Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Day 1

MON Safehouse

*bzzzzt* Hey girls, Smith here! Just wanted to let you know we're en route to deliver the package, so you'd better be decent and make yourselves look presentable! Toodles! *click*

The streets of Okayama-ken

Kyosuke Keita looked out the car window. It was a beautiful morning. The cityscape was bustling and full of life, the people were all marching happily along to the tune of their everyday lives, and the sun was rising bright and cheery in the sky with just the right cloud cover to make it comfortable without being blinding, but his thoughts were dark, stormy and turbulent. A dead man. He was a dead man.

"How the hell did this happen...?"

He thought back to how this had all started. He was just trying to keep his head down! Do a good job! He thought that maybe if he put in a few extra hours at the forensics lab he could get brownie points that'd help him earn his degree a bit faster or help get him a job, but instead he'd gotten caught up in a case involving the extraspecies mafia, and now they were trying to kill him! Someone! Someone was trying to kill him, Kyosuke Keita! Someone very powerful, very mean, and very, very well-armed. The thought of it made him sick to his stomach.

Now he was in protective custody, on the run from literal monsters from a fantasy novel who'd already tried to kill him once by blowing up an entire laboratory full of people. His life was in danger, and what had he even done? Run spectrographs on a few dud lab samples and just happened to figure out something he shouldn't have? How? How had this happened?! How was he supposed to have known?!

Deadened to it all after the fiftieth time he'd asked himself these questions, Kyosuke just kept staring forlornly out the car window, watching unfamiliar street signs and buildings fly by. So far from home... Somehow, all he could think of was "what was he going to tell all his friends and coworkers?" How was he going to cover this up? This could follow him for the rest of his career. The rest of his life, even! Assuming he even had that long to live…

The college sophomore sighed. It’s over. Just end it. Kill me now.

All joking aside, Kyosuke thought about the people he might be able to call for some encouragement, to calm himself down. Not lawyers or anything. Just, y’know, people. Special people. He’d been told that in times like this it was good to get back in contact with family and old friends. A person could usually fall back on their family for support and encouragement during times of stress, but he didn't have something as convenient as that. He lived alone, far away from his father, and his brother. His mother had died long ago, and he didn't know any of his relatives, or whether any of them were even still alive. That, and all his classmates had stopped talking to him after they found out what kind of people he'd gotten involved with (not that it mattered when they were all more than a city's width away). Right now, he was all alone, with no one to support him. Except for...

Except for her... he thought as he looked across the car at the woman in the driver's seat.

Ms. Smith. Bureaucrat. Government agent. Cultural coordinator. Possible American expat? He still couldn't tell.

Whether she was supposed to be helping him or not was a mystery to Kyosuke, considering she was the one who'd gotten him into this mess to begin with, but she was certainly taking his misfortune well either way, humming along to the newest song by ANM48. Reaching for her travel mug with the words “Serious Gourmet Shit” emblazoned on it in English lettering around a parody of the Starbuck’s logo, she took a sip and immediately spat it out the window, sticking out her tongue and pouting.

“Ech, it’s cold!” she whined in stereotypical “fake cutesy” behavior.

Is she… really a government agent? Kyosuke wondered. He couldn’t help but feel a little concerned for his future.

"Ummmm... Hey Smith?" he asked. "Where are we going?"

He didn't receive an answer though. He frowned. "Smith... Mis. Smith... Smith-san!"

"Hm?" she said, only now paying attention to him. "What is it, Kyo-chan?"

"Uhhh..." Kyosuke stuttered. He'd told her not to call him by that embarrassing nickname. "D-Do you know where we're going? I've asked you before but you've never said anything, and this looks way out of the way. Are we in Okayama prefecture right now?"

"Of course I know where we're going. What, you getting homesick already?" Smith asked teasingly. "I thought you were more of a man than that, Kyo-chan~"

Caught off-guard by the government agent's flirtatious behavior, Kyosuke blushed. "I wish you'd stop calling me that..." he mumbled, but Smith either didn't hear him, or chose to ignore him.

"It's a safehouse, designated property of Monster Ops: Neutralization," she said, suddenly becoming very serious. We're using it as our base of operations for the time being. You'll be safe there. Protected. At least until this whole thing with Boss Kairou blows over."

"And... how long will that be?" Kyosuke asked tentatively.

"Who knows! Could be never!" Smith said, far too cheerfully.

Kyosuke's face was drained of all color, and he went white with shock.

"... I think I'm about to have a panic attack, Smith-san..."

"Ah come on, cheer up!" she said, patting him on the back. "Being in protective custody isn't so bad! They give you free food and housing! You even get your own case manager, and since those shitty tightwad penny pinchers never give us any more goddamn money, we're going to get to spend a lot more time together! Now doesn't that make you feel better, Kyo-chan? Spending time with a beautiful older woman? A lot of boys your age would kill to be in your position!"

"Now I think I'm gonna throw up..."

MON Safehouse

After some fresh air and two stops to empty his panicking stomach all over the side of the street, they finally pulled up to the safehouse, a new but so far unfinished and unfurnished studio apartment, large for its size but still rather small for something that was supposed to hold five plus people.

"You good now, Kyo-chan?" Ms. Smith said, still patting him on the back.

Kyosuke coughed, his mouth still sour with bitter anxiety bile. "Yeah, I'm feeling much better now. Thanks, Smith-san."

He wiped his mouth off on his jacket sleeve. How long had it been since he'd last had an anxiety attack like that? Two days in and this "trip" to the country-side was already ruining him.

"By the way, Smith-san?" he asked. "I've been curious about this. Ummm... what kind of people are these MON guys? You haven't told me anything about them. They must be amazing, right? To go up against extraspecies criminals with such scary abilities... you know I saw an orc flip a car on the news once, right? A car!"

Smith considered this. "Well they're certainly amazing, and unique. We wouldn't have picked them for such an important job otherwise. Though I'm beginning to wonder if it was such a good idea giving them to you..."

"Yeah, but I've been wondering. The Interspecies Exchange Bill says that humans can't harm extraspecies. So how does MON operate then?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" Smith smiled as she opened the door. "MON is all extraspecies girls. That's why we call them 'Monster Ops'."

"Wait, what?!"

"Yup! So why don'tcha get in there and meet 'em!" Smith said, grabbing his wrist and tossing him through the doorway like luggage. He tumbled to the ground, rolling across the floor. Such brute strength!

"Sorry I can't stick around for introductions but they need me back at the office! I'll see you later, Kyo-chan! Toodles!~"

"Wait! Smith-san!" he yelled back. "Smith-san! You didn't say anything about-"

But the door slammed. And that was it. Kyosuke reached for the door with his hand outstretched like some tragic war hero in a movie.

Damn you Smith-san!!!

Kyosuke turned around slowly to face the seemingly empty apartment. He swallowed hard, dry saliva passing a lump in his throat with an uncomfortable motion. He didn't like to think of himself as a prejudiced person. He didn't want to judge them harshly without even getting to know them first. But that didn't, couldn't change the fact that, in that moment, Kyosuke was afraid.

The last three years had not passed him by unnoticed. The ways the world had changed... he'd seen it all on the news, or through the internet. Of the kind of damage and violence, intentional or otherwise, that extraspecies could inflict. He briefly remembered the day he'd passed by a crime scene on his way to the lab and thought to himself that a bomb must have gone off, only to later learn from one of his coworkers that it had been the result of a scuffle between law enforcement and an out-of-control draconewt that had resulted in the deaths of five people. Stories like this were commonly passed along by mutual friends through word of mouth in parts of the country where extraspecies exchange students weren't as common. It was second-hand information to be sure, but it told him enough. Intentionally or not, extraspecies had the capacity for incredible acts of violence against baseline humans, and against each other, and once it started, it was hard not to get swept up in it.

He got back up on his feet, trembling with trepidation. He felt his heart-rate and breathing rise as a dark pit grew in his stomach. Images of unspeakable carnage, both real and imagined, played out in his head. This was bad. He tried to get a grip on himself. Relax, Kyosuke. You're having a panic attack. Just relax. They're here to protect you, not hurt you. That's why Smith sent you here in the first place. You wouldn't be here if they thought you'd be in any danger or that they wanted to hurt you.

His eyes darted frantically around the room, completely out of control. They don't have to want to hurt you, they just will. Between extraspecies and humans, it's just unavoidable.

Shut up! This isn't helping!

You're a dead man, Kyosuke. They're going to kill you. Monster Ops, Night Parade, it's all the same. You're going to die if you stay here. You're going to be killed by monsters.

No no no! Stop thinking about this!

But he did. He wanted to run. He wanted to run outside and demand Smith transfer him somewhere else. Anywhere else. It wasn't because he was racist, he told himself, but because he wasn't used to extraspecies.

Kyosuke took a step forward, then a step back. A step forward, then two steps back. He closed his eyes and remembered to breath, rhythmically trying to soothe his frayed nerves before they consumed him. He just had to do this. Compared to what he'd already been through, everything that had led him up to this point, this was nothing. Just breathe. He just needed to breathe, and to take a step forward.

Kyosuke stopped backing up and walked forward, still gripping his coat, one step at a time. Soon he was back where he started. Then, past that. Still no sign of the team, but that was okay. Maybe... maybe they'd like him more if he said something first?

"U-Ummmm... hello? Is anybody here? This is Kyosuke..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karl Kadaver
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Karl Kadaver Roleplay Zombie

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Charlie scanned the battlefield. While chaos ensued down below, she sat in her perch, high above the carnage and confusion. Her mouth curled into a smirk as she finally found a target: a man wielding dual uzis. He seemed immensely confident in himself as he mowed down every one of her teammates that came for him, gunning them down, one by one. He had no idea that she had him in her sights, it was the perfect time to strike.

She exhaled into her mic, then muttered a few words. "A pity...the last thing to go through your mind will be my bullet." She pulled her trigger, unleashing her 50 caliber payload. The bullet hit its mark, spraying blood and grey matter. Charlie pumped her fist in victory, but before she could get too excited, a voice came over her intercom:


Charlie was taken aback. Before she could retort, she was assaulted by a chorus of, "Yeah, WingedGodded96 is a f**kin camper! Camptastic!"

Ugh, guys, right? They get all butthurt when a girl beats them at their own game. Charlie blew a raspberry into her mic and scoffed, "Well, duh, I'm a sniper!"

*WingedGoddes96 has been kicked*

She threw her controller on the floor. "Oh, come on! Ya know what? Eff you guys!" She then flipped the television her own version of "the bird", and was just about to join a new game when she heard someone enter the house.

"U-Ummmm... hello? Is anybody here? This is Kyosuke..."

Her eyes went wide. She'd completely forgot that her charge would be coming today (despite having received the message from Smith not even an hour ago)! She practically fell over herself to get to the common area of their new apartment.

After a few moments of flapping and falling, she eventually found her charge: Kyo-chan. She stood up and examined him for a little while, her eyes locked on him, taking in his every feature. When she was finally satisfied, she stepped within arm's length of him. She smiled her best non-predatory smile and said, "Hey! Name's Charlie!" She reached behind her head and scratched it with one of her wing talons and added, "I'm sure the others are around here somewhere. You'll be here a while. You like video games?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yui
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Yui licked a raincoat once / (don't do that)

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"How does Smith drink this crap?" Noreen asked herself, her head seated on a table with her body just behind it on a chair. In her hand was a mug of coffee. Noreen for one couldn't stand coffee, but she hadn't gotten much sleep last night, so the caffeine would have to do to keep her up. Noreen for one much preferred rum. At present, she was admiring a picture of a fictional pistol. Firing 13 millimeter custom-made explosive shells with mercury tips, it was 39 centimeters long, 16 kilograms in weight, with 6 rounds per magazine. If only a weapon like this would exist, and if only Noreen could fire it just once. That would be something to look forward to. Maybe it was something she could try getting custom-ordered if she saved up her paychecks?

Pouring the rest of the coffee down her neck to drink it and making a sour expression that spoke volumes of how she didn't like the drink, Noreen picked up her head and made her way to the sink, carrying her head under her right arm and dropping off the mug in the sink. Noreen also made sure to grab a can of beer on the way out of the kitchen. After drinking that crappy coffee, she needed some quick alcohol in her. It would keep her awake, at least long enough to meet the boy that was going to be in their protection from now on. What kind of person was he again? Some kind of science student, right? Neat. Maybe he was into engineering and could be talked into making Noreen some sick new weapon.

"U-Ummmm... hello? Is anybody here? This is Kyosuke..."

Oh, speak of the devil! That would be him now, wouldn't it? And Smith said she could address the boy however she wanted, right? Just don't hurt him, and make sure nobody else does either. Easy. Tucking her head in under her arm just long enough to pop open the beer can before switching back to holding it in her hand, Noreen started moving toward where she heard the voices. Seemed Charlie was pretty quick to show up to this boy's side. That was a harpy for ya, Noreen figured.

"Don't scare the human, Charlie," Noreen grinned once in earshot and the same room. Pouring some of the beer down her throat, the dullahan continued "He's probably jittery after getting almost killed. Man, for somebody to plant a bomb just for one guy..." If only everybody could be so loved. With a friendly nod toward the human boy, the dullahan wrapped up with "Name's Noreen. I'm the weapons expert around here, and I also used dabble in fortune-telling sometimes. You've got a girl out there down the line." Noreen's past expertise in fortune-telling was, of course, a lie.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sublimation
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"U-Ummmm... hello? Is anybody here? This is Kyosuke..."

So this was it. The miserable little human being that Ms. Smith was going to bring. Oh how delightful his misery would be. Just thinking of how this pitiful human would squirm and scream in her grasp was enough to cause Fhalma to shiver with excitement. Already he was so tense and afraid. Seeing anxiety wreathed in this figure's face instincitvely bid Fhalma to touch her drooling tongue with an eager finger.

This one would be wonderful.
This one would give Fhalma all she needed.

Just the thought of imagining the human's eyes bulging in terror as Fhalma freely crushed his memories and painted them with shades of abject despair sent a shiver that shook Fhalma to her core. Grasping her arms together, Fhalma began breathing deeply, eyes closed in rapture at the fantasy. Already the faint traces of fear from the human had caused her body to produce sustenance, but this was not enough. Not nearly enough. She needed more.

More. More. More. More. More.

The thought pounded through Fhalma's head incessantly. It took a sizable amount of mental restraint to stifle these thoughts, but when Fhalma did so she appeared to be the very image of a dutiful woman. Her complexion that was previously distorted by ecstatic anticipation had instantly smoothed into a reserved, calm face with but the hint of a distinctly sinister smile. After all, she had a duty to carry out. If she could not guard this human, then she would be a failure to her designated assignment, which kept her out of trouble with the law. Still, Fhalma wondered whether leaving this human comatose in an endless nightmare would serve as the best protection. He wouldn't be able to move out into danger anymore then right?

With this brilliant idea swirling through her head, Fhalma emerged from a corridor and slithered towards the human. Her hands were clasped and rested at her abdomen in polite gesture, while her head as slightly bowed in meek poise. Her body was currently mimicking a maid's uniform, albeit it was quite obvious from her alien physiology that her clothes were simply extensions of her figure. Fhalma was not only obsessed with her hunger, but also with a sense of duty. And what better image was there that exemplified duty than that of a studious maid? Taking inspiration, Fhalma modeled her actions after the mannerisms of what her distorted mentality believed to be the ideal maid.

"Fufu. Hello Kyosuke. My name is Fhalma, and I will be hear to wring out your sanit- ah my apologies. I mean that I shall be hear by your side as your guardian as such was the duty assigned to me. I hope we can get along very well."

Fhalma ended her sentence by licking her lips, her eyes gazing straight into Kyosuke's with devious intent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

Oh this was going to be so much fun! A new person! Human even, they were always so easy to fall for things. Oh how much fun there was to be had in the near future. . . In fact, she could hear him coming!

"U-Ummmm... hello? Is anybody here? This is Kyosuke..."

"Ohhhhh, he's here!" Kirino exclaimed to herself. She hurried the construction on her small traps around the kitchen. Nothing bad really. Small little tripwires to cause small little ballon pops and the best of all. . . well, it would be if it were finished. Just a little something to "tie" him up for a minute or so. Anyhow, it was time to head out to "greet" him. Not like she normally looked like of course. If one had the powers, they would of course mess with everyone! Or maybe that was just Kirino. . . Regardless, it was time to take action.

Soon, Ms. Smith came out from the kitchen with a coffee mug in hand, it even has the name of that one new idol group with those Extraspecies girls. "Yo, Kyo-chan. Having fun with the girls? You look it." Kirino did her damnedest to keep her laughter in. It was going well. . . Until she forgot about-- *slam* "Owie." Kirino muttered after falling flat on her face with a poof of smoke rising from the crash site. After it settled. . . There she was, Kirino the Tanuki girl holding out a mug above her head so it didn't break. "That hurts this one." She looked up from to ground towards the others, and twisted her head to the side, embarrassed.

The Tanuki felt standing up would be a good idea at this point, "Ahem. . . Kyosuke-kun? This one is called Kirino." She introduced herself whilst dusting off her traditional looking outfit. "A pleasure to be sure." After her quick introduction she turned to the other members of MON. "I can't believe you all would start things without this one." Her face was more joking that serious at the least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Okay, a harpy. That was something he could deal with. Probably. No biggie. He'd seen harpies all the time on the television. They made sense. Humanoids with talons, scales, wings instead of arms, and light, hollow bones for flight. They were just like angels.

Yeah, Kyosuke reminded himself. Just think of it like that. Harpies. Angels. Fantasy novels. Put it into the context of something you're familiar with. That always helps.

This one was a lot taller than he was expecting, though. Plus she seemed a bit more, uhh... ermmm... well-developed than some of the harpies he'd seen being interviewed on tv. Wait, he remembered this. She was a Raptor Harpy. He had, at one point, considered signing up for the Interspecies Cultural Exchange to study abroad (before you were almost murdered by an extraspecies, the unhelpful little voice in the back of his head reminded him), so he had to have done his research on this. They were specialized meat-eaters who'd adapted to a protein-rich diet that allowed their bodies and minds to mature past other harpies. That meant they had larger bodies with more defined muscles that could lift their bulk, but in exchange they were specialized for hunting, and... could only eat... meat...

Kyosuke shook his head. No! Don't think like that! I'm sure she's just fine. I mean, she looks like she's nice enough...

"Ummm... hi. My name's Kyosuke," he said. He held out his hand for a handshake but then immediately pulled it back when he remembered she didn't have opposable thumbs. "Yeah, I like videogames. But uh, I usually play RPGs..."

That's when his second caretaker entered the room, and to Kyosuke's dismay, this was yet another thing he could easily put into the context of something else. It was just too bad he didn't like that something else any better than what he was already seeing now.

Dullahan. Headless Horseman

His mind raced. Head. Shoulders. Detached. Neck. Shouldn't be alive. Dead. Undead. Dead. Doesn't make sense. This didn't make sense! He was a forensics science major, dammit! He’d heard about this before but everything he knew about chemistry and biology said this wasn't possible! And it was really freaking him out! And why was she pouring beer down her neck stump?!

He snapped out of it when she reached out to shake his hand. Carefully, he accepted.

"It's uh, nice to meet you... Noreen..." he said awkwardly. "Is that uhh... is that true?"

He unconsciously registered the presence of a pulse as he shook her hand. She clearly wasn't actually dead. Somehow her body was still operating without her head. There had to be some kind of explanation for this. Maybe her head could only remain detached or "on ice" for a short amount of time before it needed to be reattached, or maybe the head and the body were actually two separate organisms... There was so much they still didn't know about extraspecies that there had to be some rational explanation for this, but it would be impossible to know unless he was allowed to examine her and ask her some questions. But there was no way he was doing that!

Kyosuke heard a sort of slippery, squishing noise, and that's when his pitiful gods of rationality and logic died. With her, Fhalma the maid-slime.

Is... is that a Shoggoth? was all he could remember thinking. That and She isn't even trying to pretend she doesn't want to kill me, followed by Oh hey, vagina dentata...

Kyosuke’s detached thoughts were only one way of saying he was in shock. If anything here made absolutely no sense and violated every known theory of biology and the laws of physics, it was her. She had no visible brain, no internal organs or organelles, spoke without any known means of vocalization, and could transform her body into maid clothes for some reason.

"Is she-" he barely said before being interrupted again.

Oh god what now?

After a dullahan then a Shoggoth of all things, Kyosuke was expecting the worst. That's why it was almost relieving to see Ms. Smith walk out of the kitchen, even though he knew there was no possible way she should be there after watching her walk out the door. At least now he knew he was insane.


Shapeshifters. That was it. That was the only explanation. One of them was a shapeshifter. It was officially all black magic and elves down here. Kyosuke felt light-headed.

"Sorry, but I think I'm checking out. Wake me up when I'm not in Skyrim anymore..." he said, shortly before falling over and fainting, his eyes turning into tiny white saucer plates. A little ghost hovered around his mouth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kirino stood up and put the mug on a nearby surface. . . Before Kyosuke fainted! "H-hey!" Kirino expressed with shock across her face. "Why'd he faint?" She asked the others with worry written on her face. She hadn't exactly expected him to pass out like. . . For whatever reason it was he passed out. "Maybe we should. . . Uhhh. . . Take him to a bed, let him rest a bit?" With out even letting any of the others reply she picked up the boy and started moving him in a princess carry. "This one shall take him. He's not too heavy." As she started to take him to a bed, she turned back to add something. "Can someone get him a glass of water from the kitchen? He might need it." Of course, she remembered the little set up of ballons and other things in the kitchen and was hoping that whoever it was that went in there would at the least activate her set of traps.

Kirino set down Kyosuke on a bed and just watched him and waited for the others to follow. . . Or pop a trap. "Shi-shi-shi." She giggled slightly imagining what the reaction would be for the poor soul in the kitchen should the traps go off. That aside. . . Would now be a good time to try to pull another prank on the kid? He did just faint, so maybe it would be best to just lay off for the moment. Yes, that was probably the best idea. . . For now. . . Then again, there was a chance laying in wait. If nothing else, the boy seemed to respond well to Smith. . . Perhaps he'd respond to a little bit more. . .

The first thing she did was put Kyosuke under the covers. The second step was the act of transforming into Smith yet again. Smith was the only person that she knew that her target really knows, it worked out. After a poof of smoke she looked like the government agent Smith and lightly undid her jacket, climbing into bed with Kyosuke and holding his arm into her chest, waiting for the moment he woke up. She couldn't help but wonder what he would do when he saw the coordinator holding on to his arm like that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karl Kadaver
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Karl Kadaver Roleplay Zombie

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Charlie threw up her wings in frustration. "Great! Kirino killed him!" She kicked an imaginary can with her talon while she sulked, "Now we won't get paid. I knew I should've become a contract killer..."

This was right about the time that Kirino asked if anyone would get the boy some water. Charlie's head sprang up. Something she could do! "Sure! I'm on it!"

In her haste, she didn't see the tripwires. As soon as she entered the kitchen, she heard the pop of a small balloon. *POP!* She instinctively recoiled from the blast, tripping another wire. *POP* And like a domino professional, Charlie managed to trip Every. Single. Trap.

And she hadn't even gotten to the fridge yet.

Before long, Charlie found herself suspended from the ceiling, wings pinned to her sides, and her talons above her head, and covered in bits of rubber from the balloons. She struggled a bit, causing her to merely sway from side to side.

After spitting a piece of balloon out, she called out to the others. "Hey! A little help?" She strained toward the refrigerator. "I'm so close!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
Avatar of Turboshitter

Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kyosuke felt something soft brush up against him. Was it a pillow? His eyes flickering back into consciousness underneath tired, deep-set hoods, he instinctively curled up next to the soft, warm pillow and buried his face in it. It was warmer than he thought.

Time to go to sleep... and forget all about this. About MON, about the bomb... about Boss Kairou, and definitely about Ms. Smith-

He thought he heard someone breathing, and then he felt his pillow rise and fall with the motion. His eyes shot open, sending a 600 volt shock straight to his heart.

Breasts. He had totally buried his face in breasts. He looked up.

"Gah!!?!" he yelped, jerking back. "S-S-S-Smith-san?!? What are you-"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pyromania99
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Pyromania99 Double-edged Austerity

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Kyo-chan." Kiri-Smith said, "You're just so cute when you're flustered like that." She pulled the boy out of her breasts and held him at "eye level" as much as one can call it that laying down. "So, have you ever been kissed before?" She continued and gave him quite the ravishing look as she moved her head closer to him. "Now, now. . . Have you ever thought about having one with an older woman?" She was happy for whatever excessive reactions he would give, even more so with how slowly she was moving to a eventual kiss if she were not stopped and her hand went to carressing the boy's head as she continued moving closer and closer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yui
Avatar of Yui

Yui licked a raincoat once / (don't do that)

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seemed the crew was more than this human could handle. Boy just went and collapsed on the spot. Kirino had asked if anyone would get the boy a glass of water, too; for when he woke up no doubt. Just as well. Noreen was probably going to want to grab another beer before long anyway, and there was no reason she couldn't multitask. Propping her head up on her shoulders and swigging down the remainder of her current can's contents afterwards, Noreen was just about to voice her willingness to grab the water.

Charlie beat her to it by the blink of an eye. Could she even carry a glass of water with those wings?

Well, if she thought she could get it done, that was fine by Noreen. Nothing quite wrong with trying, after all. And if Charlie botched it up, then Noreen would--

*POP!* *POP!* *POP, POP, POP!*

Noreen immediately switched gears. Tossing the empty can aside (not without intent to pick it up later, of course; what kind of barbarian just throws beer cans around?), Noreen shoved the toes of her right boot into the floor, causing a knife to pop out of the boot in the process and catching it as it got in her arm's reach, Noreen darted for the kitchen. If they'd somehow or another been found this soon, it would be bad news for Kyosuke...Noreen needed something else to call that boy. Of course, carving through waves of enemies sounded like a vacation to Noreen, but this was a job to protect a guy, so...

"Hey! A little help?" It appeared they were in fact not under attack. That was just Charlie. Somehow, not only did she botch it up, but she botched it up before even reaching the fridge. Only a harpy, Noreen thought to herself. "I'm so close!"

"Fine, hold still," the dullahan said, approaching where her harpy co-worker was tied up and hanging from the ceiling upside-down. Noreen even conveniently had a knife in her hand already. First step was to undo the ropes tying down Charlie's wings. They were cut through fairly easy with the combat knife in Noreen's hands. Double-checking for any additional ropes and cutting them where they were found, Noreen said "Get ready to fall" before cutting the last one; the rope holding Charlie up on the ceiling. Hopefully she'd be able to react fast enough to not fall on her head.

Well, that was that. Opening up the fridge and grabbing both a bottle of water and a can of beer, Noreen held the former out toward Charlie. "This is what you're after, right?"
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