Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Avery relaxed in her bed as she listened to what they had to saw and she felt embaressed by it and lsitened to what Roland had to say and sighed. "He wants to ask you to see if it is ok if you guys could foster me." Avery said to Mr. Noonan as she looked down. "Roland offered to have your family foster me but I said as long as yo were ok with it for I did not want to intrude or anything. Avery finished explaining to MR. Noonan. "If you can't its ok the officer said there are places that cna take me its just not in this city." Avery said to him not trying to make him feel bad.

She then pulled the blankets up for she was starting to freeze a bit as she sat there and wnated her crtins open to let the sunlight warm her but since tthe press was also at her window that was not a possibility.

Soon voics were heard outside her window of omeone tryng to unlock her window and she pushed the nurse button and she came back. "I think someone is triyng to break the lock to my window." Avery said as shte nurse sighed and called over and officer and he came in as the nurse moved anotehr curtain to block the beds veiw. The officer opened the curtains and screams were heard frm the press for they did not expect to see tthe officer.

He opened the window. "I.D.s and name ofcompany you work fr now and try to run we will arrest you. He said and the two handed over the stuff and he wrote them a big fine and ggave them the ticket and they rushed off. The over relocked the window and closed the curtin. "Sorry about that." He siad as he left an the nurse moved the crtain arund the bed back and left the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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Seeing that Roland couldn’t reply to Mr. Noonan’s question properly from anxiety of him probably giving negative feedback, Avery instead answered the question for him, telling the man that Roland was going to ask if they would take her in and care for her, otherwise she would have to move to another foster home that would intentionally be out of town, yet she didn’t want to be a hassle for them either.

“I see,” said Mr. Noonan, looking over at Roland rubbing his eyes as he was trying to keep himself awake, then turned over back to Avery to give an answer. “Well it woul-”

All of a sudden, noise was being made outside from all the reporters and camera crews trying to get into Avery’s room, so she decided to alert the nurse and tell her situation, and the nurse went to inform the policemen about the predicament as well. The officer that let both Roland and Mr. Noonan inside the hospital earlier then went into the room and over to the window, ridding the curtains out of his way to catch and scare the news reporters and such.

After all was taking care of, he apologized to everyone in the room for his behavior, yet he was only trying to do his job, and left the room. After he left, Mr. Noonan looked over at both Avery and Roland, surprised as to what had happened.

“This sure is turning out to be pretty crazy isn’t it?” said Mr. Noonan to both of them.

“You don’t know the half of it,” said Roland in a tiresome voice, “But I really don’t either, to be honest. But um……about the……you know…..”

“Hm? Oh wait,” said Mr. Noonan, just now remembering about the situation from earlier about Avery staying with them. “Well, what can I say? I don’t have a problem with it.”

Once Roland had heard that, he stood up with a little bit of shock for a moment. He didn’t think he would say yes, but otherwise think of it as another issue for them.

“Wait, really?” said Roland to Mr. Noonan, “Just like that?”

“Well why not?” said Mr. Noonan with a smile, “I have no problem with. I trust you Roland, and Avery over here seems like a very nice girl. Her staying with us I feel would help her begin a new life.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Avery sighed at the whole thing with the police for she just wanted to be left alone for se hated all this attention for stuff like this only gives her pity or people that use it to make her life miserable by teaseing hr or bullying her with it. After the officer did his thing and listened to what Mr. Noonan said and was shocked by it.

"Wait are you sure it is ok for me to stay with you I don't want to be a burden or anyhting on you guys." Avery ssaid to him for she did not to trouble at all.

Avery just wanted to make sure for she did not want her hopes to get up. "I mean with how the press is acting I am sure that they will hound you and our family the way there are here." She explained to him wanting him to know what might happen.

SHe laid back a bit for she was getting a bit tired jsut bcause she feel a bit emotionally drained a bit emotionally with how everything was happening.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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Mr. Noonan and Roland listened to Avery after the man gave his answer, hearing her asking if it was ok and talking about of her being a troublesome responsibility, also mentioning about the press being nosy and nerve wrecking as they were now. Once she was finished, Mr. Noonan replied.

“I’m not very worried about all of those people out there,” said Mr. Noonan to Avery, “I can figure something out about them somehow, so that isn’t a problem.”

“She thinks she’ll be a problem staying with us though,” said Roland, getting into the conversation, “Like when she stayed at the house a couple of nights ago.”

“I don’t see how,” said Mr. Noonan, “Me and Mrs. Noonan did the same thing for you Roland when your parents decided to move out of town, and to this day, you aren’t a hassle to us. With Avery there, it won’t be any different.”

Roland leaned up a little from the chair, scratching the back of his head and spoke up about the topic of conversation. “You see Avery?” he said looking over to Avery, “You won’t be any trouble. You can live with us and begin a new life and everything else. You won’t have to worry about a thing.”

“He’s right,” said Mr. Noonan to Avery as well, following up to what Roland said, “We will keep you safe and out of harm.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Avery lsitened to them and was still shocked that he was willing to take her in still after hearing all the bad parts of taking her in to his home and helping her get back onto her feet. SHe looked att him for a bit as a couple tears escaped for she was not sued to older male adults not being nice to her due to her father abusing her daily.

She then heard Roland and nodded. "Yeah dad put the mentality in my head that all I am is a nusience or a parasite in his life and make it hard." very said for it showed her selfesteem was bad along wit her self confidence.

But she was surprised what what Mr. Noonan siad about taking Roland in for she remember something about him saying about it for at least she thought she did frm the lastt time she talked to Roland.

"Well thank you very much Mr. Noonan if you like I cna help out around your house for I am good at house workd and cooking so I can do that to earn my keep." Avery said to him for sh wanted to at least earn ehr stay there and not just freeload off them for seeing how her dad was a freeloader.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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After Mr. Noonan finished, giving a positive answer by telling Avery that she can stay with them, the girl replied with a thank you, following up by stating on what help she could be around their house, like cleaning and cooking so that it would be like paying her way to live with them.

“I wouldn’t expect that of you,” said Mr. Noonan to Avery, “But I think it would help the missus out a little bit.”

“We need to make arrangements and stuff sir, you know?” said Roland, butting in the conversation with a situation for solving, “Like where would she sleep and all of that.”

“Oh trust me, I know” replied Mr. Noonan, “We will get to the bottom of it. Maybe have a family meeting or something so we can get it figured out.”

All of a sudden, Roland stomach had started growling, forgetting that he didn’t eat anything before they left. Once Mr. Noonan heard it loud and clear, he asked the boy a question.

“Wow Roland,” he said, “Must be starving, huh?”

“Huh?” said Roland, looking as if he was a little embarrassed by the loud rumble his stomach had made, “Oh…..uh…..yeah I g-guess so.”

“Tell you what,” stated Mr. Noonan to both Roland and Avery, “I’ll go find a vending machine or something and grab us something to eat ok?”

“That’s fine I guess,” said Roland, “You want me to go?”

“You stay here with Avery, I can do it by myself,” said Mr. Noonan, then walking towards the door and opening it to exit, but before going he had one more question. “Roland, anything specific you want?”

“Anything is fine right now sir,” replied Roland

“Ok then,” he said, then turning his attention to Avery, “What about you Avery? Anything in particular?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Avery just watched the two talk and laughed a bit when she heard Rolands stomach growl all of a sudden for she thought it wass cute and funny. She watched them talk and just sat there. She was not hungry for she had eaten but her stomach was still off a bit.

She listened to them and looked at Mr. Noonan before shaking her head. "No its ok the nurses should be bringing me food and they ahve a cafeteria down the hall to the left were visitors can get food I mean if you want that is." Avery Told Mr. Noonan fr they served more food then what the vending machines offered.

Soon the nurse came in and placed the food on her tray. "Here you go Mis. Jones some extra food to help gain your weight back. SHe said before leaving the room to take care of some other stuff. 'So yeah I am covered." Avery said with a small smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

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Avery answered Mr. Noonan’s question of offering with a refusal, stating that one of the nurses would come in and bring her something to eat from the hospitals cafeteria, also implanting the idea for the man to try and eat something from there as well. Then after, a nurse came in to give Avery her food on a tray, handing it to her and stating it’ll help her gain her weight back. After doing so, the nurse had left the room, Avery then stating that she was good to go in terms of food.

“Well, alright then. I‘ll be back in a couple of minutes,” said Mr. Noonan as he left the room, leaving Roland and Avery there by themselves.

Once he left, Roland leaned back into the chair, attempting to get comfortable once again. As he laid on it, he turned his head over to Avery to see what she was doing, curious because of also knowing on how bad hospital food is as well.

“Wonder if the food here is any good,” said Roland to Avery, “I’ve heard nothing but bad things about it.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Avery watched Mr. Noonan leave and looked at Roland as he asked about the food. "Well to me its better then nothing since I was starved most of the time but it is bland and stuff for they do not seasn it and its based on the food groups mainly but your dad might ahve better luck since he is going to cafeteria so he can pick and decided what to get while patients do not have much say so." Avery xplained to Roland as she lifted the lid to her fod and started to eat her food at least.

Avery just ate not minding much for she was just hungry she would eat anything these days just to eat and to satisfy her hunger. "Its not that bad unlike the last hospital I wa at now that food was bad but then again it was a chap hospital this is a nice one so it should have better food." Avery explained as she finsihed the food and ate the cake they gave her wanting to give her some extra calories to help her gain weight since she was so thin.

Avery finished all her food and relaxed a bit in her bed as she got the remote and turned the TV on and tried to find a channel that was not about her and soon found one playing a movie and she left it on that channel for them to watch and relaxa bit at least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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Avery hearing his question, Roland listened to her as she explained to him on how she did not mind eating the food given to her whatsoever, refreshing his memory on how she had starved beforehand. She had also added that Mr. Noonan could pick whatever he wanted near the cafeteria the hospital had appetizing, or at least looked good enough to eat, so hopefully he would pick something good, or at least Roland hoped so.

“Yeah,” said Roland, “I don’t know though.”

Once he finished, Avery kept the conversation going by telling him of how nice the hospital was, unlike her last one stating on how cheap it presented itself, stating also that the food was better here than the other place.

“Maybe,” said Roland once more, “Hopefully Mr. Noonan will get something good for us……I mean, me and him, to eat.”

After finishing the food topic, Roland decided to relax himself, turning his head back to the front, staring down at the end of the chair he was laying in. All of a sudden, he heard a television come on, along with a constant sound on remote buttons being pressed. He turned over once more to see Avery was flipping channels, trying to find something to watch to let the time fly by. Finding a movie that caught her attention, she kept it on the channel playing the program.

Roland looked over at the television for a moment, uncertain as to what they were watching. Instead of keeping quiet and enjoying the movie, he questioned what it was in particular the both of them were viewing.

“Hmm” said Roland, “Never seen this before. Do you know what it is?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Avery looked att the show for it was a cooking movie Julie and Julia and she like it. But she heard Roland and looked at him and shrugged at him a bit for she did not know. "I do not know I just thought it looked interesting for its seems to be a bit about cooking and I happen to like cooking." Avery said to him as she relaxed in her hospital bed as she watche the movie and giggled at some parts. "The only time I watched Tv was when I wa at your place dad forbidden me to watch tv sicne he was always in front of it watching wretling or what ever else he watches." SHe explained to him.

Avery then relaxed into her bed as she yawned a bit for she was still a bit tired at times and her energy levels were still pretty low at times because how thin she was and weak at the same time. "Sorry is the Tv bugging you for I can turn it off and you can take a nap." Avery said to him as she laid back in her bed wile it was in the sit up position as she looked at the Tv and watched the Movie enjoying it a bit while relaxing.

A nurse soon came in and took Avery's arm and took some blood for blood work and left without saying a word wnating to let Avery rest and not get stressed out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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Avery replied to the question that was asked by Roland, answering that she wasn’t certain either of what the program was, but attracted her attention due to the fact the movie had to deal with cooking.

“Oh,” said Roland, not knowing of what else to say.

Afterwards, Avery continued on how the only time she got to watch television was back at his house, stating that her father was nothing more than a tv hog and how he wouldn’t let her see or watch anything. Roland didn’t really have anything to say because of the weary feeling he kept having, so instead just stared at the television, trying to watch the movie with tiresome eyes.

Then, Avery asked if the television was of a bother to Roland, insisting that she would turn it completely off so that he could rest. It was nice to see that she was being considerate, but he didn’t want to ruin her enjoyment just so he could rest.

“Oh, no,” replied Roland to Avery’s question, “You don’t have to. Leave it on and continue watching it. Besides, food will be here in a few for me anyway, so I don’t have no choice but to stay awake.”

All of a sudden, a nurse had came in so that she could take more blood from Avery, and while doing so, Roland tried best to keep focus on the television.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

After having her blood drawn she then just laid in her bed as she watched the movie while waiting for Mr. Noonan to return with Rolands food and decied to be quiet to let Roland relax and rest since she cold be a talker when she finally can talk to someone. She justed watched the movie and actally liked it a lot and laughed at some parts that she thought was fnny and cute.

After awhile a social worker came in with paper work. "Helllo Avery I am Mrs. Harth I am your social worker and I was informed that you had a family that is willing to foster you." She siad as Avery looked at her and did a small nod. "yes and Mr. Noonan is at the hospital but he went to get him and my friend Roland here sometihing to eat." She siad to the social worker and she nodded. "Alirght I will wait then for I have a few things he needs to sign and you will be all set to live with him.' Mrs. Harth said to her as she sat in a simple chair and started writing down some stuff.

Avery felt weird having her in there and cruled up under her blankets not knowing what to do and was getting freaked again for she had very little trust in people after the utbreak with the press.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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Roland tried his best to keep focus on the movie and stay awake so that he could eat when Steven’s father came back with some food, but instead his eyes had began to fade a little from the relaxation and comfort he was in from the chair he was laying on.

A few minutes later, Roland had awoken, realizing that he had fell asleep, in amidst to find Avery and some other woman who presence had arisen into his sight. He questioned himself for a moment as the woman sat in a chair across from, also noticing that Avery wasn’t saying anything either, so it seemed they had both discussed something while he was asleep.

“W-what’s going on?” said a confused Roland.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Avery looked at Roland when he asked what was going on and the social worker decided to answer. "I am a social worker for Avery and I came for I have papers for Mr. Noonan to sign if he is going to take custody of her if not then I have to start looking for a foster home for her and right now there is no home in this city that can take her in she would have to be sent to anothercity or even state." The social worker said and Avery did not like the idea of moving again with peple she did not trust. "So she told me he went to get you and himself som food so I thought I wait here and get things takn care of or figred out now so when she gets realeased from the hospital she can just go home and not have to wonder what happens next." The social worker siad to Roland.

Avery just stayed curled up in the bed not knowing what to do or anthing at the moment for she was to nerrvous to even talk to the social worker after she explained everything to her and now Roland. "Why are the curtains closed its is dark in here." She said about to open the curtain. "DON'T OPEN THAT!!" SHe freaked and the social worker froze as a nurse walk in after hearing her yell. "Oh dear you tried to open the curtains sorry the press has been hounding her so she hates the crrtains to be open." The nurse said as the social worker nodded and sat back down as the nurse went to Very's iv and injected something in it antd it slowly made Avery sleepy until she was fast asleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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Coming to find out that it was a social worker on the case of Avery getting to move in with Roland at the Noonan’s home, he was a bit surprised at first due to the transaction of information already being taken care of so fast and already having papers to sign for Avery to go ahead and be placed into someone else’s home. He didn’t really think much more of it, only knowing that it was very good news and that the problem was being taken care of immediately.

The woman had mentioned that she was in wait for Mr. Noonan to come back so that he may sign the papers she had ready in order for the placement to be complete, that way Avery could live with them and have no worries anymore on dealing with an actual stable home, minus the abusive parent as well. Roland decided to speak for Mr. Noonan, mainly because he wasn’t back yet.

“He‘ll be here,” he said the woman, “Don’t know when exactly, but yeah. He’ll be back.”

It was taking a good while for Mr. Noonan to get back for some odd reason, but Roland also knew that he was a very talkative person as well, hence where Steven’s gets it from, so he could be have a conversation with someone and forgot he had to get back here with something to eat.

A minute later, the social woman had noticed how dark the room was, finding that the shades from the window were closed yet not knowing the reason of why. As she tried to open them, a nurse came in and yelled telling her not to, Roland watching as it happened. The nurse explained to the woman of the press constantly trying to get a hold of Avery with questions and photos to make headlines all over town with, then going over to Avery to check up on her again, putting her to sleep as well.

As she left, Roland followed up onto the topic about the press trying to get inside.

“They were here before I got here,” spoke up Roland, “The news people outside, they’ve been trying everything to get in. It’s really getting out of hand.”

Soon afterwards, Mr. Noonan came in with some food he was carrying in a bag.

“Sorry bout the wait,” he said, “Got caught into a long talk with someone at the cafeteria. Hopefully this will be worth the wait.”

As he handed the bag over to Roland, he looked over to find the social worker woman, questioned as to why she was there.

“Is something wrong?” asked Mr. Noonan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Avery just stayed in the bed as she relaxed in her sleep from the medicine not caring abotu what was going on for the medicine was a bit strong. "That is alright I can wait but the state knows her situation so we rushed everything so that wya she can start settling into a nice new enviorment." THe social worker said to Roland as she sat and waited for Mr. Noonan to return.

She had to admit she was freaked from how everything hapened when she wanted to open the curtains but she did understand why for the poor girl was being hounded by the press just because it is the latest story out now. but soon noticed Mr. Noonan walked in with the food and saw how he was wondering why she was there.

"There is nothing wrong sir I am from the foster care unit I rushed the paper work so when Avery was discharged she could start living with your family right away insted of being in our cae putting more stress on her and she has been through nough from what I have been told." The social wrker said as she pulled out the folder with her paper work. "Once everything is signed I will take it over and rush it again then she will be in your care before she is discharged from the hospital." She finished explaining and showed im were to sign on the paper work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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The woman that was unfamiliar to Mr. Noonan had explained herself and the situation that was being held, informing him that she had the papers ready to be signed for the completion of Avery’s transfer.

“Ok…yeah, alright,” said Mr. Noonan, confused for a moment but then fully understanding what had to be done. It all seemed to happen fast for some reason, but the man didn’t really want to argue about it. Instead he took the paper from the social worker after pointing out where he was to sign for confirmation.

Roland watched as Mr. Noonan had looked at the sheet of paper in front of him, holding it up so that he could see what he was doing. As he kept focus, Roland decided to see what the man had brought him in the bag handed to him a couple of minutes ago, knowing that was food but hoping it was something at least edible and tasty as well.

“It’s all happening pretty fast, isn’t it?” questioned Mr. Noonan as he wrote down his signature onto the line, “I leave one minute and right when I get back, I’m already signing papers and such. You people don’t horse around, do you?”

As he finished placing his signature on the file, he handed it back to the woman, placing the pen he had to sign with back into his shirt pocket.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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"Yes well the officer that has been ehre helping you called us in advance to let us know you might be willing to foster her so we went ahead and got the paper work ready did a background check on you which we expressed and all the fun stuff worst case senario you would not take her and we would have taken her in." THe lady explained to Mr. noonan. "But this way she can leave with you guys and be at least some place familiar and feel safe." The lady finished and double checked everything.

"Alright she is now in your custody in about a week or two you will ahve a card coming in the mail just indicating you as te girls guardian and once every two months a social worker will be over just to see how she is adjusting." THe lady finsihed up saying and son said bye to them and left the room to go get the stuff filed and set up so they Noonan family would not run into any problems.

After a while Avery woke up and looked to see Mr. noonan there. "Oh hey Mr. Noonan you are back finally what happened got stuck talking to someone?" She asked as she looked at him. 'Though I thought for ure you went some where else to get food since the food here is pretty bland." She siad to him as she stayed curled up in her hospital bed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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Once the signing of custody was over and done with, the social worker quickly explained why everything dealing with custody of Avery was all happening so sudden prior to now so that Mr. Noonan could understand all the suddenness. Once she was done with the brief explanation, she stated that after the signing that Avery was officially in full custody over to the Noonan family, telling him that information will be coming in the mail for them showing they have full guardianship of the girl, also adding that a social worker will be stopping by every two months to check up on how she is adjusting.

“All right,” said Mr. Noonan to the woman, “Sounds good then.”

As the woman got up and said her goodbyes to Mr. Noonan and Roland, Avery began to wake up in question to find that Mr. Noonan had returned. She asked him what had taken so long into getting back, also wondering if he went somewhere else to get food because of how bad hospital food usually is.

“No, I got something here for Roland to eat on,” replied Mr. Noonan, “I just got stuck talking to one of the officers in the cafeteria. We talked about everything going on right now, you in particular about us taking you back to our home and such.”

As Mr. Noonan talked, Roland pulled out the item that was in the bag, coming to realize that it was long and folded up. From the looks of it, it was probably a sub sandwich.

“Oh, Roland,” said Mr. Noonan to the boy really quick, “I got you a sandwich. I hope it’s ok because I’m pretty sure you didn’t want what else they had in there. Didn’t look very appetizing.”

“It’ll be fine,” said Roland, “As long as I get something on my stomach, it’s fine by me. Thank you.”

“Of course,” said Mr. Noonan once more.
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