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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blissy
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Blissy ~ Princess Loony-Loon.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Harley's rather bold intention of stirring up the tedium of the mood came off strong. Not like she cared what Dick made of her intention to push his buttons in more then one simple and literal way. Harley Quinn needed to live for a thrill, especially since these days the only real thrive she got was obtained through smashing up some of her more recently obtained problems. Things had changed for her in Gotham city and hardly being back much longer then a week only served to really remind her of all the things she missed, among the handful of others she could really do without.

Finding some form of elation from the greater overwhelming bloom of her gloom felt like an attempt to keep her head above the surface, from all the underlying sorrow that served to try and pull her under. Somehow and for some reason, she believed that Nightwing may be able to prevent that from happening. It felt weird to put her hopes in a former enemy, even if seeing him as that same old opponent of hers, hardly seemed as easy as it used to be today.

No matter the response given from the bold display of her nosy actions, Harley knew Dick would either have to comply with her demands or shun her from the idea. But which of the two represented his outlook on her today? It was certainly time to find out..

He shook his head and said "Give me a few moments to find us a straighter stretch and I'll show you what this beauty can do." With that, he jinked around a few corners and came to screeching halt at the head of a long deserted stretch of road.

Instead of doing anything immediate, or forcibly in declining Harley's wandering curiosities to try and cause mischief among the subtleties of the situation, Dick only discouraged her from the idea through the form of wagering cooperation with her patience. The response caught Harley off guard, so much as the shake of his head sort of caused her to assert her attention to the man and his request for her to hold on temporarily. Was he seriously going to let her press buttons on the dashboard? Was this the same Night-brain she remembered? The same night-brain that always came between her intentions to win the favour of her former mad lover? Harley only narrowed her eyes in compelled enigmatic gaze, her lips pursed on the thought of wanting to challenge his little desire to fulfil her own request for dangerous exhilaration at the request of her own brief patience. She wanted to denounce the idea, but instead she found no reason to. For the first time ever Harley Quinn found herself easily complying to the terms requested of her by her adverse peer.

“Fine.. have it your way then..” She said, trying to hide the near disbelief of the answer she still doubted she really heard. Resting back and sliding her chin from her former light brush against the shoulder of the man she thought it would be fun to antagonize and pester, Harley retained her patience in favour of feeling regarded, no short of throwing on adorable musing smile at the idea of knowing that this wasn't going to be all about Nightwing and his journey to find the Batman after all. This really was going to be about both of them..

Letting her excitement linger on the gentle silence of her cooperative smug accomplishment, Harley let Dick throttle the bike from the remaining busy intersection and to a much quieter street. Once there she'd slowly peak the curious gaze of her eager imaginative blue eyes down the emptiness of the stretch in front of her. She saw barely anyone, hardly anything but old warehouses and factories left long unattended, but that hardly seemed to disturb her hope in waiting for what Dick kept in secret. She pondered on what he might be scheming at as she'd only set her sights on the empty stretch of land ahead. Her eyes widened in hysterical wonder to the conclusion of knowing what Dick was going to do as both of her hands wrapped about the size of his waist and clenched in tightened sharp entwine, as she'd press her chin back up against his shoulder edging her appeal of the situation with light nuzzle of her chin to his cheek, as her exalted gaze peaked just beyond. It was only at that time that Harley felt defined in realizing that she could still have her fun and that nobody else around her would need to get hurt. An interesting lesson only teased to her by the least suspecting individual.

“Gee.. the things ya miss when you hardly kno where to look.. he he..” She near whispered with a peep of a giggle back to the driver of the bike, before hearing his comment about counting to three before she'd be allowed to press the button. A gentle nod ensued in response, Harley's confirmation to Nightwing's request seemingly like a spellbound nod the idea of pressing the button and only dreaming what it might do, given the circumstance exposed in front of her. “Three? Why three, why not one, or two?!” She blabbered on letting the blatancy of her excitement sort of flavour the good nature of the mood before easily reaching back over and trying to keep her finger from just slamming on the buttons as hard as she could and never letting letting go. Like a child eager to go on the biggest most bad-ass ride of their entire kid life, Harley could feel the impatience slowly ripping her apart.

"Press it on three."




By the time Nightwing had just barely pronounced the word three, Harley had jammed her finger on the button and sent them both accelerating in insane turbo forward. The bike revved and wallowed forward like an unstoppable force of supersonic speed and into the night. Down the empty stretch of former nocturnal silence they'd plummet until a sharp squealing of the tires edged Harley's excitement on to a new height of satisfaction. No, it wasn't satisfaction. It was surreal bliss instead that thrived through her, causing her nerves to stand on end while her grip around the waist of her protege clenched at the evidence of showing some sort of possible affection for the surprise ahead. With only the short of empty stretch ahead and the towering ramp beyond, Harley felt a joyful thrill empower her and dissolve any former ill emotion she had for Nightwing in that moment.

Harley's grip was true and stronger then ever only embracing the man in front of her with limitless expectation. They'd hit the ramp and go sky rocketing through the night sky, like a shooting star at breathtaking speed and expeditionary wonder. She felt like she could fly in that moment.. soar forever, forget her problems of Gotham where they were on the grounds of the city below her.... “WHOOHOO! YIPIEEEEE!” She called, no screamed out in elated epinephrine as she'd soar through the air and come crashing back down onto the other ramp with the heavy recoil of the fall, near causing her to fly off at the crash of the bike just hitting it's stability of balance against the opposing ramp. Frankly she didn't feel concerned if they made it back down in one piece, given she hadn't felt that free and consumed by her own infatuated struggle for blissful gratification since she first found herself over taken by the thrill of earning her infamous name in Gotham city's history. The main difference was, this time, she wasn't hurting anybody for anyone and this moment was all for her.

And beyond they'd go into Gotham's new night and towards the trials that may lie ahead..

The bike came to a piercing stop just several streets down from the duo's destination on Harley's command. She didn't forget Nightwing's preference of stashing the bike a safe distance away, supporting the idea with only her spratic announcement that the place was just a block or two over. “Stop here!” She commanded over the high winds and powerful lashing speeds that drove the bike forward. With the bike in park, Harley slide her hands from the former cradle around Dick's waist and hopped off the bike with quick precision and energized motivation. She turned in a quick motion, that smug contented grin riving to a point of enamour that seemed to hang about on the edge of her lips. It could have been from the thrill of the former experience of speeding through the night on the bike, or the climatic secret that won Nightwing anything but further demerits to her terms of favour, but Harley's conscience felt very intrigued and intrigue often led her to much more audacious shows of expressing her affection..

Before Dick could get off the bike, Harley closed in on him like a cat entrapping a mouse. For a second she'd just stare down in his eyes with a enchanted glint, as one of her elbows slowly edged up on the handle bars as if to grasp Dick's attention. When he looked up, she'd quickly peak over and plant a firm sharp kiss against his cheek. If he tried to move away she'd only turn her cheek to the attempt of his withdrawal and gently brush her own up against his with a gentle coo. She'd then step off with a snappish wink and sway of her hips as her expression became engulfed in mollified content. Hand reaching for the bat slug at her back, she'd pull it from place and rest it against her shoulder.

“Ya don't need to say anythin Bird-brain, I think you've showed me enough already.. I gotta hand it to ya, that's gotta be the best motorin experience I think I've ever had.. Not like your head was in the.. game or anything, but ya know.. the engine really kicks, so sometimes it kinda felt like it.." A pause and then she'd continue. Dun look at me like that, I ain't some floozy.. I was talkin about the engine weirdo..” She claimed, as she'd walk further and further away only timing her steps with her forward departure from him this time, so she knew he wouldn't fall too behind. “Feels nice to kick back and break the rules a bit don't it? Ya coulda killed me.. but ya don't see my complainin.. do ya's?” Another nasty solicitation sung out from those mischievous crimson lips of hers before she'd slowly point forward with the bat and direct their venture ahead. “Just down there, it's a secret place only accessible by a certain back door, courtesy of a very clear no bat-creeps policy.. If you stay covered well enough and just let me do the talkin, I can get you in without any noise at all.. but you gotta trust me.. So go do whatever is you do best somewhere where you can keep an eye on me and i'll arrange a private invitation to get you v.i.p access into Joka's little amusement club.. Oh and Bird-brain ya gotta trust me, don't come swoopin down at the first sight of trouble.. okay? I'll scream real loud about the sky fallin or something, if I require yer emergency assistance alright? Keep an ear open.” She said, before letting the beguiling pace of her steps carry her further down the street with light sanguine dawdle.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Barrett
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Barrett Oh, the year was 1778...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

“Stop here!” commanded Harley, the joy of flight still very much evident in her voice. Truth be told, Dick was still riding the wave of excitement somewhat himself. Doing tricks on a motorbike was a very different thrill to acrobatics, somehow more visceral but less satisfying. A bit like stuffing yourself full of junk food compared to a finely cooked meal; both left you full but the experiences were very different. Now and then, however, a guy just needed some junk. Having her along for the ride had been an excuse and, to hear her ecstatic screams, an added bonus.

He brought the bike to a gentle halt so she could jump off and started looking for a place to put it. He liked to leave the bike mostly out of sight, even if it did have security measures and armour. Any sufficiently determined delinquent with access to a molotov cocktail (or something stronger) could still do some serious damage to it and probably would, too. The vehicles of Gotham's guardians were not exactly popular sights in district where the mob provided a significant percentage of the jobs and almost all the entertainment.

Dick was stopped from looking around by Harley draping herself across the handlebars. Her expression was hard to read, part excited, part wary. Before he could say anything, she leaned in to plant a chaste kiss on his cheek. Not much to his surprise, she moved her lips to meet his, making it less innocent. Before he could respond again, she span away with a wink and a saucy swing of her hips, readying her chosen weapon and leaving Dick with a semi-confused grin and a slight lipstick mark on his cheek.

“Ya don't need to say anythin Bird-brain, I think you've showed me enough already.. I gotta hand it to ya, that's gotta be the best motorin experience I think I've ever had.. Not like your head was in the.. game or anything, but ya know.. the engine really kicks, so sometimes it kinda felt like it.." He opened his mouth to respond but she cut him off. "Dun look at me like that, I ain't some floozy.. I was talkin about the engine weirdo.. Feels nice to kick back and break the rules a bit though don't it? Ya coulda killed me.. but ya don't see my complainin.. do ya's?”

As Harley sauntered away, Dick rolled the bike into a side-alley and behind some dumpsters before hurrying back to catch up with her. She explained her plan, though that might be giving it airs and graces, to him and clearly stated in no uncertain terms that he was to trust her judgement and not play hero. Not even if she seemed to be in real danger, not unless she screamed blue bloody murder. Not exactly a good sign... he thought but kept it to himself.

"Alright Harley, I'll sit tight until you call for me or you scream. Or both. Don't make me regret it, okay? I'd hate for our partnership to end here."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blissy
Avatar of Blissy

Blissy ~ Princess Loony-Loon.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dick's parting words rung amidst in her mind the further down the street she went. Once or twice along the way Harley couldn't stop herself from peaking over her shoulder in light curiosity. Was he really going to trust her? She felt doubtful of the idea only having her attention turn to the presence of shadows and empty streets, force her to reconsider the thought. He wasn't following her.. Or at least not through obvious approach anyway.

Feeling somewhat relieved that Nightwing had left her to uphold her end of the bargain also made her feel a bit worried. Since when had Nightwing or any of his conniving friends trusted her before? Would he stay true to his word? Harley tried to brush the nervous wondering thoughts away by the turn of the corner just up ahead. Several steps further down the empty street formatted through the alignment of old buildings and structures that had long since seen much more glorious days, Harley approached a much more lit corner of the street that lead to a dead end. To the naked eye, one might see only old buildings left unkempt, unvisited, though still intact and any evidence of inhabitant long forgotten in Gotham's history on the edge of Amusement mile and the bigger quarter of the area being known only formerly as Park Row. This particular corner of the street seemed unattended with most of the buildings having bricks lining their former door frames and wooden planks across the dark dusty windows. Only old makeshift apartments, long forgotten shops and smaller establishment rest here all disclosed by an old tattered glass ceiling that stretched all the way down the street and to the neighbouring ones nearby and attached to this section of old Gotham.

To someone not knowing where to look, they'd only see qualities of an old Gotham city that had been left to decline to elements and nefarious meddling of various criminals over the years that had visited these places, but to Harley Quinn there was much more then met the eye. Harley paid no mind to the shallowness of her surroundings instead only poking her attention to an old marquee sign that used to list the names of very old cinematic films and show times now long left forgotten or out of date. While everything else in this section of Park Row seemed defunct or inanimate of any hint of occupation, the old marquee in front of her was left active and shining out like a light among the darkness surrounding it.

Coming to a stop at the front of the old and now barred doorways of the theatre (with an over arching and unlit sign depicting the words “Red Room”), Harley would only peak over her attention to the marquee and slowly reach for one of the bright dusk coated light bulbs. At first her fingers only carefully graced over several bulbs as if to slowly recall the secret access process of obtaining entry to the hidden hideout that had been left unknown for years to anyone outside of Joker's gangs. In the process of feeling the warmth of one of the light bulbs gently idle beneath her fingers, Harley would take a slow peak over her shoulder as if to check for prying unfriendly eyes. For a second she'd gaze down the empty silence of the street only wondering if her newly obtained protege was paying any attention at all, before slowly poking her cautious gaze up and behind the higher buildings and shrouded archways of the street above. She really hoped Bird-brain was paying attention.. wherever he was..

Turning back to the lit sign in front of her she'd twist the bulb her hand idled on and slowly spin it from the illuminating arrangement of the rest. Beneath there'd be a small button. She pressed it, which would cause a former nearby barred off alley corridor to come from free and accessible, while only tossing the old light bulb in hand behind her with a careless flick of her wrist. It wasn't like this place needed to be a secret any more.. Plus she just really felt a sudden urge to be a bit brash in all the menacing qualities of her character. Turning and walking into the narrow dark alley she'd turn on her heels to a small dip in the crammed box excuse for another very short and dead end pathway that lead to an old brick wall with various green and purple graffiti littering it. Joker's men's hand no doubt. A statement of their presence or possibly even ownership kept hidden away from the rest of the world. Overlaying all the much older vibrant shades of 'Ha..ha's' and nonsensical statements sat a much more recent addition to the art that came in the form of a poorly drawn cartoon themed Harley Quinn and Joker embracing in a sweet loving hug with a single heart with an 'x' in the middle coming as if to depict the thoughts of the two cartooned versions of the infamous couple.

Seeing that old thing again only made Harley roll her eyes in distaste. She couldn't tell what she disliked more, whether it was the art or what the art depicted. Clearly the circumstance of the drawing had hardly aged well with her. Annoyed by what she knew she couldn't avoid seeing again, Harley caught a brief peak of herself reflecting in an old dusty mirror left in the enclosed corridor, only to catch a glimpse of a smudge in her lipstick. Must have been caused by kissing Bird-brain? Or so she thought anyway, as she'd only become temporarily distracted by the infraction in the rest of her exquisite physique. Whatever the reason for the smudge was not so important, as much as fixing it were. Reaching into her back pocket she'd pull a small cap of murderous red lipstick free and gently fix the lapse in her dangerously racy façade.

Couldn't go stormin in there lookin like a tramp! Harley only near coo'd at the devious thoughts of what she were about to do to the unlucky handful of Jokers men hidden away on the other side of the secret door. She was gonna paint the place red with Harley Quinn in a way these boozo's have never seen-! Oh wait a minute, Bird-brain was still tailing her.. The brief thrill of turning her party crashing into a much more destructive event folded on the subject of remembering she had made a promise. A light huff of impatience sung from her lips, eyes rolling in agitation before she'd be stricken by an idea. Nightwing might have seen her at the first door.. but he wouldn't have any idea how to get in the second.. unless.. The ripe end of the lipstick left her lips as she quickly began to scribble a little message on the brick walls for Nightwing to follow. A second or two of scribbling the words 'Cross my heart and hope to die' beside the small Harley Quinn doodle would have her seal the cap and put the stick of make-up away. She'd then reach forward and gently press her hand down on the large heart with the 'x' in the middle and a small shift in pressure would cause the entire small wall to become loose, easily allowing her to push it to the side.

Harley stepped into the new secret corridor in front of her, taking simple steps forward at the sound of the wall behind her sealing closed once again and effectively locking her in. Bird-brain was gonna have a fit if he thought she was locking him out.. but it wasn't like she could prevent herself from being locked in.. Several short steps down the narrow interior corridor would take her to the abandon and rather Joker themed lobby of a long forgotten small theatre known as “The Red Room”. The lobby was empty, except for the presence of a single snoozing clown masked guard who had seemingly dozed off. While his ability to stay on guard was clearly questionable, the terms of his arsenal were left much more evident. Unlike the last clown wearing goons she had encountered, this one was armed with an ACR rifle.

“Bang Bang!”

Harley slammed her fist on the cheap plastic glass that kept her separated from the slumbering buffoon in front of her. He snapped awake gasping in surprise only to immediately find his finger going to the trigger of the gun before his attention turned to address the very real and living former harlequin, that every clown in Gotham knew as Joker's ex-girlfriend. “Waa-! HARLEY?! Is that really you? I thought-” Harley's irritable gaze quirked on the arch of a comic brow, before she'd near press her face into the plastic glass in front of her as if to get a better look at the clown masked idiot on the other side of the glass. “DEAD?! Ya know.. Everbody KEEPS SAYIN THAT! Im really starin to wonda if ya all knew about Joka's plan from the beginning.. What he do?! Tell ya he'd pay ya extra to keep QUIET about IT?!”

The clown mask hooligan stumbled to turn to the small shoddy door at his side before leaving the booth and coming around the corner to address her face to face, you know, by sticking his gun in hers. “Im pretty sure your suppose to be dead aren't you?!” He responded through the nervous coarse tone of his voice. Harley snapped both hands to her hip and let the boredom of her mood sink in full impatient display. She looked like she might do something very bad, the kind of bad that was acted on impulse. A second later her face went smug with mischief. “Here's a question for ya.. seein as how you think you kno how Joka works.. When have things EVER gone according to PLAN?!” During the exclaim of that particular statement Harley saw the opportunity to smack the gun from her face, pivot forward and effectively elbow the goon in the chest. It was enough to wind him, though that was all she'd need. Taking advantage of his stagger she'd easily grab the gun from him and whack him across the face with it's side.

“Dun mind if I do.. You've been an awfully terrible gentlemen holdin that for me so long.. I think your at least inclined to take a nap outta good favor? WHATTA SAY?! Ah-he..he..he!” She didn't let him answer only bashing the man into unconsciousness with the rifle as that maddened giggling sung out in devious satisfaction. Once she finished she'd stand up straight, adjust her top with a light tug so as not to prevent anything from accidentally slipping out due to her former frenzy of forcing the door guard into a slumber, with her finger now prime on the trigger. Stepping towards the small door to the old booth room in front of her, she'd let her finger click down and fire off the gun wildly up in the air. This was her way of getting everyone's attention, being a distraction and making things easier for Nightwing, even if that meant just about every single Joker thug nearby would come running in a second.
“Bang, Bang Bang!”

The gunshots roared out and Harley locked herself in the booth room as she'd only edge over to the old control switch to a long unused P.A system that connected to the exterior and interior of the Red Room. The sound of running men came stomping with quick pace, force piling into the door as Harley would force her butt up against a particular switch and keep the button held down with it, both her hands primed on the gun to address the situation trying to break down the door in front of her. A loud electronic click rung out through the once silent and empty streets of the forgotten corner of the city.

“Open the door! Harley, I know that's you in there- GO AWAY! This is a private Harley Quinn public radio service announcement and If you wanna make ur own then ya need to wait your own damn turn..! Harley- im gonna kill you! Before Joker even gets his hands on YA! Didn't ya hear?! Im suppose to already be dead!
"Pew Pew!"

More gun shots rang out.

“It's too bad you boozo's aren't any good at doin your jobs..! Maybe you's all need to reconsider better career choices?! Ya make AWFULLY GOOD TARGET PRATICE! Not like any of you have the competence to stop me ANYWAY! It would take a roof fallin on me to even make me RECONSIDA my poor academic approach to dealin with you losa's! ”

And there was the signal Nightwing would be waiting for. Harley only hoped he had been paying attention to what and where she went and could put the clues together about the secret back door. The ball was in his court and it was time for him to uphold his side of their bargain as well as really put his training to handle the situation to the test.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Barrett
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Barrett Oh, the year was 1778...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Keeping carefully to the shadows and maintaining a good distance between them, Dick followed Harley. He knew from training and experience that when wearing a costume like his, it wasn't enough just to keep out of the light. You had to move in such a way that your motions didn't draw the eye, keep space between you and someone watching for you and above all, not make sudden movements. So when Harley seemed to look back for him, he didn't freeze in place but simply continued to creep forwards. When she kept moving, he moved silently to higher ground, using fire escapes and ledges to move above the street rather than on it. Another thing you learned as a vigilante (or a trapeze artist) was that people generally don't look up.

The area of Gotham was just the sort of place that terrified tourists and made the brass at the GCPD or the higher-ups in the Mayor's office adopt somber expressions and talk about the 'grave situation in some areas of our fair city'. It had been abandoned to criminals and those stricken by poverty, leaving the buildings crumbling and the streets cracked with age. A sad state of affairs, Dick reflected, and not one that could be resolved by punching miscreants. On the other hand, he'd heard there was a major initiative to repair some of Gotham's more dilapidated areas in the offing. Its main sponsor was, of course, to be Wayne Enterprises.

Below, Harley started fiddling with a bulb, eventually removing it from its socket and carelessly tossing it away. She must have pressed a button or flicked a switch because a moment later, a alley seemed to appear almost magically from a wall nearby. Pretty high tech for the Joker... hell, it's pretty subtle for him as well. Maybe that's why it's not on our records. Dick mused, descending to street level once again. By the time he entered the alley, Harley was nowhere to be seen. Well, not in the flesh, anyway. There was a graffiti image of her and her ex-beau embracing with an embossed heart, though it looked old and worn. Glancing around, Nightwing spotted a shard of glass marked with Harley's distinctive vibrant shade of red lipstick. The words 'cross my heart and hope to die' were scrawled on the ruined mirror.

"Thank you Harley..." Dick murmured, looking back and the representation of her and the joker. Now he came to think about it, the heart looked a little out of place, perhaps raised from the rest of the wall. He walked over to it and gently pressed it down, feeling it slide backwards like a mechanical button. And, with nary and hiss or squeal, the wall suddenly seemed to swing backwards, revealing a a passageway way beyond. Crouching and moving with cat-like control, Dick stalked along the corridor, hearing the wall swing shut behind him. He knew Harley must have come this way only moments before, presumably making plenty of noise. He wasn't entirely sure about her plan of acting as a distraction but knew better than to try and talk her out of it. Instead, he intended to play along with it as best he could while trying to make sure no one died. Anyone want to make bets on how that goes?

As he moved further into the hideout, a blaring sound roared out over the P.A. system. GO AWAY! This is a private Harley Quinn public radio service announcement and If you wanna make ur own then ya need to wait your own damn turn..! With a glance, Dick's mask sensors traced the broadcast through a few walls and to its source, where he assumed Harley was busy drawing every henchman worth his salt to her location. The plan's flaws were somewhat exposed as he heard the chatter of rifles and the ping-ping sounds of bullets ricocheting off a metal surface. Dick moved much faster now, the sounds of gunfire drawing him in as effectively as Harley's provocations had the henchmen. Rounding a corner, he spotted the targets he and Harley had come to find; almost two dozen henchmen in full gear and well armed. Their grotesquely grinning masks and various clown-themed tattoos identified them as some of Joker's finest foot soldiers, definitely the people to speak to if you wanted to find the man himself.

Now wer just have to get them to talk to us without anyone getting shot, should be breeze...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blissy
Avatar of Blissy

Blissy ~ Princess Loony-Loon.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The funny thing about Harley's plan was that she knew she really only had half of one actually thought out. While she had zero doubt that she'd be able to make a distraction for Nightwing to play his part, the conditions of what would happen to her in the process were a bit up the air. Doing what she did was risky, but not without anything immediate anyway. Or so she thought. If anyone knew Joker well it was Harley Quinn and Harley knew that her good ole 'Puddin' wouldn't be the sort to just shun a blind eye to her. He betta nota anyway! He was deserving of a hell of a lot more then just a good rant for her!

Harleys agitation began to cause her to steam the more she thought about how her poor choices had wind her up here, now, doing this and how that made her end up. It couldn't be that bad.. Right? This is insane, you should have trusted him- But I DID! Harley's brief mental dispute with her past and present self served to hinder her focus from the task at hand. While the clown bruisers on the other side of the door kept hammering away and breaching the only defence between her and them. Of course it didn't help that she had to get all trigger happy and waste the whole magazine on the door, much earlier then she wanted too. Whateva! It wasn't like Bird-brain was gonna let her keep the gun anyway! The sound of an expired magazine of ammo clicked out a loud to indicate her vulnerability, all while bringing down that really piped thrill of adrenaline that seemed to also expire alongside the count of her ammunition.

“What's gonna stop me from snapping you in half now?!” A rowdy very unfriendly voice called out to her in some shallow attempt to try and rattle her confidence. Harley only found herself grinning at the comment as the door came crashing down a second later. “THIS! Bottom's up dumbass!” She warned him before she threw the empty gun at his big ole nose, but of course he didn't take the hint. A good throw and anything but yielding reaction caused Harley to hit the mouthy clown straight in the face. Lucky for her, he was one of the only ones of the group that didn't have his face concealed by a grinning clowny mask. “Look atcha, all barging in here.. Dun ya have any MANNERS!? I locked the door for a reason! GET OUTTA MY BOOTH!” Harley's final sarcastic comment sung out to a rather inevitable end that she knew would wind her up in the grip of Joker's thugs.

One came closer grabbing for her, the rest pointing their guns up in her face. She of course didn't let that discourage her as the grapple of the man reaching for her only made her shift to the side in a quick evasive maneuver. Pinned up against the back wall in the tiny box of a booth, Harley's glare arched in testy inimical response before she'd prop both of her hands up on a small bar protruding from the wall behind her. Swinging her feet up in a quick motion she slammed her boots into the joker thugs face that had made the mistake of trying to rampage in and grapple her. “Na-UH! Keep ya hands to ya self idiot! I don't need your stupid fondlin me!” A light snicker formulated to conclude her response before the presence of the Joker thugs entrapped her where she stood..

In some ways Harley felt obligated to struggle, squirm and defy every attempt that lead to the Joker thugs taking her from the room and tying her to an oddly placed pool in the center, by the old screen in the first theater. Finding herself in a perilous situation was inevitable by this point, but it wasn't like the terms of her distress should last for too long, so long as Nightwing was doing his part. Being brought to the centre of the room to have her hands bound behind her back and bound to the pole behind her only made her cringe at the consideration of Nightwing being unpunctual and unfashionably later. She had seen him do all this before.. so he better not be screwing around..! Now wasn't the time to screw up..! Somehow she doubted he would, even if finding herself bound to a pole and surrounded by very unfriendly assets of Joker's gang sort of had her contemplating her trust in the former boy wonder.

The tension around her wrists intensified as her captor tied the final knot. “Bet it sucks to kno that none of ya's can do anythin since Joka dun even know im alive yet HUH?! You wouldn't lie to that old CLOWN, ya kno what'll happen if he finds out ya let me slip the gun right? Actually did the wrong thing? You's all remember what that entails..!” Even in meager peril Harley got a kick out of playing mind games with the handful of the heavily armed dimwits in front of her. While they certainly had the brawn for the operation down, Harley never doubt for a second that brains would always be in her favour, especially with these particular guys. “Shut up Harley! Once we contact Joker your going to be sorry you ever got the idea of showing back up here alive.” Her captor finished with the ropes moving away with the threat and turning to stare at her. Harley wasn't shaken nor discouraged by the rather gruff ill-will of the armed Joker thug in front of her, in fact, she were actually getting a pretty good kick out of all of this so far. Just knowing what was about to happen next felt utterly climactic.

“Hmm.. NAW.. I dun think I will, ya wanna kno why BOZA? Cuz I kno somethin ya don't know and the longer ya stand here and try to antagonize me the more I realize how fun it is gonna be knock ya TEETH OUT!” Excitement filled her expression as her gaze locked on to the angry face belonging to the unfortunate idiot who had the luxury of eating the gun she threw earlier, leaving a rather funny looking red mark across the full size of the bigger thug's almost perfectly egg shaped head. “That look does ya justice for ya pea brain. Though not nearly enough justice.. guess you're gonna have to wait and see what else ima do to ya..!” She teased those crimson lips of hers turned into a wild devious sneer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Barrett
Avatar of Barrett

Barrett Oh, the year was 1778...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Written in collaboration over many days with the inestimable Blissy

Harley's idle threats lingered on the dimly lit room around her. To the several Joker thugs in front of her, the terms of warning she exclaimed seemed like not much more then the delusional ravings of the entrapped Jester. “Betta start countin the seconds..” She said cautioning behind a smug grin, all while she'd struggle at the poor knots holding her wrists together behind her back. Wasn't like these idiots knew how handle hostages.. Getting out here would be easy.. all she'd need was-

“Hey!” She spoke aloud, trying to draw the attention of one of the men closer towards her. Meanwhile the others turned their attention else where. “Psst.. hey! Ya im talkin to ya bozo.” Harley's antagonizing of a clown masked thug managed to draw him forward. “Shut up! The more you talk the more I want to hurt you Quinn.” He threatened. Harley wavered the rashness of that threat with a light smug rolling of her eyes and brief flare of a smirk. “Look at ya, all brawn’s and no brain.. Had you's been paying attention ya woulda realized ya dropped something when ya finished tying me to the pole.” What was Harley up to..

A gimmick perhaps? A clever means to try and draw attention from one of the men to make her partners life easier? Or perhaps something else altogether. Harley had an idea, seeing as how her motivate to remain a hostage to her ex-boyfriends gang, wasn't exactly the ideal way she wanted to spend her Friday night. However, that idea couldn't be achieved alone.

From the shadows above the group, two shapes shot down and embedded themselves in the barrels of a pair of rifles with audible THUNK sounds. The henchmen wielding the weapons stared dumbfounded at them for a second or so, taking far too long to come to the obvious conclusion before Nightwing dropped from the rafters into the centre of their motley gang. Two down, two to go.

"Now now boys, I'm sure we can settle this without violence." he said as he took ahold of the other two guns in the group . Before the men using them could react or resist, he kicked one in the kneecap and the other in gut, similtaneously yanking the guns rifles from their arms. He bludgeoned the nearest opponent over the head with the stock of the first and stamped down on the trigger of the other. That's three he thought, snapping the magazine out of the other and throwing it like a batarang into a goon's face. And that's four. Damn I'm good.

In a brief sweep of her attention Harley witnessed the sight of four armed thugs being 'handled', in the corner of her eye. Took ya long enough Bird-brain.. That was her signal, her queue and she took advantage. “Hmm.. whatta kno? Guess it slid under my foot, tiny little thing it was.. kinda looked like a key..” She enticed the thug forward, getting him close so that he were in a fair enough range to benefit her. His body near brushing hers at the tilt of his own dimwit gullibility, had him hunched over and looking for something that wasn't actually there. That was her chance. Her knee came up in a sharp rejecting motion effectively hammering the fool in the stomach. He keeled, groaning, before he fell forward and she just barely managed to sweep her hands over the knife at his side. That put him out.. for now..

“Dun mind if I do!” She declared a loud, as Dick's own voice spoke out to high-lighted his presence among the commotion. Easily cutting the ropes binding her wrists at her back to shreds with a light shimming of her wrists broke her free from the bounds. It were a good thing Nightwing's timing was on par with the rather improvised escape plan she managed to whip up on her own.

Punching another in the face and cracking his mask, Dick managed to give a nonchalant shrug and survey the surrounding mayhem."Okay, maybe we can't settle this without violence, my mistake. You alright there Harley?"

Knife in hand her ears twitched to the sound of Dick speaking to her from just down ways. Harley's own hands gently went to massage at her wrists before she'd confirm the question. “Neva betta.. it's a good thing these clowns don't kno how tie knots very well.. Last thing I need is ya savin me from my own people.. Ha! The irony..”

With an acrobatic spring, Dick leapt into the air and drew his billy clubs at the same time. For half a second he almost seemed to hang in the air, suspended above his assailants like an omen of doom. Then he came crashing down, each of his four limbs striking one of Joker's thugs before his legs wrapped around one's shoulders to break his fall. His momentum jerked the man backwards, with Dick hanging off his back like a bizarre bag. Jabbing out with his sticks, two opponents doubled over before Dick released his leg hold, balanced on the sticks for a moment and brought his armoured boots down onto the back of the duo's heads like an executioner's axe. They fell, sound asleep, as Dick flipped upright again.

"Sorry Harl, didn't catch that properly. You said thanks for me arriving in the nick of time, right?"

Dick's flashy show of eagerness to the terms of battering the first line of the Joker themed thugs only caused Harley to huff in almost jealous response. Standing where she were, twirling the little knife she used to free herself with, she'd almost find herself scoffing at the whole act of watching him turn Joker's so called most 'mean and badass' into human bowling pins. It felt weird to find herself fighting alongside Nightwing, knowing she had all that thunder on her side of the broad for once.

“Yeah.. I said something like that..” A light rolling of the eyes ensued before that particular disregarding address led her to notice a Joker thug rampaging towards her with a bat. A brief flash of alarm took her expression, before Harley ducked evading the swing of the bat, only to return her gratitude for the cheap shot by hooking her foot into the Joker thug's ankle. He tripped, she reached out, grabbed the bat he held with a wide sneer, that seemed to convey flattery only a moment later. Taking advantage of the clumsy thug's flip that wind him up on his back, Harley rammed the bat into his chest and left him winded and down for the count.

She threw knife in her hand to the side a moment later, letting it embedded itself in the wall to remove it from the picture. “Soo.. this is what this feels like huh? Shoulda started sooner..!” And there Dick went, getting her all charged up.

Dodging some desparate blows, Dick tapped a pair of buttons on his batons to the sound of crackling electricity. The tips of his weapons now practically sparked with coils of blue energy, both of which he stabbed into the guts of thugs. Instantly, the two men jerked backwards with uncontrolled thrashings that sent several more men stumbling away. In the sudden gap, Dick stepped forward sharply and sprang over the heads of several more men.

With perfect poise and self satisfied smile, he landed next to Harley and took up position by her side. "I'd certainly have less scars if you'd started on this side sooner. Now, shall we soften these, excuse the expression, clowns up before asking any questions?"

Gettin her all charged up.. Oh what a pun.. Of course it didn't help that she watched Dick only shock several of the Joker thugs a minute later. She had to admit.. That looked kinda fun.. The shocking part anyway.. ehehe..While Harley let her rather crude sadomasochist imagination wander, another Joker thug served to try to remind her what the circumstances of her mischief brooding would entitle her too. Namely, a fist full of angry clown. He came in fast, faster then the other guy, but this time she were paying attention. Or at least mostly anyway. While Nightwing handled the situation in his own way, Harley started to adapt to the hostilities that came complying down around her. The thug came in forward, his momentum strong, too strong for her to block or obstruct. Not like she really needed to do anything of those things.

Once he came roaring in rage endued charge at her like a bull, she'd easily jump up and plant both hands on the small of his shoulder, using him as makeshift leapfrog all while displaying just how flexible she could be. He of course got anything but an arm full of the excited blonde he tried to flatten like a pancake. He ate the wall a minute later, only to also eat a sharp kick in the face that had Harley bending over and spinning him a kick to the jaw like a red and black clad ballerina. Great timing to, since now her and Nightwing were standing side to side.

A light sneer formulated on that exhilarating wild expression at Nightwing's comment. “If you mean SMASH em into pudding then yeah that's what I MEAN!” She replied, letting that comment evolve into squeaky battle-cry. Harley charged forward into the next few thugs that were trying to entrap them where they stood..

As Harley ran in with a frenzied cry, Dick shook his head in mock despair. Truly, the similarities between her and Damian were genuinely frightening sometimes, only he would probably be moaning using a katanna about now. Can't stand here all the live day! was his only thought before he jumped into the fray after her.

Where Harley fought like a sugar fuelled berserker, Dick had a practised ease to his strikes. Bruce had trained him to fight like a surgeon, placing blows with ruthless precision to cause as much damage as possible with as little risk. That training had been hammered into him for more than ten years, most of which time he'd been fighting far more dangerous opponents than these second rate henchmen. So every kick, punch, grapple or strike he used set up the next to, exposing temples, knee caps, throats and guts. Damian often remarked he was far too compassinoate, preferring not to cause more pain than he had to but his younger brother would be proud of him now. Dick was pulling no punches, intending to cause as much pain as he could without too much lasting damage.

After all, they were planning to interrogate them.

"Remember you said you wouldn't kill anyone Harley..."

Thrill took to her approach in easily hammering down two more thugs, one with a swing of the bat and another by a rather crude kick to the crotch. Harley didn't care, so long as the thugs stopped moving and stayed out of her merry way. Improvisation and detrimental imagination carried this ones movements, as well as her particular style of combat. Unlike her newly obtained ally, Harley did not process the grace of such precise or experienced hits that guided her own terms of showing offence. Instead, Harley's combative capabilities came from a much more odd flow of blunt energy and acrobatic maneuvers.

Dick's call of reminding her that she wasn't allowed to kill anyone, made her pout in dramatized resolve, all while Harley found herself wrapped around one of the thugs like a snake, pulling cruelly on the small crease of his brows that made up his own cheap clown painted mask. “What's that Bird-brain? I can't HEAR YA OVA THIS ONES SCREAMIN!” She protested, hearing him, but being difficult about it, because she was having fun. Being entertained was important after all, especially when that source of entertainment came from riding one of her enemies around the room like a horse jockey.

The protesting continued all while a few other armed goons moved to surround Harley. This was her own fault, she ran head on into the crowd. Noticing the lack of space around her, she'd dismantle herself from the Joker-Jockey and sent him flying towards Dick by climbing ontop him and locking her ankles around his neck, before pitching him across the room. This was Harley using her acrobatic qualities to her advantage as well as making them effective at cleaning house. “Allow me to express ma gratitude for PLAYIN BY YOUR RULES! Bottom's up birdy!” He flew, she flipped down into the ground disappearing temporarily beneath the crowd. Hopefully Dick was paying attention, otherwise he was about to receive a rather unintentional present.

Luckily for both of them, Dick was very much on the ball. As the ill fated minion's trajectory brought him down, Nightwing twitched to one side and tugged one of the falling man's compatriots in his place. There was a crash, a crunch and some despairing moans from the bottom of the newly formed pile but it didn't seem too serious. Glancing over at Harley, Dick realised with alarm that she'd practically disappeared from sight under a tide of foes. Tasering the last standing opponent in arm's reach, he leapt towards where he'd last seen her.

"You alright in there Harley?" he called, kicking a thug in the back of the knee to make him kneel before hammering his fists into each of the man's temples. Man, if you'd told me this morning that I'd not only be spending the evening with Harley Quinn but also being trying to make sure she doesn't die... A strange day indeed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blissy
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Blissy ~ Princess Loony-Loon.

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Things seemed to be going along swimmingly, or at least decently enough that Harley felt at least a bit dignified with the situation. Unlike her Nightwing dressed protege, Harley didn't often spend most of her long nights fighting off groups, or sea's of endless goons. As a matter of fact, Quinn was usually the one dictating those goons to attack people dressed in very Nightwing-esc attire, by the decree of some much more cynical individual. In some ways it almost felt ironic to be here, doing this. Harley Quinn certainly had her fair share of complications when it came to the effect of clown dressed hooligans, but none of those hindrances had been quite the physical sort that she had only recently found herself reminded of.

After quite literally pitching Nightwing one of the many problems in the room to address, Harley seemed to almost entirely disappear beneath the crowd that surrounded her. Like taking a dip in the lake, Harley Quinn disappeared in a body of Joker faced felons who had every intention of keeping her below surface, drowning her in substance of her own former guilty affiliation with them. Harley's body fell to the floor in some brief impatient huff of her own erupting impatience. Laying on her back on the floor for a moment, she'd peer up to the tiny space of light she could still see.

“Uggggh!” It was an angered sort of irk, as opposed to one of distress or trouble, but that didn't dismiss the idea that Harley found herself smack damp in the middle of quite the crowded ordeal. She knew that without help she was running out of room to work with, when it came to being overwhelmed by the many who sought to contain her. They wouldn't kill her.. Joka would explode.. Harley considered the option of knowing that none of these thugs could really do to much to her, other then rough her up real good. But killing her- He'd never-! She knew him too good for that by now!

“Dun TOUCH ME! Ya grimy grabba!” The anger in her voice squeaked out beyond the rowdy noises of the brawl that raged on around her. Stern assertion coated that squeaky tone of demand, before Harley rammed her foot into one of the Joker thugs balls. Kicking that particular clown faced dimwit back gave her just another inch of breathing room. It was enough for her to flip herself up in a snappy acrobatic flip, that took her from her backside and back to standing on both feet. Once there she swung her bat like in hard fanning motion in front of her, effectively hitting several targets all at once with the hard carefree swing of the steel bat, only to watch the henchmen collapse in front of her like living bowling pins. “Ouwa! Homerun! That's gonna hurt when ya wake up. HAHA!”

The delighted mockery of her tone broke into a light gasp that had her grabbed at both sides of her body. Entrapped by the rest of Joker thugs around her, they tried to keep Harley grappled from multiple directions. She struggled, squirmed to no end, stomped on a foot or two and got a set of those hands to at least slip away, but it wasn't enough. She needed more help. “WHATCA- DAMNIT-! ERRRGH-!” The squeaky octave of her voice peeped at new heights as her anger built steamed to conclusive boil like a kettle reaching some eruption high pitched explosion. Plenty of people had seen Harley upset before, but few had lived to remember what she could get like when she totally lost it. Never mind having a reason to that wasn't Joker related at all. Joker always repressed the best of her anyway.

Most under estimated the delicacy of her shape. The fragility of more common passive aggressive nature that often only had her trying to find the best way to fix a problem, with some weird joke or crude charade that seemed to scream Joker in so many unoriginal and obvious manipulated ways. Only this time, she wasn't doing it for him, she was doing all this for herself, and that meant something very important to her. This anger in the corky clown princess of crime was a force of something else entirely. Something even some of her oldest enemies have never quite been exposed too.

Somehow she broke through the grip, holding her in constraint. It was like some incredible fit of strength that had her near lost in the aggressive adrenaline by the means of her escape. Harley was about to return her favor for being groped, grappled and thrown around by, just about anything Joker related. Once she broke free she went wild with superb aggression that had her move in a way no one had ever seen. Mayhem consumed her as Harley put that essence of galvanized adrenaline to work.

The end of her bat swung with brutal force into the chest of one of the Joker thugs, who was brave enough to test the degree and relentlessness of that anger. When the bat hit him in the chest, she didn't just strike him, bop him with the fusible end of the bat, she straight knocked him half way across the room with the swing, almost in the way a baseball might be struck away by the power of that string. The surreal show of strength caused several other Joker thugs surrounding her to falter and reconsider the sensibility behind their approach. “Did you see that- she just-!” The nervous disbelieving raving of another thug tried to warn the inevitability, that came faster then he was ready to embrace. Harley's form spun into a snappish cartwheel that had legs straddled around the spokesperson who tried to warn the others. Legs entwined around his neck, she'd use the straddle of her legs to flip the man almost twice her size over and into the floor face first, forcing him to take a huge chop out of the concrete.

“Somebody here BETTA start talkin about where JOKA is, or I'm gonna straight break every clown trap jaw in this ROOM! Just wait till they see the line up tomorrow at the local dentist!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Barrett
Avatar of Barrett

Barrett Oh, the year was 1778...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Uh oh. It was all going so well, too...

Dick dispatched the thug ineffectually trying to creep up behind him with a simple jab to the throat that left the man curled up in a quivering ball and sprang towards Harley. He'd been operating outside of Batman's normal guidelines all night, from burning rubber through central Gotham to going into a combat area foregoing prior surveillance, not to mention partnering up with the Joker's former squeeze. All would be forgiven if he got Bruce back though, unless he got Harley killed along the way. That would be too much.

Perhaps he needn't have worried. After all, Harley was certainly no wilting violet unable to protect herself. As he had quipped at the beginning of the night, she was not the damsel in distress, she was the damsel distressing everyone else. Even as he moved to aid her, she displayed just how she'd managed to both stay the joker's main girl and keep control of his goons; short bursts of insane, unmitigated violence.

A thug sailed through the air, clearly propelled by a blow from her bat that must've felt like Bane delivered it. Dick couldn't suppress a small twinge of amusement and... pride? Something like that, anyway, something warm at seeing the clown queen of direct her blows at a three time murderer rather than a member of his extended family.

The other members of joker's gang were stumbling backwards, probably having seem this brand of carnage before from another source, and Dick spotted a golden opportunity. When he and Damian or he and Bruce interrogated suspects or potential informants, they slipped easily into the roles of good cop and bad cop. Bruce was practically the original bad cop and Damian's clear desire to inflict pain on criminals generally made up for his less than imposing stature, especially if they'd seen him fight. And Harley's current persona, faked or not, was the perfect opposite for his own practised routine of good cop, even more so as lethal violence was clearly on her mind in a way it was never on his or any Bat-family member's.

He just had to hope she'd pick up on what he was doing. Shame I can't wink through the mask he mused, stowing away his clubs and stepping between the men and Harley.

"Now Harley, there's no need to bludgeon out anyone's brains out across the floor. No need to cave in skulls or shatter spines. I'm completely certain we can resolve this without anyone being crippled or maimed, really, I am. In fact, I'm sure these fine men were about to volunteer the information we need to know so that we can leave here while they still have all their teeth. And the use of their legs. "

He looked over his shoulder at the slightly bemused henchmen and nodded encouragingly.

"Isn't that right guys?"
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