Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sarah had little interest in striking up a conversation with this 'reaper', or anyone else really. She was tired, a nap sounded like a better plan then talking. So in service of that end she pulled up a chair and lay her head on the table and set her self on not being awaken much longer.

She was just about out when the ship started to shake from the impact of the shells. While the sound and shaking snapped her back to full alert, she was displeased by the rather rude halt on her much needed rest. She pushed her self up. "Know what, I'm a go for a walk ... a very enthusiastic walk ..." she said as she left the Mess Hall, and headed back to the hanger and to her Gundam. Lucky for her, the halls where marked, otherwise she'd have gotten lost.

As she entered the hanger, she let out a whistle, the type you use to alter some one with. Her Gundam responded with a flash of the eyes and the cock pit opening up. From there she took one look at the catapult and 'noped' the hell away from it. She knew there was a proper for to it or something, but since she'd never needed to use one before she never learned, and she wasn't sure if the Shining Gundam had a 'launch mode', since Mobile Fighters don't launch from ships like this one. Instead, she went out the same door she came in, then flew in the direction of the first 'ass hole' she saw shooting at the ship.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The female heard plinks against the ship's hull. her sensors hadn't picked up any asteroid or debris fields around them and took it immediatly as an attack. Mind you, the machines guns didn't do shit against the nano laminate armor on the Apollo Burning Star, so she had time. Killing the gravity once more, the AV user dashed through the halls and to the bridge, thankfully still in it's battle state as the entirety of the ship was. Sensors and important antenna had been retracted, so nothing of value was getting damaged asides from tiny tiny scratches.

Making it to the bridge, she plugged herself into the Ship and immediately had a bunch of warnings pop up which the woman pushed through. "ALL OF YOU, GET IN YOUR SUITS AND LAUNCH ASAP." called Elizabeth over the comms. she saw out of the ship's armored sensors and gunnery cameras the suits. As if some switch had been flipped, the guns boomed to life with unnaturally high acuracy as she got the ship moving. The engines being shrouded gave them time to start burning hard. The Attacking forces were being shredded in their useless formations by the guns, the armor on the suits paling in comparison to what these guns had to chew through back in Post Disaster. Now scattered, the suits would be nothing but fish in a barrel for the outclassing MS that would be launching to fight them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MD5Ray01
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MD5Ray01 Break past the Silent Line

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ray suddenly came to due to the beeping of the displays in his GM Sniper II. "One ship. Unknown number of units attacking it. I'd better intervene." The EFSF pilot tapped in commands, lowering the targeting visor over the visual sensors and bringing up the long-range beam rifle. Without a further word, he pulled the trigger on one of the control sticks. The long-range beam rifle unleashed its payload of unmitigated energized death, lancing out and skewering two of the Zondo Geis on the first shot.

"Bullseye." he uttered quietly, "Switching targets." With another quick series of commands, he switched targets to the next Zondo Gei and fired, sending out another lance of energy that took the head right off of it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Alice didnt know what these suits was but she launched as asked leaving behind the large axe she stole from before in the ship she quickly took off. "Mission accepted the elimination of all targets commenced." She spoke over the radio before activating the stealth system with it she was able to quickly sneak behind their formation than with a flash of green from the beam scythe as one fell bisected at the waist. Activating the stealth system once more she set out cutting them down one by one each one falling before a supposed reaper.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sarah cut one of the smaller skirted suits down with her Gundam's Beam Saber, then shot down another with the Shining Gundam's rarely used forearm mounted Beam Rifles. She was struggling though, she never fought in space, she she couldn't move and fight nearly as well as she could on the ground. If they where on the ground, or even some where with enough gravity, she'd be wrecking shop.

But as it stood right now, she was really only holding her own against opponents that were beneath her skill level, and that fact alone was frustrating her to no end.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Arclabe


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She would've loved the opportunity to learn more about their mysterious benefactor and savior from the vacuum of space, but the klaxon began to wail, the Apollo Burning Star warning its occupants of an incoming attack. Kanoko stumbled a little as she watched Elizabeth run off, the ship shaking just a little as the attackers began what would normally be considered a relentless assault.

However, whatever the ship was made out of, it was a hell of a lot stronger than anything she had seen in the Federation. That or the weapons were weak, but feeling the vessel shake and shudder under fire told her that it was the former. Wrapping up her head as best as she could to staunch the blood flow and keep it out of her eyes, Kanoko bolted out of the medical room and headed back to the hangar, noticing the other two launching almost immediately through the catapults. Floating back over to her RX-78, she slammed her helmet on and sealed her suit, grunting a little. "Alright, Cavalier scrambling for sortie!"

It didn't take much for the catapult system to drag the mobile suit out and launch it, her thrusters burning in the void as flashes of weapons fire and the blazing trail of propulsion systems met her vision. Gripping the beam rifle again with her shield up, she watched as the other two battered against the flurry of much smaller-than-normal mobile suits, Kanoko more than a little confused as the artillery batteries on the Apollo Burning Star ripped through them. "The heck is going on? I've never seen suits that small before, but geez, even this suit can shrug off some simple cannon fire from ship-based artillery. The shield alone can take that!"

Taking aim at a cluster of the oddly-designed suits, the Gundam squeezed the trigger and unleashed the neon-yellow blast of the megaparticles, not just striking the enemy troopers but outright vaporizing them with the force of the blast. Lowering her gun for the moment, Kanoko scratched her head, moving into the fray. "Are they seriously trying to take on this ship with such wimpy MS's? I've never seen them so...pathetic."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

They were falling like flies to her scythe and the other gundams with the artillery fire being more like insult upon injury. Sneaking up behind one she activated the buster shield and stabbed the odd mobile suit behind showing a flash of green of the beam blade showing it self through the front of its chest. This was her forced style of fighting stealth and geurilla tactics she hated how she had to do this nothing on the deathscythe he was a good partner for what she was forced to do for OZ. Still she longed for the days of honor and facing people face to face in duels of skill and honor. The very same thoughts that was often the principles behind Trieze's rule she was taught under those ideals and so it was probably ingrained but she could care less.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MD5Ray01
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MD5Ray01 Break past the Silent Line

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Ray lined up his sights on another one of the Zondo Geis, he took a quick look at the status screens for his suit's weapons. "Damn." he grumbled, "One shot left before I have to stow this rifle. Better make it count." As his suit fired, the stream of mega particles ripped into the Zondo Gei's reactor, causing it to explode. He input another command and the GM Sniper II stowed the long range beam rifle on one of the weapon racks he had set up, then drew the 90mm long rifle. "Targets verified, commencing hostilities." he uttered as pushed the thruster control to maximum forward, shoving his suit off the asteroid he had been sniping from. As he approached a group of Zondo Geis that were trying flanking the Deathscythe, he riddled one with fire from his long rifle before hitting his attitude control verniers and flipping his suit around so that way the feet of his GM Sniper II would slam into the torso of one of the Zondo Geis. Upon his suit's feet impacting on the Zondo Gei's torso, Ray had the GM Sniper II aim the 90mm long rifle down and then fire, riddling the enemy suit with multiple shells. Finally, Ray had his suit draw a beam saber, then spring off of the now-wrecked Zondo Gei in order to slice a third Zondo Gei in twain
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Arrival of the great captain

One by one the Zondo Geis withdrew back as a large ship came into forefront it was unique in shape and design looking like a old fashioned ship in the past. With its top most mast proudly sporting a logo of two bones crossed with a sword impaled between it. The ship was indeed a a sight to behold carrying with it a look from a era long past. Before long it was in full view and people could see the remaining mobile suits returning to the ship. "I would like to ask for a parley" A male voice called out his voice full of strength and confidence despite the amount of suits he lost in the previous skirmish. "A face to face meeting between the Captains I will board your ship unarmed and I hope we can reach a truce of sorts" He finished before cutting off the radio on a wide range transmission that was announced to everyone in the general vacinity.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Listening to the wide range hail going out, the girl gripped the arms of her chair. "You have balls Captain. Attack my ship and crew, waltz up and ask for a cease fire and truce, face to face no less, with the captain of the hornets nest you just kicked and found out you can't handle." Said Elizabeth, leaning back into her chair. She knew she had the upper hand for now, but also had reason to be skeptical of him as he just exposed himself, some sort of an ace hidden up his sleeve incase shit goes south.

"So Captain with no name, why should i accept a truce with you and not just let my crew vent their anger and frustrations on that ship of your's? You give me three reasons i can't counter and i'll give it heavy consideration." she said, cutting the broadcast and only transmitting to the suits she knew were friendly. "Look, even the new guy, watch that ship for any funny business, i don't care if it's a turret rotating or what, just be ready to space this asshole on my word." she sent to her friendlies and then cleared the lines for a reply.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sarah cut down a couple more suits before they suddenly turned tail and ran, to their ship. Sarah decided to do the same and fell back to the ship. On the way back she heard the 'enemy captains' call, and the captain of the ship she was just on reply. She really didn't know who had the bigger balls. The enemy captain for attacking then calling for a talk after they lots a bunch of suits, or the other one for assuming she was 'part of her crew'.

'Your the first ship I found, that doesn't make me part of your crew. It just means you where the first 'port in a storm' I found' she thought, and wisely kept to her self. After all, this other ship and its crew attacked them, no sense protesting about something like that when so far as they all knew this was just a lull in the fighting.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MD5Ray01
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MD5Ray01 Break past the Silent Line

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ray silently nodded as he slid the GM Sniper II into a good firing position, keeping his suit's targeting sensors locked onto the new ship and the 90mm long rifle aimed at his target. "If any of your turrets move even an inch, there'll be some new viewports appearing on your hull." he thought, "To go and attack someone, then request a truce because you got your ass royally kicked is ballsy."

The EFSF pilot stared at his sensor screens and cameras, watching for any sign of movement from the new ship's weapons and Mobile Suits. As he did so, his eyes drifted over to the ammo counter for the 90mm long rifle. "Ninety rounds left in the magazine." Ray said to himself, "Plenty of ammo if I need to start punching holes in the enemy."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Tale of the Great Captain

"Very well let me spin you tale. We are the crossbone vanguard and our purpose is the defeat the of the Jupiter Empire. With that said however we were currently chasing scouts from the jupiter empire which lead us to your location. With that said we assumed you were the jupiter empire but the battle showed that we were wrong." The voice spoke up his voice tinged with regret for jumping the gun he would hate to get his people killed cause he jumped the gun. "Look if you wish sink me and my ship but at least my men escape they were only following orders and I would hate for them to be killed due to my mistakes." He continued letting out a brief pause in hopes to at lest barter for his mens life. "Look I will send a brief transmission showing what we were chasing than let you make your decision ok. As he said that the data was sent showing a dark green mobile suit and its parameters.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MD5Ray01
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MD5Ray01 Break past the Silent Line

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ray looked over the data that had been sent by the Crossbone Vanguard captain. "This information seems believable." the EFSF pilot said over his comm, "But why should we help you out? For all we know, this could be a ruse in order to try and wipe us out. We need more proof that what you say is true as well as nullifying the possibility of betrayal." Even as he spoke, Ray's suit remained locked on the Crossbone Vanguard vessel, ready to fire at the slightest hint of aggression from them.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

'I'm surrounded by trigger happy idiots ...' Sarah thought. All the strange Gundams, Mobile Suits, and ships, not to mention being in space. It all, finally started to sink in. 'We shouldn't be picking fights right now.' she thought, forcing her self to stay calm. Not so much because of the Pirate ship, but for her own sake, freaking out right now would not be good for anyone here.

She looked back at the freighter she was just on, sure, it was durable and well armed, but it lacked man power, and likely the resources to maintain any MS past the Captains suit, let alone hers, the Reaper or that rather plain looking Gundam that had docked with it, or this new Neo Japan MP type that just showed up. To say nothing of food and other supply, which she doubted would be able to support the lot of them for long if the Captain was the only one on board.

More over, she didn't like the sound of this 'Jupiter Empire'. 'That feeling' in her gut was telling her it they where bad news. Where as this Captain wasn't setting off any warning flags for her. "That's all well and good Mr Pirate, but that hardly changes the fact you yet to give us your name." Sarah said, intentionally pausing. "Or perhaps your keeping that to your self since no one seems to have been given the proper upbringing to introduce them selves." She said as she deactivated her Beam Saber and returned them to the 'sheath' on her Gundams hip. "I. am Sarah Brandford, current operator of the GF13-017NJ Shining Gundam, now, Mr Pirate Captain, may I have your name, so that we can truly begin with this Parlay."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Arclabe


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I've never heard of the Crossbone Vanguard, although...where I'm from, and I'm sure where that GM Sniper is from, he's referencing the Jupiter sector itself. It's basically where most of the Earth Federation's resources come from. If the war between Zeon and the EFSF didn't end well, I could imagine Jupiter might rise as the dominant power in the solar system if we weren't careful," Kanoko mused, cowed by the recent development. Keeping the shield up with her beam rifle out, she boosted up towards the GM Sniper, taking point by his side. "Just in case that piddling rifle doesn't punch its hull. These suits didn't look very impressive, but who knows what that thing holds..."

The frigate-esque space vessel wasn't wholly intimidating; to be honest, especially compared to the Thunderbolt Sector, it was toyish and almost cute. The RX-78 turned its head towards the friendly mobile suit as the pilot of the samurai-themed Gundam called out to the Crossbone Vanguard, yellow eyes looking at the high-mag sensors of the GM Sniper II. "Hey, what unit are you from? I'm from the fleet assigned to Side 4."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The Great Captain's Reveal

"Very well my name is Edward Read I am captain of this vessel the little gray and proud member of the crossbone vanguard." He stated answering the question. Honestly he was just happy not everyone wanted to shoot him down due to a mistake. "I have to say Sarah you are proving a lot more reasonable than the others so far so thank you for at least taking time to listen" It was honestly a breath of fresh air he was for sure now that he was far from home he did not know of any Shining gundam and the gm and the gundam he recognized was far outdated probably best reserved for those EFSF museums he seen. "This may sound odd but I dont think were in kansas anymore lassie." He said with a sigh he was unsure if they knew this or not yet though but this was for sure not near mars like he was before.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sarah smirked and shrugged. "People tend to be more willing to talk when you put forth an air of civility, rather then one of hostility. Especially when your trying to defuse a tense situation." She said, though the latter part was really aimed at her alleged 'squad'.

"You are correct on that Captain Read, we have most certain 'left Kansas'." Sarah took a moment, mostly stock of what her side was doing. "Normally I would push to get a face to face meeting, however since trust seems in short supply, and any such meeting would be taking place one ship or another, I have my doubts as to the wisdom of such a meeting." Shining Gundam mimicking Sarah, and her hand motions and general body language as she spoke.

"I trust we can continue over the coms for the time being. Not just in coming to a suitable agreement in regards to compensation for the attack, I also feel there is other matters of import that should be discussed." Sarah continued, effectively saying with out saying 'I know somethings up as well, and we should being talking not fighting each-other.' She then waited for the captains reply while hoping no one on her side did anything stupid.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MD5Ray01
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MD5Ray01 Break past the Silent Line

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"I'm from the 15th Assault Unit, normally assigned to protect Libot Colony in Side 6, ma'am." Ray radioed back to Kanoko, then switched his radio to broadcast openly after hearing Captain Read speak, "So, it appears we may have reached a point of commonality in that we all ended up here. I'm Chief Petty Officer Ray Aegis, Earth Federation Space Force's 15th Assault Unit." As he spoke, Ray raised the GM Sniper II's targeting visor and lowered the long rifle, though still in a position to snap it to firing position if they were to come under attack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Elizabeth Octavius of Gjallerhorn; Captain of Apollo Burning Star, Last Surviving member of the Octavius Family and... Last surviving member of Augustus's Legion, Heir to Gundam Purson." The woman said, sighing as she clearly took no pride in announcing that last bit. It was also clear, wherever she was from, they had a hardon for titles. "Captain, it seems that those scouts you were chasing and your crew fell into the same situation as the rest of us. None of us are here by choice, save for gathering around this ship. I doubt many of your men want to "chum up" and break bread with those who just rolled over you like a gundam over a poor graze, but you have my permission to take a shuttle to my ship. I apologize for the loss of life concerning this misunderstanding, these people were merely defending against attackers. you have my condolences... i know what it's like to lose family." said the woman over the wide comms, allowing herself to sit in silence for the moment, reflecting on the fact a mistake just killed a number of good men.
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