Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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"Let's rest for a minute?" Rook half asked, half demanded as she set down her bow and quiver, then plopped herself down on the trunk of a fallen tree, wiped a small bead of sweat from her forehead, and took a drink of the tepid water in her waterskin.

Though it was only spring, it was a warm day, too warm for the multiple layers she was wearing. But she was reluctant to discard the extra garments, knowing she would miss them once the sun went down. "We've got to be getting really close," she commented after a few moments. She pulled out a folded piece of parchment to study it, though by now, they'd looked at the map so much she could have probably recreated it from memory.

"Maybe the ruins are just over that hill?" she said optimistically, still confident that they could find the rumored treasure if only they could locate the ancient ruins and find a way inside.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 19 days ago

Brock had been up and down this forest a million times but he had not seen any sign of the man. He was an elderly fellow with a long beard who had told Brock to meet him in the center of these woods. It seems like the old man, stood me up and left me here to get lost in these trees. He never intended me to get this special item that was supposedly hidden away here somewhere.

He kicked a tree to vent out his frustration and regretted it instantly. "Gah!", he let out a gasp as he bit his bottom lip and lifted his suffering right foot and hopped around on his left. ugh... he muttered once the pain started to subside and he had both feet back on the ground.

After a few more minutes of weaving in and out of the trees, he thought he saw someone. He closed the distance between him and whatever it was and noticed it was a woman with a bow and arrows. He was also standing at the bottom of the hill, when his eyebrows drew down in suspicion as he thought she might be his competition for the 'special item.'

He drew his weapon from his back, it was a great, big, two handed sword. He held the weapon in front of him as he called to her, "Who are you?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Rook's companion in this venture had already wandered up over the next hill and out of sight. The archer rested another few moments, tucked her dark hair back behind her ears, finished the last of her water and was busy folding up the map, letting her attention on thoughts of what treasures might be found and not paying enough mind to the trees around her so that she did not notice Brock until he called out to her.

Startled, she looked up quickly, one hand already reaching for the bow. But she stopped instantly when she saw the unfamiliar man not far from her, large weapon drawn and held ready. She swore to herself as she gauged the distance between them. If he charged for the attack, there was only a slim chance she'd be able to get an arrow knocked, drawn, & released before he was on top of her. She was not pleased with those odds and she made no further move for the weapon.

"No enemy of yours, swordsman," she said evenly, carefully keeping her nervousness hidden. "My name is Rook."


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 19 days ago

Brock nodded slowly as he noticed she didn't go for her bow and arrows and claimed that she wasn't going to fight him. He put his sword in its sheath on his back and walked up to her. "I'm here after a special item, but it seems like I've lost my way."

He smiled as he extended his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Rook. Sorry if I scared you."

Brock was a tall, blonde haired man with blue eyes and pale skin.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The archer stood as Brock approached and accepted the offered hand, her leeriness of the stranger fading slightly. "No harm done," she replied, offering him a half-smile in return. Her eyes glanced quickly around the trees, searching to find if swordsman had companions in hiding.

Finding no one, Rook's eyes returned to the tall man before her, pondering what he had said about a 'special item.' The rumors she had heard of the ruins spoke of treasure, which she had assumed meant gold or jewels or something similar. Could it be something more? Maybe even something magical in nature?

"You're hunting for the ruins then too?" she inquired as she bent to retrieve the bow and the quiver.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A voice called out from just over the hill towards the pair talking.

"Rook! I found something!"

A young man in his early twenties could be seen racing up over the hill until he came to an abrupt stop, only to look cautiously at the man standing in front of his friend Rook.

Kaiden had initially had his gloved hand up, his fist balled and holding something inside that gave a slight tint against the shine from what sun they had at the moment. The moment Kaiden saw Rook wasn't alone his lips tightened and his arm swung down behind his back, hiding what he was holding. He leaned to one side, trying to play casual, and held both arms behind his back, rocking slightly on the balls of his feet.

The young man had thick, unkempt black hair that hung over his brown and just past his ears. His eyes were a sharp green, studying the scene below him. He adjusted himself quickly enough, saying "I found dinner..." his clear eyes traveling warily to Brock before going back to meet Rook's.

His heavy breathing and sweaty brow could have been from pumping adrenaline or from his layered attire; he tried to play it cool as he didn't know who Brock was and frankly, didn't trust him immediately.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

Member Seen 3 mos ago

River jumped from the tree she was perched in and took a second to appraise the animal caught in her trap. It was a fat hare, struggling in vain to crawl out of the tangle of vines it found itself in. With a sure pair of hands, she reached in and snapped it's neck with a clean twist. It was definitely not a great catch. To small and lean to be of much help in the coming winter.

Suddenly, a noise rang out, echoing through the trees. It sounded much like speech, though River wouldn't be able to tell anyways. However, these could possibly be dangerous people. People with the shiny white sticks that draw blood with one touch. Perhaps it would be best if she scouted her territory again to make sure they aren't after her. She stood up from her trap and silently bounded in the direction of the noise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 19 days ago

Brock smiled as Rook took his hand. "Oh yeah, I forgot to say my name is Brock." He said apologetically as he smiled once again. He had a habit of smiling to cover his embarrassment. It was better than looking at the ground like his brothers would do back home.

Brock heard her question and was about to say his reply, when he heard someone call over to Rook. He turned calmly towards the sound. It was a young guy with black hair that Brock did not recognize at all.

Brock spoke calmly towards the new arrival, (Kaiden), "Hi, I just met Rook, and obviously you know her name. So, it seems I'm the stranger here." he nodded thoughtfully for a moment as he looked from Rook to Kaiden, "It might be best that I leave you two. Letting you two go on with your 'business'." He emphasized the word 'business.'


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Wondering if Kaiden's initial call meant he had found the ruins and possibly even a way in, Rook was anxious to have a look. She hesitated though, not liking the idea of having Brock trailing them. Even though he had managed to avoid her question, it was seeming more and more likely that both parties were here with the same goal.

"Kaiden, Brock here was just explaining that he had lost his way in these woods," she said to her friend. Looking back to the fair-haired swordsman, she gestured southwest. "The Blackoak Rill is only a short hike in that direction. It flows south and then east, all the way to Ashdown," she offered, both to be helpful if he was indeed lost and also in hopes that he might let something more slip about his destination or purpose.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 18 days ago

The wizard, Bargle, paced nervously alongside the Blackoak Rill and tossing small pebbles into the water. Some of them skipped and skidded while others dipped under the water with a loud plop!.

"Where is he!?" muttered the wizard, pulling up his long purple robes, which kept snagging and catching on twigs and rocks; hardly the appropriate attire for a trek through the forest. "Fool mercenary! No, no, NO! Fool Bargle! To trust a man who works for coin alone...Bah!"

Bargle threw down his handful of stones in frustration and stopped abruptly. Voices. The wizard stroked his long black beard and squinted his beady eyes. "Just over the ridge...Perhaps I should hide...Maybe it's the mercenary? But I told him to come alone!" Bargle raced towards the tree line, still tripping over his rather large robes. He pulled up the silver trimmed hood to conceal his face as he ducked into the woods and hid behind an enormous black oak tree.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

Member Seen 3 mos ago

River stalked the party of other humans. They were three, and one had one of those shiny sticks. It wouldn't do to attack them. Too much risk, and whether or not they're edible is up for debate. The last time she tried biting into a human corpse, she got a mouthful of fibers. Best not to try the same thing with these.

Her keen eyes spied another hiding behind a tree. Maybe he's a scout for the first three. This situation just gets worse and worse. The best course of action is to run. Yes, run. They likely wouldn't be able to catch her in her own home. She took a nervous step backwards, and accidentally stepped on a dry twig that revealed her with a resounding snap.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MayLily915
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MayLily915 The Gentle

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lily peered out from behind the branch of the tree she was hiding in. She held her breath as she leaned out far enough to hear what was happening beneath her. She had been following the girl named Rook for several days, always staying in the trees. She kept her shadow behind her and always stayed high enough so that the foliage kept her hidden. Rook was going to lead her straight to the ruins, and she didn't even know.

She glanced to the side and saw another girl emerge from the woods. Beneath her stood another new comer, a man in robes that seemed too large for him. Both of them were just as interested in the little gathering in front of her as she was. She slid back behind the branch and gripped the small daggers that rested inside her boot. Her shoulders relaxed and she exhaled slowly as she reassured herself they were still with her. Lily brushed her flaxen hair behind her pointed ears and smiled. Soon, she would get her revenge.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Kaiden narrowed his eyes down at Brock as he responded so cooly. His calm nature was unnerving him. Kaiden was not the type to stay calm or still. He was always active, on the move, and, almost to a fault, rather impulsive. Rook was his ying to his yang, keeping him balanced and mindful of his actions...usually.

As Rook explained Brock's predicament he tried to listen intently but something was making his nose twitch. His attention was brought back to Rook as she explained their location. Rook was the only reason they were on the right path as she was practically a human compass. Kaiden had very poor directional skills. What he did have was enhanced senses. Only to a small degree, nothing super human. But his early childhood days were living with animals (long story) and his underdeveloped speaking skills in those early years were balanced by enhanced sense of sight and smell. His and Rook's abilities paired well together for their ultimate goal and he did not see how a stranger could do anything but disrupt their progress.

In his hands he held a small parchment, a gold emblem stamped on the top corner with half of the words torn and unreadable. What he could read were possible clues from a previous traveler towards their destination. He would need Rook to see if he was on to something.

Kaiden figured they couldn't be too close yet, and allowing Brock to follow along for a short while could not hurt. With a leap and several long bounds, Kaiden raced down the hill towards Rook. A sharp tumble forward, as if he had tripped, and he sent himself tumbling forward, only to pop up to his feet and stuff the torn parchment in to Rook's hands.

But before he could give any explanation to his friend he heard a sound. A sharp -SNAP- of a branch that indicated his senses had once again proven helpful. He had smelled something funny, although he thought it was more of a musty old-person smell mixed with something flowery, but an animal nearby would explain the odd scent.

Kaiden's head snapped towards the sound, toward River, his bright eyes searching for the culprit of the sound. In the next second his instincts took over and, without hesitation or regard for his own safety, he drew two daggers from his sides and began running full sprint towards where he heard the branch snap. "Rook, I've got dinner!!" Kaiden yelled triumphantly, quick wrists ready to throw his dagger towards his prey, their hopefully soon-to-be-meal.

@kelewen @gareth @bloonewb @polybius @maylily915
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 6 mos ago

There seemed to be quite a bit of ruckus going on in the general vicinity. Taking note of the position of the humans the bandaged man smiled faintly as he adjusted the wide brimmed hat of his. His left hand rested on the pommel of the basket hilted rapier hanging on his hip - paired on the other hip by a parrying dagger and a metal buckler. He wasn't even trying to be stealthy at this point, instead just walked towards the group while stepping intentionally on as many twigs as he could.

As the fellow made his way closer the rest of the group would see a man - maybe an elf - standing just under 6 feet tall, wearing gray clothes, a white fencing shirt and a quite heavy looking wide sleeved jacket. The sleeves of the fencing shirt were partially rolled up, revealing the bandages covering his arms. His face was also mostly covered by the bandages - only his eyes were visible. A more superstitious person might have assumed the redness of the eyes might have meant that he's a vampire, but in fact the lack of gleaming made it much more probable he was just an albino member of his race. The white hair kept on a short ponytail would also make the latter the more possible option.

The fellow kept his eyes averted from any light sources and lifted his hand in to a polite little salute. "I doth hope ye are not a bunch of bandits." He didn't hide the fact that he was armed, but made no attempt to draw his weapons. "You don't really look like bandits."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gareth

Gareth KingKlutz

Member Seen 19 days ago

Brock listened to Rook as she described the Blackoak Rill. It didn't sound like it was too far away from where he was now. But... It seemed like rook was trying to send him off while her and her apparent good buddy were going to go do some stuff. He wasn't having it. "Thanks for the info, but I think I will afterall stick around with you two. As it seems you guys attract excitement and adventure."

Brock went over to investigate the first snapping he heard, as he drew closer to the sound, he heard a lot more snapping of twigs. (I don't have a name for your char. Marcus so I'll just have to mention you Marcus.) He spun on the spot and marched over to Marcus, and upon seeing the man with many bandages on their face. He frowned as he cautioned him. "I wouldn't be so careless as I walk through the woods. You let everyone know where you are and you would meet up with the wrong person on the wrong day, it would be a disaster."

@Kelewen@Blox@Marcus XVI@MayLily915@bloonewb@Polybius
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kelewen
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Rook felt momentarily annoyed that Brock simply declared he was sticking around with them. But she couldn't help but smile just a little at his observation that they attracted excitement and adventure.

Excitement and adventure. Aside from the obvious desire to locate the rumored treasure, there was that. She was a few years older than Kaiden, but had known him since they were both children, and they had remained good friends. She thought back to their childhood and their 'adventures' which usually consisted of slaying imaginary monsters and hunting for new places to explore, once getting so lost that they did not find their way back home for two whole days! Her mother had been convinced they were both dead and they were forbidden from exploring together for months after that.

So when the map had come into her possession, Kaiden was naturally the person she thought immediately to include. It had not been difficult to convince him to go on this venture and they'd spent the last few weeks conspiring and making preparations.

And so she was not anxious to allow others to intrude on their quest. When Brock stepped away to meet the newcomer, Rook took the opportunity to glance down at what Kaiden had pressed into her hand and she looked curiously at the parchment with the gold stamp and some strange markings. Once all the commotion had died down, she would have a closer look. For now, she shoved the parchment into the pocket inside her leather vest along with the map and then turned to get a better look at the fellow covered in bandages.

"Not bandits," she said, keeping a healthy distance away for fear the bandages might mean the man was a leper. "Just travelers. But what of you?" Her eyes landed momentarily on the sword, then searched the surrounding forest again. Something about the man's relaxed demeanor struck her as suspicious. Did he have companions hidden? She glanced in the direction where Kaiden had disappeared into the brush, hoping that he would kill his quarry quickly and they could be on their way. Her eyes then caught a small bit of purple... a figure lurking behind the huge oak tree nearby.

Her heart lunged into her throat as she thought her suspicions confirmed and she took an involuntary step backwards. "Kaiden? We.. ah... should be going..."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MayLily915
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MayLily915 The Gentle

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lily rolled her eyes. It was just like Rook to attract so many people. Her and Kaiden had been tromping through the woods since they left, leaving behind fire-pits and tracks making it easy for Lily to find them. At this point there was no use hiding any more. When it was just the two of them, it had been easy to keep her shadow hidden and use the trees to her advantage, but with so many new comers, someone was bound to catch a glimpse of her at some point.

Lily's crystal blue eyes followed Rook until she was just slightly underneath the tree she was hiding in. She inhaled deeply, and with an soft exhale pushed herself off of the tree. She straightened her arms and pointed her head down to pick up speed. When she got closer to the ground, she extended her right arm. Finally, she collided with Rook, her right hand slipping inside the vest where the map and clue were located. She closed her fist tightly as she tumbled to the ground. Once she had caught her breath she stood, double checked to see that she had the map and parchment in her hand, and took off in the direction Kaiden had first appeared from. She smirked and held the map close to her heart. I will get my revenge Mother. I will finish what you started. The family will pay for what they did to us!!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polybius
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Polybius Rhymer

Member Seen 18 days ago

Bargle was speechless at the strange series of events that had led several adventurers together in a random forest clearing. There was Rook, the archer, and the young man Kaiden who seemed to know the archer. And then of course Brock, the man Bargle had hired in the town of Arbors Edge.

Are they all searching for the treasure?! Impossible!

"Kaiden? We.. ah... should be going..." said Rook. Suddenly someone or something sprung from a tree impossibly fast and collided with the archer. Bargle had enough and spoke a few words of eldritch magic and flung back the sleeves of his robes, "Vigis ast utzilah kalipar!" said the wizard aloud, loud enough for everyone in the clearing to hear. A pool of mud sprung up from the forest floor directly in front of the girl that had collided with Rook (Lily). Bargle hoped to stop her in her tracks and figure out what everyone was up too.

"Not so quick my dearie," said Bargle in his sickly sweet voice. "I do not believe that is yours!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Blox
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Blox Eye. See. You.

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Kaiden disappeared behind the bushes. He was unaware of all that was happening back where they were standing. What he was aware of was the deep pit in his stomach and the subsequent growling that reminded him they needed to get food before nightfall or bread and cheese would be dinner. Kaiden didn't mind bread and cheese but if he had the choice for some fresh meat over their night fire he wouldn't hesitate for the protein.

Kaiden cleared the shrubbery with a swift bound and his eyes fell on River. This creature was different, that he noted in the few seconds before he kept moving. With a flick of his wrist Kaiden drove his dagger forward towards River, aiming for the heart. At worst it would hit her below the shoulder and halt her speed just long enough for him to grab her and finish her off swiftly. As much as he was a lover of his protein he was also compassionate and believe in killing swiftly. He found no pleasure in the hunt. OK, well he sort of did because...adrenaline rush...but when he caught his prey he wasted not even a second before killing them.

A smell that pierced his nose, a smell that just didn't seem right, a smell that almost became a feeling inside of his body, caused hesitation to slow him down slightly. What was this creature? He tried to think of dinner but something didn't feel right. Pushing down the uneasiness, Kaiden refocused on his goal...dinner for him and Rook. They deserved it for how far they've come.

Without waiting to see if his dagger had penetrated his prey in the right spot, or even at all, Kaiden lunged forward as if he were superman, arms out stretched towards River to wrap himself around her. If he connected he would tumbled to the ground with her and bring his dagger up against her throat once they rolled to a stop.

@kelewen @gareth @bloonewb @polybius @maylily915 @Marcus XVI
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by bloonewb
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bloonewb Primordial and also soupy

Member Seen 3 mos ago

River yelped in surprise at the sudden attack. A man had suddenly jumped out, his sticks aimed straight for her. In instinct, she ducked and rolled. Everything inside of her screamed DANGER and began overworking themselves. Okay, calm down. What does he want? No matter, she was alive for now.

The sticks were unable to do their grisly work today, but they did however glance across her arm. Blood spilled out from the gash it opened up. River gave a cry of pain and rage, and leaped at her attacker. She would go for his shoulders, and try to pin him facing down.
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