Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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"I say we don't waste our time with the guards" Ka-Vara stated "If we've already cleared out the necromancers, the guards would find nothing but a bunch of decaying corpses and a looted lair that they weren't even aware of".
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Actions: Periodically search for animals and if found attack.

Survival check required: (1 yellow 2 green vs 2 purple) = ssa = double success with advantage

@rush99999 N/a

No check required


The companions continued to travel down the ruff stone road discussing plans, tactics, and stories. Shinon with his keen eyes spyed upon several small game and by the end of the day he had collected and cleaned some presents and a rabbit. That night the party arrived upon the fabled guardian stones. While eating roasted pheasant breast and rabbit leg, Metosi spoke as to the origins. Objects built by the ancient nords for worship in places of power.

"It is said that one who touches and accepts the guidance of the stone will be blessed." Said Metosi looking up at the three finely crated pillars. "But I am not one for superstition and myth." He yawned and retired for the evening. Qa'Ra took the first watch as usual.

(2 ration meals saved and not deducted for group stash)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon glanced at the stones. Magic hm? Everyone could use a little magic. In the meantime however he was full and sleepy. So Shinon rolled out his mat and closed his eyes. When it was his turn to watch he'd take a closer look at the stones. He knew a bit of magic after all. Just a quick look though, after all it wouldn't do to have something sneak up on them while he was staring at a pretty rock. He was excited about tomorrow. Who knew what adventures it would bring.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Metosi's words filled Ka-Vara with curiosity. The thought of gaining blessings simply by touching 1 of those stones intrigued him. He still had the energy for finding out if what Metosi said was true, so Ka-Vara walked over to the stones and touched the stone with an elderly mage carved into it.

Action: Touch the mage stone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Action: Goes to seep

No check required.

@rush99999 Action: Touch the mage stone.

No check required.


As Ka-Vara laid his hand upon the stone, A strange lightness fell onto him. It was if a spell had been cast that made him feel more connected to his magic. Taking a step back Ka-Vara could swear that he saw a thing blue light stretch out of the stone and into the sky (though no one else will see it).
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Ka-Vara looked on in awe as the stone lit up. He felt lighter, and had a feeling that he would be better at magic from here on out. Once he was done there, Ka-Vara went to sleep like every one else save for Qa'Ra.

Action: Head to bed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@rush99999 Action: Head to bed.

No check required.


Shinon was awakened by Qa'Ra gently shaking him. "Wake up, it is your turn to watch, this one is sleepy." Getting up Shinon looked at the darkened land, slowly starting to lighten with the approach of dawn. There was now several hours until the party would move out, giving Shinon some quiet hours to keep watch. The sound of Qa'Ra purring in his sleep was all that was heard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon nodded and glanced around, before turning his attention to the rocks. Perhaps it was just his imagination but he thought could feel some sort of magic emitting from the stones. Shinon mentally scolded himself, he could use magic but he was far short of a mage. Still he crept forward and carefully put his hand on the cool stone that was still in the shade of the other two, as though it was hiding. It had a strange carving on it as well that he couldn't quite make out. Shaking his head Shinon removed his hand and strung his bow, choosing an ideally sneaky place to keep watch and waited to see if anything else came before they began moving once again.

Actions: Touch stone, Keep watch.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Actions: Touch stone, Keep watch.


As Shinon laid his hand upon the stone, A strange lightness fell onto him. It was if a spell had been cast that made him feel more connected to some kind of magic. Taking a step back Shinon could swear that he saw a thing blue light stretch out of the stone and into the sky (though no one else will see it)...

As the dawn broke and the party set out on the road again, both Shinon and Ka-Vara looked back upon the standing stones. In the he light of day, no magical effects could be seen, though they still felt a magic lingering in them.

A few hours down the road the party enjoyed a warm spring day. Over the last few days of travelling they had noticed the cold beginning to retreat back to the mountains as spring was starting to take hold. The party knew that they has reached Skyrim at a fortune time of year, the cold was retreating, making there march to Winterhold that much easier.

Eventually the party spotted smoke floating up in the distance and the fain sound of civilisation, and in a few minutes time they walked into the town of Riverwood.

The fire of a smithy bellowed black and grey smoke into the sky as a nearby mill processed wood. A few villagers transversed the partly stoned main road. A few guards noticed the party, then returned to talking with a young Nord woman and took no care of them. A few signs could be seen looking down the roadway: The "Sleeping Giant Inn", "Riverwood Trader", and the plain sign of the blacksmith.

(Shinon and Ka-Vara gain the 'guardian stones' talent. It will allow them to upgrade 1 roll per encounter. This means they can turn a natural Green dice into a Yellow, OR add a Green to their roll if they have all Yellows. For Shinon this applies to agility and perception roles. For Ka-Vara, Intelligence and Wits)(Note one Must Declare to use this ability before the roll is made)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon looked at the quaint town with interest, it was a nice place, around the same size as his own village. They didn't really need anything from here though as far as he could remember. They still had rations and Shinon could always hunt some more. Although Shinon did now remember upon seeing the Riverwood Trader that he still had the bag of loot from the necromancer. Now that they were in daylight he could look at them again and see if he could pawn them off for a decent value. "So after we take care of shopping and a bit of peeking around town we go deal with the next one?" Shinon asked as he got out the items in question, to get some idea of what he was dealing with before he waltzed into the shop.

Actions: Examine items, (+2 blue die)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"That sounds good to me" Ka-Vara said "If any of you need me, I'll be looking for work since I'm broke at the moment". With that said, Ka-Vara headed for The Sleeping Giant. Innkeepers always had a good lay of the land, so those who wanted work usually went to the innkeepers. The Argonian walked into the inn and headed straight for the bar which was tended by a blond Breton woman with a hard look in her eyes. "Good day to you" Ka-Vara said, hoping she wasn't the kind of person that discriminated against beast races "Innkeepers usually know what goes on around their towns. Know where I might find some honest work?".

Actions: Look for work.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Actions: Examine items, (+2 blue die)

Appraisal check required: (2 green and 2 blue vs 2 purple)= ssst= Triple success with a threat

@rush99999 Actions: Look for work.

No check required.


Looking over his treasures in the sunlight, Shinon saw that the necromancers trinkets where just that, trinkets. Each one of no real value but in whole their value would equal around 25gp.

The blond Breton woman looked Ka-Vara over slowly. "Unfortunately there is no work here that would be worthy of someone of your trade. Just simple Currier jobs and little tasks to keep the town gossip flowing. If you are looking for work, Id suggest heading to Whiterun. There the Holds needs are more readily tended to. Occasionally the Yarls men would drop off a bounty letter or notice, but I have not seen one in a few weeks." She brought up a flask of mead. "You thirsty? Two glasses a Septum."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon nodded, good enough. He shrugged at Ka-Vara leaving. If they could get a request to clear out where the necromancer was hiding even better, if not then nothing lost. Besides, it wasn't like the dark mage would be going anywhere anytime soon. He noted the inn the kajiat had entered and rode onto the trader, quickly ducking inside. Shinon casually stepped up to the counter and carefully laid the bag's contents out on the counter, "I've got some items for sale. Mind having a look? The merchant I talked to from Falkreath offered me 30 gold for the whole set. I was hoping you could do a little more." Shinon said with a convincing smile, giving no sign that he had lied through his teeth, he didn't think it would hurt to try. After all, you were practically expected to haggle when a merchant caravan dropped into town with all its fancy goods, it wasn't any fun otherwise.

Actions: Convince store owner of a good price.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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"I'm more of a sweet roll lizard" Ka-Vara said "But I have no coin at the moment, so I'll have to pass. Good day". With that said, Ka-Vara made for the exit.

Actions: Leave the tavern and kill time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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Member Seen 18 days ago

@Eklispe Actions: Convince store owner of a good price.

Barter Check Required: (2 green v 2 purple) = st = Success with threat

@rush99999 Actions: Leave the tavern and kill time.

No Check Required.


The Proprietor of the Riverwood Trader looked over the objects and with some convincing by Shinon, agreed to the price of 30 Septims. With the gold placed into Shinon's hands, he turned his attention to Qa'Ra who was hucking his wares. However the Kajit only got 25 Septims for his hall and a sharp eye from the Proprietor, he pocketed it quietly.

As Ka-Vara walked down the steps of the The Sleeping Giant, Metosi was leaning against a rock eating an apple. As a child and dog ran past he said "This is a nice quiet place, if I was ever one to settle down. Though some more Elvin architecture improvements would be necessary."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon nodded, pleased with himself for earning a few coins. He thanked the owner and paused for a moment, glancing around to see if there was anything of interest. Nothing that he needed per-sey, perhaps he would go shopping in Whiterun. First though, there was the matter of the Necromancer. He left the shop and spotted Ka-Rava and Metosi easily enough and quickly walked over to them. "We should have enough supplies to take care of our business here and make it to Whiterun, is there anything else we need before we move on?"

Action: Suggest moving on
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"I'm fairly certain we have everything we need" Ka-Vara said before looking at Metosi "You don't need anything, do you?"

Actions: Agree.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Action: Suggest moving on

@rush99999 Actions: Agree.

No Checks Required.

Soon Riverwood fell behind the lip of the hill. As the party travelled down into the plain, the looked upon the city of Whiterun in the distance. Towering in the sky was Dragonsreach, home of the Yarl. The sun was still in the sky as they passed several farms and a Meadery, and the sun was starting to set off in the distance as they passed through the city gates and stepped into Whiterun.

Whiteruns shops had been closed as the sun fell behind the walls. The sound of music and merriment could be heard from several tavern and inns. A city guard stepped out of the barraks that sat beised the walls, took a drink from a flask, and looked at the heroes. "Welcome to Whiterun Travellers. What perchance are you looking for? Supplies? Drink and food? A bed? Or a woman to keep you warm." He laughed and smiled.

[Note: The major cities are much larger in this RPG than in the videa game. though you will find the shops from the game will be predominant and well stoked.]
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon laughed along with the friendly guard and shrugged, "For now I believe a bad should be enough, where would you recommend we stay?" He asked. The guard seemed nice enough and was probably used to directing travelers, certainly it would be better to start off with a recommendation then search every inn they found for fleas.

Action: Ask guard for inn recommendation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The guard's words were a welcome sound to Ka-Vara's ears, as was any evidence that not all residents of Skyrim were slow witted bigots. As the guard prepared an answer, Ka-Vara quickly took in the sight of the surrounding city from where he stood. Whiterun was certainly bigger than he expected.

Action: Take in the surroundings and await the guard's reply
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