Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

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Divine Fury- The player selects a single category of Digimon as a ‘Systemic Foe’. Against a Systemic Foe, a Digimon with this Feature gains an advantage of 25% in damage, and, in cases of pursuit, may make a second roll and choose the higher of the two. (Power: 5 or Force: 5, Crusading, Vengeful, or Violent Patron)

Define 'Systemic Foe'.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Wait, house rule is 35 instead of 45 points for stat allocation? R.I.P. me, recalculating for the third time...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

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Dynasty Gain Force- The Dynasty inForce, or Dynas inForce, allows for unique control of the Digimon’s bodily energy. As such, any Technique which allows a choice of element may be changed at will. In addition, Techniques involving multiple strikes or projectiles can be granted individual elements per strike or projectile, decided at the time of the attack being launched. Digimon with this feature are also able to utilize their Energy to directly reduce the Hit-Points of any Digimon it chooses equal to the Energy expended. In addition, Dynasty inForce allows those who contain it to replenish the Energy of allies equal to the Energy they expend times ¾, but only if the ally has compatible ideals, or is the same Attribute. Once per battle, Digimon with this Feature may utilize more Energy to perform a Technique than the Digimon has remaining. Alternately, using the remaining amount of Energy exactly, as long as it began under 50% maximum, will allow the Energy to be replenished fully once per battle. However, this disables the ability to share Energy, and the ability to overuse Energy. (Requires: Generation 50, Dragon’s Roar, Wind Guardian, Wisdom Bonus: 18, Confirmed Royal Knight)

Ummm...I believe the underlined portion means I can spend any amount of Energy to apply a damage value to my attack, and not actually a separate attack that inflicts true damage. o_0

The last 2 sentences need to be clarified, or at least the first of the two needs correct grammar.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

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5* 3*
Power Dragon Nature Dark Jungle Virus
Endurance Deep Metal Virus Dragon Wind Dark
Force Metal Soldier Wind Deep Dragon Jungle Nature Dark
Fortitude Dragon Virus Deep Soldier
Dexterity Jungle Nature Soldier Dark
Agility Jungle Nature Wind Deep Soldier
Vitality Deep Metal Virus Wind
Wisdom Dragon Metal Virus
Cunning Soldier Dark Jungle Metal Wind

WHAT IS THIS SPREAD!?!?!?!?! No 5* Wisdom Families, yet a single Vitality Family!?!?! And just look at the five 3* FORCE FAMILIES!!! Are you really trying to push us to do this (half baked)???
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

@AurrorianSystemic Foe- Basically the term for 'Favored Enemy'. Selfcontained in Divine Fury.
(Just symantics. Iatos thought it necessary to put one point in every stat for the player as opposed to giving them a blank sheet to start.)
Nope, you can just spend a turn burning Energy to burn enemy HP. Basically, if you use the exact amount or Energy you have, you can refill it once, but if you do, you can't share or use the Feature to get an extra attack off for less energy (when you don't have enough).

Well look at that. Nifty.
Also, what makes it half baked? This isn't some Blizzard MMO.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

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@tobiax I'm asking for specifics, what can be categorized as a 'Favored Enemy/Systemic Foe'...

And yep, true damage, let's see if 2 Royal Knight features are worth spending max Generation on, or if I can retrain...

I am deeply in protest against this lack of...proportionality in Family bonuses. I understand Vitality and Wisdom represent important quantities that should be limited in scope, except I notice the hypocrisy in having 1 Vitality family and none for Wisdom. Also some of the obviously inferior stats (Agility, Cunning) each have 2 families with 5*, isn't that just a waste? Furthermore your apparent taste in Giga Cannon spam (you cannot deny the resemblance energy system makes with WoW type games) for families that don't just rely on ranged attacks (though I concede the majority of powerful attacks in Digimon ARE ranged), leads me to believe little forethought and much whim has been given to write this mess. If you're going to encourage players to multi family for stats and features, then for crying out loud, BALANCE THE STATS OUT CORRECTLY!!!

Unless there is approval to change whatever needs to be edited and patched in your RP System, I will be severely disappointed in your indifference and lack of redress, and may just drop out of this game.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Any reasonable grouping of Digimon. But you should talk to the DM for what a reasonable grouping would be.

Not to be a rules lawyer, but you'd need minimum 130 Generation for that if my math is right and the two Features require the same families. Near 200 for four Families and two 50 cost features if memory serves. And I don't think being confirmed as a one of the Royal Knights should be easy, no idea on how you'd get a Digimon confirmed for two.
As an aside, I sense a disturbing pattern, but I do wish ever so much to be proved wrong. Please tell me no one's gunning for something as obviously overpowered as not only a Holy Knight Class Digimon, but one of the Royal Knights this early on, before the game even starts, enough to metagame. Alack, alay, say it isn't so! Say it's just coincide!
[End admittedly over-dramatic aside. Enjoy the rest of your day everyone.]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

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@tobiax Ahahaha, you're not getting away that easily. I don't care much for the GM's say in this, because this problem I have with you is definitely not going to be fixed by house ruling. No, this is YOUR game system that you've created, YOUR responsibility to fix it, and right now YOU are evading that and my legitimate concerns. You are exactly the type of person I loathe to RP with, even worse when that person has made it based entirely around their own game, and then plays the fickle god who decides not to listen to any opinion or reason except from those he can talk down to. I've already explicitly mentioned I'm here as a player to troubleshoot and work out any technical issues with your game system, and right now I'm just barely tolerating your presence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Well, firstly I apologize, tone isn't easy to convey through text, and I did not mean to sound condescending. Secondly, your use of capitalized phrases made it seem like you were whining about something, and I would rather a mature discourse than an attempt at a written shouting match.
Thirdly (probably a nail in the coffin here), I don't see the issue you brought up as a problem. (Though I will have to define what constitutes a Systemic Foe category at some point.) In addition, I feel your claim of certain stats being "obviously inferior" was, at the least, a crass remark made to incite an angry response, or at the worst a misunderstanding of what those do. Furthermore, your supposition that I have an affinity for "Giga Cannon spam" is unfounded by your admission that there are no Families with a maximum increase in Wisdom.
The Family stat increases were made to reflect the traits commonly found in the included Digimon,(and I don't know about you, but no large group of Digimon stands out as wise to me) and not for mechanical "balance", which, as this isn't a thousand-player videogame, but a tabletop roleplaying game, isn't technically paramount.
What's important is the narrative, not how easy it is to conform to some battle efficient meta. If you aren't one who can understand the use of narrative elements, then I would wonder why you're on a website whose main purpose is collaborative writing in the first place.
As an afterthought, I can not confirm any resemblance to world of warcraft either as I have never played it, though I was under the impression it used a cool-down system of some sort.

You wanted to be answered? There, you got it. I wanted to avoid such things as unnecessary conflict or potential rule-casting when I'm not the GM. So, no, I'm not acting like some god. That's rather pretentious of you. I do believe we've gotten off on the wrong foot though, and I am more than willing to let bygones be just that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

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Fair enough, I'll apologize for the tone I conveyed through my writing then. However as my experience in tabletop RP DOES outweigh forum RP, I don't see how the former changes in practice from real life to online, the only difference being method of communication. Yes, I've participated in enough casual threads on this site to understand it's almost purely narrative, but adding on the rules of a tabletop system like D&D changes the dynamic by a lot, no? I'd say it's rather pretentious for you to think there's nothing more for a player to want out of your RP system than narrative elements + what you've just implied to water down as "complicated house rules". It does not matter the scale and popularity; there will always be a power gamer like I to join these types of games, "exploit" whatever rule imbalances can be found, and then it is up to whoever writes those rules to update them, whether to patch those exploits to keep players in check or further open up the boundaries. The only way to..prevent this is simply not have the RP system in the first place, and then we just return to a regular forum RP where this drama IS rather unnecessary.

It was absolutely a coincidence that your RP system was biased towards a character like mine, I've always wanted to play the Dorumon-Alphamon line in whatever Digimon RP I could join. No I do not support godmodding, and I find it funny when people try too hard in casual threads to make their character stand out. However, perhaps to somewhat prove my point I will be changing my character just to take advantage of the most favorable rules applicable to it -- unless you agree with my advice and arrange a compromise with perhaps the GM, if you so choose to divert your emotions that way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

To be completely frank, I don't see how the unfortunate inevitability of the individual who is inclined to use what is presented in a manner of "power play" has to do with the spread of stat increases in Digimon Families. Also not sure I follow on your mention of "complicated house rules".

While I can respect the character coincidence, I must point out that, out-of-the-box, the GM has about as much say in Digivolutions as the player, being that the player would mention to the GM which are preferred, and work theron, while the final decision is up to the DM.

I am completely open to making version updates. In fact, I will do so, plus a modular addition detailing ways to have players use Royal Knights and/or antagonists be the legitimate Demon Lords, sort of a "Heroes and Heretics" expansion if you will. However, I would very much like to run version 0.1 at least these two times, as this is being done to gain a bit of scope.

I personally can't justify a use-per-day system for a Digimon RP as it stands, as the majority of standard and repeatable actions in tabletop RPG's are weapons, and the majority of Digimon don't wield weapons. That and defining the line between what costs energy and what doesn't could become bothersome. Like, is every swing of Seiken Grandalpha a standard attack, or would it be a skill? The same with uses of Gallantmon's lance, or MetalGreymon's claw, or BanchoLeomon just, like, punching things. Perhaps the initial concept is not efficiently communicated by way of what limits the use of Techniques. The Energy costs probably earn a second look.

And, upon that second look, I realized I forgot to change the energy costs when I copied the format. Now I feel sheepish. Things should be more expensive now. That and, even if you get maximum energy somehow, a Rookie can use a Force based Technique five times (if I did my math right) before not being able to anymore without an Energy replenishing item or rest. Also, I clarified how the active stats grow on level up, and changed some wordings here and there, specifically with Weight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

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Ummm...thanks for the patch notes? And I didn''t realize @Iatos would be deciding my character progression for me, though I can respect his decision if i.e. my Alphamon happens to not be THE Royal Knight. Just these contraints (among other things like stats) are my pet peeves as a power gamer in RP systems.

If it's welcome, I could post my own suggestion for family stat bonuses, for you to consider adding in a future update; the hypocrisy of suggesting on my whim versus yours can always be settled through compromise, since you aren't the GM at least for this game, or an opaque game creator.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Oh, I guess that was more unclear than I had realized.
Fun Fact: You can't spam Giga Cannon/Infinity Cannon. It can only be used three time with max energy.
I can appreciate your enjoyment of Alphamon, as that's my brother's favorite Digimon, but I'm not sure I understand what the pet peeves are, and what theconstraints you mentioned are.
As a secondary note, if these things are foiling power play, is there not a virtue in that?

I would appreciate being PM'd such suggestions. But, to explain my reasoning, your version of balance came off akin to, or analogous with, being "politically correct", which isn't always the only right way. I feel as though looking at metadata such as the max stat distribution chart and expecting it to be uniform is similar to looking at a game such as Pokemon and taking issue with the fact that each Type doesn't have the same number of the same kind of interactions, or that other Pokemon (final forms) don't get the a stat as (ungodly) high as Blissey's HP stat.
They are arguments for fairness, but the game is hardly unplayable without those factors being addressed.
(Opaque as in not transparent, or as a byword for obtuse?)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

In other news, @Iatos hasn't mentioned anything here in nine days, but has been online as recently as today. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I have a suspicion we may have been bailed on potentially.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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I have mostly refrained from getting involved in your arguments.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Not necessarily good show, seeing as you're the DM. Wasn't an argument really, just a miscommunication.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yes, I understand being politically correct is a pain to implement in reality for more developed games, but since we're here helping you out in the very alpha stages of your system, it's not a bad suggestion to attempt so now rather than later. I mean, if you don't expect your game to turn out well popularity wise, then I get your lax attitude, but IMO it's better to assume for the best rather than the worst, which includes covering for the latter.

I'll PM you my suggestion later then, but for now I have a different idea to see how I can game the system.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tobiax


Member Seen 22 hrs ago

I personally don't see it as necessary. I don't care if it's ever wildly popular, but I do want it to be fun with a touch of challenge that you're aware of and accept from the get-go, namely that the dice can ice you over at any time, and that includes hp and energy, but the common etiquette of a mulligan or the "inn keeper ruling" may still come into effect. (That being said, there's always equipment, and Baby and In-Training Digimon aren't meant to be fit to fight.) So, while I understand where you're coming from, I respectfully disagree as to that being the course of action I want to immediately take.

Game the system how? And if you're looking for cracks in the wall, I feel the more gentlemanly thing to do is make it know, not shove your hand in it. (That being said, I find the one-to-six "health" pseudo-system a bit to easy to game, and too much like the DM is willingly tipping their hand.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aurrorian
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Aurrorian I Spam XD Alot

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Iatos My Digimon part of the character sheet is ready for you to check.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Iatos
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Iatos The Guardian of Death. And I-ate those.

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Looks Good
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