Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This is an old RP of mine.

There's quite a bit to it, though things are subject to change. However the basic idea is that Vampires, Werewolves, and other supernatural beings exist in hiding from humanity. For the most part, they are well behaved and resist preying on the lowly humans. Those that do are labeled criminals, and tracked and executed by Bounty Hunters. Supernaturals keep this all within their own community, supernaturals who need some extra cash would go to a bounty board hidden throughout the city, take a bill, and find and wipe out the criminal before they break the masquerade to humanity.

The City. (Tourists shot on sight)

Blackbury, Located in the UK, considered by some to be the Mecca of supernatural creatures. It's history goes back to the 1500s, established by a now extinct order of Vampire Slayers, who would perhaps be rolling in their graves if they knew that all the power in the city lies in the hands of their prey. The city is fairly large, nearing almost four million residents, almost ten percent of which are not human. The single largest concentration of Supernaturals on earth. Most come for the sense of community, there are many Supernatural-friendly businesses, and the police are mostly paid under the table by wealthy vampires to ignore unnatural crimes and let the Vigilantes do their work. Not that they are aware, sometimes corruption can protect humanity more than it hurts them.

Races of the World

*Note: Original races is completely allowed, but there are rules.
-No divine or infernal beings (angels/demons) They exist but are not playable for plot reasons
-Must have some horror aspect
-Must be able to blend in with humanity to some degree
-An original race must have a summary posted in the thread or messaged to me in a similar format to the ones below

Important Locations


The most active Supernatural club in the city. Located in the northern part of Blackbury, Underworld is aptly named, it exists mostly underground, built out of an old gang lair. Every Supernatural in the city is welcome, but humans are unlikely to even find it, much less get in. Underworld has a bar, dance floor, some private rooms, and is multiple information dealers. It is also home to Blackbury's official bounty board, and thus has a reputation as a sort of "second home" f.or supernatural vigilantes. Underworld is operated by Michael, a near five thousand year old Vampire, and one of the most influential men in the city.

The Police Station.

Blackbury's police force is in an interesting spot, while the city officially has a low crime rate, so many Supernatural crimes get swept under the rug that plenty of young people who want to make a difference tend to become officers. Many get disgusted by the rampant corruption, but are usually unable to make a difference. The police station is roughly in the center of the city. From time to time, Supernaturals are arrested and brought in for various reasons, and may have to spend some brief time in a cell before one of the higher ups receives the order and money to let them go.

The story starts on a particularly dark night, where a string of seemingly connected attacks against both humans and supernaturals starts...

This RP is aiming for high casual standards. and the basic genre could be called "Supernatural modern detective thriller" with a healthy heaping of action and some horror.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Cyrus “Cy” Samuels

Gender: Male
Age: 24
Race: Werewolf
Biography: Cyrus was born to one of the last traditional werewolf packs in the world, a clan spread through most of Australia. The pack operated somewhat like a mafia, wiping out individuals who threatened their interests and living a life of general luxury, in spite of their lack of morals. Cyrus was raised to hate humanity, consider them as merely prey and incapable of any “wolf-like” virtues such as honor or cunning. As he grew up in the pack, he was taught to fight from a very young age. He was born during a time when there had been a large amount of new pups and so to keep the population down they were to fight in a ring for the amusement of the pack. Being one of the few to make it out of the deathmatches when he was only five years old, he was considered to be a promising young wolf who would do excellent work for the pack.

For the next six years he was taught many things, how to use human made weapons like guns and knives, as well as his natural tools to intimidate, assault, and kill humans as well as some other Supernaturals such as vampires. Despite the wide ranging power of the pack, they had many enemies, and several exiled members as well as Supernatural vigilantes conspired with the police force to wipe them out once and for all. A special forces raid was ultimately decided to break it up, though it was kept very under the table with the Australian government and for the most part the vigilantes did the fighting. Thirty-one Werewolves were killed that day, though the public only knew it as a raid on a crime ring.

Within the chaos, a young Cyrus, using his werewolf cunning, devised a way to survive. Keeping himself in his human form, he took a knife and pinned himself to a wall by the hands, when the vigilantes came in, he claimed to be a human child that the pack had taken captive. Despite knowing something suspicious was up, he was let go and put for adoption. He was a good actor, and lived out the rest of his childhood and teenage years in relative peace. Other than those few full moon nights where he always seemed to go missing.

At 18 he got a letter delivered specifically to him, it was one of the bounty hunters who had been responsible for wrecking his family. Inside it merely said “I know what you are kid, but you've behaved well, I can't believe you are as bad as those who raised you. So go to Blackbury, it's a city in England that's very friendly to our kind, you can find work that suits your... 'talents.' Should you wish.”

Cyrus said goodbye to his foster parents and left for England with what meager money they could scrape up. Immediately upon arrival, he received a very warm welcome, he was invited to come to a certain club, and was offered a job that he would “enjoy.”

Underworld seemed nice enough, the owner was remarkably personable for a Vampire, and even offered to let Cyrus stay in one of the back rooms of the bar while he got on his feet in the new city. Bounty hunting was an exhilarating job that Cyrus came to love. And after 6 years he has become one of the most established hunters of the dark in all of Blackbury.

Personality: Cyrus is, contrary to his upbringing, kind and with a sense of justice. His early experiences forever put him against his own species, he for a long time considered most werewolves to be vicious monsters like his family was, and has only recently come to rectify this attitude. He tries to treat all races with respect and dignity, as well as remaining humble about himself.

Weaponry: Cyrus was trained with all manner of lethal tools but was particularly trained with concealable ones. As a result, he carries knives and handguns. He has a large personal collection of both and all sorts of modifications, as well as connections with black market arms dealers. (Supernaturals skirt the law and can get away with a lot, even gun control laws in England)

Possessions: His own weapon collection, magically enchanted clothes that will remain whole when he shapeshifts, a sizable amount of saved money.

Theme Song: I'm My Own Master Now

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Beatrice Elseway
Chaos Witch, Beatrice
Magic User
Beatrice is a fickle and unpredictable woman who truly earns the unique title of Chaos Witch, having trumped countless daunting foes with little more than her genius and a little bit of magic. She's a prodigal magic user who has long since cast off her pride, devoting her entire existence to the pursuit of magic and its mysteries. She favours ordinary humans more than most supernaturals do, often gracing their lives with awesome gifts of magic, often at a terrible price further down the line. She is known for her cruel, and yet strangely compassionate nature, she exists constantly in a state of fluctuating humanity and sanity.
Rumours say that the legendary Witch, Beatrice, has been spotted in Blackbury recently. She hasn't done anything worth noting while here, and has actually been deep in hiding for the last few months, silently watching as the supernaturals went about their daily business, completely obscured from the eyes of both the human world and the world of the night. She has gained a hefty reputation since her arrival in the UK, even being rumoured to be the most powerful magic user currently alive, but little is known about her past the identity she's been given by the public.

She was born and raised in a small village nestled deep in the mountains, completely isolated from the outside world. Ever since she was born, she's had the gift of magic, her parents didn't have it, and the power had never been seen in the village before her. Naturally, she would have been outcast if the others int he village found out, so her parents carefully hid her and sternly ordered her to never explore her gifts. Her naturally curious mind wouldn't allow it, and she was found out by the other villagers in no time. Normally, this would be the point where the budding witch would be burned at the stake, stoned to death or simply thrown into the wild to die, but Beatrice was different from most witches.

By the time she had finished experimenting with the last of the village's inhabitants, she was already in her late teens, and she still hadn't even seen a single glimpse of the outside world. Determining that there was no more to be learned in the small village of her birth, she bid farewell to the empty houses that had been her prison, and went off in search of a new world. Her trek was perilous, but she would soon discover that the world was a much larger and more wondrous place than she had imagined. She soon found herself in a city, one with so many technological wonders that she could hardly contain her excitement. An unlimited amount of learning was lying before her, and all she needed to do was grasp it. She later estimated that the village she had grown up in was approximately a hundred years behind the rest of the world in terms of knowledge, and she soon found all sorts of wonderful things to challenge her brilliant mind with. But of course, in the end, she would always come back to the one true art, the place where it all began. Magic, she learned, was even more amazing than she had thought, and she had still not even scratched the surface.

In the days after that, her experiments with magic went further than any other witch of her age, and she soon became what you could call an expert in the field. The extensive journeys into magic had changed Beatrice from the curious, innocent girl she had been before, she was noticing a change in her personality and emotions that she could not have possibly predicted. In time, this girl grew to become the person who is known today as the Chaos Witch, bringing forth a tremendous firestorm that engulfed an entire city in its insatiable flame. She moved on, following the trail of something that wasn't human, and eventually finding a village filled with a whole new, completely unexpected kind of knowledge. She wasn't alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whisket
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Whisket Real Looker

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Frank Mennen


Gender: Male

Age: 48

Race: Human (Magic user, Necromancy in specific.)

Biography: Frank was born in England, but spent much of his early life in a very secluded, rural Wales. Both his parents were magic users but were very secretive about it, due to their experimentation into some of the darker elements magic. When Frank was 12, the nearest village caught wind of Frank and his family, normally it wouldn't have worried them, except the village wanted them gone and had subsequently hired a pack of werewolves to attack him and his family, having anticipated this, Frank's parents managed to successfully get Frank out of the house, while his parents were murdered. Young Frank returned to house two days later, retrieved what little records his parents kept on magic and a few other things and set out on his own.

For Many years he traveled on his own, his transient life style and practice of strange and "immoral" magics disallowed him to make an permanent relationships with anyone, and due to the attack, he had and still is very wary of werewolves. Frank had more or less mastered the "art" of necromancy which at it's core was blood magic, by using his own blood or someone else blood (which is very seldom) and imbuing with magic he can briefly resurrect just about anyone or anything, this is particularly useful in obtaining information from the deceased, and one more than one occasion using bones of the dead to distract or occasionally kill would-be attackers. Due to the use of his own blood so often, Frank boasts several scars, and nicks across his hands and arms, his drug of choice to fuel his magic is cocaine and he carries a tin of it on him at all times.

Frank managed to end up in Blackbury after chasing a man who had information on his family tree, one person in particular, a great great uncle or something that taught all the other members of his family necromancy, and who is rumored to still be alive, however in the middle of the chase the man was hit by a speeding train and quite literally exploded, Frank managed to re-animate what was left of the head, but all it gave him was a garbled mess of words.

Personality: Frank is a bit anti-social, not by his own means, he just never had a chance to get the proper being around people thing done. Despite this and his strange and sometimes disgusting use of magic he's learned to fit in a crown more or less, he's often blunt to the point of being rude, but he just can't seem to help it. He has a very analytical mind, constantly surveying his surroundings and looking at the finer details of events as they unfold, This is due to constantly searching looking for every little clue that will help him figure out more about his supposed great great uncle or something. He's eager to help there is something in it for him,the reward doesn't even need to be that great, just as long as it's something to look forward to that he couldn't obtain by his own means.

Weaponry: Frank usually has a knife or two on him, mostly he uses them on himself, but there's been a time or two he's needed to use it on something other than his arm or hand.
He carries a small revolver with a full cylinder of silver bullets, mostly to scare away would-be werewolf attackers.

Other Possessions: A few vials and bottles for holding blood and other bodily fluids and sometimes organs.
as well as bag of bones. Literally. He also carries a decent amount of medical supplies, mainly bandages to dress his cuts, but carries a few basic essentials as well.

Theme Song: God's away on business, Tom Waits.


How Frank's Necromancy works; an informative guide on how to be dead:
Frank imbues blood with magic giving life to the deceased, it doesn't matter how long they've been dead, just the quantity of blood.
for the most part re-animated bodies can speak so long as the organs required for speech are still intact, as well as the brain.
Bodies that are animated are for the most part under Franks control via the magic-blood, however a dead body needs not organs or anything to be reanimated, for instance a skeleton can be reanimated, the head will fill with blood and the blood will trace the skeletons bones, and Frank will be able to have control of it until the bones are destroyed or is over fatigued by controlling it. This goes for single body parts as well, Frank can reanimate a hand or other body part and can control it for a period of time, if the body is close enough, the hand will act as though it's receiving from the brain still, allowing it to "hear" things thus allowing it to write the answers to questions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MurderedLove


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

So, Many, Weezards,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cantide
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Changed this up a bit

Ketsu 'Graves' Shinkoku
Born in the Edo Period around 1603 Japan.
Turned in his late 20's.



Personality: Graves is more passionate about life, than a vampire should be. Although the lust for blood is something that can't easily be fought he finds himself on the borders of morale decisions more than he'd like. The blood reveals something some would say is a monster on Graves face, as it flips his casual laid back attitude towards some kind of junkie. His love-hate relationship with other vampires has its perks, the only vampire he has spent any time talking to was the bounty director Michael.

History: Born and raised in Japan, he was turned during the Edo period, where he had learn to fight with multiple styles including learning the two sword fighting style from Miyamoto Musashi. After he had been turned, his maker as well as the members of the Vampire hideout cast him out for disobeying them. His choice in not doing as they demanded caused him to travel the world until he finally found somewhere he belonged: Blackbury.
He didn't mind living in a city full of supernatural beings, but he figured his act at trying to be normal would soon come to an end, knowing his urge for blood and death would soon come around to greet him at the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Adjectives


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Jakob Abel

Gender: Male
Age: 18
Race: Magic-user
Biography: Jakob was born to a single-mother in a tiny village in Bavaria, Southern Germany. Unfortunately this tiny village was mostly made up of the members of an infamous Christian cult in Germany which was rumoured to be rife with child abuse and rape. It didn't help that passers by often found shrines draped with the carcasses of animals and other burnt remains, which were also rumoured to be the offerings of the cult to God.

Most of these rumours were true. But this cult wasn't always so extreme; before Jakob was born here a mysterious man arrived in the village claiming that he was sent by God to lead the villagers as God had finally recognised them as his true followers. He introduced himself as Zachiah, and demonstrated his magical abilities which he claimed were God given. As Zachiah led the cult into more extreme acts, he raped several of the women in the cult including Jakob's mother. Non-believers and all those who doubted began to go missing over the years, if they hadn't fled already.

When Jakob was a year old, Zachiah had left the village and moved on. Most likely to another gullible little village who would give him power and money. His mother Ewa was absolute in the fact that Zachiah was a messenger of God and that the rapture was nigh; she would beat Jakob and force him to work the fields and practise scripture until he became the man that Zachiah was. It was only when he was sixteen, when his magical abilities surfaced, that Jakob was finally allowed to see the darker parts of the cult beyond the church walls; the people being dragged out of their homes into the dark fields in the night and being sacrificed. The village was now under the leadership of Mathias, a once close friend of Zachiah's. Jakob became more disenchanted with the cult and their actions, but he didn't understand his magic enough to do much to help anyone. It was around this time that Jakob made his first friend outside of the church, a boy his age named Blake. He was a Canadian boy whose father had come to Germany to pursue a job opportunity, and they didn't seem to take the rumours of the village seriously.

It was over the next year that everything came together for Jakob. He practised his magic at every opportunity he could, and understood the effects it had on him. He learned the spells his father once cast, his 'miracles'. Some things he found he could perform better than others. Levitation came easy, and once he'd summoned fire once it was a breeze. His friendship with Blake grew and more and more Jakob learned that all he was taught growing up was wrong. Eventually, Jakob found himself falling in love with Blake and even told him about his powers. He took him to a remote part of the village close to the mountains and took his hands and levitated both of them high up into the trees where they had their first kiss.

A month later, Blake and his father's house was burned down in the middle of the night as they slept. Jakob was heartbroken, and it wasn't long after that the most influential cult members began to disappear, and by the time the villagers caught on that Jakob was killing them off he returned home to collect his things to flee his village. But his mother was waiting at home, determined to avenge the other members of the cult. She tried to shoot him in the chest with a hunting rifle as he arrived home, but he managed to melt the barrel before she pulled the trigger. He didn't even think about what he was doing, but moments later she was on fire.
Years passed since then, and Jakob travelled around Europe. Magic made life easier but he felt lonesome and decided he wanted to meet other magic-users, so took off towards Blackbury.

Personality: Impulsive, vengeful, reclusive, changeable, obsessive. Overall, he is damaged. At his core he wants only to be happy and have something stable.
Weaponry: N/A
Other Possessions:
Theme Song: I think the song gets across the whole 'damaged' idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm thinking of how to adjust the plot to accommodate for the wide array of magical powers we have.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Adjectives


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I thought the magical powers were subject to the imagination of the user at the time anyway?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Huh? what do you mean by that?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Adjectives


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Just that you said in the strengths of magic-users was that 'Power only limited by available energy and imagination.'

Assuming you meant that they could do anything, imagination and available energy granting, why did you not expect people to include many different magical powers in their character sheets? Or did you only want people to lay out a couple of specific magical powers that their character possessed?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yeah, that's how it works. They can do anything, but just be reasonable with what you do. No immortality/godmoding type stuff.

By adjusting the plot I meant the actual story and such, not necessarily what combat would happen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Adjectives


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cool cool. Was just wondering.

Out of curiosity:
- How strong and fast are Vampires roughly? Twice as strong as humans? Five times?
- Are Vampires also unnaturally charming to magic-using humans too?

- How powerful is the average magic-user, considering their magic is linked to their physical energy? Do certain spells like summoning things out of thin air take more energy than others? Producing heat? How much would it take for a magic user to exhaust their magic?
- How much longer can a magic-user live compared to a regular human?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

in order
-depends on the Vampire, on average I would say around twice as strong, but some older ones can dodge bullets. For reference, some werewolves can dodge bullets, but are on average four times stronger than a human
-yes, but most magic users have very strong willpower and can get around it

-depends on practice. The more you practice magic, the more energy is available to use. Creating energy/mass is always going to take more energy than any other process. First starting out creating a simple fireball the size of a baseball would cause a beginner to pass out, an experienced user may be able to do about four to five times that and be fine.
-depends how long they want to. Extending age with magic is very easy, but there is a hard cap at 100 years when magic starts to fade away and they will have a normal lifespan left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 11 days ago

Name: Unknown, known by some as "The Reaper," among other sobriquets.

Appearance: A massive, intimidating man, he stands nearly seven feet tall and his muscular body weighs approximately three-hundred pounds. His face, creased with age, is locked into a grim, stoic stare, and his pale eyes are said to bore into one's soul. His rust-colored hair is long and tangled, and his ruddy beard is short-trimmed and tinged with silver. Numerous scars are woven across his thick frame, though most are concealed by his long, dark duster and matching wide-brimmed hat. Beneath his duster is a simple, sleeveless shirt, a thick scarf, canvas trousers, steel-toed boots, and no less than four under-arm holsters.

Gender: Male, probably.

Age: He has been haunting Western Civilization for more than four-hundred years.

Race: Unsure of what he really is, some have taken to calling him a Revenant.

Biography: Many pasts are attributed to this ageless, deathless man. A knight of the Crusades. A soldier of the Hundred Year's War. A marauder of the Caribbean Sea. An outlaw of the Wild West. All of these, and more, are a part of his long history. Though his titles and names have been many, some things have never changed: he cannot be killed, and he cannot be stopped. Some say that he is a cursed soul, doomed to wander the Earth for eternity. Others argue that he is merely a ghost that does not yet know that he is dead. Regardless, this restless Revenant seems to find purpose in standing as a barried between mankind that which lurks in the darkness. To those that would strike out from their shadows, he offers an eternal rest, with no room for negotiation.

Personality: If he were ever human, whatever remnants of human logic and morality have long since left him. In its place is an alien sense of duty and justice, twisted by experiences that no mortal man should ever have, much less occur repeatedly. He is curt, resolute, and almost completely without sympathy or remorse. However, he is not an evil creature (as far as most can tell), as he stands opposed to injustice and the inhuman monsters that perpetrate it. Those he finds to be in violation of his personal ethical code, he hunts down without pity or mercy, employing every tactic he knows for destroying an enemy in body, mind and soul. It is well that he holds humanity in such high regard, as he would be a dangerous foe to mankind if his values were less altruistic.

Weaponry: Combat knife, .44 Colt Anaconda, .44 Mateba Autorevolver, .45 Taurus Judge, .45 S&W Model 625JM

Other Possessions: None

Theme Song: Ain't No Grave (Can Hold My Body Down)

Miscellaneous: He speaks several languages, though French seems to be his most fluent.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by musicway
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: ‘Riza’


Gender: Female
Age: 26
Race: Black Dog

Biography: Black Dogs are infinite, godly, and immortal. They exist to serve, and they fulfil their duties without error. They do not rest, and do not require it, though for all of their divinity and all of the influence they hold, it seems that even gods can fall. Riza is proof of that.

The specifics of the event are shady to Riza herself, which is understandable considering she had no real mind to remember it by. All she knows is that she must have come into contact with.. something, an unknown force, that she consumed - as was her duty - and then woke up human and naked in the snow somewhere in Sweden, where she experienced incredible, agonizing pain, at the same time aware of every sound, scent and emotion that one could experience at any given time. Her new senses overloaded, she collapsed in shock, and was later found by the man who owned the surrounding farms. She could not speak, as she had never learned how, and utilising her new mind and body came slowly and with much effort. She had no memory of who or what she was, who or what she had been, where she was, or where she had been, but the old man took to teaching her the basics of life and living, having quickly caught on to the fact that she was unschooled in such things. Though she looked to be at least twenty years of age, he raised her like a child, and she stayed with him for the next eight years of her life.

It took her years to accommodate to the various aspects of mundane life, even as a near adult, as though she had learned how to survive as a human, she still struggled to understand the thoughts, mannerisms and actions of other people. Her mind now matured into that of a young woman, her thirst for answers drove her away from her new home. It was difficult letting go, but her father understood, and she travelled across the sea in search of her origins. Long story very short, her quest took her, after many, many years, to Blackbury, where a not inconsiderable amount of digging led her to discovering what she once was – or at least, what the evidence has led her to believe she once was. Here, she was also able to unlock a number of her latent powers.

As of late Riza has been working tirelessly to keep herself on her feet, and though she is not technically considered a bounty hunter, she does what she can to get by. When she’s not out earning a wage this way, she will make Deals with supernaturals with a target on their back – though they have to fit a certain code for her to agree to help them. Teaming up with hunters is not unusual for her, and she has become known as a dependable yet temporary partner, often keeping contacts in the loop of their targets or possible threats.

Personality: Riza is quiet and calculating, though she isn’t always serious and has quite a number of smalls quirks. She considers her life to have truly started when she first gained Awareness, which was twenty years ago. She somewhat lacks empathy, though this does in no way mean she cannot feel, and she is still learning how to both display her emotions and understand the emotions of others. Humans and Supernaturals alike are still somewhat unusual to her, though the trepidation she holds towards certain races stems more from lack of interaction than anything. As she is still missing a lot of information about life and the world, she often busies herself with reading up on world history, and familiarising herself with different aspects of the world’s races, cultures and events. She is also fascinated by the simpler things such as electricity, and has been known to overindulge on the things she never needed as a Dog, such as large meals, coffee, sweets and of course, chocolate, which she consumes by the bucket load.
Weaponry: Silver plated 10’’hunting knife, claws (Dog form)
Possessions: Engraved Swiss Army Knife, small opal, journal, lockpick
Theme song: Tom Day – Who We Want to Be;
Misc: N/A
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dem young magic users, Beatrice is going to have a field day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Yoyo
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Definitely interested if this is still open.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Draconilian
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Draconilian Call me Kali

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Yoyo said
Definitely interested if this is still open.

yeah you just can't play a wizard =P
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