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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blue Tempest

Blue Tempest

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So can we make our characters here?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I am really interested in joining this. Already have a good idea for my character and his abilities. Now do you have someone for those gen. alpha and bravo you mentioned above already, or were you planning to fill those after the other spots are filled.

Anyways, I will get a CS up tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yeah go ahead Blue Tempest.

I have a few powers already picked out required for the plot but for the rest I'm going to fill in later on
Currently I have-
- Electronic Communication
-Someone that can mimic abilities
-Someone that can disable abilities
-Someone that can track down people with abilities and distinguish what abilities they have
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

heh...you know mimicking abilities was the first power I thought about, but had dismissed it. I thought that maybe you would think it was to OP.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yeah, that was one reason the character with the ability is one of the leaders. However, he's not going to be someone that can instantly mimic someone's powers and there's going to be some other drawbacks to make keep him from being too OP
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well I'll just stick with my current character and his light manipulation. I'll do the cs after I get some sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I look forward to it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alright, here's my character.

General Bio
Name: Jenna Baxter
Age: 23
Gender: Female

For someone that is as short as 5’2”, Jenna has an average build for someone her size. She is most often found in jeans and simple shirt or a blouse with a matching pair of shoes or boots.

Name of ability: Magnetic Manipulation
Description: Jenna has the capabilities of moving and shaping metals affected by magnets. Ever since she was affected by the serum, a magnetic force has been created in her hands allowing to use her powers by pulling and pushing the metal she is concentrating on.

Level one abilities: Jenna is able to move small objects weighing a pound or less with great focus but without much control by either not moving the object or causing sporadic movements. She is able to alter and shape soft metals but causes a lot of strain and focus

Level three abilities: Jenna can move metal up to half of what she can physically hold and able to alter the shape of soft metals at ease. She is able to alter denser and harder metals but without much success

Level five abilities: Jenna can move metal up to what she can physically hold and able to control up to two different objects (one for each hand) with difficulty. She can shape nearly any type of metal but is unable to change the given properties and traits of the metal she is manipulating.

Weakness/drawback: Jenna is unable to use most technology until she is able to restrain her magnetic force while using the object and even then she has to keep a steady concentration to make sure she doesn’t slip up. Strong magnets can interfere with her powers and is completely powerless against any metals not affected by metals. Due to the magnetic force within her body, she is not able to absorb iron as well as normal people especially during prolonged use of her powers which causes Anemia if she isn’t watchful of her iron levels

History: Born and raised in central Florida, Jenna lived an average, upper middle class life with both her parents and a younger brother. Upon graduating from high school with decent grades, Jenna decided to move north to New York to experience life in the big city while in college, something she has been planning ever since she was young. After spending two years living in a dorm and working at a coffee shop, Jenna moved out into a small apartment a few miles away from the school and has been living there since. Enjoying life in New York, Jenna has decided to stay in New York and although she hasn’t found a job a full-time teacher with her degree, she has been working as a substitute teacher for the last year with a promising chance of being a teacher next year after a recent interview.

The day before the bus ride: A small smile crept on Jenna’s lips as she looked through the storefront window at the litter of puppies being displayed. Ever since she moved to New York, having a dog was one things she missed besides her close relationship with her parents and brother. However, the apartment she was living in had many strict rules and having a dog was one of those rules. She often debated about moving out and living in a place which was more dog friendly, however she knew that it would be unwise until she had a steady teaching job. As she normally was, Jenna was optimistic and had a good feeling that the interview she was in yesterday went well and that she would soon be on her way to fulfilling her goals.

With a small sigh, Jenna started to head down the street knowing that she couldn’t waste too much time today. A small group of friends were meeting at her house in a few hours for dinner and she still hasn’t been to the store to buy the items necessary for dinner. “Crap!” Jenna exclaimed aloud as she reached in her pocket as she realized that she forgot her shopping list at home. As she mentally chastised herself for being so careless yet again, Jenna pulled her phone out to check the time. Frustration overwhelmed her as she shoved her phone back in her pocket as she realized that she wouldn’t have enough time to run back home to get the list. Hoping that her memory is good enough to remember all that she needs, Jenna headed into the store and quickly grabbed the materials for the tacos her and her friends were going to eat before making her way to the checkout line, the worst part of shopping in her opinion. Waiting impatiently as the checkout line seemed to move at a snail speed, Jenna was glad when she was finally able to leave the store.

“Procrastinating again?” A familiar voice said a joking mock tone as Jenna reached the street her apartment was on.

“Can it Emma or I won’t procrastinate canning you.” Jenna said with a slight smirk as she handed a few of her grocery bags to her friend. “You’re a bit early aren’t you?” Unlocking her apartment door, Jenna opened the door for Emma.

“Of course. I’m looking forward to eating on time this time around so I came to help you out.” Emma jested as she placed the bags of groceries on Jenna’s table. “I can start to cook the meat if you want to prepare the other stuff.”

“You have to be kidding me!” Jenna exclaimed as dropped her groceries onto the table and quickly rummaged through the bags.

“Forgot something?” Emma asked as she watched Jenna with folded arms.

“Yeah, I’m thinking we’re going to have vegetarian tacos tonight. I forgot the meat.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Regendorf

Regendorf Unstable

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

General Bio
Name:Frid Adalwolf
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Name of ability: Focus
Description: The brain of the user goes into overdrive analyzing every possible aspect of a given information. Information is gathered by the 5 senses as in all humans. At its peek this ability can make it so that the time slows down around the user, allowing him to make quick actions.
Level one abilities: Slight enhancement of cognitive power upon use. The information gathering becomes more enhanced later on allowing for more exact educated guesses. At this point to get any real results the user must maintain the ability for as long as possible.
Level three abilities: Increased Cognitive power and information gathering. The 5 senses become more acute while using the power. Slight increase in combat efficiency due to the ability to read movements. Educated guesses are more accurate. Full use of the power is no longer needed for best effectiveness but the cognitive power still won't surpass by far the best and brightest humans alive
Level five abilities: Greater cognitive power and information gathering. At this point using the ability will make time seem to move slower for the user due to the high rate of transfer between the brain and five senses. This increases the combat effectiveness especially in parrying and countering attacks. Can read through powers with ease deducing both their nature and qualities. In its most advanced state the power leads the whole power into this overdrive making close combat quite effective. While the power's strength becomes extreme, allowing best results with only minor flashes of focus.
Weakness/drawback: Constant use may never surpass 5 minutes(2 minutes for level 5 since the overdrive is much stronger). The reason here is that it may cause permanent damage to the brain and body later on.

History: His first experience with free climbing was in his first year of high-school. But should we return to the origins of this hobby we would find a over passionate father that took his son on every hiking path within a couple hundred miles of NYC. At the age of ten Frid was signed up at the local mountain climbing club and soon reached to top of his age limit. But while all this was fun, it felt more like a constriction then the real deal. Thus we return to high school a few years later where a original way to ditch class was created. On that day he brought with him his climbing gloves since his classroom was on the third floor. Slipping out the window he moved across the window sills jumping from one window to another then finally to the drainage pipe. Climbing down was quite fatiguing but not to the point one would fall of, especially one trained in climbing. Everything working perfectly, well almost, since some feet of the ground a shriek broke his concentration and fell of. It seemed that one of the teacher had spotted him and panicking shrieked and caught the attention of the whole school. Harsh punishment awaited him, and he took it head high, he had finally found his way of climbing, "Ropes are for sissies" Became his motto for many years to come.

The day before the bus ride:
Frid stood in front of an aging mahogany desk. His balding boss was site across with Frid's letter as lecture. The young man had just resigned for one of the craziest reason he had ever seen. To resign because he was refused a prolonged leave of absence, to go rock climbing to boot..."This is crazy!" Said the old man with a tone of irritation. "You're a grown man...you...you mean that you'd rather quit this job." He had started his work just some time ago, well the reason he did start his job on the other hand was to gain the money he needed for this expedition. "To go and loose your self in some mountain range?" the boss continued. Frid had already been listening to this old man's ranting for some minutes now, with his head bowed as if he'd been sorry. But it was time to put an end to this, with a mocking smile on his face he retorted "Yeah, that's right. Who the hell do you think likes to work for you?" He took a deep breath of air just enough to let his boss feel he had a chance to talk again, and continued. "You know what the difference between a mountain and a so called corporate ladder? A mountain always has a crevasse or two to which you can hang on as you climb up. But a company stops having such things after a certain point, you just get stuck in the middle of the mountain with no way to go up or down." With that he turns towards the door and steps out of the office slamming it shut. From inside the chiefs office everyone could hear him screaming that he'd never work in this state ever again. Consequently that suited him just fine as he had no intentions of returning to the States. This was only the first of several fights he'd have today, since he didn't announce anyone of his plans.

Tomorrow he would board a plane headed to Europe, the mountains there are by far more interesting and still unconquered by him. But until that moment he still had to face some people. His family would be rather shocked but wouldn't try to stop him, he is his father's son after all. The real problem would be his girlfriend...well the girl that stuck to him because he was buff and slightly famous in some circles. She always said she loved him, and he would always lie that he loved her too. But it was time to put an end to this. Mind you, he never planned to hurt her, but one could see how superficial her love was, thus he kept her around because she was convenient, no doubt she would find some other schmuck to leech of within a week.

He arrived at home late that evening since he had to pay a visit to all utilities, he had to liquidate all contracts after all. His girlfriend had already gotten home and was taking a shower. Perfect timing...he thought as he started packing. Packing meant usually just his underwear and socks since he kept most his close packed in a backpack at all times. He left out a pair of jeans a t shirt and a jacket to wear tomorrow, but that was about all. He debated for a second weather he should say something to his girlfriend or not, and decided that he'd rather not be there when she'd find out that he left her. As he opened the door to the lobby she got out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her head. "Where on earth are you going with that at this hour?" she asked, as a response he only spat over the shoulder a dry "Goodbye"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

So far so good. I'm excited to see what else you are going to add.

I'm off to bed so I'll check in the morning before heading to class in the morning (AKA in 3-4 hours)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Descartes
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Descartes Give her the D

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm interested. Also, just a bit of forewarning: From my experience, people are known to stop right in the middle of things and sometimes without warning. This would make it incredibly difficult to keep continuity given we recruit new players. If we didn't, however, we may end up with very few people by the time the second game rolls over. This is unless we get super lucky and end up with a dedicated group of players.

I'll edit my profile as needed.

General Bio

Name: Mark Yu
Age: 18
Gender: Male


5'11"; normally dressed casually (jeans with a shirt); 140 lbs.

Name of ability: Wind Mode
Description: Mark's power allows him to control his lungs, diaphragm, larynx, and parts of his face as well as other parts of his in order to indirectly effect the passage of air through his body. Using his body, Mark is able to shape air and, in a sense, spit it out to create large gusts of wind. Also by control of air, Mark has the ability to manipulate more directly sound which though harder to learn is actually much easier to master,
Level one abilities: Mark is capable of summoning up large gusts of air capable of pushing enemies about, though lacks the power to actually do anything else with it. Lacking control of the power, he is incapable of controlling a stream of focused air. In addition, Mark lacks knowledge of the voice and cannot use it properly.
Level three abilities: At this level, Mark is better able to handle air, being able to control the power much more easily. He can modify his insides to allow a smoother passage of air as well as increase air intake. Though he cannot modify his rib cage, it has expanded simply due to stress allowing Mark to breath in more air. At this point, he can also control sound to an extent through the modification of his larynx to created noises that normal humans probably could not.
Level five abilities: Wind control to the extent where he can shoot actual blades of wind that can cut through objects. It no longer even looks like he is breathing, but simply using telekinetic abilities with his mouth considering how powerful his wind control is. He can sing in three part harmony by modifying his voice box and create pitches unknown to human ears.

Weakness/drawback: While Mark can expand his diaphragm to unnaturally large proportions, his rib cage does not expand beyond how it normally could. Because of this, he is limited in the amount of air he can take in without hurting himself. Prolonged use of the power can have a detrimental effect on Mark's voice, most noticeable in a slight raspiness experienced moments after long use of the power. Also, though his internal mechanics change, Mark cannot actually change how the outside of his body looks or works through use of the power.

History: At least a paragraph
The day before the bus ride: I would like to use this in exchange of having a personality. I would like to see what an average day was like and what type of person they were like before everything unfolded. Think of this as your introductory post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sturmgewehr


Member Offline since relaunch

Interested! I'll start thinking of a character and afterwards i'll start making my CS.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Izkripp


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

This sounds interesting.. I might join in if it is alright
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tenebrous Gaze

Tenebrous Gaze

Member Offline since relaunch

I'm thinking sound powers, with the obvious downside of hearing damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Descartes said
I'm interested. Also, just a bit of forewarning: From my experience, people are known to stop right in the middle of things and sometimes without warning. This would make it incredibly difficult to keep continuity given we recruit new players. If we didn't, however, we may end up with very few people by the time the second game rolls over. This is unless we get super lucky and end up with a dedicated group of players.I'll edit my profile as needed.

Don't worry I already have a few plans on how I can add or drop characters throughout the roleplay so that we can keep things rolling as well as for the transition between the first and second part. The people that usually drops a roleplay does it early in the roleplay either in the transition between interest check to the OOC or during the first five or so pages of the IC so things aren't going to get too heavy in the IC until the influx of new people and those who become MIA settle out.

Anyways, I'm liking your character sheet so far. Your powers seems good and I'm looking forward to seeing the history portion of your character sheet.

Sturmgewehr- I look forward to it!

Izkripp- Yeah go right ahead. If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask.

Tenebrous Gaze- That will be interesting, go for it.

Everyone- I'm going to start working on the OOC tonight once I get home and I'll probably have it posted sometime tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eyesonlyhacker
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'll be finishing up the history tonight.

Name: Ian Mathers
Age: 35
Gender: Male

Name of ability:
Light Manipulation
Description: Every since being exposed to the serum Ian has been able absorb, shape, and manipulate visible light. In the beginning Ian has only been able to pull the light around him into his body where it is stored, and radiate that light from his hands. However as his own control begins to expand his powers begin to manifest in holographic projections, invisibility, moving at lightspeed, light-powered combat, and photokinetic constructs.

Level one abilities: At this most basic of skill Ian is only capable of absorbing the light around him and radiating it from his hands. At the middle of level one he will however, learned enough control to manipulate the light into blast capable of knocking someone back a few feet.

Level three abilities: By level three Ian will have mastered some of the more basic uses of his powers, being able to generate holographic projections, light solidification in the form of a shield, warping light around him for invisibility, and the light blast of level one is capable of throwing an individual up to twenty feet at great force.

Level five abilities: By level five Ian's control in solidification has increased to the point where he is able to create smaller constructs, such as a shield that molds to his body, small weapons, though nothing more complicated than watch or bigger in mass than a dog. Ian is also capable of moving at lightspeed for short bursts. The longest being one mile, though it significantly drained him.

Weakness/drawback: The one major weakness for Ian has been his inability to generate light its self. As a result he is wholly dependent on the light around him and that which he has been able to store. This weakness makes him useless in a pitch black environment, and where visible light is at a premium.

Ian Mathers was born and raised in Seattle, WA. Shortly after graduating high school Ian enlisted in the Army as an intelligence analyst.

The day before the bus ride: I would like to use this in exchange of having a personality. I would like to see what an average day was like and what type of person they were like before everything unfolded. Think of this as your introductory post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Interested, will finsh the app tomorrow

General Bio
Name: John Bowden
Age: 30
Appearance: Please either have a picture and a small description (such as height, types of clothes normally worn on an average day, etc.) or have a description

Name of ability:
Level one abilities: What will your ability look like at level one
Level three abilities: What will it look like at level three
Level five abilities: What will your ability look like at level five
Weakness/drawback: Any weaknesses or drawbacks due to your ability

History: At least a paragraph
The day before the bus ride: I would like to use this in exchange of having a personality. I would like to see what an average day was like and what type of person they were like before everything unfolded. Think of this as your introductory post.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Regendorf

Regendorf Unstable

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Since my char will be just coming off a climbing expedition, what season are we in so i don't go bragging of that he climbed half naked in the winter.


Have written the paragraph trying to mention as little as possible over the weather...hope its good enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I really like the looks of this. Glancing over the character sheets, I can see that its already going to be an interesting ride. For quite some time now I haven't really been roleplaying (the shutdown of the old website perpetuated this, and I had no clue this one went up) but I think this would be an excellent opportunity to jump back in. Roleplaying has always been something I've enjoyed, and -if I do say so myself- I'm no novice. So whaddya say?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rina
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Rina Coffeeholic

Member Seen 3 mos ago

eyesonlyhacker- I like your sheet so far however I'm a bit iffy when it comes to having both invisibility and moving at lightspeed along with your other abilities so do you think you could either dial both of them down or take one off. Also as an FYI, Crank is planning on having a character with super speed so keep that in mind because I rather not have Crank's (or anyone's powers) overshadowed by another power.

Mr_pink- I look forward to it.

Regendorf- Just as an FYI, you might want to check the original post again, I already have the date posted there. The bus ride is on May 3rd and looking at the average weather chart for New York City, the average high is 68 degrees fahrenheit but make sure to compensate for being on the mountains. Also, do you think you can add a little more to the day before the bus ride post? Since it is taking the spot for the personality section, I'd like you to reveal more about your character and how they act instead of just what they did.

Lugubrious- Welcome back to the site. I would be glad to have you on board!
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