Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Timothy Aster
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Timothy Aster Romance is my shit

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Character Sheet for Sebastian "Sal" Bianchi
Name: Sebastina Bianchi, wants to be adressed by "Sal".

Height: 1,76m
Weight: 65kg
Age: 17
Race/Species: Normal Person

Tier/Influence: 1

Group(s): Former member of an English-Italian underground gang called "The crows".

Appearance: Sal has very white skin. He is well built, maybe a little skinny for his height and age. His hair is long, reaching his back, and red in colour. The redhead also has a few amount of freckles sprinkled all over his face.

He looks a lot like a girl, with his slender, curved eyes, that have a gray colour to them, the soft face and full lips. He is very attracktive, charming mostly boys with his looks, at least the ones who have enough courage.

When you first look at him, he might appear a bit creepy. His eyes are very sharp, and he has a serious expression most of the time.

His clothes are ragged, since he lives on the streets. He wears a blue coat. Underneath, a black turtle neck with no sleeves. His long pants are gray and he wears combat boots in a blue colour.

Personality: He is cold, ruthless and spitefull. If he hates you, which is most likely, he hates you with a passion. He appears mentally ill, often stares off in the distance, refuses eye contact with anyone he doesn't like and acts very aloof. He gets bothered easily and snaps at people. When he gets angry, which, again, is very likely, he gets very physically aggressive and attacks anybody near him.

He is very neat, hates it when it's unclean around him. That's why he hates the streets, well, that and cause it's cold and filled with people. He steals whenever he's able to. And he often gets into fist fights. If you know him well and he likes you, he is very bossy at times. Just to be certain you don't get your stupid ass in trouble. You also can have a good laugh with him. He acctually is pretty funny. Well, if he feels like it, and he can get very harsh and offensive with his jokes.

Abilities, Talents, Traits, Powers:

( 2 ) Fighting -- He is good at fighting, may it be with his fists or with a bladed tool.

( 2 ) Cook -- He is also good at cooking, but don't tell anyone.


  • ( 1, ) Pocket knife -- It's small and silver

History: He spent his childhood in Italy. When he was 3, his mom left. Cause his dad was getting into some illigal stuff. He built up a gang and called it "The crows". Sal was trained to one day, be the head of his fathers gang. But he didn't want to.

Recently, they moved to Great Brittain. The redhead ran away in hopes his father wouldn't get him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Arawak
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Arawak oZode's ghost

Member Seen 28 days ago

Not a GM, but I will say he's a nice change of pace from what you normally see. That's a good thing and I hope you get accepted.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rilla
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Rilla SuperNova Generation / The Lazy Storyteller

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'll accept it if you remove the 'low' bits in the tier rating.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Circ
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Circ Rawr

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

@Timothy Aster Accepted, but before we lock it you may want to clean up the bbcode.
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