Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Ryonara @Lucius Cypher @Rivaan

Alex looked at a number of the fruits not knowing which ones to really pick. He wasn't from here at all. Elleonara at least sounded like she worked this area for awhile but he just got off of a boat from the north where some of these fruits are non existent. He looked up at the merchant running the stall and simply asked. "I find myself traveling across the desert outside this city. Which one of these fruits would last a good while out there?" The merchant looked up at him and saw the giant dire wolf and nearly jumped out of his stool. He then began to figgit. He then saw that Alex was waiting for a response and pointed to the coconut's and to a few desert aquatic fruits such as cactus pears. He looked at them and tapped the hard shell of the coconut and knew that wasn't going to happen.

One of the fruits he saw did smell rather nice though. They were green a oval shaped with a bit of a reddish spot on them. "What are those?" He asked. The merchant looked to the fruit and then to the dire wolf and then back to Alex. "Those are mangoes. They will last a good deal out there." The man answered. He nodded and pulled out his coin purse. "I will take all of them." He followed. "You wouldn't by chance have a sack I could use to put them all in would you?" The merchant nodded and began to put the fruits in a sack while also taking Alex's coin. The man seemed relieved when he left.

The merchant looked over to one of the market guards. "What the hell is up with that guy and the giant wolf?" He asked. The guard just shrugged and looked away. He wasn't getting involved with that thing.

Alex looked over to Elleonara as she asked if he had any luck. He looked in the sack and shrugged. "Hope you have a taste for mango,... I just bought all that merchant had. The smell real nice" He answered as he pulled two out. He took a bite from one without even pealing it and spat out the peal. It did not taste too well but the orange juicy fruit underneath tasted rather good. He gave the other to Fordes who just began to chomp down on it knawing around the giant see within as it tried to get every bit of it. He looked over to Elleonara and offered a pick from the fruit in the bag. "Want one?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Catarina La'Spada

"Mercenary, soldier of fortune, sellsword, and many other names. My mother and father were both mercenaries, my mother turned to the sword as oppose to whoring her body, while my father was simply a foolish youth who knew nothing but how to swing a club." Catarina said with a giggle. Despite how she described her parents, it seemed more like a modest jest then insults. "As for my armor and sword, well isn't that a story to tell. Ah, but walking through the streets is hardly the best place to do that. But perhaps if you and I can get some... Private time, we can talk more about my equipment." Laced with innuendo, Catarina wiggled her eyebrow at Vivian as she put her helmet on. Catarina felt that if she didn't, the elf might get distracted from the more important matters at hand.


Sighing Parum looked at the barbarian. She was fairly confident she could shank him dead before he could even lower his staff, but this was hardly the best place to do that. Thanks to this fool, people were watching. She needed to defuse this situation quickly. The masked man offered her a deal: work with him and she could come along, and even survive. He made it clear however that this wasn't a deal, but an extortion. But two could play at that game. "You make a compelling argument. However I doubt this city would take kindly to orcs within it's walls. Less so if they're treacherous and threaten it's good people. But I think we can both work together, as equals in this arrangement, less our strength fail us." Just by mentioning the word orc caught most of the stable hand's attention. There was only a few, but now all eyes were on the orc. Parum could tell this man was a half-orc from the way he smelled; that faint scent of brutality and scorn she's all too familiar with these people. "You and your people need me. Now whether or not I have some need of you depends on your cooperation. So how about it?" Parum raised her hand to seal the deal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vivian was certainly going to take up that offer of some private time. Of course the onion knight puts her helmet back on. Perhaps she knew she was being a little distracting and decided to put a hold on that. She sighed knowing it was probably for the best. What where they after anyways? Oh right potions and scrolls. She wondered if they had any acid, specifically stomach acid that can eat away at a lock or... in a very desperate manor melt away a enemies face. She would also need scrolls for back up spells. She wont be able to cast all of her spells all day and the scrolls would help her achieve that somewhat. A lady can only cast fireball so many times before she gets tired. She wondered how farther this merchant was. Recalling their current position she hoped that their barbarian companion was just going to wait at the stables and not try to face the desert and the temple ahead of them.

"So where is this Merchant of yours? As soon as we see him and leave we can go. Perhaps some private time down the road."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 16 min ago

Elleonora Alnara

Elleonora smirked slightly amused as Alex spat out the not so tasty peel of the fruit.” Yeah… I did the exact same thing when I started my journey through the desert about 2 weeks ago or so.” She said with a laugh.

“Mangos are quite good indeed, make a fine change of pace when we will be eating mostly very dried up rations to prevent spoilage. Besides eating tasty food is a must while on march! It raises morale on top of giving a lot of energy!” She nodded and threw a look at the man, before finally shaking her head slightly.

“I will pass for now, but do save it for me for later.” She said with a smile.” I’d love to eat it once we get some distance into the desert!” The cleric explained before placing a hand on Alex’s shoulder.” Now don’t hold still for a moment.” She said, focusing her mind and using Endure Elements on Alexander.” This will help you a lot till tomorrow. You cannot walk journey across the desert in that armor, you will be burned alive before you make it a mile out of town. My spell will keep you nice and cool though. At least till tomorrow around this time.”

Kalista Neles Ka Valesti

Kalista listened to the bard talk for a moment, explaining what he was doing all the way south in these desert lands. It made sense actually! Bards were supposed to learn and find new tales to tell all the time and what better way to do so than experiencing them first hand! She smiled, thinking just a tad bit better of him now. He was an alright person… mostly it seemed. The half-elf had seen other womanizers in the past and some of them were also decent folk to be around, have a laugh, a drink, spend a night and on the next day continue like nothing happened. That was usually how those friendships went… no emotions really and it was fine.

“Me?” Kalista asked when she was suddenly asked and looked around, trying to figure out how to explain her answer. It was a nice temple now that she studied it, but she had tilted her head, returning her thoughts on the question she was asked.

“Just passing through really…” She finally said, throwing a look at the book the bard was going to be making a copy of, before pulling her own parchment, ink and quill. She was almost out of writing supplies, but they were going to be enough for this task.” Let me help, two people would write down the things faster as we don’t have the time to spend…” She said and also started to nimbly copy another page almost from memory, having to look over at it only once in every couple of lines.

“But yeah… took a portal to Saphire from a few towns to the east in the desert again. Basically saved me a week or so journey through the sands in a caravan. After this quest, I’m heading to the north…” She explained, throwing a look at her Grimoire.” I’m following a lead on a personal quest, hopefully this lead pays out.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Gritting his teeth into a smirk, Malkai had to admit this halfling was braver than the usual shorties he dealt with. usually his very presence was more than enough to have them pissing on themselves. This halfling however kept her composure and made sure to point out his orcish features to make even the stable hands, who Malkai didn't worry about at first, pay him some mind. Not that he was worried that he couldn't fight his way out of the city, but that wasn't what he wanted. Still... It wasn't as if the halfling wasn't offering something he didn't want either. So he shook her hand. "You drive a hard bargin. My name is Malkai."

Veridis Quo

The bard listened carefully as Kalista explained her reasons for being here. Whimsy was as good as any, though it seemed that she had her own goal in mind. Heading northward it seemed. Veridis would have asked, perhaps even offered to help, but he was savvy enough to know that it was far too soon and this quest far too personal for a complete stranger like Veridis to ask something like that. He might be able to eventually, but not now. "I see. I wish you luck then. Now, let's get started shall we?" As the two entered the archives, Veridis dropped a few silvers into an offertory box, getting a small bow and pray of thanks from the attendant there.

Veridis took a quick look at the libraries index to help find what they're looking for. "Let's see... Let's look through the Geography and Religion section. Geography would allow us to get a lay of the lands around the ruins and Religion can help us figure out more about Nerull and his temple. We only have about half an hour before we need to meet back with the others, so we'll have to read quickly. Which subject will you research?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Catarina La'Spada

"Right over there actually. Looks like he was just about finished with another customer." Vivian and Catarina would approach a native looking man, missing a right hand but otherwise looking quite healthy. "Business is good, Kirie?" Catarina spoke out as the merchant Kirie turned towards her. He smiled and greeted them warmly. "Ha, Catarina my friend! Back from your adventures, ja? And who is your lovely companion here, a fellow adventurer?" The merchant greeted Vivian with a bow, not really noticing her dress or elven features. It actually looked like he was partially blind, at least in his right eye. "Something like that. We're going to be working together for our next job and need some supplies. Mind showing us your wares?" The merchant smiled, raising his hands towards the back of his shop. Magic glowed from his single hand and he brought over a large sealed box containing various scrolls and potions. "But of course, Catarina! Of course! You are a very good customer, come come, see what the great Kirie has made for you today!"

Kirie showed Catarina and Vivian a variety of potions and scrolls, most he made himself. Kirie would talk much about himself while they browsed, mentioning how he was once a great traveling wizard himself, making spells and potions as a living. He lost his hand saving a local king, and later in live was blinded by a powerful archdemon, only to recover slightly after slaying it. Of course he wove these stories well, but Cataraina could tell that not all of them were true. What was true, however, was his crafting skills, as he did indeed create most of his own wares. Vivian would find everything she needed in terms of scrolls and alchemist tools, and with Catarina's discount she could buy herself quite a few. Catarina herself got a very good deal on a Wand of Cure Light Wounds. Though it only had 30 charges instead of the usual 50, Catarina was able to get it for a 1/3 of the price.


"Good. Now that we're in agreement, let's get these horses ready. The mage guild might be offering as much as they can, but I know we can squeeze a bit more out of it." Parum turned and walked towards the horse merchant to get the horses. It was six mares, raised for speed, and had a bit of supplies with them as well. Their saddlebags had basic necessities such as food and water for the horses, but what would be really helpful was a wagon. Something that could carry not only some of the party, but also any other supplies they'd find. And it had to be a sturdy wagon as well, something that could survive the desert storm and stray arrows. The merchant did indeed have what she was looking for, a caravan wagon, fit to hold around 1000 pounds of cargo and still have space for a driver and two others. Parum doubt they would need that much, but that just meant more space for them. They would also need the wagon since Parum was too small to ride a regular horse, and the stable had no ponies that could keep up with the horses. A wagon might make them move slower, but it would at least let Parum tag along.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Vivian followed Catarina right into the shop. There was a peculiar man running it and he was partially blind it would seem. His wares consisted of what you would find in a mage's shop. He brought forth a case which had a couple potions and scrolls inside and she decided to take a look. Wouldn't hurt after all. She saw a few potions that caught her interest. After all they where what she came here for. They were mostly potions of cure minor wounds. It would help her in the long run and not require Catarina to protect her the whole time. She knew she was going to get hurt during this trip. What she did notice though where two potions with a very familiar liquid in it. It made her a little nervous though seeing as she knew what they were. Every drow does because it was the drow that make them. Drow knock out poison. If this man made it himself then someone taught him or gave him the know how. She must not have been the only drow in this part of the world and that worried her. She swallowed her fear and just took out her gold for the potions and saw a potion satchel. It made carrying the things much easier. It was quite fashionable as well. She pulled forth a couple more gold to pay for it as well. ""This will be it from me at the moment. Hopefully I make it back in one piece. Well at least all the important bits anyways." She commented. Once the items were all paid for, costing her a total 30 total. She looked over to Catarina. "Shall we get going?"



Alex nodded to the cleric. "Thank you that will help a lot." He responded. The tension of the heat he felt quickly faded as he stood there and he just smirked. It is amazing how magic works. The ability to change your surrounds or give yourself a barrier against the elements. He never had a interest in learning though. His only weapon was his bastard sword. It was all he ever needed in the battles he fought. He then looked towards their next destination. With what they got it was time to head for the stables. As he moved towards them he noticed the barbarian fellow and... is that a halfling? Huh they are everywhere it would seem. He shrugged as he headed over. Perhaps a new member of the party I suppose. What the halfling was preparing though was pretty clever. Then again most of the kind where. He never meet a halfling before that didn't put his brain to use. Most of them where thieves though so when you saw one you kept your gold out of reach.

At least with the wagon... they could possibly loot the temple while they were there too. I mean the place couldn't have just housed the chalice but other valuables as well.

The Library

What was found in the books would be very useful. The history of Saphire and the temple were actually connected. When the fate of the temple was created from a horrid sandstorm that nearly burried it the survivors that got out made the home on the coast. Right where Saphire was. With their magic and the help of a few unsavory locals. Mostly the lizardfolk that neighbored it. Saphire was formed. The true question that the book failed to answer though was whether or not the remnants of Nerul's clergy still had influence over the city or not. It would explain however the guilds tough grip on the city though.

As for geography, the book also told of the temples run in with the other locals that where not so friendly. The desert orc tribes. The priests held their own against the orcs however due to their undead guardians. Which did consist of ones made of stone. Research was also conducted of golems there as well. Whether or not they were successful in creating one was also not made clear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Elleonora Alnara

"You are welcome, friend." Elleonora replied to Alexander as he seemed genuinly pleased and slightly amazedby the effect of the magic." I too use the same magic on myself due armor." She explained with a smile as they walked. This was going to be her first adventure in the desert. Her solo treck across the sands after the sandstorm hit her didn't count!

'Hmmm... who's the halfling?' The cleric wondered as they reached the stables. Needless to say the preparation going on seemed quite decent. The wagon would be a godsend about getting all the loot they find. Also all their supplies for the journey, would ease their burden while they walked.

On the minus side of things, a wagon was heavy and in the sands, away from trade routes, if it got suck somewhere, getting it out would be an incredible pain. She only hoped it wouldn't come to that.

Kalista Neles Ka Valesti

"Well this turned out a rather productive research for a change." Kalista stated, taking a deep breath. The fast coppying of whole pages made her wrist hurt. She was not a stranger to long writings, but she usually didn't have to speed it to this point. Never the less they did learn a lot of useful tips and bits about the area and history of the temple.

"Back to the gathering place it is then!" She stated, streaching her arms and putting away all her newly created notes.' This was a time and effort well spend.' She thought as they were starting to walk." Hopefully by now the others have also gathered everything we would need. Deserts can get very harsh... The main reason I took magic portal to this town instead of traveling on foot."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago


As Parum was negotiating with the stable master, Malkai went to see the horses themselves. Though attuned to nature as he was, his skills as a druid was far from great. His affinity for animals, for example, was somewhat lacking. True he had quite a partnership with Falchion, but that was not too unlike that of a hunter and his hound. They were merely partners of circumstances, profiting from each other. That is to say, their empathetic bond wasn't very strong. Malkai hasn't quite developed the ability to communicate with creatures, though he has a much better understanding than most. He could pass himself off as an animal whisperer if he needed to. And in this instance, he wanted to get to know more about the horses they'll be riding.

In the stables Malkai looked at the various horses. He could plainly see which one they would be using; they already had saddlebags nearby with the Mage Guild's insignia on them. The horses themselves were strong, young mares, built for speed. However Malkai set his eyes upon a much more robust stallion. If they were going to be traveling through the deserts hauling a wagon, they'll need stronger horses. Malkai looked towards the stallions, and they looked towards him. The two creatures met eyes with one another, glaring at each other. Staring into one another souls. Then Malkai took out a sugar cube. Horses love sugar cubes.

Afterwards Malkai subtly undid the latches, but didn't try to steal the horse. When the opportunity presented itself, the horse would come to him. He waited outside the stables for Parum to finish her business/for the others to arrive.

Veridis Quo

Veridis spent much of his time reading more than he did writing. These books, boring to some, contained a vast amount of stories and lore that greatly interested the bard. History and adventure that he could now only imagine, though one day witness himself. He was half tempted to take the books, but he knew the wards on them would only make him an enemy to the church. Best not to make any enemies and simply write down what he could. Once he had a decent few sheets of valuable information, Veridis went to find Kalista. It seemed like she was finished as well. "I hope so as well. Knowledge is powerful, but a good story doesn't solve a dry throat. Let's be off!" Adjusting his bags Veridis set off to the meeting place, the stables, and hoped that the rest of the party was ready to leave as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Catarina La'Spada

Catarina didn't buy much while she was at the shop, using most of her money to help Vivian buy whatever she needed. Catarina did however buy a few weapon blanches; oils that she could coat her weapon with to give them powerful effects. She brought two in particular: Axiomatic and Adamantine. For a limited time, she could make her weapon "Lawful" to deal with demons and such, or Adamantine to deal with golems or really hard walls. Always useful in the desert, as many of the bandits were chaotic by nature, and more than once has Catarina really needed to bust out of a prison. Once she made her purchases Vivian was also done and they were ready to leave. "Yup! Let's hurry while the sun is still out."


Parum was able to get a good deal for a nice size wagon. It wasn't the best, and fairly simple all things considered, but Parum practically got it for a steal. It was a loan, but Parum was able to strike a deal where she'll pay for it after her trip into the ruins, which hopefully would bring a good amount of gold to pay for the wagon. It could haul up to 3000 pounds of cargo, and has enough space to hold about eight medium sized creatures. It would need two horses to haul, though it can be pulled by four. The horses that the mage guild was loaning them would be more than strong enough to pull the wagon together, though they might be going a bit slower than they would if they just took the horses. Still, an ancient ruined temple was bound to have many treasures and relics they can't bring back by hand. And while a wagon might seem like a tempting target for bandits, this wagon also had some armor plating on the side as well as thick wood, making it excellent cover against arrows and other ranged weapons. Parum certainly know how to pick em.

After making the purchase she noticed that two people from the tavern arrived. No doubt they're wondering who the halfling is, so Parum went to introduce herself and make a good first impression. "Salutations! You must be fellow adventurers for the quest, correct? The one contracted by the mage guild? My name is Parum, and I am here for the excavation job by the mage guild. When I heard they finally managed to find some brave souls to clear the ruins, I rushed here as quickly as I could!" Parum lied seamlessly, mostly by fusing her lies with truth. She made it sound like she was contracted by the mage guild to do this job, when in truth she really did only "hear" that they hired these adventurers to do the dirty work. And she indeed did get here before they did. Despite the white lies, Parum put on an honest and eager face. As long as she was friendly and made sure not to press their buttons, they were sure to trust the halfling.

"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance! May I have your name?" Parum extended her hand in friendship.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Vivian wish she held as much excitement for the sun's rays as Catarina did. She hoped that perhaps she could trust Cat with her secret. Perhaps sometime when they are out on the sands preferably alone. She will tell her what she really is. Tell then she will remain a beautiful elf of the surface. Even with her ring on it did not protect her real skin. She could feel the suns burn everytime she stepped out into. It's bright rays blinding her for several minutes when they stepped out. Her reflexes immidaitly grabbed on to Cat to help her along until her eyes finally adjusted once more. She hoped that continual hours in this place would get her used to the sun. Once they had adjusted she let go and pulled her hood further over her eyes. Holding onto her staff she took her place at her new partner's side.

"I hope the others where just as successful in gathering what we need. The less we have to worry about the better... would be nice if the guild would grant us a wag....on" She began to say as she looked to the stalls and saw a wagon. A halfling had obtained it and she smirked. Well that solves that problem. She was most certainly riding within it. That would save her poor skin from the sun anyways. It also did not take long for everyone to gather either. She saw the man and his dire wolf also approaching with a good sack. The woman... god what was her name now? Elleonara? That was it. She also had supplies with her as well. Their little group was doing well.


Alexander rose a brow for a second as he took in the words of Parum. It made sense that perhaps the guild would send someone with them. They were really eager to get this artifact to send someone to watch them and on top of that a blood ritual too. This artifact must be worth a good amount of gold. He saw her extend her hand and he nodded returning a smile and reached in to accept the hand. "The guild sure has some interesting people in their little organization." he said. He almost chuckled at out he worded it. Making the guild sound like some secret society bent on summoning demons and taking over the world. He looked to the wagon and was rather impressed what she brought to the table. "The name's Alexander by the way. This is Fordes" He said as the Dire Wolf took to his opposite side. The animal looked to the halfling.

Fordes wasn't new to halflings. It also recalled that it's master lost a few games of dice to a few in the past. The companion looked to Alexander afterwards hoping he would be careful this time. Alex then noticed Vivian and Catarina was joining them after their little hunting. Catarina had her helmet on again and he wondered what that was all about. "Looks like we got some more help from the guild."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Elleonora Alnara

Elleonora kept her calm friendly smile throughout the halflight's statements, but something didn't really sit well with the cleric. She simply didn't buy it, not that she'd say something outright. She just suspected this Parum person was up to her own plans, probably involving the screwing off the rest of the group after said artifact as acquired.

“Nice to meet you, Parum. My name is Elleonra.” The cleric took the hand for a shake. After that she quickly located a mount that was going to be hers and threw her bags on it, making sure they were tightly fastened to it.' Yeah... I'm completely sure she's up to her own plans...' She thought as she was climbing on her mount. There were a few thing that led Elleonora to that conclusion, but the main one was that the guild did no mention of this halfling... along with the one that her appearance was way to good to be a coincidence.

Kalista Neles Ka Valesti

“Come on now, Veridis. Faster!” Kalista called as they walked down the streets, urging her companion to walk bloody faster! She wanted them to reach the meeting spot as fast as possible so they can get going as fast as possible!” I swear if you do not try to speed up, I'm wrapping my whip around your neck and dragging you to the stables!” She said as they were at least nearing the place now.

Sure enough as the sun rising in the morning they reached the meeting spot and saw the rest of the group. They appeared to be the last to arrive.” Well we are last, but to write everything down takes time so we are excused.... though hey don't you think we appear to have one person more than we had originally?” She asked Veridis as they neared and noticed Parum. Also there was a wagon! That was grand, at least now they would have a place to hide in case of a sand storm. Though if a sandstorm did happen, the wagon wouldn't really be usable anymore after it's been buried for unburying it wouldn't really be viable depending on how much sand it had on top of it.

“ So, we all ready?” She asked as they reached the rest, noticing the cleric and the knight looking guy having big bags of what was hopefully the food they set off to buy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Malkai simply stood off to the side as Parum lied to the others. It made no difference to him if they saw through her lies or not, as it wouldn't be in his benefit if they did. Malkai concerned himself with the horses, getting them saddled up and ready to go. That stallion he saw before came out, and Malkai nonchalantly readied him as well. Once Malkai had some horses ready to pull the wagon, he got onto his mount and turned towards the others. "Ready to go."

Veridis Quo

"Don't mind me, just enjoying the stroll!" Veridis said as he ran after Kalista. And he indeed was enjoying this stroll, watching her athletic backside bob up and down with each step. Soon they arrived to the stables, last it seems, but everyone was here at least. Plus a halfling. Aparently she was part of the group now, which surprised Veridis. The guild seemed rather hush-hush about this job, so having another adventurer here who wasn't at the meeting seemed rather suspicious. But Veridis kept his conspiracies to himself, not wanting to seem like a threat to whatever game this Halfling was playing at. "Veridis Quo, wandering mistral and wastrel. Pleased to meet you. If we're all ready, let's be off!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Vivian did not know what Cat's plan was. Would she take to a horse or would she go into the wagon. Either way her own plans where already decided. These people may see elf but she is drow elf and the sooner she gets out of the sun and inside the wagon the better she would feel. She climbed into it and found herself a seat and patted her staff. "Wont be long now my old friend,... just be ready for when the time comes." She spoke. She knew that the wagon would slow them down but it gave them many opportunities that could not be ignored or thrown aside. Side from providing herself with shade. It did not take long for her eyes to adjust either to the low light. When she peaked outside everything seemed brighter then it normally did. She sighed and then shrugged. Well Viv this is the life you chose...

She heard a thud and looked to the source and saw that Alexander had tossed the bag of fruit into the wagon as well. She thought he was to join her but all he did was position the bag a little then climb back out. "They'll be better in here then dangling from the side of Fordes. Out of the heat and in a cooler area would be best. Help yourself to one if you get hungry." He said to her and she nodded. If only the knight knew what she was. He wouldn't be so kind and generous. The thoughts of it all made her even more nervous... this group may not react so kindly to her if her identity was ever revealed. A few might not act with cruelty but some just might... Cat will protect her though from them.... hopefully.


Alex exited the wagon after he did what he wanted to do and then moved to Fordes and climbed aboard the large dire wolf. He then patted the guys head. "Well buddy, looks like we will be braving the desert together." Fordes tilted his head upwards to look to Alexander and barked answering him. Alex just smiled and waited. It did not take long before the group all got situated. They all either joined Vivian in the wagon or took to a horse. Either way their destination was the same. To the temple of Nerul to find the Chalice. He hoped it wouldn't be too un eventful. This trip could be boring the whole way if not otherwise. Soon the wagon began to move and the rest of the party soon did too. At first it was slow as they passed around and through people as the came and went from the city. It went to show that not everyone was protected by its walls. The area outside were also not as comfortable looking as the homes inside.

The more farther they went they left the slums of Sapphire and into the farmlands where they grew the more exotic plants that could brave the heat. From there they would begin to experience the expanse of nothing but sand. Alexander looked at the people in the poor areas. Despite their situation some of them still managed a smile or a friendly wave his way. They where happy despite having nothing. A sight not to unfamiliar to him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Catarina La'Spada

And soon the party was off! Catarina noticed the new face, a Halfling who claimed to have been part of the Mage's Guild, or at least subcontracted out to them. Catarina could see that, she has done a few jobs similarly. Odd that she wasn't present at the meeting however. Catarina would also have to keep an eye on her. Still, she was grateful for the wagon though Catarina still rode her own horse. The beast seemed nervous at the plump looking knight mounted on it, but Catarina was no stranger to mounted combat. She preferred fighting on foot, but the speed she could achieve on horseback wasn't anything to scoff at. For a knight like herself, mobility was just as important as strength. After all, no strength in the world could protect your from a rain of arrows like dodging can.

Although Sapphire was was best known for it's glamorous city, some people forget that it has farm lands too. Cataraina herself was surprised that anything could grow in a desert when she first arrived, but one must never underestimate the determination of humans when they call a place home. Not that it was easy of course, as the farmers relied much more on the river to water their crops, and outside of the walls they were easy prey for thieves and bandits. Usually they weren't worse than a gang of three or five, nothing a trained guard couldn't handle. Most villages were protected by at least one squad of guardsmen, as Cataraina had learned. No, what the villages were more fearful were the orcs. Desert nomads who generally tried to stay away from places like Sapphire, but farming villages around harvest time were ripe targets for their raids. Though the guard presence typically increased during those times as well, Catarina can always find work around harvest season to fend off orcish raiders from these villages. Generally the pay was crap, but Cataraina made more money off looting the dead orcs then getting paid by the villagers. As for the orcs themselves, Catarina didn't really have any negative feelings about it. It was a job, she rationalized, and if they were human, giants, elves, or dwarves, she would cut them down all the same. Admittedly however Catarina has made more than a few enemies with notable orcish warriors for slaying their brothers or cousins or some such. But such was the way of battle.

"If we continue at this pace, I believe a little after nightfall there is a small village we could make camp in. I've worked with them before, and they may give us some shelter for the night."


Once the group was off Parum pulled her hood up and drove the wagon. Some people may question why Parum would wear a long silk robe in a scorching environment like a desert, but that was because she worried more about being sun burned over being a little hot. Plus her robes were very breathable, allowing some ventilation and cool air to pass through. Not to mention her robes also helped Parum hide little knick-knacks she steals, plus her many daggers. The elvish mage chose to sit in the wagon and Parum could tell that something weighed on her mind. Was it perhaps concern about this mission, or something more personal? Parum could certainly tell that it was worrying the elf. Since she needs to make allies, Parum figured this would be a good chance to make a bridge. "So, Vivian was it? You seem like a mage of some sort, what spells can you use?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 16 min ago

Elleonora Alnara

Sure enough soon the newly formed party was already on their way to their destination. Elleonora had put some of the bags she was carrying also at the wagon while she had taken a horse for herself. She did not envy the noble creature for having to stand her weight plus her battlehammer and her armor under the scorching sun, but it was a sacrifice that needed to be made. In return she had bought an apply from a stall while they were leaving Sapphire. When she gave it to the anima, her horse did seem to like it and started to move just a few ideas more energetic.” Thank you for your help.” She whispered gently in the horse's ear and caressed it's head.

The nord woman knew full well that the horses were intelligent creatures. They could read a person's intonation well enough and her talking to it with gentle soft friendly voice meant a lot.

“Hmm I agree, if we really do reach that village we should stop for the night there. The desert is a dangerous place and while the night is a lot easier to stand and travel through, it would be indeed best to let the horses and Fordes rest at a location where there is enough later for them.” The cleric agreed with the warrior with the funny armor. Catarina, if Elleonora had remembered correctly. Still luckily for the cleric at least she didn't have to stand the burning heat till the next morning.

Kalista Neles Ka Valesti

As they had departed form the city, Kalista had decided to ride in the wagon if for nothing else but because she disliked the desert sun. She grew up in a region where the weather was moderate almost all year round so the blazing sun just made her feel bad and overly hot.

For that reason now she carried in the wagon along with the elf woman, Vivian and the driver who was the halflight Parum. The half elf didn't really try to talk much with them for the moment and instead had opted to relax in the corner of the wagon. She pulled an item from her bag and with a flick of her finger it's part spread open revealing a wooden folding fan. Between the wooden pieces was a silk cloth with the image of exotic green trees.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Malkai rode a bit ahead of the pack, using his natural tracking skills as Falchion to help them find any ambushes. His bird would soar high into the skies and get a view of the road ahead, then land back onto Malkai’s arm or staff to inform him of what it learned. He mumbled to it in Druidic, the only language that his bird understood. So far it hasn’t found any trouble, though it did find a meal in the form of a desert rat. It stood on Malkai’s staff and ate its prey while he continued to glare into the desert, waiting for prey of his own.

Veridis Quo

And so the party was off! They left the city of Sapphire and went into its countryside. It was much what one would expect living outside of the city. Rustic and somewhat poorer, though the abundance of crops and people working the field had it’s own charm. Indeed, it was through the throes of hardship that people find inspiration to make the world a better place, instead of the comforts of luxuries.

As the party moved from the city itself to the open road Veridis proposed a question for conversation. ”So, the mage’s guild is offering quite a reward for this job. What do you all intend to use your money for? As for myself, I’ll send some of it back home to my parents, and the rest I think I’ll spend on improving my abilities.” That was to say, buying some magic items himself. A headband of charisma, perhaps an enchantment for his lute. Speaking of it, Veridis took out his instrument and strummed a song for them to listen as they traveled. Something to uplift their spirits.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vivian Bloodmoon

Vivian obviously had a lot on her mind at the moment. Every time she tried to relax she kept thinking of the potion maker Cat introduced her too. Then the trace of thought was lost to the wind. The culprit was the halfling as he asked her a question. He asked what spells she was able to use and she looked up at the wagon's ceiling and then back to Parum. She reposition herself to the other side of the wagon so both could look at each other without turning fully around. "Well I suppose it depends on the situation. See unlike wizards who depend on books my arcane knowledge is completely derived from my ancestors and knowledgeof the arcane. Basically I can cast a fireball, a lightning bolt, or a cold spell if I want to do some damage. Or I can help us see in the dark if we use up all our torches or I can create water like the cleric. I am not fully skilled though as some of the masters are where I come from though. My spells will help us a long the way though don't worry." She then looked to Veridis and noticed something... there were only three males on this mission. The half orc, the knight and then the bard. The bard being the most charming of the group when it comes to looks.

The half orc... well can't judge him too much due to the mask but he does have the body. Back to the subject at hand though. She decided to indugle the halfling even further. "What makes me unique though. Is my choice for a companion. Not going to spoil it but he is quite not what you would expect from an elf." She said as she patted her staff. Then the bard asked a question to all about what they would spend the money on.

She never really thought of it actually. She really didn't care for it. She was doing this mission to build up a name for herself. So that people could trust her... but the half orc made her nervous. He wore that mask for a reason and it made her nervous. If the people of the surface would easily alienate a half breed despite the things he does... then what chance did she have as a drow elf. "Well for starters... I suppose I would spend it on a permanent homestead here in Saphire. As much as I dont enjoy the heat. The place is rather interesting. Besides... I will stay here as long as I can." As long as my kin will let me that is. If they come running after me then this wont be a good home to remain in.



Alex listened to the conversations. Including the one between the elf and the halfling. Vivian and Parum where their names. The halfling was quite polite but then again most of the little bastards where. No offense to Parum of course but some of the ones he knew up north you didn't want to close to your purse or anything of value or it would be gone the moment you blink. Parum seemed she had some honor but you know what they say about theives... He shrugged and suddenly wanted to know what kind of companion the elf was talking about. He then noticed the onion knight... Catarina was her name. He pulled Fordes up right beside her. "Were you a soldier too? Any of your battles take you up north?" He asked rather curious. He was then interrupted by a question by the bard that was meant for all of them. What would the spend the money on. He scratched his head on that one... the elf said something about making a place for herself in the city. That was a good one. Not the same as him though. Then again he didn't know... There was so much he could do but a good place for him and Fordes would be a good start. Then he looked down at his dire wolf. "First things first going to prep this guy for the desert by giving him a shave..." He said.

Fordes looked up and raised a brow and flopped a ear to the side. Alex laughed and patted him on the head. "I am joking,... besides I don't think there is a groomer in that city that would be courageous enough to do it anyways."


The conversations sprouted about the group, but they were not alone out on the sands. Falchion would have notified Malkai of dark figured moving through the sands towards the east. They were looking for something.... or perhaps someone. They had a lot of fur on them with the sand of the desert decorating them. Their snouts dark and black and they had rings around their eyes. They had paws as well.... they were Gnouls. Jackals that could walk on two legs. They had one simple mission and they were going to complete it. One sniffed the air and looked to the others. "I have the ones scent... she be close. I just hope this is worth it. Our contacts mentioned she was among some powerful friends."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Catarina La'Spada

"Mercenary actually. Never really hold any personal loyalties to any land or king, just whoever paid me the highest coin. But I think it's still honorable. Or rather, it's as honorable as you make it. I've fought up northerners before, but I've not been to their lands. I'd prefer a more mild climate to be honest." Indeed, the only reason Catarina stuck around the scotching deserts of Sapphire was because she lacked the funds to get far. What money she had now mostly went to living expanses, and if she planned to travel out of this country to elsewhere, she'd need even more. Which would bring Catarina to Veridis's question. "I'd get out of here. Sapphire has it's charms, but I'm due for a change in scenery. Maybe I'd head up north like Sir Knight mentioned here, see what all the hubbub about those northern barbarians is all about."

Cataraina then remembered that Elleonora was here, who was said Northern barbarians. "Ah, I'm sure there's lots I could learn from them. Culture and what not." Catarina said with a chuckle. Good thing she was wearing her helmet or everyone would see her embarrassment. "Aside from the journey ahead, probally on equipment as well. My blade is topnotch, but I think my armor could use some enchantment as well. Perhaps something to make it more comfortable for me to wear on the day-to-day, since I don't have a partner who'd help me out of it."


"Ah, a sorcerer then! I've heard of your kind I think. Natural talents in the arcane arts." Makes sense for an elf. Either they pick up wizardry or they were already attuned to it. A lot of Vivian's spells seemed of the evocation sort, the type of magic that commanded natural forces to wreck havoc on the enemies. That was fine with Parum, certainly more effective to clear a group with a fireball then to hack each warrior them one-by-one. Soon Veridis asked what everyone would use their earnings for, to which Parum smirked. "Funding a business of course. I came to Sapphire looking for profitable ventures. Perhaps a company or a guild of my own. Or at least, buy myself a place in a guild. There are many things one can do with money after all." And the money she'd get from this job, either by turning over the Chalice or selling it to the next highest bidder, would go far into Parum's plot. "Of course, I'm not like most people who could just settledown with that much gold. You'd think I was a dwarf with how often I'd like to get more money."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Falchion returned, and Malkai's empathetic link with the creature told him of the danger ahead. He couldn't get specifics, but he got the jist that they were few in numbers. Perhaps five or less. And out here, those traveling in such small numbers were either stragglers or scouts. If it was the former then Malkai wasn't worried, as they had a large enough group that they could take them on. But if it was the latter then they would have to be careful. If they already know the group is coming, a larger horde may arrive. "I sense something in the distance. Small group, perhaps five or less. They travel by foot... Humanoid. Could be hostile." Malkai took out one of his short spears, getting it ready to hurl at an enemy.

Veridis Quo

Everyone had interesting answers. Some were understandable, like Parum and Vivian wanting to use the money to settle down. Catarina wishing to upgrade her equipment was also easy enough to understand. Alexander seemed to be a silly one suggesting that he'd first use the money to groom his mount. But before Veridis could ask more questions the quiet masked man mentioned possible danger. Now, it wouldn't be unusual for there to be travelers right now. Best time to be out and about as far as Veridis figured. Of course there was stalwarts the chance for danger, but surely these people meant no harm?

"Now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. While it could certainly be dangerous out here, let's try not to look like a band of brigands ourselves." That being said, Veridis kept his lute out. It was as good as a weapon as any bow, strumming it lightly in preparation for hostilities.
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