Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

'Reckless and Impulsive' ran through Marlin's head a few times. He couldn't quite think of a time he really was, besides the stone door that crushed his tail but that was good reason. Yoki was the reckless and impulsive one, but keeping his head on straight he wasn't going to argue that point, no reason to change her mind if it was already made. However she had to mention 'his kind' and it flipped him the wrong way. "My kind?" he asked quickly before gaining ground just short of her side, "What because I'm a Faunus? Because I grew up poor? Because I'm a freelancer is that it?" His flask was out of his hand at this point, resting in its usual spot in his pocket. "I've fought endlessly since I was a child because Hunters failed to do their job, so sorry if I'm wrong about you but you don't seem much different."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Diana stopped walking took off her sun glasses and slowly slid them into her pocket. She was not at all impressed with Marlin's response in fact she was extremely angered by it. She turned to face him her hair was now noticeably brighter. "You fought since you were a child did you? Cry me a fucking river! You feel like you're entitled because you live a hard life!? News flash! The world doesn't revolve around you! And you're not the only one who's lived a hard life! It's not a title or privilege you wave around to get people to sympathise with you! Because believe it or not you are the lucky one! You are the survivor the one who got out of poverty! You have no right claim you're fighting right now! Because there are people who have lived their entire lives alone, there are people who never have anything! You have a life ahead of you. Others are not so lucky..." Diana's hair died down and so did her tone. She then took a deep breath and walked on. As she walked she pulled her sunglasses out of her pocket and slipped them back on. She needed to calm herself quickly to avoid her semblance causing an incident.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This wasn't the first time Marlin had heard this speech before, he's come across many who disliked him, and some for good reason, but they all still had it wrong. There was no avoiding the route since he needed to talk to Ozpin anyways, he continued to tag along, waiting at least a minute or two to let her calm down, remaining silent until he thought it best to speak. "I never said it was about me," a calm quiet tone in his voice to which remained through the discussion, he wasn't trying to aggravate or raise his volume. "And I don't take advantage of peoples sympathy. Sure I may be lucky cause I survived, but you're right about those people. The ones who aren't lucky, the ones who struggle everyday begging for substance and hiding around every corner not knowing if they're gonna live tomorrow." He paused for a moment before continuing, "Vaccuo is filled with the unlucky. I never said it was about me, I said it was about every hunter I come across, because of them I'm the one standing up and fighting, I'm the one taking the bullet and living in shambles so the ones who have a hard time, don't have to be scared anymore. I'm the one fighting cause Hunters don't."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Diana let out a sigh. "You would do well not to judge other kingdoms as if they were your own. Remnant is a large place. You can't afford to be so close minded..." With that Diana was done talking. She had lost the motive to continue arguing, she had realised she was guilty of what she'd been telling Marlin not to be. This miffed her as most thing do. She was very close to spilling her past to Marlin but had managed to hold it back. He didn't deserve it, not yet at least.

Diana then looked up at the entrance of the shuttle bay that would take them up to Beacon. The trip would be silent, Diana was clearly not wishing to talk to Marlin out of fear of starting an argument, and a little bit of spite. She looked over her list of supplies and frowned at the bottom item. "Prosthetic legs (knees down)" She had an assortment of measurements underneath it that she took while looking after Hansa albeit very indiscriminately. Then She would head up into Ozpin's office and wait for Marlin to do whatever it was he had to do.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlin was quite pleased that she didn't retort with something filled with anger and hatred, it meant she was mature to see both sides, a lot of people didn't have that ability. The rest of the trip was silent, though he did take note of what she said, he had been judging other Kingdoms like his own, and the team he was with was a bit different but it wasn't something he was used to. When they arrived Marlin was about to open his mouth but Ozpin cut him off.

"Mr. Skyy," seeing the Faunus first before spotting the other, "Diana. I heard briefly what happened with Eve and Yoki, sorry they couldn't join us."

Marlin was quick to talk and getting straight to the point, his business was usually short, with a hand extended waiting for a check like usual, "And our terms from our last meeting? You want me to stay and play?"

Ozpin pulled out the Lien and handed it to the cat before answering, "If you wouldn't mind, I can't keep up the payments of your request but the team could use you, seeing what's at stake I'll let you decide."

With a nod and hand tucking away the money, he back away from the desk, "I'll think about it, you'll hear from me if I decide to join your little parade." With those final words he headed for the elevator, glancing at Diana without saying a word.

"I assume you wish to speak to Ironwood? He's not here at the moment but I'll be glad to help in anyway I can," Ozpin's attention redirected to Diana.


Leaving the tower Marlin headed for an inn he knew of on the far side of town, the quiet side really. He wanted a couple drinks before getting some rest. Sitting at the bar he stared into a nearby TV watching the news on bandit raids and White Fang activity. His thoughts went from their time meeting in the ruins, to joining up with the team and venturing to another set of ruins. He hadn't spent time with a group of people in a long time. It was nice to have a change of pace, he smiled taking a shot. His argument with Diana was not something he planned or expected but he could tell it was a mutual dislike that seemed to lighten up a bit. Another shot and he was feeling loose, the alcohol from his trip to sitting at the bar finally hit him. He sat still, remaining calm and peaceful, reminiscing the past days events.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Diana was leaning on a wall listening to the conversation between Ozpin and Marlin. She simply waited for her turn not looking up as Marlin went past. She then pulled out her scroll and got the item list ready. Diana then placed the scroll on Ozpin's desk. "You are correct. I need Ironwood to get those items delivered to me, and before you ask the prosthetic legs are for the boy... Be sure to mention to Ironwood how brave the child was..."

Diana took a breath. "Ironwood values bravery. So you must make sure to tell him that. And he'll understand about all the medical supplies." she sighed. "I must also thank you for this opportunity. I've not had the chance to be on a team until this point. And you have let me finally be able to experience it. I'd not imagine it would be this... Stressful..." Diana was obviously conflicted, she was annoyed by her team but was also grateful that they existed. She guessed she'd have to act a little "nicer" if she were to get be able to stay as part of the group. Whether or not she could pull that off was another story.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Are you the ones who brought Hansa Agouti in?” A doctor walked up to Eve and Yoki.
“Yes!” Eve stood up hoping the news was good. “How is he?”
“He's doing fine. He just got out of surgery,” the doctor looked a bit unsettled. “Were you aware that he is listed as a spy for the White Fang in our system?”
“Yes,” Eve nodded. “He's actually my informant. After this though I will be pulling him out of there. So please treat him with the utmost care.”
“I see,” he looked a bit more at ease after hearing that. “We will.”
“I will be acting as his guardian for the time being,” Eve informed him. “All medical costs will be paid by me personally. Also if you would, I'd like for him to be able to walk again.”
“He'll need a couple weeks of recovery before we can start that process,” the doctor stated. He smiled at Eve, “We can make it happen. You might want to look into getting some better prosthetics for him. The ones we provide might not be as good as you might want for him.”
“Thank you!” Eve smiled back. “If we can like for him to have the best prosthetics on the market.” Eve started rambling to herself aloud. “Atlesian if possible. Maybe as soon as I get my scroll replaced I can try and see if Ironwood would be willing to do me a favor on this. I mean unless Diana is willing.” Eve paused and slumped back down in her seat, “You know now that I think about it there's a lot to do right now…”
“I'm sure you have your plates full,” the Doctor chuckled. “I won't waste any more of your time. Hansa will be in room 237 soon if you wish to see him.” He walked off and Eve couldn't help but light up. Hansa is alright and now he can start a new life soon.
“What’s the plan now?” Yoki stood up.
“Probably spend a couple days here in Vale,” Eve started thinking about it. “I want to make sure everything with Hansa is set up,” she started counting her list on her fingers. “I need to get more dust crystals and a new scroll, we've got some things to discuss, I'd like see if Oobleck can decipher any of the ancient text if not might have to head to Mistral and visit Bisque, we need to head there anyway and look for Rose, also I’d like to see if our friends on the shady side of town know anything about the White Fang and our mystery man.” Eve took a breath. “There’s a lot…”
“How about we just start with the, kid,” Yoki huffed and started walking.
“Yeah I guess you’re right,” Eve bounced after him. “There’s a lot more to that than what I listed. I need to see if someone can keep an eye on him while we are away. He’ll need a place to stay when he’s released. Should see if he’s willing and able to get some form of huntsman training. I think he'd be good at it. Maybe-”
“Eve,” Yoki interrupted her, placing a hand on her head, “You are over thinking it.”
“I can’t help it! You know I ramble when I’m tired…” Eve huffed.
“Deal with those things after he wakes up,” Yoki turned her head to see that they stopped outside Hansa’s room. “Until then, no one would fault you for getting a bit of rest.”
“Only if you do,” Eve glanced over my shoulder as she opened the door. “We both have been up way too long.”
“I don’t think I would oppose that idea,” Yoki shrugged and they both stepped in the room.
Hansa was sleeping peacefully. It put Eve's heart at ease seeing him so calm. She stood next to him and brushed his hair out of his face.
“I haven't seen you look like that since…” Yoki paused not wanting to bring him up but he already started. “Since your boy was still around.”
“What?” Eve was a bit surprised. She didn't realize just how motherly she was being. “No! I-! He-! It's-!”
“Why don't you take a second to let your brain catch up,” Yoki looked annoyed. Eve stopped and took a deep breath. She looked back down at Hansa again a solemn look on her face.
“He’d be about his age by now…” She sighed and sat down in one of the chairs in the room. “He reminds me a bit of Rufous too. I guess in some ways I can't help but think if Jack grew up he'd be a bit like him.”
“That's pretty wishful thinking,” Yoki sat next to her.
“You know me!” Eve let out a sad laugh.
Aside from the sounds of the various monitoring equipment, it was silent in the room for a while after that. Yoki wanted to tell her the truth about Jack but he knew she couldn't take it. He looked over and saw that she was finally asleep. He slumped down in his chair a bit and fell asleep too.

Hansa woke up to sun on his face. He looked around the room unsure of where he was until he realized he was in the hospital. He saw Eve asleep resting her head on Yoki's shoulder as he was resting his head on hers. He couldn't remember much leading up but he remembered after saving Eve with her own weapon, he briefly saw the fox Faunus.
Yokis ears twitched, catching the sound of movement and his eyes cracked open. His shifting caused Eve to stir. When she opened her eyes and saw Hansa sitting up looking at them, she lit up.
“Hansa! You're awake!” She quickly leaned forward and ended up banging her head against Yoki’s. “Ow! Damn…!” Eve cried as she hunched over holding her head.
“Damn it woman!” Yoki hissed in pain placing a hand on the point of impact.
“You two okay?” Hansa laughed a little.
“We should be asking you that!” Eve looked up. “How long have you been awake? Why didn't you wake us?!”
“Not long,” Hansa smirked. “But you two looked kinda cute. I didn't want to disturb.”
“You should have!” Eve pouted. “I've been worried!”
“For someone who just lost his legs you seem pretty chipper,” Yoki looked to the side and rested his chin on his hand, trying to hide the slight embarrassment.
“Well maybe it's the drugs but it's not the worst thing that could happen,” Hansa shrugged. “I mean, I know robotics are pretty good these days. Pretty sure I'll be back at it in no time.”
“What exactly are you going to get back to other than walking?” Yoki asked bluntly. “You're done with the White Fang, right?”
“Yoki!” Eve shot him a glare for pushing it so soon.
“You wanted to know too!” Yoki glared back.
“It's fine,” Hansa smiled. “I want to get my sister back from the White Fang…” Hansa looked out the window.
“Don't worry about that!” Eve stood up. “We are going to go get her.”
“Your recovery is going to take a few weeks anyway, kid,” Yoki pointed at him. “Focus on that first. Let us worry about her.”
“Us huh?” Eve glared over her shoulder at Yoki. “You going to stick around this time?”
“Yes because I know that creep is after you now,” Yoki growled bitterly. “Can we discuss this later?!”
“Fine,” Eve shrugged and looked back to Hansa. “See I figured it would be best to not wait. We'll probably leave in the next day or two after I set a few things up for you here and we resupply.”
“I guess that works,” Hansa smiled sadly.
“I know you probably would like to do it yourself but you'll see her soon. I intend to keep my promise!” Eve place a hand on his head and beamed. Hansa felt a bit better with her to look after them. “I'm going to come back later and you are going to tell me all about your sister!”
“Where are you going?” Hansa was a bit sad to have her leave so soon.
“Well lots to do, have to swing by Beacon first,” Eve swung around. “There's quite a bit to set up. I'll be back later and maybe with Diana and Marlin. Hopefully you can meet them properly.” She opened the door but stopped and pointed at Hansa. “Get more rest!”
“Not like I can go anywhere,” Hansa shrugged with a slight smirk. He plopped back down on the pillow.
“At least he can joke about it,” Yoki shook his head and walked out.
“I'll be back soon!” Eve smiled as she closed the door behind her. She noticed Yoki kept walking without her so she bounded after him to catch up. “You couldn't wait!”
“What? Not like I can get far at this pace,” Yoki shrugged her disdain off.
They made their way to Beacon pretty quickly, not that they were in a rush. Yoki tried to avoid talking because he didn't want to discuss his manhunt with her. Eve just kept going over her mental to-do list until they stepped into the elevator to Ozpin's office.
“You know, I never expected to be a leader…” Eve reflected on recent events to better report to Ozpin.
“You know you kept Team CERY together not your brother, right?” Yoki could still be amazed by her obliviousness. "He might have been a beter strategist but you were the one who could get everyone to work together."
“Ozpin used to tell me that too…” Eve sighed. She was feeling the responsibility for keeping everyone safe while trying to complete their mission. It looked like it was getting more difficult to do with this mysterious man after them. She almost felt bad for wanting to take everyone on this side-quest to get Rose. “Was the weight of being leader always like this?”
“I wouldn't know…” Yoki shrugged.
The elevator doors opened as they got to the top and despite the heavy mood Ozpin greeted them warmly. “Eve, Yoki, I'm glad to see you both well. How's the boy?”
“He's doing remarkably well!” Eve started moving faster than Yoki towards Ozpin's desk.
“I heard some of the story from Ms. Seraph. Also she wanted me to put in a word to General Ironwood to help get him walking again.” Ozpin leaned forward with a slight smile. “It seems he agreed.”
“Really?!” Eve lit up with excitement. “That's great! I was worried I'd end up owing him a favor. I might try and do something nice for him anyway because it means a lot.”
“This young man sounds rather impressive. If he has any interest in becoming a huntsman consider his invitation to Beacon extended.” Ozpin smiled at Eve.
“I'll be sure to let him know!” Eve felt a bit better knowing she wouldn't have to inquire about two things for Hansa any longer. One less thing to do.
“Oz, about this team thing…” Yoki glowered as he brought it up. “Why? Haven't Eve and I been more effective just the two of us?”
“Yes and no,” Ozpin stood up from his desk. “You see, even after your team graduated this academy you never truly parted ways even if you didn't necessarily work together you had a tendency to get things done on multiple fronts and assist each other when needed often without even asking. We don't truly know how powerful our enemy is and I would like a strong team like that again if I can. You four were very effective. I'm hoping you two can help bring those qualities back again. I know it might be tough at first but think of it as necessary in the protection of humanity.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Diana awoke in he rented room and looked out the window, she sighed and started getting ready to go to Ozpin's office. After cleaning herself up and getting dressed she got her equipment ready and headed out for beacon. The trip was short but it felt long for Diana as she thought about the argument she had with Marlin. She tapped the handle of her blade against the wall of the shuttle that flew her up to Beacon. Then she remembered that the mongrel Yoki was part of her team and she grumbled, he could fight but he couldn't seem to follow orders very well. This displeased Diana (like most things).

As the elevator doors opened she adjusted her sunglasses to make sure they were on properly then looked up. Yoki and Eve were already there and were talking with Ozpin. She only managed to catch "Protection of Humanity." she stood with her arms behind her back as she waited for everyone to be finished talking. When everyone was done she spoke "Good morning headmaster Ozpin, may I request the ETA on the supplies Ironwood is sending over?" She didn't bother with formalities for Yoki but gave Eve a brief nod without making eye contact.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The night lasted longer than expected, between drinking the day before and being completely out of aura Marlin's body was shut down. His dreams were blank as his body rejuvenated and healed. He woke up feeling fully charged and his tail was rather okay, there was just one set back. Marlin had a huge headache, hungover from his hourly sips of his flask to shooting down every glass at the bar last night. His thought process wasn't exactly what you would call sharp so he took his time getting up and readying himself for the day. He was thinking about what Ozpin had said the day before, he could stay and help the team, help Ozpin really, or leave and go home. He was far away from home so that would easily take awhile. And there wasn't much for him to do back there.

Marlin made his way to the streets, a slight overcast but it would be a clear day as the hours went by. He started walking into town, towards the shops, most of which weren't open yet. His thoughts ran through the possibilities of having a team again. Granted it was short when Yoki was there but fighting with others was rather different. Plus something about the possible end of the world was a thing. His head hurt too much thinking and he rubbed his temple leaning against a lamp post trying to focus. With little debating he made his decision and started heading for Beacon.

Riding up the elevator to his office his head pounded harder, the sudden change in altitude resulted is more pressure. "GOD FUCKING," heard from behind the elevator doors, "DAMN IT," echoed through the room as the doors opened. "Gimme a pain pill Oz I'm dyin' here," leaning against one of the posts supporting the outer edge of the room. He spotted Diana first, assuming she had arrived shortly before him, thinking back to yesterdays events he could tell neither of them were gonna say anything about just by the way she looked at him. He glanced over to Eve and Yoki who looked like they've been up all night. "How's the kid? He doin' ok-" he grunted behind gritted teeth as his head throbbed another wave. "Just give me a fuckin' pill and I'll join your party, fuck."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Good Morning Ms.Seraph.” Ozpin nodded in her direction. “I was informed due to inclimate weather your supplies won't arrive until tomorrow.”
“Diana, I'd like to thank you for going through the effort in getting a new set of legs for Hansa.” Eve smiled brightly at her. “It honestly made my day to hear that!”
“How noble,” Yoki said sarcastically as he put his arms being his head and looked out the window.
“Can you not!” Eve lightly backhanded his side. When she heard yelling from the elevator she looked over. “You don't look so good...” When he asked about Hansa her expression of concern lightened, "He's doing great. It's surprising how well he's dealing with it."
Yoki pulled out a small bottle of pills and chucked it at Marlin. Eve gave him a bitterly confused look. “What? It'll shut him up!”
“You going to be a team player now?” Eve asked, annoyed.
“Do I have a choice?!” Yoki raised his voice.
“There's always a choice,” Ozpin stated.
“The creep in the hat is going to be after this band of nuts.” Yoki gestured to everyone. “If I don't keep an eye on them, they'll probably get killed and I can't stand looking more to that bastard!”
“If you are going to stick around you can't do this half-assed!” Eve pointed up at him. “Your flighty attitude won't fly here! I need you to be honest with me, with this team!”
“Fine,” Yoki crossed his arms. “If that's what it takes to keep you safe…”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Diana nodded to Ozpin "Thank you." her attention then shifted to Eve tho she avoided eye contact before she could respond Yoki made his sarcastic remark and Diana frowned. She did smirk when Eve gave him the tap tho, then she heard Marlin's cursing from the elevator and her mood drastically dropped. She watched him drag himself out of the elevator obviously hung over and looked away from him, she had no wish to speak to him or run the risk of him speaking of what had gone down between them last night. So she stayed silent and listened.

She rubbed her shoulder as Eve said that he needed to be honest to everyone. Diana had not lied per say but sh hadn't told them much about herself or anything for that matter. She would tell them later, she still didn't fully trust all of them. She also resented Yoki's comment about her getting killed, she was most likely twice the worrier he was (in her head at least).
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Half watching Eve smack Yoki and their attitude towards each other, Marlin was hit with a bottle of pills. It hit his shoulder and fell to the floor, "Oh thank god!" He said louder than what was necessary. He picked up the bottle, hearing that it was practically full by all the pills bouncing around in it. He grabbed the lid and straight up broke it off, not wanting to bother with the child safety lock. A few pills fell on the floor and Marlin proceeded to lift the bottle up and chug half the container like they were gummie snacks. a part of him knew it was stupid but another part of him wasn't worried, he had a strong liver that could handle enough alcohol for a giant, but then again, these were pills.

He tossed the container of pills back to Yoki, a couple falling out and on the floor during its flight, only to land at it's target with but a couple left, "Thanks buddy." Putting a small amount of aura into his organs he enhanced their functions, a secret of his he never told anybody which allowed him to drink and fight without being dulled, but occasionally he'd like the thrill of being drunk. He looked over to Ozpin before stating, "What I miss? What's our plan?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“That is a good question!” Eve replied to Marlin. She paused to condense her mental list. “I was thinking of asking Oobleck if he'd recognize some of the symbols in my notes but if we are heading to Mistral in the next few days I think I might just talk with an archeologist friend of mine there. Resupply and whatnot. Also, I have a couple informants I'd like to talk to on the shady side of Vale. But I think first order of business, we'll swing by my place, need to make sure I can get it in order for Hansa and some food. I haven't eaten in awhile. You guys can come if you want or you can just chill in Vale.”
“Then I will leave-” Yoki started walking toward the elevator but Eve interrupted him.
“Nope you are coming with me!” Eve bounded past him and stepped into the elevator first. “You are making me food!”
“I was about to say that I was going to get some ingredients.” Yoki glared at her for interrupting him. He held the elevator door open in case the others decided to join. “I doubt you have anything good left in your fridge.”
“Good point…” Eve pointed at him and the straight up. “Let's hit the shops first.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Diana groaned at Marlin's hideous state and misuse of medicine. At least he asked a valid question, Diana herself did wonder what their next move was. Tho they did have to stay in Vale for a day anyway, for Diana's supplies. She looked out the massive window of Ozpin's office and wondered what she would do for the day while awaiting the supplies. She didn't have any on the stations she was accustom to, they all remained in Atlas. She listened as Eve relayed her list of things to do, only one option caught her attention "Informants in the shady side of Vale. She turned back to see Eve and Yoki entering the elevator. "I could deal with the informants if I had their locations. Idle hands to the Grimm's work."

Diana looked back just next to Ozpin and nodded to him before heading towards the elevator but not entering. "Unless it's something you would like to do personally, then I will find some way to occupy myself." Diana glanced at Marlin probably hitting him hard with her semblance if their eyes crossed. She had no wish to be near him at least until tomorrow, she was still kinda mad at him. But she understood him a lot more. She wondered if he also knew her better, she didn't feel she revealed that much but she knew how to piece together a profile of someone simply by talking to them. A skill she learnt from her many interrogations.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlin listened closely to what Eve was talking about for the team's next plan. There was still a few things left to do in town, a day's worth perhaps, maybe two. He figured it would be best if he just tagged along rather than just do his own thing, get to know the team some more since he made the decision to to stay. "Free food at your place, I'm down," he said in a cheerful manner. With a hang over a lack of real substance the past couple days he could use some food. Yoki held the elevator door for the group and he found his way in after Diana, who glanced at him for a brief moment. Marlin felt the same thing as he did before when he first met her. A sense of fear, something penetrating his aura. He was nervous for a second before waving it off, realizing that whatever it was she was doing doesn't affect for him very long. "You okay?" he asked her gently, keeping eye contact as long as she held it. He knew Eve and Yoki would question what happened between the two if they never spoke, so he was trying to be less suspecting as possible, even if it meant doing something Diana probably didn't like.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“I'll handle them, don't you worry.” Eve replied to Diana. “They are a bit… odd... to say the least…”
“Understatement,” Yoki rolled his eyes, settling in the corner of the elevator with his arms crossed.
“Well Rythm is much better than he used to be. It's just… Livid…” Eve was dreading seeing her, she knew how to push Eve's buttons. She shook it off went back to a usual good mood, “In any case I would like to ask them a personal favor as well. Otherwise I might have considered your offer.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Diana stood in the elevator wiping any emotion from her face. She simply looked at Marlin and pushed her sunglasses down so he could see her eyes, she then pushed them back on and looked straight forward. She was disappointed to hear she couldn't interrogate some people but understood that Eve had her reasons, and by the sounds of them the informants might have been more annoying then she would have liked. If they pissed off Eve then they could very easily piss off Diana. "That is unfortunate, I shall find something else to occupy the time until I get my supplies tomorrow. You three enjoy your meal." Diana couldn't wait to get out of the elevator, she wasn't sure if Marlin would try and talk to her again. She also wasn't sure if she could keep a lid on if he did.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The elevator ride seemed to last forever, Diana's lack of discussion creating an atmosphere of discomfort and he remained silent. Once the doors opened at the bottom of the building, the party was left to three. Marlin wasn't going to follow Diana anywhere at the moment, plus Eve had food. "Well I'm fuckin' starving, where's your place?" he tucked his hands his pockets and prepared for the walk. His headache was dulled now that the amount of pills he had digested took effect rather quickly. Though this also resulted in a stomachache and he need substance badly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Just outside downtown Vale,” Eve skipped out of the elevator. “Not too far of a stretch to get a few things along the way! We won't be long. I don't think...”
The trio ventured out to Vale’s shopping district. Yoki bought enough food to last them the next couple days. Eve managed to get a new scroll for her and Hansa. She didn't want him to have any ties to the White Fang when all was said and done. She also managed to stock up on her variety of Dust crystals. One of each type and a few more of her preferred Dust Elements.
They made their way to Eve's house. It was a small townhouse on the edge of downtown Vale. Outside it was a pale blue with warm white trim.
“Here we are!” Eve stated proudly mainly for Marlin’s sake. She opened the door and walked in leaving it open for them. “Make yourselves at home!”
“I'll get started on food…” Yoki shrugged and walked in. Off to the right was a living room space with two couches and a coffee table. Across from one couch was a TV that was against the staircase that started a bit in from the front door. The kitchen was just past the living room, separated by a bar that had the other couch underneath the extended counter top.
“Try to not make too much of a mess,” Eve smirked as she stood on the first step to the upstairs and peered over the banister at him. “I want this place clean for Hansa! I'm going to go clean the spare room for him while you cook. Hollar when it's done.” She looked at Marlin, “Feel free to chill wherever. You could watch something down here or hang with me while I clean. Whatever's cool!” Eve bounced up the steps and around the corner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Diana went her own way back towards her apartment, she honestly had no idea what she was going to do, she'd already read over a large amount of information on how to deal with high tech prosthesis. She was by no means a master in the field but she could assist Hansa if he needed it. She sighed as she leaned on a pole and looked at the sky. She might've gotten a few looks because she was in her Atlesian military attire. She needed new clothes, the less people looking at her the better. She then started searching for clothing stores she didn't want anything fancy, she needed regular looking clothes. Eventually she found a suitable store and entered she started trying on different kinds of clothes but these "Yoga pants" she'd never seen of felt anything like then. They were so comfortable, sure they weren't as common as say jeans but they were just so comfortable and different from anything she'd ever worn before so she got herself a few. One white two blacks and one grey. Now on to shirts she thought, she needed to go to another two stores before she found one she really liked, it was a dark red long sleeve top and it had no window in the front, she was surprised just how much colder that window in the front made things. What was going through the heads of the Atlesian uniform designers? Out of everyone they should have noted that a window would make such a difference on ones temperature. The shirt was simple to be sure, but she needed simple, so she got two dark reds and a salmon colour. She also got a heavier Black jumper shirt.

She then looked at her shoes. She liked her heels but also knew she fought better out of them. It was a conundrum. Eventually she settled on some fairly simple looking boots, no heels and a modest vamp nothing to long. She was shopping for at long time which she considered to be even longer then it actually was. After she had finished purchasing her undergarments she took a deep breath. That was that done, now what does she do?... She decided she'd go have a quick drink all that shopping had made her thirsty. She then walked into a bar and got herself some expensive ass wine, this was the stuff she liked to drink. And she'd not drink much, because it was expensive and pretty dam potent. She then sat there slowly sipping away at her wine.
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