Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

O:6 D:0 S:4

Name: Sakiah Kywen Chu'manah
Alias: "Robin Denholme" , "Fire Walker", "Ignis Ambu'leh"
Appeared Age: Early Twenties
Actual Age: Twenty-Three
Nationality: Tribal - Chu'Mana
Race: Kelpi, also known as Firekin
Sex: Female
Height: 5'2
Weight: 120 lbs (approx.)
Eye Color: Light Gold
Hair Color: Platinum White
Physical Identifiers
  • Scars crisscross her back, showing the tell-tale signs of a whip.
  • A small scar next to her right eye, shaped like the new crescent of a moon.
  • Sakiah's skin is typically always very warm. Anything lower could signify a problem.
  • Two small, thick horns protrude from the top of her head, curling slightly forward and up.
  • Two slightly larger, and thicker horns point to either side and curl up from the back of her crown.
  • Tattoo of her tribe on the back of her right shoulder.
  • Tattoo of the phoenix on her left breast.
  • Tattoo of chains encircling both of her wrists, branding her as a slave.

Appearance: Sakiah is a dainty, light skinned woman, who can have a bit of a firey nature at times. Her life wasn't always so rough, but more recent events from the past couple of years have left her scarred in more ways than one. Her petite features, small frame, and the lack of any curves make her sort of exotic compared to the more desirable, full-figured women of the lands. Though she is no beauty, perhaps pretty at best in her own eyes. Her time living with her tribe once had her conditioned with lithe muscle and challenges that bred a will to survive. She had been a bright, happy girl who's eyes glittered like the sun.

Such a thing no longer exists behind eyes haunted with dark memories. Her smile darkened into a thinly pressed line of reservation and thought. Her body kept only in shape by the backbreaking labor that the Corhall Slave Mines demanded. Though she was not always stuck there, her many roles were never any of her choosing. Her tiny body has been hardened by the cruel reality of the world, leaving her tougher than she appears.

Aligned Faction: Chu'Manah
Social Status: Commoner
Military Status: None
Other Status: Nylphite, Escaped Slave
  • Tuiwei Kywen, Father: Deceased
  • Ankhi Kywen, Mother: Deceased
  • Mukiya Kywen, Sister: Unknown

Starting Gear:
  • N/A

Offensive Skills:
  • "Fire Walker": Sakiah has command over fire, but only that which she creates. Fires that are indirectly started she has no control over either. The generation of fire is directly linked to her life force, and exercising this power takes its toll directly on her. Though she is able to cast moderately before feeling the side effects. Unlike other fire mages, Sakiah's fire burns brighter, losing most its color and becoming more of a vivid, saturated white. Additionally this fire can only be generated from her hands.
  • "Conflagration": Sakiah's ability to manifest fire may only stem from her hands, but it can envelop whatever she is holding, or spread across what she is touching.

Defensive Skills:
  • "Attunement": While not completely immune, Sakiah is considerably more resistance to natural fire. Though, resisting the effects of a natural blaze takes a certain amount of willpower, and effects her body much the same way casting her magic does.

Utility Skills:
  • "Fuel": Sakiah's power does follow some of the properties of natural fire, ignoring the fact that it spews from her hands with just a thought and a flick of the wrist. She is more effective against other magi harnessing magic that involves wood, flora, and wind. With the latter, a stronger wind magi could prevent her from manifesting fire at all.
  • "Strategist": If there is one thing that Sakiah has been blessed with, it's an incredibly sharp mind. Years of being a slave, with nothing better to do than say, oh, be shackled to a wall in her down time left her a lot of time to think. Time to plot, and scheme.
  • "Silver Tongued": Sakiah, as a slave, has spent much of her time in the shadows, learning and watching the maneuvers and ploys of the noble families. As nothing but a wine serving shadow, she has been privy to many secrets and exposed truths, such to the point where she has more than an average understanding of how to work the noble courts.
  • "Chef'Manah ": Even raised with the teachings of the Chu'manah, Sakiah didn't quite learn all the skills she needs to survive. Since her capture and bondage, she has forgotten most of what she briefly learned. The only remaining fragments of her Chu'Manah training concern mostly how to cook, as she often spent the nights sharing tales of feasts and secrets of seasoning with other prisoners. This has also left her with knowledge of many wild herbs and plants, though most of them revolve around cooking.

  • "Extinguished": Water is a direct counter to Sakiah, and will interupt, if not prevent, her ability to manifest fire depending on how wet she is. This leaves her especially vulnerable during a rainstorm. A caster who harnesses the element of water will not immediately counter her, but will instead turn it into a battle of endurance and resolve. Drinking water will cause minor disturbances to her powers.
  • "Volatile": Due to the turbulent nature of fire itself, at times Sakiah has difficulty controlling her power. Typically, in such a way that she cannot stop it's manifestation. This is really effected by her emotions, and only occurs during extreme emotional states.
  • "Pent up": The volatile nature of her powers doesn't seem so bad, until you couple it with the fact that her life as been a living, emotional hell and has left her more than physical scars. Unless in shackles, few take the pleasure of her unstable company for long. She's a combustion bomb waiting to explode, waiting to be set off from memories of her own violent past.
  • "Cold Front": Because of Sakiah's affinity with fire, the cold does have an adverse effect on her. In small amounts, she doesn't really feel it, but once temperatures start dropping she has to stay warm. This can also prevent her from manifesting fire.
  • "Back Broken": Despite the physically demanding labor of being, well, a slave miner, most of the actual work is done hunched over and trying to maneuver shackled limbs in position to meet the output demands, or face the task master's wrath. This has left Sakiah in poor shape physically.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RedDusk
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RedDusk Likes cheese and slacking

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

O:2 D:2 S:6

Name: Zugos Velarium
Aliases: Rune, The Mageblight.
Appeared Age: Early twenties.
Actual Age: 27. Snowkin ages at the same rate as human, at least up until they reach adulthood. At that point, each snowkin ages at a different rate, depending on the pureness of their blood. Left alone, commoners can live up to 150 years, while members of the noble houses have the average life span of 500 years.
Nationality: Klonian from the Klonia Collective.
Race: Snowkin
Sex: Male
Height: 6’2’’
Weight: 175lbs
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Platinum
Physical Identifiers
  • Runes and markings etched into his arms and legs. They are of a bright red color and glitters like metal, though feel normal when touched.
  • His body temperature is always only lukewarm.

Appearance: Rune leads a hard, violent life, and it shows. Scars mars his pale skin, marks left behind from sword slashes, arrow wounds and even claws of beasts, but in the end, they all tell the same story: he lives. Even dressed in rough leather and tattered cloak, he cuts an impressive figure, all hard edges and coiled muscles. However, he lacks the intimidating mass of fighters; his sinewy figure more closely resembles those of sprinters and swimmers. In his cloak, he could even pass for a travelling merchant, rather than a violent mercenary who killed for gold on a daily basic.

For a sellswords, many would say that Rune has a pretty face. He has bright eyes, a sharp nose and strong jaw, and despite the scars than runs across his body, he has none on his face. His hair is the color of fresh fall snow, though not an uncommon color among his people, when couples with red eyes, marks the noble bloodline in Klonia. He grows it out, not long enough to pull into a ponytail yet, but still there for an enemy to grab in the midst of battle. If he were a little less vain, he would have cut it.

Rune’s usual attire consists of a simple cuirass, one layer of boiled leather reinforced with metal plates, a linen shirt with cut off sleeves beneath, pants and leather boots. When out in the blistering sun, he adds an extra layer by donning a cloak, which is only a threadbare sheet of dark colored cloth decorated with questionable stains.

Residence: Wherever his work takes him.
Profession: Mercenary.
Aligned Faction: None.
Social Status: Commonfolk.
Military Status: None.
Other Status: Nylphite.
  • Vinklaus the Victor – Father (Deceased)
  • Solveig Velarium – Half-brother
  • Nikos Velarium – Half-brother

Starting Gear:
  • Gauntlets: A pair of leather gauntlets reinforced with thick metal plates. What make these special is the fact that they are made in the same fashion as magic-damping runic shackles. However, when compared to the shackles, they heat up much faster, only able to take around 4 or 5 blasts before getting far too hot for a snowkin to bear. That is why the straps are designed in a way that allow the metal plates to be detached from the leather braces.
  • Long Sword: A simple long sword made from black steel, a type of metal found only on the Dragon Spine ranges.
  • Throwing knives: Several throwing knives made from the same material as his sword.

Offensive Skills:

  • Steel Storm: Rune has some control over metal, though the range of his ability is rather short. He can move metal objects with just his mind alone, as long as they are in range. The closer he is to the objects, the easier it is and the stronger his power gets. By imbuing his throwing knives with power, he can launch them toward a target with great force and deadly precision, without even lifting a finger.
  • Snikt Snikt The sword is a simple weapon; nothing more than a hunk of sharpened steel, and yet, kingdoms were built and brought to ruins by the sword. Anything with opposable thumbs and sturdy arms can learn to swing a sword, but it takes raw talent and rigorous training to master. Fortunately, having spent his formative years among the war dogs of Klonia, Rune had both in abudance. When he reaches for his sword, expect trouble.

Defensive Skills:
  • Collide and Collapse: By channeling his power into a field around him, he can stop metal projectiles mid-flight, or in the case of bolts from crossbows, at least alter their path away from his person. When in close quarter combat, he uses this power to either subtly divert the strikes of his opponents, or interfering with their movements.

Utility Skills:
  • Revved Up: After charging the metallic runes on his body, he can increase his speed and endurance greatly, far beyond that of a normal man. In this state, he is capable of performing impressive feats, such as running/slashing at high speed, making further, higher leap and suffering less damage from falling.
  • Haymaker: He can increase the strength behind each and every one of his sword strikes by backing them up with his power, all while allowing him to block his opponents’ attacks more effectively by using the same technique.

  • Hit and Run: One of Rune’s greatest weaknesses is his poor stamina. Swinging a sword while simultaneously trying to control your opponent’s with your mind is hard work, and the Kin’s ineptitude with magic doesn’t help. It is why Rune refrains from making drastic actions with his power unless absolutely necessary. He uses it mainly to alter the flow of battle in his favor: a nudge to the blade now and then, a tug to steel boots every once in a while.
  • Getting Hot In Here: Rune is a snowkin, and like most of his kind, heat is the bane of his existence. He has to avoid the midday sun, rarely goes outside without his trusty cloak on and dislikes campfires with a passion. As he is no longer surrounded by the familiar tundra of his homeland, Rune has to take care to make sure his body does not overheat. He also shies away from heavier and thicker armor because of the very reason.
  • Red Iron: His runes work with the same principle of the runic shackles; they absorb the magic energy fed to them, so they also heat up gradually. Because of his snowkin physiology, he can’t tolerate much heat, so the runes can’t stay active for long. In between sessions, he often has to stop to let them cool off.
  • Keep Your Enemies Close: Rune’s power extends about 8 feet around his person, meaning beyond of this sphere, he can no longer affect anything with his power. Arguably, this can be both his strength and weakness; inside his sphere of influence, his power is potent, but as long as his opponent stays out of reach, he can do little aside from flinging daggers and insults.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crucible
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Crucible The Keeper of Reality

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

O:4 D:2 S:4

Name: Galthor Tradhar Delthor
Aliases: 'Umbra', 'T'
Appeared Age: Mid-Twenties
Actual Age: Twenty Six
Nationality: Paedatorian
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 1,59 m
Weight: 70 kg
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Physical Identifiers
  • two matching tattoos in both arms. on both the wrists they depict serpents coiling around them, and above them there are several symbols from the Hadian alphabet, these symbols change based on the spells he has stored.

Galthor is quite short for a human with an average build, he looks and dresses mostly like a commoner, maybe in the hunter or ranger side due to his simple, light leather armoring. his eyes are of a blueish color alongside a poorly kept brown beard and hair that rests slightly above his shoulders. There isn't much about him that jumps out and grabs attentions, with the exception of course of the matching tattoos that cover both of his arms with pitch black symbols all the way from slightly below the elbow to slightly above the wrists in which each arm have two serpents coiling depicted.

However, when night falls, Galthor is a different man, when he can surround himself in shadows he walks with a grace of someone who belongs there, barely making any sound as he practically glides through the streets, few have seen this though as even in Silverfang missions the members tend to split up to find optimal paths before deciding on a course of action, the few that have though, have taken to calling him Umbra.

Residence: Serpent's den under Westedge
Profession: Thief
Aligned Faction: Silverfangs
Social Status: Outlaw
Military Status: None
Other Status: Protegé of Ylor stormwind, Nylphite
Blood Relatives:
  • Iko Delthor - Father - Dead
  • Lia Tradhar - Mother - Dead

Starting Gear:
  • Two ebony handled daggers with some Hadian etchings in the blade.
  • Worn light leather armor, similar to those that some hunters or wanderers might wear, with an attached cloak.
  • A pouch with some coins, a couple of lock picks, and a key to the hideout under Westedge.
  • A book full of scribbles, sketches and spells

  • "Stealth": "Years with the Silverfangs have had it's effects on Galthor, what used to be something he'd keep to the jobs has seeped into his day-to-day, he avoids attention and keeps to the sides naturally now, and when needed, knows how to sneak into the shadows and out of sight."
  • "Hadian Knowledge": "Galthor has learnt, with the help of his mentor Ylorn, the basis of Snake's tongue, and currently spends some of his free time experimenting and reading on incantations, he keeps the incantations he knows on a small book he writes in, and currently can store four spells at once.

  • "Illumination":"Snake's tongue is a very malleable form of magic, that shifts and changes depending on the caster, in the case of Galthor his magic represents itself in an energy that resembles his most favored place. The shadows, as such, his spells are significantly weaker if exposed to strong light or holy energy."
  • "With friends like these": "Living in a 'family' of thieves, forgers, traitors, assassins and whatever scum the cities produce has bent Galtho into having a perturbed view of other people, being slow to trust and quick to betray his allies for his own good."
  • "The price to pay": "Between magic and daggers, Galthor doesn't have much time to learn how to protect himself, much less how to wield a shield. Making him quite weak to attacks"
  • "Outlaw": "Although he is good at keeping himself out of attention, his face and name are somewhat well known between the guards and nobles in the fancier, more protected areas of the kingdom. As such he cannot bring himself to enter such areas, alongside other places like palaces unless he is sneaking in from a side path. Seeing as the guards would recognize him and attempt to seize him. In the less protected areas, with most of the common folk he is not as easily recognizable but if he somehow brings attention to himself a guard might still recognize him."
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