Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rebecca approached the trader and looked down at him. "Take these supplies to Megaton and Rivet city. They need these supplies more than the brotherhood. I you keep your word, i will personally see to it that the NCR repays the debt"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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SomeChap Top Hats and Tea From Here On Out

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Kurt hadn't gone much on the fight. He already knew too well that explosives and their applications were many and varied, but he never expected them to be so effective against the Brotherhood. He'd make a note of thanking the sapper for the indirect method of passing on the skills shown today. Though there was still the issue of the traders and their caravan...

As imposing as he had any right, as a mute in a gas mask wearing a trench coat, he kept a good field of fire and dependable cover nearby. Though the civilians seemed peaceful enough, so much so as to cower in fear. Had he the ability to laugh he would've done, in Texas the caravan runner was just as likely to surrender as he was to pull a shotgun from some concealed section of the caravan. Kurt wasn't buying the peaceful act fully, not yet.

Looking over at his comrades, he made a hand gesture to them to see if it was worth taking anything from the...remnants, of the knights. He also made a gesture to ask if it was actually safe down there, since he wouldn't be getting too close.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Kenneth watched with glee as his trap sprung perfectly as planned. He quite adored seeing his carefully laid plan sow chaos and devestation. He emerged from his hiding spot, lazer rifle at the ready for anyone that got any ideas. "Hold on a second there, letme get some choice bits first, those fuckers in rivet city can have the scraps." He was still bitter at how no one had prevented the brotherhood from kicking him ou of what he saw as his home.

He walked over whistling casually. His gasmasked face staring the trader directly in the eyes. "Good day to you sir... mind stepping away from the dolyak? I get... 'twitchy' when people are within grasping range of my weapon. If you know what I mean." He stared at the trader a few more moments before suddendly raising his weapon as if readying to fire... But he didn't pull the trigger. "Pew pew pew!" He just shouted jeeringly. Laughing as he lowered his weapon again. He kept the rifle pointed at the trader with his weapon hand, searching the dolyack's packs with his other hands.

(Taking anything that would be a direct upgrade to my current gear, also taking any explosive equipment such as grenades and mines and anything else of obvious value. Naturally, if he's got charge packs for my laser rifle, taking those as well.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 19 days ago

Grognak had fallen asleep before the action started and had just woken up at the sound of the 'Pew Pew Pew' from Kenneth. The gargantuan stood up from behind his rock and looked at the carnage before him. He was a little sad to have not been a part of it but glad to see things had gone pretty well.

Grognak walked over to the still living knight and bent down to look him in the eyes "Grognak wishes this went better. Your kind hate Grogank but Grognak wishes you didn't. Grognak hopes you live peacefully in Valhalla." Grognak said to the Knight as he began to rip and tear at the other knight's power armour so he could tie pieces of it to himself for extra protection.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Ken, were not taking anything from the caravan, take something from the knights if you must but this caravan is going to Megaton and Rivet City. We have to win the peoples hearts and minds or we risk the people giving up our positions." Rebecca said as she began to walk away, only to turn back around and take the traders weapon away. "Her take this instead" she said handing him a low powered pistol that would break instantly should he fire it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Kenneth looked at the ranger's weak counteroffer. He cocked his head slightly to the side for a moment before bursting out in laugther. "Oh... that's rich. You think I'm passing up an oppurtunity to get the choice bits from a trader's inventory for some misguided PR stunt? Listen here missy, if the people of the wasteland wanted the brotherhood then we wouldn't be standing here being covert about what we're doing now would we?" Kenneth honestly wondered how this broad had survived the wasteland up until now, much less become an NCR ranger. "I'm taking the best stuff and the weaklings in the settlements can have the scraps I pass up. If you don't like it tell me with bullets, not hollow idealism." His stance had subtly shifted. His laser gun hovered between rebecca and the trader. His free hand had also stopped searching through the dolyak's pack and was held ready to pull his gun into a firing stance at a moment's notice.

"So tell me... are you gonna shut up or are we gonna have a problem?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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SomeChap Top Hats and Tea From Here On Out

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Kurt was far more occupied with the current nature of the situation than any sorts of material gains. He saw their survival as a unit as the overall goal here, whether they succeeded in the mission or not, dead soldiers made for failed orders as it was. As such, he spent most of his time gazing out over the likely routes where enemies could well be coming from. Surprisingly many, though there seemed to be ample enough cover...maybe not for the super mutant, but enough nonetheless.

Clutching his rifle, he listed in to the conversation between the rigger and the, ex-ranger? Kurt still needed to ask the woman in some way if she was still an actual member of what remained of the NCR or not, he had no great love for the nation but they could be useful in a pinch. His vigil done for the time being, he walked with all the grace of a stiffened robot to the caravan, stopping just short when he saw the situation between the ranger and rigger go from slightly agitated to seeming hostilities.

Kurt hadn't wanted to pick sides, they were after all supposed to be on the same side as it currently was. Perhaps these people were weak? Maybe they were suffering from some sort of disease. He would have to test them for either once this event blew over. He certainly couldn't tell why they were fighting.

Keeping the rifle in hand and ready, he kept watch as the two had their moment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Looks like were gonna have a problem then cowboy. You got no sense of self respect you ass hole. If your gonna point a gun at me you better be prepared to pull the trigger cowboy. This shit IS going to the settlements and the Wastelanders no longer want the brotherhood. this is a Dictatorship remember. So stand down or be prepared to Lay down in a hospital bed! You do this and your no better than the Raider scum in the Mojave or the Commonwealth." she said drawing her own weapon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Kenneth listened to the woman make her case again. Or at least he pretended to... All the while he was looking for what would be the best angle of attack. The woman might only have a pipe pistol at the close range where she was standing, but Kenneth hadn't survived this long underestimating a dangerous situation for even a moment. "Well missy... you're incorrect. I'm not taking everything, hell, I'm not even taking most of the food. What I am 'reposessing' are explosives, munitions, weaponry... You know... things we can use to overthrow the brotherhood. Hell, give him your own rations if you're so hell-bent on being a goody two-shoes." The earlier playfulness was gone from Kenneth's voice. He was in full on survivor mode right now. If the woman were to make any movement that implied she was about to shoot, he would shoot at her gun hand while weaving behind the dolyak. The poor animal would provide poor cover, but it was better than nothing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"I SAID STAND DOWN! You can take explosives and a few weapons. nothing more. those settlements need to defend them selves, we cant be their for them everytime jackass." she lowered her weapon but quickly put it up again. she cocked the rifle and pulled the trigger *Click* she knew it was empty but wanted Kenneth to shit himself and duck for cover or atleast see if he'd be a man of his word and actually put a bullet in her
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Her trigger finger tensed up... Her arm raised slightly... She was gonna shoot. Kenneth's laser rifle hissed once, and a streak of red flew through the air towards his opponent's gun arm. He was already halfway behind the dolyak when he realized the pipe gun wasn't actually loaded, so he stopped his movement and leveled his plasma rifle again, this time aimed at her head. "That's a dangeorus bluff you were making there... Looks like you lost your bet too... On the ground, hands on your head. We'll ask the boss what to do with you... And no more shonky business, or you can go explain without a head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 19 days ago

Grognak finished up salvaging pieces of armour from the suit which now looked like a mangled mess of man and machinery. He dragged the parts over towards the convoy, completely ignoring the current squabble and even going so far as to walk right in between the NCR Ranger and the explosive expert, over to the trader where he knelt down next to him "Stuff very appreciated. We don't take much. Just a bit." and with that Grognak got up once more and walked over to Kenneth and looked down at him. "Killing her make boss mad. Mad boss is bad boss. No tell boss, no problems from boss." Grognak explained.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"AHHH fuck sake ass hole you shot me. i didnt even fire. it wasnt loaded. Oh fuck are you gonna pay cowboy. One on One, Bare knuckles fight NOW. Ill fucking show you what happens to those who make the mistake to fire at me." She Slung the rifle back over her shoulder and got her hands in a fighting stance. Her plan was to grab a piece of sharp shrapnel from the ground and slash his leg, to get back at him for her wounds.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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SomeChap Top Hats and Tea From Here On Out

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Kurt was now even more unamused than he had been previously with the group. Squabbling like children was one thing, but outright shooting at each other was utter madness. Had he the voice to say it, he would have called them both morons for their complete lack of camaraderie or at least lack of discipline when it came to shooting their own allies...and now they seemed to be fist fighting...

Letting loose what would amount to sigh, Kurt began to walk closer to the pair. Entrenching tool in hand he tried to make some manner of gesture that would make them stop, or at least consider their actions. Though the action he chose was perhaps, insulting, raising his hand to each of them like some one would do in a panicked situation against a large predatory animal. It was a minor effort however, perhaps they'd listen to some sorts of reason...lest death come. If all else failed, a swift blow with an entrenching tool would do the job of any punch and then some.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Kenneth sighed again... A fist fight? seriously? He was tired of the ranger's shit now. He leveled the iron sights on his rifle, took aim for another shot... and was interrupted by a masked figure interposing themselves between him and the ranger. "Oh... what do you want?" THe man was silent... he hadn't said anything even on the trip here or during planning... maybe he was a mute? "You want us to stop fighting I'm guessing? hmmph... fine, just one last thing."

He turned to the trader's dolyak, pressed his laser rifle to the back of the beast's neck and fired a single shot. "If you insist on fgiving away free stuff, you can carry it there yourself... I'm off to loot the brotherhood transport." And with that said, he walked away. A certain swagger in his step as if he was just daring the ranger to react to this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Fuck it, if your not gonna help then i guess im gonna have to do this shit then." she shouted at Kenneth. Rebecca turned to Grognak. "Grognak, would you mind helping me help the trader to take these supplies to Megaton. There might be a comic book or a figurine in it for you if you do." she said to the super mutant as she began to pick up the supplies and pass them to the Trader.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 19 days ago

Grognak was unimpressed by the explosives expert but was very used to people like him. When the NCR lady asked for Grognak's help he decided to take the job of the deceased beast and began pulling the cart with a great amount of effort. He was only going to be able to pull it along for a little while but getting it closer to Megaton was better than just leaving it out in the open for raiders to pillage.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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SomeChap Top Hats and Tea From Here On Out

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Kurt was still largely unimpressed by the actions of the bickering soldiers. 'It shouldn't have had to come to this' he thought, folding the head of his entrenching tool and placing it back on his tool belt. He wasn't entirely sure why aiding the travelling merchant was even an issue, if he was aiding the enemy then his summary execution would be needed, if not then he may be able to walk free...with all his limbs intact. Shaking his head softly, Kurt walked over to where Kenneth had swaggered off to.

Hastily pulling out his pen, Kurt scribbled something down hastily on a small piece of crumpled up and dirty scrap paper he had on his person. It read as follows: "While I don't see why you fought, if that traveler has goods that could have aided us then we should have taken them." It was a simple message but conveyed the nigh mechanical emotions and cold, perhaps unnerving, logic that Kurt stood by. Survival was all that mattered here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

As kenneth searched through the brotherhood transport, he heard someone walking up behind him. He looked backwards, half expecting the ranger coming in for another round of bickering. Instead, he saw the mute mask, offering him a piece of paper. What Kenneth read on the scrap made him nod his head in approval. "Yeah, we're fighting a gorilla war here... gorilla's the right word, is it? Anyway, the way I see it, the brotherhood is keeping the people in check partly with bread and circuses... And our friend the ranger is helping the brotherhood with the bread part right now."

He took a set of charge packs that caught his eye, inspecting them as he continued talking. "Too much trouble to do anything about it now though, let's just go back to base and report what we did well... The boss'll know what to do about the ranger and the mutant's... naivete." He looked back at the kart again. He briefly considered blowing it up with his last charge, but decided against it. Raiders would have the thing picked apart far before any brotherhood reinforcements got here.

And with that, Kenneth walked off back to the anarchy's base. Grinning with satisfaction for a job well done and the promise of a good payment."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sleeth
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Sleeth Paladin of the Squirrel God

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Seeker was waiting for them as they returned in the meeting room, his hands behind his back as the two newest members had sat before them in the new chairs. Each of them had been briefed as the first group had and was waiting for the away team to return home. The transport was unloaded and the contents brought in, seemingly disappearing as it came inside. "That wasn't the worst operation I've ever seen, the killing was smooth and the objective was secured." Seeker stated, directing them to their seats as he took a crate from under his desk, setting it atop for them to see.

"Two of you nearly killed each other, and honestly that isn't my problem until you're inside of these walls. You left that physical conflict at the door, and if it persists I will kill you." He asserted firmly, the threat almost as if an order leaving cold lips. "It was simple, almost too easy, but it was the first task. You weren't all able to play a part in something so short lived, but that is about to change, you are going to get your first real target while we assess what you have recovered here. The Brotherhood hasn't prepared for our cell in this region, they think the capital is too secure and we need to prove them wrong. What you just did will pass as nothing more than a band of raiders."

The map from before came up, the lining of roads slightly different until he zoomed in on a particular section of it. "This is an old museum, some of you may know it, they call it The Underworld. Ghouls still live there, oppressed by Brotherhood control into heavy tariffs for being ghouls, they are all too happy to aid us. You will be entering this facility via sewage tunnels that run under the area, meet with a contact going by the name 'Bruce' to get the intel on your target. Across the street is an old monument holding a dish that keeps the GNR station running, we need this dish disabled. The problem is its heavy fortification in both fighters and automated defense. Our friend may be able to help, but also you're to make sure he gets out alive."

"Grognak, perhaps Mr. Kenneth will assist in getting those plates onto you, and Rebecca you should be treated in med bay, I'll have a doctor brought in to see you. In this crate is ammunition to load your magazines, and your rewards of service are in your rooms. Perform what you need, you will be setting out at noon."
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