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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Have you no conception of the dangers inherent in this virus?"

"Power calls to power, and sorrow to sorrow." He gave Fortunato the barest of smiles. "We have all lost something precious to us in this battle against horror. But still we must go on, go on and turn back the darkness. If we can.”: Dr Tachyon.

What would happen if super powered beings existed in the “real” world? Well you’d get something similar to the Wild Card Universe, a series of mosaic novels written by several different writers and collected and edited by George R.R. Martin (yes, THAT G.R.R. Martin) that revolve around a world where super powered beings exist. Originally based off a long-running roleplay (irony) run by Martin in his youth, the series has run for more than 2 decades with over 20 different books.
The series’ subject matter differs from traditional superhero comics of the time in that it was more “realistic” (again, irony). In the series, there are no “big superhero teams” or “supervillians”, at least not in the comic-established sense. Many times, these “supervillians” are part of criminal organisations such as the Mafia or extremists such as the Islamic Nur sect.
It is this Universe we will be exploring and making our own from a point in time. The established events after this point in time will be changed, reimagined or completely forgotten as we begin taking over this huge world.

Brief History of the Wild Card Event:
In 1946, an alien named Prince Tisianne (or Dr Tachyon as he is now known) landed on Earth the same day as a virus, engineered by the House IIkazam, was sent to the planet in order to evaluate the virus on a large scale test. The virus crashed on Earth and was hijacked by one Dr. Tod. Using the virus, Tod threatened to release it over New York City, not knowing the full effects of the virus on humans.
On Sept. 15 1946, the genetically engineered Xenovirus Takis-A, also known as the Wild Card Virus in later years, was released over New York City. It was then that full effects of the virus were witnessed. As the virus rained down upon the unsuspecting public below, the changes began to show.
Of the estimated 25,000 infected, 90% became “black queens”, dying in gruesome ways, melting, burning, exploding, while the remaining 10% mutated. Every death was different, sending the city into a panic. Bridges were closed, people urged to stay in their homes. As the death toll rose, a pattern emerged. While 9 out of the 10 survivors of the virus mutated, becoming hideously deformed “jokers”, the lucky remaining 1% were gifted with miraculous physical or mental powers, becoming “aces”.
Since “Wild Card Day”, Earth has changed dramatically, encountering alien civilisations, inter-dimensional beings and global disasters. Certain historical elements more or less followed a similar path, with some obvious changes of the inclusion of superhuman presence.


The virus can be identified using a blood test, even if that person is Latent. The virus does not affect animals or other aliens as it is genetically coded for Takis (and, as a result of the identical genetics between races, humans)

Notable People/Places:

(Character taken by GM)

(Original Character, taken by GM)

It is from this point in time (July 1987 for those who didn’t read the Timeline) that the normal timeline may/will diverge. Anyone taking over established characters must review their characters history. Anyone who is creating new characters should take these past events into account if they affect your character in anyway. I would ask that if you are creating a character based around a certain ability or deformity that you check and see if there isn’t already a highly established character that has your ability/deformity of choice. I say “highly” as in they have been given backstory and/or have been established. A list of different characters/power-based categories can be found here: Wild Card Characters

Now time for everyone’s favourite section- Da Rulez!

1] Have fun. We’re all here because we love writing and/or imagine intricate stories, settings and characters and, while I (and I assume many others) are open to constructive criticism, we’re not here to beat down others on their creations, we’re here to add to already rich and imaginative world. So have some fun with it. THAT’S AN ORDER!

2] If you’ve never read these books, that is alright. The whole point is that we’re starting anew from a point in time and constructing our own stories. However, 2 common themes all these books (and hopefully this RP) have are realism (what would happen if you put super powered beings in the “real” world) and graphic, gritty imagery and situations. What do I mean by that? 2 simple words: anal necrophilia. Yes. That actually happens in one book.
However, that will not be happening here or at least, not to that degree. Everyone will follow the sites rules regarding sexual content and graphic violence. Anything graphical should only be hinted at or faded to black in regards sex and the explicit language and violence should not be overused just for the “shock factor”.

3] Pick a character that you A) think you can develop or construct a character that you think you can get some decent stories out of B) have decently researched or put time into creating yourself. Don’t just pick one because their “powers are cool” or “they’re badass”. Think long term. Also don’t be afraid to pick a Nat or Deuce if you think you effectively develop a good story or character out of them. Also try and be realistic in your appearance for your character, particularly the Aces. Not all Aces are beautiful, stone-chiselled models, some can be just ordinary people with extraordinary powers.

4] Pick your powers/deformities wisely. Obviously I can’t tell someone how to play their characters but I would ask that if you are choosing certain abilities that you consider how they’ll affect your stories and your character’s life overall. I would ask that people limit their choices away from the god-like powers, time travel and so forth and if you do choose these powers, that you impose a weakness or limitation as to their usage. In saying that, don’t be afraid to use your imagination. This world contains humanoid androids, sexually-powered magicians, Shakespearian-dressed telepathic aliens and much, much more.

5] Everyone is allowed, at most, 2 characters at any one time. However, due to the rarity of Aces in the world, if you pick an Ace as your 1st character, then you will only have the choices of Jokers, Deuces or Nats. This also goes for ace-jokers. No one can have 2 Ace-style characters at one time. This is to keep things fair and balanced and to stop try and stop the entire RP from being filled with nothing but Aces. All other combinations are available, joker-joker, deuce-joker etc.

6] You may notice that the previous rule has the phrase “at any one time”. That is because no one’s character is above dying. However this will only happen IF the character’s player allows it. Other characters may simply just run out of steam story wise and be retired. Others may transcend the physical plane, travel back in time etc. Point is, is that characters in this will come and go.

7] No Godmoding or Metagaming to an extreme degree. For anyone unfamiliar with these terms, Metagaming is playing your character using/having knowledge that could only be obtained by either reading it in the OOC or by reading another poster’s entries. Big no-no. Godmoding, in this case, is trying over-exert too much control over situations or other characters. This also carries over to describing actions of other player’s characters in-game without their prior consent. A very big no-no.

As this is an Int Ch for the moment, there are bits missing, mostly about other important characters. This is mainly to prevent an overload of information. However, if you have a genuine interest in it, then I suggest reading the Wikia for any information you may want to find between now and when/if the OOC goes up and if you’re just interested in the overall premise, I highly recommend you find a copy of the 1st Wild Cards novel and read it.

Also you need not post up an actual filled CS just yet, this is merely to garner some interest and see how things follow from here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ArtifactCreator
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ArtifactCreator The Artificer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This looks interesting, I'll be watching this for a little bit. I got a good idea on who I want to create.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@ArtifactCreator Well come along for the ride. The more the merrier. I have thins in General too so there are a few others interested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oxenfree
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll keep an eye on this; I have a few ideas, but I may or may not have the time for it.

What would the classification be of a character whose primary power is altering their body into monstrous, yet physically capable forms? And would a character focused on hunting down other superpowered characters be welcome?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I like this.


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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by pockets

pockets The Happy Gargoyle

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm curious. Might have an idea for a character but I'm honestly not sure if he'd be considered a Deuce or an Ace. The power, I think, could be epic if applied properly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What would the classification be of a character whose primary power is altering their body into monstrous, yet physically capable forms? And would a character focused on hunting down other superpowered characters be welcome?

It depends for both questions. I'd need more information. Does the Wild Card afflicted stay visually the same, in a monstrous form when he's smaller? Can he control the change or is it more a "Jekyll and Hyde" situation? If either is the case, then a Joker-Ace would be a good area. As for the Wild Card hunter, again, more information. Why are they doing it? Are they working for someone? What's their powers, if they have any? Are they a Nat who still believes in the "Wild Card Menace" of the 50s? A MenAce, if you will? Do they work for the government? If so, why are they hunting aces and such? In here, doing something for the sake of doing it doesn't really cut it. This isn't the normal comic kinda superhero stories where the villain is bad "because he's the villain". There need to be clear, sane, underlying reasons. Aces became costumed heroes because of the public fear mongering in the 50s. They came out in the 60s because of a more liberal government and the Hippie movement. By all means, post your Char and I'll see how it fits in, but be aware, if I don't think it's up to par in some areas, I will say so. I'm tough but fair.

I like this.


I like you.


I'm curious. Might have an idea for a character but I'm honestly not sure if he'd be considered a Deuce or an Ace. The power, I think, could be epic if applied properly.

Well that could be a good story arc. A 2nd gen Wild Card born with a deuce power is teased and bullied in his childhood and then, later in life, finds out his power is much more useful when applied in the correct circumstances. And don't forget, the description notes how they use their powers in interesting ways. There is a Character in the series called "Tinkerbill" AKA William Chen. His power is he can make a person glow sparkly pink for hours. Now how is that useful, you may ask? Well, Tinkerbill is a cop and he tags fleeing suspects with this pink glow, making them easily identifiable and traceable. If you're creative enough, a deuce power can be an interesting plot device.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Added a section on different "Writing Styles" if anyone is interested.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Nightraider Do you mind explaining the events surrounding the swarm invasion in a little more detail? It sounds like a pretty big deal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Nightraider Do you mind explaining the events surrounding the swarm invasion in a little more detail? It sounds like a pretty big deal.

Yes, I've been looking at that. I've been thinking I might update the Timeline to a modern setting. I originally made this Roleplay over a year ago, but didn't have the time to oversee it properly so the interest died. Since then I've read many more of the novels so I'm much further down the Timeline and I think a more modern setting will suit potential players.

Apologises if this has upset your character creation in any way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Nightraider Thanks, and it's alright I wasn't far enough in that it causes any setbacks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I've now updated the Timeline to a new date that will make the creation of new aces and jokers easier.

@Guilty Spark, this may interest you.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

On a related/unrelated note, I think I've enough interest from both threads to make up an IC/OOC where people can start posting their characters and I can start adding more info to the main section above. That should be up either tomorrow or Friday.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I'll keep an eye on this and, depending on the players/characters, may be up for joining in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll keep an eye on this and, depending on the players/characters, may be up for joining in.

Would be a pleasure Hatter. The main thread should be up this evening.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightraider
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Nightraider The Bankrupt, Brash, Bastardly Bard

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just a reminder guys that the OOC is up

@The Mad Hatter @Guilty Spark @Oxenfree @ArtifactCreator
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guilty Spark
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Guilty Spark A Relic of the Past

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Nightraider I'll drop in soon, I just picked up a few more RPs during the wait.
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