Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by UmbreonRogue
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UmbreonRogue Random Memelord

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(OOC: @Immortius @IncredibleBee @Tancuras @Blight Bug @Ryougu @Cu Chulainn @Melandrach)

In the now-corrupted nation of Solisa, there stood a large castle. Before, it was a symbol of might, a true home worthy of royalty. But with Lord Malum having conquered the nation, the castle has fallen apart. The once brilliant white walls became dirty grey from the rampant forbidden magic, and the brilliant red banners were replaced by ones that were a much darker blood red.

The pale, white-haired elf sits on the throne that once belonged to King Felicis Argentum, as his cold blue eyes scanned the entrance to the throne room. It was as if the forbidden mage was expecting something. Malum kept his grip on his mahogany wood magic staff.

A young orc warrior stepped into the throne room, wearing a set of chainmail armor and carrying an axe. The blue-skinned orc was glaring at Malum, and the sorcerer could see the determination in his eyes.
“Malum,” the orc said, “your reign of terror is at its end. Rather careless of you to not put any guards up for duty.”
So this was the one who had came to challenge him? Malum let out a soft chuckle.
The warrior scowled. “What’s so funny?”
“Have you ever pondered that, perhaps the reason there are no guards on duty is that I have no need of such security?” Malum responded. He stood up from his throne and moved closer to the challenger, the sorcerer’s black robes slightly touching the floor due to being fairly long.
Before the orc could act, the elf summoned poisonous magic blades and hurled them at the orc. One struck the warrior in the chest. The orc kneeled over in pain and coughed up blood. With him being reduced to an easy target, Malum summoned a gray aura of magic in his hand before hurling it at the orc warrior, reducing him to stone. Malum sat down back on the throne as the magic blade embedded in the stone statue faded away. It’s pathetic, really. If the orc wasn’t foolish enough to fight him, Malum supposed that he would have lived quite happily with his companions. After all, it isn’t as if anyone could defeat such a forbidden mage such as him.


Meanwhile at Oceanum Port, there is a tavern overlooking the busy streets of sailors coming home from sea. The tavernkeep was rather busy at the moment. Between the two boisterous half-dragons and the depressed looking human that he has to both keep from getting too intoxicated, and various more patrons sitting at different tables. And there’s the chance more might be coming.

(OOC: You guys aren’t forced to start at the tavern, but be sure it’s somewhere in Oceanum Port.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 18 days ago

Sir Ilvwenniel Yggristend

An armored man had entered the tavern. His hood was up, concealing the upper half of his face, only revealing his chin up to half his nose. He was a rather clean looking man, his armor almost looking as if it were shining. All in all, he didn't fit the setting of the tavern, from his choice of dress to the way he walked. Whatever reason why he were here, it most likely that he was looking for something, something that would have to be here, of all places... Nevertheless, he marched toward the bar, taking one of the vacant seats, near the human, but not directly next to him. As he took as seat, he placed an arm on the table, his right arm. The gauntlet he wore on the arm had reinforced plating to an extent that it would seem awkward if he were to wield a sword with such an arm. Whoever this man, this warrior was, he was a strange one indeed.

"A flagon of ale..." the man uttered, as he looked up to the bartender, his deep blue eyes peeking from the shadows of his hood. The man's voice had a certain... accent to it. He most definitely wasn't from here. His other hand shuffled inside a small pouch, a coin purse, tide to his belt.

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