Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 8 days ago

Klunk Fortress, Courtyard

Not bad after all

seeing the others do not only well against the general but began to pick off the remaining soldiers, I'd lower the dragon heads, which quickly morphed back into my hands. I'd stumble a bit as the bleeding continued to take its toll, and to avoid more pain i allowed the others to finish the job.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Krunk Fortress, Courtyard


One after another, the rolling ball-men either collided with Jenso's hammer, or found that their momentum was frozen. Every last one was launched towards the wind wall, either through direct contact with Jenso's powerful hammer spin, or though one of Zerraf's wind ribbons.

"...Why did I stop? What's go-OH-OHHHHHH!!!"

Within the minute, the krunklet swarms were launched over the fountain, and towards General spike. Although the accuracy was questionable, there were at least a hundred little men, and Spike felt a considerable chunk of them pelt his armor one after another, leaving a series of small dents on his chest-plate, while simultaneously giving him a ringing headache. The General rose to his feet, nearly defeated, but wasn't about to give up yet. He backed away from the demolished fountain slowly, weaving his way around the knocked out piles of krunklets all around him, quickly dashing into a backwards roll towards the northern gate, opposite to where Zerraf and Jenso entered from.

And what an arch-way it was... It seemed to lead into the largest part of the fortress, a massive tower that spanned the structure's entire width, and reached nearly 100 meters into the sky.

Lord Krunk's Chambers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Krunk Fortress, Courtyard

Wow dem krunklet piles tho

Jenso smiled, raising his arms as Spike rolled away. "Yeah! We win again!" He shouted cheerfully. He stared at the tower that Spike moved into for a moment. He turned to Drake and lowered his arms. "Hey...you gonna be okay, dude?" He asked, looking at the wound on his back. He still wasn't sure if the man was trustworthy, but he would soon find out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Krunk Fortress, Courtyard


Zerraf scratched the flesh of his neck as the final krunklet launched into the air. He leaned over his palm and squinted. With all of this fire, things were starting to get heated up. A tracing eye fell on Spike as he escaped to the other side of the courtyard, taking note of his position. Afterward, Zerraf sauntered over to where Drake and Jenso were standing. Jenso had noted Drake's wounds, and a slow adjustment of Zerraf's head noted the same injuries.

"Oy-yo. We could go to that room of convenient potions."

Zerraf looked to the lush grass on the ground, ribbons of tangible wind returning to his finger tips. The currents splayed the grass in paths, creating a windy day when there was none. His eye lids drooped, nearly closing.

"Eh, you two can go. I'll wait here."

With that, the wind mage would roll into a laying position, placing his left arm behind his head. The sun reflected against the skin of his eyelids, and his chest calmly rose up and down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Krunk Fortress, Courtyard

the power of HEALING

"Oh, yeah!" Jenso reponded to Zerraf. He bolted out of the courtyard and back into the room. He grabbed the potion and rushed out of the room. The potion seemed nearly empty now though, but there was still some liquid left. It would be enough to heal Drake's injury. "Here dude, drink this! It'll heal you." Jenso said, handing the potion to Drake. He was unsure how the man would respond. After all, for all Drake knew Jenso could be trying to poison him, even though he was honest when he said it would heal him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 8 days ago

Klunk Fortress, Courtyard

A drink?

I was suspicious of the sudden offer of such a strange liquid, especially from a stranger, however giving the situation it would be insanity for someone to offer me something harmful for just assisting them in fighting off such enemies. I took the drink, breaking my hesitation, and gulped it down with eyes closed.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Krunk Fortress, Courtyard


Jenso smiled as Drake drank the potion and the wound on his back healed completely. The potion was now empty. "Oh, thanks for the help in that fight back there. my name is Jenso." He said to Drake as he glanced over at the tower again. "Not sure why you're here, but...We need to kick Lord Krunk's ass and save all the people he's imprisoned. Do you want to help us?" He asked. Drake did fight alongside himself and Zerraf earlier, but it was possible that he was a prisoner and was merely attempting to escape the fortress.

@Whimsley @dragonmancer
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Krunk Fortress, Courtyard

Who needs subtitles

Zerraf remained laying on the ground when Jenso returned shortly, the miracle potion having now been used up. The wind mage had his eyes closed, but he appeared to be awake. Slowly sliding his hand from beneath his head, his long, white hair became entangled with the swaying grass. He raised his hand and waved lightly at the wrist.


With that, he returned his improvised hand pillow beneath his head and continued to snooze in preparation for the upcoming battles. Really, evildoers with giants castles should schedule a nap time or something.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Krunk Fortress, Courtyard

Peace and Quiet at la-


A gruff, echoed voice roared across the courtyard. The grass waved chaotically when met with his insurmountable anger, fluttering like little ribbons in a full-fledged summer storm. That man's voice packed power alright, but just how strong was he? And what the hell did he look like?

Man, why can't things just be easy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 8 days ago

Klunk Fortress, Courtyard
Dragon Cannon ready!

I didnt speak to them but I nodded to these strangers that came to my aid with acknowledgement and a look of agreement in my eyes. It would only be fair I aided there survival. My right hand would re-transfigure back into a dragon head, and my left hand would place itself over the top of the head as if I was wielding a heavy weapon. Flames began to trickle from the snarling head that almost seemed to have a mind on its own as I prepared to blast anything that would deter my newfound comrades
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Krunk Fortress, Courtyard


"THERE HE IS!!" Jenso roared, turning to Zerraf and Drake for a moment. He was glad that Drake agreed to join them. "Come on, let's kick his ass!" He added, and dashed into the arch-way at the tower. He believed that Zerraf and Drake would follow. Despite Lord Krunk's loud voice, it was difficult to tell where within the tower he would be. Jenso was ready for anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Krunk Fortress, Courtyard

Here we go again

"We killed your guys."

Zerraf groaned, cracking his neck as he stood in an awkward roll. The wind mage shuffled his feet and adjusted his cloak, making sure it was covering the right side of his body. His left arm rummaged beneath to pat his bag of tricks, making sure it was attached just right. With that, Zerraf trudged behind at a distance from Jenso. His sauntering wasn't nearly as quick as Jenso's hurried pace. He yawned into a closed fist as he made his way underneath the archway at the end of the courtyard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

A furious ball of stupidity.

Upon entering the massive tower, it was revealed to be pretty much entirely hollow. The roof was so far off that it was almost impossible to make out the brick patterns above them. The walls were smooth with only a few windows that sat several feet below the roof. It looked almost as if the entire tower was a hollow storage area, without storage! The building was at least 30-40 meters wide and long, if not more, which seemed totally CRAZY!

Why would there be so much spa-

"These three idgits!?" Lord Krunk bellowed from behind his massive flattened helmet. He was round, just as his soldiers and generals. But unlike them, the leader of the Krunk legion was MASSIVE! He stood about 15 feet tall, had a massive boulder-like set of dark grey armor with a fancy 'K' Engraved in the center of his chest. General Spike turned to face the intruders, smiling under his helmet. "General Spike, Tell me dat dese little wimps aint responsible, dats unbelievable! Impossible! They're... They're so tiny!!"

"I'm afraid so, Lord Krunk," Spike affirmed, arming his wrist cannons. General Krunk was still... Uh... S-Sit...ting? Yeah, sitting. Sitting in a throne made of stone, rounded to fit his gigantic metal ass. He soon struggled to his feet though, standing with a couple of heavy 'stomps' that lightly shook the floor.

"You dimwits! You Danged Dumb-asses! Who da hell do you think you are bargin' in here and killin' off mah men?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters


Jenso's feet screeched to a halt as he noticed Spike and the massive giant that was Krunk. He stared in awe at the man's size for a moment as he spoke to them. "Wow! You're pretty big, dude!" Jenso shouted in a surprised and excited tone. "We're gonna kick your ass and free everyone you imprisoned! Let's do this!" He shouted, and got in a combat stance. He had no intention of attacking the man while he was seated, and along with that, it seemed unwise to charge in recklessly without knowing what his abilities were. Not to mention that Spike was there to back him up as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 8 days ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters.

Burn the giant

After watching one of my allies challenge him, my dragon head would shoot a large projectile of fire, exploding upon contact as it launched towards the behemoth that is lord krunk, as I had no interest in delaying a fight for such a monster.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Krunk Fortress, Courtyard

Here we go again


The wind mage responded to the Lord's question, raising his left hand to further affirm his identity. He blinked heavily, pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek. He danced along the edge of the soft flesh as everyone continued to talk. And kept talking. And said more words. And used more phrases. He wasn't really sure why everyone was still debating about this. They'd already killed Lord Funk, wasn't he the head guy? Why were they still fighting? Zerraf was pretty sure once the general was dead, the other army lost, it was in a movie he saw once. Though, the wind mage figured that wasn't really a fair assessment of battling. After all, the three of them weren't really higher rank than each other, so the rolling ball men would have to kill all of them to win.

Content with the fair bargain, Zerraf resolved to kill Gigantor. The sharp piece of shrieking metal on his belt unsheathed itself. The handle flipped into position against the palm of Zerraf's open and awaiting hand. With the back of the same, gloved hand, Zerraf lowered the brim of his blood red hat to cast a shadow over his eyes.

"You should've just given up the pillow."

A zephyr began forming around the red mage. The wind turned into a perfect, rotating sphere around his body, stronger currents of wind appearing white amidst clear spaces between.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

Lord Krunk

Lord Krunk glanced at Zeraph as he announced his name from beneath his ornate, flattened helmet that matched the circumference of his armor better than any other. His glowing yellow eyes were like diamonds, shifting erratically towards Jenso, as he announced that they were there to 'kick his ass' or something. Kick HIS ass?

"Kick my ass? You little dimwits aint a match for deh mighty Lord Krunk!" Krunk announced, lifting himself from his seat. "Lets show dese interlopers what-for!"

With that, Krunk brandished a shiny yellow ring on his right hand momentarily, just as the dragon-like man was about to attack him.

"Let's go!"

~Lord Krunk~

The Rolling Tyrant

Drake's flaming projectile hit Lord Krunk's armor head-on, but as the smoke clear, there wasn't even a burn mark on his suit of grey steel. "Bwahaha! Is dat it, lizard boy?" Krunk mocked, suddenly stepping forward. In what looked like a trip, Krunk fell forward and retracted him limbs, rolling towards Drake at a fairly slow speed. It was kind of surprising to see that fat fuck capable of any movement at all!

Spike eyed Zeraph, and immediately dashed into a roll towards the Red-mage, with his massive spike at the ready. Several feet before striking him though, he catapulted himself upwards using his spike as a pole-vault like he had done earlier, and aimed to impale Zeraph, not taking into account his wall of wind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Krunk Fortress, Courtyard


As Krunk and Spike charged, Jenso was unsure who to take on straight away. He noticed that strong winds surrounded Zerraf. He believed that he would be able to handle himself. He was unsure just what Drake would be able to do and how strong Lord Krunk would be, so he decided to aid Drake with Krunk. 'His armour seems pretty thick...but maybe..' He thought, as Krunk rolled towards Drake. He aimed the palms of his hands at the incoming giant as a torrent of flames erupted from them, right at the giant rolling foe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lord Krunk's Quarters

My shield is my sword

Zerraf momentarily glanced at the passing ring, taking note of its brandishing by the false Lord. There had to be some importance to it, after all. Or maybe the wind mage was thinking too hard and just needed a nap. That was probably it. Interrupting this thought, though, came a fast-approaching Spike that had vaulted himself into the sky. Zerraf's guised face took in the situation, scratching the side of his face with the back of his palm. The general was headed downward, but had no way to divert the path of his Spike. With this in mind, the red mage took two long strides to the side and awaited the general to crash into the floor and harm himself.

Whatever the case, Zerraf would pierce his sword forward into the round currents that surrounded him. The wind would stick to the blade and surround the metal, twisting about and extending the range and sharpness of the rapier. If Spike diverted his course to meet Zerraf, Zerraf would attempt to parry the oncoming strike into another direction. If Spike missed, he would perform several thrusts on the now close and exposed areas of his face. Any debris or rubble from the ground collision could likely be diverted by Zerraf's shield.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

Member Seen 8 days ago

Krunk Fortress, Quarters

He's not harmed?!

As I watched the smoke clear a defeated look momentarily expressed over my face as I saw he was unharmed, I was for a moment, to much in disbelief to notice what my allies are doing, however when he started going my way and a fellow ally backed me up, I would transform my other hand into a head as well, merging his flames with two jets of powerful fire of my own in the intent that force and pressure of the heat would at least push him back.
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