Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Actions: Run up the stairs and survey the room.

No Check Required.

@rush99999 Action: Head up the stairs.

No Check Required.


As the group travelled up the stairs, there was no reply from the voice. Then they saw him, Standing alone in front of a wide open gap in the wall. Behind him is a wide view of Lake Ilinalta and the Mountain beyond. He looks up from a table with some documents on it with fear in his eye. "NO NO NO!" hey yells, the voice now having an owner, as he backs up slowly towards the open gap.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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"Well this is rather anticlimactic" Ka-Vara said "No traps? No hallucination inducing gas or spell to break our guard or to aid in escape? No final really big monster that isn't quite ready for the field yet, but can still put up a fight? No experimental potion that is supposed to give the drinker limitless power, but instead twists the drinker into a hideous monstrosity? Is a cowardly necromancer inching slowly towards a fall to his humiliating death all we receive?...This is an incredibly unsatisfying end to our 1st adventure".

Actions: Tempt fate
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon held an arrow nocked ready to fly, but he held off listening to Ka-Vara's monologue. Weren't villains supposed to do this kind of stuff. He debated the merits of simply shooting the necromancer or waiting for his response. Honestly there was no good reason for waiting. There might be possibly one good outcome. Compared to hundreds of bad ones, several of which Ka-Vara had just so helpfully described. Still, somehow Shinon couldn't resist waiting to see what the necromancer's response was. Of course if he tried anything that even looked suspicious Shinon would let fly a shot directly into the magic user's chest

Actions: Aim, Prepare Attack.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@rush99999 Actions: Tempt fate

No Check Required.

@Eklispe Actions: Aim, Prepare Attack.

No Check Required.


The would-be Necromancer brought his hands up, palms facing forward, and continued to take a few steps backwards towards the ledge. His body language indicated he felt cornered. "NO! This cannot be, You where to be killed, I was to win!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Well Shinon had no intention of letting this go on any longer. The necro had had his last words. Anything more would be begging the necro to pull off some last second spell that blew up everything or something. Maybe a crippling plague that would slowly kill them over a week. Shinon let loose his arrow.

Actions: Shoot Necromancer
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Ka-Vara sighed with disappointment when Shinon loosed his arrow. Perhaps it was wiser not to give the necromancer a chance. But still, perhaps there could have been a good fight if the necromancer had shaken off his fear sooner. Oh well. Without a word and without bothering to see whether the arrow hit its mark, Ka-Vara commenced a search for loot be it treasure or valuable alchemy ingredients.

Actions: Search the tower for loot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Actions: Shoot Necromancer

Marksman check required: (1 yellow 2 green vs 2 purple)=sssttT= Triple success with double threat and a triumph

@rush99999 Actions: Search the tower for loot.

Search check required: (2 yellow 1 green vs 2 purple)= tt = Failure with double threat


The arrow let fly and struck the necromancer into the chest. He made a gargling sound as he stepped back and fell from the tower. With the threat dispatched Ka-Vara began the search the room, But he was distracted by the smell of death and did not dig to deep into the room. Rather he looked around. Rarely did such things bother him, but the sheer mass of undead flesh did add itself up.

The top of the tower had the large whole ripped through it, in the centre of the room was a large table covered with various pieces of paper, candles, books, and several herbs and plants. At the far side of the room is a makeshift necromancy lab, A combination of modern scientific tools set beside twisted tools and tombs. At the side of the room opposite the open wall, was a small living quarters, with a small bed, chest, and kitchen.

Metosi walked over to the table ans begun shifting through some of the paperwork while Qa'Ra waked over to the open wall and looked down. "This one believes you have a good shot, Shinon"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon grinned, "Thanks, your magic isn't too shabby either." Shinon took a brief glance around the roof and let loose a sigh of relief. Well that was exciting. Barely a day into this and they'd already killed someone. Was that supposed to be exciting? Should he feel proud or guilty? Eh, Shinon curiously walked into the living quarters, checking out the lab briefly before attempting to open the small chest.

Actions: Attempt to open chest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"How you 3 can stand the stench in here I will never know" Ka-Vara said while holding his nose "There are too many rotting corpses in here for my liking, I'll see you all outside". With that said, Ka-Vara sent his lesser daedra back to oblivion and walked out of the tower. The Argonian took a seat next to the dead spriggan and began messing around with his 2 spells. But in doing so, Ka-Vara inadvertently did something that caused his 2 spells to combine into 1 spell.

Actions: Mix fire damage with summon lesser daedra.

Spell 1: Fire Damage
Cost: Magnitude + Range
Difficulty: 1 per dice (2 Max)

Spell 2: Summon Lesser Daedra
Cost: 3
Difficulty: 2

New Spell: Summon Lesser Flame Atronach
Cost: Magnitude + Range + 1
Difficulty: 1 per dice (2 Max) + 3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Actions: Attempt to open chest.

No Check Required.

@rush99999 Actions: Mix fire damage with summon lesser daedra.

Conjuration check required: (1 yellow 1 green vs 3 purple)= ssttt = Double success with triple threat.

Spell: Summon Lesser Flame Atronach
Cost: 4
Difficulty: 3


Opening the chest, Shinon saw a few personal effects that had no real value. Under these items he found a pouch containing around 100 Septims and what seemed to be a leather bag containing the valuables of the necromancers victims. Lastly there was a black paper envelope sealed with a white wax.

While this was going on, Metosi continued to look over the documents on the central table, then wondered over to the makeshift alchemy lab. Qa'Ra rummaged through some items and placed some of the more valuable items into a bag.

At the base of the tower Ka-Vara waked past the broken body of the Necromancer and sat down to work on his spell. After a few minutes of playing, he finally made his attempt. Mixing fire and daedric summoning he finally made his summoning. In front of him stood a man sized collection of rock and flame. Testing its power Ka-Vara found the form could cause great crushing damage and will burn on contact. A deadly combination, and a handy spell to know. But the spell casting caused a great strain on his mind and energy, meaning Ka-Vara needed to rest for some time to regain his strength and Magicka (Strain -4, Magicka at 0 until after a nights rest).

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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"Nice!" Shinon exclaimed in delight at the sudden windfall. He pocketed the coin purse and looked at the bag and letter. Honestly he was a bit leery of delving into either of them but if the necromancer hadn't even bothered to ward his tower it was unlikely he did so for his personal effects. Shinon shook out the bag onto the bed and opened the letter, quite curious to see what was inside. Some sort of correspondence between practitioners of the black arts?

Action: Examine contents of leather bag and letter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Ka-Vara looked on in wonder at the lesser flame atronach he had created. The atronach looked menacing enough, and when Ka-Vara ordered it to demonstrate its power, the atronach walked over to the corpse of the necromancer and decimated it. Sufficiently impressed, the battlemage nodded his approval and sent the atronach back to its realm. Having tired himself out during the whole process, Ka-Vara found himself a relatively comfortable spot to lie down on and rested until his allies were ready to move on.

Actions: Rest until companions leave the tower
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Action: Examine contents of leather bag and letter.

Appraise check required (Wits check): (3 green vs 2 purple)= fsss = Failure with triple advantage

@rush99999 Actions: Rest until companions leave the tower

No Check Required.


Looking into the bag, Shinon could not asses the value of the various trinkets and personal effects in this dark tower, though he knew it would become clear in the sunlight and with time (2 blue on the next appraisal check on these items). The black letter however was much more interesting:

My Brother,

Your work has not gone noticed. Our master has spoken praise of your efforts and your research. He has told me that soon will be our time to strike, and when it does the city of Falkreath will fall to your hands. Continue gathering your forces and perfecting your art. I will do the same looking down upon Whiterun.
If you are in dire need, you may find protection at my home in the White River Watch caves at the base of the Great Mountain.

May our mistress guide you,

Your Brother

Metosi took the letter and looked it over. "It appears that we have stumbled upon something dark and sinister in the lands of Skyrim." He reads the last line out loud. "Our mistress... Namira perhaps, but she is not quite one for pure chaos." He packed the letter with some other documents he had gathered and motioned to Qa'Ra who had picked clean anything of real value into a bag. "Let us go, I know Whiterun is on our way and it seems there is danger for the people way. Two bird with one stone I take it."

Outside of the tower the companions gathered and set out again. On the road that straddled along the shore of Lake Ilinalta the group bunked down for the evening and rested. As the stars came out and fire burned bright, the companions sat around the fire and spoke.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon yawned and stretched by the firelight. Today had been pretty successful, took down a necromancer, found a clue to more danger, got some loot. Pretty good day. He stared into the fire lost in thought about what the future would bring.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"Looks like we have ourselves a side quest" Ka-Vara said when Metosi told him about the letter "And on top of that, we might be dealing with something more dangerous than I predicted it to be". Ka-Vara had believed the necromancer to be not that dangerous, but in reality, he was part of a bigger conspiracy, and bigger conspiracies always had a habit of being troublesome to remove.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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Metosi nodded in agreement. "I agree Ka-Vara, We have stumbled upon something quite sinister that may threaten this land. Though I am usually not not to charge headlong into heroism, I think our prospects of finishing our quest will be hamperd if Skyrim falls into an undead state. Lets talk about this on the road and keep our eyes sharp when he reach Whiterun."

Qa'Ra Said "This one agrees, also there is much profit in saving the world" He kicked the bag of goods taken from the tower and chuckled. "Now rest. This one will take the first watch."

In the morning the companions travelled further east along the shore of Ilinalta. The sun was bright and the air warm.

10 XP is awarded. Please put XP buys in next post and then update your character. I will then update your new info on my computer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon yawned as they began their journey again. Everything was so exciting and they'd barely begun their adventure. "Do you think we should get the town guard or something to help take down the next necromancer or do you think we can do it ourselves again?" he asked idly as they walked. They were a pretty hardcore group, but the next necromancer might have more tricks, more minions, and maybe even more friends. On the other hand they'd have to split any loot they got with whoever tagged along. "Who do necromancers all know each other anyway? Do they have monthly meetings or something?" Shinon mused to himself, thinking aloud rather than asking a serious question this time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"Perhaps they do" Ka-Vara said in response to Shinon thinking out loud "But taking them out 1 at a time sounds much easier than fighting them all at once". Ka-Vara took another bite out of the sweetroll he was eating. They had their work cut out for them. On top of locating aetherium, they'd have to deal with a cult of necromancers that were probably more dangerous than the 1 they had just killed. But Ka-Vara was confident that they could handle what ever came their way.

XP Allocation:
I spend 15 XP to purchase the confidence talent.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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"This one agrees Ka-Vara. One rat at a time. We should also tell the town guard after we have dispatched the evil. More for us and less questions on our shoulders." said Qa'Ra. He flexed his paws and looked around as he walked.

"I am inclined to agree with that statement. We handle the necromancer, take what we can and then let the town guard clean up and investigate. They might learn something." replied Metosi walking while reading a book and eating an apple.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon noted the responses and fell silent, lost in thought. Every now and then he glanced at the woods in the hopes of finding an animal that had strayed too far from the forest or was taking a gander at the travelers. Naturally if he found one they would be dinner, but other than that he walked in silence.
Actions: Periodically search for animals and if found attack.
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