Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mattias sniffed carefully. For a country boasting a miniscule number of vampires, the scent was overwhelming. There were either far more vampires here than expected, or a few very powerful ones. He took a long drag of his cigarette. Or both.

Mattias carefully followed the scent to where it seemed to be the strongest in the area, which led him to…. a nightclub? It made perfect sense, actually. Humans that were attracted to this place would be easy pickings for a bloodsucker. Mattias was nervous too. He was strong, sure. He could take on most of the weaker vampires with only a partial transformation. But this many? And so close together? The risk of being overwhelmed was incredibly high.

The vigilante decided that he only had one good option. Do some recon, then leave a tip for Soldier explaining what was going on. He couldn’t deal with something like this on his own. Mattias took a final drag of his cigarette, and descended.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Club Du Luc, fancy enough place despite the owner, but that wasn't the only thing wrong with it, the illegal buisness they did. But that was good for Mister Jones, he liked illegal work, more fun. Unfortunately for the owner though, SOLDIER was watching him and his club, and were inside even now.

Mister Jones walked in the front door and noticed the agents right away. He knew them all by face, mainly because he had their files on hand, but he had met one or two of them personally, and that was why he was making his way to Roman. He stoof next to Roman and put his hand on his shoulder, "Dimitri? Hey Dmitri it's me, Peter! It's so good to see you man!" He pulled Roman unto a hug and whispered into his ear, "You're blown, they know who you are. Come find me." He then let go of Roman and in a loud voice said, "It was great seeing you man, I've got to go though, see ya later man." He then turned and walked out the front door as fast as he could.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DiZL ReloadeD
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DiZL ReloadeD unimportant side character #2

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Well, so much for our cover..." Allison sighed as she turned to her right and started walking along the wall. As she walked she kept her eyes open for any trouble that Katya might have caused. One thing she noticed was that there were bouncers at the exits.

Either they have found out we are not your regular costumers or someone knew we were coming.

@Kurai Assassin
Allison took another sip from her drink. However as she heard Katyas message she immediately stopped dead in her tracks. She just stood there with her drink, not saying a word for a few seconds before she finally responded. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?... I am on my way, but you should get moving, now that you attracted so much attention. Our cover is most likely blown, the bouncers are blocking the exits. I hope we have a plan B at hand."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@DiZL ReloadeD
"Hahaha, fine i wont call you 'Alli' again. Now, Plan B. well, we need the Commanders approval to start Plan B, But I can tell you exactly what we are gonna do." she turned and made a signal to beckon Ashley over. "Ok heres Plan B. As soon as we get Confirmation from Mithias, i will make my way over to the door. The Bouncers, most likely, will stop me so at that point i will say into the mic. 'Bite me' at this point ill draw my pistol and fire into one of them, Allison, you'll be behind me and you will take out the second guy. Roman and Ash will take out the barman and any other people who pull guns on us, while Mithias will make his way across the street to a car which Sonja will be in the passenger seat with her LMG poking out the window to take out anyone who chases us out. we all get in the car and hightail it out of here." she took a moment to breath and finish her drink "Any Objections? no ok." she got out her phone and sent a message to Mithias. Covers Blown. Barman and the Bouncers know who we are. Send Confirmation for Plan B. Mithias' phone will have buzzed in his pocket at this point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

At his table, resting contentedly, shielded from the laser lights, sat Mithias. One ankle atop the other knee, the vampire watched the surface of his drink vibrate with every downbeat to Pink. In his ear he heard every word that his allies spoke. So Katya's interactions at the bar had gone south. Roman had gone over to help smooth things out, but was then approached by a strange man named Peter. Mithias took notice of the stranger as he pretended to meet 'a friend.' Sonja declared she had an escape planned, but just as Mithias was thinking how early it was, panic began to ensue. Seriously, could his agents not handle a little harassment? Humans were like children sometimes... well in fact, they were children. Katya was already convinced the door was being blocked. Allison astutely mentioned that someone had already known they were coming. Mithias had no doubt of that. Nonetheless, if their cover was blown and his squadron was at their wit's end upon realizing they were surrounded by vampires, then perhaps the best solution was to abort.

Mithias read his messages casually. He sighed. He really had no idea what Plan B was, but he could guess. This was the last chance that relations with Soldier tonight could still end well. He typed back with one hand, mildly annoyed that the phone took several microseconds to register his keystrokes, "We're not getting out of here without making a scene are we? Go to the door. I'll be right behind you."

Putting his phone away, he got up and started toward the others. "This music is about all I can take." He said to Katya once he got close. What the other didn't know was that there really was no point in remaining here. Mithias was convinced they would not discover anything about who was secretly controlling Britain. It was only a stupid rumor that had no reason for investigation in the first place.

Just as they were nearing the door, and the bouncers, a very sexy-looking and nervous man walked in. Mithias looked right in his eyes as they encountered each other and blinked twice at what he saw. Could it really be?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Katya noticed the man who had entered the bar, but had no idea who he was. Mithias however definitely did know the man, Katya took advantage of the man coming through and staggered out the door. she turned back to the others, pretending to be drunk, "Come on you *hic* guys, i heard theres a pretty good hotel near here." Ashley watched and facepalmed as she too left the building. "Yo, Dude you three coming or what" she yelled back to Mithias, Roman and Allison who all still stood in the bar
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Yo. Dude, You three coming or what?" Katya was almost out the door, feigning drunkenness, or even a touch of illness, to excuse her escape as a casual, human maneuver. But the aire was counterproductive if anything. The point of no return had been crossed. Suddenly, as she turned her head back to the exit, she ran into something rather solid.

When I say solid, I don't mean it was like a wall or even a blunt weapon swung at her head. It was a body, made of muscle and curves. Katya's small frame bounced off, back into the nightclub. The door outside became obscured as a black t-shirt came into focus in front of her with the saying, "Vampire Lives Matter," printed across it.

A vampire with pale blue eyes and spiked blonde hair glared at her from above. "Leaving so soon, little miss? Oh I don't think so. You see, none of us are falling for your tricks. We know you're not drunk. We can hear your heartbeats you know. Have a seat." Placing a hand on her chest, mindless of her cleavage, the vamp marched her backward indignantly, until her legs kicked a chair and she stumbled into the seat.

Roman suddenly found himself flanked with some kind of gun poking him in the back. A sinister voice seeped over his shoulder, "Don't move a muscle if you don't want to be on the menu."

Allison was also grabbed and hauled over to where Katya was being grilled.

The blonde vampire seemed to command some degree of respect around here. A cheap bumper sticker adorned the pillar behind him, bearing the symbol of two red bars in an "equals" sign. He looked at Katya with disgust... and a bit of sadistic delight. "You came looking for trouble in the wrong place, 'hunter.' This is a vampire club. We all heard you foreigners talking, and we're sorely disappointed. Not only are you bigoted haters, but you're stupid enough to try your medieval, oppressive bullshit in the middle of our club. That was a big mistake."

The music kept playing, but the scene was going down at the front of the club. The Soldier group was surrounded.

Another black-haired woman vampire in stilted vinyl knee-high boots strutted past Roman with an appraising glance, then glared at Allison and put her hands on her hips. She spoke in a Romanian accent. "Do you know what we vampires refer to you as 'hunters?' ... We call you, 'fair game.'" She grinned. Vampires apparently took care of their own problems here in the UK.

Meanwhile, Mithias found himself standing off with two younger vampires, a man and a woman. They stared at him suspiciously, cautious about testing his motives, or his ferocity. They stood between him and his human allies, still a degree more respectful of one of their own kind. They began questioning him in a mocking fashion. "So, you're with these scum blood-bags? What are you, a pet?"

Mithias was unarmed, but could have become armed fairly quickly if he needed to. There were plenty of knives, pistols, chains, wood, and the like within arms reach. He backed away slowly. The vampires before him were less than half his age, actually, and judging by their speech and their clothing, they were probably rank fledglings. He really didn't want to have to fuck them up.

Mattias was basically left untouched in the middle of all this.

The taunts meant nothing to Mithias and rolled off him like water off a duck's back. He began to attempt to diffuse the situation as he judged the distance between himself and Katya. He lifted his hands in a calming motion. "Please forgive my friends. This is not what it looks like..."

Just then, a scream rang out on the communicators in everyone's ears. Sonja...

Oh shit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mattias coolly leaned against a wall, feigning nonchalance as he lit a cigarette to calm his nerves. He didn't need another unintentional transformation on his hands in such a delicate situation. He could already feel his muscles beginning to stir ever so slightly. So Mithias Varomere was here with a group of either mercenaries or Soldier operatives. For what purpose? Likely to investigate the rumors circulating the UK, much the same as Mattias. It's in my best interest to aid them then, he mused. I'll keep a low profile and step in if things escalate to violence. Maybe we can help each other out. Mattias barely picked up the sound of screaming from the operative's (he was pretty sure they were operatives) communicators. That can't be good. The cigarette seemed to be doing it's job, as Mattias started to calm down. He took a low, steadying breath, and continued to take drags while watching for signs that the beast within him was needed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sonja screamed as one of the blonde haired vampires goons grabbed her in her room. "Oi, get the fuck off me you prick."The vampire just ignored the girl as he dragged her to the club to join her friends. "Come on then ya bastard. put on a fair fight if your gonna start one finish it atleast." Ashley swung back in the chair she'd been forced into. "Sonja, shut the fuck up unless you wont to get us shot or worse." Sonja seemed to shut up at that point. Katya stood up from the chair, the two men who had her flanked stood ready to pounce. she quickly held her hands in the air and stepped back a bit to make herself less of a threat. "Yo listen to that guy over there..." she pointed to Mithias and took another step back. "This really isnt what it looks like at all."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Romans smile crossed ear to ear when he heard the bald Balvhan and his mimicing friend take his way out. Gave the guy a bit of respect to swallow his pride instead of inevitably swallowing a fist. "Good, good comrade! You go on ahead while i get the drinks. Da?" Roman nodded towards the man who reluctantly started towards the center of the dancefloor. A quick glance at Katya with an extremely annoyed deathstare hopefully would be telegraphed through her thick skull before they did anything else to compromise the mission.

Apparently he spoke too soon when he overheard the "New Plan" in his earbud from Ms Genius. Before he even got a chance to respond a familiar face popped up when he least expected it. "Dimitri!, Dimitri is that you?" Ugh his fathers name left a rusty taste in his mouth but he played it off with a suprised expression and a hard glare in his eyes. (Ive never seen this human before Rome, do you actually know him?) Rin spoke into his mind in a quizzical tone. Letting out a sigh he muttered under his breath "Someone id more than likely want to forget." The fake smile on his face even harder to hold when he heard the bad news from Ol' Jones.

Roman quickly attempted to make his way back to the dancefloor hopefully attempting to make a quick escape through the bodies but just as he stepped foot just underneath the floating glass pool above his head, someone was nice enough to stick a gun in his back. Jones? "Don't move a muscle if you don't want to be on the menu." -Definately not Jones. A rather large mountain of a Vampire blocked the others at the entrance in quite the military esque style, consider himself slightly impressed.

Rin was cautious throughout the entire conflict taking every precaution to hide her presence despite her lack of restraint but this has gone too far. By now the dance floor was all eyes on us, music seemed to have gotten a bit lower or was it her imagination? Albeit the Vampire with the gun at Romans back was unaware of the smoke slowly unraveling herself and flowing low blending with the artificial fog as she traveled through the crowd closer towards the others.

"STOP!" a loud voice echoed through everybodys minds, no sound emitted but can be heard clear as day despite the music. Rin pulled herself together up between the spiky headed bouncer and the now approaching Vampiric woman whom she took an educated guess in which owns this club. Taking form of a woman in a full length white gown draping around her like mist off a mountainside. One Vampire in league with a group of humans may seem like nothing big but another with an obvious psychic strength about her residing with mundanes? Surely it would bring forth some questions. Questions she needs to answer.

"We are not your enemy nor are we hunters. My name is Rin-aziel, we are members of SOLDIER on a diplomatic mission to-" Rin cut herself off as she glanced towards Mithias. "We heard rumors of the lack of Vampire brethren amongst these lands and when we found a Haven, we wanted to see truth for our own eyes." Rin's words echoed through each and every mind across the floor, human or not. Her sincerity held true in what she said, despite the fact that unraveling from Roman, she was growing weaker by the second and her desire to find a host grew stronger. "We mean no discomfort nor hostility." Her voice giving an innocent and playfull tone. "On the contrary i was rather enjoying the music your establishment was playing."

A smile came across her face as she began to tap her feet in rythm with the song. "Nana-nana-na na na, nananana na-na"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

In a beautiful spray of sparkling liquor, a shotglass slowly rotated as it flew through the air in the decelerated time of vampiric perception. The lights glinted off its every facet and crack like a cube of ice as it sailed on toward its destination. Yep, thought Mithias, who watched it. He had been a fool to think this whole mission hadn't been a setup from the start. He had really gotten lax over the years in running Soldier, or rather it was that Soldier had grown too big for one vampire to hold into any more. Soldier's board of generals were in fact all human, a fact that Mithias had overlooked in trust and attributed simply to probability, ie. humans far outnumbered vampires in the world. Of course it made sense that humans would take all the positions of power in the Soldier organization eventually, and of course eventually, they would want to be rid of him. By sending Mithias and his lot to England, Soldier could either blacken his name or place him in the maw of the beast they believe will kill him given such a ripe opportunity. Because, if there was a powerful vampire lord who ruled an entire country, wouldn't he kill someone who basically sold his kind out on their best chance at total world domination? Either way, Soldier wins. They never expected the squad to be able to keep their cover at the nightclub.

Everyone froze as Rin's psychic command went out. The misty image of her physical form made itself apparent near the black-haired vampiress, who pridefully refused to show any fear despite her sudden, immediate concern about a ghost-vampire appearing next to her. The goons around Ashley, Sonja, Katya, and Allison also paused, but bared their fangs and keep one of each of their eyes on the girls while Rin spoke.

The blonde, spiky-haired vampire with the blue eyes dropped his jaw mockingly. "'Soldier?' Did you seriously say bloody SOLDIER??" His eyebrows lifted in sincere amusement and surprise as he laughed and slapped his knee. The crowd gathered around them was now seriously interested. This was the best drama they had seen in a century! They began muttering in not so pleasant phrases about Solder and its place in the UK. The bottom line: it wasn't wanted.

Mithias began to feel the pointed glances.

"Fucking Solder."
"You don't belong here!"
"Let us teach them a lesson..."

Spike gestured over to Mithias, finally looking into his vivid yellow eyes from across the room. "And I bet that's fucking Mithias Varom..." He stopped before he even finished the name. "Devil's cock! You've got to be kidding me!"

"He betrayed his own!"
"Kinslayer! Human's pet dog!"

The insults began flying.

"Tear them apart!"

In a frenzy of rage, and a like proportion of mindless amusement, the vampiric crowd dived on them. In that instant, that shot glass we talked about earlier crashed into the skull of the vampire that was holding a gun to Roman's back, disabling him temporarily. Having just thrown the glass, Mithias ducked down. "Soldier! Fight for your lives!" The two vampires pounced him, only to be thrown off in fancy, Judo fashion. Tables were smashed, chairs went flying, the floor turned into some kind of sick, slippery ice-arena covered in broken glass. Everybody was fighting. Even Mattias, who looked human enough, became a target. Guns, knives, claws, and even high heels were wielded indiscriminately.

Mithias had some advantage due to the unexpected strength of his blood, but there were a lot of gifted vampires present, and the tragedy was, nobody needed to die. Initially, he ran toward his human allies, but a sudden whip of darkness tripped him up, keeping him separated. It was a Kill Bill scene in there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RedNightHunter
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RedNightHunter Dragon Whisperer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Moonlight lit up their path, streets were desolate at this time of night as they walked along. A rat scurried across their path followed closely by a smokey gray cat who prowled along the cobblestone road. Shop windows were barred with planks of wood and trash littered the broken stones on the street. She could hear the breathing of two homeless people as they walked passed and a mother cat with a litter of four healthy kittens.
Loud music hit their sensitive ears and they hissed at the neon light. Like all Amythest vampires they hated these sort of places, but to find other vampires who knew of the drug dealing spots in this foreign land they would have to deal. Pierce and Nia stood just outside of Club De Luc, deep in the bad part of town. Nia arched an eyebrow and opened her mouth to speak when a young man crashed theough the window and landed in a crouch outside. He turned, his blonde hair a mess and bared his fangs towards them before leaping back into the fray. Possessed by their curiousity the duo poked their heads in, astonished at what was going on. In one area of the room several humans were beating down a group of vampires. Nia recognized a few of them.
"Pierce, they're with SOLDIER."
Turning to the left they spotted a single vampire surrounded by a pack of gifted beings. They cracked their knuckles and closed in on him. Pierce whispered and pointed at the cornered vamp. "That must be Mithias." Amythest vampires had picked no side, preferring to stay impartial nomads but Nia still growled at the scene. Memories of her own painful bullying flashed through her mind.
Glancing at Pierce he saw the look in her eye and tense. "Nia!" his eyes widened in horror as she leapt straight into the fray. Using her winds to knock two opponents off their feet and using her poison bladed fan to strike another, gouging deep into the shoulder as the male attempting to grab her. Nia could feel Pierce falling in step beside her, slashing and tearing the battle did not lull for several long moments.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

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Rin looked in shock around the room as the obvious plea for a parlay went horribly wrong, not only did she give up their mission but she publicly announced their entire team was with SOLDIER. Now everyone knows their faces... A big misty facepalm hit her own forehead as the crowd became overly rowdy with racisim against SOLDIER and her brethren.

The second Roman heard the shotglass hit the Vampire that was holding him hostage right in the back he knew he only had a split second. Using what ever was left from Rin's natural "high" he gave a sharp elbow into the vamps nose with his right while drawing out his tucked away shotty and delivered a point blank load of silver buckshot right into the vamps chest right through his lucky jacket. Without another second to waste he aimed straight up above him at the glass pool and fired another two more 12 gauge rounds of silver buck penetrating the glass bottom severely reducing the integrity of the entire structure. Without waiting to see if the pool would collapse or not he made a B-line straight to the bar area and took cover behind the bar, throwing pot shots at anyone who came his way. He wasnt caring if it was human or vamp. Separated from Rin he was at his weakest and he knew he wouldnt be as effective as Mattias or the others. Rin on the other hand was just standing there smiling.

"SOLDIERS! Fight for your lives!" Mattias voice echoes through her very being, that means do whats necessary to survive right? If theres one thing she knows how to do its survive. Reaching out with a smoky tendril at the nearest human, a spiky haired man with tattoos from head to toe. Smoke covered his face and filled his lungs. Devouring his memories, his sanity, pictures of his girlfriend, their dog, his father and mother. Everything flooding through her mind drove her hunger fueled instinct into overdrive. The humans face forever stuck in fear and madness as she took over his body. Crouching low and feral, she bared her teeth and clenched her newly aquired fists. Tearing and clawing at the first hostile she saw. Biting down on the jugular instinctually despite lack of elongated canines. The screams were so calming.

Although only a human body. strength, reflexes and overall speed were enhanced thanks to having no pain receptors, she could go toe to toe with a fledgling vampire and win despite ruining the host in the process. Another came her way. Within a split second the hosts spiky head was pulled off the others neck. A petite female vampire repeatedly pounded Rin's head onto the ground chunks of flesh and skull chipped off as blood covered the floors. The only sound you heard was the poor hosts manic laughter. Rin wrapped her arms around the female vampires arm and pulled until a distinct pop was heard. The arm was limp but Rin kept pulling. Skin, muscle and sinew shredded as the arm got pulled right off then used as a weapon on its owner as Rin bashed her face in with her own fist. It was glorious! She reveled in the carnage laughing with excitement and fear as she remembered the faces of those she never met. That was until the original vampire with a torn up jugluar came up from behind and broke the hosts neck. Severing the spinal chord from the body unable to move her host she retreated out of her spiky haired corpse and began searching for another human.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Katya looked over to Ash and Sonja, she nodded and tapped the pistol on her belt. on three they all stood kicked their chairs backwards into the unsuspecting vampires that were focused on Roman and Mithias. The vampires keeled over as the chair hit their crotch, giving the girls ample time to pull their pistols from the holsters and fire a barrage into them. They didnt really care whether they had killed them, they're plan was to clear the way to the extraction point so that Mithias, Roman and Allison could get out as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mattias nearly choked on his cigarette when that apparition appeared, and he wished he had when it exposed that she and her associates aligned themselves with Soldier. Is she trying to get them all killed!? Then the fighting started, and Mattias threw his cigarette to the ground. In naught but a small moment a savage werewolf stood in the place that Mattias Cullens once occupied. The creature let out a savage howl as it sought out the nearest hostile target. Upon finding her, the creature dug it's claws deep into the center of the vampire's chest, before fiercely pulling them apart, ripping the girl in half. When the creature found it's next target, it savagely bit at the vampire's face, puncturing and destroying the brain. The creature stared down at the mangled form below it before letting out another fierce howl. In another instant it was leaping at a third victim.

Mattias watched himself as he eviscerated that girl. He watched as he clamped his jaws over another vampire's head. He tasted blood in his mouth and ran his tongue along his teeth in a savage delight. Mattias delighted in having an excuse to transform. Those times when he could let his consciousness melt away and expose the animal hiding just below the surface. He couldn't be lazy though. When the threat was eliminated Mattias had to stop before he ended up harming an innocent. He hadn't failed before and he surely wouldn't lose control now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

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"I wanna start a fight!" The vampire DJ egged the entire bar scene on. She was immune to it all, but the battle drummer of old, filling the ears with the march of war. On and on the music droned, the beats and rhythm to the nodding of her head as her headset rocked the chorus around her ears. The lights and fog machine were dimmed at her controls, her fingertips playing the keyboard of the bar as clarity came to all participants. The mist lifted, letting Solider see their enemy, and their enemy see them. Dozens of vampires, against a mere squad of Four Solider members? Well given they were with a vampire that could easily overpower most at the bar right now, the numbers would not be in their favour. Plus there were the bystanding humans which would certainly support their vampire acquaintances, and must be fought too. Yet innocent blood would be shed tonight, and blood drank by the stone floors. Perhaps it was ironic then that this fight began quite literally with the first drunken shot.

Peace was shattered in an instant. The veil drawn by Rin's revelation of who they were. While at first the tensions at the bar was simply to dispose of these poorly disguised hunters, getting the name of Solider out and about was sure to spell death for all involved. And so it was, that a few vampires dropped dying, vampires laid together with their human supporters. Killed by Rin's gruesome possession and the cruel betrayal done to exorcise her control. The body count was increasing on the losing side, but certainly for every enemy the killed, more would rise up and take their place, it was after all their bar. How would Four solider members and a traitorous Vampire get out of this one alive? They should have just continued to drink their questionable mixed drinks and highballs to do their recon like normal people. Scope the place out for an operation later in the month. Return with keen intel on the tactical layout, the regulars, the patrons, and most of all the owner.

Yes, certainly surrounded now from all sides, even with the transforming werewolf and two more vampires from the outside joining this sudden frenzy of the four B's: bullets, blood and blades, and beer. What on earth possessed such outsiders to come in? Even the human Mafioso who decided to show up tonight of all nights. Caught in the crossfire between vampire and humans, to the point were he would find himself assaulted by two vampire punks, seriously punks by clothing and appearance, to grab him and take him as their prisoner or snack. That being said a man of his blackhand would keep themselves armed no? Which is to say the least of the vampires who were not allowed to bring weaponry into the bar. Well only one weapon was allowed to be carried by a vampire in Du Lac. And only one vampire possessed that weapon. The music faded away, just as the fight began to escalate. But worry not for a new tract played:

The cracking of the pool bottom signaled the loungers upstairs to the battle below. Those who had already seen the commotion had long since left the pool, taking on clothes to venture down to join the action or flee by the upper causeway outside into the balcony. It was a night to never forget, and certainly the bar would be destroyed by the end of the night. But alas, it was night. So the night calls upon him, or rather the panic button pressed underneath the bar, which alerted the chain of command to alert him. Arthur King of Britons was long gone, dead and gone, but his legacy was not lost. For his Lord Marshall now rules in his stead, waiting for a return to Camelot, and Avalon to ferry them to the utopia he sees. So the glass cracked at last, shattering into the pieces and shards upon the dance floor with its vast amount of water soaking everyone below with the cool refreshing waters and fizzling out the circuits above to kill the lights and the music which began to scratch itself repeating the lines of chorus over and over again. As the DJ franticly attempted to restore order.

Yet order would be restored by the darkness which emerged from the cascading water. A shadow, a form of a man, tall and stately, walking as one may take a stroll through a conflict zone. His shoes stepping over the glass bits and bleeding bodies beneath him, far beneath him as his umbrella tapped the floor twice as he passed by towards the bar. Dressed sharply in a black three-piece double-breasted suit, which, was still dry compared to everyone else in the bar with rightful lordly airs, approaching the bar with each show-stopping step taken. The bar gravitated towards his sudden appearance, his pallor skin, long ghostly hair and judgmental red eyes. The older vampires looked away, some trembled, while the youngers were stopped in shock and awe. This was him, the Lord of the Isles, Owner of the bar, and the Old Codger himself: Lord Bedivere. And he did not look amused at all as he struck down the barkeep with his closed black umbrella with a wicked blow to the temple.

"What a way to Welcome our guests to London." Plainly stated as the bar seemed to grow darker still, the lights dimming as darkness pooled around them, sourced from the umbrella which had smited the bartender dead where he stood. The Lord was displeased at the state of his bar, this ruinous slice of sanctum destroyed so easily and for what? Walking behind the counter now to pick up a bottle of something sealed well upon the top shelf and pouring himself a sniffer of the blood-brandywine as if ignoring the rest of the crowd which still waited for his next statement like children. Sure Solider could take this time to shoot, or the rest of the stragglers do something about it, but was it really wise to do so? Now in the ever growing darkness after all, the old blood was no fool to let his guard down even if it was to a bunch of humans and a wet dog. So they would wait, unless they wanted to die just like the bartender who summoned him here too late.

"Well, carry on then, you may continue killing each other and destroying this place, after all I have a very good insurance policy on it. However I would suggest to Solider and the rest of you that they lower their weapons and listen well." There it came at last, stern as a schoolteacher which had just reprimanded a bunch of rambunctious children at recess. Letting the message sink in, and perhaps the darkness grow even heavier as his dark suit began to meld into the shadows of the bar around him, Bedivere sipped at his incarnadine drink before continuing, "Consider our options here Sir Varomere," the Elder poured out another glass, and gestured to it for Mithias to take, and began to pour another for Rin. "Solider has sent five members into certainly start an international incident between the UK and this little group of vampire hunters and vampire-hunting vampires. Four Pawns and one Knight for this old Knight? Yet certainly I'd would be willing to wager that this little showdown here will not go without consequences, for you see, there are four natural options remaining here."

"The First, of course is that your Solider group here slays all witnesses before word gets out of an unprovoked, unsanctioned, and unlawful attack on human citizens of the UK. And of course I mean every witness. The mangy Mutt and humans included to keep your secret mission a secret from the Local Authorities." The first move explained, like a chessplayer feeding his opponent their moves and the fates that shall become of them as Bedivere calmly sipped his drink."

"The Second, would be to retreat and flee while you can, returning to Solider, and leaving us to report the attack, Solider becomes branded as a terrorist organization, and there is a high likelihood that Solider will deny such claims to preserve their false front as mere peacekeepers than hunters. Thus to cut their losses, they shall abandon you and your squad as rogue operatives, and leave you to the whims of being hunted by the rest of the world. For four pawns are expendable after all, in the grand scheme of the game."

"The third, and perhaps my personal choice, would be to join me, well at least you Sir Varomere, may join the proper side of this extraneous vampire and human conflict, and... Lady Omahasit is it? Forgive me, I only had time to briefly read over the dossier we had on file, you may also join, with or without your human meatsuit plaything. And perhaps we may continue to enjoy this fine bottle and discuss the future as old timers may, these younger vamps and their cohorts never impress me enough as company. Oh and I suppose your human companions may leave with their lives, as I am feeling rather generous tonight at the prospect of gaining two allies. I would gladly trade 3 pawns for a bishop and a knight. The dog can even join us for table scraps if he's house trained..."

"And of course the last option would be... Death. And the mongrel will make for a nice throw rug when I finish the redoing the bar." A smiled curled across his lips, devilish and wily, wit darkly glinting in those crimson merciless eyes. The darkness was ready devouring the bar to the point were it became difficult to make out the clear lines of where something began and ended, and certainly Bedivere has set his empty glass upon the counter as he began to draw his blade from his umbrella. He had finished tasting blood so far, now will Excalibur be the next to drink it?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RedNightHunter
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RedNightHunter Dragon Whisperer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lights grew dim as this old vampire spoke, his aura radiated power far beyond she and her companions years combined. They could not hope to take him. Pierce pulled Nia behind him slightly as they stood off to the left of the SOLDIER group. Tensing for another round of battle they stiffened as the man set down his glass and the sound of metal on metal made an ominous sound in the dark tavern. Pierce nodded to Nia who popped open her three bladed war fan dipped in vampire venom. He whispered to her, "I am going to kill you once we get out of here..."
Cringing slightly she responded, "I'm so-." He cut her off with the sound of his own blade unleashing. Returning her attention to their surroundings she quieted down eyeing the vampire wielding the long blade. Why was it so familiar? She was sure she had seen it before...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BurningCold
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BurningCold Magical Bastard

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The creature stared quizzically at the new arrival, blood dripping from it's maw. Why had the fighting stopped? It growled periodically whenever an insult was thrown it's way, and by the end of Bedivere's speech the creature was snarling at the vampire and poised to strike, barely held back by the small but powerful conscious man riding passenger.

Mattias' mind was reeling at this turn of events. The werewolf knew of this creature of the night, and of his power. The strength of one being alone would not be enough to defeat him. If Mattias and the Soldier agents alike both gave attacking Bedivere their all, could they really even win? And what of these "options" proposed? Only a few people saw Mattias before he changed, maybe he could make a rush for the exit and high tail it out of here? No, not a chance. There didn't seem to be any plausible way out of this one. I'm going to have to wait for the agents to make a move and follow their lead. Going against the grain here will only get me killed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sonja being the more rational of the Trio of ex mercs took a step forward, clearly raising her hands and showing that she had sheathed her weapon. "Sir, if i may just have moment of your time to explain the situation more, as what you have gathered is only half the story." she got a few looks of disgust from the vampires that did surround them. "Er, what are you doing Sonja" Katya asked still looking for an exit or a distraction. "Yeah bitch what the hell" Ash shouted to her trying to decided whether she should just take a shot at the geezer. "Jesus christ would you two please shut the fuck up for like two minutes. Anyways, back to what i was saying before. We were never here to exterminate vampires, we were here on peaceful terms. we were to just check the governments security so any vampires that i think you still call ferals are contained and the threat to all parties is neutralized. As for the 'hunter' bit, its merely a Callsign. you see the three of us...." she said pointing back to Katya and Ashley. "...were Ex Military. it was more nostalgic than its literal term, you see. As for the attack, well we can show you that since we entered the bar there were hostilities towards us. we have video footage to prove it. plus it was not us who threw the first punch, or glass in this case. non of our agents threw a glass it came as a suprise to us all. we merely defended ourselves, as im sure you would have done in the same situation"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Mithias could have sworn he heard the growls and roar of a werewolf somewhere behind him. So he had seen one. That mortal-looking young man with the dark hair at the door had a wild spark in his eyes. It must have been him. A werewolf in London was an extraordinary rarity, but the vampire's intrigue would have to wait. Right now, he was on the ground slugging the zygomatic arch of a somewhat older vampire with a right hook, the one that had grabbed him with some kind of shadow tendril.

The vampire's face came back slowly with a fanged grin. Clearly the punch hadn't been enough to discourage him. He laughed mockingly, daring Mithias to try something else. Bearing his own fangs in a frown, Mithias quickly reached for a bottle off the end of the bar and tried that, smashing it over the other's head with a splash. Such good alcohol gone to waste. Just as the stoic vampire was about to claw out Mithias' throat, the alcohol inexplicably caught fire, going up fast all over him. He reared up like a startled horse and completely forgot everything else besides his flaming head. Mithias scrambled up and kicked him into the furniture.

A high pitched crack cut the air as the glass pool began to give way. Occupants above vacated promptly before the bottom shattered downward in a large section, creating a significant but temporary waterfall. The water moved tables and bodies as it shoved past everyone's legs in its escape. Certain lights flickered and died as wires were flooded and equipment was damaged.

Mithias Varomere felt it more keenly and quickly than anyone else, the sudden appearance of that unmistakable presence, his aura itself triggering a sensation that jolted him like an electric current running through his core. Mithias froze. Lord Bedivere had arrived.

The rest of the clubbers felt it as well, particularly the attuned undead. The fighting was put on hold for the moment, no one daring to draw the attention of the club's owner who was most assuredly, already pissed.

Bedivere quickly killed his manager, the bartender, then casually rounded the bar and grabbed his special sanguine stock. Everybody just watched him, at least everybody that was still conscious. With the compensatory murder and quality drink beginning to alleviate his displeasure, Bedivere delivered his list of options, ultimatums basically, and the disgruntled band of Soldier agents and werewolf stood dumbfounded, frantically processing their situation. The obvious release of the cursed blade of darkness, Excalibur, from its sheath-disguise as an umbrella made clear that Bedivere was ready and willing to deliver option four.

Two strange vampires with violet hued eyes looked to be preparing for another fight off to the side. The werewolf also snarled and flexed at the vampire lord impressively, but fortunately stayed its ground. At least, he didn't seem to want to eat Soldier agents tonight.

For a long moment, long by vampire standards, Mithias looked at Bedivere from across the bar, his expression unreadable. Their eyes met and locked on each other. The lights continued to fritz and what lumination remained began to dim even further as it was slowly consumed by Bedivere's blade. There was no escaping now, and certainly no victory. Being brave, and rational, Sonja began to explain, but her words were received as a mere pointless chirping. Deeds had already been done, deals stuck, blood spilt, kings checked, and nobody was going to look at a video feed.

"Sonja." Mithias was looking at her. He slowly shook his head, meaning it was futile. He would be the one to step up to handling this, as was his position.

Water sloshing around his lower legs, Mithias began walking over to the bar. "This, Soldiers, is Lord Bedivere of Sinews, Knight of Camelot, former Lord under Dracula, owner of Du lac, and suspected head of an illegal vampire mafia deeply involved in political manipulation." The accusation was cute in comparison to the truth. Mithias put a hand on the drink that had been poured for him and cast his golden eyes down to it, specifically avoiding Bedivere's gaze. "You have me in a bind, Sir Bedivere. You are a knight as I am, and a vampire of honor. In promising the survival of my men, you leave me no choice but to surrender myself. I cannot chose another option. I know you will keep your word and let them go." Mithias looked to Rin and Roman, and slightly to the very unexpected werewolf, to see their reactions.

Roman could tell by looking at him that Mithias was telling the truth. Contrary to what Roman or Rin might have hoped, Mithias didn't give any indication that he was planning a fancy doublecross to get out of this later or anything. He looked to be simply accepting terms.
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