Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Mithias staggered back as the robot head popped out of the window he had opened. He stared with clenched teeth, ready to fight or flight depending on what happened next. Instead, the head talked, in a language he could understand. "So it is a portal." He replied, keeping his eye on the robot.

Next, he caught the red girl that was chucked in his direction. She looked alien to him, but her tackle didn't look intentional. He set her down as she yelled at Gorda, disgruntled about being tossed.

Mithias interrupted. "Wait. Now who are you? Why am I able to open portals and why did you come out of it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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"My name, is Gorda. Some people refer to me as a demon, but that is...inaccurate. The girl is Jackie. I'm guessing you've been pulled though the universes...as for why we're responding, you opened a portal right into our barracks...." Gorda says. Jackies gets up, and tries to drop kick Gorda, only for him not to budge, and for her to end up hitting the floor rather hard. She shivers, and leaps back up.
"....Well, this place looks....different. At least from anyplace I've been to. Tell me, mister pale...what is this place?" Jackie asks, looking at Mithias as she asks her question.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Mithias glances behind him at the building behind the palm trees. "This is... my home. We are about to go to war to ensure the survival of our species, of course, some want more than that. It all seems so distant to me now." He looked back at Jackie and Gorda. "Are you seriously just going to walk out of your own world like that? I mean, not that I personally mind intrusion... unless you cause trouble, but what about your own world? What are you leaving behind?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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"...Hmm..how did the great philospher put it?....I don't give a single, solitary fuck!" Jackie sings out, sorta hoping about. Gorda looks at the portal itself.
"Currently, I am scanning this portal..the energy signature feels..very strong. I'm trying to act like a shoe in the door, keeping it from closing. Even if I am split in two, my memory banks are located in my torso, not my head, so even if it takes off my head, I'll be fine..." Gorda says. Jackie then freezes. "..Waaaiit, humans are going to be hunted?...that..sorta sounds like fun..to be honest. Not humanity getting slaughtered..but the fight. Can I join in?" Jackie asks, before, from the portal, a long metal appears though the portal, wrapping around Jackie's legs, before she is dragged back though the portal.
"...Sorry...I..just..I can't stand her at times, and I didn't want to have to come though the portal to stop her if she decided to disregard your answer..." Gorda says, sounding a little annoyed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Tyki @Stephanie Dola
As the two were talking, the caretaker, and the mage, a large group of ships appeared quickly above, each resembling cars in a way. From them, filed many soldiers, equiped with laz-guns, and the Colonel from before, David, appears, pulling a pistol. His men, showing no real regard for nature, trample plants, lining up to surround the two. The ships themselves ready their large cannons. While Lina may of been able to stop normal rifles with her ability, raywing, these cannons may prove different.
"Hmph. Stupid garde-ACHOO!" David says, obviously allergic to some of the plants there. He began to growl, before turning to the two there. "Ok, now, I'll ask this again, less nicely. Either, you come with us little lady, or, I'm going to break all of your limbs and drag you to where you're gonna end up. As for you, boy, help bring her here....if you're nice, we won't set this entire weed farm on fire...." David growls, obviously not happy at being made a fool of by Lina.
However, the mage, and maybe the gardener, could sense someone standing right by them both. He was standing there, but not moving..and he was facing David. Maybe someone to help..someone to attack the Colonel? Who knows...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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As the ship turned back towards the East, they found themselves drifting in the wake of the immense hydra. Yamato no Orochi moved towards the East at surprising speed, it's immense body just below the water. It was like a large island had grown serpent heads, and had decided to go eat the nearest continent. Below the surface the immense body shifted and twisted, it's movements creating waves the size of houses. It was only because of King's surprising skill with Viking longboats that they weren't capsized by the torrent of water, it was only because of the constant wind in the sails that they were able to keep up.

It was clear that Yamato no Orochi intended to lay siege to Japan. It was heading straight from the capital city, the exact opposite of the direction they had been heading in.

If the group wished for chaos, Yamato no Orochi would certainly cause it. But it would also cause the strongest warriors in the Eastern Empire, the Dragon Guard, to make an appearance. Most likely a titanic battle would erupt, and anyone involved in it would find themselves quite quickly in mortal danger, caught in between the clash of titanic forces. Alternatively, they could choose a more subtle route and use the immense serpent as a distraction as they attacked elsewhere. This would be far safer. However, they would not have the raw destructive power of Orochi backing them up, and they wouldn't be able to hit Aegis, the Emperor's Capital.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Shiro awoke in bed, a green jade statue of a bass having been placed on his chest. The statue seemed to emanate a feeling of calm, a warmth even he could feel, and he knew better than to remove it. Instead he settled back down, recalling the events that had lead up to his current state of injury. While attempting to stop the intruders he had been caught in one of Saito-sama's storms. Being undead, and not phased by human feelings of fear and panic, Shiro could perfectly recall the events. Most of his body had been crushed by a large boulder, the event managing to knock him unconscious. The very fact that his body had been rebuilt spoke of powerful magic, there were few in the Empire who were capable of such healing.

Shiro sensed him coming before he entered the room, but it was a surprise all the same. Sensing Arezawa-sama's energy, he had begun to doubt his own senses. And yet the Right Hand of the Emperor walked into his sick room, seeming to briefly check the statue as well as several charms he had hung on the walls. Then, as Shiro was still trying to wrap his head around the mage's presence, Kiyoki addressed him. Smiling coldly, he sat down by the side of Shiro's bed. "Shiro of the Kurotai (black sword), is it not? I'm sure you're well aware of who I am." Shiro could do nothing but stupidly nod in response. "Good. Now, you were found in the Gardens after the... incident, with most of your body destroyed. No doubt you were trying to apprehend the intruders, yes?"

The question suddenly returned Shiro's voice. It wasn't good for your loyalty or motivations to be in question, when you served the Emperor. Those who were suspected of treason had a tendency to disappear, either to the dungeons or on some suicide mission in enemy territory. "Yes, sir. I was attempting to assist when Saito-sama's storm damaged me." Under normal circumstances Shiro would never have dared point out the negative side effects of the notoriously destructive warrior's rampages. However under the Onmyoudo's piercing gaze he felt like withholding information would cost him far more than any insult he might cause to the Dragon Guard.

After a moment of silence Kiyoki continued, not acknowledging Shiro's reply in any way. "The people who intruded into the gardens were dangerous opponents. In order to get as far as they did they must have broken through a variety of security measures unnoticed. They supposedly survived the storm and eluded Saito as well. Even the Storm Elemental was defeated." Kiyoki spoke with both interest and annoyance in his voice, as if he were facing a particularly vexing conundrum. "Unfortunately Saito was able to describe only one member of their group to me. You will need to amend for your failure by giving me any information you possess."

Saito nodded again. So this was why the Emperor's Right Hand was speaking to him, and had rebuilt his body. Being reminded of his failure further reminded him of what the consequences would be of subsequent mistakes. Those who could not properly serve the Emperor were doomed to serve as his amusement. As such he told the mage all he had discovered, recalling with perfect detail the events that had transpired just yesterday. The frost dragon, the cowboy, the luminous mysterious figure in the sky, and the strange sea creature. He informed him of their abilities, as far as he was aware of them, and their appearances.

When Shiro was done speaking, Kiyoki smiled. But this time it was genuine, a look of satisfaction. "Good. You do the Emperor proud. You would do well to continue serving this diligently, Shiro." Shiro nodded, relieved. It had been Kiyoki that had granted the assassin his immortality, and it was Kiyoko that could with the same ease remove it, if he so wished. Kiyoki stood, and moved towards the door. Before leaving, he turned around one last time. "Had you lied during our encounter, my wards would have turned you to dust. Your honesty in this situation is appreciated." With that, the mage left.

Sighing, Shiro once more lay down. He had no need for rest, physically, but he felt like he needed to recuperate from the stress. Being in that man's presence was terrifying. With a mere word he could order the death of any man in the world, with a mere gesture he could take away the very gifts he had bestowed. Truly, Kiyoki was the Right Hand of the Emperor. The Right Hand of God himself. To know that one's life is hanging by a string, and to see the hand holding the sword that might cut it, is a terrifying thing indeed. For a moment Shiro allowed himself to feel pity for those who had caught the onmyoudo's attention. But just for a moment, as such treacherous thoughts might end him in this place. His life was the emperor's, as was his death. Nothing else mattered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"...Hmm..how did the great philospher put it?....I don't give a single, solitary fuck!" Jackie sings out, sorta hoping about. Gorda looks at the portal itself.
"Currently, I am scanning this portal..the energy signature feels..very strong. I'm trying to act like a shoe in the door, keeping it from closing. Even if I am split in two, my memory banks are located in my torso, not my head, so even if it takes off my head, I'll be fine..." Gorda says. Jackie then freezes. "..Waaaiit, humans are going to be hunted?...that..sorta sounds like fun..to be honest. Not humanity getting slaughtered..but the fight. Can I join in?" Jackie asks, before, from the portal, a long metal appears though the portal, wrapping around Jackie's legs, before she is dragged back though the portal.
"...Sorry...I..just..I can't stand her at times, and I didn't want to have to come though the portal to stop her if she decided to disregard your answer..." Gorda says, sounding a little annoyed.

Mithias stood glaring at Jackie, just with a look of utter dumfoundedness and dejection at her level of boisterous idiocy. Finally, he bothered to reveal his thoughts, and immediately thereafter regretted it. His eye twitched. "... Fighting means getting slaughtered." He said to her. He was deeply thankful when Jakie got ripped back into the portal.

"Gorda. Hold that portal for another moment." Mithias concentrated again on an area next to Gorda's portal, and then another portal opened. Mithias seemed to smile just slightly at his success. "Ah... Now let me see." Carefully, he lifted one hand at one portal and the other at Gorda and slowly gestured them together. The window to the other, unknown world floated closer and closer toward Gorda's head, until at last he could peer into it from his position half sticking out of his own portal. "There." Mithias said, the lights of the swirling portals reflecting off his eyes.

Suddenly Gorda could see them. A heard of fanged pink unicorn were stampeding at him. Hooves sparking dangerously, flames in their eyes. They crashed through the one portal into the other and Mithias watched in awe as he conducted the whole thing before him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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The unicorns arrived like a flood, but Gorda was a dam. The many metal tendrils that Gorda had quickly sprung forwards, grappling these homicidal horned horses, holding them back, as Gorda steps fully into between the portals, the robotic body of Gorda maybe striking Mithias with awe, for it with it, Gorda easily was holding back the group of evil unicorns, not budging, not moving backwards, but pushing them back..until he cast them back into their world.
"..Mind closing the portal now?" Gorda asks, his tendrils holding them back. Of course, closing the portal now would sever them, but he seemed not to mind.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mithias closed the portal and cut off the metal tendrils. That too seemed interesting to him. In fact, he commented, "Interesting." He looked at Gorda, who was now completely in his world. "I gather that I am not unique in having this power, and that it is powerful indeed. what does that make me? Some kind of world hopper?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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It appeared the other understood the term "light novel" as well. Who would have guessed that such parallel and similar worlds existed side-by-side. An interesting construct of reality which Issei believed too complex to understand the full extent of this theory. Of course, one does not need to completely understand how something works to understand that it exists, as the proof was before his eyes. Such complexity was beyond Issei, not that he really cared about such ideas.

But, it appeared that Momiji was interested in Issei's offer for traveling together. Though happy about being able to travel with the other, not truly afraid of the individuals in this world, but not apathetic. A companion of sorts would be better than nothing, even if he was not completely sure of her nature.

"Not my intention to seduce you. I have my own women I currently pursue: Rias-senpai. I am just trying to be friendly; think nothing more of it."

No ill intentions came from the flirting. Although Issei did have perverted tendencies, he truly loved his "Master" and wished for her to receive his feelings as well. That being said, such mild flirting was not an uncommon occurrence for Issei.

"You must also know the feeling of having someone to work towards, no?"

A guess in the dark anyway, but Issei felt that Momiji had this "significant other" in her heart, having experienced a similar issue himself. Either way, Issei supposed she was more "no nonsense" than he thought. If she did not offer interesting conversation, at least she seemed trustworthy to a degree.

"But enough of that, perhaps we should look for the master of this world to see why were are currently here?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

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Lucas had gotten tired of waiting so he gets up and walks towards the girl and guy. Upon reaching them he introduces himself,"Hello my names Lucas, and I couldn't help but over hear that you where looking for the leader of this world, while I don't know who that is I do know that there is a village over that way." He points towards the village he was walking to before he turned around to "spy" on the girl."So I suggest that the three of us make our way there, you know what they say strength in numbers. Speaking of which." Lucas lets out a sharp whistle which wakes up his wolf spirits which had fallen asleep, they rush to his side and sit down,"These are my wolf spirits, I also have a raven and bear spirit."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dawn
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...oh. It was him again.

The weird kid.

What did he say? Spirits? Well, Momiji at least knew of a lower-level Creator who could summon spirits, but...well...her spirits were deceased magi. This kid's spirits were animals.

Oh, he had a raven spirit. So that bird was probably his. So he'd been the one spying on them.

"They also say that three's a crowd, so I'll pass. Come on, Hyoudou-san, let's get to that village."

Saying these words coldly, Momiji turned to walk past the weird kid without another word, gesturing for Issei to walk with her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ADamnFiddle
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ADamnFiddle Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

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O-oh. It appears she did believe that the current situation did call for a duo of sorts. Of course, Issei imagined that the individual around the area was in fact a friend of Momiji. It appeared this was not the case. However, the Momiji did not really have to be that cold towards the other, Issei wondering what had happened between the two, if anything at all. Perhaps the latter, because he seemed to introduce himself as if their meeting was short.


Issei looked at the spirit walker with a troubled, uncomfortable glare, like that of a man who must explain to his paraplegic daughter that her dreams of becoming a ballerina will never come true. Truly, the degree of "burn" was extreme.

However, Issei was not one to fret over such an instance of burn, following Momiji to wherever she believed would be the best choice of direction. After all, any direction would be better than the knowledge Issei currently understood of the world itself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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"I don't know..you're the first I've encountered...other than possibly...no, never mind." Gorda replies, as he begins to run repairs on his tendrils. "....So..tell me, what are you? You're not human...my thermal sensors pick up little heat from you....Undead, maybe? Cryogenic human...possibly...." Gorda think out loud, and seeming not to care as he lists many things that Mithias could be, ranging from android, to shape shifting sand monster, to someone under a curse. Of course, his closest guess is undead, as he never states vampire. Maybe he has never encountered one before. Maybe they don't exist in his universe. Again, who knows...Gorda, obviously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@ADamnFiddle@Dawn"Well ok then but unlike you two I won't have to walk." Lucas dismisses his wolves and calls forth his bear, which he then proceeds to mount."I'll see you two at the town." He pats the bears haunch which jolts the bear charge forward, kicking up a trail of dust.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Falcon-oyce
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Falcon-oyce Falcon Alpha

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Suddenly a masked man teleports a few feet away from the bear rider with a small handheld crossbow aimed at his face:'I am going to give you 30 seconds to explain where the hell I am or an arrow will be penetrating your skull!'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Snarfulblast
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Snarfulblast I'm a Dwarf! Ya bloody idjit.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Falcon-oyceThe bear grounds to a halt nearly throwing Lucas off of the bear."Ummm, I actually have no idea where this is or how you got here, I just know the name of this world, It's called Tsubasa."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stephanie Dola
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Stephanie Dola

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These people were annoying. Couldn't they just accept that they got bested by someone better than them? Even if they brought more of them, they were nothing more than insects that would be crushed by her. She noticed that they brought some, cannons, yes that was the word. Raywing should likely shatter if she was hit by one, so escaping was likely impossible.


This was going to be more than she wanted it to be. She might as well give them a warning.

" I was trying so hard to be nice. I didn't outwardly insult you or anything, but since you don't want to be nice, neither will I. I'm giving you a few seconds to leave, if not, I'll be forced to reduce all of your men into ash. I'll leave you alone though, you don't deserve a quick and painless death. "

She was acting a lot more hostile than usually would, but she was completely serious. She wouldn't have any kind of trouble killing everybody around her, even the man standing behind her.

Of course, she had no actual idea of intentions of the man behind were. He could be working with the Colonel, a random bystander, or someone who wants to kill a member of the Empire. Each was likely as the other. She hoped that the man got the warning himself, if not, he would just have to be another causality.

Only a week here, and she is already about to eliminate plenty of people. Thankfully, they weren't innocents, they seemed more like bandits than anything. Killing Bandits was allowed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Falcon-oyce
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Falcon-oyce Falcon Alpha

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The masked man puts away his handheld crossbow as he asks: 'A second ago I was in Dunwall. What the hell is Tsubasa!'
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