Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Compulsive86
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Compulsive86 The obsessive

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hi everyone! So I have a few roleplay ideas I was hoping to share with you all. I open to any suggestions you have either if none of these float your boat. I don't have any ideas right now but I also do FxF. I usually write about one paragraph per post unless I'm feeling creative or have inspiration. Other things that I like to roleplay about are:

anime (ask for a list of them)
supernatural (not the show)

Here are the ideas (not all of them are romantic)
General: Parent Dearest
After their wife dies (my character) is devastated. She was the love of their life and the only person who truly accepted them for being them, despite never fully coming out to the world. What good would it do for a forty something to come out as genderfluid? What would everyone think of them? They have a child (your character) to think about! It was their wife’s last wish though, that they be true to themselves and by god they were going to do it.
(Your character) is at a lost when (his/hers) mother dies. What is (he/she) supposed to do now? (He/she) had never been closed to their father but after the death of (his/her) mother (his/her) father is acting like someone (she/he) has never met! What is going on? Doesn’t he realize you need him right now? Can’t he stop being stupid and stop whatever it is he’s doing?
So this story is basically about a parental figure coming out as genderfluid after their partners death and their child trying to deal with that along with their mothers death. Together they will learn the bond of family and be able to face their problems together. (We can work on the details together)
MxM: Kitty by the window
In a small village in the mountains of Japan Shinto myth and superstition is still very much alive. (Your character) has lived there all his life and has always been told to beware, for you never know when a yokai was gonna come and attack. (Your character) however, being young, does not believe in those silly legends that the elders of the village tell. So when the town starts to attack one of his neighbor’s cats he is furious. He questions the town folk and they tell him that the cat is getting old and that his tail needs to be chopped off or else it will become the corpse eating yoaki known as nekomata. The two tailed cat. Your character, not believing this, keeps the crowd at bay while the cat scampers off.
Later that night though, he hears clawing on his window. He walks over to see that it is the cat he saved. He lets the creature in, not noticing it’s bloody mouth and extra tail. The yokai is grateful for your characters kindness and allows you to live as it stays in your abode. Shape shifting into his human form of an attractive young man. With this yokai learn to be human? Will your character be able to help them?
MxM (BDSM) Submissive Sugar
(Your character) is a professional dom looking to earn some extra cash and some fun stuff. In order to do this he signs up for a gay Sugar Daddy site at his friends suggestion. He doesn’t expect anything to come of it, he doesn’t want some dominate old dude touching him for money. What he doesn’t expect is for a young a secretive millionaire author to make a post saying he doesn’t want a sexual relationship, just someone to spoil. Your character takes up the offer right away and for a while it goes just as planned. He gets free stuff and money for just sitting around this guys house and occasionally starting a conversation.
What is unexpected is how your character begins to develop feelings for the other. He tries to push it down but it is almost impossible when the author is magically able to tend to your characters every need he seems to totally fail at caring for himself of the basic level. It causes your character’s protective (and dominant) take hold and you start to try and initiate a more romantic (and steamer) relationship.
(note that this will have sex in it but it will also have a deep plot and character development as well. I am not looking for just smut.)

MxM/FxF A disease ridden love.
The horseman(or woman) of Pestilence wanders the halls of an aging hospital, spreading sickness in a place where it is supposed to be cured. Waiting for death to clean up the mess (s)he has left behind. It is a solitary life and the life (s)he prefers. Till on day, while on a stroll through the wards (s)he spots someone. His/Her aliment is simple, easily cured and soon they will be sent on his/her way. Pestilence knows that he/she should not go near the patient; for he/she is full of life and energy, not yet ready for the call of sickness and death. But as time goes on, Pestilence comes closer to the hospital room, and the patient grows sicker.
(Blank) came in for a minor operation where little to nothing should have gone wrong; emphasis on should. First there was an infection, then the infection spread, and now suddenly a new sickness is running rampant throughout him/her. Terrified and confused things only get worse when he/she starts to see a mysterious figure lurking outside his/her door; a figure only he/she sees.

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Compulsive86 I have some suggestions for MxM ideas if you're interested?
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Compulsive86
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Compulsive86 The obsessive

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Dynamo Frokane Holy shit I complained to the universe and it worked!

Sure, I would love to hear them.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Compulsive86
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Compulsive86 The obsessive

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Sarie
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I really like the Submissive Sugar plot if it hasn’t been taken already~
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Compulsive86
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Compulsive86 The obsessive

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

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