Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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Before Prompto got the chance to encourage her to try a second time, Sarah shot the rifle again and succeeded in hitting the target.
Breaking into a grin at her enthusiasm towards the achievement, Prompto nodded. "Sure did! Looks like you shot it right in the center, too!" Teaching Sarah was a breeze. She was a fast learner and didn't seem to get easily discouraged. If anything, missing her first shot motivated her to try again.

From the sidelines, Prompto took notice of her setting the gun down. He couldn't figure out why, as the cans were already set up and she had a few more bullets available. "Something wrong?" The day had been filled with plenty of surprises, but being hugged around the neck so suddenly caught him completely off guard.
Instinctively, Prompto's arms rose about half way, but he was frozen in place after that. The girl he'd been too shy to ask for a picture with had hugged him! What had he done to deserve this? Face flushed, he opened his mouth to reply, but no sound came out.

Thankfully, a response wasn't necessary. Sarah returned to the gun again while a dazed Prompto tried to figure out what had just happened. The girl proved herself capable by taking out the rest of the cans in an impressive show of newfound skill, giving Prompto the chance he desperately needed to collect himself.

"Nah, it was nothing." Prompto was the one who felt indebted, being thanked was hardly necessary. "You're a quick learner!" He paused, conflicted whether or not he should ask about the picture. This would have been an opportune time to ask, but he didn't want to make things awkward. Was it a weird thing to ask? He didn't know.
"So...did you want to go back?" At the last minute, Prompto lost his nerve to ask. At least the sun was low enough to hide any evidence of his reddened face. They were close enough to the ranch to be safe, but some daemons were more gutsy than others.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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If there was something that Sarah didn’t understand it was, well, personal space. This is why she jumped on Prompto without giving him any notice and embraced him in a tight hug. But how could she not be excited! She succeeded in something she was really nervous about doing. You wouldn’t think Sarah had such a sad past as she does with her positive personality but… that was the case.

Slingingt the gun over her shoulder, she tightened the strap so it wouldn’t move and nodded. “Yeah we better head back, demons have been decently active lately and the sooner we had back the less likely we’ll have to deal with them.” With that the two collected the cans and ventured back to the ranch.

Luckily nothing bad happened during their adventure back and she let out a gentle sigh. “Great, now I feel like I can be of use during our time heading to where Deadeye is.” She said with a serious nod as she stopped in front of the entrance to the shop. Taking the cans from him she gave him a gentle smile. “It looks like your friends have rented the trailer.” She said with a nod towards the light up trailer and the lounging prince outside. “Sleep well and I will see you in the morning.” With that she bid him a thank you again and a good night.

However Sarah’s night was not over. In fact after she went into the building she changed into her pjs, a pair of sweat pants and an over-sized t-shirt before warming up her can of beans, tossing her hair up into a messy bun and climbing up the latter to the top of the barn to gaze up at the clear skies and munch away on her heated up beans. Just a typical night, though her thoughts her on the blonde in the camper. What an interesting guy!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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"Heh, yeah. Looks like it." Prompto glanced back to the trailer, his gaze landing back to Sarah. When she bid him goodnight, he felt a little relieved. He wasn't sure how to part ways without making things awkward. "Right...well, see you tomorrow!"
Overhearing the voices, Noctis didn't bother looking up from his phone. He recognized the footsteps of his friend, although Prompto seemed to be dragging his feet more than he usually would. Raising an eyebrow, Noctis cleared the level of Kings Knight and eyed the blond with a hint of suspicion. "Something wrong?"
Prompto looked up from the ground, startled out of his thoughts. "Oh, no! Everything went great! She caught on really fast." He smiled to show things went smoothly and pulled up a chair across from the prince. "She's all set for tomorrow."

* * *

After dinner was over, everyone got ready to turn in. Prompto changed into a red tank, along with a pair of pajama pants. The pants couldn't have been more fitting for the ranch; they had chibified chocobos printed all over them.
Exiting the bathroom with a toothbrush in his mouth, Prompto reached for his phone on one of the small kitchen counter tops. "Anyone up for a few rounds of Kings Knight?"
Noctis started to respond when Ignis interrupted. "I'm turning in, as should the rest of you. We have a big day tomorrow and will need our rest if wish to have a successful hunt."
Prompto grimaced, but he couldn't argue with a mouthful of toothpaste.
The camper was crowded. There were four bunks, which was more than some had. Gladiolus was asleep on the bottom right, Ignis claimed the bottom left, and Noctis took the top right. Finished with brushing his teeth, Prompto climbed up to his own bunk and played a few secret rounds of Kings Knight under the covers until Ignis scolded him.
"Sorry!" Prompto didn't even question how Ignis knew he was playing if the volume was off. Ignis always knew.
Shoving his phone underneath his pillow, Prompto rolled on his side and closed his eyes. Try as he might, he couldn't sleep. He couldn't help but think about Sarah and the fun they had together.
A gentle breeze from outside filtered in through the lower window, as did the occasional sound of a car passing by on the road. Prompto continued to go over what had happened that day. His collision with Sarah, the baby chocobos he'd photographed...
Wait. His camera. He'd left it outside! Sitting up a little too fast, Prompto smacked his head on the ceiling. "Ouch!"
Miraculously, no one woke up. Wincing, Prompto rubbed at his temple and dropped down to the floor. He had to get his camera. Tiptoeing to the door, he slipped outside and headed to the stack of crates he left his camera at. To his disbelief, his trusty camera was no longer there. Prompto felt his stomach sink. He wasn't envisioning things -- he set his camera down before he went to go shooting with Sarah.
"Maybe somebody moved it." Fearing the worst, Prompto tried to convince himself otherwise. Swallowing back the panic he felt, he started to hunt around the ranch, taking care to keep quiet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Sarah found herself staring off into the stars lost in thought. The stars divided themselves into pictures, some looked like Chocobos, others looked like saddles and even one looked a bit like Prompto. Tilting her head to one side she stared upwards in awe. Why was this man so fascinating to her? Probably because she had never met someone who was… like her. An upbeat happy person, who attempted to see the brighter things in life, didn’t stray from his happiness path and had a love for Chocobos. A sigh left her as she finished her can of beans and set it beside her, half of her mind watching the stars in the sky while the other half was on the blonde man.

Her mind stopped wondering after she heard some commotion coming from a little wise away. “What?” She pondered as she sat up. Her blue eyes gazed into the darkness before something flashed in the distance. This her curiosity and normally she wouldn’t venture too far out into the darkness but it was enough confusion and interest for her to do so.

Climbing down the ladder she started towards where the flash looked like it was coming from and it wasn’t until she was about ten feet away that a flash blinded her and the panics calls of adult Chocobos reached her. “What on earth?!” She questioned as she hurried forward and grabbed the two Chocobos harness. “What are you two…” Her words were cut off when one shook himself free and leaned down, a flash blinded her and she jumped back rubbing her eyes. A white ball of blurriness now covered her vision as she lunged forward and grabbed the device that was causing the flashes.

The two Chocobos who they normally left to roam the farm had found Prompto’s camera and were playing with the flash. “Oh I hope you two didn’t ruin the camera.” She scolded them sharply as they squawked in defense against her and kicked the talons against the ground in protest. “I don’t care how ‘pretty’ you look or how much fun you had it’s not yours.” Of course the birds couldn’t understand her but that didn’t stop her from lecturing them and them arguing back. “Get outta here.” She said with a swing of her boot to send the chocobos back towards the barn as they seemed to respond like little children jumping and squawking that they got away with playing with something they shouldn’t have.

Rolling her blue eyes, she turned the camera over in her hand. It didn’t look like it was damaged but she didn’t know much about cameras to begin with. The realization that she needed to get the camera to him clicked in her mind and she took off towards the trailer. That was until she rounded the corner and nearly crashed into him.

“Prompto!” She said catching her breathe as she stood in front of him holding his camera which now had chocobo dust and feathers on it she was attempting to carefully pick off. “I think the chocobos snagged your camera and attempted to take some selfies with them and I found it while they were taking photos and…” Her attention turned downwards to see the pajama bottoms. “Do those have chocobos on them? Those are AWESOME! Where did you get those?!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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"Sarah!" Prompto skidded to a halt. One step more and they would have collided a second time.
"I was just..." He began to explain his reason for being out on the property so late, but his eyes landed on the camera before he could finish.
"Hey, you found it!" Prompto couldn't have been happier to see the camera, chocobo feathers and all. "Thank you so much! I was starting to get worried." He laughed at Sarah's explanation, relieved to have his beloved camera back. "Really? Well, if they snapped a selfie, l can hardly blame them for taking it!"

When the topic suddenly changed to his pajama pants, Prompto looked down. After leaving the trailer in such a hurry, he totally forgot he was wearing his pajamas. "...Oh! Um...I bought them at a souvenir shop on the way here," he explained, cheeks reddening with embarrassment. He was glad that Sarah was in her pajamas as well. At least this way, it wasn't too terribly embarrassing. "Couldn't resist!" He laughed again, more so from nerves than humor.

"So...what are you doing out here so late?" Prompto wondered, finding it odd that Sarah was the only one awake besides him. "Don't tell me you're sneaking out for late night shooting practice." Although he was joking, he wondered if it was true. What Sarah did was her own business, but because of the increase of daemon sightings, he wanted to make sure she wasn't taking any unnecessary risks.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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His comment about finding them in a shop on the way here she beamed brightly at him. He was such a bright and fun guy, so much like her and it made her happy to find such a charming and fun spirit. Though he seemed a bit shy at times… that just made him all the more adorable; which in turn made her grin brightly.

Then he asked the question why she was out so late and she gave a small shrug. A gentle innocent smile moved across her face as she tucked her hands behind her back. The embarrassment crawled across her face as her cheeks turned red. “I… I thought it would be the best idea to stay at the ranch so if we wanted to leave early tomorrow we could.” She said with a nod, refusing to admit to him that she lived and paid rent at the ranch… much less up in the rafters.

“Besides,” She responded with a grin, her hands loosened up behind her and she pointed up. “Nothing beats that view.” Her head rolled up to show the amazingly star sky overhead with constellations viewable. “Actually…” Reaching over, she took his large hand in a small one. “Come with me, just a view minutes, I promise.” With that he pulled him back around the corner and down the barn toward the end until they arrived at a ladder. “You’re not scared of heights right?” She asked playfully as she climbed up.

At the roof she offered her hand again. “The best view ever.” She said brightly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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"Aw, you didn't have to leave your place for that, Sarah." Prompto offered her a sympathetic look. He had no idea Sarah's home was on the ranch, he merely assumed there was another trailer on the property, and she'd rented it.

"Appreciate it, though! I know Ignis will, too. If we can get Noct out of bed...maybe we'll have a chance of leaving early," he laughed lightly, sliding the strap of the camera over his head. "But I wouldn't count on it."

When Sarah referred to the stars, Prompto started to look up when he felt her hand take his. "Huh? Where are we going?" Like a curious puppy, he allowed her to lead the way, unsure what she had to show him at such a late hour. Were the chocobo chicks up to mischief again? It wouldn't have been out of character for them. Amused by the thought, he followed her around the barn to where the ladder was propped up against the building.

"Bugs, yes. Heights, no." Prompto chuckled, keeping on the ground until he was sure Sarah made it to the top safely. If she lost her footing, he wanted to be sure to cushion her fall. After she got to the roof, he climbed the ladder and accepted her hand up. Thanking her, he moved away from the edge, surprised by how soft the section of roof was. It was covered with hay, providing a comfortable seat in which they may view the stars in all their glory.

"So this was what you were up to." Prompto smiled knowingly at the girl, relieved she hadn't been out to practice shooting on her own. Drawing his legs to his chest, he looked up at the sky for the first time that night, amazed by how brightly the stars shined. There wasn't a single cloud to block the view, nor were there any lights to interfere with their beauty.

"Wow..." Prompto breathed, awestruck by the sight. "You never see stars in the city...not like this."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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His knowing smile left her embarrassed as she turned her attention to the ground and sat down. “Maybe…..” She said dragging out the word letting him know that he was correct but she wasn’t willing to admit it. Though her small giggle and word stretched gave her away completely.

Crossing one long leg over the other she braced herself with her hands behind her as she followed the young man’s gaze up to the stars, “That’s the good thing about being out in the country area, the stars are always out.” A smile danced across her lips before she tilted her head to one side, her thoughts carrying away before she got a chance to speak. “The city has its own version of stars though. I hope I can see your version of stars sometime.” She said with an innocent smile towards the sky. “For me, something like that would be an amazing sight. Well, any of the city would be neat. I’ve never been to Insomnia.”

Life had always been… odd for the poor girl. After losing her parents and finding a home at the Chocobo ranch getting out to do anything turned into a distance dream. Granted she loved the Chocobos and playing with them; her skills of training them became something the farm valued and there was no doubt that she was a special staff member. However, the idea of attending the university in Insomnia was something had wanted to do for a while. If she could study economics or gardening she would knowing full well that knowledge could be beneficial to the job and the chocobos!

Her head rolled to the side as her attention moved from the stairs to the young man next to her. “Are you always so brave and willing to help out people… or on our case, yellow feathered friends? I know I’ve said it more than dozen times already but I-we all appreciate your guys’ help with Deadeye just… just… please be careful tomorrow okay?”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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"Really?" The mention of the crown city was enough for Prompto turn his attention away from the stars dotting the sky. "I grew up in Insomnia," he hugged his knees to his chest, his eyes settling on the Chocobo Ranch sign across the field. "It's nice...but they don't have chocobos," he reminded her, a smile pulling at his lips. "Aside from that, though...I think you'd like it." He hesitated, feeling tongue tied. "If...you ever decide to visit, I'll give you the grand tour!" Did he just say that out loud? He did. Hopefully she didn't think him too forward for saying so, but the offer was there regardless.

When Sarah called him brave, Prompto's eyebrows rose a little in surprise. He never thought of himself as brave. Far from it. His offer to help came instinctively. Helping out was second nature to him. "Ah, it's nothing," he leaned back, keeping upright by bracing a hand against the roof. "Glad to help! Anything for the chocobos, am I right?" He chuckled lightly, falling serious when the girl made the request to be careful.

"I'll be careful," Prompto promised, touched that she would be concerned enough to warn him a second time. "You too though, okay?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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“Now I have a reason to visit.” Sarah said with a smile to him. Something about being led around the city by Prompto seemed like a good idea, maybe hand and hand? Who knows?! Or she’s probably getting ahead of herself because she thinks his cute. Yes she finally admitted it to herself, she found him cute. She couldn’t be grinning any bigger at him when he said that he would give her the tour. Now she had a reason to get away from the farm; something she hasn’t had since they fateful day.

His statement reminding her to be careful nodded with a soft smile. “I promise.” Sarah said softly. The two chatted for a little while longer and finally said their good nights before Prompto returned to the trailer and Sarah disappeared back into her room.

The next morning rolled around and Sarah was up, dressed and had done most of her chores on the farm before the boys were evening moving. After getting the Chocobos fed a scent reached her nose. “What is that?” She questioned sniffing the air, the blonde deposited her buckets of feed before following her nose towards… the trailer.

“Mornin’.” She called out arriving to it seeing the Prince stepping out into the fresh air looking groggy and tired followed by Gladio who seemed more awake.

“Good morning.” Gladio said with a grin as Noctis rubbed his sleepy eyes and grunted something that sounded like ‘morning’. “Don’t mind him, he doesn’t wake up easy.”

A laugh left Sarah as she placed her hands on her hips. “I can tell. I hope everyone slept well.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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After returning to the trailer, Prompto put his camera away, climbed up to his top bunk, and fell asleep within a matter of minutes. The day had been a long one, and the following would only be longer. They had Deadeye to take care of.

Morning came sooner than expected. Prompto lie on his back, snoring lightly with his forearm across his eyes. After a few taps on the shoulder, Ignis woke him, eyed him curiously, then moved to wake up Noctis.

Prompto groaned lightly, rubbing at his bloodshot eyes with his fists. "Morning already?"

Ignis nodded, shaking Noctis by the shoulder lightly. Noctis was ten times more difficult to waken. "We have have quite a bit of travel ahead of us," he informed the younger two, straightening once Noctis started to groggily sit up. "If we wish to reach Deadeye, I suggest we leave as soon as possible."

After a quick, yet expertly prepared breakfast, the four were ready to face the day. All except for Noctis.

Jumping down from the doorway of the trailer, Prompto skipped the stairs, landed lightly on his feet and smiled brightly upon seeing Sarah. "Heya," he greeted cheerily, fully awake despite the early hour. "I slept great! You?"

Noctis ran a hand over his face, inwardly cursing his best friend for being a morning person. "Any chance we can drive to Deadeye's location?" He questioned, failing to suppress a yawn. "Or do we have to...walk." The reasoning behind his asking, was because he wished to sleep in the car on the way there. The more sleep he could get, the better, and even then it was never enough.

"Aw, come on, Noct! It's a beautiful day!" Prompto elbowed him lightly. "The walk will help you wake up!"
Being the conscious soul that he was, he glanced behind Sarah's shoulder, viewing the buildings and chocobos in the distance. Sarah offered to help them, but he knew she had plenty of work with the ranch. "Need any help with anything before we set out?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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Despite it being an early morning everyone seemed rather happy, expect for the prince who seemed like he’s about four hours too early for waking up. The opposite of his friend, Prompto seemed bright and cheery despite the early morning, much like herself. “I’m glad to hear that. I slept well too.” She responded just as bright and cheerfully as her fellow blonde.

It came as no surprise that the sleepiest person would ask if they could drive instead of walk to the area were Deadeye was and her small sigh said everything, “No…” She reiterated her sigh vocally as she slide her hands into the pockets of her blue jeans. “Unfortunately it’s all on foot… for now.” Prompto’s joining in as a reassuring way to encourage walking made her nod. “A brisk walk through the morning forest is actually nice… when you don’t run into monsters of course.” She said with a small laugh and a gentle shrug of her shoulders.

Ignis exited the trailer before offering the group breakfast along with Sarah, to her surprise. Taking a place next to Prompto, she explained that she took care of the Chocobos before she came over but when they returned the birds would need their lunch and if anyone wanted to join in the feeding process, she’d gladly take any extra help. The group sat around the camper eating and talking before cleaning up and heading out.

Sarah led the way as she knew where she was going despite being rather nervous. She didn’t want them to get lost but she also didn’t want to walk straight into a group of monsters.

“It’s not uncommon to hear Deadeye banging around this early in the morning. He seems to prefer the mist of the Nebulawood. From hunter’s accounts he’s roughly 70ish feet in height and around 220 tons. Anyone who has gotten close enough to it have reported that he’s injured. Specifically missing his right eye.”

“That’s useful information.” Gladio said as they hoofed it through the forest.

It was a long walk but her attention turned upward as she pulled the group to a halt in front of a large rock quarry. A flash of nervousness moved across her face as she took a deep breath and turned to the four men. “This is where I’ve seen it climb in and out of. I don’t know if it necessarily lives here or not but it seems like a rather common place for it to vis—” BOOM a loud bang was heard followed by a deep growl and Sarah spun on her heel in the direction of the noise. There, off in the distance a behemoth of a figure began to climb up the stone structure. The figure… “Deadeye…”

Her small body shook slightly at the sight of it. It wasn’t very far away from them so the vision of just how big this creature was as it climbed skillfully over the rock and disappeared on the other side. Sarah didn’t make a sound until the breeze of the early morning carried something towards them, something she reached up and took from the air. Opening her palm she stifled a sob, a Chocobo Feather…
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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The four followed close behind. Prompto kept up alongside of Sarah, keeping an eye out for any potential dangers. While the girl talked, he listened intently, aware that the information could be vital to their mission.

When they came to the clearing, Prompto slowed. His eyes scanned the rock formation that wrapped around to create the quarry, silently marveling at the sight of it. Jumping at the boom, he spun around to find the source. Sure enough, there was Deadeye, oblivious to the hunters tracking him down.

"That's him alright..." Noctis observed the monster, arms folded across his chest. "Sure you don't want to sit this one out?" he questioned, glancing sideways to Gladiolus.

The tallest of the group snorted lightly in response, watching as their target disappeared from view. "Not a chance, princess."

While his friends bantered back and forth, Prompto's eyes went wide. Despite a through description of the beast, seeing Deadeye in person startled him. "Oh, no..." his heart dropped when Sarah grasped the fallen feather. If they didn't do something, there would be more casualties. The thought melted away the fear he felt. Deadeye had to be stopped.

"Sarah, don't worry. We'll take him down," Prompto told her, his expression one of solemn determination. "This won't happen again..." his lifted his eyes away from the feather, resuming eye contact with the girl. "I promise."

Noctis didn't intervene when he heard his friend make the promise. It was something he agreed with, for he had no intention of leaving without taking the monster down for good. "Lets make this quick," he waved for them to follow, itching for battle. It had been too long since their last hunt. "If we're lucky, we'll be back before nightfall."

"Wait! We should not run into this without some sort of plan." Ignis held an arm out, his expression grim. He didn't usually have to worry about Gladiolus -- but Noctis and Prompto were another story. "If he is indeed missing an eye, he will have a blind spot...we would do well to use this to our advantage."

"Iggy's right." Gladiolus loved a good fight, but he wasn't cocky enough to charge after Deadeye without the beginnings of a battle plan. He turned his attention away from the last spot Deadeye had been spotted, his brown eyes locking onto Sarah. "Last call...are you coming in with us, or do you want to stay here?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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A sniffle left the blonde as she clutches the feather in her hand and did her best to not to cry allowed knowing that the little creatures she treasured so much were getting slaughtered by the giant creature. Her gaze shot up as Prompto’s voice reached her, a promise that this wouldn’t happen again. A nod rose and feel with a determined nod her small hand closed and she put the feather into the pocket of her pants.

Her head jerked towards Noctis who broke the stare between the two of them as he started to march towards the battle, whoever Ignis had the instincts to plan first before jumping into action. Then the bigger guy looked towards her, nearly reminding her that she was a lot smaller than him. However nothing about him seemed menacing or threatening, he just seemed like he was itching for a fight.

And so she was.

A nod rose and fell with her head. “I’ll come too. I don’t know what help I can be but maybe I can get some helpful shots in. Plus,” A bright smile moved across her face as her blue gaze shot back to the taller blonde next to her. “I already got an excellent crash course.”

They put together and plan and began the track inside, Gladiolus took the lead, Noctis followed in second Ignis took third, Sarah was in the fourth position and Prompto took the rear. The five tracked through until they found a large opening and the five spread out from the small crouching position they were in for the length of time.

BOOM The figure of Deadeye landed in with thud a bit away from them and the five ducked behind a large rock and the blonde caught her breathe in her chest, the first real realization of how big this thing is happened as he stomped over towards the rock. Sarah pressed her back against the rock in an attempt to hide herself and mold into the rock. The nervousness clear on her face as the creature turned, its long legs stomping away, its tall swung wide and hit the rock causing it to shake. The blonde let out the breathe she was holding inside and placed her hand over her heart. Maybe she wasn’t cut out for this but… she steeled nerves, lives were in danger and she needed to help.

Soon they were back on the tracking trail, Sarah still obviously nervous but pressing forward, determined to help.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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"Whoa!" Prompto staggered back, startled by the size of Deadeye. They were given an accurate description of the beast, but to see him in person was a shock. Impulsively, he moved his hand back to retrieve his weapon, but Ignis intervened.

Acting immediately, Ignis had grabbed the blond by the arm and ushered the others behind the nearest rock. Deadeye continued toward, oblivious to the group of hunters tracking him. The sound of his heavy footsteps shook the earth beneath their feet.
"Not yet," Ignis explained, his voice low. He peered around the rock, then waved for the others to follow. They weren't in the right position to fight, so they continued onward.

Prompto found himself at the end of the line, but he didn't mind. Being in the back allowed him to keep an eye on the others, particularly Sarah, who he couldn't help but worry about. The female showed promise during shooting practice, but that was with empty cans. Taking down Deadeye would prove difficult for even the most skilled hunters.

Up ahead, Noctis and Gladiolus compared battle plans. Thanks to Ignis, they had a general idea of what they would do, but that didn't stop them from coming up with additional ideas. Prompto could hear bits of conversation, but he offered nothing of his own. He was too busy worrying.

"S-so...what eye am I aiming for again?" Prompto ducked to avoid an overhead branch. The further into the lair they traveled, the thicker the foliage became. Deadeye had flattened a considerable amount of plant life, and his tracks left a visible, indented path.

"The right," Ignis responded, his tone calm. He was in the middle of the group, eyes ever watchful. "Don't trip. The ground is rather uneven."

Too late. Prompto tripped.

Instinctively, the blond reached to stabilize himself before he hit the ground. Unfortunately, Sarah was closest, so he toppled into her, who -- unless she was able to keep upright -- would topple into Ignis, who would crash into Gladiolus, who would ultimately crash into Noctis in a domino-like effect.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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How were these men remaining so calm? That thing was HUGE and looked dangerous to boot as the ground below them shook from the impact of its steps. It was surprising to see the men relaxed and almost… excited, for the situation at hand. A shiver moved through her body as they hurried along the path to follow but not engage with Deadeye.

A heavy breath left her as she continued to hold her nerves in a steeled fashion and progressed forward with the group. The question of what eye they were aiming for brought up a valid point and she turned to ask Prompto a question. Having worked on the farm and pushed through intense ground, she was used to planting her feet with each step. So when she turned around to ask him a question, she was stunned to see him coming towards her.

Swallowing a yelp of surprise, she reached her arms out and caught him in a hug. “You okay?” She whispered softly to him as she pulled him upright and gently loosed her grip on him as he stabled himself. “I gotcha.” Her smile was bright despite the darkness they were dealing with. “Come on, just remember to plant your feet with each step as it is the only way you’ll be able to maintain your balance.”

Letting him go, she stepped back and fell into the line with the rest of the group as they climbed towards the area where the massive beast disappeared to. Taking in a deep breathe they arrived at the top of the area that descended into the intense area which looked like the home lair of the beast. “I, I think I would be best utilized on the high ground.” She said with a nod before gesturing towards a high ground that she could perch herself on with the sniper rifle, “So the right eye is blind, but the left eye could use a few bullets.”

Taking in a deep breathe she started towards the higher ground leaving them to take the low ground. Before getting to far away she turned around and gave them a smile. “Be careful.” With that she climbed and perched, setting up the gun and focusing on her breathing, just like Prompto had taught her.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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kiiblade how sad...

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Prompto did his best not to collide into the girl, but he couldn't correct his footing in time.
To the amazement of all present, Sarah managed to catch him, and in a hug no less.
"U-uh, yeah!" Prompto could scarcely get the words out. Over her head, he could see Ignis raising a skeptical brow while Noctis had a light smirk tugging at his lips. Nothing was said to embarrass him, but Prompto felt his cheeks redden.

"Sorry, I...uh...lost my footing." Laughing nervously, Prompto rubbed at his arm and managed a smile to thank the girl for the help and advice. For the rest of the journey, he took care to avoid anything that would cause him to stumble or fall.

"Higher ground would be ideal." Ignis agreed, eyeing the clearing. He appeared perfectly calm, his mind calculating the possibilities of how much space they would have to fight the creature. There were a few trees scattered about, along with plenty of rock formations varying in size. The air felt damp, and a thick fog hung close to the ground, making anything below their knees impossible to see.

"Get ready. He's here." Gladiolus motioned for Prompto to step aside. At any moment, the beast would show itself.

Prompto felt a bit of relief when Sarah went to higher ground. He didn't want her getting too close to Deadeye, and he felt she would be safer there. "You be careful too," he told the girl, giving her a thumbs up. "Remember, both eyes open! You got this."

Noctis's fingers twitched with anticipation. The closer they got, the more he could see. Scattered bones littered the ground, many resembling chocobos. Deadeye was nowhere in sight. The largest rock formation lie ahead of them. When Noctis looked closer, he saw that it was a mouth of a cave. The monster had to have been inside.


Or not.

Rather than reside inside of the cave as Noctis thought, Deadeye was perched atop the formation.
The jagged rocks did their work to hide him until his mighty form dropped down in the center of the clearing.
A whoosh of dirt and fog shot out around him, the ground quavering underneath his weight.
Saliva dripping from his mouth, Deadeye let out a mighty, angry roar before charging right for them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

‘He’s here’ was an understatement because as the giant beast hit the ground with a thud he let out a massive roar which shook the very ground everyone was on. Her fear caught in her thought and she let out a small whimper. This was worse than she thought and now innocent people were getting involved.

The difference between others and these innocent people who were the simple fact that these guys knew what they w ere doing; it was surprising, very surprising to see all of them jump into action. A gasp of surprise left her as Noctis began to use his magic and to her complete surprise, everyone’s weapons materialized in their hands and with practiced movements, they began to fight the creature.

Taking in a deep breathe, she cocked a bullet to the ready and took aim. Her timing had to be perfect or she risked injuring someone. Her gaze fixated on the situation before her, her determination was serious as she looked for an opening. Taking one, she fired. The bullet whizzed through the air, making contact with the Beast’s leg who let out a roar of pain. “Yes!” She said softly as she cocked back another bullet and lined up another shot.

This time the bullet sped through the air, going past Noctis and Prompto’s heads and into the bad eye of the beast. The beast let out a loud roar of pain and followed quickly by a swing attack in an attempt to knock the two men away. Oops! That wasn’t as helpful as she had tried to make it.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by kiiblade
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kiiblade how sad...

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"Nice!" Prompto grinned cockily, well aware that Sarah was responsible for piercing the beast with a bullet. There hadn't been an opening for Deadeye's eye yet, but it didn't hurt to get as much damage in as they could. The blond took aim as Noctis landed next to him, sword in hand. "Gladio landed a hit on Deadeye's left leg--" the words from the prince faltered as the crack of a gun sounded, followed by the whizzing of a bullet going over their heads, and into Deadeye's bad eye.

Another loud roar, followed by Deadeye whirling around. His tail acted like a whip, swinging down at both Noctis and Prompto.

"LOOK OUT!" Gladiolus yelled from across the clearing, but the warning came too late. Prompto lunged to push Noctis out of harms way, but both males were hit and sent flying from the impact of Deadeye's massive tail.

Yelling out in surprise, Prompto landed hard, his body skidding backwards from the force. His gun flickered out into nothingness, as did Noctis' sword. The prince landed a little more gracefully, though his clothing was covered with dirt from where he fell.

Sword reappearing, Noctis gasped as Deadeye charged a second time. "Prompto! MOVE!"
Winded and dazed, Prompto just barely managed to scramble to his feet and dove behind a smaller rock formation in the nick of time. Deadeye's huge paw slammed into the ground, leaving an imprint in the earth.

Cursing underneath his breath, Gladiolus ran in and swung his greatsword across, slicing into Deadeye's shanks. The monster roared again and spun around, smacking his tail into a wall of rock. Rocks of varying sizes shot in every which direction, a larger piece missing Ignis by only a foot.

Prompto's heart thudded in his ears. He sat up so he was looking over his makeshift shield, quick to take in the situation and status of his friends and Sarah. Brows knit with determination, he flexed his hand, his gun reappearing. Pointing the barrel at Deadeye's face, he waited for an opportunity to shoot his good eye.

The opportunity never came. Another loud roar, and Deadeye's tail slammed into the rock where Sarah was positioned.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Deadeye seemed to be staggering a bit, not a lot but a bit which meant they were making some form of progress. Progress yay! A small celebration of a fist-bump happened up on her position and she beamed, that was until she heard the call out from Gladiolus.

“MOVE!” She screamed along with Noctis as she took up sight with the gun, firing off a few bullets in an attempt to get Prompto a bit of room to dodge. Luckily he got out of the way in time, unluckily for her, she had to reload her gun as she did not fall under the special magic the prince provided. Man, the talents of the royal family were certainly amazing. Hopefully she hadn’t been rude to him in any way it would suck to be disrespectful to the royal. However something in her gut said that the prince might be too laid back to get offended unless it’s a direct insult; plus his friends would most likely put her in her place if she went too far.

Crap! Deadeye was back on the attack! The blonde quickly turned her attention to gun reloading the chamber in a rapped succession but by the time she clicked everything back into place, the tail slammed into wall of stone and it began to fall. “Oh No Oh No OH NO!” As the tail swung and cut into the stone wall, it took the piece she was on with it and sent her flying through the air and she was heading towards the ground. Cupping the gun to her chest she turned, preparing to land on her back instead of on her front.
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