Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

RP-Status:Open (Temporarily Accepting new applicants)
Humans vs Magic Users

(No surprise) Simple as the title, players will create characters which are Human or 'Magic user'. These two factions, as history entails, constantly rival and even attempt to destroy one another. Zero reason other than vengeance, upon vengeance fuels the animosity between them. Only one factor differentiates Human & Magic-User; Magic-users possess one 'Magi-Talent'. A innate magic feat/ability. Minor as this detail may be, chaos still riddles the world. However we must ask, Players, what will your actions unfold? What path will you forge?

Couple things about the world. Turmoil and chaos greatly thwart the blossom/progression of technology and even society/civilizations as a whole. Here's a few things to quickly cover.


  • Site rules: Alike all content on this site, one must be asked to follow the site rules. Yes elements of gore/violence will be apart, or can be, yet that does not mean we will go overboard. (We don't need reports or readers vomiting from our posts.)
  • Application-Process: To enter/partake in this Role-Play. One must post their character and 'apply' within the OOC. Once permission is given, said character can be posted in the CS thread. Also said accepted character may then post/be active in the IC. Even if someone possesses a character which is accepted. They must apply with each and every character made. Even if the new character is an NPC.
  • Play nice: Ya know, the standard stuff. Don't auto-hit or god-mod. No perfect/flawless characters. Maintain a good 'posting flow' so no double posting. (Wait for two people to post, before yourself.) And all that happy stuff.
  • Communication is key: Please, start PM's with me if you have ideas or concepts to pitch. This could mean anything from simple character background/development, locations/areas for the world, and even future plot events to unfold within our adventures with this Role-Play.
  • Vulgarity: Keep swearing to a minimum, I don't want to read curses for the sake of cursing. Now, adding flavor or 'style' to a character, is another story. (This goes for violence too, fighting may be a part of this, but please refrain from going overboard with gore.)
  • Character limit: Currently 2, unless otherwise arranged.
  • Post flow: Once someone posts, they must wait for two people to post before they can post again. (This is in place to avoid 'speed-posting'.
  • Combat: If two people cannot conclude a winner/victor of a dispute in character. The GM's will be the judge of that. Pretty much meaning two dice will be rolled, one for each character, the higher number will be the winner. (I doubt we will encounter this as a problem, I believe in you all.)
  • Plot armor: Yes, it can exist. I will never force someone, to have a character die. Yet I encourage others to remember. “Death can be our strongest tools as writers.” Something I was once told. On my spectrum of things, I'll typically notify players outright, when/if a NPC I control, is kill-able or possesses 'plot-armor'.
  • Not as important: Despite possessing an 'arena' tag/genre. The only reason it does, stems from factor of high character-combat probability. Thus, competition isn't truly the element/genre, but sheer combat capability/element is. (Hopefully that makes sense)
  • Concerning Player Count: Once three players other than myself are accepted, IC will start. Optimal/Goal amount of players will be five. However, if eight players other than myself are active the RP status will be switched from 'apply' to 'closed'. (Having a Co-Gm(s) can alter this number/situation) This rule is not in effect until needed IC wise.

Review: Important points

  • Players will create a Human or Magic user.
  • Never forget, conflict or hatred exists heavily between the 'factions' or 'groups' of Humans and Magic Users. (Hence the title of the RP.)
  • Magi/Magic-Users, only possess one magical talent or innate ability. Also, overuse of this power within a small time-span is deadly.
  • Character sheet format exist within the 'CS' section.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

I'll keep my eye on this, like I said before.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sounds good @LetMeDoStuff

Personal note for those observing the thread. I have some plots for the RP to start off. Yet this chapter may be more of an 'intro' for peoples characters, or simply grant chance to have characters get to know eachother. (Or even follow some characters plots/storylines) Whereas the more 'lengthy' plots, will cause other chapters to start. (Doubting I'll change threads for new chapters, probably just have the title changed, or have a note visible on the first post. When new chapters begin/initiate.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SaikaAnge
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I have a character, just hashing out the details and such. Put it up when Im done.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
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Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Looking forward to it! @SaikaAnge
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

@Jin Of ManaAfter a character or two is made, I'll try to get mine done.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
Avatar of Jin Of Mana

Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@LetMeDoStuff Sounds more than reasonable. Looks like SaikaAnge is working on one. Let's hope some more show up within the next few days!

GM/Settlement Note: I'm going to try and get up some 'starter locations' today & tomorrow. Though i should let people know in advanced, unless otherwise desired. I don't plan on having a full fledged 'map' for the RP to follow. But in certain descriptions I'll let people know what direction Settlements/civilizations are in correspondence to one another. Allowing people to work their own ideas in, or not be overly restricted/feel they have to follow a guild-line/map. (Since in my history of RP'ing, i've found outright maps to be 'restricting') Also, like the OP states. People are more than welcome to help build settlements/areas/help the RP with ideas. While they enter their character.

Also, added a 'settlements' section on the first post of the CS thread. So settlements created/active can be put within said section.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

@Jin Of ManaI may create a settlemeng as well. Not affirmative though...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
Avatar of Jin Of Mana

Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@LetMeDoStuff Alright. Even if you don't make one in the beginning, you'll always be welcome to make one later on!!!
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
Avatar of Jin Of Mana

Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Here are the settlments I've created thus-far.

They are semi-subjective to update/edits. For example, several bits of NPC information will be plugged in later on.

Personal/GM Note: This 'Chapter' of the RP, will mostly take place around the settlements of, Moonbright-Village, Jin's Shack/Cabin, and Thalburn. (Along with any other player settlements created, if the creator so chooses!)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Heey! Just popping in to say I'm really interested in this.

I'll be working on a character tomorrow and I'll probably post a wip-cs around the evening or the day after (which would probablt still be tomorrow or at night for you cross-Atlantic younglings). ^_^
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hippo AF
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Hippo AF Master of the New Dawn

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Give me about 6 hours and i'll have a Character up, so i guess what im saying is... RESERVED <3

Also, may I have two characters?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
Avatar of Jin Of Mana

Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Hippo AF Yes you may have two characters. Though two characters is all players will be permitted at this point in the RP!!! Also, looking forward to your participation!!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
Avatar of Jin Of Mana

Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This is magnificent and will be added immediately to the Settlement-Section.

Anyone feel free to make their characters involved or from the settlements provided. Or, like @LetMeDoStuff did, create your own. (Of course, they will need to be 'accepted' and follow protocol, etc.) If you desire more information on any settlement, feel free to ask OOC wise or even through PM. ^_^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

<Snipped quote by LetMeDoStuff>

This is magnificent and will be added immediately to the Settlement-Section.

Anyone feel free to make their characters involved or from the settlements provided. Or, like @LetMeDoStuff did, create your own. (Of course, they will need to be 'accepted' and follow protocol, etc.) If you desire more information on any settlement, feel free to ask OOC wise or even through PM. ^_^

My character is in development now.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hippo AF
Avatar of Hippo AF

Hippo AF Master of the New Dawn

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name/Alias/Title: Draco
The Master of Demons, The Demon Mage


Quote: "Those who fight me are a disease, I am merely the Cure"




Race: (Human or Magic-User)

Draco has the ability to summon demons. Demons however, are a variety in their case. Draco can summon many demons which could be considered 'foot-soldiers' but, he also has the ability to call upon Legendary Demons, rulers in their own.

Habits/ticks/quirks (etc):
  • Often sighs at doing anything
  • Speaking his mind
  • Humming a specific tune

  • Draco has a very large pool of magic and so can create many summons
  • Is extremely extremely aware of fine details
  • His skills with a dagger are unparalleled

  • Being lazy
  • Being left alone
  • Cake

  • Fighting
  • Both Humans and Magic-Users
  • Carrot

Draco not only dislikes Humans, but also Magic-Users. He dislikes having to live amongst this never ending war. His life has been damaged over and over and has shaped his personality. He is a very quiet man, with an accompanying expressionless face that even in battle, rarely changes. He hates working but will always follow orders from his superiors, but will complain softly.

Draco has left a group of mages and now, living isolated, practicing his magic. He has managed to master his summoning and has learnt that the smallest portion of arcane magic can summon his companion, an Eagle, shrouded in darkness but also able to speak. Draco has never settled anywhere, always moving around to lower the chances of confrontation. A small human army learned of his whereabouts and quickly dispatched to attack him, but in his defense and last ditch effort, Draco summoned fifty Demons, a feat many couldn't believe as summoning 1 demon was a challenge itself, his name quickly spread from ear to ear, making his existence harder to be discreet.

Draco was part of a group called, "Voyage" and it started with good intentions, however through the influence of a member, the others began to agree (6). The group turned to brazen butchery, laying waste to everyone and everything in their path. The group of Mages became rich, with only one goal in mind, to conquer all. Draco however, couldn't live the life anymore, with regret, he left the group. But leaving was no easy feat, the rest of the group tracked him down, as his offensive power was key to their attacks. A bounty was placed on his head, a bounty even a king couldn't refuse.

After The Voyage
Draco has been hunted for months, both from his former group and also from various bounty hunters. Where he goes, destruction often follows and so he is mostly seen alone, away from others. If he is seen in town its often for restocking and or gaining information about Voyage.

  • A small dagger with an engraving of a Demon on the blade
  • Cloak
  • Backup dagger

Draco will often fight hand-to-hand, using his magic ability rarely as he doesn't like using it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AlidaMaria
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AlidaMaria Damsel lacking distress

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jin Of Mana
Avatar of Jin Of Mana

Jin Of Mana Carry that weight...

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name/Alias/Title: Draco
The Master of Demons, The Demon Mage


Quote: "Those who fight me are a disease, I am merely the Cure"




Race: (Human or Magic-User)

Draco has the ability to summon various beings, however, his twisted nature has signed on contracts of using Demons as his main forces.

Habits/ticks/quirks (etc):

  • Often sighs at doing anything
  • Speaking his mind
  • Humming a specific tune


  • Draco has a very large pool of magic and so can create many summons
  • Is extremely fast, almost moving so fast it looks like teleporting
  • His skills with a dagger are unparalleled


  • Being lazy
  • Being left alone
  • Cake


  • Fighting
  • Both Humans and Magic-Users
  • Carrot

Draco not only dislikes Humans, but also Magic-Users. He dislikes having to live amongst this never ending war. His life has been damaged over and over and has shaped his personality. He is a very quiet man, with an accompanying expressionless face that even in battle, rarely changes. He hates working but will always follow orders from his superiors, but will complain softly.

Draco has always been alone, living isolated, practicing his magic. He has managed to master his summoning and has learnt that the smallest portion of arcane magic can summon his companion, an Eagle, shrouded in darkness but also able to speak. Draco has never settled anywhere, always moving around to lower the chances of confrontation. A small human army learned of his whereabouts and quickly dispatched to attack him, but in his defense and last ditch effort, Draco summoned fifty Demons, a feat many couldn't believe as summoning 1 demon was a challenge itself, his name quickly spread from ear to ear, making his existence harder to be discreet.


  • A small dagger with an engraving of a Demon on the blade
  • Cloak
  • Backup dagger

Draco will often fight hand-to-hand, using his magic ability rarely as he doesn't like using it.

This character is great, but there is one issue.

With his ability, along with power of said ability, there is a skill which concerns me a little.

"Is extremely fast, almost moving so fast it looks like teleporting"

That's more like A magi-power, super-speed. Thus it's alike your character has two powers.

Removing or greatly reducing, the speed-skill. Pretty much is what i'm asking/needing. Other than that, this character is more than acceptable.
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