Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Azai felt a bit interested by Jack's point of view, and made his view about him more solid, he really was a bit wired. Boredom was quite the recipe for disaster, he had a thought that most disasters first cause was boredom, and that man seemed desperately trying to run from boredom, he seemed quite good at avoiding it.

"Well, atleast your having fun doing that.. And your right, it's better to talk it out if you can I think. Am in for fighting not violence, especially after I got this job. But too much peace will lead you to being bored, I try to solve it with night workout, but I don't know about you though.." Azai noticed his watch, it was time for him to head to work. He used to get there early to make sure everything was perfect before the lounge was open, so he got off the table and turned to Jack and said "Sorry Jack, this was a nice talk, I need it to share a bit. But am gonna be late for work, if you ever get bored come by the lounge at day time, we can enjoy small conversation" he left in a hurry waving his hand and went for the lounge..

Azai arrived at the lounge, and went straight to change his into the suit. The workers were all waiting for him outside for their appearance check... Azai always made a check on the appearance of the workers, and made sure the place was clean and stocked enough. Azai went out and took a deep breath and started his inspection "Ok people how are we doing today?... Jon your tie need fixing, your hair too, and do not miss the lighter, you know we have smoker coustomers who misses their lighters... Okay we have enough stock, let's check the dust. And what do you know, you failed again people, go dust this place so we can open." Azai sighed and scratched his head, trying to figure out his next move, it was really harder than fighting for him it. It took him less than a second to land a punch and figure out his next move, when it took him an hour to figure it out in this job. He drew a smile on his face when the dusting finished and awaited the coustomers with one thought in his head "I hate my job, I hate my job, I hate my job"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adamina
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Oh, thanks!" Rebecca said, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. A smile crept over her face, and she laughed to herself at the sheer awkwardness of the situation - not that it was bad, but it was a little... Forced, maybe? But, oh well, that was entirely her own fault, and at least Monica didn't seem weirded out by her presence.

"The lake? Oh, sure, that'd be great!" Rebecca said, smile widening. She seems really nice, Rebecca thought, but I hope she doesn't feel like she has to say yes... She doesn't, does she? Rebecca hated second-guessing things like this, but she hadn't forgotten the way people in her old life, before the Home, had begun treating her after the accidents became frequent. The constant slight hint of fear that she might have another one of her little mishaps, and that someone would get hurt - themselves, even. Of course, Rebecca couldn't really blame them, could she? She'd gotten a lot better at preventing her little accidents, but back then, it was a valid concern. Stop that, Rebecca... she told herself. You're way too insecure, of course she means it, she's smiling... She even stopped walking for you!

"I mean, if it's not any trouble..." she said.

Damn it, Rebecca.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jace spun around and gave Artemis a thumbs up, "Alright, not a problem!" and turned back around, immediately tripping over a sign for a clothing store, then landing on his face. Not only did he now have competition for the woman he had a huge crush on, he just ruined his suit and made himself look like an idiot that had no short term memory. The mimic sighed and got up, dusted himself off and fixed the sign that may have just been traumatized, and resumed his B-line for the infirmary. Ugh... he was getting a night working the bar now, he was sure of it.

Gallus looked up at Artemis, a comically-sized watermelon cube partially in his beak. He dropped it and turned to face the girl, then answered in an equally hushed tone. "Slow down, Casanova. Are you sure you wanna be going out with the guy that, oh what did he do again..? Oh yeah, murders all our friends?" The bird squawked angrily and ruffled his feathers, having a grudge against Toby, ever since Jace had gone into the butcher's shop one day looking for him in regards to the man who was missing a finger earlier. He'd seen one of his best friends, a chicken named Issac, get brutally executed with a dull, bloody cleaver and forced to run around without a head for the masochist's amusement.

In reality, it was clean. A freshly sharpened knife and the body was held down until the nerves stopped firing, but Gallus' mind had a field day coming up with a way to demonize anyone who worked in that accursed shop.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Maybe it was because she didn’t talk to very many of the non-normal people, or because she didn’t have hardly any social interactions with others before coming here. Monica wasn’t sure which, but she didn’t understand the awkward laugh that came from Rebecca. It reminded her of the laugh her brother would get when she was younger and would ask him to sneak her into public school with him. She blinked a bit pushing the thought away quickly before it caused her to get upset and lose control again.

She couldn’t help wondering if she had said something weird though, before asking about the lake. When she said yes Monica smiled even more, it was nice to think she would have some company. Though other than her name Monica knew nothing about Rebecca, it didn’t matter to her, she could find all that out later. Actually that would probably be better, than I might get a friend before she realizes how weird I am! Monica thought to herself almost excitedly, though she train of thought was derailed by Rebecca’s question. “Why would it be any trouble? It’s not like you’re going to like drown me in the lake or something.” She said with a small laugh, though she frowned a little bit, looking down at the ground.

“Yeah…okay that one sounded weird even to me this time.” She said to herself before sighing, and shaking her head as she looked up at Rebecca, her one hand rubbing up her other arm nervously. “I mean if you don’t want to come you don’t have to, I understand. But you’re more than welcome, the company would be nice.” She said her voice a little bit sadder now as she started slowly started walking again.

Zaniel scuffed a bit at her answer about doing as they were told, but didn’t respond before getting to work. The people that worked the kitchen were assholes and he found it amusing that they went to Persephone to complain about what was needed, yet had nothing to say to him when he brought the harvest to them as she planted more for them. If they wanted it so freaking badly, they should have asked farther ahead.

He sat on the fence with Persephone after digging enough rows that he felt he needed and deserved a break. Giving a small smile back to her as he reached into the cooler beside the fence and grabbed himself a bottle of water, getting a drink of it. The fact that it was mainly quiet with everyone at breakfast was nice, though Persephone didn’t seem to enjoy it as much as he did. Zaniel looked at her as she started talking again.

“No I hadn’t. I saw people moving around and taking things inside, but didn’t realize it was a bar. I might go check it out tonight.” He answered surprised that they were given a bar in the fact place. Though to be honest he was still surprised by a few other things that went on here at times. “I have to say I didn’t take you for the drinking type Persephone. You really keep surprising me today.” He said looking away from her with a laugh, she always seemed a bit to goody to be one of the types he had seen in the bars back where he had come from.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

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Jack had enjoyed the brief conversation with Azai and as the man left early for the lounge he felt like he had a better handle on the man after learning what he did. He thought about what to do next himself, he could always check in with the early workers but they were the ones he trusted so there was less of a need, but with the recent traffic to the bar not far off from his alley it was making safety more and more of an issue. Then again a regular bar could be bad enough depending on the residents but one filled with powered people who were drunk was a disaster waiting to happen. It wasn't like he hadn't gone there himself for a drink or two every once in awhile though his habit of watching his back came in far more handy than it should of there. He hardly could blame some of the others for being rowdy with all the built up frustration but there was a point where they could take it too far and when it would happen was anyone's guess though the thought kept his guard up.

Jack often wished he could be maybe just a bit more careless of his situation so he could loosen up but it hadn't happened yet so it was unlikely. He knew some of the residents often went down to the lake to get away from everyone else and while he might have done it once or twice he never really found a reason to go back afterwards, not yet at least. It was a short walk over to the bowling alley where he quickly went over a couple new procedures to deal with anyone who came in drunk responding to the increased frequency. The last thing he needed was some idiots getting themselves hurt on his watch and honestly if he was there the chance went down but not everyone had his gift so making sure the rest of his people were good to go was a priority. He figured after the rundown everything was as prepared as it could be and he would keep a close eye on things as it were but he couldn't shake the bad feeling that something was going to happen but he tried to dismiss it for now as to not worry anyone else.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adamina
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Rebecca cringed internally as she saw Monica's reaction unfold. Agh, no, stupid, stupid, stupid! she thought, scorning herself. Great job, Rebecca, you've probably scared her off already. Of course, just as you start trying to interact more with people, you fail miserably. You just had to say that, too... her mind droned on, and on, and on, with seemingly no end in sight.

"... if you don't want to come..." she heard Monica say, almost feeling the tinge of sadness in her voice. Again, she scorned herself, but she also couldn't help but be amused. It seemed like both of them had feared the other didn't actually want the other to come, which, as she could quite clearly see, did not at all appear to be the case.

"No, no, I do want to come!" she said, laughing a bit. "I just didn't want to be a bother or anything, I mean..." she trailed off. "But I think, maybe," she laughed, "maybe we both thought that...?" She offered a smile. "But let's get going!" she said, running a few steps ahead of Monica. "And, hey, if you're weird, I'm weird!" she half-shouted, still smiling. Only a hint of insecurity still lingered in the back of her mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karl Kadaver
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Karl Kadaver Roleplay Zombie

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Toby wore a goofy grin on his face as he strolled into the apparel shop. As he wandered about, searching for a pair of swim trunks, it occurred to him that he would never be in a store like this if he'd been in what he called, "The Real World." Nah, he'd probably be at home, hanging out with Samson, watching TV, or just being alone with his books. He certainly wouldn't have a date...at least not one who seemed as willing as Artemis had been.

The kids at his old school had thought he was a freak. It wasn't every day you met someone who could change the color of their skin, or grow claws from their fingertips, or any of the myriad monstrous things he could do with his body. It wasn't like it was a secret, everyone knew about Freaky Toby, one way or the other. he tried his best to act like a normal person, but he knew that deep down, the others were right: He was a monster. A Lovecraftian freak of nature. One of his more erudite classmates had once referred to him as being 'eldritch.' He had to look up the meaning of the word. Eldritch: adj. weird, sinister, ghostly It made sense to him...not to mention, it sounded like a cool superhero name.

He settled on a pair of brightly colored, Hawaiian floral print trunks, then suddenly wondered if Artemis liked flowers, and if so, what kind. Maybe he could pick some before he met her at the lake. He'd been there on several occasions, for walks and the like, and knew a few good spots to find different flowers.

As he left the shop, trunks in hand, he reflected, "I love this place."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Madame Kitten
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Madame Kitten I Am Catwoman

Member Seen 14 days ago

Miss. Dawson saw people making plans for later, yawning as she decided that she needed a break and knew exactly how to take one, at least just to go to the bathroom for more than 2 minutes. "Attention everyone, due to it being the 25 anniversary of Miss. Dawson's, I'm granting everyone the day off from work, though those who have consequences set in place must go and do them later on at night. But for now, have fun, and enjoy your days off!" Dawson said cheerfully before she dashed off towards the bathroom, knowing if anything happened she'd be notified. But for now, she was going to be relaxed in her bath, and she was going to enjoy it!

Artemis smiled as she heard Jace was okay with getting a fresh batch of cookies tomorrow. She looked at Gallus as he mentioned that Toby worked at the butcher stop, sighing as she twirled a strand of her hair. "Oh come on now Gallus, he's not as bad as he could be.... I mean, at least he doesn't enjoy his job, he just does what he's told. And he also doesn't eat them, so I'd say he's a pretty nice guy!" She explained to him, happy to know that Toby liked her just as much as she liked him.

"I mean, if I Toby didn't want me, nobody else would because of my tendency to scream at those who do eat meat. Who would want to date a girl like me?" Artemis questioned, more to herself than Gallus, as she stuffed a couple of fruit cubes into her own mouth. She over heard the announcement and practically jumped for joy, knowing now that she could probably bake a dessert for Toby after they played in the water a bit.

But what dessert would he even like? She wasn't sure, but everyone practically loved chocolate, so she'd make chewy fudge Brownies with peanut butter icing. "I should probably go get ready for the Lake Gallus, so would you go ask Jace what kind of cookies he wants me to bake him?" Artemis asked, petting Gallus's head so he wouldn't be so mad anymore.

"Yeah, I'd recommend the Shirley Temple, it's actually quite good! Though I'd also recommend asking for double shouts of vodka on the side so you can mix it in and it tastes so much better that way!" Persephone said with a smile, though she hoped that by drinking the concoction Zaniel would be too drunk to notice it was her serving the drinks.

She sighed internally, wondering if she could get away with this. She was quite nervous, as she didn't want anyone at the bar to get hurt, but she knew that Zaniel had quite the temper.... So what would she do if he did find out? Pretend that it didn't and try to convince him if that? She laughed as he said she was surprising him more and more each day, wondering if this would be too much of a surprise for him or not.

She was happy though to hear that they had the day off, hoping down from the fence and smiling up at Zaniel. "I'm gonna head to the lake, so I'll see you later! Bye!" Persephone said with a wave, glad to have not said anything more as she went off to the apartment complexes to go get changed before going to the lake with her sister.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jace's run of destruction, which ended the Tyranny of Signs in Miss Dawson's Home for the Truly Gifted, slowed to a leisurely walk to the apartments. As accident-prone as he was, it was risky business running in public areas, as he was just reminded.

The mimic approached the building soon and made his way to his room, then paused with his hand closed around the door knob. Artemis' room was just across the hall, maybe he could sneak in and hide somewhere, he'd been in there several times over the years... no, that would make him look like a creep and kill his chances with her, as slim as they were at the moment. Well, back to wishful thinking, for the moment at least. He planned to go to the lake, screw the cookies, he couldn't resist.

Gallus tweeted happily, having forgotten about Toby's animal slaughtering spree that happened on a daily basis, but he remembered the bit no one else wanted her, and made a decision. Jace's confident would no longer be so trustworthy. "Well... since you got here, Jace has had a bit of a crush on you... it's only gotten worse over the years..." He mentally kicked himself featherless, but he had a feeling that the animal lover that was petting him was about to have a moment of clarity.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It was quite slow today at work, but that would change after Ms Dawson's announcement, having a day off from work meant the lounge will have more coustomers. Azai used to take turns with his assistants about the days off, and this days off was Azai's. He was heading toward the back room when his assistant came up to him he was nervous. Azai remembered that his assistant was new, and this will be his first day alone "Do you think you can make it on your own without me today?" his assistant was nervous but he wanted to rove himself "Well no I can do it, but I just wanted to know if there is anything I need to know before you go." Azai tapped his shoulder comforting him and showing his confidence in him "No. You already know everything you need. But if at any point you need me just call." Azai headed to change his casual clothes and went out.

Azai planned to spend the day practicing at the lake and taking Luka with him for a long day out. Azai found some ropes to help him in his practice and couldn't wait to try it, and since he used to spend most of his days practicing he would have plenty of time to try it... Azai did some shopping in the mall, he needed some dog food, and the ropes he had his eyes on. He arrived at home to be welcomed by Luka's jumps and barking, it always knew that when he arrives home early it means a long day outside, Azai calmed Luka down and poured its food and Azai prepared his bag. Luka finished his food quickly and waited at the door watching Azai's every movement, waiting for the door to open, Luka was an obedient dog so it didn't need a leash. Azai opened the door and Luka burst outside running in circles before following his loved master, it always made Azai laugh and smile to see it that happy.

They arrived at the lake and saw it was quite filled with people, so he decided to get somewhere far, to practice in peace, so he tied his ropes around a tree and started punching it while Luka kept playing around chasing butterflies...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 2 mos ago

After eating and talking to the girl playing the music, Alex knew it was almost time to go to work. Of course he had to change first. At his apartment, he had plenty of swimming trunks. He liked being prepared. With that he took a shirt and his sunglasses. While he liked swimming, as guard you had the duty to watch over the waters. So that meant you had to stay ashore. It felt a bit cruel at first. As he loved swimming so much. But soon he learned that the lake and the "beach" were small enough so he could walk around a little.

Though as soon as he arrived at the lake to start his job, Miss Dawson announced that everyone had a day off. Without thinking, without looking, Alex ran at the cherry blossom tree. The beach next to the tree was nice and all, but it eased out into the water. Slowly and steadily. The cherry blossom tree on the other hand, was on some sort of grass elevated plateau. It abruptly ends in a cliff straight into a deeper part of the water. It wasn’t so high nor was the water incredibly deep there. It was just high and deep enough to jump well there. Alex took of his sunglasses and threw his simple grey shirt over it. Before he ran up towards the edge and graciously jumped into the refreshing water. Diving deep under the surface above. He liked swimming but he loved diving.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Karl Kadaver
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Karl Kadaver Roleplay Zombie

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Toby was almost halfway to the butcher's shop before Miss Dawson's voice rang out over the loudspeakers. He listened attentively as the headmistress announced that everyone had the day off. Toby's soft smile widened into an unnaturally large grin at the news. He could now go straight to the lake instead of having to worry about cleaning himself up after work! He laughed out loud at his good fortune as he made a bee line for the lake.

But once he was there, a creeping uncertainty reached his throat. He looked around the lake and saw that many other people had made similar plans to Artemis, (Jace, let's not forget) and him. It was then that he remembered that he'd wanted to find flowers for Artemis, and this cheered him up a bit. He strolled into the nearby woods and started looking for suitable flora. He knew that he wanted to find something bright red, to match the color of her hair...but what else? Her eyes. What color were her eyes? He thought on it for a few moments. They were orangeish. No, that wasn't right. Honey-colored. A honey brown.

Now, Toby wasn't all too familiar with flowers, and he certainly didn't know of any that would match the exact shade of Artemis' eyes. He briefly wondered if he could manufacture some using his own bodily materials...and once again laughed out loud at his foolishness. Sure, he could do it, but how would she react to grabbing what used to be Toby's hand and inhaling deeply, expecting flowery scents to emanate forth, only to find no smell at all...or worse, realize that the so-called flowers were still connected to the end of his arm?

He shook his head. His only choice would be to find real suitable flowers. He ventured further into the woods, away from the lake.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Aaron stepped off the old, beat up bus that had delivered him to Miss Dawson's Home for the Truly Gifted, a gym bag on his back and a briefcase in one hand. The ancient machine sputtered off as his left foot hit the ground, leaving the boy to face the force field that guarded the small town. He looked off to the right and noticed a sign with an intercom on it, and pushed the button below it to open a channel to whoever was in charge of new arrivals. "Hey, uh, I just got here. Mind getting off it and doing your job, buddy?" He shifted his weight to one leg and crossed his arms, waiting impatiently for a response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Madame Kitten
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Madame Kitten I Am Catwoman

Member Seen 14 days ago

"Welcome Aaron, I've been expecting you. And for your information, I'm not on my ass doing absolutely nothing, I have more important things to do like take care of the individuals of my home. I am Miss. Dawson, its a pleasure to finally meet you." Dawson said as she tried not to be angered by his tone of voice, though she spoje to him through the intercom as she laid in her bathtub, happy to have sprung for the extra intercom in the bathroom.

"Now please, come in, and enjoy your time here in my lovely home." She said before he made a sort of door way in the firce field big enough to get him inside. She waited to feel his presence cross the barrier, as if he didn't she had the military of speed dial.

Artemis stopped getting Gallus' head as she heard him say that Jace had a crush on her since he first got her and it had only gotten worse over the years, realizing that all the times he had talked and they had spent together, to him they were always a little more than friends. But could he have been the one who would sneak into her room yet never take anything? Could it be him who had done such a thing? And if so.... Had he watched her dress and undress each morning and night?

No, he couldn't be! Jace was a sweet guy like Toby.... And like Toby, Jace also wanted her heartbut how could she choose between them? How could she break either ones heart of their hearts ever? Artemis was distraught, she didn't know what to do. What could she do? There was no other option but to choose between one or the other. She snapped out of her trance like state after a while, starting to let Gallus' head again.

"Gallus, I'm not sure what to do.... How can I decide between Jace or Toby if I care for each so much?" Artemis asked him, clearly sounding as distraught as she felt, wondering what the bird thought on the whole concept of it all.

Persephone but on her bikini only to find she had put on just a tad bit of weight, so her body filled out the places that they should have. She blushed at the thought of anyone seeing her in her bikini, knowing she'd definitely get quite a bit of attention like Artemis did on a daily basis in the outfit she usually wore. She looked herself over, deciding that Artemis would like a couple trays of triple fudge peanut butter brownies and she could put on some make up while everything was baking.

She started to prepare 4 trays of brownies, deciding that would be enough to satisfy Artemis' love for sweets. She put them in the ovens then went back into the bathroom to put on just a touch of 24 hour lasting make up, which would do fine for even swimming in the lake. She finished baking them and piled them on five plates, placing them in a beautiful wooden lunch basket and heading out as soon as she put her sandals on.

Persephone could sense that Artemis was going to come here, as the two had a certain connection that helped them figure out where one another was headed or going, which was quite helpful in these situations. She went to the largest cherry tree and sat down under it, knowing if Artemis was coming she'd come to this exact spot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mega Birb
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Mega Birb Blessed Birb

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gallus pulled his wings forward in a shrug. "Hell if I know, I'm a bird... just remember one's a cold-blooded, cleaver-wielding psychopath, and the other hasn't eaten meat in two years." The parrot squawked once and flew off towards the lake through an open window.

Aaron rolled his eyes, having no real fear of respect of authority, since he never had a reason to be scared or in awe of it. "Well, gonna send another freak to show me around or what?" He used the term 'freak' as if he was proud of it, and why wouldn't he be? If the mood struck him, he could walk up to anyone with a taser and harass them, he literally ate electricity for breakfast so nothing could be done. He pulled out an earpiece, one of his relics from the recent building maintenance, and fitted it into his ear, then transferred the signal from the intercom to his piece of technology. The spark plug of a human took a step through the barrier.

Jace looked in a mirror at his attire. Simple gray swim trunks with a red strip around one leg, a black hoodie, and a pair of black sandals. Simplicity for the beach at it's finest... and then there was the infamous beach bag, which was overflowing with various snacks and sodas, most of which he had never eaten, personally. They were more for everyone else, he knew a little bit about everyone since he was the resident physician, and happened to remember more than a few of the favorite soft drinks and bagged goods for several of his peers.

Especially Artemis'. Damn, he was obsessed... but hey, he loved the girl, potentially more than Gallus. Either way, he managed to stuff a bottle of sunscreen into the bag, then picked up a large beach umbrella and headed out. Shade from the trees or not, he burned very easily. Some even called him a vampire because of it. Based on his heritage, the superstitious and gullible weren't exactly wrong.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 9 days ago

Monica wasn't quite sure as she started walking away if she was sadder that she had gotten her hopes up that Rebecca wanted to be her friend. Or that she wasn't going have company. Either way she was going to chalk down joking about the person drowning her as a weird thing not to say for sure. Her list really was starting to grow pretty large at this point. Oh well, I'd likely just scare her off anyway. She thought to herself with another sigh before Rebecca said she did want to go.

"Really?" She asked looking back at Rebecca with a smile sounding a little excited before she could stop herself. Monica laughed lightly at her observation nodding her head a little. Not only did she not want to be a bother to Rebecca, she also didn't want to force her to hang out with her. It was nice to have a friend, sure, but she highly doubted that a forced friend would be much of a friend.

She laughed again softly as Rebecca half yelled that she was weird too, easily catching up to her. Walking quietly beside her for a little while as they got to the lake. When Dawson gave everyone a day off Monica smiled to herself knowing that since she wasn't even close to where she worked, and couldn't get roped into keeping watch while the others took a day off. "So..do you have a bikini?" She asked looking at her new friend wondering if she was going to swim with her.

Yeah, the only way she'll catch me drinking that, is if I'm already wasted. Zaniel thought to himself as he gave Persephone a weird look and nodded. "Well I'll be drinking the Vodka at least." He said with a bit of a laugh. Though truthfully he wasn't really sure if getting drunk around her was the best idea in the first place. Than again, it did kind of seem like she was wanting him to come to the bar with the drink suggestion.

Hearing that they would have the day off was great, it would have been better if it was before he had already done so much work. Still a day off was a nice change for once. Zaniel looked at Persephone to nice if she wanted to go hang out or do something, but she quickly jumped off the fence and said she was going to the lake. Frowning slightly he gave a quick wave back, hoping down off the fence himself and heading on his own.

After it seemed that everyone being off evened out to everyone else heading to the lake, he went back to his own apartment. Grabbing a pair of black swim trunks he headed out to the lake as well, seeing that it was probably the fastest place for him to cool down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Who doesn't remember to oil the pin setter? Jack thought taking some time to work on one of the machines on a lane that was acting up only to find one of the other workers had forgotten one too many times to oil the damn thing. He planned to make an example of him later when he got the chance but he figured leaving the thing unfixed would have been a pain to deal with later, the last thing he needed to hear was complaint about the price of a full repair on the machine. It had been a little since the announcement which while he heard it he was in no rush to get out until he was satisfied everything was working plus it was nice and quiet in the back end of the large room where he could ignore most everything/one for a little while. Socializing wasn't much a problem for him so much as he just needed a break from people sometimes so he could clear his mind for any amount of time which he found difficult otherwise. He got up from crouching headed for the bathroom to wash his hands before actually taking part in the "day off" which for him would leave him stuck without any business so he figured about the only thing to do was to head to the lake where more than a few of the other would be getting to.

Jack made his way over at a lazy pace not entirely eager to go near the body of water for his own reasons but he would go regardless. In truth the discomfort was one of the reasons he stayed away, it wasn't necessarily the water that bothered him but there was enough related to it that left him less than wanting when it came to swimming(which he was not very graceful at to begin with) or the like. Kind of pathetic really being unsettled around water...though I'm sure as hell not the only one. He thought mildly annoyed and amused all the same about the subject. He was definitely not the first one here but it was expected and he found himself somewhere to sit about ten or so feet away from the water's edge. There was scarcely a thing that made him actually want to get in at the moment between his dislike and distrust that the thing was actually as safe as it seemed. Maybe he was paranoid, well no he definitely was to an extent, but a person like him could never go without suspicion living in captivity though it had calmed down over time a fair bit though it was not going fully away anytime soon. Once he had settled on his spot to sit he looked around a bit not having any particular interest in what was going and wasn't going on just yet while waiting for more people to arrive to observe or otherwise talk if he felt like it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Adamina
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Monica's soft laugh did wonders. Little by little, the tension and nervousness Rebecca had felt coming into this situation melted away. As they walked in relative silence, Rebecca took a moment to appreciate how natural the silence seemed. She considered breaking it once or twice, but decided against it when she saw that Monica appeared relaxed - or at least as relaxed as one could expect to be in a situation like this, both on the small and larger scale.

Rebecca took a moment to think about just that - this situation. It was actually remarkable how well everyone had adapted to being here. Sure, sometimes people got into fights, or accidents happened, but all in all, the Home was actually a far better place to live than where most of its residents had come from. Of course, that's provided you ignore the whole no-escape-and-possible-looming-doom aspect, but then again - not much could be done to change that, right? Rebecca had sometimes walked to the forcefield to watch it. It distorted reality in much the same way the hot air above a fire did. Of course, Rebecca had never tried to touch it, but she had to admit she'd felt compelled to once or twice. It was mesmerizing to watch, and some, like Rebecca, might even felt drawn to it.
I wonder if any of us will ever be free of this place. she thought. I wonder if it's even possible to get out once you're in. Can Dawson even leave freely? she wondered. What does she even do aside from watching us? And why is it it seems she's always watching, no matter what? Does she not need sleep? Food? Sunlight? Rebecca looked down her own pale arms. Maybe she should fetch some sunscreen... She did burn awfully easy - in that regard, she was grateful her work was done indoors.

Almost like she'd somehow heard Rebecca, Dawson's voice cut through the silence. A day off... Neat. Rebecca looked up and noticed they had arrived at the lake. That gives me - us - the whole day! she thought excitedly. She turned to face Monica as she asked if she had a bikini. "Well, yes, but it's not here..." Rebecca said, feigning turning out her non-existent pockets. "I should really get some sunscreen, too... I burn in, what, five minutes?" She laughed. "What about you? Do you have one? Or do you need to go get it first?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

A deep breath was exhaled as Azai struck his fingers upon one the rope tearing it. Yet it was still frustrating that his progress was slow comparing to when he was training with his master an brother, his fighting styles was not advancing even though he had learned and mastered various styles, but his master wasn't here to teach him more. His physical capabilities were advancing in a good pace, but it didn't help him with his Monochrome control, it seemed like his master was right about training his mind to control it, but that was a training that takes many years, and his was only in the first steps of that road.

Azai was lost in thought when Luka came to him and sat infront of him panting after a long chase after a butterfly, looking rather stuiped but he only wanted the love and approval of Azai, so he kneel down to him and Luka approched to lick the sweat of Azai's face and ears, it was one of his favorite indulge, so Azai tackled him off guard and played their fight game a bit before he continues his second part of his training, the part where he tells Luka to go play away so he doesn't get hurt. It was mediating while he activates his Monochrome and try to control its radius and the intensity of the decaying power and try to get more control over what it effects, he used to try it on the force shield to see if it can affect it. It shocked Azai that even after using 99% of the power on the shield seemed to have almost no effect, he had a theory that if activates the White Wall, it would destroy it, but the risk was too high becuase the last time he did he wasn't able to withstand it and was able to stop it at the last second before he himself decayed, and left him unconscious for several days, and it also didn't give the full power of the abilty.

Azai finished his play with Luka and gave him the order to play away from him, while he sat near the lake meditating and activated his power... Luka went for a walk by the edge of the lake, he stopped to drink from the water and saw his reflection. Luka had a funny habit of watching his reflection and getting surprised by it he used to stare at his black mask that stretched from his ears to cover his light brown eyes and ending just at the beginning of his nose bridge, and then turn his head to his black spots covering his white fur on his back, there was something rather remarkable about those spots that they were half brown on the beginning and half black at the end. And then he would chase his long furred curved tail, only to end up walking again feeling fabulous, and being confident about it. It was one of the things that made Azai just watch him to burst out laughing in the end. Luka went to continue his walk and saw some people arriving at the lake, so he sat nearby but just not too close bored so he watched them having their human time and it made him wonder a lot...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by shinigami94
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Double post sorry
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