Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She smiled at his response, even though he was a man to the core, Constantine held a few good traits about himself. Men had always found ways to disgust her, but she could see something about Constantine that was not so much a "man." Maybe it was his demonic qualities, or his fiery nature. But one thing was sure; even if he was beaten, he wasn't going to go out without a kick, and she liked that.

Anelle chuckled, walking over to the bag across the room, "No, remember what I said? We're all rejects here... even if you're way more dangerous than most recruits, it's our task to find a place for you."

The barrier was gone and the room was back to it's usual white hue, though the magic's only purpose was to contain essence. She didn't want to have the other teammates going in and interrupting what she was trying to do. Especially when what that thing was is a secret assignment given to her.
The woman bent over, picking up the bag with a lazy swoop. Draping it over her back, she came back to Constantine.

She looked at the man on the ground with a hinting smirk, offering a hand for him to take, "Besides... I've never fought with a Demon before, so this will be interesting."

And for the first time her radiance could be felt, even subtly, as though by will she had let it out into the space around them. Instantly the room felt warm, but not physically, almost as though it was hitting more internally. It was heavy, and uncomfortable to move in, even if she was moving quite fine. But this feeling only occurred a split second, and then it vanished.


Upon hearing Melissa's question, the woman looked to the two newcomers with a careful eye once more before turning her head the other way. She didn't seem interested in the small talk, and her eye glowed with a solemness. There was something to Melissa's question that caused the woman to fall into her state of silence, and only Corwin knew what it was. She had excluded herself from the conversation, and was showing no motive in coming back into such a topic.

Corwin looked at her, then back to Melissa desperately. The weird feeling was already in the air, and he knew he had to do something or else it'll only get worse. With the only answer coming to mind, he suddenly threw out his hand, accidentally hitting Jessie in the arm.

"Ah- Sorry!" He mumbled, chuckling embarrassingly as his cheeks turned slightly pink. He reached out to attempt to message the man's arm, but figure that would be extremely awkward and just stopped half-way.

He looked around then made a short cough, and turned back to Melissa again, this time making sure to remain still, "It's a pleasure to meet you Melissa, I'm Corwin. I'm sure you already know that, but that's fine too." his eyes glanced cautiously over to the robed lady, "That's our squad's Lieutenant, but acts more like a captain than our actual captain, so I just call her Cap... She doesn't really like to talk about her name."

With a smile he added in, "If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask me. I'm sure you guys are wondering about what's going on, or why is there magic?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JacknOph


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Still collapsed on the floor from the sudden surge of energy throughout his body. He listened intently to what was being said to him, trying to find any hidden meanings. The blinding white came forth anew when the barrier went down. Constantine's eyes didn't need to readjust themselves but the sudden difference stung a bit, but it was nothing compared to how heavy his body felt. He felt a bit limited, like his soul was in a bit of a vice grip. He figured that's what the punch must have done. No more demon transformations for him, at least not without a considerable amount of soul strain.

With that his horns completely disintegrated, leaving his forehead barren he rubbed it just to be sure. As his grabbed Anelle's hand and was lifted up her words were heard, but only briefly as he felt an immense power hit the room, as quickly as it was felt it was gone. He realized he stood no chance to begin with. He laughed in her face, "Well for someone who's never fought a demon before you sure as shit knew what to do."

Constantine laughed long and hard, and took his bag from the woman looking into her eyes. He saw she at least liked him a bit so as far as first impressions go at least he wasn't destroyed. He pulled a black knit sweater from his bag thinking if he were to meet his new team like this it was bound to be a little awkward not that he cared. He pulled out a lighter and his half-empty cigarette carton. Lightly tapping the bottom of the box until one popped out, he lit it and inhaled deeply. With the smoke inside of him and a new source for his flame Constantine felt a little more at ease. He felt warm and realized Anelle was still looking at him this whole time. He wondered if she ever took her eyes off him.

He decided not to care the warmness leaving his body as the violence died down and their energies turned back to normal Constantine's personality also went back to normal. He was detached as ever blowing smoke out with a hint of fire. Only up from here Constantine thought to himself blowing smoke into the air around them. His need for violence has gone up noticeably enough for him. If she's as keen as I believe I might as well tell her.

Constantine makes a somewhat puzzled face while deciding how to form the words into complete coherent questions. He only succeeds in making a few grunts and a crooked grin. He clears his throat and tried again. "So, um, is feeding considered frowned upon? That was something they never told me. I haven't had anything decent in a few months." He decides to wait for her reaction before diving too deeply into his demonic lust.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She looked at him quizzically, wondering why he said she never fought a demon before, even though she has probably killed entire armies over the decades. But looking back to what she said, a stark realization and misunderstanding was made.

Laughing, she spoke out as he picked up his bag, "That's not what I meant; I mean "with" as is in with, you know. On the same side."

He seemed to be slowly reverting back to his normal self, taking out another cigarette to smoke. The energy within his body was swirling as he thought, but it was faint now. He wasn't dumb, and had probably noticed the seal upon some of his more dangerous powers. He can force it out, but it will be painful. It was remarkable how well he was taking the news of his own soul being suppressed, but she was glad he was accepting. She had enough of men who just bitch and moan when things are simply not ready for them.

The woman was about to head out towards the others when Constantine asked a question that made her completely halt in step. There was a noticeable delay before she straightened out and replied.

"I wouldn't suggest doing that in front of others..." she muttered, her voice low and measured, "I don't mind, everyone has to have something to munch on, but there are some of us who absolutely despise demons and anything of the sort. To tell you the truth, they sent you with us because other squads wouldn't accept you..."

"But I don't see you that way..." After another pause, she started to walk again, "You can eat the demons you slay, but that's taking parts out of your own paycheck. Beware though, eating too many corrupted Souls can have a few negative effects."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JacknOph


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Oh whoops." Constantine said exhaling more smoke, understanding he made an idiot of himself. "That does make a lot more sense, then again if it wasn't for a certain rush of energy, I might have listened more carefully." Constantine said chuckling softly to himself. He blew more smoke out, he knew his powers were limited but he didn't really know by how much.

He decided to test it a bit. He preformed his little parlor trick with dragons dancing through hoops and felt completely at ease. Time to kick it up a notch He thought to himself as his engulfed his body in flames. Holding his cigarette in his mouth he called forth his blade and swung it around a bit. Casually switching its forms feeling nice and content that seal wasn't to horrible it was understandable until he was able to control it. As soon as he figures out a way to control his blood lust when he goes in a rage, he expects this to drop immediately.

Cooling down all his flames Constantine noticed the effect his question had, he figured as much. He immediately began to feel isolated and alone. He listened to his answers intently. Surprised that Anelle accepted his need without so much as a disgusted look, then again her back was facing him for all he knew it was. Apparently since no one would accept him, but that's fine. It's the life of a crummy half-breed Constantine thought to himself, his anger and blood lust swirling together letting out a hint of his fiery nature. It's understandable he kept telling himself trying to calm down feeling his temperature rise.

"Who cares about paychecks, I never expected to live long anyway, corruption is my middle name" Constantine said forcing his horns to grow back he felt and immediate and tremendous pain swirl through his body, causing his legs to shake, but he didn't fall. Exhaling fire from his nostrils Constantine would never back down from a fight. The pain helped him calm down and he eased himself back to normal. "So now that our first date is over, where's the other people?" Constantine said as he started walking closely behind Anelle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

She quietly observed the man experiment with his powers, making sure he wasn't going to abruptly turn on her with the blade. Even if she didn't feel any spikes of emotion from the man, she was never sure when it came to demons. She's been stabbed in the back plenty by other Harvesters, so what's stopping a half-breed? Maybe it was her cynical nature kicking in, and she just sighed thinking about it.

Anelle almost laughed aloud when he called their little battle a date. If that was the case, this was probably the only date she'd enjoy. Fighting was in her blood, and the thrill of fighting against someone that had potential was satisfying. Turning her head back, the woman revealed a smirk, "If you liked that, I'm only getting started. Keep alive, and maybe I'll give you the chance to earn another."

Her hands patted her long scarlet hair before she walked to the other end of the room, to a door without any handle or doorknob. She looked back briefly as she placed her hand upon the surface. A glow emanated from her hands, then an array of burning symbols blazed across the surface before the door hissed open. Down the path was a much wider and taller hallway, though shorter, and far down was vague figures. Immediately, she started down the path, making a ushering gesture with her hand to Constantine. This particular spell would have to be shown to Constantine later, time was running short by now, and Mark still hasn't come back.

"They rest are right down there." Anelle said in a rushed tone, layering the short explanation between each step, "The stupid-face blonde guy is Corwin, and the one in the black robes is called "C." If don't want to have a bad time, don't ask her about it." she shrugged, "Touchy subject."

"That guy, we picked up earlier out in the Divide" She paused, looking more closely down the hallway, "and... well, that girl, I don't know who that is. Anyways, I hope that little fight warmed you up, we're about to go out to investigate the Divide. But watch out, tonight's one of the nights of the Spirit Passage."

By the time she had finished the last of her words, they were halfway there. The woman remained silent the rest of the way, and let the man take the words into mind. By the time she came close to the already conversing group, she made sure not to say anything and just keep to the walls. However that didn't stop "C" from noticing, the woman turning her single eye over at the two. She was about to open her mouth until Anelle put a hushed sign up at her lips to signal her to be silent.

The woman just shook her head at her captain's antics, turning her head with a sigh. Corwin seemed to be too preoccupied talking to the others to notice, still blushing over his embarrassing actions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Impaala94


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Corwin's sudden attack on Jessie's arm annoyed Jessie. "Its fine, Corwin" Jessie replied with frustration. When Corwin moved to massage Jessie's arm, Jessie jerked his arm away? He looked at Corwin with a face of confusion. He saw that Corwin was embarrassed and acted like nothing awkward happened at all, looking back at Melissa.

"Magic?" Jessie couldn't resist not talking about it, "I've already fought monsters in the afterlife, but really, Corwin? MAGIC? Magic isn't real."

Jessie never believed in magic during his lifetime and sure didn't believe in magic in the afterlife, but as soon as he talked he started to think about how his P90 would appear out of thin air when he needed it. He realized that he himself was actually magical, but due to his stubbornness Jessie still believed that magic wasn't real or at least his definition of magic which was fireballs out of nothing and pulling rabbits out of top hats.

"But anyway where are we Corwin, who are you people, and why did you save me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JacknOph


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Things are always better when you have to fight for them I suppose." Constantine said walking behind Anelle. He was actually looking forward to fighting along side her, a chance to gauge her moves when she's serious and to find out just how much he's going to need to beat her one day. There was also the fact that she seemed to enjoy violence almost as much as he did. They were walking quickly to meet the others Constantine's cigarette dying out, "Three guys three girls eh, meeting suspiciously this sounds like either a bad porn, or a bad movie." Constantine said, When they finally made it to this new group of people.

He saw the woman who was oddly named "C" and noticed how Anelle and her didn't seem to want to alert the others to their presence yet. It was time to really meet the new team. Pulling out another cigarette and lighting it with his finger he inhaled deeply and said, "Okay so you're Corwin." he said pointing towards the man who was obviously trying really hard to make people comfortable, but failing miserably. "You two I don't know the name of" He said blowing sparks from his mouth having them dance around his new "friends". He looked at Corwin and wondered what his position to him would be if Anelle is his boss who is this man, and what about the cyclops?

He hoped Corwin's childlike nature was just a facade for some immense power, and as for this cyclops from her commanding presence she had to be a least somewhat stronger than him. Constantine looked at the man Corwin seemed to be trying to rub and wondered if maybe Corwin fancied himself male company, since it seemed he wasn't paying any attention to the other woman.

"Magic is pretty darn real buddy." Constantine said to the man who was feeling doubtful. "I'll show you" Constantine said while inhaling deeply on his cigarette. He exhaled upwards making tiny little fireworks of stars, flowers, playing cards, and of course rabbits. Feeling like that was a good first impression for his not so easy attitude he began to get serious. "I don't know why they saved you in particular, but something about you makes you special. More special than any other person who's died before you and that makes you needed. Think of it this way, most people see death as an ending but luckily for you, it's a new beginning."

"Enough with the monologuing, so what are your names my new companions?" Constantine asked looking at the man and the woman, they both seemed pretty clueless about everything and figured they both must have died somehow. I guess that's a cool thing about being a half-breed, I never really needed to die. He thought to himself letting out a slight smirk. He realized that the cyclops was not very into this conversation that everyone seemed to be having.

"So I was told you only like to be called "C" and that it was a touchy subject." he said stretching while blowing smoke out, he could feel his spirit's seal when he stretched. "Well C I'll have you know I'm not a big fan of secrets especially if we're all supposed to trust each other with our lives and what not, and so I feel it's only fair if I get a full name. I expect the same from all of you actually." Constantine said looking out over everyone, he could feel his face in it's default scowling position and made a smile instead showing off his teeth. He expected his sudden demands to seem a bit bossy but he felt as though they were pretty understandable. I probably could have asked better, oh well I guess I was never a people person He thought to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stardra


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Melissa's attempt in making introductions seemed to head south as the mood of the room changed into something uncomfortable. The robed woman before her didn't seem to want to answer the question at all and it just made things feel even more uncomfortable.She slowly retreated her head away from the woman feeling a little bad for having asked the question as her attention was now brought to an awkward harassment by Corwin to Jessie. It only made the air feel more awkward that she kind of just looked away for a brief moment, noticing a new pair of people approaching them, a woman with long red hair and a rugged looking man with strange eyes by the looks of it. They had finally met up with them and the man seemed to know who Corwin was but seemed to want to know their names too. He blew sparks from his mouth, making Melissa stare in wonderment,That's some way to ask for our names she thought to herself and to answer while they were still on the subject of introductions, "I just told them, but I'm Melissa." she said, with a short smile looking at the unfamiliar pair. She decided to keep from asking for their names as it seemed to lead to weird places.

Corwin began to speak again after awkwardly trying to rub Jessie's arm, So she doesn't like to talk about her name.. she thought to herself as she glanced at the woman beside her. It only made her wonder what her back story was. Why was it that she didn't want to talk about it? She came to the conclusion that it was not a cheerful story to tell and left the subject untouched.

Corwin mentioned that he would answer any questions about where they were or about magic and Jessie rose right up to the offer and immediately questioned the existence of magic. Melissa covered her mouth with her hand and laughed a little, she looked at him with a smile, "After everything you've seen, you really believe there's no such thing as magic at this point?". What with magic doors and rooms and symbols, who wouldn't believe magic was real in this world. And the unfamiliar man seemed to think the same way as he began to throw out sparks of all kinds of objects, even the typical bunny to try to convince Jessie of the existence of magic.
The conversation grew serious as Jessie questioned why he was brought back, the unfamiliar man answered the question right away seeming to know a lot more than they did. She accepted the answer as a reason for her being brought back as well, but she still questioned as to why she was "special". What really was it that made her different from other people?
He quickly changed the subject and asked for our names. She briefly wondered if she had mentioned it to him earlier, but then remembered that she had and that Jessie has still not introduced himself. She kept quiet this time around and looked at Jesse to answer the mans question.
The man spoke again, now speaking to the robed woman beside her. She looked at the man with wide eyes now beginning to feel a little uncomfortable again. The air feeling heavy as he asked for this woman's name again. She furrowed her eyebrows thinking of what the man had said again, He wants to trust us a little more by asking for our names... but.. She looked at the man and spoke up in a louder voice than her usual, "How are we supposed to trust you when we don't even know your name?" she thought before that talking about names would be an uncomfortable subject, but seeing as this man wanted to know everyone's names she thought it best that they should also know his.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JacknOph


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Jessie, Melissa, Corwin, C, Anelle:

Gauging the reactions of the people around him Constantine felt like he was doing an okay job as far as first impressions go. I'm on a roll today He thought to himself.he continued his chain smoking when Melissa asked her question and it dawned on him that he forgot to introduce himself first.

"My name is Constantine, and I'm something most nightmares are made of."

He became really quiet after what he said changing his face into one of complete anger. All of a sudden he began laughing heavily at his own joke smoke coming out in heavy stacks from his nose making his nose. His laughter stopped as he noticed the tension building up around them, It was probably because he asked C her name. He looked toward Anelle thinking she might have something to say about this making a sly smile in her direction. The underlying reason towards his question was he was hoping for a fight. How else was he supposed to know these people were able to cover him in the need of battle. Especially with his soul being choked up the way it is, with that his smile became a little more pronounced and his teeth were showing. He looked back towards Cyclops awaiting and answer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Impaala94


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Melissa, Corwin, C, Anelle, Constatine:
Jessie observed the man's fickle hand gestures manipulating fire and smoke into elaborate designs of animals and flowers. Jessie wasn't impressed. That man was just like a magician, there must have been a way to explain this all, but Jessie cared not for the answer.
"My name is Constantine, and I'm something most nightmares are made of." The man announced to the group.
Jessie gave a quick glance of surprise and confusion. Really? A deep sigh exhaled from Jessie's chest as he closed his eyes and scratched the back of his head. "I'm Jessie" he replied still closing his eyes and scratching his head. God damn it. What the hell have I gotten myself into. Lets just hurry up with this love fest so I can get the hell out of here. Jessie gave off another deep exhale as he turned to everyone else in the group. Glancing at everyone's faces too gauge if they were gonna say anything about why the hell he is here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The robed woman froze when the man had spoken about her name so openly, and both Corwin, who now noticed his boss, exchanged looks with one another. It was the start of something... deadly. Her eye turned to Constantine, and a glint of anger pierced the air between them. Her body became stiff as she slowly turned to the man,

"So... you're Constantine...?" she spoke heavily, her voice carrying through the air like venom, "I thought you'd know more manners than to ask someone a personal question... even when advised not to. I'm starting to think you don't have the slightest idea the particular people you've been assigned with."

When the last words were said, the air seemed to unleash a spark that lashed out towards Constantine. It traveled faster than a blink, but disappeared as the room suddenly dulled. This transpired only for a split instant too, then returning back to "normal." The woman looked disappointed, and there was an irritation now within her expression, her purple eye turning cautiously towards Anelle.

There was an instant unsteadiness in the air, and immediately Corwin let out a laugh, throwing his arm around C and pulled her away from the others, much at her reprimand. He whispered something to her, and while she didn't look exactly thrilled by what he was saying, she nodded and remained at the other end of the room. Storming off and losing her composure was well below the woman's dispositions.

"Haha, you must be the new guy! What a sense of humor you got there!" Corwin called out as he moved towards Constantine, yet again, throwing his arm around the man casually. He smiled to the rest while he walked him over to Anelle. Once they came far enough away from everyone, he pulled Constantine close to him, "What do you think you're doing?! Do you want to die?!" he said with a hushed panic, his green eyes looking at the man as though he was absolutely insane.

"Listen, I don't know what you want out of her, but don't do it. She looks frail, but far from it." Corwin advised, before leaving him with Anelle and returning back to the Melissa and Jessie, whom appear to be taking the whole situation with a spoonful of tar.

He just smiled and waved the situation off, pacing quickly to Jessie and Melissa, "Ah, everything's fine! Anyways, I gotta tell you about what's going on tonight... you see, we won't be going back to Erro with the Passage going on, so that means you'll be coming with us."

He dug around his pockets and pulled something out, first turning to Jessie, but then made a peculiar expression. His eyes peered at the man with curiosity before facing Melissa, in his hand, a strip of paper that had an assortment of symbols on it, "Here you go; this will allow you to retain your physical form until we can suit you up with a proper one in Erro."


The scarlet haired woman awaited Constantine, though shared none of Corwin's friendly attitude, staring at the man with eyes filled with ire. Her hands were crossed and she tapped one rapidly.

"Didn't I say you shouldn't do that, huh?!" She snapped, opening her mouth only to close it in bafflement.

She released a deep sigh, "You can fight all the demons you want when we get out there, and don't worry, tonight's no ordinary Purging mission. Trust me, it'll be interesting, so no need to pick fights with someone that will tear this entire ward up if you push the wrong way."

The woman then looked at the man with a changed demeanor, coming closer to him, "Look, I think you're a pretty decent guy, and I've got a pretty big tolerance for things, but her, no no no. Don't piss her of all people off, for you own sake" Her lips formed a slight grin as her hand struck him roughly on the arm, "Okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JacknOph


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Constantine's the name, and I'm sure you've heard of me." Constantine said not at all oblivious to what's going on around him, he was enjoying it. He could tell C wasn't going to like him, but he never expected to make friends. The way he saw it was with her strict and probably by the rules attitude, she was never going to like a lowly half-breed like him. He might as well have fun while he's at it. He tried not to laugh out loud, a small smile forming on the edge of his lips when Corwin pulled C away. He felt like pursing further until Corwin pulled him aside.

"What do you think you're doing?! Do you want to die?!" With that Constantine let out a loud laughter mostly at C, but also at this man before him. He wondered what he could do to and hoped to be impressed. As of now he seemed little more than an awkward appeasing clown. Nevertheless he listened to his words, making it seem as though C was the strongest of their little group. Only making Constantine want to push her even further, if he thought Anelle was powerful this woman must be a God.

Constantine held on to his arms laughing pretty hard at this point his cigarette fell out of his mouth. "So I take it she's stronger than all of us then?" Constantine said looking at Anelle a little more serious, his half-cocked smile forming into lustful one. "Thank you" Constantine said realizing that he was indeed paid a compliment. "That's probably one of the nicer things someone has said to me" When he said that he tried to think of any compliment he's been told. It seemd like a life time ago, but he did use to get compliments on his hair, he began to rub his buzzcut. The only reason he shaved it was because he couldn't keep it from burning up. He pulled out a cigarette using the one on the floor as a muse and lit his new one with his thumb before stomping the old one out.

"Well after you I guess" Constantine said to Anelle blowing smoke above their heads. It seemed she would probably be the only one he could call friend, at least for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Anelle nodded in approval when Constantine agreed to settle down, for now at least. "Great. Now let's get this moving on."

She quickly moved him over to the group, then took a stance at the front, looking up, her eyes scanning the ceiling above. Her eyes darted quickly back and forth, as though counting something before she turned back down to the rest, and somewhere between the motions her eyes gave off a flash. Mark was still missing, but none of the squad members showed much concern over his condition. He was a special guy, and if anything, incredibly lucky. He's probably just sitting around, keeping out of complete radar from the spirits.

Turning back down, she gazed at the new members, "Alright, I know you either want to, or wish not to be here. But here's the thing, there's no denying what you've seen today, what we've told you. It's the truth of our Deaths..." She stepped over, pacing a little as she contemplated the next sentence, speaking slowly, "Most of us here have seen a demon once or twice, and while I don't want to dig too deep into the subject, have any of you seen what they can do to a Soul? Tonight you will have the chance of seeing what they can do, and at that point, I'll give you a choice. You can join our cause, or we can send you back to the cycle."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stardra


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The air was heavy in the room when the man asked for "C's" name. It only grew more uncomfortable as the woman spoke in a heavier tone to the man. She slumped down slightly and put her hand on her arm and looked away from the pair, wanting to be as far away from the atmosphere as possible but still failing in doing so.
In the silence between the pair, Melissa's attention was brought to Corwin as he began to laugh in attempt to ease the air in the room. Corwin began to take "C" to the other side of the room, obviously trying to keep out of range from the others to keep them from hearing what he said to her. Melissa eyed them carefully and wondered what it was he could have said to her; she assumed something along the lines of "Calm down" as the woman had kept at the other side of the room and waited for the group to begin moving again.

She could tell by Corwin's 'compliment' that he was being sarcastic as he dragged Constantine someplace else; probably to try to get his mouth under control seeing as it made everyone uncomfortable.
After standing there idly for an indefinite amount of time, Corwin finally regrouped with Melissa and Jessie. He tried to brush the previous situation aside as if everything was alright, but from what Melissa could tell, touching a subject like that doesn't come off that easily. He spoke of a place called Erro which she assumed was the main city of this place. He started to rummage through his pockets trying to find something until he finally took out a piece of paper with strange symbols on it and handed it her. Melissa took the piece of paper and questioned what he had meant, Keep my body in tact..?. She gazed at the piece of paper and wondered how such a thing can do so much, she wondered what would happen without the piece of paper, What would we be without these bodies? Just souls? Spirits? She wasn't going to chance it, grasping the piece of paper firmly in her hands.

Constantine and the red haired woman finished their conversation and started making their way back to the group. The woman spoke carefully as she mentioned the existence of demons and what they do to souls. What they can do to souls? Souls like us? We're going to watch that..? she thought, her face contorting thinking about it. She questioned why these people would want them to watch something like that. Were they just supposed to sit back and watch a soul being tortured by something like a demon? She questioned the tactics of these people, but she just nodded and decided to wait and see exactly what it is that they were planning on doing during this "show".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Impaala94


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Melissa ,Constantine:
Jessie noticed the altercation between C and Constantine. At least I'm not in their little cat fight or whatever that purple eye lady is so mad about. Jessie never did care for other people's opinions but her's...Jessie released another deep sigh. Jessie largely ignored what was happening within the group of people huddled in the hallway, until Corwin returned to Melissa and him. Corwin seemed to pretty jumpy and go lucky trying to diffuse the awkward tension in the air, but his attempt was vain upon Jessie. Jessie already found it awkward to find these group of people with such clashing personalities to be around him. He wanted to be alone, but these people did save his life. Anelle talked about some sort of trail, but then talked about being able to leave after. Perfect. I'll just do this trial thing or whatever it is and then book it the hell out of here before they "send me back to the cycle, whatever is Jessie sort of remembered Corwin talking about a passage or something, but Jessie quickly let the though slip away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JacknOph


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alright, this is my chance to get my grub on Constantine thought to himself with a smirk. Hands starting to tremble from the excitement, his eyes ablaze yet he still holds back his pressure as he feels it might start being noticeable. He continues listening to Anelle. Who would ever want to miss out on this. He pulls his cigarette from his mouth blowing clouds of smoke above all of their heads. He looks at "C" she still doesn't seem to have forgiven him not that he cares.

I wonder how much more pushing it's going to take He thinks while putting his cigarette back into his mouth. "Well then I guess we should get this show on the road huh." Constantine trying to sound indifferent but anyone who knew him, well Anelle would be able to sense his eagerness. He shot a sly smile her way, he was going to eat well as soon as he was given the chance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RyuShura
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RyuShura The Muted Dream

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Anelle waited for the news to settle, raising a hand to gesture everyone to follow her. She observed all of their reactions briefly, from Constantine's subtle excitement to Jessie's straight self-seclusion. Things were going to be weird with the new additions, and the way they'll handle the whole ordeal. No two people take seeing what happens to a soul acts the exact same way.

"It seems that one of our members are still out there, but I don't think it's a problem... he's certainly a special guy that keeps getting out of really bad places." she muttered, snapping around and starting to walk to the center of the room, "Enough for introductions, it's time we moved out. The real experience is out there."

The actual center of the huge room had a large clearing with a raised metal platform, with a long pentagram of sorts composed of symbols engraved into it. Usually the chairs and tables would be put away and there would be various guards and vendors about, but the current celebration really threw off the usual daily strings.

Corwin and C accepted the statement with a slight nod, the robed woman rapidly moving forward beside Anelle while Corwin hung back with the others. He looked at everyone with curious eyes, thinking that the rejection of reality is definately a common symptom when it came to having your entire reality bent upsidedown. Jessie seemed to be the pinacle victim, and seemed to take this into his interactions with the others. Rejection of things that are uncomfortable. He wouldn't blame him, this part of the world isn't really pleasant. He probably stuck around just to see things unfold, though there was no clear sign that he'd stay even if he saw what they were about to uncover. Melissa on the other hand, seemed to be the curious type that just wanted to understand why, accepting things as they come. Constantine was the radical crazy guy, but he would classify that upon everyone there, but the man was a little more wild than any normal human. It was like he was a beast, one that is forced to keep supressed. He was edgy, and eager to see some action almost constantly.

Of course he wouldn't really know unless he actually talked to them, and Corwin just grinned, this was all just split-second speculation. After living for over 5 decades, one starts to see things in a diferent light.

"So, you guys ever heard any ghost stories? Like of spirits or demons?" He said to them, his feet tapping casually a few yards behind Anelle and C, "Any kind of knowledge helps. Considering most of those stories are just slight variations and recolelctions of people who've seen the things that lurk beyond..."

The scarlet haired woman stopped before the platform, turning to C, who immediately produced two knifes. One was half the size of the other, and the larger knife had a thin slot above its center at the sides. Anelle took the smaller one, while C threw the seperate one into the center of the symbol with inhuman precision. Anelle then began a low chanting. The language sounded latin, but flowed more irratically, with phonics that didn't even sound natural. The words themselves felt as if they had actual weight in the air, and each word muttered created an increased tension in the room. The thousands of symbols that created the large image, light up one at a time following every word the woman uttered, lighting up the white overtone in a bright ruby hue.

"Don't worry, we've got a few good minutes before the things fired up." Corwin said, waiting for the others to share anything as he watched Anelle's process.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JacknOph


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Constantine looked at Jessie and Melissa and figured he'd go first. "Everyone's got their demons" Constantine started using an Irish accent he picked up after a pleasant dessert he had once. "I have seen, and slain a few." he said going back to his normal speaking voice. By few I mean a few thousand Constantine thought to himself forming a smile. "I was kinda born into this life, I had a pretty normal human one for a while there but it didn't work out, and it never would." He continued looking up at the smoke he was releasing into the atmosphere.

When Constantine was a kid after he had his first soul, he could sometimes see human souls. It helped him make sure he was getting nothing but taint when he feasted. There was always a slight spark of humanity when a demon would take someone over, well sometimes. He thought back on a little girl he ended once. His old demon pal, brought the filth to him as a birthday present. Probably one of his better birthdays.

Constantine realized he was being pretty quiet after speaking and made an awkward laughter of sorts, while he scratched the back of his head with his left hand. He was trying to mimic Corwin, most people bond faster when they are alike, that was something he was taught.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Impaala94


Member Offline since relaunch

"Ghost stories?" Jessie's raised and eyebrow in surprise of another subject relating to magic. "Only ones from my childhood like werewolves and vampires. Never met any when I was alive I guess, but next thing you know I'm finding them everywhere in the afterlife." Jessie shook his head, disbelieving how all this fairy magic bullcrap surrounds him. As the room filled with strange unknown symbols, Jessie sighed to see that more and more "magic" seems to fill the afterlife. Just not too long ago he was shooting guns at monsters, but now glowing floating symbols and flames out of nowhere are popping out of every corner. Jessie saw Constatine and Corwin do the exact same action at the same time. Jessie's eyes looked back and forth between the two, his eyesbrows raised inquisitively. Jessie gives a sharp exhale as we begins to wait for whatever is happening. Jessie then remembered that Corwin spoke of another addition. Addition? Another one of these weird ass people? Jessie lets out a soft sigh in attempt to prepare himself for this wacky magical afterlife.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stardra


Member Offline since relaunch

Anelle motioned for the group to follow her and Melissa did just that. As they walked further Anelle mentioned another person who would be joining them, It must be that guy they wee talking about earlier... M-.. Mark I think it was? She shook the thought out of her mind, why would it matter what his name was? she thought.

They had shortly made it to the room that Anelle was leading them to, it was strange and it felt demonic with the pentagram in the middle of the room with the strange symbols. The two woman went ahead of the group while Corwin laid behind with the others. He tried making conversation with the trio with success as Constantine talked about how he had already fought demons before and that Jessie had only heard of "ghost stories" as a child. Melissa stayed slightly away from the group thinking about anything that she had heard while she was alive. She finally remembered something, although vaguely, "I remember people always talking about a ghost at a shrine who haunted people that dare visit... It was probably just rumors though... I didn't believe in ghosts when I was alive." she paused Alive.. I'm not alive anymore.. She felt cold in the body that she was in, this wasn't a real body. She gripped at the paper, this was what was holding her together, she was just a spirit now just like in those ghost stories she never believed in. She was growing frustrated at the idea, Why am I here to begin with?! They haven't explained anything. She knew she was here because there was something "special" about her, but that answer did not satisfy her curiosity.

Her eyes darted to the two women who were now begging to do some kind of ritual.The red haired woman began to speak in a native tongue and the air started to feel heavy, making Melissa feel uneasy about what was about to go down. The symbols were glowing in a red color making the room grow red as well. Corwin broke the silence mentioning that there were a few minutes left. Melissa figured he had meant until something was going to come out of nowhere, she wasn't prepared to face whatever was to come out of this situation. Her thin body slightly shaking in this red hued room as she continued to stare at the symbols before her.
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