Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DawningAurora
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DawningAurora Coffee Addict

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"you only have one life, so live it to the fullest"











Main Skills

Master of restoration, conjuration, and destruction

Secondary Skills



Jo'Nir has a huge thirst for knowledge and will do anything to get his hand on more. Generally, he is a very reserved person and might come off as cold and distant. Once you get to know him you see the real side of his personality. He is kind, caring and extremely protective of his close friend and family.


Leaving his homeland of Elsweyr and traveling across Tamriel in search of knowledge about the magic arts. He left his homeland at a very young and he never intends to return. Within a few years, he has traveled through all nine provinces of Tamriel and eventually ended up in Skyrim where he joined the college of Winterhold and mastered three schools of magic restoration, conjuration, and destruction.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 7 mos ago

"If I had to choose...I'd rather fight and die on my feet, than to live in cower on my knees."


Soveliss Doletta








Warrior (duelist)

Main Skills

One Handed fighting: Soveliss is proficient in using short one handed weapons like the axe, mace or short sword. Typically preferring to fight with two axe; One in each hand.

Light Armor: Thin leathers and clothes work best for his fighting style.

Secondary Skills

-Smithing (only weapons)
-Public Speaking


There really isn't one word you could use to describe Soveliss, if you're around him long enough you will see that his true colours are a mix of things. On a general note, Soveliss is an understanding person who will always try to empathize with people. If he feels like you are a genuine person, he will makes friends with you on the spot. But, if he has second thoughts about someone, it might take some time before Soveliss starts to open up to them. He has a philosophy he stands by; Respect someone until they give you a reason not to.


Soveliss grew up knowing nothing of freedom. Soveliss, His father and his brother worked as blacksmiths for a small settlement occupied by memebers of the dragon cult. For as long as he could remember, Soveliss was making weapons for these dragon cultist against his will. He'd always dreamed of escaping from this depressing lifestyle and one day he did. The cultists left to raid another settlement and acquire more slaves and Soveliss took this opportunity to run and never look back. he urged his father and brother to escape with him, but they saw freedom as futile. Soveliss gathered a few things and left, leaving his brother and father behind. Although it was a hard choice to make, to this day Soveliss still regrets nothing. He made a promise to hinself to return to his family and free them and if they perished because of his actions then he would avenge them. Soveliss now travels across tamriel in search of the famous 'Order of the Nine' in hopes to grow stronger and join their honorable cause.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EldarionI
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EldarionI Future King of Arnor

Member Seen 7 mos ago

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Avali
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Avali "Simple Girl with Simple Thoughts."

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"This can go two ways I suppose. You can continue being hostile, and I'll have to feed you to a sabrecat. Or, you can be nice, and we can go get a drink or something." -Speaking to a bandit attempting to rob her.


Penthesilea (Tessa)


20 something






Mage/Warrior? (conjuration weapons)

Main Skills

Conjuration, Two Handed

Secondary Skills



Tessa is an incredibly sociable person, though doesn't actively seek out people. She has been told she is charismatic, and incredibly provocative at times. When she is alone though, she is very susceptible to thoughts of loneliness, and often longs for a companion.


Tessa hails from Cyrodiil, though she spent maybe 10 years of her childhood there. Once the Alduin take over took place,
her family was murdered in the process. From there, her life was incredibly straightforward in a sense. She was self sufficient,
either begging for food, or simply stealing it. She wandered the land for a time, barely scraping by. When she was 15ish or so, she met a master conjurer, who offered his teachings and home in exchange for... "favors." This went on for 5+ years, until she eventually had enough and decided to leave. The master conjurer, who's name she never got to learn, died in the process of stopping her. Now, she merely wanders, unsure what to do with her life.

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