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Finally, confirmation. Kili could barely keep the smile off of his face. Dis had always been the sole mother figure in his life, and to have a godmother was something to be cherished. "I knew it." This felt a dream; never in his life had he believed this meeting possible. Until now, Delva had always been a spirit, but here she was in the flesh.

"I've kept everything -- the gifts, and the letters," he explained in a rush of childlike excitement. "Well. I kept the the ones I could keep, that is." Some gifts of nature were not always lasting, but the young dwarf kept them for as long as he could.

There were so many things he wished to know, and so much he had yet to tell Fili. Kili wasn't sure where to begin. Growing up, he'd often been scoffed at by the other dwarves his age. They'd accused him of being foolish for believing in her, and despite many taunts and rude remarks, Kili had refused to agree that she was only a figment of his imagination.

"But...why now? Why did you not show yourself before?" This was something that made very little sense to him -- of all places, why The Shire? Home was far away.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril couldn't help but give a chuckle of amusement to his childish excitement. The same old Kili she remembered was already expressing himself. It was adorable yet amusing at the same time. His devotion to her was proven when he began to ramble, and the she-elf just couldn't stop the grateful smile from appearing upon her Elven features.

When he asked why she didn't show herself before, Saeril's gaze turned towards the ground in guilt and shame. "When your mother told me I was to become your godmother", she began. "I ran. I figured thought I wasn't capable enough to actually watch a child", her shame was evident, and she was even afraid to look at her own godson when confirming the truth.

"And, my appearance. To other races, I represented evil, and malevolence. Tales spread, Kili; everyone was afraid of me, treated like a being of shadow. Since they mentioned it, I stayed in the said-shadows ever since, watching you and your brother grow", the she-elf finally let her gaze move back to him. "I was shameful. That is why I sent you the letters, and the gifts", she gave a sad sigh before allowing her black cloak to miraculous shift into the wings that stayed as a burden. Saeril kept them folded behind her, only for him to see.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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This answer was not at all what he'd anticipated. Dis would not have given that title to just anyone -- she'd always been fiercely protective of her sons, especially after the loss of their father, and so for her to have given this role to Saeril was an honor. While it did hurt to have been cheated of this, Kili did remember Saeril's kindness, and he could see the regret in her eyes. This was something he wished to correct.

Kili could not help but pity her. For a long while, he was quiet, as he was trying to look at the situation from her perspective. "I suppose I can't blame you too much...as I'm sure you've seen, we were quite the handful," he joked because wished to keep things light, and wanted to show that he held no ill will against her. "I'm sure others may have run, too."

The prince's smile faded when she spoke of her own appearance. It was true that he'd never seen another like her, but this was the furthest he'd ever been from the Blue Mountains. There was much in Middle Earth that he'd yet to see. "I'm not afraid of you," he reassured her hurriedly, and that was the truth. Rather than fear, he felt awestruck, though he had completely missed out on the fact that she had wings.

Once they were revealed to him, his eyes widened in shock. "Are those wings?" The question sounded so absurd; he could not help but stare. Balin was the storyteller of their group, and even he had yet to speak of a creature with wings. Aside from Smaug, of course. The next question escaped him before he could stop himself; and the voices from the next room were now drown out completely to him. "Can you fly??"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril looked at him, as soon as he joked about how much of a handful he and Fili were. It was true; she did see Dis and a few others struggle to maintain the boys' excitement, and her decision to stay away became something of great value to her ever since. For the most part, Kili was the wild-child of the family; that she could assume quite quickly. Completely valid. The eldest, on the other hand, was much more reserved, and (somewhat) well-mannered.

She chuckled at his light-heartedness. He was quick to say something that would cheer someone up, and it was working on even the most proudest D of individuals, like herself and his uncle, Thorin. That was what Saeril liked about him: his happiness, and his pure innocence. But there were some things in the world he has yet to learn. His determination, honestly, surprised her though. However, he didn't know everything about her, and that was what she truly feared. He could hate her for what she did. Sooner or later, he will.

Saeril supposed that he only said that for her physical appearance, not for what she did -- and she preferred to keep it that way for a while. He just met, and possibly accepted, his godmother; there was no need for her to induce such fear now. "They are", she simply answered before stretching one huge, brown, feathery wing out, so it was behind him. "I can. Above the clouds and into the headwinds, they never faltered. Not even once", the she-elf smiled as she fondly talked about their capabilities. "Since I trust them, maybe one day, you can fly with me. See what I see", she offered with a gentle smile.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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"Me? Do you truly mean that?" Kili could not believe his good fortune; had to sit himself down to comprehend what this might mean. It was no secret that Kili was a dreamer, he dreamed of many things. Of reclaiming their homeland, of aiding Thorin in battle. He dreamed of seeing new places and faraway lands...but never in his life had he considered seeing these things from the sky.

"I would like that -- I would like that a great deal." Kili could not get over this, and he could not seem to take his eyes off of the powerful wings so near to him. "I never even heard of...well, aside from birds, and dragons," in his own excitement he started to ramble a bit; their journey had yet to begin, and here he was offered the possibility to one day fly.

"KILI! Where are ya, lad?!" Dwalin's gruff, irritable voice broke through his thoughts, and Kili nearly jumped out of his seat. He'd forgotten about the others.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"Of course", the winged she-elf answered him with a nod, confirming his questions and predictions. It felt good to offer him this, that was true, but the fear of trust was still there. Saeril could only give him happiness as of now, and shadowing herself from him was the only way to protect his well-being. She was off to a good start with him, before she heard the shout of one of the dwarves in the dining room.

"Shall we go join them?", she asked him, withdrawing her wing back, in order for the appendages to miraculously transform back into a cloak.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Kili had plenty more he wished to ask in regards to her ability to fly, though he refrained from doing so. At least for now. Rather than respond, he nodded slowly, he could not believe what he'd seen. "Is that magic, then? How your wings turn into a cloak...is that a spell of some sort?" Magic was another thing he'd yet to see, and he was just bursting with things to tell his brother once they had a moment to speak.

"Kili! You'd best not be smuggling tankards of ale." Dwalin seemed to have come to conclusion that Thorin's youngest nephew snuck away to drink more ale than a dwarf of his size should. "You'll need to keep an eye on him, Fili! We haven't even set out yet, and he's gettin' himself lost."

Grimacing lightly, Kili rose from his chair before Dwalin might come up with more theories as to his disappearance. "Fili won't be able to believe it -- does Thorin know of you?" Even as they walked, he continued to ask questions.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Following Kili's gaze to her cloak, Saeril couldn't help but give a small smile at it. "Yes it is. But not by me", she softly answered him, just before she heard Dwalin yell for him from the dining hall. Giving an heartfull chuckle, the she-elf stood up from her sitting spot easily, and slowly beginning to go to the dining room. "Coming?", she asked simply, stopping for a moment. She chuckled again at his questions. He could do this all night. It was all he was good at: his innocent curiousity.

Fili was already looking around for Kili, trying to figure out where his little brother might have gone. Where was he? Walking cautiously to the room of the hearth, he could already hear voices half of the way there. The blonde walked around the corner, and caught sight of his brother with what seems to be a very bizarre female elf. "Kili?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Kili followed without hesitation, though his mind quite preoccupied by the idea of flying. What must have everything looked like from the sky? The world must have looked so very beautiful from up there. Right then, his brother showed up, and his timing could not have been more perfect.

"Fili, there you are!" Kili brightened at once; he'd hoped to introduce the two without the rest of the company asking questions. 'Delva' had been important to both, and she was the godmother to Fili as well. "This is Saeril," Kili introduced the two, and he looked between both to see what their reaction may have been to the other.

"Do you recognize her?" The youngest knew for a fact that Fili would not have, but he could not resist holding out on her true identity. Hopefully Fili would believe him when he did tell; he hadn't a drop of ale, after all.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Fili looked between his brother and the female elf before him, and his facials weren't at all negative. He was instead...grateful? "I know her, Kili", he said his youngest brother, showing no ill will at all in his gaze. "I've seen her many times in the forest, and I didn't want your imagination to fade. So we kept it a secret", the blonde looked at 'Delva' fondly. "I didn't want you to see her yet, until the time was right", he explained before looking back Kili, giving him an approving smile. "She was reserved as a surprise for you".

Saeril watched as her eldest godson explained to the youngest what was going on. She smiled with a slight blush appearing as she looked at the ground, then back to Kili again. The next thing she did was unexpected, she held her arms out towards him, offering the youngest her affection.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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"You knew?" The tables were now turned, and Kili was not quite sure how to take it. The amusement from his features faded completely; he did not have the upper hand in this, Fili had known all along! They did not keep secrets from one another -- not for this long. The younger of the two felt quite foolish for having missed their guardian for so many years. Had he really been so unobservant?

"You should have told me." Again, he felt cheated, and it showed in his tone. Kili may have known her for many years before this, had Fili told him. The prince felt a bit conflicted, though he was thankful to have her now. Meeting her was indeed a surprise, one that he was yet to overcome.

Saeril surprised Kili once more by extending her arms out to him. At that, Kili moved towards her, and then he gave their godmother a hug, one that was long overdue.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Fili did feel a little guilty when he heard his brother accuse him for being secretive, but he did this for, not just him, but for both of them as well. He knew of Saeril's encounters with them, and truth be told, the eldest was the first one to actually see her, in person. But his devotion was for his little brother, and he only did it to surprise him. Kind of like how he used to surprise his brother on his birthday. All he could do was smile at the sight.

Saeril watched the young dwarf approach her before she felt him wrap his arms around her waist. Since he was only four feet tall, he could only reach so much. To allow him a better angle, the she-elf bent down to his height, so they could do it properly. Feeling his warmth, Saeril gave an relieving exhale, gently resting her hand on the back of his head.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Kili was indeed thankful that she had once again moved down to his level. Their difference in height really was incredible; aside from Gandalf, Kili had never faced someone so tall. This would take some getting used to. The hug was warm and sincere, and he felt better for it. For so long he'd admired her, and he could not have asked for a nicer gift. Perhaps Fili had been right to keep her a secret after all.

"Have you come to travel with us to Erebor?" The words were a touch muffled, and so moved his face a bit so that he may look to her. Kili had only just met their godmother, he did not wish to part from her so soon. "Is that why you've come with Gandalf?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril just wanted to hold him forever, encase him in the warmth of her wings, and not let the danger touch him. But if she really wanted to do this: redeem her wrongdoings, then she was on the right track with them both. After what felt like hours within their embrace, she finally heard the youngest's muffled voice. She opened her eyes after he asked, and she gave a sigh of relief before pulling away, still remaining at his level.

"Indeed", the winged female answered. At least Saeril was warming up to him a little bit, and for that, he didn't push her away. Good start so far, she thought to herself. "If the mountain is what your kin wants, I will gladly help you get there", she promised before placing her hands on the sides of his face. "All the way", she whispered fondly before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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"It is what we want. More than anything." Kili did not think his answer over; he could think of nothing else more important to his kin. Even when he'd been no more than a child, Kili could recall Thorin speaking of Erebor. Smaug had taken everything from them, and it was time to take their land -- and treasure -- back.

For Saeril to come along meant the world to the youngest; he longed to know his godmother better. The journey would be a long one, and he'd have plenty of time to speak with her. This was his hope, anyway. What if Thorin did not accept her? His hatred of elves was of no secret.

Despite his inner worry, he smiled fondly as she placed her hands to either side of his face. Saeril was so kind and gentle, what had he done to deserve a godmother such as this? The kiss on the forehead earned a light blush from Kili, for he felt unworthy.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril scanned his facials for a moment, before she returned the small back to him. She couldn't think of anything else besides him now. However, her thoughts were interrupted when there was a pounding sound at the door, which did make her freeze on the spot, until she took a second to compose herself.

"It would seem that he's here", she stated as a matter of fact, almost dreading the fact that the company's leader has arrived. She knew he wouldn't be fond of elves now, but the time he saw was over sixty years ago. Saeril was standing back up to her full height now, glaring looking down at the young dwarf. "Shall we join the others?", she asked. They didn't realize that Fili left them be...
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"That must be Thorin!" Kili was relieved at this; he had no reason to worry for his well being (Thorin could handle himself) but it still brought him comfort to know he'd arrived. "Yes, we should," he agreed with her hastily, and he lead her towards the hall just as Bilbo stomped by to get the door for the fifth time that evening. The hobbit was mumbling complaints underneath his breath, and he looked quite frazzled. Kili was a bit amused by the sight; hobbits were strange creatures.

"Now where did Fili run off to?" Kiki hoped he hadn't offended his brother; he did not meant to appear ungrateful. Saeril really was such a wonderful surprise. "I think the others are in the dining area," he explained, though he had to look up to her. "...Perhaps I should see if our host needs any help."

Bilbo got the door easily enough, and there stood yet another dwarf. Unlike the rest, he appeared very calm, stoic, and a touch skeptical. Thorin stepped inside, and he looked the home over, silently judging the interior. To Bilbo, he raised an eyebrow, then awaited him to speak. The hobbit seemed tongue tied, and so Thorin removed his own coat with a sigh. "Where is Gandalf?"
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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As soon as Kili began to lead her to the hall, Saeril paled, almost expressing that feeling of extreme anxiety. She was just about there. "I can't", Saeril exhaled in defeat before abruptly letting go of Kili's hand and scattered, retreating herself back into the shadows of the living room; her outfit perfectly camouflaged in the darkness, except for her luminous eyes. She wasn't to be feared by -- not anymore; but this one dwarf wasn't one she wanted to come across -- not after what she did to his father. Except he didn't know that, but his disgust for elves was apparent.

Fili was by the door, waiting for his brother to join them, as he took hold of his uncle's fur coat. "Bilbo Baggins, allow me to introduce the leader of our company -- Thorin Oakenshield", the voice of the wizard announced.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Thorin nodded in acknowledgement to his eldest nephew; he was glad to see that his kin had arrived safely. The king gave his shoulder a brief squeeze as he passed him by, and then his blue eyes settled to Gandalf. As of now, Bilbo was overlooked completely.

“Gandalf. I thought you said this place would be easy to find." Thorin spoke calmly, unaware that their 'burglar' stood a mere three feet away. "I lost my way, twice. I wouldn’t have found it at all, had it not been for that mark on the door.”

Bilbo was aghast, and he looked between them in hopes for an explanation. “Mark? There’s no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago!”

While this went on, Kili retreated into the same room as his godmother. Her reaction was not at all what he'd thought it would be; she seemed greatly troubled now that Thorin had arrived. "What is it? What's wrong?" The youngest questioned her outright, as he did not see why she would fear him so.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"There is a mark there, Bilbo. I put it there myself", the wizard admitted as he closed the young Hobbit's circled door. Fili, on the other hand, returned the smile to his uncle, and returned the gesture by putting a hand on his shoulder.

Meanwhile, Saeril was just putting on her black horned headpiece when she heard her youngest godson come up behind her. She turned her gaze to look at him before taking a sigh, and answering. "Your uncle is not overly fond of elves. So for him to see me, it could turn into chaos real quickly. So, to prevent that, I will be covering my pointed ears with this", she explained, gesturing to the headdress upon her head. "Gandalf advised it", she added.
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