Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Setting & Racial Explanation

This role play takes place on a post-apocalyptic Earth. Long ago, before nuclear war near wiped out the human race, humans were able to make the first colony in space, but only those wealthy enough to fund the space exploration (ie. rich people) were the only ones who were selected for the exploration and settlement. The non-wealthy were left behind, and in due time, a nuclear war struck between the nations nearly wiping out all life on Earth. The rich sympathized with their old home, but had grown too comfortable in space. They continued to populate, creating space stations and ships, and those who became wealthy in space started to populate other planets that they quickly sought out to conquer so they could start selling real estate. The rich people in space lived mostly happily ever after because you see, those who behaved in an undignified manner (criminals) were exiled to Earth, which was becoming a trash dump for waste (garbage), criminals, and even framed and innocent people. All you know is that once your ass is sent to Earth, then you’re fucked because only the worst kind of people live there.

The humans and animals of post-apocalyptic Earth have undergone mutations and transformations. There are currently five races: Transhumans, Beastmen, Cyborgs (half-human; half-machine), and Androids (all machine). The Transhumans make up the average population. While they are above-average, when everyone is above-average, then they’re just average. However, there are some slightly more above-average than others and that all depends on the talents of those Transhumans or their mutations.

Transhumans: All humans of Earth are Transhumans, which they would be called mutants but they are instead an evolved species of the pre-Nuclear homo sapien. They naturally have increased physical and mental abilities, but some Transhumans display special abilities that set them apart from others. These Transhumans will either become outlaws, using their special abilities to raid or dominate towns or they will become protectors either boldly accepting the badge or becoming vigilantes. A law badge is often regarded as a cursed object. It is the sign that you are a lawman or woman, and you are basically marking yourself as a hot target among all the Bad and The Ugly on Earth. There are some outlaws who ride about hunting lawmen so that the Earth remains in a state of Anarchy. By choosing to uphold the peace as a lawman, many innocents will look to you for protection and hope, but the riff-raff will come once they catch wind of who the new sheriff is in town. Be prepared!

Beastmen: Beastmen are half-man and half-beast. These beings were created when a mutation occurred in human DNA that resulted in children acquiring bestial traits such as fur, fangs, scales, a shell, chitin, etc. Out of all the Beastmen, there are two races of Beastmen that are the most commonly seen: 1) Cats; these half-man and half-feline beings are stereotypically seen as illegal smugglers or have some sort of affiliation with the infamous Wild Cat smuggling gang. Most cats are either smugglers or prostitutes. The Wild Cat smuggling gang is notorious for stealing cheeseburgers, which is the cocaine of their smuggling business, and for making Litter Bombs—disgusting biological weapons that most wasteland gangs have started purchasing. All cats are banned from most burger shops because of the Wild Cats, but besides that, the gang is pretty formidable in numbers. The most identifying language among Wild Cat members is the language LOL. No other Cats speak this language because they think it is ridiculous, and you’d think it’d be a clear identifying factor, but apparently, some Wild Cats can speak the normal tongue too. There is a blood-trait that is rare in the Beastman species. The blood trait is simply called Wild Blood. There is a rumor that were-type Beastmen exist able to transform into giant lions, lizards, eagles, etc. Because this is a rumor, no Beastman with Wild Blood has ever been officially recorded to exist because there are no records in a post-apocalyptic world! 2) The second most common race are called Saurians. The closer a Saurian resembles to a dragon, then the higher social status they have. The closer a Saurian resembles a gecko or iguana, then the lower their social status. These lizard-type Saurians are called “Lizards.” The Lizards make up the number one slave population on the planet. Slavery is actually illegal on Earth, but the remaining lawmen and women who try to enforce the law are an endangered species.

Cyborgs: Cyborgs are half-man and half-machine. These humans are often enormous and most of the leaders of the wasteland gangs are cyborgs, thus the stereotype that follows. They have tried to replace all of their weaknesses with machine parts and weapons in order to stand invincible among their peers. Cyborgs can range from the average height of a human male or female to as large as 8-feet, juiced with muscle-pumping drugs, and running on pure energy. They can be absolute monsters, especially when their human tissue tries to reject the machine part or graft.

Androids: Androids are pure machine. They are often created for a certain job or purpose. Usually the rich uses them to take care of their homes, but lately, they have been cast down to Earth as garbage whenever a wealthy man or woman feels their droid is defective. Androids have a program for a brain and thus are usually programmed only for that one job, however, there have been rumors of there being androids with a human conscience. Androids vary in appearance. They can have a human or a robot appearance. In some cases, androids are used in brothels. They run on a power core that needs to be recharged every day much like a human needs sleep. By performing certain feats, androids can run out of energy and power down.

The Story

This game is inspired by Trigun, Lisa, Mad Max, First of the North Star, Borderlands, Fall Out, Gintama (not post-apoc but still funny) - almost any post-apocalyptic theme out there. This game is going to be a comedy as well as a fun adventure that we will build together with our whimsical characters. I expect to get a motley of characters with humorous-serious concepts. I will not be accepting too many of the same thing so I hope people go crazy with their imaginations. There are many roles you can play: the lawman, the priest, the clerk, a noble who somehow wound up on Earth (poor soul), an android maid/butler, etc. Regardless what role you choose, we’re going to wind up together following a crazy plot that can take us far, wide, and even into space and back. There will be boss-types, but I hope for everyone to mostly grow close in interaction because that will basically be what will make this game highly entertaining. There may be some sexual themes but nowhere near the adult level. It will be “mature” not adult. Follow the rules of this site please.

This game will have an anime theme because of how crazy some of the fights will get and personalities. Expect there to be drugs, brain-damaged enemies, drag queens, almost anything and everything that makes Earth such a glorious and humorous place. Some enemies won’t make much sense because they’re either on drugs or plain psycho. With the world gone to shit, do not be surprised if you see MANY psychos. There will be plenty.

Bring a story to this game with your character’s background. Are they a lawman? If so, what do they hope to achieve? Are they a vigilante, if so? Who is their ultimate enemy that they are hunting down? Are they an android, if so? What is the android’s wish? Bring it people!

Warning: If you do not have a sense of humor, then this game may not be for you. This game is for those who enjoy a good laugh, smirk, smile, and just lulz—not to overdo it. We do not overdo humor. It is tastefully executed. So please do not send me a character that is just pure jokes and no story. I won’t accept it. You can easily make a normal character, but have that one thing that is just, different, off, or unexpected about them lol.

This is just an interest check to see how many people would actually be interested in this idea. Those who ARE interested, feel free to start bouncing ideas off each other. Those interested players may be your future fellow RP partners.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 2 days ago

I can get behind this
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rice Porridge
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Rice Porridge wait / where am i

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'll be the revolver-slinging cowboy sheriff that acts like a TV hero in order to hide his crippling social ineptitude

actually maybe something else but yea
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Anywho need some more interests before this becomes a thing. I will be picky-choosy when I drop the CS and go through people's concepts.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Etranger
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

I'll give this a go, if you'll have me.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I'll drop the CS in a minute (on phone with family member).
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Character Sheet

Be sure to write your character's name here. You can use 1001fonts.com for fancy fonts you can link as an image code. You can also either provide an image or not provide an image of the character. I prefer anime or digital art no real life photos.
[b]Current Residence[/b]: Put Drifter, Vagabond or something if you're just a wanderer.
[b]Birth Place[/b]:
[b]Titles/Honorifics[/b]: "Best there ever was?" "Sir" Lord, Queen, Madame, etc.
[b]Profession[/b]: Job



[b]Scars[/b]: Describe.

[b]Basic Description[/b]: Summarizing written appearance.

[b]Outfit[/b]: What the character normally wears. Details.

[b]Most Prized Possession (Material Value)[/b]:
[b]Most Prized Possession (Emotional Value)[/b]:

[b]Life's Ambition ( Single greatest goal )[/b]:
[b]Fears[/b]: Misplacing his guns.

[b]Vernacular[/b]: Accent?
[b]Mannerisms[/b]: Basically personality.
[b]Psychological Condition[/b]: Any mental problems?
[b]Morals[/b]: (Good, Bad, or Neutral)

[b]Acquaintances[/b]: This will probably filled out throughout the adventure. Same for rivals but if you have some already who are NPCs, then feel free to fill this out.

[b]Favorite Sayings[/b]: These are character quotes.

This is an example of how you will list any weapons or abilities/techniques your character has. I won't limit you unless I think you're adding too much fluff. So write whatever your heart desires.

[Weapon Name]
Source: How did you acquire the weapon?
Description: What does it look like, how big is it, heavy, etc. Any fancy symbols or engravings on it.
Item Value: People might try to steal it if it's valuable or one-of-a-kind.

∙Ability Name: (Name of the ability)
Type: (Psychic, Energy, or Weapon - Energy is like ki or chi. Weapon is if the ability requires whatever weapon your character has)

[b]Current Story[/b]:
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Etranger
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Holy Soldier I have a question about androids in this setting. Do they have the capacity to grow as people? You mentioned that in rare cases they have a human conscience, but is that something they have to start out with, or can they grow into it from having a limited A.I. at first?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@EtrangerThey can grow into it.
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