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Looking at the Elven Prince, Tauriel saw he made up his mind. If he was sure about this; Tauriel would support his decision. She smiled at him softly. "I wish you well, and good luck on your journey." Tauriel said, before giving him a gentle hug. "May our paths, cross again one day." she said softly.

As Saeril told her the location, Yavanna nodded gently. "I see. Do we have everything we need?" she said softly. She wondered about Kili and Fili's mother, she had heard a few things about her on their journey. But meeting the Dwarf woman would be another thing all together.
Kili couldn't help but think about his mother; he had missed her. But he dreaded the moment, they'd have to tell her about Thorin and Fili's passing.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Legolas returned the hug that Tauriel willingly gave. He knew that he would miss her greatly, considering that she was one of his best friends and comrade in-arms; the only one to ever truly support him in troubled times, as it was a platonic bond between partners. "And I hope yours to be as just", he returned, before letting go. "One day", he smiled to her, truly wishing her luck, before turning around, and walking ahead of her, tucking the necklace under his Elven tunic.

"I was given some Elven bread from back in Rivendell that we can use", Saeril stated as a matter-of-fact. She did get some Elven bread but has yet to eat some, since she was saving it for emergencies; in case, they would run out of consuming necessities. "But...", she paused, before gesturing to the dwarf. "We are to stick together at all times. I fear that the battle we just endured, was only the beginning", the Elder recommended. "The Defiler may be dead, but the world, as we know it, is not safe anymore. Particularly, for the three of us", she said, almost as a warning.
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Kili was slightly surprised, to hear Saeril had Elvish bread on her; that he did not really know about. Yavanna on the other hand, knew she would have done the same if she had been in Saeril's place. The two alike, in thinking.

"You are right." Yavanna said softly. "The peace within Middle-Earth is Fading..." she said deep in thought. Wondering about what doom and darkness would soon follow. Her thoughts trailed off, when she saw The young Hobbit Bilbo; trying to sneak past them. It appeared, like the Hobbit was too leaving and didn't want to hassle anyone with long emotional goodbyes. "Off are, we young Bilbo?" Yavanna asked him softly.

Bilbo jumped when he saw the trio,whom seemed to have caught him on his way out of the mountain. "I...I thought of going back home." Bilbo rubbed the back of his neck slightly nervously, before giving them three a sad smile. "I am sorry for your loss." he said softly. Knowing Yavanna too, was suffering from grief of loosing Fili and Thorin.

Yavanna looked around the halls, as she heard Bilbo's words. "Thorin Oakenshield and Fili will pass into legend." she said softly. The pair have died fighting as heroes, for their home-land. They would be remembered for ages to come, by those that loved them; knew them and even by those that didn't know them.

"I am glad to have met you all." Bilbo said as he gave the she-elfs a gentle hug, before patting Kili on the back. "Will you, tell everyone, I said goodbye?" Bilbo asked the trio.

"You can tell, them yourself." Kili spoke, as he noticed the rest of the Dwarf company had found them four. All of them, besides his uncle and Fili stood there. It was strange, seeing the company with two of their own missing.

Bilbo looked over his shoulder; to see everyone else had found him. A few of the Dwarves were in tears. Seeing Thorin and Fili missing from their group...was still hard on Bilbo. He looked at his new found friends, including the two female elves. "If anyone of you are ever passing Bag-end. Tea is at four, there's plenty of it. Don't bother knocking." There were a few light chuckles. Yavanna smiled softly at Bilbo's words. "It has been a pleasure, knowing you all my friends. Good luck, with whatever your journeys may be." Bilbo told them all...before glancing around the halls of the mountain...remembering Thorin and Fili. "Goodbye Thorin and Fili, you shall be remembered and missed. Rest in peace, Sons of Durin." Bilbo said softly; saying his goodbye to the two missing Dwarves.

As Bilbo smiled at the group, a little sadly. He patted a few of their arms. Before leaving the mountain, soon met by Gandalf whom be escorting him back to the Shire.
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Saeril too noticed Bilbo trying to sneak by, just by the time she heard Yavanna mention about the young Hobbit. She nodded about his decision to return to his home back at the Shire, also nodding once more at his respects for the deceased Sons of Durin, before he made his departure. She didn't bother to read his mind, considering that she didn't need to, when he already expressed his sorrow from earlier.

Having to watch the Hobbit walk away, the winged she-elf looked in the distance of what may lie ahead. She didn't know what exactly, but considering her earlier 'episodes', there might be something lurking beneath them at this very moment. She didn't want to tell them, in order to prevent fear, panic, or skepticism about the Elder as a person. It was just the three of them now, having to now be on their own, for this part of the journey...
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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After Bilbo's departure. The rest of the late afternoon into the evening seemed to fly by rather quickly. Kili's request came true, the young Dwarf witnessed the survivors of Lake Town; getting what they were promised. Yavanna too was glad, that they got what was promised to them. So they could rebuild their lives, and have some plenty more for the future. Bard had been named the King, of New Dale. It was quite an honnor for him, Yavanna gathered. But he deserved it, for what he had done. The company then said goodbye to each other, over a nice dinner.

After the trio had eaten, and had everything they would need. They had began to their journey to The Blue Mountains. Yavanna would miss the company of the Dwarves..they were a merry bunch. But hopefully, they'd meet again some day.

Both Yavanna and Kili were silent, as they walked with Saeril. Kili's thoughts lingered on his brother and beloved Uncle Thorin. His mind searching for ways, how he should...would need to break the sad news to his mother. But nothing seemed, right in his mind. It was going to be the most difficult thing ever; having to tell his mother the heart-breaking news. Kili didn't feel ready for it. Not mentally, emotionally...or physically. He was still trying to come to terms with the deaths himself.

The young Dwarf tried to think of happier things. Something that would allow to his mind and memories sane.

Yavanna's mind kept swimming with various different thoughts. From when she first met the Dwarves, that instant bond of friendship she had with Fili and Kili. To Fili's support, when she had met Legolas. His encouragement to stay with the Elven Prince, was still replying in her mind. The last words, he had ever spoken to her. The many memories, and thoughts of Legolas were ever present in her mind. Thoughts of Legolas seemed to keep her sane. Kept her strong enough, to not fall into the darkness of pure sorrow and grief. But she also missed him. His blue eyes, the way he'd comfort her. Those brief smiles, that made her heart skip a beat. Whatever the fate of their world was too be, she hoped he was safe.

For a while, the young she-elf even began to think about her elder sister. Yavanna and Arwen had always been close. And alike in so many ways. Whilst Yavanna loved her elder brothers...of course she did. She just found it hard to trust them, and be close to them...after the lies they told her. She did miss her elder sister, wondering where Arwen's fate and destiny, had taken her too.

Next followed memories of her childhood, that she spent in Lothlorien. Yavanna was loved by the Elves of Lorien. The pride and joy to her grand-parents. She owed them a lot. They were a big...huge...important part of her life. Both Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel had given her so much...taught her so much. From History of Middle Earth, to the History of their Kind...to teaching her how to handle her powers/elven magic. They had also just opened that wonderful world, where she met so many people; that was in their realm. One Particular person, she had always been close to was Haldir.
The Marchwarden...he was one of her closest friends and her mentor. He pretty much taught her almost everything, she knew when it came to combat and fighting with weapons. A few of her father's best warriors taught her back in Rivendell growing up, when she got bit older..
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril stayed with Yavanna and Kili the rest of the day, rarely letting them leave her sight, and hardly ever seen apart from them. At each moment, during these times, she knew that their minds were still scarred and plagued by the memories of the war: it was starting to become the usual routine every time she was near them. Then, something new came to her as they walked the forest of the valleys and prairies of Middle Earth, towards the Blue Mountains: She could see the memories of the princess' childhood; Lothlorien, the "heart of Elvendom on Middle-Earth", as well as new faces; people she may not remember, and others she did come to know, like Galadriel, the Lady of Light. An angelic being in all ways of Elven-life, she was probably a lot wiser than the winged she-elf herself; not to mention the most powerful. One cannot come to fully understand the silver-golden haired elf of the Wood. To compare the two, Saeril would be considered as the "dark-version" of Galadriel, all in beauty, wisdom, and knowledge. Then, there came even more memories. A woman with raven-black hair, who remarkably, almost looked a lot like Yavanna, only older. Her sister, perhaps?

They were only a day away from Ered Luin, and Saeril could only recall herself sitting on a rock in the woods, while Yavanna and Kili sat around the fire. The Elder was facing away from them until she looked back at them again. It was strange how there were only two, instead of three, with Fili absent. That memory remained fresh and, whether if she liked it or not, it was to stay up there within her own mind, where it acted as a reminder for what might happen if Kili ever left her sight. He's now the only remaining direct-descendant of Durin's Folk; the last Son of Durin, basically. Her duty became even more serious, and the memory of Fili's death kept her on high-alert, ever since. That was when an idea came to help the two individuals near the fire. Standing up from her spot, Saeril pulled her hood back, allowing her brown hair to flow freely in the wind. "Yavanna", she called out softly to the princess.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by WolfLover
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It seemed like everyone was silent; stuck in the abyss of their own thoughts. The Darkness and loss of Fili and Thorin's death, had affected all of them. In different ways. Kili had lost his big-brother, best-friend, protector and uncle. Yavanna had lost her best-friend, someone she had considered a brother. And a dear-friend, that did not know, how dear he was to her. Saeril had lost a good friend as well as her God-son, someone Yavanna had seen her view; almost like a son. It felt strange...having to get used to a new way of life...without the eldest Heir. The absence of Fili was clear. Yavanna wasn't used to being without Fili. He was missing...she was missing him. Even Kili hated being without his elder brother...it felt...incomplete.

But it seemed, like any good memories. Any distraction was good for the young Dwarf and the elf-Princess. Anything to stop thinking about the loss and sadness.

Yavanna was sitting by the fire, after she had washed her face in the little river near by. Her cloak was around Kili to help keep him warm. Her silver-blue outfit had been exposed. She didn't mind the evening breeze. Her raven hair was free, almost dancing in the wind, as each new gush of the air ruffled it. Kili was eating some of the Elvish bread...whilst Yavanna had been staring into the fire. Watching the red, orange and yellow colors of the sparks dancing.

Hearing Saeril's voice, Yavanna looked up. "Yes? What is it?" she asked softly. Standing up, the young she-elf walked over to the elder.
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Saeril watched the younger she-elf as she approached her. It was remarkable on how much the girl looked a lot like the young Elven woman that Saeril saw within her mind. She didn't know who she was, since she didn't necessarily receive a name; but she looked a lot like Yavanna, only older. She knew it was none of her business, since the elder kept her word in keeping her thoughts to herself and not pry upon the princess' affairs. But, if it's for the benefit of protecting her, then it might be considered necessary to ask the young one herself. It was that maternal connection she had within her; since the mysterious disappearance of the girl's mother, it was like Saeril was filling in the void of motherly affection for her. The winged she-elf knew that she couldn't replace Lady Celebrian, no; for the girl's sake, she wouldn't...it would be considered as cold and selfish. However, with her innocence and all, Saeril is willing to give Yavanna her full attention, comfort, as well as advice and guidance whenever she was on the bad side of her feelings.

"Do you have your sword on you?", the elder asked her, hoping she had the said-weapon. If confirmed, the elder stepped back with a few pace, before bringing her arms to the forefront, allowing her cloak to linger behind her shoulders, until it transformed into her black-brown feathery wings, tucking them in. "Attack me if you will", she told her, softly. "As fast as you can".
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The young she-elf resembled her elder sister greatly. The only noticeable difference between Arwen and her little sister Yavanna besides the difference in age. Were the eyes. Arwen had crystal blue eyes. Many also said, that the two young elves, looked a lot like their mother; Lady Celebrian. The beauty, the grace, the perfectly pale, flawless, beautiful creamy skin. As for Yavanna, she had her mother's eyes. The same soulful, beautiful Emerald color.

Yavanna rose a slight eyebrow, hearing Saeril. "Yes." she said softly. Yavanna had been fortunate enough, to pic out a sword in Erebor before their departure. Kili had helped her pick it out. It had been a while, since Yavanna had a sword, since her own had been taken by the Elven Guards; back in Mirkwood during her arrest. As she went to reach for it..her eyes widened when she heard Saeril.

"What? Are you crazy?" Yavanna breathed out. Why would she ask such a question? "I can't...just attack you. That's madness."
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Saeril eyed the girl, just as she asked whether if the elder was crazy or not. No, she wasn't. The winged she-elf had to get the harsh memories that the younger had to endure, out of her mind. So, what no better way than to help her focus on something else? In response to the younger's worry of hurting her, Saeril didn't stir, showing that was serious on the whole issue, but kept her expression soft. "Trust me", she said. There were plenty of moments where the princess had managed to experience the elder in Battle, considering that she is more than what she seems. She gave her a nod of encouragement. "You do trust me, don't you?", the elder asked.
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Yavanna wasn't sure about this. She was still worried about hurting Saeril. She didn't want to hurt her, by accident...if the elder didn't react in time. But then again; Saeril was faster than most. "I do trust you." Yavanna said softly. "But, this is still crazy." she said softly.

Thinking back on the times, Yavanna had seen and known Saeril to fight. Maybe this wasn't so crazy after all. It took another nod of encouragement before Yavanna fully drew the Dwarvish Sword, she had picked in Erebor. It felt a little heavier, then she was used to. But it was a good sword...she could tell. Mentally preparing herself, she circled Saeril a bit...as if carefully picking a good opportunity to attack.

Suddenly Yavanna moved in for the 'attack' from the back-right side. Yavanna was pretty swift and quick in her attack. Some even said, she was faster than her own siblings, in combat. Especially than her elder sister. But Yavanna never really dared compare herself to her siblings and their skills...since they had more centuries to practice.
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Saeril stayed still, even as she waited for Yavanna to make her move. Closing her yellow-green eyes, she listened to the footsteps that the young elf made, havig to clear her mind and measure them, like how she did during her battle with Azog. But then, she felt the vibrations of the princess' footsteps on the ground, advancing upon her back right-side. Opening her eyes, she reacted, by turning around at a fast rate, and grabbing the blade, catching it with her claws, preventing the blade from hitting her.
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Before the blade could even touch her side...it was in Saeril's grip. Saeril's fast moments never failed to surprise her. With a light flick of her wrist, Yavanna had freed her blade from Saeril's grip. Kili had been watching them from by the fire. He wondered what his god-mother was trying to do...maybe distract Yavanna?
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Saeril looked at Yavanna's surprised expression, and she smiled before giving her a nod. Allowing the girl to take the blade out of her grip, the elder looked at her. "You're wondering how I do it?", she asked her, as if she knew what the princess was thinking in that moment of what she just experienced. "Wanna learn something new? Might come in handy in Battle", she offered, hoping to teach the girl this technique that could furthen her combat skills.
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Yavanna smiled back at the elder. "Yeah, I am actually." she said softly. She was always surprised and impressed with the fastness of Saeril's movements. "I thought my own Combat teacher, Haldir was quick as anything...but I think you've beaten him, in that department." she said, softly. Hearing her offer, Yavanna nodded. It would be good to improve and learn new techniques that might help her. "Yes, please." she said softly.
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Saeril chuckled at her comment of outdating her own Elven teacher. Plus, a light blush appeared at the compliment, as well. Was she really the fastest of all the Elves. That might be debatable since she hasn't exactly fought against every single one in Middle Earth. So, she didn't want to jump to any conclusions on the thought yet. "Very well", she nodded, before inhaling some air, and breathing it out, having to close her eyes in the process. "Fighting is like dancing. I personally think of it as a dance when I first started training", she didn't mention anything about training in Isengard, thankfully. "Elves are known to bond with nature: trees, water, fire. Even air", she explained.

Legolas was also known for his deadly combat skills. But to compare the two, Saeril was probably the fastest. However, it would be accurate to say that they were both equals. Again, the winged she-elf didn't want to say that she was the better; no contest, please. "My ally is the air, as well as the wind", with that, her wings fluttered a little at the mention. "What do I do? I dance with it; relying on it, trusting it. I react fast because I have a clear thought, and I listen", she paused for a moment before speaking once again. "I am going to help you clear your mind", the elder then took a deep breath before closing her eyes. "Think of nothing, and listen".
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Yavanna smiled at her softly, it was probably one of the first few proper smiles; since the passing of Fili and Thorin. Yavanna wasn't sure, if Saeril was the fastest out of everyone in Middle-Earth, but certainly one of the deadliest, fastest elvish fighters, she had seen and known. Listening to Saeril, she almost sounded like her teacher. "I always loved dance....it's always somehow helped me, with combat moves...each one complex, different, it's own move like a dance movement." Yavanna said softly, digressing a little. But showing she understood what Saeril meant.

Listening to her advice. Yavanna closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to try and help wipe her mind of all thoughts. As she pushed away all thoughts, clearing her mind. The young elf began to listen...truly listen. She could hear it all. Listening to the wind, the trees swaying in the light breeze. The cracking of the fire...Yavanna was waiting for further instructions, and or movements on Saeril's part.
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"Listen", the elder repeated softly, before opening her eyes and silently sneaked away, with a quiet flap of her wings, having to take her into the darkness of the woods (the sun having to set pretty fast). With her eyes glowing in the dark, she repeated the instruction. "Listen...", her voice seemed to echo, around the girl, around Kili; surrounding them. It was silent for a few moments before Saeril suddenly advanced from the trees, flying down towards the girl.
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Yavanna remained still...her eyes closed. Listening intently. Her mind free of any thoughts...her breathing was even. Kili watched the pair of them, biting his lip curiously...he could see his God-mothers glowing in the darkness from the tops of the trees. As it was silent for a while. Yavanna's listening did not falter. Suddenly, sh could hear flapping. It was fast...coming down and behind her.

Yavanna's eyes snapped open...spinning around faster than lightening. Her sword flew up even faster...blocking Saeril's way. Yavanna's turn had been so sharp and quick...the air around her, was left with a slight shimmer of her light.

Kili stared a little in shock; he never seen Yavanna turn fast before. It was almost eye-uncatchable. One could easily miss it with a blink. He clapped..applauding the two she-elves.
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Saeril flew down at her, praying that the younger elf was prepared for what was to come. Her daggers were at the ready, though she was prepared to halt in her movements if the princess had any delays in the maneuver; just to prevent the girl from getting hurt accidentally. However, the sharp turn of her sword blocked the elder's daggers from making their mark. The light inside the younger was beginning the glow, and the winged she-elf slowly smiled with a nod, proud of her accomplishment to teach Yavanna something new to use on the battlefield.

Gracefully, Saeril descended back on the ground, tucking her wings in, and drawing her daggers back into their sheaths; she heard Kili clapping nearby, before speaking to the younger, "Well done", she said. "You showed absolute attentiveness and disclipline", she complimented. "That will all for today. But if you're lucky, you might learn something else from me, at a later time", she smiled in a motherly fashion, before placing a hand upon her shoulder.
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