Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Booker sat quietly and calmly in the airship as he waited to reach Beacon Academy. Ever since his first days at Signal, he always wanted to to go beacon, and now that he had the chance he isn't going to let his future teammates down. He wondered who his teammates would be, and what team name they would get. He knew that a team of four would be assembled, and the first letter of each of their names would be put together to spell something, whether it be an item, or and animal, or even a name, he hoped that he wouldn't be put on a team that had a ridiculous team name. He sat comfortably in his chair as he waited, looking around the area to see who could be on his future team. He didn't care of being the leader, and if it happened, it happened; but Booker was more of a follower than a leader in the sense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


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As she watched the scenery move by outside the window of the airship, Alexis fiddled with her pendant, a small habit she developed as a way to train herself in the use of her gauntlets. By now, this little exercise was useless to her, as she had already gotten used to her gauntlets, but the habit still remained when she had idle hands, and it had gotten to the point where she didn't even notice the act anymore. As the music in her headphones switched to a slower song, she snapped back to reality, taking her music player out of her pocket and changing the song before putting it back. She decided to do a final check of her equipment before arriving at Beacon, checking the pouches strapped to the belt on her jeans and making sure all her vials of dust were there, after which she lost herself, watching the scenery pass once again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jurano was at the rear of the ship where not many people were, except for one group who obviously knew each other from before Beacon. Jurano guessed that most people here came from signal, where as he came from a distant school. He sighed and went back to tinkering with the large sniper rifle that was sitting on his lap. He looked around the room and saw a cheetah faunus sitting by himself, he looked calm, Jurano saw the mechanical boots strapped to his legs, at first he thought they were cybernetics, he looked around again seeing no one of interest so he decided to take a walk around the ship, he let his sniper hang from his back as he walked along. He saw a a girl sitting alone by herself, she had two spiked gauntlets on her hands. Note to self: Don't screw with her, she looks dangerous. he thought to himself. He continued down the hall seeing another person alone, he noticed the antique looking weapon he was carrying as well as a metal wristband. He continued noticing other people of interest as he walked along the path, before he realised he made it to the front of the ship. Beacon was still a ways away but Jurano could see it plain as day with his semblance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 35 min ago

Why wasn't this stupid ship moving faster? He was going to have a heart attack at this rate. There were too many people clustered into this death trap. Most people would have felt they had a comfortable amount of breathing room, but Felix... well he could hardly breathe. They were nearly a mile up in the air, and there was no way out. That was bad enough for him. At least he didn't get motion sickness, throwing up would have just been embarrassing, and then everyone would have started staring at him. That would have been the worst.

Just need to... wait a little... longer... he thought to himself. He could already see Beacon in the distance. A "beacon" of hope for someone who hated being confined. He wondered how many people were in the school though. He hated crowds, but at least he'd be on land, so that was something. As long as he could get to a working door, he'd feel a lot less trapped. Maybe just... look at the people. A faunus, some guy tinkering with his gun... hopefully he wouldn't accidentally set it off, and a girl listening to music; he wished he had music, and... that was as far as he got before his anxiety kicked in -- again. No no, don't look! They might think I want to talk! He really didn't need someone trying to talk to him while he was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

At least right now he was free to sweat out the rest of this ride in silence...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Booker, for a short and brief amount of time, had activated his semblance as he thought that he had seen movement from his peripherals, wanting to see who was moving, and how close that person was to him. He was tense for that brief moment, but then relaxed as it didn't seem that the person was making his way to Booker, but then he had felt another set of eyes just for the smallest moment and looked around fully while his semblance was activated once more. he was a little excited about going to beacon, and he just a little on edge at the moment. They still had quite a ways to go before they would get to beacon, so he relaxed himself for the rest of the ride, not focusing on anyone unless they had found a way to capture his attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


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Alexis turned and leaned back against the window, clearly growing bored with the wait. She hated being bored. "I could get there faster using my gauntlets..." she mumbled under her breath, splaying and clenching her fingers as she removed a vial of fire dust from one of her pouches and inserted it into the gauntlet on her right hand, making a small jet of flame erupt from the palm and causing it to grow larger and smaller, just entertaining herself by watching the flame.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jurano had forgot to turn his semblance off, he saw a jet of fire erupt from the girl with gauntlets hands, he thought they were having a show of powers so he decided to join in, he ran over threw 3 coins in the air and shot them in rapid succession while sliding on the ground. He looked around to what other skills were being performed but no-one else had shown off. HA, i must've scared them off! he thought to himself
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 35 min ago

Enyo sat on the ship, looking at a small hand-held computer. She was trying to add yet another attachment to her bow, but so far the design was alluding her. Well, obviously she knew how to do it, it was just getting it to her liking. Also, the fact that it was a computerized attachment made it hard, she wasn't much for computer science, but she didn't like using second hand software either. Maybe she could jus- and... IS THAT GUNFIRE!? Enyo thought, head snapping up from her work. Who the hell was shooting guns inside of a moving airship?!

She looked around, grimacing as her gaze passed over Felix. The coward was hiding in a corner, as expected. However, him aside, she soon spotted the culprit. Some moron had decided to shoot some coins. She got up, tucked her hand-held into her belt, and stormed over to him.

"YOU! IDIOT! Are you seriously firing a gun? What happens when you shoot out a window or hit something important? No, shut up, don't answer! I'm going to tell you! The ship gets depressurized, falls out of the sky, and those of us not lucky enough to die on impact burn to death in a heap of smoking wreckage!" she screamed at him viciously. "But hey, at least we can admire your aim in our last moments of life, right?" Unfortunately for a girl nearby, she was in full tirade mode, and wasn't going to be quiet any time soon. She spotted Alexis's flaming gauntlet and soon she had Enyo's full attention. "Put that out! If this fool does put out a window we're going to need all the oxygen we can get! How many people are going to try and get us killed? UGH! Seriously, you're both scaring the other passengers!" She needed an example, and she knew exactly who to use. She jabbed a finger in Felix's direction, as she knew he could be trusted to be cowering at all times.

Instead, noticing that Enyo was paying attention to him, Felix just waved at her in greeting. Dammit Felix! Enyo thought, eye twitching with rage. Felix's wave was returned by a death-glare that made him flinch and go back to keeping his head down. If anything, the reason that anyone would be scared and uncomfortable wouldn't be Jurano and Alexis, it would be Enyo's vociferous rampage. At least these people would be used to guns and fire, however a petite girl expressing the fury of an angry god might have been new.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rachel had sat as calm as she could be when in an airship, and although she had a friend from Signal there with her, she was still terrified of being in anything that flew in the air. Matters only got worse for her as she heard someone speak up with an obviously enraged voice. Rachel practically jumped out of her seat and meekly looked around to see all of the commotion, and the other girls rantings about how they could all die up in the sky because of other student's recklessness. All the talk about falling out of the sky, burning while dropping out of the sky, and losing oxygen, had only given the girl more reasons to be deathly afraid of any form of air travel.

If it weren't for her friend sitting next to her, Rachel would have stayed curled up in to a ball on the ground for the rest of the flight. Booker looked down at her with a soft smile and tapped her on the shoulder, an easy way that he found out would immediately get her attention. Her head snapped up to look at him and after a brief moment to still laying there, Rachel slowly got up from the ground and sat back down in her chair. She wanted to get off of this flying metal death trap as soon as possible, and soon wasn't coming fast enough.

Booker was just glad that he was there to get her out of her trance of fear. It seemed that it was only air related forms of transportation that seemed to scare her, and as much as he liked helping her, he wanted to find a way to get her to stop fearing planes and airships and anything else like it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redrose640


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lance scouted out the airship filled with students that was on a course to Beacon Academy. New recruits that aspired to make a living off of being hunters and huntress'. They all looked basically scared or excited, two different sides of the spectrum. There were a few select ones that didn't fit that generalization, keeping to themselves more than anything. It was really surprising that a place like Beacon attracted such stereotypical students. There was no definite way to tell from afar but a few of them looked to be like troublemakers. The few of them showed it when they started making a rather large scene.

Lance was leaning against one of his blades, his back facing the wall of the ship and his front bent forward and just smiling at all the students. Granted, Lance was a student as well but he got what he wanted, simply being anywhere than where he originally was. The scene started with a normal girl playing with her fire, a pretty calming sight. Out of nowhere, a guy came from an unknown side of the ship and started shooting things out of the air like he was trying to impress someone. Then, to make matters worse, a random girl came out and started screaming about being shot down because of the antics that were just shown. It was a little impressive that the guy was able to shoot the coins but the girl went a bit overboard, at least that is what Lance thought.

Lance smiled and leaned up, clapping. His blade fell against him lightly. He was clapping at the guy with the gun, for his show of marksmanship.

"Impressive but I think you should wait to show you skills whenever there is more of a chance to show them. I mean, sure you can shoot them from that far away but wouldn't it be better if they were higher than just the top of this ship? That would really show what you can do." He was speaking directly to the boy with the sniper rifle, in a mocking but also impressed tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


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Alexis wasn't impressed by the male's attempt at showmanship, and didn't so much as bat an eye when he fired off the rounds from his weapon. She was used to guns, and to be frank, they bored her. Nothing could beat close quarters combat to her, due to the sheer amount of adrenaline it offered. As a matter of fact, this girl approaching them impressed her more. Alexis could only stifle a laugh as the male got bitched out by her, and when she turned to Alexis and told her to extinguish the flame, she could barely contain herself. With a wolfish grin, Alexis obliged and stopped the fire, ejecting the fire dust vial and replacing it with kinetic dust, simply replying with, "You're worried about air?" as she pointed her palm at the girl and fired off a small kinetic burst, which would do nothing more than blow a slight gust of air at the girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jurano just stood giving the girl who yelling at him a dumbfounded stare. When she left a another guy he saw earlier came up to him giving him props.

"Yeah, well within this close space theres not much room, when we get to beacon i can show you some real skill." he said gleefully. He he placed his sniper back on his back and started walking towards the back.
"I'll be at the front gate if you want to join me later!" he yelled to everyone in the room
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 35 min ago

Felix watched the scene before him unfold. It had been a while since he'd spoken to Enyo, but he could already see this going very poorly. Her attitude hadn't changed. She was going to have a fit. Well, another one.

"Oh boy..." he whispered to himself and kept his head down. Best to just avoid getting caught in the cross-fire.

Meanwhile, Enyo stared at the newcomer who'd walked over. It seemed he'd gotten the idiot to stop playing with his guns, but she wasn't sure she liked how he'd handled it. Secretly, she might have been upset that his method had been more effective. Outwardly...

"Don't encourage him!" she now began her third scolding on this third person. "People like th-" She then realized that she was being spoken to, turned to face the girl she'd yelled at, and took a puff of air to the face. She blinked in surprise, and then shot an unimpressed, deadpan stare at the girl as her hair fell back into place. "Yes, yes, very funny. You're very clever." She crossed her arms and began to walk away, going in the first direction that didn't have people in her way. "I hate you all." However, she realized that she was walking toward Felix, spun on her heel, and walked back past the two she'd just left, doing her best to avoid their gazes, and took back her original seat.

Felix of course noticed this and let out a long sigh...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Anita Dusk sat a bit aways from all the newcomers. It was not like she was someone who could casually go up to someone and say hi. This was her first time after all going to a actual Hunter and Huntress academy. Much of her skills were learned at her manor. She looked out the window and thought about what new adventures and studied this experience would bring. Maybe she would meet new people.

For now tho she was happy and kind of glad no one was paying attention to her. The trip had been longer then normal and she was feeling the pressure of the air. Shaking it off she watched as some birds flew past her window and smiled softly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Well.... Interesting." Booker stated simply. It was all he could say about the things going on around him. Rachel simply nodded in agreement as she sat there in her She justed wanted to get off of the infernal contraption as soon as possible and touch ground on beacon, so she could enjoy the sweet, sweet ground.

"Attention all students of Beacon academy." A voice spoke up from the intercom system. "This airship will be arriving at the Academy shortly."

It was all it said, but knowing this, Rachel let out a squeal of excitement as she was now sure that they were getting pretty close. She smiled at Booker like she normally would and he smiled back in his calm and almost distant way. It wasn't completely distant, he always watched everything around him, picking up details about everything and one that crossed him. The details that he picked up recently were fairly... interesting to say the least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redrose640


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lance smiled and waved at the boy with the gun as he walked away. He heard the girl from before start to lecture him before she was interrupted by another student with an interesting weapon. Something like an element gauntlet which was unusual and very imaginative. The other students still seemed so quiet. Other than the few, including Lance himself, who were making any sort of scene were up and about. A few seconds later, though, and the crowd dissipated as the kids went different ways. Lance shrugged and smiled big, hearing that they were near the Academy. Lance wasn't claustrophobic but he wasn't a fan of being stuck on a ship much longer. He wanted to see what other students were around.

"It is about time." Lance lifted his large blade with ease, pulling the magnetized buttons on his sheath out so the blade slid right in place and was secured. Lance could feel his tail unravel itself from his waist and move, not enjoying to be twisted all day. Even it needed some wiggle room every now and then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Anita grinned. "Finally I will be getting off this ship." She said looking away from the window making sure she had everything in order. Harvester was on the ground next to her seat and she picked it up sheating it. Then she doublechecked her luggage.

"Everything in order." She confirmed. It had been a fun experience riding in a airship to a prestigious Hunter and Huntresses school. However to her the real test and challanges would begin the moment she set foot on Beacon ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jurano was making his way towards the back when the announcement came over the loud speaker stating that they were arriving soon, he quickly doubled back towards the entrance of the ship, he tripped over but regained his footing. He walked down the ship making sure he had all his personal items with him. He saw everyone from before getting ready aswell, Well, it's time to shine! he thought with a smile on his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Aria had mostly kept to herself the whole airship ride, preoccupying herself with cleaning Setanta, she hadn't really touched it much the week before leaving, too occupied with enjoying the company of her family. She smiled as she pulled on the azure scarf around her neck, her mom made it for her, said she wanted to make sure she stayed warm, not like Vale was too cold of a place anyway...The fabric felt soft against her face, and she smiled a bit as she continued cleaning her sword.
At least until she heard the gunshots.

Katherine nearly jumped out of her seat when she heard the yelling and the gunshots from across the room, someone going off about someone else firing a gun inside of the cabin. She understood where the girl yelling was coming from, shooting off rounds in a pressurized airship a few thousand feet off the ground was a bit stupid...but did she have to be so loud about it? Kat tugged the scarf over her nose, her ears twitching as the yelling continued for a bit, she pointed out other students doing things that in all fairness WERE pretty stupid, made her glad the girl didn't think she was planning to fire of Setanta. Seems like things were gonna escalate for the worse for a minute when someone blasted air in the girl's face, but thankfully nothing came to blows. The girl was seriously pissed off though.

Her ears perked up when she heard the announcement ring out that the ship would be landing soon. She gave a sigh of relief as she stood, taking a moment to stretch her legs and arms out before reaching into the pocket of her shorts and pulled out a rather beat up looking black baseball cap. She placed the cap on top of her head, folding her ears under it, she didn't care if anybody saw her tail, she just didn't like people messing with her ears, even if the cap was uncomfortable. She hoisted her duffel bag over her shoulder and made her way to the exit, ready for the ship to dock.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TreueKaiserin


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Alexis merely continued her laughter as the girl she had puffed air at made a sarcastic comment and left. Normally, she wasn't one for communication, but she figured that wise cracks and the like should be fine. She watched as the girl walked off, her laughter only renewing when she realized she was going the wrong way, and was forced to walk past Alexis again. Then, the announcement that the ship would be arriving came over the intercom, and Alexis's laughter began to fade away. It was time to get serious again.

"Finally, we can get off this thing. No room to stretch in here."

She turned and looked out the windows again, watching as Beacon Academy came into view.

"I'm finally here..."
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