it got close enough the armored being would release the trigger thus causing the grenade to explode and release a powerful but small electro-magnetic-pulse to stun and or temporarily paralyze the Phage-Hound.
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